
The Politics of 'Creative Destruction'

International Herald Tribune columnist William Pfaff recently reported that the Bush administration's new Bureau of Reconstruction and Stabilization, a State Department subgroup, has been tasked to prepare for a frighteningly expansive future of warfare.


From Information Clearing House

Rove's world

We're living in a country in which there is no longer such a thing as nonpolitical truth. In particular, there are now few, if any, limits to what conservative politicians can get away with: The faithful will follow the twists and turns of the party line with a loyalty that would have pleased the Comintern.


From Information Clearing House

Despotism & Democracy

10 Minute Video

Measures how a society ranks on a spectrum stretching from democracy to despotism. Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted. Where does your community, state and nation stand on these scales?

Watch it here.

Not Hate, Vengeance

Mundher al-Adhami

The logic is clear: your security is only assured if ours is. If our women and children are killed, then your women and children are killed.


The Brain As A Target Organ For Radioactive Material

Does radioactive material load naturally in the brain or does Nature filter it to less vital, central organs such as the kidney, liver, or bones?

Are devices, especially micro- and/or nano-chips being used containing automated routines to direct or route radioactive particles via the bloodstream to sensitive brain tissue?

This is not only of concern to targets, as Bush has released 450 tons of depleted uranium on Iraq and Yugoslavia; the by-products can be expected to be tracked around the world.

Visit http://www.bringthembackhome.org
and http://melbourne.indymedia.org/print.php?id=81185 for an excellent review of depleted uranium effects, including brain-targetting, which some sites omit. For an extraordinary animated presentation see http://www.bushflash.com/pl_lo.html .

The effects of depleted uranium in the Gulf War Syndrome and other effects of military applications have been show to have severe neurotoxic impact. This includes weakening of the blood-brain barrier (Nature's protection to the brain against toxins), damage to the brain and central nervous system, loss of cognitive ability and mental acuity, and more.

According to Dr. Helen Caldicott, in a private communication to the present writer in 1979(seized by Swedish police with my pre-dissertation research on radiation), there was an increased incidence of psychosis in areas not at ground zero after the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Although conventional warfare causes PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), the incidence of psychosis is not noted.This shows this is a biological effect of the radioactivity released by the bombs, probably due to loading of the nuclear substances in the brain tissue itself.

In my opinion, the loading of radioactivity in brain tissue requires at least 2 factors:

1) the presence of radioactive material in the bloodstream. This can occur either by a)ingestion in food or meds b) cross-contamination to mouth from fingers or other means c) transfer to the bloodstream from a dose in the air to the mouth, gullet, and gastrointestinal system, whereby it is absorbed into the bloodstream, or routed into the bloodstream from another internal organ via the use of directed energy (externally or internally).

2) Transfer to the brain via fields of directed energy moving the radioactive particles specifically to certain brain areas or neurons. Radioactive material is also used to trace thought and identify neurons activated (thus suffused with radioactive blood) by a particular thought. Once identified with a radioactive marker, these neurons can be subjected to increased bombardment.

This suggests that these neurons can be damaged selectively. However, the directed energy will penetrate all cells in its path (usually a vector or torque). This must result in broader brain damage, although maximal damage (and carcinogenesis and tumorogenesis, which can result not only in death but surgical implanting of the brain)would be expected at the point or points loaded with the neurotoxic radioactive material. The destructive energy from an isotope with a long half-life will continue to be emitted for years and years, often beyond the lfietime of the individual targetted. (This need not be an isotope with a half-life as long as that of depleted uranium; this is a question of overkill. ANY AMOUNT OF RADIOACTIVITY WILL INCREASE RISK.) Internally, without exchange to air or an open system, it acts under pressure to damage sensitive tissue.

Clare Louise Therese Wehrle

Informationsplattform zu "Elektrosmog" und Gesundheit


Unabhängige Informationsplattform für Gesundheitsschutz vor Elektrosmog


Hallo Liste,

die Ausführungen von Herrn Claessens kann ich anhand von Beobachtungen an mir, in meiner Familie sowie bei Kindern, die ich beruflich zu betreuen habe, in meinem Lebensumkreis, anhand von zahlreichen Berichten glaubhafter Menschen usw., nur bestätigen.

Vor einiger Zeit habe ich erlebt, dass ein mir bekannter Mensch den Weg der Selbsttötung gewählt hat, weil er der Pein, der er infolge der - damals von ihm selbst wie von den Mitmenschen nicht begriffenen - Beeinträchtigung durch Elektrosmog ausgeliefert war, trotz (oder wegen unwissender?) ärztlicher Behandlung nicht mehr standhalten konnte.

Ich meine, wir sollten die Intention von Herrn Krafts Bemerkungen nicht verkennen. Seine jüngste Vorstellung der Dokumentation zu 3 Fällen von Beeinträchtigungen durch DECT, bei denen eingangs gar nicht von einer Wirkung ausgegangen worden war, spricht für sich (vgl. Beitrag von Herrn Kraft hier vom 12.07.2005: "DECT weg ---> Depressionen weg"): http://omega.twoday.net/stories/831244/

Der Ansatz, der in der Dokumentation gerade solcher Verhältnisse liegt, erscheint mir von grossem Wert in der gegenwärtigen Diskussion. Sie sind, neben Dokumenten über zwar vorerst rätselhaft gebliebene jedoch von vorne herein offensichtliche Störungen, das zweite Standbein für die Wirkung von Berichten von Betroffenen in der öffentlichen Diskussion.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass Herr Silny - wie jeder andere Mensch auch - auf keinen Fall zuviel ist (ich weiss, Sie haben's nicht wörtlich gemeint) und komme angesichts der vorliegenden Beiträge und anderweitiger Erfahrungen dazu, hier die heikle Problematik anzusprechen, wie unter Wahrung der Komplementarität von Menschenwürde und Menschenrecht die Frage erörtert werden kann, ob bei Forschern - ebenso wie bei allen von HF-Exposition Betroffenen und verantwortlich in Entscheidungspositionen stehenden Menschen - eine mögliche unerkannte Einschränkung der Denkfähigkeit durch Elektrosmog vorliegen könnte. Dann wäre von den Folgen einer Erkrankung auszugehen. Krankheit ist nicht vorwerfbar: http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Silny

Kann und darf sie vermutet werden? Nach meinen Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen kann ich es jedenfalls nicht ausschließen. Selbstverständlich auch bei mir nicht, zumal ich solche Wirkungen bei mir konstatiere.

Ein Unterschied liegt im Zugeständnis/Erkenntnis, dass eine ausreichende Zeit der Deexposition beobachtbare Veränderungen bewirkt, und zwar in umgekehrter Richtung wie eine wiederholte Exposition. Auf meine persönliche Erfahrung bezogen könnte ich die Überschrift von Herrn Krafts Beitrag abwandeln in "HF-Exposition weg ---> Starrsinn weg, Verdummung weg, Trägheit weg, soziale Blockade weg, usw." , (natürlich nur fast...). Soweit mein persönliches Zeugnis.

Wie stellen sich etablierte Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik, Justiz und Medien zu solchen in ihrer Zahl wachsenden und an Qualität sich steigernden Zeugnissen? Könnten die hier gängigen Stellungnahmen ebenso wie die ausdrücklichen Verweigerung einer Kenntnisnahme selbst als ein Ausdruck der Problematik verstanden werden? Ein aktuelles Beispiel hierfür liefert das von Herrn Scheingraber zur Veröffentlichung gebrachte Papier zur Manipulation der Öffentlichkeit aus dem von Herrn Repacholi verantworteten WHO-EMF-Programm. Ich weise darauf hin, dass darin enthaltenen Vorschläge in Deutschland wie anderswo schon Praxis sind (mein Beitrag vom 16.07.2005): http://omega.twoday.net/stories/832960/

Herr Kraft hatte vor längerer Zeit hier auf das Buch "Endstation Gehirn" von Christopher Williams hingewiesen. Der Autor handelt die Frage ab, wie die Menschheit den Folgen einer kollektiven Gehirndegeneration entgegensteuern kann, die durch technische Umwelteinflüsse hervorgerufen wird. Ich folgere, dass wir vor keiner minderen Frage stehen, wessen und welche Kapazitäten zur Beurteilung der Relevanz dieser Frage und praktischen Bewältigung dieser Aufgabe noch/schon ausreichen. Vernunft und praktischer gesunder Menschverstand sind gefragt in einer Situation, die dadurch gekennzeichnet scheint, dass global ein kollektiv weitgehend unverstandener Angriff auf eben diese erfolgt. Ich sehe uns mit der Möglichkeit einer unwissentlichen und ungewollten individuellen und kollektiven Selbstzerstörung konfrontiert. Von der wissentlichen und gewollten Zerstörung durch die auf diesem Feld stattfinden Waffenentwicklung nicht zu schweigen. Hier könnte ein weiterer Grund für das beredte Schweigen, Stillhalten, Übergehen, Verdrängen, Ausweichen, Ablenken, Flüchten, Unterdrücken durch Teilhaber etablierter Macht liegen.

Christopher Williams hebt hervor, dass zur Lösung solcher Fragen weniger die Geschliffenheit der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis, als vielmehr eine soziale Herangehensweise Veränderungen reale hervorzubringen vermag. Die andauernde Fortsetzung des Widerstandes von offizieller Seite gegenüber den jüngeren freien Erhebungen wie z.B. von Naila und Oberfranken als auch gegenüber den Appellen von Ärzten und Apothekern usw. erscheinen mir als Hinweis darauf, dass diese Einschätzung gerade auch von dort geteilt - und befürchtet - wird. Insofern bewerte ich die momentane Einengung der wissenschaftlichen, politischen und juristischen Diskussion auf den Kampf um einen wissenschaftlich anerkannten Beweis eines biologisch-medizinischen Wirkmodells als förderlich für eine hintergründigen Absicht, die Menschen in einer Erstarrung vor der Schlange einer (angeblich) wissenschaftlichen Diskussion zu halten.

In den Vordergrund sollte daher die gewissenhafte, freie und öffentliche Dokumentation der Folgen von Expostion und Deexpostion als praktisches Kontrastprogramm gestellt werden. Wir können vieles selbst in die Hand nehmen. Erstellt auf der Grundlage unabhängiger fachlicher Beratung sollten die Belege freier Erhebungen, die durch Zusammenarbeit von Bürgern mit Ärzten ihres Vertrauens mittels Messungen, Befragungen, Berichte Betroffener usw. in grosser Zahl und fantasievoller Vielfalt stattfinden können, die gesellschaftliche Diskussion voran bringen. Inspirierende Beispiele sind bekannt bzw. bekannt zu machen, entsprechend wiederholbar, entwicklungsfähig und ausweitungswürdig. Geeignete Mittel sind technisch verfügbar, finanziell erschwinglich und ihr korrekter und kreativer Gebrauch in Workshops vermittelbar.

Schaffen wir eine unabhängige Informationsplattform für Gesundheitsschutz vor Elektrosmog. Bei Ausrichtung auf ein klares und sachlich begrenzbares Ziel wäre aus einer Steigerung der freien Vernetzung und gegenseitigen Unterstützung vorhandener und neuer Initiativen das Beste dafür zu erwarten.

Ich fordere dazu auf, ein solches Programm dezentral öffentlich zu diskutieren, zu organisieren und durchzuführen und bin bereit, das Meine dazu beizutragen.

Helmut Breunig


Hallo Herr Kraft,

es soll nur einen Professor Dr. Jiri Silny, und das genügt völlig. Ich meine, der ist schon zuviel!

Wenn er sich nur ein ganz wenig angestrengt hat, hätte er herausgefunden was wir schon sehr lange wissen.

Die Empfindlichkeit für Elektrosmog ist nicht zeitbegrenzt, und ergibt bei jede Person eine andere Wert. Man kann nicht sagen, jetzt drehe ich einen Knopf, und Bumms da muss man spüren. Die Reaktionen auf eine Exposition kann sehr stark variieren, von wenige Minuten bis einen Tag, oder noch länger.

Deswegen kann es passieren das man heute eine Reaktion bekommt, aber die Exposition erst gestern da war.

Und die Reaktionen können ggf. lange andauern. Meine Frau hatte mich mal bei eine Hausuntersuchung begleitet, aber sie hat eine ganze Woche gebraucht um wieder zu sich zu kommen.

Deswegen sind die Versuche wie TNO und jetzt ETH Zürich vorgenommen haben Unsinn. Eine Pause von 30 Minuten zwischen Aussetzungen ist viel zu kurz. Gegebenfalls triit die Reaktion erst bei die zweite Exposition auf, die man in die erste Expostition erlitten hat.

Das ist etwas wo diese *Wissenschaftler* überhaupt keine Ahnung von hatben. Ich habe mich auch mit dem Person unterhalten der die TNO Untersuchung halbwegs abgebrochen hat, weil er es nicht mehr aushalten konnte. Aber es gibt auch Personen, die den Test überstanden haben, aber nachher Zuhause noch darunter gelitten haben.

Solange man diese Phenomenen nicht berücksichtigt bei den Versuchen, können die Ergebnisse nicht stimmen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Charles Claessens

Open letter to the WHO

Open letter to the World Health Organization.

Protest against masts in China


Consequences of Susan Davis’ HR 3156 for Your Health


Omega-News Collection 16. July 2005

Weird, wild weather a new norm

Sea life in peril - plankton vanishing

Scientists Raise Alarm About Ocean Health

Diamond mining impacts may be forever

Exxon Mobil Becomes Focus of a Boycott

End Old-Growth Woodchip Market in Tasmania and the World

Unborn Babies Carry Pollutants

White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan

Fluoride Follies

EU: Thousands of vitamin products threatened by ruling

Millions hit as EU bans high-dosage health pills

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 16. July 2005

EMF-Omega-News 16. July 2005

Does electromagnetic pollution cause illness?

Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800 MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro

Association of criteria pollutants with plasma hemostatic/inflammatory markers

Canadian government report acknowledges electrosensitivity

Open letter to Prime Minister Dr. Edmund Stoiber

Letter on 3G & Global Warming

House of Commons motion to stop houses being built near powerlines

Wireless Technology and Pesticides

Is her cellphone safe?

Are Cell Phones Carcinogenic?

Why isn't there any research being done?


Mast victory as council throws out plans


Phone mast row decision due

Help needed for Leicester tower block


Mast protesters stage stand off

A tall order

The Greens alert on the invisible dangers of the telephone antennas

Mobile phones 'increase crash risk'

Hands-free mobile phones offer no protection against car accidents

Plans to change mast regulations

Why do mobile users speak so loud?




Angry scenes at Tetra meeting

Help needed for Leicester tower block

Phone-mast protest


Third protest against mobile mast

Phone mast health worries after plans go unchallenged

Calls for tougher stance on masts

MP calls for action over mobile masts safety and planning issues



Phone mast campaigners gear up for second battle

Residents furious over phone mast

Hundreds oppose mobile firm's plan

A major mast shake-up


Protesters win row over 50ft phone mast

Mast protest over controversial plan for pole position


Magenta News from Mast Network

Omega-News Collection 16. July 2005

Rove grand jury testimony leaked

The source tells The Associated Press that Rove testified that he remembers specifically being told by columnist Robert Novak that Valerie Plame, the wife of a harsh Iraq war critic, worked for the CIA.


From Information Clearing House

Karl Rove May Have Lied to Federal Agents

Looks like Karl Rove did break the law, the same federal law that got Martha Stewart sentenced to six months in prison.


Help Defeat Lethal Deceit

Expose the Seamless Lies of 9/11, Endless War and Veteran Fraud.


From Information Clearing House

The Trials of Henry Kissinger

"A fascinating, bombshell documentary that should shame Americans, regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with Kissinger. Should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public servants alike." -- Brent Simon, Entertainment Today.



Kissinger: Don't Exclude Military Action Against Iran if Negotiations Fail

Former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, in a wide-ranging discussion of foreign-policy issues, says he is disturbed at the possibility that Iran will develop nuclear weapons know-how if current negotiations to stem Tehran's nuclear program fail.


From Information Clearing House


West in denial about terror attacks

Since 2003, countries that sent troops to Iraq are being targeted by Islamists.


War and Venture Capitalism

During the Vietnam War, one of the peace movement's more sardonic slogans was: "War is good business. Invest your son."


From Information Clearing House

Massacre of the innocents

Handing out sweets to Iraqi children may be intended to win hearts and minds. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions that have already created far too much anguish and hatred - and too many piles of dismembered corpses.


Our troops are part of the problem :

In the single week since the London bombings there have been 11 suicide attacks in Iraq. One car bomb this week wiped out 30 children, one as young as six, who had gathered to plead for western chocolates from American soldiers.


From Information Clearing House

Love Me Tender

Money and power, grabbed through violence and deceit: that's the real point -- the only point -- of Bush's "war on terror

By Chris Floyd

Some of the loot will be skimmed by Bushist-favored bagmen in the new Baghdad regime. Some will be siphoned off to fund the death-dealing, torture-happy goon squads now operating on behalf of various factions in the government. Some will be kicked back to the oil barons. And some will be smuggled into slush funds for covert ops, mercenaries, campaign hijinks in the Homeland and "retirement packages" for good and faithful servants of the Bush war machine.


Collateral Damage And Barbaric Terrorism

There Is a Reaction to Every Action, Sir Isaac Newton

By K Gajendra Singh

In February of 2003, as Bush and Blair went to war on Iraq, bin Laden warned that the U.K. and the U.S. would be made to pay. In October of 2003, bin Laden named Britain as a target for reprisals. A month later, an al-Qaeda-linked group targeted a British bank and Consulate in Istanbul killing its vice-consul.


Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished: Iraq Is Broken

It’s hard to believe that supposedly intelligent people like Senators Joseph Biden (DE), Hillary Clinton (NY) and John Kerry (MA) call for “staying the course” in Iraq and acting responsibly by] sending more US troops with more fire power over there.

by Saul Landau

Don’t they understand that American soldiers break, not fix? The more US soldiers in Iraq, the more damage they will do and the more enemies they will make. To limit damage, to act morally and responsibly, remove the cause of violence and chaos in Iraq: the US military presence.



Mission accomplished

Common Dreams
by Heather Wokusch


The Bush administration's covert plan to help energy companies steal Iraq's oil could be just weeks away from fruition, and the implications are staggering: continued price-gouging by Big Oil, increased subjugation of the Iraqi people, more US troops in Iraq, and a greater likelihood for a US invasion of Iran. That's just for starters. The administration's challenge has been how to transfer Iraq's oil assets to private companies under the cloak of legitimacy, yet simultaneously keep prices inflated. But Bush & Co. and their Big Oil cronies might have found a simple yet devious solution: production sharing agreements (PSAs)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Women of Gitmo

There is one abuse surrounding Gitmo which there can surely be no debate, even among the die-hard supporters of President Bush: the exploitation and debasement of women serving in the United States military. This practice must come to an immediate end, and the Pentagon must make it clear that such things as turning an American soldier into a pseudo-lap-dancer, will never be tolerated again.


Review Finds Scientists with Ties to Companies

Forty-four government scientists have violated ethics rules on collaborating with pharmaceutical companies, a preliminary review by the National Institutes of Health shows. Nine of the scientists may have violated criminal laws, the report said.


It Didn't Take Long, Did It?

In the USA, the curtain opened on new anti-terror follies Wednesday when three Senate committees, in blustery response to the London bombings, voted to extend the power of the FBI under the Patriot Act to obtain library records without a subpoena. Exactly what suicide bomber or sleeper cell has so far been exposed by this powerful new intelligence weapon, we are not told.


Letter on 3G & Global Warming

From Jenny - here's my letter to the Andover Advertiser our local paper. With huge thanks to Andy for all the facts and figures!

As global warming is at the top of the world political agenda, it is disturbing to learn how much hypocrisy exists within the Government, where saving our planet is concerned. The Government / Telecom Alliance is deliberately hiding the environmental dangers of the latest 3G mobile phone technology. The £23 billions paid in licence fees and the further billions in revenue, pay for a lot of sins and a lot of cover ups. Human life and fragile resources are worth little by comparison.

Industry sources say that 3G will place a significant additional burden on the national electricity supply. Running 24 hours a day all year round, the huge energy and climate burden of this technology is being ignored. Furthermore, Industry calculations are that the whole system requires 2.4 times the non-renewable energy per customer than the existing 2G network. More 3G masts are needed as their coverage is less than 2G. The Government’s requirement of 80% coverage of 3G throughout the country, means that tens of thousands more masts will be necessary for each of the five operators. That’s a mast coming near you shortly! The numbers speak for themselves, even taking into account mast sharing. The Telecommunications Industry, however powerful, cannot be allowed to be so profligate with precious, dwindling resources.

Mast Sanity believes a moratorium on 3G is urgently needed if we are to pull back from the environmental and health disaster that threatens us all.

Everyone is painfully aware of the controversy surrounding the latest round of the mast roll-out - the increasing numbers of people obliged to live near them, the increasing numbers who complain of adverse health effects, the devaluation of property, the absurd absence of any democracy in their siting, the irrelevance of safety guidelines and the misinformation on base-station research.

Now we have it reliably that the power requirements of 3G is a serious supply issue, especially so in the current “energy-crisis” context. It is appalling that efforts to combat global warming are being cancelled out by this money driven product promotion.

This Government must be challenged over its iniquitous Telecommunication planning guidance which is causing irreversible damage to our society and to the planet itself.

Sir George Young has joined MP’s across the UK, in recognizing that there is universal controversy on policies that take no consideration of the human and environmental impact. If we want to protect our children, our health and the value of our homes, we should all refuse to buy 3G phones – they are an anti-social luxury, not a necessity. Videoing Big Brother is NOT more important than people’s health or saving our planet.


Arctic Pollution Linked to Bird Droppings


Informant: Anna Webb

Bush's Culture of Unaccountability


Informant: Friends

G8 protesters accuse British cops of torture: Who's Next?


Rove E-Mailed Security Official About Talk


Get Off My Property


A Letter To The British People From A Daughter Of Iraq

Tuesday July 12 2005

Iman al-Saadun

I'm sending this letter to the British people and in particular to the residents of London.

For a period of hours, you have lived through moments of desperate anxiety and horror.

In those hours you lost a member of your family or a friend, and we wish to tell you in total honesty that we too grieve when human lives pass away.

I cannot tell you how much we hurt when we see desperation and pain on the face of another person.

For we have lived through this situation - and continue to live through it every day - since your country and the United States formed an alliance and laid plans to attack Iraq.

The Prime Minister of your country, Tony Blair, said that those who carried out the explosions did so in the name of Islam.

The Secretary of State of the United States, Condaleezza Rice, described the bombings as an act of barbarism.

The United Nations Security Council met and unanimously condemned the event.

I would like to ask you, the free British people, to allow me to inquire: in whose name was our country blockaded for 12 years?

In whose name were our cities bombed using internationally prohibited weapons?

In whose name did the British army kill Iraqis and torture them?

Was that in your name? Or in the name of religion? Or humanity? Or freedom? Or democracy?

What do you call the killing of more than two million children?

What do you call the pollution of the soil and the water with depleted uranium and other lethal substances?

What do you call what happened in the prisons in Iraq - in Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca and the many other prison camps?

What do you call the torture of men, women, and children?

What do you call tying bombs to the bodies of prisoners and blowing them apart?

What do you call the refinement of methods of torture for use on Iraqi prisoners - such as pulling off limbs, gouging out eyes, putting out cigarettes on their skin, and using cigarette lighters to set fire to the hair on their heads?

Does the word "barbaric" adequately describe the behavior of your troops in Iraq?

May we ask why the Security Council did not condemn the massacre in al-Amiriyah and what happened in al-Fallujah, Tal'afar, Sadr City, and an-Najaf?

Why does the world watch as our people are killed and tortured and not condemn the crimes being committed against us?

Are you human beings and we something less?

Do you think that only you can feel pain and we can't?

In fact it is we who are most aware of how intense is the pain of the mother who has lost her child, or the father who has lost his family.

We know very well how painful it is to lose those you love.

You don't know our martyrs, but we know them.

You don't remember them, but we remember them.

You don't cry over them, but we cry over them.

Have you heard the name of the little girl Hannan Salih Matrud? Or of the boy Ahmad Jabir Karim? Or Sa'id Shabram?

Yes, our dead have names too.

They have faces and stories and memories.

There was a time when they were among us, laughing and playing.

They had dreams, just as you have.

They had a tomorrow awaiting them.

But today they sleep among us with no tomorrow on which to wake.

We don't hate the British people or the peoples of the world.

This war was imposed upon us, but we are now fighting it in defense of our selves.

Because we want to live in our homeland - the free land of Iraq - and to live as we want to live, not as your government or the American government wish.

Let the families of those killed know that responsibility for the Thursday morning London bombings lies with Tony Blair and his policies.

Stop your war against our people!

Stop the daily killing that your troops commit!

End your occupation of our homeland!

Informant: Friends

Nahrungsmittel mit genverändertem Raps kontaminiert

Pressemitteilung vom 16. Juli 2005

Australien: Nahrungsmittel mit genverändertem Raps kontaminiert

„Bayer-Konzern muss Haftung übernehmen"

Erstmals ist in Australien die Verunreinigung herkömmlich produzierter Nahrungsmitteln durch genmanipulierte Pflanzen nachgewiesen worden. Australische Behörden fanden in einer für den Export nach Japan vorgesehenen Lieferung die von der Firma Bayer CropScience hergestellte genveränderte Raps-Sorte „Topas 19/2“. Japan besteht auf routinemäßigen Kontrollen, um Gentechnik-Freiheit garantieren zu können.

Bayer hatte vor einigen Jahren im Bundesstaat Victoria Freilandversuche mit herbizidresistentem Raps durchgeführt. Die Herkunft der aktuellen Verunreinigung ist jedoch unbekannt. Australische Landwirte fürchten den Verlust von Absatzmärkten, da in weiten Teilen der Welt nur Gentechnik-freie Nahrungsmittel akzeptiert werden. Australien exportiert jährlich Raps im Wert von 400 Millionen Dollar, landwirtschaftliche Exporte insgesamt liegen bei mehreren Milliarden Dollar.

„Wir wussten, dass dies irgendwann passiert. Jetzt ist die Frage, wer die Haftung für diese grobe Fahrlässigkeit übernimmt. In keinem Fall darf es die mit konventionellem Saatgut arbeitenden Landwirte treffen. Wir brauchen und möchten diese Pflanzen nicht", fordert Julie Newman von dem Network of Concerned Farmers. „Der Bayer-Konzern muss wissen, dass wir den Verlust von Märkten oder Kosten für zusätzliche Tests nicht hinnehmen werden. Das Unternehmen muss die volle Haftung übernehmen." In die selbe Kerbe schlägt die oppositionelle Labour Party Australiens, die weitere Verunreinigungen befürchtet und wirksame Kontrollen fordert.

Australische Umweltverbände bezeichnen die bisherigen staatlichen Kontrollmechanismen als „gescheitert“ und fordern flächendeckende Untersuchungen aller für den Export vorgesehenen Nahrungsmittel. Bob Phelps vom GeneEthics Network: „Niemand weiß, wie weit sich genveränderte Pflanzen in Australien verbreitet haben – sie können überall sein. Nun muss jedes Getreide-Lager und jeder für den Export bestimmte Container untersucht werden. Kontaminierte Proben müssen zerstört werden – nur so können wir langfristig den Status „Gentechnik-frei“ sichern.“

Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren (CBG), die den Bayer-Konzern seit 25 Jahren überwacht, fordert eine Übernahme der Kosten durch das Unternehmen: „Die modifizierte Raps-Sorte stammt zweifelsfrei aus den Laboren des Bayer-Konzerns. Es ist unerheblich, ob die Kontamination durch Freisetzungsversuche oder durch importiertes Saatgut erfolgt ist – das Unternehmen muss die vollständige Verantwortung für seine Produkte übernehmen.“

Weitere Informationen: http://www.cbgnetwork.de/1100.html

Network of Concerned Farmers (Australien): http://www.non-gm-farmers.com

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren
Postfach 150418, D-40081 Düsseldorf

Tel: 0211 - 333 911 , Fax 0211 - 333 940


Dr. Sigrid Müller, Pharmakologin, Bremen
Dr. Erika Abczynski, Kinderärztin, Dormagen
Eva Bulling-Schröter, ehem. MdB, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rochlitz, Chemiker, ehem. MdB, Burgwald
Dr. Janis Schmelzer, Historiker, Berlin
Wolfram Esche, Rechtsanwalt, Köln
Dorothee Sölle,Theologin, Hamburg (gest. 2003)
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Baubiologe, Neubeuern
Prof. Jürgen Junginger, Designer, Krefeld

Volksbegehren nimmt Fahrt auf: Im Schluss-Spurt über die hohe Hürde?


Murnau - Nach einem behäbigen Auftakt deutet sich beim Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" im nördlichen Landkreis ein Schluss-Spurt an. So manche Gemeinde holte zuletzt mächtig auf. "Die Dynamik nimmt am Ende immer zu", weiß Raphael Mankau, Sprecher des Volksbegehren-Bündnisses im Landkreis. Und doch könnte es eng werden: "Wenn wir die Hürde nehmen, dann wohl ganz knapp."

Zehn Prozent aller Wahlberechtigten müssen sich bayernweit bis einschließlich Montag, 18. Juli, in die Listen eintragen, die in den Rathäusern ausliegen. Dann kommt es zum Volksentscheid. Mankau schätzt, dass die Quote bayernweit gestern bei sechs bis sieben Prozent lag. Murnau bewegte sich am späten Vormittag bei 8,2 Prozent, Uffing bei 9,6 und Ohlstadt bei knapp über zehn Prozent. Weniger Resonanz verbuchten Eschenlohe (3,93), Großweil (4,50) und Schwaigen (5,99).

Dennoch rangiert der Landkreis nach Angaben Mankaus unter den bayerischen Top fünf. Das Ammertal erweist sich dabei als Motor. Die Doppel-Spitze besetzen Ettal und Unterammergau mit jeweils rund 25 Prozent. Hintergrund: "Dort gibt es eine absolute Politisierung, weil aktuelle Projekte in der Diskussion sind", so Mankau.

Das Bündnis will nun noch einmal alle Kräfte mobilisieren. "Wir starten eine Großoffensive", sagt Mankau, der auf zahlreiche Info-Stände verweist. Einer findet sich am heutigen Samstag von 10 bis 12 Uhr in der Murnauer Fußgängerzone. Zeitgleich können sich Unterstützer im Rathaus eintragen, das für diese zwei Stunden öffnet.

Prominente Köpfe zeigten bereits Flagge. Unter anderem unterstützen einige Bürgermeister das Bündnis aus Parteien, Bürgerinitiativen, Politikern, Bund Naturschutz und Vertretern aus dem Gesundheitssektor. Ziel ist eine generelle Genehmigungspflicht aller Mobilfunkantennen; zudem soll die Gesundheitsvorsorge auch in Bezug auf diese Masten im bayerischen Landesentwicklungsplan festgeschrieben werden. "Er enthält bislang nur, dass die Antennen flächendeckend zu installieren sind", betont Mankau. "Es soll aber eine Abwägung zwischen diesen beiden Zielen stattfinden."

Dafür muss das Bündnis jedoch erst einmal die Zehn-Prozent-Hürde nehmen. Schwierig genug: Das vergangene Projekt, das von Erfolg gekrönt war - die Abschaffung des Senats - liegt Jahre zurück.




Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Freilassing: Auch Handy-Gegner erhalten ihre Dosis

Freilassing. Schleppend läuft das Volksbegehren für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk: Gerade mal drei Prozent der wahlberechtigten Freilassinger haben sich bis gestern Vormittag in die im Rathaus aufliegende Liste eingetragen - 310 Bürger von 10.318. Nötig wäre ein Quotum von bayernweit zehn Prozent.

Dieses eher mangelnde Interesse am Thema steht ganz im Gegensatz zur Aktivität einiger Freilassinger Mütter, die sich spontan zu einer Initiative gegen die Auswüchse des Mobilfunks zusammen geschlossen haben. Auf den letzten Wochenmärkten waren die Damen jeweils mit einem Informationsstand präsent.

Dabei war der Funke des Protests von Salzburg über die Grenze gesprungen: Eine der engagierten Frauen ist Ursula Thies aus Freilassing, deren Kinder die Rudolf-Steiner-Schule in Salzburg besuchen, eine Waldorfschule, die seit Jahren immer wieder Schlagzeilen macht: Weil sie sich nicht mit den Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen auf einem Postgebäude in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft abfinden will. Als Gespräche und Verhandlungen im Sand verliefen, nahm der Protest offene Formen an: In den letzten Wochen vor den großen Ferien, die in Salzburg bereits begonnen haben, rollten die Eltern der Schüler auf jedem Schrannenmarkt vor dem Schloss Mirabell ihr großes Transparent aus: "Mobilcom - Sender weg von der Schule!" - Mit dabei war jeweils Ursula Thies. In den letzten Wochen sei sie fast täglich unterwegs gewesen in Sachen Mobilfunk, verrät die Freilassingerin im Gespräch mit der Südostbayerischen Rundschau.

Das Beispiel der Waldorf-Mütter habe nun Schule in Freilassing gemacht: Als es vor einiger Zeit Pläne gab, eine Mobilfunksendeanlage auf dem Dach des Gasthauses "Rieschen" zu errichten, schloss sich spontan rund ein Dutzend besorgter Mütter aus der Nachbarschaft zu einer Initiative zusammen. Diese Initiative wies bei den Freilassinger Wochenmärkten nun jeweils auf die laufende Eintragung für das Volksbegehren hin, dessen Ziel es ist, die Wildwüchse beim Mobilfunk gesetzlich zu beschneiden.

Auf einen bedenklichen Aspekt machte Wolfgang Fendt aus Saaldorf aufmerksam: Den "passiven Konsum" von Mobilfunkstrahlen. Das sei fast wie beim Rauchen: Auch wenn man selbst kein Mobiltelefon habe, sei man pausenlos dieser Strahlung ausgesetzt, die von den jeweiligen Sendern ausgeht - und akut zunimmt, wenn jemand in der Nähe mit seinem Handy telefoniert. - Mit einem Messgerät verdeutlichte Fendt seine Worte: Es macht Mobilfunkstrahlen hörbar. Der Test bewies es: Niemand kann sich dieser Strahlung entziehen, jeder erhält seine "Strahlendosis", auch Mobilfunkgegner, die selbst kein Mobiltelefon haben.

Wer von den Freilassinger Bürgern das Volksbegehren unterstützen will, kann sich noch heute Vormittag von 9 bis 12 Uhr sowie am Montag zu den üblichen Öffnungszeiten des Freilassinger Rathauses eintragen. rgz



Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim



Mobilfunk und Gesundheit - Debatte um "Salzburger Studie"

An diesem Beispiel wird sichtbar mit welchen Methoden dieses "unabhängige " Gremium arbeitet und vor allem woher der Wind weht...

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Meyer

Risiko Mobilfunk Österreich
Plattform Sozialstaat Österreich - Netzwerk Zivilcourage
A - 5165 Berndorf, Stadl 4
Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576

APA 0560 5 CI 0259 WI/XI Mi, 13.Jul 2005

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit - Debatte um "Salzburger Studie"

Omega siehe auch unter: http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Salzburger+Studie

Utl.: Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Funk warnt vor Verunsicherung der Bevölkerung - Landes-Umweltmediziner weist Vorwürfe zurück -

Wien (APA) - Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat Funk (WBF) kritisiert eine Medienaussendung der Salzburger Landeskorrespondenz: Diese hat kürzlich eine Studie präsentiert, die besagen soll, dass die Immissionen von Mobilfunksendemasten negative Auswirkungen auf Menschen habe, konkret Änderungen im EEG und Unbehagen verursachen würden. Über Aufbau und Hintergrund dieser Studie gebe es aber zu wenig Informationen, auch sei es nicht möglich einen Einblick in die Ergebnisse zu bekommen, was die seriöse Bewertung nicht möglich mache, so der WBF am Mittwoch in einer Aussendung. Gerd Oberfeld, Umweltmediziner vom Referat "Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin" der Salzburger Landesregierung, wies die Vorwürfe auf Anfrage der APA zurück.

Oberfeld: "Es geht nicht um die Verängstigung der Bevölkerung, sondern um raschere Informationen, damit die Ergebnisse auch von anderen Untersuchenden genützt werden können." Außerdem sei schon bei der Aussendung am 27. April darauf hingewiesen worden, dass die Studie noch publiziert und auch zur Diskussion gestellt werde.

Der WBF bemängelte, das veröffentlichten Studienergebnissen zum Thema "Mobilfunk und Gesundheit" häufig der wissenschaftliche Hintergrund fehle. Solche Arbeiten würden die Bevölkerung mit falschen Informationen verunsichern, bemängelte der WBF. Studien müssen laut EU-Experten wissenschaftliche Kriterien bezüglich Aufbau, Auswertung, Bewertung und Interpretation erfüllen und in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen veröffentlich werden. Außerdem müssen diese von Experten begutachtet werden können. Die Bevölkerung würde mit Studienergebnissen, denen der wissenschaftliche Hintergrund fehlt, Weise verunsichert werden. Laut dem "European Fast Response Team" (EFR-Team) der EU seien solche Veröffentlichungen nur als "Gerücht" anzusehen, so der WBF.

(Schluss) fpr/wm/lei/gu
APA0560 2005-07-13/15:49
131549 Jul 05

Staatlich geprüfte Volksverdummung


Sutton Coldfield Observer
10:30 - 15 July 2005

One hundred protesters linked arms and lined the streets on Saturday (July 9) as a symbol of solidarity against a mobile phone mast.

Erdington residents brought their children to the march against a controversial T Mobile mast, which is set to be erected on Court Lane, opposite a play area. "We wanted to do something to really make a point," said campaigner, Linda Jarvis.

"It hasn't been proven that masts don't have an effect on our health - what if in ten years time they find that they do?

Omega there is no need to wait ten years. See under:

"We would have put our future generations at risk by not making a stand."

Twelve police officers attended the protest, helping residents block Court Lane in a bid to make their stand.

One even added his own name to the 800-strong petition.

Erdington MP Sion Simon, who is currently backing a new Parliamentary campaign to guarantee full public consultation on the siting of masts, is fully behind the residents.

"What a stupid thing to do," he said.

"We all use mobile phones and they have to put masts somewhere, but they don't have to put them opposite a children's play area.

"In the current climate people are so concerned about health risks, why suggest putting a mast there?

"Frankly, I'm just annoyed."

Mr Simon completely supports the residents' decision to march.

"I've been campaigning for years now to make sure the voice of local people is heard in the planning process.

"But at the end of the day people shouldn't have to be marching - companies shouldn't be making such stupid suggestions in the first place."

Elsewhere in Erdington, an application for a 11.6 metre-high Vodaphone mast has been given the go-ahead on Eachelhurst Road, on the pavement adjacent to Pype Hayes Park.

And a further application has been put forward for a ten-metre high mast in Chipstead Road.

Public consultation is welcome until August 12.

Mast protest over controversial plan for pole position


Edinburgh Evening News

A CAMPAIGN has been launched against controversial plans to site a mobile phone mast just metres away from a doctor's surgery and two care homes.

Mobile phone company T-Mobile is facing a raft of objections over its plans to site a 11.7-metre mast in Mountcastle Drive South, in Duddingston.

The mast, which would only be a short distance away from an existing one in Bingham Avenue, would stand near a GP's surgery, the Jewel House care home for the elderly and Calareidh, a respite home for sick children.

No fewer than 40 letters of objection to the proposals have been delivered to the council from furious residents.

These include a strongly worded letter from the councillor for Duddingston, Ian Berry, who also wrote to Marconi APR, the company acting as an agent for T-Mobile.

He said: "This mast is totally inappropriate for this area. It is far too near the doctor's surgery, and the sick kids' respite home is virtually underneath the proposed mast. Aside from health and safety issues, which are very serious, there is the aesthetic aspect. It is a huge pole plonked right in the middle of a high amenity area."

Councillor Berry said the new mast was also surplus to requirements.

"There is also a similar type of mast at the school in Bingham Avenue and I feel most strongly that this is more than enough for this area to cope with. I see no need for another mast in this area whatsoever." His concerns were backed by Tony Zawachkivsky, a private landlord who lives with his partner in Mountcastle Drive South.

The couple who already have two young sons, are expecting twins in September.

Mr Zawachkivsky, 39, said: "Our main concern is obviously the effect the mast might have on our children.

"We don't know what this will do to people living close by in the next 20 years or so."

However, Dr Alison McCallum, director of public health for NHS Lothian, said: "The current balance of evidence indicates that there is no general risk to the health of people living near base stations.

Omega is a general risk to the health of people living near base stations. See under: http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html

"We are very aware of the concerns people may have about these masts and we continue to monitor ongoing research into this topic to assess any potential implications for the health of the people of Lothian."

Mr Zawachkivsky said he feared the planning application would get the go-ahead despite the strength of the campaign to oppose it.

"I very much doubt it will be refused because the mast is lower than 15 metres. But we thought there was no harm in showing the strength of feeling.

"Perhaps it might make the mobile phone company think twice about it."

The campaigners' hopes of success have been boosted by a narrow victory won recently by protesters in Livingston over a similarly controversial phone mast.

Campaigners in the Dedridge community were ecstatic after local councillors voted by five votes to four to reject plans for a 45-feet tall Vodafone mast at a Territorial Army centre and close to a secondary school.

With the Duddingston group's letters of objection now formally lodged, the decision rests with the council's planning chiefs. A spokesman for T-Mobile UK said: "The planning application is the due process for determination of the proposal and the council will decide the outcome."

Protesters win row over 50ft phone mast

Evening Times, Scotland

PEOPLE power has persuaded a businessman to throw out plans to house a 50ft phone mast near family homes. Mobile phone giants T-Mobile wanted a coach firm in Barrhead, East Renfrewshire, to put the huge tower on its land. But neighbours of Southern Coaches in Lochlibo Road said the mast would be a monstrosity and gathered hundreds of signatures opposing the plan. Company director Robert Wallace's firm was expected to earn a four-figure sum each year the mast was sited on his land. But after the huge public campaign he decided to refuse the lucrative deal. Mr Wallace said: "We initially thought we would be providing a service to the community by offering land for a phone mast but once they started objecting, we decided not to go ahead with it. "It was entirely down to the public's campaigning." His decision has delighted members of the Lochlibo Action Group Against Phone Masts. They were furious the company, which has been in Barrhead for generations, was in talks with the telecommunications firm. The group distributed leaflets to around 350 homes and collected more than 250 signatures against the mast plan. Tony Gillespie, a member of the action group, said: "The council was expected to approve this, so the only way to tackle this was to ask the owner to change his mind." The 43-year-old shipyard worker added: "We are delighted he's chosen not to go ahead with it." Councillor Danny Devlin added: "I'd like to thank Mr Wallace for listening to the voice of the community." Meanwhile, campaigners in Dennistoun in Glasgow's east end are threatening legal action after T-Mobile was granted permission to site a base station at WASPS, a charitable trust, at 77 Hanson Street. T-Mobile's agents Stappard House are being criticised by action group Dennistoun Residents Against Masts for failing to consult neighbours of WASPS, the largest visual arts organisation in Scotland, and artists who rent space. The group claims many local people were not informed of the application until after permission was granted.


Express and Echo Devon
12:00 - 15 July 2005

Nearly 500 people have signed a petition against the building of a phone mast near their homes. As previously reported in the Echo, Hutchinson 3G want to build the 12-metre-high mast in Whipton, on the junction of Leypark Road and Hill Barton Road.

There is widespread opposition to the development because, as well as being near thousands of homes, the mast is near three schools, a children's home and a children's centre.

In addition, the new St Luke's High School, being built beside Hill Barton Road, will be a few metres away from the mast.

Many parents living in the area are worried about having a mobile phone mast near their homes. Catherine Hill, Parent Forum co-ordinator for Sure Start, which provides services for children in the Whipton area, said: "I am opposed to the mast because it is a worry, and so are parents. I know lots have signed the petition.

"There are already quite a lot of masts in Whipton. I think parents are just worried about the lack of information on how they affect health."

Laurence Davey, one of the founders of Whipton Against Masts (WAM), said opposition to the mast was spreading.

"Lots of local shops and businesses have displayed our petitions and we have now collected 487 signatures from residents opposing the mast," he said.

"More than 318 residents have written letters of objection to the council too".

Mr Davey will speak out on behalf of residents at a council planning meeting on July 25.

Peter Edwards, councillor for Whipton, also said he would argue against the mast at the same committee meeting.

Hutchinson 3G have meanwhile released more details about the mast. How much of its 20-watt output would be directed towards homes and schools would depend on the alignment of its three antennae. One would face towards Whipton, one towards Heavitree and the third in the direction of Sowton Industrial Estate and the Met Office.

Mike Dobson, community affairs manager for Hutchinson 3G, said: "We have to be as close to residential areas as possible so we can give the best possible coverage. We had considered the Texaco garage in Honiton Road, but the owner refused.

"We also considered Rennes House, but Exeter City Council advised us they didn't want us to put it there.

"As a company, we try to put masts on existing structures to minimise the impact."

The mast would be built on Highways Agency-owned land. This means the county council will be informed of Hutchinson 3G's plans to built the mast if Exeter City Council grants them planning permission.

A major mast shake-up

Jul 15 2005
by Charles Watts
Maidenhead Express

AN action group is calling for a major shake-up in how mobile phone mast applications are submitted, to bring the UK into line with the rest of Europe.

Mast Free Maidenhead was set up by Kobus Bensch after he successfully fought a battle with telecommunications giant Vodafone who planned to build a mast 20 metres from his house on Marlborough Road, Maidenhead.

The group, which has its own website, aims to fight applications which are submitted to put phone masts in highly populated parts of the town.

Speaking to the Express, Mr Bensch, said: "I would like to see the number of mobile companies limited in the UK to about two or three, like it is in other parts of Europe. "The Government needs to take some responsibility and start caring for the voters."

Mr Bensch was speaking the week after Maidenhead council-lors discussed three mast applications at a development control committee meeting in Hurley Village Hall.

The applications at Boyn Valley Road, Boyn Hill Road and All Saints Avenue have added to Mr Bensch's frustrations.

He said: "It's a never-ending story, we just get a constant flow of about two or three applications a week. "And until the Government decides that this is something that affects everyone, it is going to continue."

Mr Bensch, who lives with his wife Antoinette and their two daughters Amy and Charlotte, has been pleased with the numbers of people getting in touch with Mast Free Maidenhead.

He said: "We have had quite a few people who have asked for help and we get a lot who visit the website to add things onto the forum such as what's been going on in Parliament."

* Link http://www.mastfreemaidenhead.co.uk

Hundreds oppose mobile firm's plan

By Mark Andrews The Chronicle West Midlands
Jul 15, 2005, 08:15

Plans to build a mobile phone mast next to a Stourbridge old people's home and near two schools in the town have sparked outrage from people living in the area.

Around 250 people have now signed a petition opposing the plans by mobile phone giant Orange to build a 39ft mast on the corner of Grange Road and Prescott Road in Pedmore.

Tony Lloyd, who lives directly opposite the site in Wollescote Road, said he was amazed the site was even being considered.

He said the mast was just 74ft from the nearest house, and was right next to an old people's home.

"The people living in the home are really worried, many of them are in their 80s and 90s," said Mr Lloyd.

"I have been to see the warden at the home, and they really feel strongly about it."

Mr Lloyd said the governors of Ham Dingle Primary School and The Grange School, both within a mile of the site were also concerned.

He said there were many children in the area, and parents were worried about the possible effects on health.

"It is surrounded on four sides by residential property," said Mr Lloyd.

"I can understand why they need to put it in, but I can't see why they couldn't have come up with a better site than this.

"If it was a small residential area surrounded by greenery I could understand, but there are so many homes around here."

Mr Lloyd said no explanation had been given as to why a nearby industrial site could not have been used instead.

050716 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


IAC on London: Statement of International Action Center

Statement of International Action Center - July 7, 2005 -

While the people of London and worldwide were grieving for those who were slain and injured, and as the International Action Center extends heartfelt sympathy and condolences to all who have lost loved ones in today's bombings in London, the Bush Administration has wasted no time in taking advantage of tragedy to once again advance its own agenda of endless war and colonial occupation.

The news is not that bombs killed more than 40 people today; it is that those people live in London rather than Basra . The U.S. and British occupation of Iraq causes the death of an average of 20 people a day, every day. Bush and Blair do not stop their meetings to grieve over these deaths, nor do the news channels stop everything to give round the clock updates on these casualties because the victims of these crimes are Iraqi civilians and their deaths are considered unimportant by the corporate-owned media and politicians.

In his response to the events in London today, Bush declared, "the war on terror goes on," signaling that he will cynically use this tragedy to justify the continued occupation of Iraq, an occupation that brings death, destruction, and torture to the people of Iraq on a daily basis.

Bush and Blair claim to be fighting terror, but everything they have said so far has been a lie. The truth is that their illegal war and the ongoing occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, and Afghanistan are themselves acts of terror.

We cannot allow George W. Bush to manipulate genuine feelings of grief and anguish to justify a violent occupation of Iraq , which has left families grieving for 100,000 dead, many more injured, and thousands imprisoned and tortured. The incident today cannot be used to rain greater destruction on the people of Baghdad, Najaf, and Gaza.

The Bush Administration raised the terror alert to orange and Bush said that he had been in contact with the Department of Homeland Security and other police and security forces, instructing them to be "extra vigilant."

We know from the past several years what this "vigilance" has meant to Arab and Muslim communities -- mass roundups and detentions, deportations, disappearances, and rendition. We must be vigilant and take action to stop the Administration from using today's tragedy to perpetrate more harassment, violence, and abuse on Arab and Muslim people.

We do not know who was behind the events today. We do know that as hundreds of thousands of people were gathered to protest the G-8 policies of corporate global plunder, Bush and Blair are exploiting today's tragedy to advance their agenda of global domination. We know that we must continue to do everything in our power to oppose that agenda.

The only way to respond to today's bombing is to extend condolences to the families of those who perished or were injured; build solidarity with people around the world struggling against war, racism, and colonial occupation; to stand in solidarity with Arab and Muslim communities who have been targeted by the Bush Administration; and to continue building the movement to stop the oppression that inevitably brings resistance.


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