
Action Alert for Protection of Wild Horses

From the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros…

Carrie Dann

Western Shoshone Defense Project
P.O. Box 211308
Crescent Valley, NV 89821
(775) 468-0230
Fax: (775) 468-0237

-----Original Message-----
From: International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros [mailto:ispmb@lakotanetwork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:44 PM
To: Carrie Dann

Dear Friends of Wild Horses,

We have just gotten word that a bill is being introduced into Congress (it is in the House Resources Committee now) for reinstating the protections previously afforded to America's wild horses and burros. This BILL will stop the proposed slaughter of more than 8,000 wild horses!


· Write and e-mail and phone your Representative and Senators and ask that they SUPPORT HR 297 presented by the Honorable Rep Nick J. Rahall (D-WV). Please ask them to bring the bill to the floor of the Congress.

· Let Representative Rahall know how thrilled you are that he has taken action to save America's icon, the wild horses and burros.

· Let them know that wild horses and burros are the great symbol of our country and represent the freedom we so cherish. Let them know you want them protected from slaughter FOREVER.

· We need letters and e-mails to go out immediately.

· We are asking that you pass this on to as many people as possible to write.


Sample letter:

Dear Honorable (Senator/ Representative):

We are asking for your help today to restore to the rightful place the position that wild horses hold as the great American symbol of freedom that our country so cherishes. Would you please support Representative Rahall's bill HR 297 that is to be introduced into the 109th Congress from the House Resources Committee.

This bill will stop the slaughter of over 8,000 wild horses in our country and restore the protections afforded to wild horses and burros that they have deserved over the past 34 years. By voting for this bill it also will restore the public's confidence in our Congress by assuring that it operates under the principals of "for the people and by the people"

As you know, the support for wild horses crosses all political, cultural, and social lines. This is why we are asking that you support this bill. When the rider #142 was surreptitiously added to the appropriations bill last November, it was done without the will and support of the American people.

We trust that you will rectify this terrible injustice done to our "last living symbol of the West," our wild horses and burros.


January 25, 2005


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Wild horses roaming across our public lands, a symbol of the American West, would no longer be doomed to certain slaughter under legislation introduced today by U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV). Rahall is the Ranking Democrat on the House Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over wild horse policy on federal lands.

"Very few icons of the West remain, and wild horses are certainly a symbol of the frontier era and our nation’s spirit. To allow them to be slaughtered without exhausting all other options, such as adoption, is an affront to our history," declared Rahall.

Rahall’s legislation addresses a provision inserted in a must-pass appropriations bill last year that allows the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service to essentially turn a blind eye to individuals or corporations who buy these animals with the clear intention of cruelly slaughtering them for profit. The Rahall legislation would restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros.

"It has been illegal for the past 33 years to sell or transfer wild horses and burros for processing into commercial products because many Americans abhor the thought. They would be aghast to know that these animals now can and will be slaughtered so their meat can be offered on menus in France, Belgium and Japan," stated Rahall.

The current slaughter policy does not acknowledge the fact that humane alternatives exist and federal agencies have the authority to carry out such actions as adoption, sterilization, relocation, and placement with qualified individuals and organizations.

"To suggest that an acceptable solution to a federal agency’s management dilemma is commercial slaughter is an irresponsible approach to our public lands and the wildlife that roam them," said Rahall.

The federal government has a mediocre record in enforcing wild horse and burro protection laws. But instead of addressing these long-term and widespread management problems, the recent change is simply a quick and dirty fix. Under the guise of "managing" these living symbols of the American West, the agency is now permitted to allow the slaughter of animals that they had been previously charged with their protection."A public outcry has again begun across the United States over the change in law that now allows this disgraceful deed. We need to act before it is too late for thousands of these animals," concluded Rahall.

Karen A. Sussman
President, ISPMB
PO Box 55
Lantry, SD 57636
Tel: 605.964.6866
Cell: 605.365.6991
Saving America's Wild Horses & Burros since 1960


Silberstreif am Horizont?

Hier eine sehr interessante Pressemeldung

Viele Grüße

Ulrich Weiner

Hauptressort: News, Analyse


52 Forschungsprojekte zur Wirkung von Handystrahlung bis 2006 - auch Nachhaltige Unternehmen betroffen

Die Wirkung von Handystrahlung soll in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2006 mit Hilfe von 52 Forschungsprojekten untersucht werden. Das erklärte laut einem Bericht der Pressestelle des Deutschen Bundestages die rot-grüne Bundesregierung in einem Bericht an das Parlament (15/4604).

Auch Nachhaltige Unternehmen wären von negativen Ergebnissen der Untersuchungen massiv betroffen. Dazu zählen beispielsweise der finnische Hersteller von Mobiltelefonen oder der britische Netzbetreiber Vodafone.

Bisher nachgewiesene gesundheitsrelevante Wirkungen elektromagnetischer Felder beruhten auf der Gewebeerwärmung, die bei der Aufnahme elektromagnetischer Energie in Organismen entstehe, hieß es in dem Bericht. Nach wie vor "unbeantwortet" sei dagegen die Frage nach anderen Wirkungsmechanismen so genannter hochfrequenter Felder, "die nicht auf eine Erwärmung zurückgeführt werden können und unterhalb der gesetzlichen Grenzwerte liegen".

Omega: dass die Pulsung von Handystrahlung Auswirkungen hat und dass bei einer derartigen Modulation andere Wirkungen entstehen als rein thermische, ist weder eine Hypothese noch eine reine Behauptung, das ist offiziell vergessenes Wissen, über das kein Wissenschaftler Ende der 90iger mehr offiziell reden durfte, falls er weiterhin Geld bekommen wollte, siehe weiter: „Der Grenzwert ist auf einem Auge blind, lahm dazu“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/461053/ Jetzt tut man, als ob dies ganz etwas Neues, Überraschendes ist, dass erst noch erforscht werden muss.

Mit dem Abschluss der Forschungsvorhaben wird laut der Meldung bis zum Jahr 2006 gerechnet. Zusammen mit Ergebnissen der in verschiedenen Bundesländern laufenden Forschungsprogramme solle dann eine neue Bewertung eventueller gesundheitlicher Auswirkungen durch elektromagnetische Felder möglich sein.

Die Forschungsprojekte werden den Angaben zufolge vom Bundesumweltministerium mit insgesamt 8,5 Millionen Euro unterstützt. Weitere 8,5 Millionen sind laut Bericht durch die Netzbetreiber selbstverpflichtend hinzugekommen. Vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung werde ein Volumen von 7 Millionen Euro zur Förderung strahlungsmindernder Technologien beim Mobilfunksendesystemen bereitgestellt und vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit stehen für Forschungsarbeiten im Zusammenhang mit technischen Regulierungsfragen beim Aufbau der so genannten UMTS-Netze laut Bericht insgesamt 5 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung.

Omega: ein großer Optimist muss man sein, wenn man glaubt, dass bei diesen, von den Netzbetreibern mit finanzierten Forschungen, etwas Negatives für die Mobilfunkbetreiber herauskommen darf und wird. Die Mobilfunkbetreiber werden sich doch wohl den Ast nicht absägen, auf dem sie sitzen. Eine solche, nicht neutrale Forschung ist nutz- und sinnlos und verschlingt nur überflüssiges Geld, das man in Zeiten knapper Kassen sinnvoller anlegen könnte.

Copyright ECOreporter.de

Bundesdruckerei zahlte möglicherweise Honorar ohne Gegenleistung an Volmer-Firma

Geschäftsführer hat gekündigt: Bundesdruckerei zahlte möglicherweise Honorar ohne Gegenleistung an Volmer-Firma (27.01.05)

Die Consultingfirma Synthesis des früheren Staatsministers im Auswärtigen Amt, Ludger Volmer (Grüne), hat von der Bundesdruckerei möglicherweise branchenunübliche Honorare erhalten. "Solche Zahlungen sind unlogisch und in der Höhe unverständlich", sagte ein hochrangiger Ex-Manager der Druckerei der in Berlin erscheinenden Tageszeitung "Die Welt". Nach Auskunft des früheren leitenden Angestellten sei auch keine adäquate Gegenleistung erkennbar. Die Synthesis habe vergangenes Jahr 387 000 Euro Umsatz gemacht. Dieser habe fast ausschließlich auf den Geschäftsbeziehungen zur Bundesdruckerei International Services (BIS) beruht, die für das Ausland zuständig ist. Die BIS will Volmer bei der Auftragsanbahnung in Südafrika, Vietnam und Afghanistan unterstützt haben.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



The End Of Civil Rights: What The U.K.'s New Control Orders Mean For YOU

Britain's parliament has just enacted a new law that allows the government to arrest any U.K. citizen for any reason. Under the terms of these new "Control Orders," those arrested can be held for as long as the government sees fit. Here's how it started and what it means to YOU...


Informant: truthforall2000

Blockade remains in place in Kashechewan


Western Shoshone Defense Project
P.O. Box 211308
Crescent Valley, NV 89821
(775) 468-0230
Fax: (775) 468-0237

From: Northwatch <northwatch@onlink.net>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:10:29 -0500
Subject: [northwatch_mines] MineNews: Blockade remains in place in Kashechewan

Blockade remains in place in Kashechewan

by Teviah Moro

Local News - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 @ 07:00

Demanding an apology from the OPP, members of the Kashechewan First Nation continued to blockade a winter road passing through their community

Tuesday, throwing a wrench in the plans for De Beers' diamond-mine operations.

Members of the Cree First Nation set up the blockade on the winter road used by De Beers Canada to access a future diamond site 90 km west of Attawapiskat when patrolling OPP officers began informing local users of the the road about Highway Traffic Act regulations.

"Our rights as native people have been violated," said Deputy Chief Rebecca Friday. "We demand an apology from the OPP."

Protesters are denying access to OPP officers and De Beers Canada employees but are allowing all other motorists to drive through the blockade, now entering its second week.

In a news release, Kashechewan community leaders and Stan Louttit, Grand Chief of the Mushkegowuk Council, said members of the First Nation using the road to reach trap lines and wood were told by OPP they could no longer use the winter road.

Though no one has been charged, some people using the road were stopped by officers and told to use another route, the news release says.

The Highway Traffic Act says motorists must have driver's licences, automobile insurance and registration.

As many as 80 per cent of the people living in Kashechewan, located 180 kilometres north of Moosonee, don't have driver's licences.

Sgt. Mario Royer of the OPP's Moosonee detachment said he doesn't know when the blockade will end but that officers are respecting the wishes of the First Nation.

"We're not attending the roadblock location. We turn around prior to the blockade."

Royer said officers continue to patrol the road to maintain public safety.

The long stretches of lonely highway can be dangerous for motorists with temperatures dipping down below -40 C, he said.

The OPP came across motorists in a broken down vehicle during one patrol, Royer said.

"They were many miles away from the nearest community."

Louttit said resolve on the winter-road issue in Kashechewan is strong.

Box 282, North Bay P1B 8H2
tel 705 497 0373 fax 476 7060

Informant: Carrie Dann

Microwave oven info

"What these ovens do to food is not good. Apparently the radiation turns proteins into a substance that is not recognised by the body......its amazing how little research has been done into microwaved food and its effects on human health."

Sarah Benson

Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

Microwave Oven Radiations Hazards & Standards

Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

Nuked In Your Kitchen

Do You Microwave Your Food ?

The Effects of Microwave Apparatus on Food and Humans

Microwave ovens cause cancer

Still 'Cooking' With Microwaves?

Microwave Madness

Microwave–ovens cause cancer after all


Microwaves are a hazard to life

Microwaving kills health benefits

Microwaving: Dangers to Your Food and You?

MICROWAVE DANGERS: How unseen frequencies can harm your health

Microwave Oven Radiations Hazards & Standards

Would you stick your head in a microwave oven?

Man turns the Earth into a Microwave–Oven

Microwaved Water: See What It Does To Plants

Microwaves: Microwaving-Dangers To Your Food and You?

Microwaved Water

Microwave oven info



Original: http://tinyurl.com/482my

Omega siehe auch unter:

Wissens- und Erfahrungs-Transport an Unwissende

Ein Verein lebt von den Aktivitäten seiner Mitglieder. Selbst ein guter Vorstand kann nur Lenker eines möglichen Erfolges sein. Ein passives Mitgliederverhalten bedeutet für die Idee und den Fortbestand eines Vereins langsames Siechtum und letztlich die Auflösung des Vereins. Eine inaktive Basis überfordert einen Vereins-Vorstand.

Nur die Politik kann eine Kehrtwende in der schon leidigen sich inzwischen endlos im Kreise drehenden Mobilfunk- Diskussion bewirken.

Die Nachweise hochrangiger Wissenschaftler über die gesundheitsschädigende Wirkung der Strahlen ist inzwischen hinreichend dokumentiert. Die Leidensgeschichten zig-tausender Menschen sind ein Nachweis für die Richtigkeit der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. Die Politik muss dies endlich zur Kenntnis nehmen und handeln!

Raucherschäden kann man auf dem Röntgen- Bild klar erkennen, Mobilfunk- Schäden spielen sich auf einer anderen Ebene ab ! Wer hier so lange warten will, wie man trotz den Erkenntnissen der Raucher- Forschung gewartet hat, der muss damit rechnen, in wenigen Jahren bereits ein Heer von jüngeren DEMENZ-KRANKEN zu haben. Krankenkosten und weitere Auswirkungen werden schnell rapide steigen, da wir ALLE ungewollt von dem bienenwabenen energetischen Funknetz betroffen sind !

Da die Presse schweigt, müssen MOBILFUNK- GESCHÄDIGTE und alle die das Wissen um die Auswirkungen des Mobilfunks haben, endlich an einem Strang ziehen !

Wir m ü s s e n das vorhandene Wissen an Unwissende transportieren ! Es müssen mehr Menschen informiert werden. Es kann nicht angehen, dass kaum ein Bürger über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen des Mobilfunks Bescheid weiß ! Insbesondere bei Ärzten- und sämtlichen weiteren Heilberufen müssen die Erkenntnisse in Form einer INFO- Broschüre bekannt gemacht werden.

Der noch gesunde sowie auch der bereits erkrankte Bürger muss den Mut haben, mit dem Arzt seines Vertrauens über seine vermuteten Beschwerden durch den Mobilfunk zu reden, es geht letztendlich um seine eigene Gesundheit !

Ärzte tragen in der Gesellschaft eine besondere Verantwortung für die Gesundheit ihrer Patienten. Es kann nicht angehen, dass sie ihre Behandlungsmethoden aus dem 18.Jahrhundert beibehalten, während ihre Patienten mit Krankheiten durch Energieschäden des 3. Jahrtausends kämpfen, die jeglicher medikamentösen Behandlung trotzen !

Sämtliche Mobilfunk- Vereinsvorstände müssen ihre Mitglieder zum tätigen „Wissenstransport“ auffordern, indem sich der Einzelne z. B. verpflichtet, täglich zumindest 5 MOBILFUNK-FLYER z. B. in Supermärkten oder an parkende Autos unter die Scheibenwischer zu klemmen. Jeder Informierte muss aktiv werden und sei es nur mit dieser minimalen Tätigkeit, da unsere Presse über Mobilfunk- Erkenntnisse schweigt !

Das Anliegen der Mobilfunk- Geschädigten verhallt leider bisher ungehört, weil die Masse der Mobilfunk-Kritiker inaktiv darauf wartet, dass der Vorstand des Vereines Ergebnisse erreicht !

Kleinvieh macht auch Mist und was für einen !

- 1600 - Bürger- Initiativen mal 50 Mitglieder = 80 000 Menschen
- 80 000 Menschen x rund 350 Tage im Jahr = 28.000.000 Tage
- 28 000 000 Tage mal 5 INFO - Prospekte täglich = 140 000 000 !

Innerhalb eines Jahres hätte man bei kleinstem Aufwand 140 Millionen Informationen transportiert ! Keine Zeitung hat eine solche Auflage !

Jeder von uns weiß, ein Schneeball kann eine Lawine auslösen !

Der Einzelne von uns ist der Schneeball, 140 Millionen INFO´S sind die Lawine, die sich noch multipliziert durch deren Weiterverbreitung innerhalb der Familie und des Bekanntenkreises des neu Informierten !

Fangen wir mit unserer Arbeit heute an, die Vordenker haben bereits das Nötige getan, morgen ist es für viele von uns vielleicht bereits zu spät ! Ohne Aktionen werden keine Reaktionen folgen !

Wir können unsere gesundheitlichen Beschwerden weiter vorbringen und jammern, über Geräte-Schäden berichten, neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse bestaunen.

Die Mobilfunk-Industrie lacht sich darüber nur ins Fäustchen, sie schweigt grinsend über solche „unglaublichen Schäden“ und hält Strahlengeschädigte für psychisch gestörte Jammerlappen und Spinner !

Hier kann nur eine Wende zum Besseren stattfinden, wenn JEDER etwas unternimmt und sich JEDER nicht nur auf den NÄCHSTEN verlässt, der natürlich auch nichts tut. Daher reagieren weder die Politik noch die Mobilfunk- Betreiber ! Teure wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen wandern in den Papierkorb und verschwinden in der Versenkung um dann in Vergessenheit zu geraten.

Vorbildliche Beispiele für Menschen, die den Wert ihres möglichen Einflusses unterschätzen:

Dänische Bürger haben mit Protesten erster Güte gegen eine machtvolle Atomkraftwerk-Lobby im eigenen Land den Aufbau der Atomkraftwerke verhindert. Sie haben ebenfalls einen „TEURO“ verhindert der uns Deutschen sowie auch den Franzosen das Geld dauerhaft entwertet hat und der das Sparbuch künftig weiter plündern wird !

Dänische Bürger haben erreicht, dass offene Kompostierungsanlagen in ganz Dänemark geschlossen wurden, da die Bürger im Umkreis schwer erkrankten. Solche Anlagen werden bei uns im „so-genannten fortschrittlichen Deutschland“ noch immer betrieben zum Leid der betroffenen Bürger. Inzwischen sind diese offenen Kompostierungs- Anlagen lt. EU-Recht im nächsten Jahr verboten !

Unsere ostdeutschen Bürger haben bewundernswert g e w a l t l o s eine politische Wende gegen eine Weltmacht vollziehen können.

Da wird es doch allen deutschen Bürgern gemeinsam gelingen, einer gerechten Sache auch zum verdienten Erfolg zu verhelfen !

Wenn uns unser Anliegen ernst ist, müssen wir ALLE heute und nicht erst morgen gemeinsam handeln !

Paul Henry-Spaak
( Belgischer Politiker 1899 – 1972 )
„Die Dummheit ist die sonderbarste aller Krankheiten.
Der Kranke leidet niemals unter ihr, aber die Anderen !“

Dieter keim <> Ilbenstadt

Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy


Informant: Susan

Mobile phones no threat to people's health?

Mobile phones no threat to people's health, Oireachtas told

I'm sending you this report published in yesterday's IRISH EXAMINER of last Tuesday's meeting between Irish Department of Communication's representatives and the Joint Committee on Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, chaired by Deputy Noel O'Flynn.

Torbjorn Lindblom of FEB forwarded the Chairperson of the Oireachtas Committee--Deputy Noel O'Flynn--a most helpful up-to-date bibliography (Professor Olle Johansson's) and other leads to research that supports adverse bioeffects from cellphones. I am sending you this bibliography for posting (with Olle's permission) as it could be a great help for all others who wish to make similar submissions:


A few words about Deputy Noel O'Flynn http://www.noeloflynn.ie and his previous involvement with Irish government sponsored investigations into mast health issues: In the late 1990's he served on a nineteen member joint committee on this issue. The full published proceedings of the committee, "Joint Committee on Public Enterprise and Transport Report on Non-Ionizing Microwave Radiation Emissions from Communications Masts" (Publ. in late 1998, publication number PN6439) can be purchased from [Irish] Government Publications Postal Trade Section, 4-5 Harcourt Road, Dublin 2. Tel: + 1 6613111-ext. 4040/4045; Fax: + 1-4752760 or through any bookseller. Among the recommendations on health issues made by the Joint Committee, in this 1998 report are these:

" 9.16 The Department of [Irish] Health and Children should set up a panel of medical experts from which individuals, who consider their health is affected by masts, may select three to carry out medical examinations on payment by the individual of an appropriate fee. This fee will be refunded to the individual in a case where the medical experts agree that health problems are attributable to masts.

9.17 The Department of Health and Children should include a statement in its forthcoming national environmental action plan setting out clearly the up-to-date position in relation to microwave radiation and human health.

9.18 The Department of Health and Children should supply the Director of Telecommunications Regulation with the latest public informaiton in relation to health risks for inclusion in her annual report." (Page 19)

Last night, looking again through this report, I noted Deputy Noel O'Flynn concern for the cellphone health issue even back then in 1998. At one meeting he posed these questions to Dr. Tom McManus who was at that time Chief Technical Adviser, Department of Public Enterprise.

"Dr. McManus: Negative effects were reported in Crossmaglen, which health authorities on both sides of the Border [N. Ireland and the Republic of Ireland] could not prove.

Deputy O'Flynn: I was interested in the last answer because I intended to mention that. How serious are the Department of Public Enterprise and the Department of Health and Children taking the risk to personal health from hand held mobile 'phones. I read about the Australian experiments and my first Parliamentary Question related to the dangers of mobile 'phones. How conclusive were those tests? The Australians said that radiation was transmitted by mobile 'phones to the rats in the experiment. Has Dr. McManus followed the US case in which a surgeon died, allegedly as a result of the use of a mobile 'phone, radiation from which caused a brain tumour? His family is taking a test case in the US courts. What medical tests have we carried out to ascertain whether mobile 'phones are injurious to health? Have we established an expert group to examine, investigate, evaluate and come to conclusions about the danger of mobile phones?" (page 28)

Best, Imelda, Cork

IRISH EXAMINER, Wednesday, 26.01.2005. Page 4

"Mobile phones no threat to people's health, Oireachtas told"

[by] Juno McEnroe

There is no concern about Irish people's health from mobile phones, an Oireachtas committee was told yesterday.

Department of Communications chief technical advisor Bob Hanna told the Joint Committee on Communications, Marine and Natural Resources that initial test results from 400 mobile phone bases nationwide indicated levels of radiation were acceptable, but more research was needed. Meetings were being held with department of health and environmental officials to keep them up to date.

However, Labour TD Tommy Broughan highlighted that no planning permission was needed for phone masts, even though studies were necessary.

Mr Hanna said all guidelines were in practice with international groups such as the World Health Organisation and EU research. Out of 25,000 studies, only eight suggested adverse effects on mobile phone users' health and, in a worse case scenario, this meant that one person would die from cancer every 10 years in Ireland, he said. He was also aware of studies which claimed benign tumours close to the brain and DNA skin tissue damage were side effects from the technology. These were not conclusive though, he stressed. It was not possible to replicate these tests in Ireland, and furthermore the country had no medical facilities for such studies, the Oireachtas committee heard.

At present, all phone groups verified their levels, which were checked by the Communications Regulator. The heating effect is the only known effect to tissue which agitates molecules, like food in a microwave. However, a mobile phone user would need to use a handset for 24 hours a day to feel adverse effects. "If anything was proven, it would change our position overnight," Mr Hanna concluded.

Omega: the statement from Mr Hanna is plain and simple not true. There are a lot of studies which suggest adverse effects on mobile phone users' health. See:


The committee yesterday also heard from the Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA), which is expected to present the first Irish 'snapshot' study on electromagnetic sensitivity in Sligo over the next week.

IDEA member Dr Elizabeth Cullen said mobile phone effects was a growing issue. "We know smoking was harmful for many years, but the ban only came in last year." It was at least necessary to discourage young children using handsets", she said.

The Oireachtas Committee is expected to make a number of recommendations on further mobile phone research."

Mobile Phones Trigger Symptoms


USAF playing cat and mouse game over Iran


Informant: kevcross5

Race And Social Security: Fanning Poverty

by Maya Rockeymoore, Ph.D. BlackCommentator.com

On how Bush's plan for Social Security would plunge more elderly blacks into poverty.


Race And Social Security: Cynical Politics

by Marcellus Andrews, TomPaine.com Exclusive

Republicans want to turn black people into a cudgel to smash the legacy of the New Deal.


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From Information Clearing House

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From Information Clearing House

President Bush's inaugural speech was radical in its insistence that the United States can and will deliver freedom to Earth's more than 6 billion human residents

Robert Scheer: 1600 Pennsylvania Meets Madison Ave.:

President Bush's inaugural speech was radical, if not downright bizarre, in its insistence that the United States can and will deliver freedom to Earth's more than 6 billion human residents. "If Bush means it literally, then it means we have an extremist in the White House," said Dimitri Simes, president of the Nixon Center.

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Despite Bush's endless hypocritical assertions about how we have brought freedom to Iraq, the truth is that almost all of the people in that country who have managed to survive the military attacks, have lost loved ones and had their lives ruined.

The Iraqi election "bait and switch"

Report: Faulty poll will not bring peace or US withdrawal:

Vote or no vote, we will kill you

Pepe Escobar

The administration of George W Bush, has introduced to the world the concept of election at gunpoint. The guinea pig: Iraq, on January 30. The rules: candidates must be anonymous (otherwise they will be killed). Voters cannot go out and vote (otherwise they may be killed). Even if they wanted to vote, they wouldn't know where, because the location of the polling stations will be known only the night before the election.

British soldiers 'ordered to give Iraqis a good kicking'

Former Sergeant Major Richard Jackson allegedly told the soldiers that it was policy at Camp Bread Basket near Basra to punish Iraqi thieves.

"Is this torture yet?" the agents ask

They strap the three to boards that pivot head-down into a trough of swill and excrement keep them there until they are gagging and wild with panic of drowning lever them briefly up to air down again. Torture yet?

Kennedy, Dems Assail Iraq Policy, Rice

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and other Democrats assailed President Bush's decision to go to war with Iraq Tuesday and declared they would oppose Condoleezza Rice's nomination as secretary of state as a principal architect of a failed policy.


From Information Clearing House

Senate Democrats said that Condoleezza Rice lied about the Iraq war

"I don't like impugning anyone's integrity, but I really don't like being lied to," Dayton said in opposing Rice's nomination on the Senate floor. "Repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally."

Iraqi Insurgency Proves Tough to Crack

U.S. officials no longer believe this weekend's election will finish off the rebellion, whose disparate factions unite in hating the Americans.

The Intolerance of Christian Conservatives

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst: Making Tolerance a Sin; Intolerance a Virtue

Because There is No Cause

Into history’s cauldron have American troops been sent to wage war and decimate cities, lands and lives.

By Manuel Valenzuela

It is time we say enough is enough, that the American people refuse to sit idly while a few miscreants destroy our nation and our world. It is time to show the world what we once were, and are capable of once again becoming. It is time we make our government accountable. It is time to end the madness of this illegal and immoral war.

48 Groups Refute President's Claim That Nuclear Energy Is " A Renewable Source of Energy"


Black Voters in United States Disproportionally Disenfranchised


Guantánamo Bay: Isolation, Breakdowns and Mysterious Injections


Reining-In Cheney


Boxer's Rebellion and Democrats' New Tone


Alarm at new climate warning

Gases Could Raise Temperatures 11 Degrees - Study


Alarm at new climate warning

Informant: Harlan Girard

Pentagon moves into overseas spy operations

The Pentagon, edging into foreign spy operations traditionally handled by the CIA, will soon begin using its own special intelligence teams to work with US military forces in world trouble spots, senior defense and military officials said on Monday. The officials told reporters that a new Strategic Support Branch under the Defense Intelligence Agency was a change sparked by 2001 attacks on America and not an attempt by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to grab authority over intelligence operations.

The Pentagon detailed the program after the Washington Post on Sunday revealed its existence, sparking charges from some Washington critics that Rumsfeld was trying to circumvent the CIA and may even have avoided necessary congressional oversight. Some Democrats called for congressional hearings.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 27th, 2005

Asia wary of new Bush doctrine

The new US foreign-policy emphasis delineated in President George W Bush's inauguration speech and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's confirmation hearings concurrently have drawn praise and alarm by Asian politicians and pundits already concerned by the administration's perceived unilateralist tendencies. The conflicting messages of activism and restraint have led to confusion over the extent to which the US will pursue a more activist policy to undermine or unseat oppressive regimes. White House counselor Daniel Bartlett commented that the speech was meant to "crystallize the debate [to] say what are our ideals", whereas another official described it as "a bit of an acceleration, a raising of the priority".

But it's the acceleration that's worrying Asia. In any case, attention has been refocused on North Korea, not just raising hopes for new diplomatic initiatives but also increasing trepidation over potential ratcheting up of peninsular tensions. President Bush's forthcoming State of the Union address will be dissected for clues on future US policy directions in Asia.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 27th, 2005

Will Bush still do business with these 'oppressive' allies?

PRESIDENT BUSH’S pledge to spread freedom to the darkest corners of the Earth has been greeted with scepticism at home and hostility abroad. The day after he vowed to work towards ending tyranny, analysts questioned how his rhetoric meshed with the realities of US economic and military interests. In its pursuit of the War on Terror, the US depends economically, logistically or politically on at least six countries that could fall into the category of “oppressors”: Russia, China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. “The US is closing its eyes towards dictators who serve its own interests, but attacks those that damage it”.

Abdul Hussein Shaaban, an Iraqi analyst, said. Mr Bush opened his second term with a striking adjustment of US foreign policy, placing the spread of human freedoms and democracy at its core. It was the latest evolution of the “Bush doctrine” that emerged after the September 11 attacks when he warned nations they were “with us or against us” in the War on Terror. But it was the first time Mr Bush had argued that the spread of democracy was “vital” to American interests without linking it specifically to the War on Terror.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 27th, 2005

Driver's Licenses As National ID?

It's already used as the ID of choice throughout most of the United States.To write a check, open a video-store account, or board a plane, you must flash your driver's license. And now that small card tucked in your wallet is about to get more sophisticated. A piece of the new National Intelligence Reform Act signed into law last week requires national standards for state licenses. It's another ripple from 9/11, when seven of the hijackers used fake driver's licenses to board the planes. The standards, to be hammered out over the next 18 months by state and federal officials along with technology specialists and "interested parties," are raising concerns among privacy experts who see the move as the first step down the road to a national ID or centralized information on individuals.

It's a development - described by one congresswoman as "radioactive " - that has long been opposed by privacy advocates in the public and government alike.

What several analysts question is why this standardizing IDs makes us more secure?


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 27th, 2005

Global Fascism Uber Alles : Verichip - ORBCOMM Plan

Imagine a world in which every 'citizen' has a microchip ID under the skin so he and she can be tracked anywhere -- connected to a global satellite system. Science fiction dystopia on Planet Earth? A really bad joke? No, not if Verichip and ORBCOMM have their way. Here is the brazen announcement by the brazen serpents themselves -- in their own words. "ORBCOMM, a global satellite telecommunications company, today announced that it has executed an agreement with VeriChip(TM) Corporation, a subsidiary of Applied Digital (NASDAQ:ADSX), to be its provider of satellite and telecommunication services for applications to be developed for use with the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip, also called VeriChip(TM). Under the terms of the agreement, the companies will also work together to develop and market new military, security, and healthcare applications for use in the United States and around the world. VeriChip(TM) Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Applied Digital.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 27th, 2005

Standing for the Founding Principles of the Republic



Impeach him

by Anthony Gregory



For the Iraq war alone, George W. Bush should be impeached. It won't happen, of course. The Republican legislators so concerned about presidential honesty as it concerned a stained dress back in the late 1990s seem to care nothing of the distortions, deceptions and lies of the Bush administration that have led to and obscured much more heinous stains -- bloodstains -- upon the clothing of 1,500 dead American troops, thousands more wounded, not to mention tens of thousands of dead and maimed Iraqis...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

9/11 Truth Movement Only Just Beginning


How the U.S. Became the World's Dispensable Nation

Uniting Against the Hegemon

Michael Lind on how we became the world's dispensable nation:

Bush’s Speech: A Translation

Address From the Throne

Translated into plain English by James Ostrowski:

As green as a neocon

by Robert Bryce



President Bush has a simple policy about energy: produce more of it. The former oilman has packed his administration with veterans of the oil and coal industries. And for most of the first Bush term, his energy policy and his foreign policy were joined at the hip. Since the Bush administration believed that controlling the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf was critically important to the American economy, the invasion of Iraq seemed to serve both the president's energy goals and his foreign policy ones. But a curious transformation is occurring in Washington, D.C., a split of foreign policy and energy policy: Many of the leading neoconservatives who pushed hard for the Iraq war are going green...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fallen flowers


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A Big Mistake

by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)



The unwillingness to ever reconsider our policy of foreign intervention, despite obvious failures and shortcomings over the last 50 years, has brought great harm to our country and our liberty.

Historically, financial realities are the ultimate check on nations bent on empire. Economic laws ultimately prevail over bad judgment. But tragically, the greater the wealth of a country, the longer the flawed policy lasts. We'll probably not be any different...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A Big Mistake

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

Video and Transcript:

"Our ill-advised presence in the Middle East and our decade-long bombing of Iraq served only to incite the suicidal attacks of 9/11. "

Then and now

by John G. Tarsikes, Jr.

Sierra Times


I started this just making a comment on the Associated Press story about [two boys] arrested for making pencil-and-crayon stick figure drawings depicting a 10-year-old classmate being stabbed and hung. Then I got worried. These grade schoolers were charged with felony 'making a written threat,' and taken from school in handcuffs. Kids. No gallows, no knives, just those insidious art supplies. Have people really changed to the point they suddenly learned to commit 'thought crimes?' If so, this is positive proof of a new species. Or is it just the Orwellian thought police surfacing twenty years too late? Anybody fifty or above should remember learning to play 'hangman' in class, or illustrating book reports on WWII books with bloody battle scenes. ... Nobody thought that was a felony...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Shills, paid and unpaid

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.



The problem with Gallagher and Williams is not that they were paid to say what they believed. It is what they believe, namely that the person of George W. Bush will restore the family and that the person of George W. Bush will make sure that no child is left behind. These are the views of totalitarians, not advocates of a free society. If you are going to sell your soul to the state, and try to fob off state control and war as the essence of freedom, it makes sense to at least have something to show for it...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The War Party's Achilles' Heel?

by Thomas L. Knapp



Can the 109th Congress, which in its composition tilts even more heavily toward Bush's party than the 108th, be expected to strap on some testicles and stand up for America? Offhand, it doesn't seem likely. But it's just barely possible. The butcher's bill in Iraq adds up to about $4.6 billion, and around 60 American lives, each month. The latter statistic provides an incentive to action. The former statistic provides a means ..."


US captors' "systematic torture"

Guardian [UK]


While anti-terrorism police were yesterday interviewing the four Britons released from Guantánamo Bay further details emerged of the alleged treatment of the men by their US captors. The US lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, who saw his client, Moazzam Begg, in Guantánamo Bay this month, said the captive had alleged persistent beatings, death threats and psychological torture first at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, then at the Cuba base. The Pentagon is investigating the abuse and torture allegations after concerns about treatment of prisoners were raised by the FBI...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Blair: US must heed international concerns

Richmond Times-Dispatch


British Prime Minister Tony Blair said yesterday the United States must do more to address other nations' concerns if it expects support for its policies. He cited global warming as a prime example. 'If America wants the rest of the world to be part of the agenda it has set, it must be part of their agenda, too,' he said at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, a gathering of 2,500 political and business leaders...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ten years after - Es bleiben zehn Jahre, um die Klimakatastrophe abzuwenden

Nachdem gestern einige Nachrichtensendungen von einer bis zu 11 ° K ansteigenden Durchschnittstemperatur in den kommenden 100 Jahren sprachen, hier ein Hintergrund dieser Meldung.

Daraus erkennt man, dass die Situation wesentlich dringlicher und fataler ist, als erwartet.

10 Jahre ist ein Zeitraum, den jeder überschauen kann, 100 Jahre ist ein Zeitraum, wo sich fast alle denken, dass sie da nicht mehr dabei sein werden.

Wir sind mittendrin!

Deutschlandfunk Kurzmeldung:



Es bleiben zehn Jahre, um die Klimakatastrophe abzuwenden.

Ein Internationales Forscherteam befürchtet, die Klimaerwärmung könnte bereits in zehn Jahren nicht mehr umkehrbar sein. Als kritische Marke sehen die Forscher eine Kohlendioxid-Konzentration an, die die durchschnittliche Welttemperatur um mehr als zwei Grad Celsius ansteigen lässt (verglichen mit 1750 - also der Zeit vor der industriellen Revolution.) Die kritische Kohlendioxid-Konzentration sei in rund zehn Jahren erreicht, so die Forscher. Die Folge seien lange Dürreperioden, Missernten, ein Anstieg des Meeresspiegels und ein weit verbreitetes Waldsterben. Die Klimaforscher rufen die Industriestaaten dazu auf, bis 2025 ein Viertel ihrer Elektrizität aus erneuerbaren Energien zu gewinnen.

Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner


Studie: Zehn Jahre bis zur Klimakatastrophe

Etwas mehr als zehn Jahre stehen zur Rettung vor der Klimakatastrophe noch zur Verfügung. Zu diesem Urteil kommen die Experten der International Climate Change Taskforce in einem nun veröffentlichten Bericht.



Weltumspannende Computer-Simulationen: Dramatische Erderwärmung befürchtet

Durchschnittstemperaturen könnten um 11 Grad steigen. Internetprojekt soll Menschen sensibler machen für die Belange des Klimaschutzes.



Umweltschutz stagniert

Vor einem Stillstand in der Umweltpolitik bis zur nächsten Bundestagswahl warnen der Deutsche Naturschutzring (DNR), der BUND und der Naturschutzbund (NABU). Es sei ein Armutszeugnis, dass sich die Regierungsparteien SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Umweltsektor lediglich auf eine bessere Wärmedämmung von Gebäuden verständigen könnten. Für den Klimaschutz sei das nicht ausreichend. Auch der Fortschrittsbericht der Bundesregierung zur nationalen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie enthalte kaum noch konkrete Aussagen für mehr Umwelt- und Naturschutz.



Gases Could Raise Temperatures 11 Degrees

Klimaerwärmung und Umweltkatastrophen nicht durch Industrieabgase?!

Der Mensch verwandelt die Erde in einen Mikrowellen–Ofen

Klimaerwärmung und Umweltkatastrophen nicht durch Industrieabgase?

Klimaerwärmung und Umweltkatastrophen nicht durch Industrieabgase?!

Der Mensch verwandelt die Erde in einen Mikrowellen–Ofen

1-Euro-Jobs - vom Verarmungsprogramm Hartz IV profitieren

Aktionen bei der AWO, Caritas… Gegen 1-Euro-Job-Anbieter

Besuch bei der Caritas. Berlin: Demo gegen Ausnutzung von Ein-Euro-Jobbern durch Wohlfahrtsverbände. Bericht von Hannes Heine in junge Welt vom 18.01.2005: http://www.jungewelt.de/2005/01-18/018.php

Aus dem Text: "…Gegen Mittag formierte sich am Rosenthaler Platz ein kleiner Protestzug, der sich über die Torstraße zur Caritas-Filiale in der Chausseestraße bewegte. Die Demonstranten forderten von dem katholischen Wohlfahrtsriesen, auf Ein-Euro-Jobs zu verzichten. Die überraschten Mitarbeiter konnten die Begehung der unangekündigten Besucher nicht verhindern. (…) Die Initiative aus Erwerbslosen und Besuchern des globalisierungskritischen Filmfestivals "globale05", warf dem Deutschen Caritasverband vor, vom "Verarmungsprogramm Hartz IV" zu profitieren. (…) Die soziale Verantwortung der Caritas lasse sich nicht mit der Ausnutzung billiger Arbeitskräfte vereinbaren, so die Aktivisten…."

Hartz IV und der neue Arbeitsdienst
Einschätzung der Antifa-AG der Uni Hannover

Same procedure as every year?!

1-Euro-Jobs müssen nicht sein


Hartz IV - ALG II - Ein-Euro-Jobs - Zwangsarbeit - Verfolgungsbetreuung

Aktion Agenturschluss ("AgenturSchluss") - Aktion "Hartz-Schluss"

Erfahrungsbericht einer 1-Euro-Jobberin


7 Millionen ohne Existenz sichernde Arbeit - das ist eine Schande

(Dumping)Tarifverträge zu Leiharbeit

Das 'Ende der Bescheidenheit'

Berichte von Aktionen und Protesten 2004

NeueWut: Vereinzelter Protest oder neue soziale Bewegung?

Dokumentarische Langzeitbeobachtung über soziale Proteste in Deutschland. Alle Infos zum Dokumentarfilm von Martin Keßler (90 Minuten) auf der Film-Homepage: http://www.neuewut.de/

"Ehrengäste lädt man ein und behandelt sie auch entsprechend…"

Offene Mail von Hans-Günther Osterkamp an Hans-Wilhelm Müller, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Agentur für Arbeit in Wilhelmshaven:

Warm-Up. Aktionstag am Samstag, den 18.12.04

"Das 'Ende der Bescheidenheit' hat am vergangen Samstag ein Warm-Up zur Vorbereitung der Demonstration in das Arbeitsamt Wedding am 3.1. veranstaltet. Es fanden zwei Aktionen statt: Am frühen Nachmittag demonstrierten AktivistInnen durch das Kaufhaus Wertheim am Kürfürstendamm und wiesen auf die immer schlechter werdenen Arbeitsverhältnisse hin. Am Abend gingen die Überflüssigen in das Nobelrestaurant Borchardt essen und bedienten sich an den servierten Menüs und Getränke, um sich so ihren Teil am gesellschaftlich produzierten Reichtum zu sichern!..." Siehe Berichte mit Fotos und Video: http://www.unbescheiden.tk/

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 21, Eintrag 17



Die gescheiterte Strategie der "Montagsdemonstrationen"

Über Ursachen, Konsequenzen und zukünftige Notwendigkeiten. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag von "ADO_2005" (pdf)

Aus dem montäglichen Aufbegehren wurde keine Volksbewegung

Die Arbeitsmarktreform Hartz IV trieb vor allem in Ostdeutschland zahlreiche Menschen auf die Straße - doch bald ebbten in den Städten die Proteste ab. Artikel von Thomas Maron in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 03.01.2005:

Exemplarischer Lernprozeß - Es ging um mehr als "Hartz IV".

Verlaufsformen und Perspektiven der Montagsdemos. Welche Bewußtseinsprozesse wurden da in Bewegung gesetzt? Artikel von Harald Werner in junge Welt vom 29.11.2004: http://www.jungewelt.de/2004/11-29/004.php

Aktionen und Proteste 2005

"SPD soll am 14. Februar Rechenschaft ablegen"

Bundesweiter Aktionstag beschlossen. Montagsdemonstranten wollen vor die SPD-Büros ziehen. Ein Gespräch mit Thomas Rudolph aus dem Organisationskomitee des Aktionsbündnisses Soziale Gerechtigkeit Leipzig-Nordsachsen. Interview von Peter Wolter in junge Welt vom 25.01.2005:

Aus dem Text: "…Viele der Initiativen, die sich diesem Aufruf anschließen, wollen für ihre Städte Bilanzen erarbeiten, aus denen hervorgeht, was die Kürzung der Sozialleistungen und des Arbeitslosengeldes für die Menschen wirklich bedeutet. Der 14. Februar ist ein Montag - wir haben uns darauf geeinigt, daß sich an diesem Tag die Montagsdemonstrationen die lokalen SPD-Büros zum Ziel nehmen. In den Landeshauptstädten wird das wohl die jeweilige SPD-Zentrale sein, in den kleineren Orten das Büro des Unterbezirks. Wir in Leipzig werden die SPD vorher dazu auffordern, daß sich ein Abgeordneter oder ein Parteifunktionär in aller Öffentlichkeit zur Diskussion stellt…."

Die Montagsdemonstrationen gegen Hartz IV und Agenda 2010 werden fortgesetzt: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/473230/

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung

Debatte über Protestformen


Links-Partei gründen oder Widerstand organisieren?
Diskussionsbeitrag von Dieter Wegner vom September 2004

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 21, Eintrag 17


Passend zum neuen Special ein neuer Hip-Hop: Holger Burner slamt gegen Agenda, Hartz + Babylon als mp3-Datei bei LaborB

Wir danken dem Künstler für den Text:

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 21, Eintrag 17

Mut zur Wut: Statt Hartz IV und 1-€-Jobs jetzt für 10-€-Jobs und ein vergleichbares Grundeinkommen streiten

Mut zur Wut: Statt Hartz IV und 1-€-Jobs jetzt für 10-€-Jobs und ein vergleichbares Grundeinkommen streiten und mit einem 1-€-Job-Streik, Lidl-Besetzungen und einer Belagerung der Tarifverhandlungen im öffentlichen Dienst kombinieren!

Diskussionsvorlage von Peter Grottian zur Sitzung der Montagsdemonstrations-Aktionsbündnisse am 22.01. 2005 von 11 – 16 Uhr im Gewerkschaftshaus Leipzig.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 21, Eintrag 17

Neues Selbstbewusstsein

Mag Wompel spricht über den Krieg der Regierung nach innen...


...Das zweite, was ebenfalls wichtig ist zum Verstehen der aktuellen Angriffe - wie gesagt, es sind nicht die ersten, das darf nicht vergessen werden - seit den 70er Jahren wurden die Lohnersatzleistungen für Arbeitslose und Sozialhilfeempfänger nach und nach gekürzt, aber unbemerkt. Ich erinnere zum Beispiel, das ist mein Lieblingsbeispiel, an das 50-Punkte-Programm der Kohlregierung, noch kurz vor ihrem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt. Vielen von euch ist das 50-Punkte Sparprogramm wahrscheinlich nur bekannt, weil es damals zu großen spontanen Arbeitsniederlegungen kam, weil einer dieser Punkte die Kürzung der Lohnfortzahlung beinhaltete. Und das ist eine sehr symbolische Errungenschaft der deutschen Gewerkschaftsbewegung. Es gab spontanen Aufstand. Von den verbleibenden 49 Punkten bezogen sich zirka 45 auf zunehmende verschlechterte Zumutbarkeiten für Langzeitarbeitslose, auf Kürzungen, auf Schikanen und Sanktionen gegenüber Erwerbslosen, auf Kürzung der Altersabsicherung für Erwerbslose und so weiter. Dagegen gab es keinen Proteststurm.

Damit sind wir beim zweiten Fehler der Gewerkschaftsbewegung – ihre sehr begrenzte Klientel, nämlich die Noch-Beschäftigten, und mittlerweile wissen wir, noch nicht da alle, sondern die Stammbelegschaften, die Facharbeiter, nicht die Prekären, nicht die Menschen mit befristeten Arbeitsverträgen, schon gar nicht Erwerbslose oder MigrantInnen. Das ist der zweite Fehler.

Kommen wir zu dem dritten, der hat nämlich vieles von diesem Sozialabbau ermöglicht – das ist die Leistungsorientierung. Diese Leistungsorientierung hat ermöglicht, daß der Sozialstaat, wie bereits gesagt, seit den 70er Jahren nach und nach abgebröckelt ist, daß er aber schon damals - und das ist mir sehr wichtig, daß wir das nicht vergessen - schon damals repressiven Charakter hatte. Auf Grund dieser Leistungsorientierung (wer was leistet, hat Fürsorge verdient, hat unsere Solidarität verdient, wer etwas nicht leistet, und damals hieß es noch, wer erwerbslos ist, ist selber schuld, der hat keinen „Luxus“ verdient) wurde der repressive Sozialstaat, und das war er schon damals, hingenommen. Das sind aber in diesem Falle nicht nur Gewerkschaftsspitzen, das ist leider die Mehrheit der Belegschaften bis heute, die sich gerne abgrenzt von Langzeitarbeitslosen oder gar Sozialhilfeempfängern...


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 21, Eintrag 17

We've Been Taken Over by A Cult

Seymour Hersh: "We've Been Taken Over by A Cult"

Informant: Friends

The Orwellian Language of Big Government


Informant: Foxhallgtown

A global gulag to hide the war on terror's dirty secrets


Informant: Walter Lippmann

What Do Trees Have To Do With Peace?

From: "Planet Bytes" Planet_Bytes@adidam.org
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 9:45 PM
Subject: Wangari, Trees, Peace and Prosperity

forwarded by Tony Smith of the Fauna Foundation, Canada,

What Do Trees Have To Do With Peace?

Thirty years ago, in the country of Kenya, 90% of the forest had been chopped down. Without trees to hold the topsoil in place, the land became like a desert.

When the women and girls would go in search of firewood in order to prepare the meals, they would have to spend hours and hours looking for what few branches remained.

A woman named Wangari watched all of this happening. She decided that there must be a way to take better care of the land and take better care of the women and girls.

So she planted a tree. And then she planted another. She wanted to plant thousands of trees, but she realized that it would take a very long time if she was the only one doing it. So she taught the women who were looking for firewood to plant trees, and they were paid a small amount for each sapling they grew.

Soon she organized women all over the country to plant trees, and a movement took hold. It was called the Green Belt Movement, and with each passing year, more and more trees covered the land.

But something else was happening as the women planted those trees. Something else besides those trees was taking root. The women began to have confidence in themselves. They began to see that they could make a difference. They began to see that they were capable of many things, and that they were equal to the men. They began to recognize that they were deserving of being treated with respect and dignity.

Changes like these were threatening to some. The president of the country didn't like any of this. So police were sent to intimidate and beat Wangari for planting trees, and for planting ideas of equality and democracy in people's heads, especially in women's. She was accused of "subversion" and arrested many times.

Once, while Wangari was trying to plant trees, she was clubbed by guards hired by developers who wanted the lands cleared. She was hospitalized with head injuries. But she survived, and it only made her realize that she was on the right path.

For almost thirty years, she was threatened physically, and she was often made fun of in the press. But she didn't flinch. She only had to look in the eyes of her three children, and in the eyes of the thousands of women and girls who were blossoming right along with the trees, and she found the strength to continue.

And that is how it came to be that 30 million trees have been planted in Africa, one tree at a time. The landscapes--both the external one of the land and the internal one of the people--have been transformed.

In 2002, the people of Kenya held a democratic election, and the president who opposed Wangari and her Green Belt Movement is no longer in office. And Wangari is now Kenya's Assistant Minister for the Environment.

She is 65 years old, and this year she planted one more tree in celebration and thanksgiving for being given a very great honor:

Wangari Maathai has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She is the first African woman to receive this award.

After she was notified, she gave a speech entitled, "What Do Trees Have To Do With Peace?" She pointed out how most wars are fought over limited natural resources, such as oil, land, coal or diamonds. She called for an end to corporate greed, and for leaders to build more just societies. She added:

"Our recent experience in Kenya gives hope to all who have been struggling for a better future. It shows it is possible to bring about positive change, and still do it peacefully. All it takes is courage and perseverance, and a belief that positive change is possible. That is why the slogan for our campaign was 'It is Possible!'"

"On behalf of all African women, I want to express my profound appreciation for this honour, which will serve to encourage women in Kenya, in Africa, and around the world to raise their voices and not to be deterred."

"When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope. We also secure the future for our children. I call on those around the world to celebrate by planting a tree wherever you are."

As she received the Nobel Peace Prize this week in Oslo, she invited us all to get involved:

"Today we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that humanity stops threatening its life-support system. We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own."


Unusual, inspiring, stories about non-humans from many sources.


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Informant: Friends

Citizen’s Oath

Logging State Parks in Maine?


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Rivers Threatened By Plunder of Key Forest


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Mabira Forest Endangered


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Environmental groups complains old-growth not being protected


Deane T. Rimerman

U.S. Brushes Aside N.M. Drilling Protests

.c The Associated Press

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - Despite protests by the governor and environmentalists, the federal government decided to open nearly all of New Mexico's vast Otero Mesa for exploratory drilling but vowed that the oil and gas industry won't have a "free-for-all.''

The decision Monday by the Bureau of Land Management permanently protects about 124,000 acres of the roughly 2 million-acre mesa, one of North America's largest remaining pieces of Chihuahuan desert grassland.

Gov. Bill Richardson and environmentalists, including the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and Denver-based Earthjustice, promised a court battle.

"The state is going to fight this with everything we've got,'' Richardson said.

The opponents argue the plan fails to consider the effect on groundwater and grassland at the mesa, extending about 40 miles north of the Texas-New Mexico line.

Richardson - who once called the mesa "sacred'' and wanted to set aside 640,000 acres as a national conservation area - accused the federal government of ignoring its policy of working with states on major land management decisions.

"By failing to compromise, the federal government might have taken two steps backward, tying this issue up for years,'' the Democratic governor said.

In 1998, a test well indicated enough natural gas reserves to justify a pipeline, and a rush on drilling permits began, prompting the BLM, which owns the land, to revise the area's 1986 management plan. There have been thousands of public comments and two formal protests by the governor's office.

The plan allows for only 1,589 acres of surface disturbance from well pads, roads and pipelines. At most, there will be 141 exploratory wells drilled and no more than 84 producing wells.

"It's very methodical, very strategic,'' said Linda Rundell, director of the BLM in New Mexico. "It's not going to be a wide-open free for all.''

Rather than having the gas and oil industry nominate lease areas, she said, the agency will carefully choose which parcels to lease. It will lease only small blocks, and then assess the environmental impact on those areas before leasing more.

Rundell said the plan is one of the most restrictive ever developed by the BLM and that it was designed to prevent a spiderweb of roads and pipelines from destroying the fragile grasslands, dotted with cholla cactus and yucca and grazed by antelope.

"I know that it was a big concern for the governor, ranchers and environmentalists,'' she said. "They have looked at how development was done in other areas and they didn't want to see it happen like that on Otero Mesa.''

The Bush administration has pushed for increased development on public lands across the country - notably in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - and the Otero Mesa became a lightning rod during last year's presidential campaign.

Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., and New Mexico Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons applauded the plan, saying the BLM balanced the need to protect the environment with the need to develop new sources of oil and gas.

Lyons said the plan could create 500 jobs and bring millions of dollars to Otero and Sierra counties over the next 20 years.

Stephen Capra of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance acknowledged there were novel parts to the BLM plan, but declared: "The protection the BLM is talking about, it's window dressing.''

"These are some of the last unfragmented desert grasslands anywhere in the world and they're just essential to protection of numerous desert species, from the pronghorn antelope to the endangered Aplomado falcon,'' said Mike Harris, an attorney with Denver-based Earthjustice.

On the Net:

Bureau of Land Management: http://www.nm.blm.gov
Earthjustice: http://www.earthjustice.org
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance: http://www.nmwild.org

Informant: SIUHIN

Vote Fraud Video

MSNBC Vote Fraud Video (Must See)

Scroll down to 3rd video segment at:

Informant: Friends

AUSTRALIA could be hit by an earthquake measuring seven on the Richter scale

From the Northern Territory News, February 27, 2005;

Major earthquake tipped

by Milanda Rout


AUSTRALIA could be hit by an earthquake measuring seven on the Richter scale because the plate we are on is breaking up, research has found.

Scientists from Melbourne University have discovered that the Indo- Australian plate is under considerable stress from its neighbouring plates in Indonesia and Asia.

The energy generated from the connection points between plates at Sumatra and Java are transferring back into our plate, causing immense tectonic stress. "This stress can produce earthquakes up to magnitude seven about every 30 years," said Prof Michael Sandiford, from the university's School of Earth Sciences.

"And magnitude seven is a big earthquake, considering the Newcastle earthquake was a 5.6."

Prof Sandiford said Australia was considered fairly stable because we did not sit on the border of plates, as did Indonesia, Japan or California.

The report appears in the journal Geology today.

Informant: cobra_1122

Mother Earth is sending us warnings

I, too, have butted heads with my brother - who has two young sons - who told me that he had too much to do and would leave this action to people 'who have nothing better to do'. For me, this is just a cop-out - for people who live in a 'me' world.

Now I am involved in my community - a rural and agricultural place of beauty - where someone is trying to put a landfill. If we just did nothing - thinking it's up to those 'who have nothing better to do' - the landfill would be a done deal. So we are fighting hard, having gone so far as to create a not-for-profit group with the State.

So no fight is too small. It just takes a desire to preserve our way of life. And gatherings of people at government agencies work, too. I know, because I have been involved with that kind of participation as well ...

Yes, Mother Earth is sending us warnings. I have heard that the weather this coming summer may be even worse than last summer. I also just heard of a new animal, called a nimbria (sic), poised to enter South Carolina from North Carolina and Georgia. It is a 20 pound rodent with a nose similar to a beaver. It is a marsh animal and is wreaking havoc on the beaver population. It has about 6 babies twice a year. It is not an animal indigenous to anywhere I know of. Why is it here? To me, this is another sign from Mother Earth.

Please urge everyone you know to take action ...


Informant: MessiahTwain

Citizen’s Oath

My Family In Iraq

Here is a passage about DU in a longer essay by Stephan Smith

"Four of my aunts and uncles are doctors in the main Hospitals in both Baghdad and Mosul. From contact with them, I can only imagine what it does to a doctor's heart to try to heal, knowingly in vain, a people who now may have become the first victims of irreparable, long-term geno-contamination in human history: Already at the Conference on Nuclear Arms in Hamburg, Oct. 2003, Dr. Katsuma Yagasaki, Prof. of Science at the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, reported the US had dropped the equivalent of 250,000 times the radioactive nuclear waste dropped on Nagasaki in Iraq. Different from Nagasaki, however, the contamination in Iraq is widespread, dispersed over entire regions of the country, bullets, strewn casings, armor, fragments, shrapnel...all containing radioactive waste."

Informant: David Diggins


Western Shoshone Defense Project
P.O. Box 211308
Crescent Valley, NV 89821
(775) 468-0230
Fax: (775) 468-0237

-----Original Message-----
From: ENDAUM-CCT endaum@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:28 PM

Please Forward to your lists as you see fit.

£eetsoh Dooda, K’ad!

January 26, 2005

To Our Friends and Supporters:

Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) issues this urgent CALL TO ACTION for support of the Diné Natural Resources Protection Act (DNRPA), Legislation No. 0886-04, currently pending final action before the Navajo Nation Council’s Winter 2005 Session.

PLEASE COME TO THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN WINDOW ROCK, CAPITAL OF THE NAVAJO NATION, ON THURSDAY JANUARY 27 AND FRIDAY JANUARY 28 TO PARTICIPATE IN A HISTORIC EXPRESSION OF SOVEREIGNTY BY THE NAVAJO NATION. Based in part on the Fundamental Laws of the Diné and drafted for compliance with federal law, DNRPA would be the first Navajo law to prohibit open pit and underground uranium mining and place a 25-year moratorium on uranium processing, including in situ leach or solution mining.

Bring signs supporting immediate passage of the bill. We will have copies of the legislation and information handouts at the Council Chambers. Expect to spend Thursday and ALL DAY Friday waiting for the legislation to reach the floor. When convenient, speak to your Council Delegate about the urgent need to pass DNRPA, this session. The Spring Session in April may be too late.

Be respectful of Council delegates, staff and other Navajo citizens who may be at the Council Chambers. Be proud of supporting this historic legislation. ENDAUM believes that it responds to the vast majority of our people who have said repeatedly and loudly they do not want new uranium mining.

We have written responses to the claims and allegations of the Eastern Navajo Allottees Association in last Saturday’s Gallup Independent. They are not just false and inaccurate, but malicious in tone. ENDAUM will not engage in tactics like those. We will stick to the facts and by guided by our Diné teachings.

Call 505-786-5209 or 505-409-9670 for information. Please leave messages if we don’t answer immediately. We will call you back as soon as possible.

Lynnea Smith, Project Specialist
Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining
P.O. Box 150 Crownpoint, New Mexico 87313
Phone Number: (505) 786-5209
Fax Number: (505) 786-7275

Informant: Carrie Dann

The Fake Carnivore Debate, R.I.P.


Poison Plants: Chlorine Factories Are a Major Global Source of Mercury

You may already be aware of the risk to public health that is caused by mercury contamination in the environment. Mercury contamination can cause a variety of toxic effects in adults, and even more severe consequences in still-developing children.

How do we become exposed to mercury? The greatest single source of human contamination, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is the fish we eat. Fish contaminated by mercury can be found today in every ocean in the world -- and at our seafood counters. The US Food and Drug Administration and the EPA have advised women of child-bearing age and children against eating certain types of fish -- including albacore tuna.

But how do the fish get contaminated in the first place?

There are several sources of mercury pollution that contaminates the fish we eat. Probably the best known are coal-fired power plants. But there is another major contributor to this contamination problem -- one that you probably have never even heard of.

Today, Oceana is releasing a groundbreaking new report: "Poison Plants: Chlorine Factories Are a Major Global Source of Mercury." In it, we detail how one tiny subset of industry -- chlorine factories using an outdated production method known as "mercury-cell" chlorine production -- could be nearly as big a cause of mercury contamination as all the power plants in the United States put together.

* Read "Poison Plants": http://www.oceana.org/mercury/report.html

90% of American chlorine production is mercury-free; only 9 mercury-cell chlorine plants remain in operation in the U.S. today. But these nine plants, on average, each released five times as much mercury into the atmosphere in 2002 as did the average power plant -- and when you factor in so-called "lost mercury" and "fugitive emissions", which go unmonitored, releases from these nine plants may be as high as those from all power plants across the U.S.

In seven of the eight states where they operate, these plants are the number one source of mercury in that state!

If the U.S. government followed the existing laws instead of weakening existing regulations, mercury-cell chlorine production could be a thing of the past. However, they're not doing that -- so we have decided to step up to the plate.

We've set up a section of our Web site at http://www.oceana.org/mercury to host this important report, give you ways to take action on this issue, and help you learn more. And we've set up a post on our blog, the Oceana Network, where you can discuss "Poison Plants" with Oceana staff and other Wavemakers around the world.

* Discuss "Poison Plants" on the Oceana Network:

We're mobilizing for safe seafood and healthy families. Read the report and stop by the Web site to learn what you can do to help!

Thanks for your time -- remember, if you have questions I'm always at wavemaker@oceana.org

For the oceans,

Jason Lefkowitz
Manager, E-Activism



Informant: NHNE

Scalar EM Weapons Testing in West Australia


Canada Antennas

In december a debate started up about the cell tower in Blue Mountain, just east of Vancouver BC. They had a week to get their data together but they had no idea local battles had gone on for years before this and did not know the contacts to call.

For any cellular issues in Canada, check out EMF Canada:

Eleven SOA Watch peacemakers headed to federal prison

From: media@soaw.org
January 26, 2005

SOA Watch Update
Trial Log #3 – from Columbus, GA
January 26, 2005


Judge Faircloth sentenced six more of the “SOA 14” yesterday and today, bringing to 11 the total number of activists ordered to serve prison terms of three to six months and to pay fines of up to $500. Each of the defendants was on trial for acts of nonviolent civil disobedience calling for the closure of the School of the Americas (SOA/ WHINSEC).

The two high school students in the group were given deferred sentences, and another defendant was sentenced to one year of probation with a $1,000 fine.

The fourteen people that were on trial before Judge G. Mallon Faircloth this week range in age from 16 to 79. The group includes a chaplain, a farmworker, a Maryknoll nun, a Steelworker, two retirees and several students. They were all arrested on Sunday, November 21 for “crossing the line” onto Fort Benning, Georgia to call for the closure of SOA/ WHINSEC, a combat training facility for Latin American security personnel.

Each defendant opted to self-report to prison and will now wait for a letter from the Bureau of Prisons notifying them of the date when and prison to which they must report. Past defendants have received notice from the BoP anywhere from six to twelve weeks after their trials.

These defendants will spend the next months spreading the word about the School of the Americas by doing media outreach, speaking to churches, synagogues and peace and justice organizations in their communities and lobbying their Members of Congress.

Many are already making their plans to be in DC on February 21-22 for the SOA Watch Legislative Action Days. One of the most important ways that you can support the SOA 14 is to join them in DC! Meet with your Member of Congress, tell them about these peacemakers headed to prison and ask them to support legislation to close the SOA/ WHINSEC.

To read more about this year’s defendants and how you can support them, visit http://www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=322


2 sentenced to six months in prison with fines up to $500
2 sentenced to four months in prison with a $500 fine
7 sentenced to three months in prison with fines up to $500
1 sentenced to one year of probation and a $1,000 fine
2 given six-month deferred sentences

Robert Nash Chantal, 52, Americus, GA – 3 months; $500 fine

Liz Deligio, 28, Chicago, IL – 3 months in prison; $500 fine

Brian DeRouen, 27, Fairfield, CA, student in Dayton, OH – 4 months in prison; $500 fine

Meagan Doty, 22, St. Louis, MO, student in Dayton, OH – 3 months in prison, $500 fine

Ronald Durham, 24, Chicago, IL – 3 months in prison; $500 fine

Alice Gerard, 48, Buffalo, NY – 6 months in prison; $500 fine

Tom MacLean, 79, Ashfield, MA – 3 months in federal medical facility

Sr. Lil Mattingly, 63, Maryknoll, NY – 6 months in prison

Elizabeth Nadeau, 27, Minneapolis, MN – 3 months in prison; $500 fine

Mike Ring, 65, Wall, NJ – 1 year of probation; $1,000 fine

Dan Schwankl, 31, Siler City, NC – 3 months in prison; $500 fine

Aaron Shuman, 32, Oakland, CA – 4 months in prison; $500 fine

Two minors – 6 month deferred sentences

Peace, No War
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!

Informant: SIUHIN

Boxer Rebellion Spreads


Informant: NHNE

Man-made Marine Disaster to worsen?

ECOP-marine - Investigative reporting into the murky waters of East-African sea-fisheries (CL 2004) - please distribute widely

Kenya: Man-made Marine Disaster to worsen?

The battle for fish, shrimps, octopus, squid and lobster escalates in the Western Indian Ocean. Consumers must wake up. Malindi/Kenya - 26. 01. 2005 wtn - While the most recent Tsunami has spared the coastal areas of Kenya and the tidal waves nowhere reached above the high-water mark, the threat to the coastal ecosystems continues to come from within.

Please read the full text at: http://www.ecop.info/e-news/e-news-05-01-1.htm

The New Bush Doctrine

We thought you would be interested in George Soros's latest article, "The New Bush Doctrine": http://georgesoros.c.topica.com/maac7f9abdGadcgAh9TeafpOqb/

President George W. Bush's second inaugural address set forth an ambitious vision of the role of the United States in advancing the cause of freedom worldwide, fueling worldwide speculation over the course of American foreign policy during the next four years. The ideas expressed in Bush's speech thus deserve serious consideration.

"[I]t is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture," Bush declared, "with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world."

There is a bow to diplomacy in the assurance that fulfilling this mission "is not primarily the task of arms, though we will defend our friends and ourselves by force of arms when necessary." Similarly, Bush recognizes that outsiders cannot force liberty on people. Instead, "Freedom by its nature must be chosen and defended by citizens and sustained by the rule of law and the protection of minorities."

Click here to read the full article on GeorgeSoros.com:


Veterans' Benefits "hurtful" to National Security, says Pentagon


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Election Under Occupation

The Antiwar Movement and the Iraqi Elections

Election Under Occupation

The media theater called the Iraqi election is under way. U.S. television anchor people are broadcasting live from Baghdad, breathlessly describing the preparations for Sunday's display of so-called democracy.

It is important to emphasive the circumstances under which this election is being held. More than 150,000 U.S. troops occupy the country, patrolling the streets with guns trained on Iraqi civilians. Iraq is under a state of emergency, with expanded police powers and a curfew.

This is and election at gunpoint, which will be supervised by U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte. Negroponte built an impressive resume as a brutal enforcer of U.S. policy through murder, rape, and torture. Negroponte served as U.S. Ambassador to Honduras from 1981-1985; a period during which Honduras was the launching pad from which the Reagan administration conducted its violent attacks on the people of Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. The U.S-backed atrocities, which were condemned by the International World Court in the Hague, included kidnappings, rape, torture and killing of suspected dissidents. Reports from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Honduras alleged that Negroponte oversaw the expansion of U.S training camp and military base on Honduran territory, where the U.S. trained Contra terrorists, and where the military secretly detained, tortured and executed Honduran suspected dissidents.

This is the person the Bush Administration would have us believe is going to bring democracy to Iraq.

Assisting him will be two US-funded organizations with long records of manipulating overseas elections on behalf of U.S. corporate interests, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI). These groups, both of which are tied to covert plans to install US-favored regimes overseas, are among organizations that have been given more than $80 million for political activities in Iraq.

Both organizations work closely with the National Endowment for Democracy and the U.S. Agency for International Development, long used by the CIA for covert operations abroad. They were, for example, involved in orchestrating the failed coup and recall referendum in Venezuela in an attempt to remove the democratically elected and popular President Hugo Chavez.

This election is being conducted at gunpoint, administered by a war criminal, and stage-managed by CIA front companies. To pretend that this has anything to do with democracy is outrageous. The Iraqi people recognize this --among expatriates, 90 percent haven't even bothered to register to vote on Sunday.

What, then is the purpose of the phony election? It is actually directed at the U.S. public, which is growing increasingly disillusioned with the war. The sole intent of the election is to provide legitimacy for the occupation, to marginalize the resistance movement, and create an illusion of progress. The election, like the phony transfer of power, will change nothing on the ground in Iraq. On January 31, the day after the election, more than 150,000 U.S. troops will still occupy Iraq, the torture chambers of Abu Ghraib will still be full of Iraqi prisoners, and CIA employee Iyad Allawi will still be the U.S.-appointed dictator.

The Iraqi People Have Already Voted -- Against the Occupation

The Iraqi people have already expressed their will; they are overwhelmingly opposed to the occupation of their country. The majority of Iraqi people want the U.S. troops to leave and do not believe that the U.S. and Britain should be involved in holding elections in Iraq, according to several polls.

Many have already cast their ballot against colonial occupation by joining the nationwide uprising. The intelligence chief for the puppet regime in Iraq, General Mohamed Abdullah Shahwani, admitted that the resistance now numbers more than 200,000.

The resistance is made up of many difference forces, with different ideologies and goals. They are united by the determination to free their country from U.S. occupation.

The right of people to resist occupation by arms is a basic right recognized under international law and the Geneva Convention. The people of Iraq have a right to fight back against the occupation of their country, the torture of their people, and the bombing of their cities. They also have a right to expect the solidarity of all who oppose the criminal war. It is not the role of the antiwar movement to debate the ideology or tactics of the resistance; it is our job to stand in solidarity with them and do everything possible to assist them by working to end the occupation of their country.

What Next for the Antiwar Movement?

The phony elections will not silence the Iraqi resistance. It is important to remember that in the months since the last time the U.S. attempted to put an "Iraqi face" on the occupation, with the phony transfer of power and appointment of Iyad Allawi as puppet dictator, the resistance has spread and become more sophisticated and more entrenched.

As the resistance grows, we in the U.S. have an obligation not to be deterred by false elections or talk of "timetables." We must stand with the people of Iraq and take up their demand: the immediate, unconditional, and complete withdrawal of all U.S. occupation forces.

We must organize a united struggle to end the occupation. This is now more important than ever before. George W. Bush made it clear in his inauguration sermon that he intends to wage continual, global war. We must meet his call to war with renewed determination and unity.

The global antiwar movement has called for massive protests on the weekend of March 19-20. In the U.S., the Troops Out Now Coalition is organizing local and regional demonstrations to demand an end to the occupation, including a massive regional convergence on Central Park on March 19. The International Action Center, part of the Troops Out Now Coalition, calls upon all progressive and antiwar organizations to join us in the streets on March 19 & 20 to demand: "Troops Out Now!"

March 19
Troops Out Now!
March on Central Park in NYC!
Regional Demonstrations Across the U.S. & Worldwide

The International Action Center


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