
A major mast shake-up

Jul 15 2005
by Charles Watts
Maidenhead Express

AN action group is calling for a major shake-up in how mobile phone mast applications are submitted, to bring the UK into line with the rest of Europe.

Mast Free Maidenhead was set up by Kobus Bensch after he successfully fought a battle with telecommunications giant Vodafone who planned to build a mast 20 metres from his house on Marlborough Road, Maidenhead.

The group, which has its own website, aims to fight applications which are submitted to put phone masts in highly populated parts of the town.

Speaking to the Express, Mr Bensch, said: "I would like to see the number of mobile companies limited in the UK to about two or three, like it is in other parts of Europe. "The Government needs to take some responsibility and start caring for the voters."

Mr Bensch was speaking the week after Maidenhead council-lors discussed three mast applications at a development control committee meeting in Hurley Village Hall.

The applications at Boyn Valley Road, Boyn Hill Road and All Saints Avenue have added to Mr Bensch's frustrations.

He said: "It's a never-ending story, we just get a constant flow of about two or three applications a week. "And until the Government decides that this is something that affects everyone, it is going to continue."

Mr Bensch, who lives with his wife Antoinette and their two daughters Amy and Charlotte, has been pleased with the numbers of people getting in touch with Mast Free Maidenhead.

He said: "We have had quite a few people who have asked for help and we get a lot who visit the website to add things onto the forum such as what's been going on in Parliament."

* Link http://www.mastfreemaidenhead.co.uk


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Juli 2005

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