
Gletscherschmelze im Himalaja bedroht Wasserversorgung von Millionen Menschen

Klimawandel: Gletscherchmelze im Himalaja bedroht Wasserversorgung von Millionen Menschen (14.03.05)

Das Abschmelzen der Gletscher im Himalaja ist nach einer Studie die schnellste Wirkung der globalen Klimaerwärmung und bedroht die Wasserversorgung von Millionen Menschen. Nach der am Montag von der Umweltschutzorganisation WWF in Gland, Schweiz, vorgestellte Studie drohen weit reichende Folgen für mehrere hundert Millionen Menschen in China, Indien und Nepal. Die schmelzenden Gletscher könnten die Wasserversorgung in weiten Teilen der Länder gefährden. Laut der Studie gingen die Gletscher der Region um den Himalaja durchschnittlich um zehn bis 15 Meter im Jahr zurück.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


WWF: Schmelzende Gletscher bedrohen Wasserversorgung von Millionen Menschen

Nirgendwo auf der Welt bringt die globale Klimaerwärmung die Gletscher schneller zum Schmelzen als im Himalaja. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine heute von der Umweltschutzorganisation WWF in Gland, Schweiz, vorgestellte Studie. Demnach drohen weit reichende Folgen für mehrere hundert Millionen Menschen in China, Indien und Nepal. Die schmelzenden Gletscher könnten die Wasserversorgung in weiten Teilen der Länder gefährden. Laut der Studie gehen die Gletscher der Region durchschnittlich um zehn bis 15 Meter im Jahr zurück.


Proteste gegen heimliches Verfüttern von Gen-Futter

Verbraucherschutz: Proteste gegen heimliches Verfüttern von Gen-Futter (14.03.05)

Aus Anlass des Weltverbrauchertages am Dienstag hat der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) eine umfassende Kennzeichnung gentechnisch veränderter Lebensmittel gefordert. Vor allem müsse die so genannte "Kennzeichnungslücke" geschlossen werden. Sie entstehe, weil nach gegenwärtiger Rechtslage tierische Produkte nicht gekennzeichnet werden müssten, auch wenn die Tiere mit gentechnisch verändertem Futter gemästet worden seien. Der Weltverbrauchertag geht auf eine Initiative des früheren US-Präsidenten John F. Kennedy zurück, der sich für die Stärkung der Verbraucherrechte eingesetzt hatte. Am Samstag hatten Greenpeace-Aktivisten gegen Gentechnik im Tierfutter protestiert. Die in der Werbung für die Marke Weihenstephan gezeigte Alpenidylle täusche, weil die Tiere genmanipuliertes Futter erhielten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



Weihenstephan-Produkte stammen von Tieren, die Gen-Pflanzen
im Trog haben. Dies wissen die meisten Verbraucher nicht.
Besonders absurd ist daher auch die Werbung der Molkerei,
die eine romantische Alpenmilch-Produktion nachspielt. Wenn
ihr Freunde und Bekannte darauf aufmerksam machen wollt,
verschickt doch einfach unsere E-Card - Alpenidylle trügt:


Die Postkarten-Variante gibt es übrigens in unserem neuen
Rundbrief. Außerdem darin zu lesen: Ein Interview mit
dem unkonventionellsten Bio-Bauern Deutschlands,
Aktionsberichte und vieles mehr. Ab heute herunterzuladen unter:


Auf der gleichen Seite findet ihr auch unseren Spot
HORROR IM KÜHLSCHRANK. Ein Film für schwache Nerven und
entschlossene Verbraucher.

Viel Spaß beim Klicken und Lesen,

Euer EinkaufsNetz-Team


Überwachung: Handy- und E-Mail-Daten sollen länger gespeichert werden


Die Bundesregierung plant eine zentrale Speicherung aller Telefon-, SMS-, E-Mail- und Internetdaten bis zu zwölf Monate. Bundesjustizministerin Brigitte Zypries (SPD) bestätigte am Sonntag der ARD, dass sie und Innenminister Otto Schily (SPD) mit der Telekom bereits darüber gesprochen hätten. Die Bundesregierung verwies auf einen Vorstoß von vier EU-Staaten zu einer entsprechenden Richtlinie. Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte lehnte die Pläne als nicht sinnvoll und mit der aktuellen Rechtslage unvereinbar ab. Auch sprächen verfassungsrechtliche wie praktische Argumente dagegen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Tampa Quake REMOVED from EQ Map








This is somewhat irregular, to say the least

Florida is headed for some more funky whether perhaps? This doevetails with the report from sarasota several years ago concerning fireballs and odd lightening in relation to a seismic event, more than likely scalar experimentation.

RSS 2.0 RSS Instructions, info

Magnitude ? (uncertain or not yet determined) - FLORIDA PENINSULA
2005 March 12 00:41:55 UTC
Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

An earthquake occurred at 00:41:55 (UTC) on Saturday, March 12, 2005. The magnitude ? (uncertain or not yet determined) event has been located in FLORIDA PENINSULA. (This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.)

Magnitude ? (uncertain or not yet determined)
Date-Time Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 00:41:55 (UTC)
= Coordinated Universal Time
Friday, March 11, 2005 at 7:41:55 PM
= local time at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
Location 27.950°N, 82.460°W
Depth 5 km (3.1 miles) set by location program
Distances 2 km (2 miles) S (169°) from Tampa, FL
8 km (5 miles) WNW (287°) from Palm River-Clair Mel, FL
9 km (5 miles) SSE (147°) from Egypt Lake-Leto, FL
327 km (203 miles) NW (318°) from Miami, FL

Location Uncertainty Error estimate not available
Parameters Nst= 1, Nph= 1, Dmin=102.5 km, Rmss=0 sec, Gp= 0,
M-type="Nuttli" surface wave magnitude (MLg), Version=9
Source Macroseismic location

Event ID usvnab
Felt Reports Sonic boom felt from Clearwater to Tampa.

Tectonic Summary

Location Maps:

Topo map centered at earthquake
(This link takes you offsite. Not all regions have topo maps available.)

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Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.

Historical Moment Tensor Solutions

Seismic Hazard Map

Protect ANWR

Every day on the Senate floor is more and more like "Barbara in Wonderland." Sometimes the Senate seems so foreign to me, I wonder if I'm living in some kind of bad dream. And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, it has.

Read on to learn more about this week's Senate Republican scheme to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling -- and then reject these radical efforts by signing my petition to Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist.

Last week, the Senate debated and passed a horrible new bankruptcy bill -- a sweetheart deal providing a huge financial windfall to big credit card companies while punishing the lower-income Americans these companies prey upon. I thought for sure when I offered a common-sense amendment that would place a modicum of responsibility on these credit card companies it would surely pass. Well... it didn't. Imagine voting against this:

My amendment proposed that if a credit card company gives a seventh credit card to a person under age 21; a person with below poverty-level income; without the credit card company asking for a co-signer -- then the bankrupcy judge should take into consideration the fact that the credit card company should have known better if that young person files for bankruptcy.

My amendment wouldn't automatically exonerate that young person, mind you. It just said that the judge should be able to take these circumstances into account during the bankruptcy process. Seems to make sense, right?

Well we only got forty votes on my common-sense amendment. And unfortunately, this is the way it's going. The American people and their interest come in FAR behind the powerful special interests.

Now we face the ultimate special interest issue: Drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. For six months of oil, not to be realized for ten years, my colleagues seem bent on handing over this most pristine land to the big oil companies. Never mind that we can save the equivalent of an infinite number of ANWR fields by simply raising fuel economy a modest amount -- that doesn't matter. The Republicans don't care about the native peoples whose lives will be ruined; they don't care that President Eisenhower set this land aside; they don't care about the more than one hundred species of wildlife that depend on this refuge.

What they do care about is the precedent. If they open up ANWR, they'll think they can do anything to the environment -- anything at all. Drilling in Yosemite? In the Grand Canyon? What's next?

Stand with me and reject any attempts to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling -- sign my petition today!

I urgently need your help. Last week, the Republican leadership snuck a provision into the Budget bill that moves us one step closer to opening ANWR to drilling. It's a sneaky way of trying to get what they want without having to vote on it directly.

We can't let that happen! I urge you to sign my new petition to Republican Leader Bill Frist -- tell him that any Republicans who vote to open up the Alaska wilderness to oil drilling will pay a price in the next election. The Budget bill with this terrible ANWR provision will be up for a vote in the Senate by the end of the week. Let the Republican leadership know that we won't forget the votes they cast.

Sign my petition to Bill Frist today -- stand firm against Republican efforts to open up ANWR!

I need you now more than ever. Please stand with me on this critical issue.

In Friendship,

Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator

P.S. Thanks to the more than 14,000 of you who contacted your Members of Congress in support of the Count Every Vote Act last month! I'll keep you posted on our progress with this important election reform legislation in the coming weeks.

The CIA's Campus Spies

The secrecy surrounding the current use of university classrooms as covert training grounds for the CIA and other agencies now threatens the fundamental principles of academic openness as well as the integrity of a wide array of academic disciplines.


From Information Clearing House

Venezuela: Bush's next oil war?

The combination of Washington's isolation in Latin America and its need for Venezuelan oil is likely to keep at bay the threat of a direct military attack by the US, but it is also clear the Bush administration is preparing the ground for an attack of some sort against the Chavez government.

President Hugo Chavez waiting for USA to announce that Venezuela has WMD

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez has again spoken out against the Bush administration saying the US is planning to portray his country as a security threat in order to capture its vast oil reserves


From Information Clearing House

Bush orders policy to ‘contain’ Chávez

Senior US administration officials are working on a policy to “contain” Hugo Chávez, the Venezuelan president, and what they allege is his drive to “subvert” Latin America's least stable states.

Bush Supports Dictators While Selling Democracy

The Bush administration supports and funds some of the worst dictatorships on the planet in its effort to fight the “war on terror” and fill the coffers of the Bush administration’s corporate sponsors.


From Information Clearing House

Legal War on Terror at Home

Greenberg on the Legal War on Terror at Home:

"Defense lawyers for detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, say the military has been working to undermine the inmates' trust in them."


From Information Clearing House

Bush's Nominee May Be 'DOA'

NEWSWEEK has learned that an investigation by the U.S. Southern Command in Miami has confirmed some of the allegations in recently disclosed e-mails by FBI agents, reporting that military interrogators sexually humiliated prisoners at Gitmo.


From Information Clearing House

Judge Stops Guantanamo Detainees From Being Shipped Overseas

A federal judge has blocked the government from transferring 13 Yemenis from the U.S. detention center for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, until a hearing is held on concerns the detainees may be mistreated in another country.


From Information Clearing House

On Revolutionary Optimism

In Iraq, there is a powerful and multiform resistance to the occupation that is proving to be very resilient. But that is only half the battle to stop the occupation and derail the imperial goal of an expanded and permanent US military presence in the region.


From Information Clearing House

Iraqis find irony in U.S. stance on Syria, Lebanon

Many Iraqis found bitter irony in President Bush's insistence last week that Syria must withdraw from Lebanon before it holds elections, for Iraqis have lived with foreign tanks in their streets for two years and voted barely a month ago under the watchful eye of the U.S. Army.


From Information Clearing House

Extreme Cinema Verite

GIs shoot Iraq battle footage and edit it into music videos filled with death and destruction. And they display their work as entertainment.

Left Behind: Children of the Fallen

Over 1,000 American kids have lost a parent in the Iraq war. Who they are, and how they're coping...


From Information Clearing House

This war walks among us

Most of the injured in Iraq are surviving, and their homecoming could undercut Bush...


From Information Clearing House

Pain and anxiety grip wounded soldier

Terrell Dawes regrets that he ever followed his dream to go into the Army. When his fellow soldiers pulled him out of the wreckage, his upper body was badly burned, his skin beginning to peel. His femur had been shattered and he was missing toes on his left foot.


From Information Clearing House

US troops kill woman, kids

Three civilians were killed and another 10 injured, including five children, when US troops retaliated to an earlier missile attack by insurgents from a residential region in Qaim on Monday, said hospital sources.


From Information Clearing House

The Inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines


ICNIRP Guideline Critique


Why an ICNIRP Certificate Isn’t Worth the Paper It’s Printed On

Indirect funding to avoid appearance of Conflict of Interest

Emissions from Cell Sites below International Guidelines



Challis is right, but this is missing the point in the same way. I have no doubt that whatever guidelines exist in Russia, if you buy and use a Nokia, you get the same SAR as in any other country. One Chinese suggestion is pico cells on every street corner: result, low power masts and phones that never have to power up high.

But it is all referenced basically to the same thing: SAR. This is mainly because chronic exposure and particular frequency effects have not been determined in any guidelines. When they found acoustic neuromas were linked with 10 years mobile phone use, the industry responded that it was due to old technology. When they find the same from GSM, they will say the same. When they find the same from UMTS (3G), they will say the same.

It is not the degree of ICNIRP or the Russian equivalent that matters. Of course the industry complies, or they would never have accepted it. ICNIRP simply does not address the right mechanisms, and indeed, whatever the mechanisms are, and whatever chains of events take place to cause the suspected biological impacts, we may well find that it is not as simple as a power-dose relationship. The matter of accumulated effects is not embodied in any national or international guidelines as far as I am aware.

So we don't want to argue with anyone for a more stringent ICNIRP, just so that we can continue to have a microwave environment that is 10^13 (that's ten with 13 zeros) times higher than nature but spread more evenly. We need to recognise the impact of living in that environment and change the technology of talking.


From Mast Network


Tribute to people suffering

I have sent this e-mail on to all my contacts, I want to build up some quotes from all around the world to support people who are suffering. You are more than welcome to send this out.

I have been receiving many moving tributes to people who have suffered.

Kind regards

Eileen O' Connor

Ask your MP if they will be supporting the Andrew Stunell Bill on 18th March, 05 this will show true commitment, go to http://www.faxyourmp.co.uk or http://www.writetothem.co.uk , and you can use it to contact MEPs, and they're extending it to councillors etc

As a tribute to people throughout the world suffering from Cancer, Brain Tumours, Brain degenerative diseases, asthma and electro sensitivity. Many of these diseases are man made and many causes can be attributed to chemicals and radiation. Governments throughout the world continue to put billions of pounds before our health; many people are suffering for the sake of big business and industry at the hands of the people we elect into Government.

Now it’s our chance to send a message loud and clear, it will soon be our chance to take our vote to the ballot box, question all local candidates from each political party and find out if they support your views before you make any firm decision.

I believe without any doubt that my breast cancer was brought on at the age of 38, three years ago as a result of living 100m next to a huge mobile phone mast for over seven years.

I know your suffering and I understand your fears. I constantly fear cancer returning and have had many scares since, I have thought long and hard on whether I should share my feelings with you and feel its time to represent the billions of people world wide who are going through the same fears and the same suffering.

I fear for my life and the chance to see my children grow, I recently had another cancer scare, this time my doctors thought it had travelled to my spine, towards the end of 2004 I had to undergo another series of MRI scans and bone scans. No one can tell you how frightening it is waiting for the results, no one can tell you how awful it is for your family watching you suffer and sometimes wondering whether you are about to take your last breath. My husband lay awake many nights watching me breathe when I was undergoing chemo therapy and struggling to get through, he has since told me about his fear listening to every breath I took and wondering if it would be the last. No one should suffer this torture. While laying in the MRI and Bone scanner again recently I thought about all the people throughout the world who are in the same position and about the billions of people who have sadly lost their battle. I prayed to God to help us stop this un-necessary suffering for the sake of profit. I sometimes despair and wonder if we will ever be listened to, only time will tell. It may take many years, the smoking and asbestos industries have finally been proved after many years of people sacrificing their lives.

I need your help, we need to help our selves, if you have to use a mobile phone, only use it for emergency use only and buy the lowest radiation phone on the market. Use your vote in the election wisely and question your MP’s intentions. Join the many voices fighting for life and help those who no longer have the ability to fight for their life anymore.

I am one of the lucky ones my scan results turned out to be only signs of wear and tear now I’ve reached the grand old age of 41, I hope to see my 80th Birthday “God wiling” I hope to see my children grow, to live life to the full to laugh to cry to treasure my friends and family. I will live to fight another day. Sadly some of my friends and neighbours have not been as lucky and I miss them dearly. I just know that when that day does come and I am ready to take that last breath, I hope I can look back and in the words of my favourite film say “It’s a wonderful life” and know I’ve made a difference, you can make a difference to, don’t wait like I did to get a wake up call.

I am inviting everyone to put just one sentence or short paragraph together, add you name and the area you live in, I will build up a file of quotes to go with this letter and send it on to leaders of the world. Send your quote to the SCRAM (Seriously Concerned Residents About Masts) website http://www.s-c-r-a-m.co.uk send this to all your friends and family.

I would like to end by saying a thank you to all the dedicated campaigners, independent scientists, the media and people in positions of power who are working hard towards a safer future and ask God to guide us and protect the vulnerable.

Best wishes and God Bless to everyone.

Eileen O’Connor




Effect on peoples health of telephone base station mast radiation

I would suggest that the concentration of cancers in the Naila-Study will be higher than 3 fold if they look in the main beam of radiation.

The Naila-Study

Also take a look at my written evidence on the front page of SCRAM http://www.s-c-r-a-m.co.uk I have supplied this to the Birmingham Scrutiny Committee ahead of the meeting due to take place on 18th March, I will be giving verbal evidence along with our friend Dr Hyland, not so friendly Dr Clark NRPB and Dr J Rao, Director of Public Health, North Birmingham who also dismisses our claims of ill health and accuses us of creating hysteria.

This meeting could have a huge impact for the industry as Birmingham is the largest authority in Europe,this is our opportunity to try to persuade the Committee that this is a huge problem that needs solving.

Please find enclosed Dr John Walkers powerpoint presentation:

It includes some of the detailed graphs showing the cancer clusters around mobile phone masts. Dr Walker has now done 6 replications of masts that have been in place for over 8 years, we have found cancer clusters in the main beam of radiation in every one.

I gave this in as evidence at the Government Inquiry last year. I also presented Sir William Stewart and Department of health with a copy of this research in December.

Eileen O'Connor
Trustee - http://www.Radiationresearch.org
Chairwoman - http://www.s-c-r-a-m.co.uk
0121 351 2450


Tribute to people suffering

Taser: Elektroschockpistolen für jeden

Taser hat eine neue Waffe zum Selbstschutz auf den Markt gebracht, die Folgen der Aufrüstung mit diesen nicht-tödlichen Wunderwaffen sind voraussehbar...


Elektronisches Regime

Mit deutscher Gründlichkeit sind alle wichtigen behördlichen Prozeduren ins Internet verlagert worden. Mit der gleichen Verbissenheit werden für das Innenministerium nun Sicherheitsaspekte ins Visier genommen...


7 in 10 Worried About Gov't Secrecy



Irritated Iraqis Wait for Change


One Day to a Drilling Vote

We Need Your Action TODAY

Drilling the Arctic Refuge would result in a sprawling industrial complex of drilling sites spread throughout one and a half million acres of critical wildlife habitat. The harm to habitat for polar bear, caribou and millions of migratory birds would be permanent and irreparable. Hundreds of miles of pipelines and roads, airstrips, power lines, pumping stations and housing for workers would be needed, as well as tankers to transport the oil -- risking further oil spills in critical habitat.

Take Action Now!

We've written before about the threat to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) from the large oil companies and their allies in Washington who want to drill there. So far, we've been successful in stopping the encroachment, but now those who want to drill are using a new tactic. It's up to us to stop them.

Proponents of drilling know that drilling in ANWR is too controversial to pass in Congress using ordinary measures. Instead, they are attempting to insert drilling into the budget. This helps them in two ways. First, the government must have a budget. It allows them to hold up everything else in support of drilling in this ecologically sensitive area. Second, the budget cannot be filibustered in the Senate. Whereas most controversial bills require an overwhelming 60-40 majority to move forward, the budget can be passed with only a bare majority.

And a bare majority is all the proponents can hope for. Despite the loss of some stalwart pro-environment Senators in the November elections, drilling in the Refuge was defeated last year. And we can defeat it again this year. A coalition of Senators is standing up for ANWR.

But time is of the essence. The vote could be as soon as tomorrow. Your Senators need to hear from you today!

Please ask your Senators to oppose drilling. ANWR is one of the largest and most important wildlife refuges in the country. We need to protect it for ourselves and for our children. Time is short. Please act today!

Thank you!

Ron Zucker

An Embarrassed Republican

by RedState

A Republican blogger laments the bankruptcy bill: "This is on us, folks, and it's going to hurt a lot of people."


The EPA Cooks The Books

by Chris Mooney, The American Prospect

The Bush administration is obscuring both the environmental and the economic benefits of mercury regulation.


Brand USA Is In Trouble

by Naomi Klein, The Guardian

The Bush definition of liberation abroad robs democratic forces of their most potent tools.


Radiation risk ‘underplayed’ to avoid compensation payouts

by Rob Edwards

Governments have deliberately downplayed the dangers of radiation so that they can avoid paying compensation to veterans of nuclear tests and carry on deploying depleted uranium (DU) weapons.

Dr Keith Baverstock, who was the World Health Organisation’s senior radiation adviser in Europe, says that science has been “perverted for political ends” by government agencies which should be protecting public health.

“Politics, aided and abetted by some in the scientific community, has poisoned the well which sustains democratic decision-making,” he told a conference on low-level radiation in Edinburgh yesterday.

Baverstock, now advising the UK government as a member of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management, delivered a fierce attack on government scientists. He accused the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) of “misusing” science in their studies of nuclear test veterans.

Over 21,000 members of the British armed services watched 46 nuclear tests in Australia and the Pacific between 1952 and 1962. Many have since become ill, and campaigned for compensation from the Ministry of Defence.

The MoD has rejected their claims on the grounds that there was no proof that radiation from the tests made them sick. The ministry is backed by three major studies carried out by the NRPB over the past 20 years, most recently in 2002.

Yesterday, Baverstock alleged that there was a “serious flaw” in the NRPB’s methodology because as many as 15% of the veterans could be missing from the studies. This could conceal an excess in cancer deaths, he said.

He pointed out that there was a lack of information on how much radiation people had been exposed to. A statistical excess of leukaemia among the veterans had also been dismissed as a “chance” finding.

“The conclusion is that the NRPB survey is deficient,” he said. “Further work needs to be done. It is sad that the NRPB, which should be an independent body, was complicit .”

The NRPB, based at Didcot in Oxfordshire, strongly denied the accusation. “We used standard methods for finding deaths and cases of cancer. These have been used in hundreds of studies,” said Gerry Kendal, head of population exposure at the NRPB.

He maintained that to have introduced additional cases in an ad hoc way would have produced “biased” results. The independent committee that oversaw the research was happy with the approach that was taken, he added.

The 2002 NRPB study was originally challenged by Sue Roff, a senior research fellow at Dundee University Medical School. She contended that up to 30% of multiple myeloma cancer cases among veterans had been overlooked by the NRPB.

“I’m not sure if this was a political or a scientific decision by the NRPB. But it was certainly more of a comfort to the MoD than to veterans,” she said.

Baverstock also accused the World Health Organisation of having “suppressed” a report he wrote in 2001 highlighting the dangers of DU in Iraq. The Sunday Herald revealed in February that the report predicted that DU from US and UK weapons would increase cancer rates among adults and children in the country.

By downplaying the risks from radiation, government agencies had undermined public trust in science and technology, he concluded. This was going to make it much more difficult to find an acceptable solution to the problem of how to dispose of radioactive waste from nuclear power stations.

04 July 2004


Source: http://www.starweave.com/gallery/

Electricity that is dirty

Attached you will find a recent article on electrical pollution that was printed in the Vancouver Sun, a Canadian newspaper. Don't know if I sent this already. Below is an excert from the article. Dr. Havas' studies, that are referred to, are available at http://www.stetzerelectric.com .

Shivani Arjuna

Magda Havas, had spent several years examining the effects of electromagnetic radiation in the Toronto area. After her results were published, she received a call from a parent in Toronto who said her daughter suffered from electrical sensitivity. The girl had just switched schools and was becoming sick every afternoon. The mother had read research out of Wisconsin involving dairy cows and about a filter that could neutralize the dirty power. She had convinced the school to install them. Would Havas be interested in conducting an experiment there? "I actually didn't think the filters would work," says Havas, who had heard a little about the dairy cows in Wisconsin but was skeptical of the efficacy of the filters. "I did the study fully expecting not to get any results. But I was absolutely amazed."

The filters, developed by computing science and electrical engineering professor emeritus Dr. Martin Graham, of the University of California-Berkeley, and Dave Stetzer, a power quality expert from Wisconsin, are called the Graham Stetzer filters. Up to 20 are needed in a home to filter out the dirty power. The study involved three weeks with the filters in every classroom from K-12 and three weeks without them. The teachers did not know their purpose, but in daily surveys they reported an average of 55 per cent improvement in their levels of energy and well-being. They had fewer headaches, fewer body aches and felt they were accomplishing more in the classroom. The only negative was a report of more flu-like symptoms, which could simply have been caused by the flu season. The teachers also reported improvements in students' behavior, including better attentiveness and less aggression. She found most significant results in the elementary classrooms, causing her to theorize that younger children are more sensitive to the dirty power than older children. "This is consistent with the effects of chemical contaminants," she says, adding babies and young children whose brains are just developing are most susceptible to chemical pollution.

Since conducting that experiment, Havas has dedicated much of her time to additional tests measuring the levels of dirty electricity in many settings. "I haven't been in any building that doesn't have dirty electricity," she says, adding even her own home had levels higher than recommended. According to studies conducted in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is surprisingly ahead of the industrial world in studying this phenomenon, levels higher than 50 GS units are unsafe. The Kazakhstani scientists based this on studies using chicken eggs exposed to varying levels. They found abnormalities in fetuses at levels 50 units and higher. Havas's home showed levels ranging from 300 GS units to 800. And after conducting trials with people living with MS, Havas believes levels should be below 30. "This is so earth shattering," Havas says.

Bowling installed filters in his two-bedroom condo, reducing his levels to from 400 to below 30 and found he could suddenly sleep through the night, something he had been unable to do for years. After seeing the results of the filters himself and seeing the results of Havas's trials, he agreed to sell them in the Vancouver area.

But if dirty power is so hazardous, why do so many of us live and work in electrically polluted areas without suffering any consequences? Havas says two conditions much exist before a person would experience the ill effects. The first is the existence of dirty power. There is no shortage of that. The second is a sensitivity to it. "Not everyone responds to it," she says, adding a study in Sweden where people self-diagnosed a sensitivity, two to three per cent of the population said they experience problems when exposed to environments with dirty power. But Havas estimates the real number of people with electrical sensitivity to varying degrees, is closer to 30 per cent of the population, but that they attribute it to other factors such as stress, or psychological problems. With no funding for her research, Havas has no inbred bias to her research, but lack of funding has also meant she has not been able conduct double blind studies. Still, when the filters were installed in the homes of people with MS or diabetes, about 60 per cent of them experienced considerable physical improvement, she says.

One of her subjects was Brad Blumbergs, 28, who was diagnosed with progressive MS when he was 25. When Havas met him, he could not walk without a cane or railings. Since his diagnosis, he had lost 30 pounds and looked, said Havas, like a drug addict. Havas installed 14 filters in his home and within three days he reported walking unaided. Two weeks later, Havas returned to videotape Blumbergs and was shocked at his improvements. When she arrived, he was shovelling snow from the driveway. He could walk forwards and backwards and did a little dance for the camera. "You can't even tell he has MS," she says, adding she has seen similar results from others with M.S.

Although she has not tested her hypothesis, Havas theorizes that the dirty power affects them so strongly because the sheath around certain nerves in people with MS have been destroyed. The sheath is like the insulating coating on electrical wires. When the sheath is destroyed, the nerve cells come in direct contact with the body fluids. "So any kind of electrical signal will affect the unprotected nerve." Havas likened this to a lamp that has had holes cut into its cord. If the cord is then placed in salty water, similar to the body's fluids and the lamp turned on, the electricity leaks out into the water. "With MS, the electricity is leaking out into surrounding tissue in the brain and spinal cord and its causing signals to get mixed up."

Havas found equally dramatic results when she tested the effects of the filter on people with types I and II diabetes and with people who are pre-diabetic. One 80 year old woman with type I diabetes who required insulin injections twice a day had very high fasting plasma glucose levels averaging 9.4 millimoles per litre. One week after installing the filters at her son's insistence, her levels dropped to 6.4 mmoles/L. "That is huge," says Havas. The amount of insulin she required also dropped significantly. "What was really fascinating with her," says Havas, "is that whenever she spent a day at the shopping mall or the casino, her blood sugar levels shot up. "You can imagine how dirty a casino would be with all the slot machines," she added.

Havas says Canada allows very high levels of high frequency radiation, but other countries such as Russia, China, and the Eastern bloc countries insist on lower levels. In Sweden, electrical sensitivity is a recognized health condition and people suffering from it can claim disability insurance. Last October, the World Health Organization held a conference on the issue in Prague at which Havas spoke. She told delegates that her results were dramatic and warrant further investigation. "If they are representative of what is happening worldwide, then dirty electricity is adversely affecting the lives of millions of people," she concluded.

Electricity that is dirty

Vancouver Sun Tuesday, March 8, 2005 Page: B2 Section:
Westcoast News Byline: Karen Gram Column [Comments in brackets added by Shivani Arjuna. Sarjuna@aol.com]

The Daily Special Source: Vancouver Sun Vancouverite Milt Bowling can practically see the high frequency power flowing out of the walls of people's homes and schools. To him, it's as tangible as smoke, and just as harmful. Bowling isn't some sort of seer, he just knows something many of the rest of us don't. He knows that the city's electrical distribution lines are inadequate to handle the incredibly high levels of radio frequency electromagnetic energy produced by the technology we use. As a result, he says, the electricity flows freely in the walls, floors and ceilings of our homes and offices, traveling through anything that conducts, including our water pipes and our bodies. There is about 225 per cent more power coming out of our televisions, computers, dimmer switches, fluorescent lights and other technologies in the homes, than went in through the wires. About 70 per cent of it is uncontained. If it looked like smoke, residents would live in a dense cloud all day, every day.

It's what Bowling and others call dirty electricity, electrical pollution, or harmonics and it is a form of a larger phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation that comes from the cellular antennas that give us wireless power. "It's a problem everywhere," says William Dunford, associate professor of electrical engineering at the University of B.C. who, though unfamiliar with health problems caused by the harmonics adds the phenomenon has been known to start fires in buildings.

Home electricity works sort of like our water system, with incoming and out-going lines. Clean electricity, at a low frequency of 60 hertz on an alternating current (AC) is like clean water. It enters the home and gets polluted with human use. Then, like sewage, dirty electricity, with frequencies 400 times as high as came in leaves the home. But unlike sewage, which is all contained in pipes, much of the electricity isn't. It is supposed to return to the substation to complete the circuit on the neutral wires, but the neutral wires are not up to the job. "Imagine if 70 per cent of our sewage seeped out of the pipes into the environment," Bowling says.

On a chart, the clean, 60 Hertz power looks like a smooth wave. The dirty electricity looks like jagged peaks, surging to very high frequencies. Computers are extremely susceptible to those surges. "A computer plugged into a power bar is protected from power surges," Bowling says. "But we don't have a surge protector for our bodies." Dunford, an expert in power conversions, argues that using an AC system on overhead wires exacerbates the problem. "If you go the route of wanting better AC power, it is very expensive. DC is quite a bit cheaper."

Power Quality Assurance, an industry magazine, reported that harmonic distortions, or dirty power, can cause wiring, motors and transformers to overheat and can reduce equipment lifespan by more than 30 per cent. But, until recently, dirty electricity was not considered a health issue because the levels were not high enough to generate heat. Canada's safety code six states that the high frequency power is safe unless it can heat the body one degree celsius within six minutes. The dirty electricity is not heat generating. However, a growing field of research is finding evidence that it isn't as benign as previously thought. It has been found to substantially worsen the health of many people and animals, including dairy cows, which produce much less milk when exposed, and people with multiple sclerosis, diabetes, attention deficit disorder, tinnitus, asthma and other ailments.

Bowling, learned about dirty electricity through his efforts to stop the installation of nine microwave towers on the roof of his son's school. Bowling began researching how electromagnetic radiation would affect the students' health and didn't like what he learned. While the issue is controversial, with many scientists saying there is no evidence electromagnetic radiation causes harm, Bowling successfully spearheaded a campaign to prevent the installation. In February, he scored a second victory when the Vancouver school board voted to forbid the installation of such cellular antennas on any school property or within 305 metres (1000 feet) of a school, based on the argument that there is no conclusive evidence that the installation of cellular antenna on or adjacent to schools is safe. His research took him to a conference on the topic where he met an environmental scientist from Trent University, in Peterborough who was conducting experiments using high frequency filters to see what would happen if the dirty electricity was removed from an environment.

Magda Havas, had spent several years examining the effects of electromagnetic radiation in the Toronto area. After her results were published, she received a call from a parent in Toronto who said her daughter suffered from electrical sensitivity. The girl had just switched schools and was becoming sick every afternoon. The mother had read research out of Wisconsin involving dairy cows and about a filter that could neutralize the dirty power. She had convinced the school to install them. Would Havas be interested in conducting an experiment there? "I actually didn't think the filters would work," says Havas, who had heard a little about the dairy cows in Wisconsin but was skeptical of the efficacy of the filters. "I did the study fully expecting not to get any results. But I was absolutely amazed."

The filters, developed by computing science and electrical engineering professor emeritus Dr. Martin Graham, of the University of California-Berkeley, and Dave Stetzer, a power quality expert from Wisconsin, are called the Graham Stetzer filters. Up to 20 are needed in a home to filter out the dirty power. The study involved three weeks with the filters in every classroom from K-12 and three weeks without them. The teachers did not know their purpose, but in daily surveys they reported an average of 55 per cent improvement in their levels of energy and well-being. They had fewer headaches, fewer body aches and felt they were accomplishing more in the classroom. The only negative was a report of more flu-like symptoms, which could simply have been caused by the flu season. The teachers also reported improvements in students' behavior, including better attentiveness and less aggression. She found most significant results in the elementary classrooms, causing her to theorize that younger children are more sensitive to the dirty power than older children. "This is consistent with the effects of chemical contaminants," she says, adding babies and young children whose brains are just developing are most susceptible to chemical pollution.

Since conducting that experiment, Havas has dedicated much of her time to additional tests measuring the levels of dirty electricity in many settings. "I haven't been in any building that doesn't have dirty electricity," she says, adding even her own home had levels higher than recommended. According to studies conducted in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is surprisingly ahead of the industrial world in studying this phenomenon, levels higher than 50 GS units are unsafe. The Kazakhstani scientists based this on studies using chicken eggs exposed to varying levels. They found abnormalities in fetuses at levels 50 units and higher. Havas's home showed levels ranging from 300 GS units to 800. And after conducting trials with people living with MS, Havas believes levels should be below 30. "This is so earth shattering," Havas says.

Bowling installed filters in his two-bedroom condo, reducing his levels to from 400 to below 30 and found he could suddenly sleep through the night, something he had been unable to do for years. After seeing the results of the filters himself and seeing the results of Havas's trials, he agreed to sell them in the Vancouver area.

But if dirty power is so hazardous, why do so many of us live and work in electrically polluted areas without suffering any consequences? Havas says two conditions much exist before a person would experience the ill effects. The first is the existence of dirty power. There is no shortage of that. The second is a sensitivity to it. "Not everyone responds to it," she says, adding a study in Sweden where people self-diagnosed a sensitivity, two to three per cent of the population said they experience problems when exposed to environments with dirty power. But Havas estimates the real number of people with electrical sensitivity to varying degrees, is closer to 30 per cent of the population, but that they attribute it to other factors such as stress, or psychological problems. With no funding for her research, Havas has no inbred bias to her research, but lack of funding has also meant she has not been able conduct double blind studies. Still, when the filters were installed in the homes of people with MS or diabetes, about 60 per cent of them experienced considerable physical improvement, she says.

One of her subjects was Brad Blumbergs, 28, who was diagnosed with progressive MS when he was 25. When Havas met him, he could not walk without a cane or railings. Since his diagnosis, he had lost 30 pounds and looked, said Havas, like a drug addict. Havas installed 14 filters in his home and within three days he reported walking unaided. Two weeks later, Havas returned to videotape Blumbergs and was shocked at his improvements. When she arrived, he was shovelling snow from the driveway. He could walk forwards and backwards and did a little dance for the camera. "You can't even tell he has MS," she says, adding she has seen similar results from others with M.S.

Although she has not tested her hypothesis, Havas theorizes that the dirty power affects them so strongly because the sheath around certain nerves in people with MS have been destroyed. The sheath is like the insulating coating on electrical wires. When the sheath is destroyed, the nerve cells come in direct contact with the body fluids. "So any kind of electrical signal will affect the unprotected nerve." Havas likened this to a lamp that has had holes cut into its cord. If the cord is then placed in salty water, similar to the body's fluids and the lamp turned on, the electricity leaks out into the water. "With MS, the electricity is leaking out into surrounding tissue in the brain and spinal cord and its causing signals to get mixed up."

Havas found equally dramatic results when she tested the effects of the filter on people with types I and II diabetes and with people who are pre-diabetic. One 80 year old woman with type I diabetes who required insulin injections twice a day had very high fasting plasma glucose levels averaging 9.4 millimoles per litre. One week after installing the filters at her son's insistence, her levels dropped to 6.4 mmoles/L. "That is huge," says Havas. The amount of insulin she required also dropped significantly. "What was really fascinating with her," says Havas, "is that whenever she spent a day at the shopping mall or the casino, her blood sugar levels shot up. "You can imagine how dirty a casino would be with all the slot machines," she added.

Havas says Canada allows very high levels of high frequency radiation, but other countries such as Russia, China, and the Eastern bloc countries insist on lower levels. In Sweden, electrical sensitivity is a recognized health condition and people suffering from it can claim disability insurance. Last October, the World Health Organization held a conference on the issue in Prague at which Havas spoke. She told delegates that her results were dramatic and warrant further investigation. "If they are representative of what is happening worldwide, then dirty electricity is adversely affecting the lives of millions of people," she concluded.

But people sensitive to dirty power needn't retreat to a dark corner of the forest where they can live like hermits without electricity. "The technology is available and economically feasible," she says adding it shouldn't be up to individuals to buy and install filters. That's a stop-gap, she says. Dunford agrees. "Yes you can filter these things, but you should simply redesign the system," he says, adding individuals could switch to a direct current system (DC), like that of a fuel cell battery or solar panels. [However, converters needed in solar systems create the high-frequency pollution, so using solar does not mean no electrical pollution. – Shivani] "For me, the solution is to use DC. Then you don't get the problem at all." If that doesn't happen, Dunford says, then the utilities should insist that manufacturers of high tech equipment install filters on their products before they go to market, just as they do in Europe.

B.C. Hydro spokesman Stephen Bruyneel said the issue is one for the manufacturers of the products, not the utilities. [The American utilities’ scientific advisory body, E.P.R.I., researched the issue of electrical pollution, then printed a book advising the utilities to change their wiring system to solve the problem. Presently, more than 70% of the current returning to the substations is doing so via the ground, because the wiring is so outdated for today’s loads. Unfortunately, E.P.R.I. is made up of utility representatives. You will have to pay $25,000 for a copy of that publication. They are dedicated to covering up the problem, not remediating it. One of the authors of the publication said in court that she was unfamiliar with it. Another, addressing a gathering of national utility representatives, advised them to “stall as long as possible. Prepare for litigation.” –Shivani] Perhaps say Havas and Dunford, but like the catalytic converter of vehicles, manufacturers may not do it voluntarily. "But it just has to be done," she says.

FILTERING OUT THE DIRTY ELECTRICITY: The Graham Stetzer filter is really just a capacitor that shorts-out or neutralizes the radio waves from 4 KH to 100 KH of energy while still allowing the 60 Hertz power to flow through. It costs about $1,000-$1,500 to install enough filters to be effective in a home. [The filters cost $30 each. The “average” home requires 20. That is $600. –Shivani] For more information refer to http://www.stetzerelectric.com or contact the Canadian distributor Pure Power Solutions at 1-705-654-3790 (phone and fax) or purepower@nexicom.net.

Illustration: * Colour Photo: Glenn Baglo, Vancouver Sun / Milt Bowling stopped the installation of nine microwave towers on the roof of his son's school. * Colour Photo: Glenn Baglo,Vancouver Sun / Milt Bowling meters levels of dirty electricity at Sir James Douglas elementary school. He says the high-frequency power is just as tangible as smoke, and just as harmful.

© 2005 CanWest Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The health effects of electrical pollution

A Real Shocker

John Bolton, the man who killed the biological weapons treaty


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The Legal War on Terror at Home


The Unpredictability of Revolutions


'Pseudo Events' Stir Mideast Pot


Chemtrails and Geoengineering

So I just saw a really good video on chemtrails on the Alex Jones site and read a 92 page website by a chemtrails whistleblower named Jim Phelps, who explains what they are and why they're doing them. He says he invented the technology for that and for HAARP, but he's whistleblowing because it's all been kept secret by the "invisible government" and it's dangerous and should be open to public debate. He says they're seeding the clouds with titanium to get it to rain so the fluorine will fall out of the sky, reducing global warming. The problem is, it then falls on the earth and goes into the food and water. Fluorine/aluminum compounds are highly toxic and are causing auto-immune diseases, Alzheimer's, etc. The fluorine is there because of industry. The real solution is free energy, alternative energy, etc. but they're protecting the oil cartel. The site is
He's got a bunch of shorter sites and articles as well. Here's something from another source that's good --

˜The intentional large-scale manipulation of the global environment. The term has usually been applied to proposals to manipulate the climate with the primary intention of reducing undesired climatic change caused by human influences. (G)eoengineering schemes seek to mitigate the effect of fossil-fuel combustion on the climate without abating fossil fuel use; for example, by placing shields in space to reduce the sunlight incident on the Earth. (Keith, D. W. 1999. Geoengineering. Encyclopaedia of Global Change. New York)

Systematic presentation of the main geoengineering proposals that have been put forward (and many of which are already clearly being implemented, though without official acknowledgement), are to be found in the American National Academy of Science's report ˜Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Bases,
http://books.nap.edu/books/0309043867/html/index.html where the official conclusion by the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research is that the most effective global warming method of mitigation (corrective) is the spraying of reflective aerosol compounds into the atmosphere utilizing commercial, military and private aircraft.

1. We support the Protocol of Kyoto as a minimum first step towards a solution of the problem of catastrophic climate change.

2. Geoengineering measures are not a solution. The proposed cures are worse than the disease.

3. Geoengineering takes present structures of uncontrolled and limitless economic growth as an unquestionable fact of life.

4. Official acknowledgement of the existence of geoengineering plans, even if only theoretical, is a step forward from the dogmatic denial that global climatic changes have economic and social roots (a viewpoint still predominant in the USA). The danger exists, however, that the same spirit of fear-mongering and hysteria that characterizes the war on terrorism and the nuclear arms race may also be introduced into the approach to climatic changes.

5. Geoengineering plans are being implemented behind our backs and over our heads. Every citizen has a responsibility to inform himself/herself about this and take the appropriate measures, both individual and collective (for example by introducing and promoting the subject in organizations of active citizens).

6. In the face of the huge problem of ongoing destruction of the ecological system of the planet, ATTAC remains open to the search for suitable scientifically-accredited solutions, so that a proper human-centred approach may be adopted, promoting a harmonic relationship between the natural and social worlds.

Informant: Andy


Chemtrails and Geoengineering--3/19 update of replies


Third delivery of our reflections and memories on "electromagnetic Memory". We do not want to let pass the occasion to rescue words of good ago little, 8 of March of 2005, pronounced by one of the greatest world-wide experts in radiation with microwaves, professor Olle Johnansson of the Karolinska Institute (Sweden): "the main scientific question does not reside solely in the exact location of the stations bases, but if it is well radiating to all the population with microwaves, and knowingly. One treats, of course, of a human experiment on great scale, with you, me and the children of St Andrews including." "The BASIC scientific issue is not primarily about the exact siting of bases stations, it is about to whether it is all right to irradiatethe whole population with microwaves, and likewise. This is, of course, to full-scale human experiment, with you and me and the St Andrews kids in it." Health, AVECORN Association of Neighbors Against Injurious Radiations of L'Escala (Girona)

Electromagnetic memory - the 3/2005 ANTENNAS OF TELEPHONY ARE NOT SAFE

Remember anybody of the Ministry of Health which we have taxed in our memory: "Already in May of 1997, doctor Thorny Javier Arranz, head on watch of Oncological of the Ruber Clinic of Madrid, alerted of the relation between radiation of mobile telephony and the cerebral appearance of leukaemia, tumors, cancer of breast and melanoma." (the North of Castile - 22/03/03). Up to five times the affirmation of head in the Report elevated to the European Parliament on the part of Doctor G. J. Hyland is repeated, of the Department of Physics of the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, that takes care of description "the PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS and ENVIRONMENTAL OF published noncIonizing the ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION" in March of 2001: "... What distinguishes technologically to the produced electromagnetic fields of most of the natural ones it is his greater degree of coherence. That means that their frequencies are specially well defined and, therefore, are more easily perceivable by the alive organisms, among them, the humans. Which increases its biological potential and "opens the door" to the possibility of different types from nonthermal influences of specific frequency against which the security directives - as emitted by the Commission the International of nonIonizing Radiation protection they do not guarantee protection. (SYNTHESIS, second paragraph)"... the directives, therefore, do not protect specifically of the negative effects on the main health caused and through the influences that the frequency of the fields could have on the human body." (SYNTHESIS, fourth paragraph)"... the existing directives of security based on the intensity (in relation to the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum) do not offer any protection against that nonthermal effect, unless it is so under that the light is not visible." (SYNTHESIS, eleventh paragraph)"... Therefore, the preoccupation of people is not unfounded and the irony of the present situation with respect to the mobile telephones and the stations bases is that the existing directives of security, surprising, provide greater protection to the electronic instrumentation that to the human beings." (SYNTHESIS, thirtieth first paragraph)... the limits established by the security directives... do not take into account the clarification characteristic from all: the fact that the exposed object is alive." (SYNTHESIS, last paragraph) From the Principality of Asturias it said to us, now makes a pair of years, Doctor Jose Luís Fernandez Ruiz: Gijón (Asturias). - The electromagnetic fields that generate the antennas of mobile telephony induce carcinogenic processes, according to explained the doctor and professor of Biophysics in the University of Oviedo, Jose Luis Fernandez Ruiz. This expert indicates that the effects that have on the organism the electromagnetic fields are different from those from the electric fields. In the first case, they act on great molecules of the life from rates of intensity of the emissions more than thousand inferior times to the anticipated ones in the present legislation. (the New Spain - 13/3/03) the Association Vallisoletana de Afectados by Antennas of Telefoni'a (AVAATE) in the open left a lie very insistently maintained by the operators, when they affirmed that "the antennas are safe": "four studies have been only made epidemiológicos.en everybody (in France, Holland, Switzerland and Spain) on the effects of the antennas in the health of the people. All of them demonstrate the harmfulness of these waves for the people who live in the environs of the antennas. The symptoms of the affected people go from circulatory headaches, vertigos or insomnia to serious diseases like depressions, upheavals, cerebral tumors and leukaemia." FROM WHEN the STATISTICS ARE MISTAKEN THAT LOCATE 25 LITTLE CASES OF CANCER IN FIFTY METERS Of the REACH OF the ANTENNAS (Case of Móstoles (Madrid))? Diffusion by AVECORN initiative avecorn@hotmail.com

A Psychiatrist's Attitude changed after treating Combat Veterans

Let's be sure war vets get prompt, pro-active treatment

Read the article below and learn about a psychiatrist's attitude change after he began treating combat veterans. This may be one of the most important articles you can share with medical professionals and friends who may have doubts about the psychological trauma of war. Dr. Bryron Wadley writes, "...I am ashamed to admit that I had a prejudice, believing these individuals were a bunch of drunken, drug-abusing, moochers of society with a strong sense of entitlement because of a few years of service..."


Second War? Three U.S. Aircraft Carrier Groups Converging on Iran and Syria

The article below implies a major U.S. naval deployment is underway in the Middle East.


The Devil's Dictionary

by Harry Browne



As you may have heard, the Constitution says that 'Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech.' You might gather from this that Congress can make no law abridging the freedom of speech. But Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) is pushing legislation to restrict what cable TV channels can show on their networks. Senator Stevens says this isn't 'censorship' (which, of course, would be unconstitutional), it's simply establishing a 'standard of decency.'"



Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Nigerian letter scammer gets eight years

San Francisco Chronicle


A Sacramento [CA] man of Nigerian descent was sentenced to more than eight years in federal prison Friday for running an international investment scam that defrauded investors of more than $2.1 million through a Nigerian advance fee scheme. Roland Adams, 38, admitted that he conspired with others in Nigeria, South Africa and Canada to run the scheme. Potential investors were mailed letters supposedly from African government officials who wanted help in diverting millions of dollars held in bogus trusts or accounts. In exchange for a future share of the fictitious money, the victims were persuaded to send in fees of several thousand to several hundred thousand dollars to individuals or accounts around the world. ... He pleaded guilty in August 2003 to conspiring to commit mail and wire fraud, and conspiring to launder money, and was sentenced to 97 months in prison...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Government reducing access to info

AP review

Cincinnati Enquirer


Since 1998, many federal departments have been reducing the amount of information they release to the public -- even as the government fields and answers more requests for information than ever, an Associated Press review has found. The locations of stores and restaurants that have received recalled meat, the names of detainees held by the U.S. overseas and details about Vice President Dick Cheney's 2001 energy policy task force are all among the records that the government isn't sharing with the public."


comments: http://www.haloscan.com/comments/rationalreview/1110769844/

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US government caught planting propaganda in TV news


Data Retention: Neues Begehren

Data Retention: Neues Begehren in DE

Offenbar reicht eine Vierparteienbeschluss des deutschen Parlaments nicht aus, um einen deutschen Minister auf der rechten Spur vom Kollisionskurs mit der gültigen Rechtslage abzubringen.

Der deutsche Innenminister Otto Schily [SPD] bestätigte Pläne, wonach alle Telefon-, SMS-, E-Mail- und Internetdaten zwölf Monate lang gespeichert werden sollen. Ein entsprechender EU-Rahmenbeschluss ist in Verhandlung.


Die Minister wollten zur Vorbereitung eines EU-Rahmenbeschlusses erreichen, dass alle Telefon-, SMS-, E-Mail- und Internetdaten zentral erfasst würden, so die "BamS".

"Wir sind in der Phase des Besprechens und Bewertens", so ein Sprecher des Justizministeriums am Sonntag zur dpa, ohne konkrete Zusammenkünfte zu bestätigen.

Am Rande der CeBIT bestätigte Schily die Pläne und auch Verhandlungen mit den Telefonunternehmen, die aber "noch nicht am Ende" seien.

Schily weiter: "Wir wissen doch, dass man auch über Kommunikationsdaten schwere Straftaten aufdecken kann." Datenschützer würden in die Verhandlungen mit einbezogen, der Datenschutz werde "nicht ausgehebelt". Alle Daten, die von "unbescholtenen Bürgern" erhoben würden, würden gelöscht...

Mehr dazu


relayed by Harkank

Aus: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 24, Issue 8

Schily will gläsernes Handy - Rot-Grün für längere Speicherung von Telefondaten

STAAT schielt auf Handy-Daten

The Dead Flies in President's Bush's Inaugural Address


The Trojan Horse of Social Security "Reform"





US Faces Attacks On Prisoner Abuse As Rights Panel Meets

March 13, 2005 1:39 a.m.

US Faces Attacks On Prisoner Abuse As Rights Panel Meets

March 13, 2005 1:39 a.m.

WASHINGTON (AP)--The annual meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Commission opens on Monday in Geneva with the United States preparing to confront critics who will highlight abuses by U.S. personnel of Iraqi, Afghan and other prisoners.

In previous years, the United States has been free to focus on human rights violations by other countries at commission meetings. But continuing disclosures about prisoner mistreatment dating back to last spring have required the administration to adopt a defensive strategy for the seven-week meeting.

U.S. delegates have devised a damage-control plan for the meeting. They will point to U.S. efforts to hold accountable those responsible for behavior that the administration acknowledges has been reprehensible, U.S. officials say.

The scandals have triggered a spate of investigations and some low-level personnel have been punished. But so far, senior military officers and civilian Pentagon officials have escaped blame. The U.S. team in Geneva will be led by Republican former Sen. Rudy Boschwitz.

The 53-nation meeting convenes against a background of deep U.S. frustration with the commission, principally the result of an absence of standards for admission to the body. More than a third of the countries on the commission are led by undemocratic governments and two - Cuba and Zimbabwe - were among six countries listed by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as "outposts of tyranny."

Officials say the blame lies not with the United Nations but with particular U.N. members. Latin American countries selected Cuba to be on the commission, over U.S. objections. Zimbabwe was chosen by African countries.

"Only by reclaiming its role of exposing governments that systematically abuse human rights, and establishing measures to redress those situations, can the commission re-establish its relevance," Human Rights Watch said in a statement.

This year, Cuba and Zimbabwe served on a five-nation working group assigned to set part of the agenda for this year's meeting.

Cuba tried to get fellow working group members to put the U.S. prisoner abuse scandal on the agenda, but the effort fell short by a 3-1 vote, with Zimbabwe abstaining. This, however, will not prevent that issue from being aired during the commission's deliberations.

The State Department reacted sharply in February to the appointment of Cuba and Zimbabwe to the working group.

"The United States believes that countries that routinely and systematically violate the rights of their citizens should not be selected to review the human rights performance of other countries," it said.

Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque raised the possibility last week that Cuba will introduce a resolution at the commission condemning the United States for prisoner mistreatment. For their part, U.S. delegates in Geneva are expected to introduce an anti-Cuba resolution. No U.S. decision has been made on a China resolution, although such resolutions have been almost routine in recent years.

Cuba maintains it has an exemplary rights performance, pointing to its record in providing health care and universal education to its citizens. China insists that economic development must transcend all other considerations such as Western human rights concerns.

Last May, when the U.N. voted to keep Sudan on the commission, U.S. Ambassador Sichan Siv expressed outrage, citing ethnic cleansing of black African farmers in Sudan's Darfur province.

But the Abu Ghraib scandal, which had exploded into public view just a week earlier, served as a handy riposte for Sudan's deputy U.N. Ambassador Omar Bashir Manis. He deplored the degrading treatment inflicted on Iraqi prisoners by U.S. military personnel.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell later classified the abuses committed in Darfur as "genocide." More recently a U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Darfur said the violations there likely "constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity."

Sudanese Minister of Justice Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin will lead his country's delegation to the Geneva meeting. He is prepared to defend Sudan's record in Darfur.

Informant: Walter Lippmann

STAAT schielt auf Handy-Daten


Schily will gläsernes Handy - Rot-Grün für längere Speicherung von Telefondaten

Data Retention: Neues Begehren

Schily will gläsernes Handy - Rot-Grün für längere Speicherung von Telefondaten

EU-Prüfung läuft

Berlin/München - Datenschützer sehen es als weiteren Schritt zum "gläsernen Menschen", Innenminister Otto Schily (SPD) dagegen als sinnvolles Mittel zur Terrorbekämpfung. Gemeinsam mit Justizministerin Brigitte Zypries (SPD) setzt sich Schily für eine längere Speicherung von Telefon- und Internetdaten ein. Danach sollen die Handy-Gespräche, die SMS-Nachrichten und der gesamte E-Mail-Verkehr aller 400 Millionen EU-Bürger für ein Jahr archiviert werden.

Ein Mann hält am Sonntag (13.02.2005) in Hamburg ein Handy auf dessen Display ein Foto von Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily (SPD) zu sehen ist (Illustrationsbild zum Thema Speicherung von Telefondaten). Telefon- und Internet-Daten sollen nach dem Willen der Bundesregierung künftig länger gespeichert werden. Nach Angaben der "Bild am Sonntag" verhandeln die Minister Schily und Zypries darüber mit Telefonunternehmen. Geprüft wird demnach, ob künftig Telefonnummern sowie E-Mail- und Internetadressen bis zu zwölf Monate zentral gespeichert bleiben sollen.
Foto: dpa

Die Sicherheitsinstitutionen müssten "alle Möglichkeiten nutzen, um an die Planung von Verbrechen und terroristischen Aktionen heranzukommen", verteidigte Schily seinen Plan. Festgehalten würde nur, wer mit wem kommuniziert, nicht der Inhalt. Schilys Initiative für eine längere Datenspeicherung ist nicht neu. Bereits 2004 setzte sich der Innenminister im Rahmen der Änderung des Telekommunikationsgesetzes für eine Verschärfung ein - scheiterte allerdings im Bundestag.

Jetzt will er den Umweg über Brüssel nehmen: Dort wird seit Monaten eine längere Speicherung von Telefondaten diskutiert. Einen entsprechenden Antrag hatten die Regierungen von Frankreich, Großbritannien, Irland und Schweden eingebracht. Darin fordern sie sogar eine Speicherung von bis zu drei Jahren. Als das Thema Ende 2004 im Brüsslerer Ministerrat debattiert wurde, warnte Justizministerin Zypries noch vor einer Kostenlawine, falls die Unternehmen ein staatliches Entgeld für den Speicherzwang verlangen sollten.

Nach Informationen der "Bild am Sonntag" trafen sich Schily und Zypries im Februar mit Industrievertretern, unter ihnen Telekom-Chef Kai-Uwe Ricke. Nach Angaben des Blattes erklärte sich Ricke bereit, Telefonverbindungsdaten unter bestimmten Bedingungen künftig bis zu sechs Monate zu speichern - bisher gilt eine Frist von höchstens 90 Tagen.

Bayerns Innenminister Günter Beckstein (CSU) unterstützte ausdrücklich die Initiative der Bundesregierung: "Der Zugriff auf diese Daten ist ein besonders wichtiges Instrument zur Bekämpfung von Straftaten, insbesondere von organisierter Kriminalität und Terrorismus", sagte Beckstein.

Datenschützer warnen dagegen vor einer solchen Regelung: "Die Innenminister wollen ein teures Spielzeug, dass die Unternehmen belastet und den gläsernen Menschen schafft", sagte SPD-Telekommunikationsexperte Hubertus Heil. Als "unausgegoren, unpräzise und weitgehend nutzlos", kritisierte der SPD-Europaabgeordnete Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler den Vorschlag. "Wir brauchen mehr effektive Sicherheit, kein Mehr an überflüssiger Überwachung aller Bürger", sagte Dörfler gegenüber unserer Zeitung. Selbst das Bundeskriminalamt sei mit einer Daten-Speicherung von sechs Monaten zufrieden, so der justizpolitische Sprecher der SPD im EU-Parlament.

Für die FDP forderte Datenschutzexpertin Gisela Piltz Schily und Zypries auf, sich an den Willen des Parlaments zu halten. Der Bundestag habe bereits gegen eine weitere Vorratsspeicherung gestimmt. Eine einjährige Speicherung aller Daten würde vor allem die Bürger über erhöhte Telefonkosten treffen.



Datum: 14.03.2005 00:14 Uhr

STAAT schielt auf Handy-Daten

Data Retention: Neues Begehren




This is just a list of mostly folders with indexes in some, and each folder can be ftp'd off this site as follows: (Address) luxefaire.com -- the user name is: user1 -- the password is: ct1ct1ct1 . The information is case sensitive too. Any ftp program should work. The text in these files is plain text when possible and can be opened with many document programs. The photos are jpgs. For the most part these files are all fairly large.

Otto Schily plant eine massive Einschränkung der Versammlungsfreiheit



Omega-News Collection 13. March 2005

Super-volcano in America could destroy human civilization

Over 3000 Earthquakes within 72 Hours off NW Coast

Arctic and Midwest climate change

China Timber Demand Threatens World's Forests

Forest Blockades in Australia

Dolphin Beaching Followed Sub's Sonar Exercises

Canada to resume slaughter of harp seal

Relaunching the Seal-Hunt Wars

Save Oak Flat from Copper Mining

Save Tennessee Mountains

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 13. March 2005

EMF-Omega-News 13. March 2005

Cancer studies


Health Trouble in Electric Land

Continuation of the Species


Phone masts a risk to ‘millions of lives’

Corruption Scandal in Poland

Gallery of Shame

On Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation

Loads of Links To Scientific Papers

Who Guards The Guards?

Motor Neurone Disease: How Much Proof Do You Need?

Masts: We don't know if they're safe
http://omega.twoday.net/stories/566385/ (Cancer cluster)

Workers' shock at new mobile mast

Charter of Environment

Cell Phone Issue Highlighted

Australian MP speaks out against Telcom insensitivity and greed

Measure people, not masts

Cell towers now hide in plain sight

Controlling Brain Waves


How Real Are the Dangers?

Mast rays cause alarming trouble

Phobia to electricity

The harm is probably in the frequencies not in the power

Reaction to the conclusion of the medical investigation into Saint-Cyr l'Ecole

Letter to members of the PCC

The City council of Ubeda prohibits the installation of new antennas of mobile telephony

March of the phone masts

Magenta News from Mast Network

US Count Votes

Everything is slowly moving the right direction for our efforts to ensure accurate honest democratic elections by 2006.

US Count Votes' volunteer statisticians are close to completing a final version of our exit poll study that uses additional data from the Edison/Mitofsky exit poll study to show how implausible "exit poll bias" or the "reluctant Bush responder" theory is as an explanation for the discrepancies between the Nov 04 election results and the exit poll results that will be combined with our preliminary exit poll study: http://uscountvotes.org/ucvAnalysis/US/USCountVotes_Re_Mitofsky-Edison.pdf

Our final study calls for a thorough investigation of the Nov 04 presidential election results and is sound science.

If you have contacts with any well-known politicians of any party who may be willing to pre-read our final exit poll study, and make a public statement about it for simultaneous release to the press along with, or on the same day as, our final study, please let me know via email.

USCV's final study, as the first one, will be signed by numerous credentialed prestigious statisticians and will be even much more convincing, and we believe, just as irrefutable, as our first study whose content as yet remains un-criticized by any PhD statistician or mathematician in America in any substantive way. We need your help to assure mainstream press coverage of our final version.


1. We've been invited to post our final response to the exit polls on the SSRC.org voting and elections site of the Social Science Research Council so that we can respond to the exit poll study published there by Traugott, Brady, and Highton:

2. Bob Honeyman, one of USCV's board members, is donating a server for us to install as a backup server. Thank you Bob

3. Josh Mitteldorf made a large donation which we are still hashing out how best to spend - some of it may go to the $600 backup server technical set up cost. Thank you Josh.

4. We have recently received some assistance going over our database design for election results from Vickie Lovegren at Case Western Reserve U in OH.

Thank you to all our generous donors. We are as yet unable to hire any full-time staff but have funds available through donations to pay for contract work to implement of some upcoming technical projects that need to be completed.

Please continue to collect election data at the precinct and vote type level so that we can do the same analysis that we did with the New Mexico data. Our NM analysis will be used to retire the pushbutton DRE voting machines there of Danahar Shouptronic and Sequoia Advantage. The data source, collected by Warren Stewart under Green party efforts, is listed at the bottom.

Please sign up to help gather data for any state: http://uscountvotes.org/fairelection/statesubscribe.html
You can freely use these email lists, and ask all your friends to join them, in order to coordinate and avoid duplicating efforts in any state.

Please donate if you have not already done so. http://uscountvotes.org/fairelection/donate.html

I could very much use a livein volunteer here in Park City, UT to help do office management and other tasks - own bathroom and bed and dresser and window w/ a view of the mountains in a private end of the office (curtain for privacy) - and food would be provided to an intern or volunteer. Bring own laptop or computer. I've been neglecting my personal life over this and need some help.

Best regards,

Kathy Dopp

To End the War, Listen to Soldiers' War Stories


Relaunching the Seal-Hunt Wars


US Must Stop 'Outsourcing' Torture


Uncle Sam Really Wants You


Bankruptcy Bill Said to Hit Poorest Americans Hardest


Bush Aggressive Attack on Labor


Informant: Bigraccoon

Save Tennessee Mountains

Please place on all groups you are a member of and circulate far and wide.

Save Tennessee Mountains! Action Now!! Please help us.

You can help save entire mountain ranges and mountain sides in Tennessee with a few calls, emails and a fax or two.

Mountaintop removal (MTR) is a form of coal mining that devastates entire communities and ecosystems. The mining industry and its government cronies prefer the euphemisms "mountaintop mining" and "peak reduction," while coalfield residents are beginning to use the term "mountain range removal" to reflect the scope of devastation. But no words can accurately express the scale of destruction and injustice.

Tell Governor Bredesen (http://mountainjusticesummer.org/bredesen.htm)
that the ridges of Tennessee are at risk unless he acts to force state agencies to follow the law. Tell Governor Bredesen that he has a duty to protect Tennessee's water producing mountains. Tell him that Mountain Top Removal AKA Cross Ridge mining is the final solution for Tennessee's Mountains unless he acts.

Normally Katuah Earth First! regards politicians as scum who are not to be trusted on any level. Power comes from the grassroots–not elected officials. We cannot compete financially with the corporations for large centralized power basis–but we can with decentralized grassroots power. Anarchism is the idea that we don't need large centralized power structures to govern ourselves, and perhaps we don't need to be governed at all.

But tactically at this juncture in our campaign here in Tennessee all the arrows are pointing to our state agencies. Philosophical objections to an existing power base is all very well–but we must save our mountains. The Tennessee Department of Environment (TDEC) is regulates water permits for Tennessee. Mountain Top Removal AKA Cross Ridge Mining by its very nature destroys highland watersheds.

Call Governor Bredesen and request that he tell TDEC to get off the fence and enforce the law against these rapacious mountain gobbling coal companies. Also call TDEC officials and ask to speak to the TDEC commissioner Betsy Child. TDEC and Governor Bredesen–we need to get thousands of people to call/email/fax these people–polite but a grassroots push.

Take 5 minutes to do some internet research on the subject. Goto the website mountainjusticesummer.org Email, call and fax. Our goal is to get several thousand people to comment in some manner or form. 300 people could save one of Tennessee's mountain ranges on the Cumberland Plateau. 1 contact could save a mountain. You could be the call/email/ letter that saves a stream, highland watershed–or even a mountain.

It's a hassle calling public officials but at this time this is a solid commitment of energy. Governor Bredesen is an avid fisherman that fishes the Cumberland River. TDEC has been wavering lately on the wisdom of being a rubber stamp for the final solution for our watersheds. A massive landslide happened in the New River area in February from an "reclaimed" mine site that has alarmed the State of Tennessee–not to mention getting a huge color photo in the Knoxville paper.

In terms of our campaign in Tennessee for once old fashion lobbying on a targeted basis can create significant obstacles in the path of the greedy coal companies after Tennessee's mountains. In short–now is the time to call TDEC and Bredesen.

Below are the numbers/and emails to contact. Be polite–this is Tennessee and rudeness to staff of the State would be a tactical blunder–educate don't eradicate. Constant inquires and lobbying will have effect at this juncture in our struggle to save our mountains. Thank you so much for helping the mountain of Appalachia with a few minutes of your time.

Bredesen prefers to look the other way as permits for the destruction of our mountains are handed out like candy. Zeb Mountain is currently being torn apart for corporate short term profits. The mountains of Tennessee not only provide us with clean water, abundant wildlife, places to recreate and tourism opportunities, but most of all our mountains are the backbone of Tennessee's cultural heritage.

Contact Governor Bredesen and tell him to stop the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) from giving permits to out of state coal companies like National Coal Company (from Florida), or to any coal company. Make him force TDEC to follow the law and its own regulations. The Tennessee Water Quality Control Act forbids issuing permits for activities that pollute the waters of the state. Mountain top removal blows up the mountains layer by layer, destroying everything that lives in them.

Katuah Earth First!
Ministry of Mountain Propaganda Faction

Email: phil.bredesen@state.tn.us
Sure, give him a call!
Phone: 615.741.2001
Fax: 615.532.9711
Contact Phil & ask him to do his job.
Governor's Office
Tennessee State Capitol
Nashville, TN 37243-0001

TDEC Commissioner Betsy Child: Betsy.Child (at) state.tn.us

Dave Turner: Dave.Turner@state.tn.us
Don Owens: Don.Owens@state.tn.us
Bredesen: Phil.Bredesen@state.tn.us
Alan Leiserson: Alan.Leiserson@state.tn.us (TDEC's lawyer)

TDEC homepage
(888) 891-TDEC (8332)
401 Church Street
L & C Annex
1st Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0435
Governor's office
Tennessee State Capital
\Nashville, TN 37243-001

Check out Mountain Justice Summer-an effort to save our Mountains based on Rewood and Mississippi summers.

For the Mountains!

Mountain Justice Summer
Please visit http://www.mountainjusticesummer.org for more info.


Mountain Justice Summer (MJS) seeks to add to the growing anti-MTR citizens' movement. Specifically, MJS demands an abolition of MTR, steep slope strip mining and all other forms of surface mining for coal. We want to protect the cultural and natural heritage of the Appalachia coalfields. We want to contribute with grassroots organizing, public education, nonviolent civil disobedience and other forms of citizen action.

Historically, coal companies have engaged in violence and property destruction when faced with citizen opposition to their activities. MJS is committed to nonviolence and will not be engaged in property destruction.

Sign up for our electronic newsletter.

Please let us know about your action. If you need more info, please email:
annebonnylives (at) yahoo.com
johnjef (at) bledsoe.net
bamsterman (at) charter.net
edge37343 (at) yahoo.com

Good other websites with lots of mountain top removal info:
http://www.ohvec.org, http://www.appvoices.org

Worldwide Day of Protest against the Iraq War

March 12, 2005

Today is a special day. It’s the 75-year anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s famous “salt march.” On March 12, 1930, Gandhi began a 240-mile march to nonviolently resist the British tax on salt and move India closer to independence from British rule. Gandhi changed India and the world, with his relentless, nonviolent struggle for peace and justice. (For more on Gandhi’s life, click here .)

Today is also important because it begins our 7-day countdown to the March 19 worldwide day of protest against the Iraq war. Next Saturday, people throughout the world will raise our voices on the two-year anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq to say NO to war, torture and occupation, and YES to international law, human rights, and respect our planet and its inhabitants!

We hope the life and philosophy of Gandhi will inspire you to join CODEPINK out on the streets on March 19. And if that's not enough inspiration, below we’ve provided some of our top reasons for opposing the Iraq war and occupation (below.) These are available as a flyer in PDF format on the website of our good friends at Global Exchange:

And here’s one more reminder of where CODE PINK will be focusing our energies on March 19:

Fayetteville, NC ­ Home of Fort Bragg, 82nd Airborne, Special Forces
March 19 march and rally at Rowan Street Park, 11 AM ­ 4 PM, with military families, veterans, and others. Click here for more information about CODEPINK’s plans:

San Diego, CA ­ Home of Camp Pendleton
On Thursday, March 17, CODEPINK members and supporters begin a 40-mile peace procession from Oceanside Pier. The procession ends at the March 19 rally at Balboa Park, 2 PM. For more info check out our March 19 action page:

Peace Ribbon Project
CODEPINK is creating a peace “ribbon” with panels representing each life that has been claimed by the war in Iraq. This beautiful memorial will first be displayed on March 19 in Fayetteville. Please consider making a panel. Go to the Peace Ribbon page for more details:

Local Protests
See http://www.unitedforpeace.org to find out about March 19 protests planned in your city or town.

Let's join with the majority of the people in the world on March 19 and let them know we stand with them for peace! As Gandhi said, “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS.”

See you in the streets,
Andrea, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy and Tiffany

Why It's Time to End the US Military Occupation of Iraq

Occupation Puts US Soldiers At Risk
With more than 1,500 US troops killed and over 25,000 wounded, it's clear that even though the big battles are over, the fighting in Iraq has not stopped. US soldiers are at grave risk in Iraq, and continue to suffer even after they come home. Troops returning to the U.S. are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and are even turning up in homeless shelters in cities through the country.

Iraq is in Chaos, and the Occupation is Making Things Worse
According to a study published in the respected medical journal The Lancet, some 100,000 Iraqis have lost their lives in the war and occupation, and most of those deaths are due to the U.S. military campaign. Iraqis are afraid to leave their homes, because they could be killed by U.S. soldiers or suicide bombers. Fear of violence, abduction and rape has emptied the streets of women.

Occupying Iraq Makes Us Less Safe
The ongoing US military presence in Iraq - and plans to build 14 permanent military bases there - is inflaming anti-American sentiment throughout the Middle East and around the world. According to the US National Intelligence Council, the war in Iraq has created "a training and recruitment ground (for terrorists), and an opportunity for terrorists to enhance their technical skills."

The Iraqis Don't Want Us There
An overwhelming majority Iraqis (82% of Sunnis and 69% of Shiites) want the U.S. military to leave after an elected Iraqi government is in place. If we really believe in democracy, then we should listen to the demands of the Iraqi people and leave their country. There can be no liberation in the midst of a military occupation, and the Iraqi election didn't change that reality.

Occupation Takes Resources Away From Priorities At Home
The invasion and occupation of Iraq has already cost more than $153 billion, and the Bush administration has just asked Congress for another $82 billion for 2005. At the same time, community programs are being cut in every state in the country - from public libraries to schools to hospitals to train service - and the deficit is reaching record levels. Our social and homeland security needs should not become part of the war's "collateral damage."

Antimatter Weapons, Space Wars, "Bunker Buster" Nukes


From Global Network

Fünf Schüler leisten wichtige Basisforschung

Die Arbeit



SPAICHINGEN - Wertvolle Basisforschung, für die Wissenschaftler an Universitäten und in Labors dankbar sein werden, haben fünf Abiturienten des Spaichinger Gymnasiums geleistet. Dafür erhielten sie kürzlich erste Preise beim Regionalwettbewerb "Jugend forscht" (wir haben bereits berichtet).

Von unserem Mitarbeiter Kai Penning

Das Team, das in Biologie gewonnen hat, besteht aus Maria Ritter und Wasgan Wolski (beide 19 Jahre). Sie untersuchten die Auswirkung des Mobiltelefonierens auf die roten Blutkörperchen. Dieses Gebiet ist so gut wie nicht erforscht. Experten streiten schon länger darüber, ob sich das Blut nach einem Handytelefonat wirklich verklumpt und so genannte Blutcluster bildet. Deshalb versuchten die beiden Abiturienten das in einem Versuch zu klären. Mehreren Personen, die 24 Stunden das Handy nicht benutzen durften, wurde zuerst Blut abgenommen. Direkt danach ließen die Jungforscher ihre Probanden 20 Sekunden lang mit einem Mobiltelefon telefonieren, um ihnen danach noch einmal Blut am Ohrläppchen und am Finger abzuzapfen. Zuguterletzt wurden die Versuchspersonen zehn Minuten später zum finalen Aderlass, wieder an Ohrläppchen und Finger, geführt.

Nach jedem Blutabnehmen wurde das Blutbild mit einer selbstentworfenen Apparatur aus Mikroskop und Digitalkamera fotografiert. Zum Schluss ergab das eine Gesamtmenge von 255 Bildern von 51 Personen.

SPAICHINGEN - Wertvolle Basisforschung, für die Wissenschaftler an Universitäten und in Labors dankbar sein werden, haben fünf Abiturienten des Spaichinger Gymnasiums geleistet. Dafür erhielten sie kürzlich erste Preise beim Regionalwettbewerb "Jugend forscht" (wir haben bereits berichtet).

Von unserem Mitarbeiter Kai Penning

Das Team, das in Biologie gewonnen hat, besteht aus Maria Ritter und Wasgan Wolski (beide 19 Jahre). Sie untersuchten die Auswirkung des Mobiltelefonierens auf die roten Blutkörperchen. Dieses Gebiet ist so gut wie nicht erforscht. Experten streiten schon länger darüber, ob sich das Blut nach einem Handytelefonat wirklich verklumpt und so genannte Blutcluster bildet. Deshalb versuchten die beiden Abiturienten das in einem Versuch zu klären. Mehreren Personen, die 24 Stunden das Handy nicht benutzen durften, wurde zuerst Blut abgenommen. Direkt danach ließen die Jungforscher ihre Probanden 20 Sekunden lang mit einem Mobiltelefon telefonieren, um ihnen danach noch einmal Blut am Ohrläppchen und am Finger abzuzapfen. Zuguterletzt wurden die Versuchspersonen zehn Minuten später zum finalen Aderlass, wieder an Ohrläppchen und Finger, geführt.

Nach jedem Blutabnehmen wurde das Blutbild mit einer selbstentworfenen Apparatur aus Mikroskop und Digitalkamera fotografiert. Zum Schluss ergab das eine Gesamtmenge von 255 Bildern von 51 Personen.

Das Ergebnis dieser Feldstudie ist brisant: Nach jedem Telefonat war eine eindeutige Clusterbildung an Ohr und Finger zu erkennen und selbst auf den Bildern, die zehn Minuten später aufgenommen wurde, waren noch deutliche Blutcluster sichtbar.

Um ihre bahnbrechenden Ergebnisse abzusichern, machten Maria Ritter und Wasgan Wolski einen Leerversuch nach dem gleichen Verfahren wie die übrigen Versuche, nur dass das Handy 20 Sekunden lang ausgeschaltet war. Ergebnis: Es kam zu keiner Clusterbildung.

Der nächste Schritt wäre zu untersuchen, welche Auswirkungen die Blutverklumpung hat. Naheliegend wäre zum Beispiel eine erhöhte Thrombosegefahr und dass durch die Oberflächenverkleinerung der roten Blutkörperchen weniger Sauerstoff transportiert wird.

Programm hilft Cluster erfassen

Das Siegerteam im Bereich Mathematik und Informatik besteht aus Carlo Heimburger (19) und Christian Herman (19), die sich um ihren Teamchef Matthias Gorzellik (19) formiert haben. Ursprünglich wollte das Trio ein Computerprogramm schreiben, das zusammenhängende Strukturen erkennen und die roten Blutkörperchen in den Clustern zählen sollte, um der anderen Gruppe zu helfen. Doch dies erwies sich nicht nur als schwerer als zuerst gedacht, sondern entwickelte sich schon bald zu einer vollkommen eigenständigen Arbeit.

Denn das Blut auf den Bildern war so eng miteinander verklumpt, dass es schon wieder eine einzelne Einheit ergab. Deshalb musste das andere Team seine Definition der Cluster.

Fast zwei Jahre dauert die Entwicklung des Programms nun schon. Angefangen haben die drei Schüler noch ohne jegliche Programmierkenntnisse. Deshalb verbrachten sie gut ein Jahr lang damit, sich selbst mit Hilfe von Fachliteratur diese Kunst beizubringen, Ideen zu sammeln und diese auch zu verwirklichen.

Im zweiten Jahr konnten sie dann richtig zur Sache gehen und durch konzentriertes, ausdauerndes und gezieltes Arbeiten schnell erste Erfolge erzielen. Inzwischen kann ihr Programm die Strukturen in kontrastreichen Bilder erkennen. Doch das reicht den ehrgeizigen Gymnasiasten noch nicht - sie wollen ihr Programm so weit optimieren, das es seine ursprüngliche Aufgabe erfüllen kann: Es würde dann den Biologen das mühsame Zählen von Hand ersparen.

Besonders bedanken wollen sich die fünf Abiturienten bei ihrem Lehrer Dr. Markus Ziegler, der nicht nur die Forschungs-AG am Gymnasium ins Leben gerufen hat und leitet, sondern auch weil er ihnen immer mit guten Tipps und Vorschlägen zur Seite gestanden ist. Dr. Ziegler freut sich natürlich auch riesig über gewonnen Preisen und erhofft sich davon zusätzliche Motivation bei den restlichen Arbeiten, von denen einige voraussichtlich nächstes Jahr bei "Jugend forscht" teilnehmen werden.

Die beiden Gruppen werden Mitte diesen Monats noch an dem Landeswettbewerb teilnehmen, für den sie sich qualifiziert haben.}

Zwei Forschungsgruppen am Spaichinger Gymnasium haben erste Preise bei "Jugend forscht" geschafft: Maria Ritter (v. l.) und Wasgan Wolski erforschten die Auswirkungen des Mobiltelefonierens, Christian Herman, Matthias Gorzellik und Carlo Heimburger (v. r.) halfen den beiden, indem sie ein Computerprogramm schrieben, mit dessen Hilfe man Blutcluster erfassen kann. Beide Teams wurden von Dr. Markus Ziegler (3. v. l.) betreut. Foto: Penning

(Stand: 07.03.2005 00:18)


Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 13.03.2005


Modulation beeinflusst das Gehirn

Offenbach-Post 01.04.05


Keine Verharmlosung von Fakten!

Gepulste (modulierte) Handystrahlen verursachen nicht nur eine erhöhte Aktivität der Hirnrinde. Wie erst neulich Gymnasiasten in Spaichingen bei einem Regionalwettbewerb „Jugend forscht“ mit ganz einfachen Mitteln festgestellt haben, verklumpte das Blut bei ihren Probanden bereits nach einem 20-Sekunden-Handy-Telefonat. Die Verklumpung löst sich erst nach geraumer Zeit wieder auf. Die Gefahr durch die Verklumpung des Blutes (auch Geldrollenbildung genannt) läge in der Thrombosenbildung. Auch würde durch die Oberflächenverkleinerung der roten Blutkörperchen weniger Sauerstoff transportiert. In einer ähnlichen Untersuchung stellte eine Umweltmedizinerin fest, dass auch bei Nicht-Handy-Telefonierern im Abstand von 1,7 Meter zu den Handy-Nutzern diese Verklumpung festgestellt wurde. Das heißt im Klartext, auch Nichttelefonierer sind ständig der Gesundheitsgefährdung durch andere ausgesetzt, ohne es nur zu ahnen! Nicht aus Spaß rät das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz zur Vorsorge im Umgang mit dem Handy!

Wie auch in der neuesten europäischen REFLEX-Studie festgestellt wurde, führt diese Technologie zu DNA-Brüchen - das bedeutet, mit Erbschäden ist zu rechnen. Und die Gefahr durch die Sender (Mobilfunkantennen) darf hierbei nicht ungeachtet bleiben, denn die Strahlen treffen uns alle. Unser Körper wird fremdbestimmt mit gepulsten Mikrowellenstrahlen ohne Unterbrechung tagein tagaus belastet. Und mangels Aufklärung erfreuen sich viele Mitmenschen aus Bequemlichkeit auch noch an einem schnurlosen DECT-Telefon. Sie haben damit eine Basisstation (ähnlich einer Mobilfunkantenne) in den eigenen vier Wänden, deren Strahlung aufgrund der direkten Nähe noch weitaus höher ist! Wundern wir uns also noch über die vielen plötzlich und unerwarteten Todesfälle?

Marianne Kirst, Kriftel


Auswirkungen eines Handy Telefonats von nur 90 Sekunden Dauer

Jugend forscht: Geldrollenbildung

Jugend forscht – und findet Geldrolleneffekt

Geldrollenphänomen: Wenn das Blut verklebt, drohen Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall

Krebshäufung in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen

Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Red blood cells lump by mobile phone



I have only heard of a few churches in the United States speaking out against the wars in the Middle East. One I recall the name of is the Quaker religion. There should also be corporations speaking out against the wars in the Middle East. The only people that are benefiting from those wars are the war profiteers such as President George W. Bush, his V.P. Dick Cheney, and a few other people that have contracts related to those wars. Most corporations aren't benefiting from those wars.

There are numerous good reasons to get the wars in the Middle East stopped. Below is a portion of a website I've written that has facts that many churches and corporations should know to help them to be convinced to speak out against the Middle Eastern wars. While every church and corporation may not want to have a protest, they could easily send out letters to President George W. Bush, Congress, and especially to the mainstream media expressing their discontent with the Middle Eastern wars. Please refer many churches and corporations to read this message. Feel free to forward this message or copy and paste it into a blank e-mail form and send it to them via e-mail. Because churches and corporations have more clout getting their assistance could be very effective at getting these wars stopped and thus preventing more war deaths.

Deborah Reid

Now the U.S.A. is engaged in war again but now in the Middle Eastern countries. When I first heard the news of the September 11, 2001 terrorists' attacks upon the U.S.A. that brought tears to my eyes. Some of my first thoughts were, with all of the billions or even trillions of U.S.A. tax dollars that have been spent on defense, how could such an attack be possible. Later on the Internet I read that the air space along the U.S.A.'s borders are supposed to be guarded by military jets. However, on that day it was reported that orders were being given that were contrary to the best interests of guarding Americans from such attacks.

I've also learned from the Internet that people have come across evidence that convinces them that the September 11, 2001 terrorists' attacks were allowed and even orchestrated by traitorous people - both Americans and foreigners - that wanted an excuse to have wars upon the Middle Eastern countries to take control of their oil. I've read that Saddam Hussein wanted to be paid for the oil in Euros, which have more value than the U.S. dollar, last I heard about 30 cents more value, and that President George W. Bush didn't want to pay for Iraq's oil with Euros. I've read that the real reason for the war upon Afghanistan is to set up a puppet government to enable putting an oil pipeline through that country to transport Iraq's oil to Israel. I've read that the real reason for the war upon Iraq is to set up a puppet government so that the U.S.A. can control the oil and not have to pay for it in Euros. I've learned that some Americans - Bush and his friends - are getting richer from war profiteering from the wars upon Afghanistan and Iraq.

With the cost of the wars upon the Middle Eastern countries and the rebuilding costs it would have been less expensive for the American taxpayers to have paid for Iraq's oil using Euros.

- snip -

I've read that many billions of U.S.A. tax dollars have been spent on those wars. I've read that more wars upon Middle Eastern countries and countries in South America, as they have oil too, are considered desirable by Bush and his team. All such wars are very expensive and putting the U.S.A. further into national debt.

>From reading the U.S. Constitution I can tell the U.S.A.'s founders didn't intend for the U.S.A. to be having unnecessary wars upon foreign countries. Any wars were only to be for defence of Americans. These pre-emptive empire building wars were not what the U.S.A. founders had in mind. The first U.S.A. President George Washington even warned about such entanglements with foreign countries.

As a result of the wars upon the Middle Eastern countries resulting in injuries, disabilities, and many premature deaths of foreigners and American soldiers as well as the billions of U.S.A. tax dollars that have been spent are Americans safer? No. The supposed Homeland Security Program hasn't taken the proper measures to make the U.S.A. secure. They completely ignore what is most needed such as securing the U.S.A. borders to keep out illegal aliens. Thus illegal aliens may have already brought nuclear suitcase bombs into the U.S.A.

- snip -

Due to Bush and his team having wars upon the Middle Eastern countries numerous countries that have nuclear bombs are teaming up together. Russia and China, which both have nuclear bombs, were former rivals during the cold war, but are now allies. They are going to invite India, which also has nuclear bombs, as well as Brazil to be allies in their team. China has a deal with Iran for gas and oil. Iran is one of the countries that Bush is considering to subject to war by the U.S.A. Such war would most likely inspire China with their allies the Russians to retaliate against the U.S.A. - possibly with one or more nuclear bombs. I've read that Bush's team member Condeleeza Rice has recently been scolding Russia's President Putin about Russia's way of running their government........How much are those countries going to take off of the U.S.A. President Bush and his team? If Bush and his team don't calm down and start to respect foreign countries, we may soon find out.

While Bush and his team have access to nuclear bomb shelters and stockpiles of survival goods, most Americans aren't prepared for the worst case scenario. That's why the uninformed Americans that are for the unnecessary wars need to be educated about the total picture and hopefully be inspired to be for honor, wisdom, and goodness in regards to foreign policy and be against corruption, foolishness, and evil in regards to foreign policy.



Mitteilung von Cyril Smith:

In einer englischen Zeitung: Electromagnetic Hazards and Therapy 2002, Vol. 11 und 13 erschienen zwei Artikel von C. Smith über die Wirkung von Abstrahlungen von Sendern im allgemeinen und über Mobilfunk im speziellen. Cyril Smith schickte einigen von uns dazu einen längeren, noch nicht veröffentlichten Artikel.

Aus Statistiken über die Häufigkeit von Krebs (Leukämie) in der Zeit von 1974 bis 1986 in Schottland und Wales geht hervor, daß diese keineswegs in der Nähe der Sender am höchsten ist und dann mit der Entfernung abnimmt. Vielmehr ist die Krebshäufigkeit in der Nähe der Sender sogar niedriger als kalkuliert, wächst dann aber erheblich an, um zwischen 3 und 5 km etwa das 50-fache zu erreichen und dann bis 10 km (weiter gehen die Statistiken nicht) in etwa konstant zu bleiben.

Das zeigt, daß hier nicht die elektromagnetischen Felder wirken, sondern morphogenetische Felder, die Informationen übertragen. Für diese ist es charakteristisch, daß sie erst unterhalb bestimmter Feldstärken ihre Wirkung entfalten und dann bis zu relativ geringen Intensitäten gleichbleibende Wirkung haben, da sie von der Schärfe der Strukturen (Kohärenz) abhängig sind und nicht von der Intensität (Energie). (Die Lesbarkeit einer Schrift wird bei dickem Strich schlecht und nimmt dann bis zu einer sehr geringen Strichstärke kaum ab, - als kurze Erklärung für etwas kompliziertere Verhältnisse). Da die Statistiken in verschiedenen Gebieten von G. Britannien aufgenommen wurden, müssen sich geographische Effekte herausmitteln.

Ich habe schon vor Jahren festgestellt, daß die Stärke elektromagnetischer Felder in unseren Städten um mehr als das Hunderfache über den Werten liegen, die von Baubiologen angenommen und vorgeschlagen wurden (anhand von Werten die in ländlichen Gegenden üblich sind, nicht anhand von irgendwelchen Untersuchungen).

Die Stärke dieser Felder ist eher ein Schutz gegen morphogenetische Wirkungen als umgekehrt, wenigstens bis zu der Grenze, an denen wirkliche energetische (thermische) Wirkungen auftreten. (in einer lauten Volksmenge verstehen wir nicht, wenn uns jemand beschimpft)

Informationswirkungen haben auch die von H. Baumer und W. Sönning untersuchten SFERICS, die Baumer ganz richtig als Informationen messen konnte, was von der anerkannten Wissenschaft nicht begriffen wird.

Das Thema wird uns weiter beschäftigen, und um die uns vorliegenden Überlegungen von Cyril Smith zu dem Thema wirklich zu verarbeiten, benötige ich noch einige Zeit.

Nachricht von Ruth Gill

Did a Neutron Star Explosion from across the Milky Way Galaxy cause the Asian Tsunami?


From ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space

Muslims are treated like terrorists

There’s one law for us and one for others’

From Information Clearing House

Mistreatment of Muslim inmates cited

The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General said yesterday it had ''found a disturbing pattern of discriminatory and retaliatory actions against Muslim inmates" by the warden and guards at an unnamed federal prison.


From Information Clearing House

Guantánamo jail switch planned

US inmates face threat of worse abuse under scheme to send them to prisons in their own countries.


From Information Clearing House

You Are Watching the Big Brother


Informant: Yoshie

From ufpj-news

Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged Television News

"White House News Forgeries Widespread"

This shoddy law is a defeat for all of us

UK: This shoddy law is a defeat for all of us:

Forget terrorism. It's our politicians we should be most worried about.


From Information Clearing House

US, Cuba and Democracy

As numerous interventions have demonstrated, the engine of American foreign policy has been fueled, not by a devotion to democracy, but rather by the desire to: 1)make the world safe for American transnational corporations...

The Hon. John Bolton Nominated as U.S. Ambassador to the UN

A member of the JINSA Board of Advisors - is responsible for withdrawing withdrawing the U.S. signature from the treaty on the International Criminal Court with its provisions that contradict the U.S. Constitution; withdrawing the U.S. signature from the unworkable Kyoto Treaty.


From Information Clearing House

Move Up the Date For Armageddon

John Bolton is known for being arrogant, humorless, self-righteous and confrontational, and he hates the United Nations. In other words, the perfect diplomat.


From Information Clearing House

Both Parties Try to Exclude People from Voting

The Toothpaste Election:

Democracy is Dead : Report Documents Republican Abuse of Power

A Congressional Report (pdf) on the Unprecedented Erosion of the Democratic Process in the 108th Congress.


From Information Clearing House

A Case Study in Postwar Chaos

The dealings of coalition officials in Iraq and a contractor now accused of fraud illustrate what went wrong in early rebuilding efforts.


From Information Clearing House

Soldiers on the cheap

There is one inequity that the federal government should address: the pay disparities for reservists and National Guard members.


From Information Clearing House

Uri Avnery: Bush's Guru

The idea that the teachings of this particular political philosopher are the guiding star of the mightiest leader in the world, the commander of the biggest military machine in history, is rather frightening.

From Information Clearing House

A thrilling epic of freedom

Nothing will stand in the way of the American spin, which connects events of differing backgrounds and unique circumstances into a thrilling epic of a "freedom intifada" that is spreading all over the Arab world, and which will confront terror and be victorious over it.


From Information Clearing House

A Template for the U.S. War in Iraq

The aspiring historian of the current U.S. war in Iraq can draw upon earlier narratives to ease the burden, merely substituting a word here and there in order to make the text accord with the specific names and places that are now pertinent.


From Information Clearing House

Abu Ghraib whitewash

This whitewash is typical of the reports issued by the Bush administration on the abuse, humiliation, and torture of prisoners at camps run by the military and the Central Intelligence Agency.


From Information Clearing House

International group of doctors blast official toll of Iraqi civil dead

A group of top public-health physicians has branded the official toll of civilian dead from the Iraqi war as a serious underestimate and demanded an independent probe to establish the full casualty figures.


From Information Clearing House

Ex-Marine criticizes war, recruitment

"I was in a controlled environment for 12 years," Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey, 33, said. He said unethical recruiting techniques and the shooting of civilians in Iraq have prompted him to speak out against the U.S. government.


From Information Clearing House

Former Marine offers cautionary war story

' Why did you do this? Why did you kill my brother? We're not terrorists.'


From Information Clearing House

Targeting Guiliana

Former Intel Officer: The US Considered Her a Military Target

From Information Clearing House

War crime claims

Massey claims, he and his men had killed 30 Iraqi civilians. He says he and the others are guilty of war crimes.

Iraq War Veteran Presents 'A True Picture of Iraq'

What the corporate news won't print that you will find at Veterans for Common Sense: "Critical of the U.S. media and Bush administration, a veteran of the war in Iraq spoke Thursday night about the realities of the conflict, saying that U.S. soldiers there were ill-equipped, poorly trained and largely unsupportive of the war."


Montana Governor Wants Guard Troops Removed from Iraq to Prevent Forest Fires

Montana is at such high risk for a wildfire "blow up" this summer that Gov. Brian Schweitzer (Democrat) wants at least some of the 1,500 National Guard soldiers in Iraq and elsewhere to return home for the wildfire season.


Guard's 'draft' duty in Iraq is backfiring

President Bush has "drafted" more than 108,000 of our 333,000 Guardsmen and women for endless months of dangerous duty in Iraq.


U.S. Army Murdered Two Afghan Prisoners While They Were Chained to Ceiling

Torture: U.S. Army Murdered Two Afghan Prisoners While They Were Chained to Ceiling

Sadly, the New York Times headline says "abuse." What happened was murder. In a case of self-censorship, the New York Times failed to report the murders and torture are authorized at the highest levels of the Bush administration. As corporate news covers the murders in Atlanta, the murders of Afghan and Iraqi civilians are ignored. A threat to justice for anyone is a threat to freedom for everyone.


White Republicans Restrict Black Access to Voting

Jim Crow Re-Born in Georgia: White Republicans Restrict Black Access to Voting

Paraphrasing the Rev. Martin Niemoller, when one citizen is in jeopardy, then all of us should be in great fear we could loose our liberties. Georgia State Senator Vincent Fort (Democrat - Atlanta) should be hailed as a national hero for staging a walkout among Senators to protest the return to racism and voter supression by the Republican white majority in Georgia. While the news focuses on murders in Atlanta, the state legislature meeting in the same town stole the voting rights of many American citizens.


Bird flu could kill 2 million Britons


Informant: Charles Bremer

Falluja was wiped out


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Chained, Kicked And Beaten To Death By U.S. Soldiers

Two Afghan prisoners who died in American custody in Afghanistan in December 2002 were chained to the ceiling, kicked and beaten by American soldiers in sustained assaults that caused their deaths, according to Army criminal investigative reports that have not yet been made public.

Khatami condemns 'military pressure'

Iran's president has said that wealthy nations cannot keep today's technology for themselves alone and that Iran must be prepared to defend itself if necessary.


From Information Clearing House

Cheney: Stronger Action If Iran Doesn't Meet International Vows

U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that if Iran doesn't live up to its "international obligations to forego a nuclear program, then obviously we'll have to take stronger action."

Saddam's Capture: Just Another Bush Lie?

The account of American troops capturing Saddam and pulling him from his subterranean hovel has turned out to be just another Bush lie.

By Mike Whitney

Sergeant Nadim Abou Rabeh, who participated in the operation that netted Saddam, was quoted in the Saudi newspaper "Al-Medina" saying that the Iraqi leader was actually captured the day before and that "the public version of his capture was fabricated." The entire event was apparently choreographed by a Pentagon public relations team.

The Spoils of War

Halliburton a company much like the law practice in John Grisham's novel The Firm: a rogue operation, with corrupt management, cynically conning the federal government as it rakes in billions of ill-earned taxpayer dollars.

Michael Shnayerson

Halliburton subsidiary KBR got $12 billion worth of exclusive contracts for work in Iraq. But even more shocking is how KBR spent some of the money. Former U.S. Army Corps of Engineers official Bunnatine Greenhouse is blowing the whistle on the Dick Cheney–linked company's profits of war.

U.S. Marines Engaged in Mock Executions of Iraqi Juveniles

The documents the ACLU released today, describe substantiated incidents of torture and abuse by U.S. Marines, including:

holding a pistol to the back of a detainee’s head while another Marine took a picture (Karbala, May 2003) ordering four Iraqi juveniles to kneel while a pistol was "discharged to conduct a mock execution" (Adiwaniyah, June 2003) severely burning a detainee’s hands by covering them in alcohol and igniting them (Al Mumudiyah, August 2003), and shocking a detainee with an electric transformer, causing the detainee to "dance" as he was shocked (Al Mumudiyah, April 2004).

That’s me, a marine, a murderer of civilians’

“I was a sergeant with the Third Marine Battalion during the invasion, in the spring of 2003.”

“We killed more than 30 people. That was the first time that I had to face up to the horror that my hands were soiled with the blood of civilians. We laid down cluster bombs on them. - “We ended up massacring innocent civilians – men, women, and children."

Arctic and Midwest climate change


Informant: Anna Webb

Health Trouble in Electric Land



Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Finnische Regierung will letzte Urwälder abholzen

Deutsche und finnische Greenpeace-Aktivisten der Urwaldschutzstation in Lappland haben damit begonnen, die bedrohten Urwälder bei Inari zu kennzeichnen. Bei arktischem Winterwetter bringen sie zusammen mit den Ureinwohnern Nordfinnlands, den Sami, entlang der Grenze eines 5,5 Quadratkilometer großen Gebietes Schilder an mit dem Hinweis: "Kein Einschlag - wichtiger Rentierwald". Der Grund für den Protest nördlich des Polarkreises: Die finnische Regierung lässt erneut Urwälder einschlagen, die für die Rentierzucht wichtig sind. Dadurch sind die Sami in ihrer Existenz und Kultur bedroht. Die Urwälder sind wichtige Futterquellen für ihre Herden.


UN-Vollversammlung stimmt für Klonverbot

Die UN-Vollversammlung entschied am Dienstag dieser Woche, dass die nationalen Regierungen weltweit ein vollständiges Klon-Verbot in ihrem Gesetz zu verankern hätten. Damit brachte der Versammlung in New York die Konvention zum Schutz "menschlichen Lebens" vor dem Klonen im zweiten Anlauf auf den Weg.


Neem-Patent vom Europäischen Patentamt widerrufen

Am 8. März 05 wurde das Neem-Patent EP 436257 am Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) verhandelt und endgültig widerrufen. Diesmal befasste sich die Technische Beschwerdekammer, die zweite Instanz im EPA, mit diesem Fall. Ruth Tippe meint dazu: "Das Europäische Patentamt zeigt durch diese Entscheidung, dass indigenes, traditionelles Wissen anerkannt und nicht einfach ignoriert wird. Es ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, der uns Mut macht, weiter zu arbeiten."


Aufsichtsbeamte für Gentechnik sind parteiisch

"Report Mainz" hat am Montag dieser Woche berichtet, Bundesbeamte, die für die Sicherheit von Genpflanzen und die Genehmigung ihrer Freisetzung zuständig sind, hätten sich von den Agro-Gentechnik-Firmen für Werbe-Zwecke einsetzen lassen.


Chinas Holzbedarf steigt und wird zu großen Teilen aus illegalen Quellen gedeckt

China ist nach den USA der zweitgrößte Markt für Holz und Holzprodukte – leider mit gravierenden Auswirkungen auf den Zustand der Wälder: Einem aktuellen WWF-Bericht zufolge, der heute in Hongkong präsentiert wird, kommt mehr als die Hälfte des in China verwendeten und verarbeiteten Holzes aus Ländern wie Russland, Malaysia und Indonesien, in denen der illegale Holzeinschlag weit verbreitet ist und der Raubbau an den letzten ursprünglichen Wäldern wie im Zeitraffer voranschreitet.


A Warning to the British People


Bomb a Democracy "With Clean Conscience"



Raymond Lemme Crime Scene Photos Said Not to Exist are Published on Net!

Photos, Evidence and FDOT Involvement with Valdosta, GA Police Raise New Questions in Mysterious Death!

Blogged by Brad on 3/8/2005 @ 2:23am PT...

The case of the mysterious suicide of Raymond Lemme of the Florida Inspector General's office was reopened by Valdosta, Georgia police last December shortly after we broke the story of computer programmer Clint Curtis' sworn affidavit charging that he had built a "vote-rigging software prototype" at the request of Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)!


Furthermore, graphic and disturbing photos from the crime scene -- said in the original police report to have not existed due to a failure in the camera's "flash memory cards" -- have recently been published on the web!

Those crime scene photos, which clearly do exist, can be viewed via this link . [...]

Read the rest at:

© Virginia Metze

Who Is John Bolton?


© Virginia Metze

Forest Blockades in Australia


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Fraud and Chaos in U.S. Rebuilding of Iraq


We Beat Prisoners to Death, Says U.S. Army



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