
Loggers Going Into Old Growth Reserve


Criticism from conservatives signals troubles for Bush's agenda


Informant: Frank Gonzalez

Iraqi Elections (30th January 2005)

Iraqi Elections: Full Coverage

Informant: Hopedance

$200 million a day on war in Iraq, and unable to offer social security...

David Diggins

Indischer Premierminister fordert Studien über Mobilfunkrisiken

Premierminister Manmohan Singh hat das indische Gesundheitsministerium aufgefordert, Risiken durch die Nutzung von Mobiltelefonen zu untersuchen. In einem Brief an den Premierminister hat der Parlamentsabgeordnete Murli Deora seinen Befürchtungen zu Gesundheitsrisiken durch Mobiltelefone Ausdruck verliehen. Er wies daraufhin, dass Forscher in aller Welt sich mit gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Mobiltelefonen beschäftigen. „Die aufgestellte Palette an Gesundheitsrisiken ist bisher alarmierend und beängstigend“, sagte Deora, „diese drohende Gefahr zwingt die Regierung, dringend in der Gesetzgebung aktiv zu werden.“. Laut Deora sollte es gesetzlich vorgeschrieben sein, dass die Mobilfunkunternehmen Forschung betreiben.


Quelle: FGF-Infoline vom 27.01.2005

Omega siehe dazu auch:

PM to initiate study on cellphone health hazards

PM to initiate study on cellphone health hazards

Press Trust of India

New Delhi, January 23, 2005|04:31 IST

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will ask the Health Ministry to study the possible health hazards of the usage of cellphones.

Congress MP Murli Deora, who met the Prime Minister on Saturday in this connection, said Singh shared his concern and would ask the Health Ministry to study any health hazards related to the usage of cellphones and ways to deal with it.

Deora, on whose PIL the Supreme Court ordered a ban on public smoking, has urged the Centre to initiate a legislation in this regard.

In a letter to the Prime Minister, Deora raised concerns over the health hazards that may be associated with cellphone usage. The medical research fraternity around the world is concerned about health hazards from mobile phones, he said.

"The range of health hazards identified by the researchers till now is alarmingly scary and mind-boggling," he said. "This impending threat renders it imperative for the Government to initiate urgent legislation," he added.

Deora said the legislation should make it mandatory for all cellphone companies to undertake research to "unambiguously establish that cellphone usage does not expose users to health hazards".

© HT Media Ltd. 2004


Indischer Premierminister fordert Studien über Mobilfunkrisiken

Ausbreitung der Freiheit mit Einschränkung der Menschenrechte?

Wie der designierte US-Justizminister Gonzales war auch der designierte US-Heimatschutzminister Certoff aktiv daran beteiligt, das Recht aufzuweichen und Folter zu ermöglichen...


Abolish the Federal Death Penalty


Vote Fraud 2004 Master Link List


A doctor observes that chemtrails are making people sick


All the evidence anybody who's brain is in their head and not in a jar
would ever need: http://images.google.com/images?q=chemtrails

From The Webfairy

Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales


Informant: Friends

Another scientist murdered. Anna

What you know WILL kill you

Chronology of Dead Scientists
Informant: Sylviane

Dead Scientists

Did 22 SDI Researchers really ALL Commit Suicide?

List of Murdered Scientists




Informant: NHNE




Pressure Grows For Bush To Deal With Global Warming


Leuren Moret Updates on Depleted Uranium/Electromagnetic Harassment


CoopRadio.org: Leuren Moret Updates on Depleted Uranium/Electromagnatic Harassment

"DU-The horror of Depleted Uranium is not limited to Iraq - it may well be at our doorsteps. EMF- Various sources of electro-magnetic frequencies are being used on those who oppose the US govt and the New World Order and issues that stand in the way of the goals that the govt/NWO wish to achieve.

Monday January 31, 2005 - Noon-1 PM Pacific Time"
COOP RADIO – CFRO – 102.7 FM Vancouver, B.C.
LISTEN ONLINE TO COOP RADIO: http://www.coopradio.org/

GUEST: Leuren Moret - Expert Witness at the International Criminal Tribunal For Afghanistan At Tokyo. She is an independent scientist and international expert on radiation and public health issues. She is on the organizing committee of the World Committee on Radiation Risk, an organization of independent radiation specialists, including members of the Radiation Committee in the EU parliament, the European Committee on Radiation Risk. She is an environmental commissioner for the City of Berkeley. Ms. Moret earned her BS in geology at U.C. Davis in 1968 and her MA in Near Eastern studies from U.C. Berkeley in 1978. She has completed all but her dissertation for a PhD in the geosciences at U.C. Davis. She has traveled and conducted scientific research in 42 countries. She wrote a scientific report on depleted uranium for the United Nations sub commission investigating the illegality of depleted uranium munitions. Marian Falk, a former Manhattan Project scientist and retired insider at the Livermore Lab, who is an expert on radioactive fallout and rainout, has trained her on radiation issues.

BIO: http://www.zi-activism.net/downloads/nonZi/leurenbio.htm

HOST: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

NEWS STORY: http://dc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/116499/index.php


Campaign for Cooperation in Space

Informant: ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space



Here's one more report that warns global temperatures due to global warming are approaching dangerous levels. This report was commissioned by the World Wildlife Federation. Two other reports, produced by two other groups, were also made public this past week.

The first report was produced by a collaboration of experts at Oxford and Reading universities, The Open University, London School of Economics, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory:



Irish mast cum cellphone health issue hots up further

The Irish EHS issue as it appertains to masts and cellphones has got some terrific print exposure today (Sunday, January 30, 2005). Its coverage in the popular tabloid--THE IRISH PEOPLE--is so good I'm sending the entire in attachments:


Then THE SUNDAY TIMES has also given some helpful coverage to the issue with accompanying photgraphs of Dr. Elizabeth Cullen, IERVN (Irish Electromagentic Radiation Victims Network) member Helen McCrory and longtime Irish antimast activist and EHS sufferer, Enda Dalton. I'll transcribe the article below.

Best, Imelda, Cork

THE SUNDAY TIMES. January 30, 2005, page 13


[by] Richard Oakley

Up to 5% of the population may be suffering ill health as a result of radiation from mobile phones and masts, according to a group of Irish doctors fighting for official acceptance of the problem.

The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA) is urging the government to adopt a cautious approach to the technology, and to ensure that people who claim to have related ilnesses are monitored. In a study to be released this week, the doctors will say they have identified 16 people whom they believe have been adversely affected by radiation. The medical report concludes that 'seemingly sensitive individuals' suffer 'devastating effects' from exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

According to the IDEA's co-founders Philip Michael and Elizabeth Cullen, more people are reporting severe health effects linked to radiation. The suvey outlines symptoms that include fatigue, confusion, tingling, temperature changes, dizziness and difficulty sleeping. It estimates that between 1% and 5% of the population could be sensitive to radiation and experience illness as a result. The IDEA says further research is necessary. It wants special screens for the 16 people in the study, to see if their conditions improve when radiation is blocked.

The association's claims will be strongly refuted by the industry and government. The Department of Communications said recently that there was no valid scienetific research to suggest that the use of mobile phones could be bad for children. Their comments followed advice by a leading British expert that their use by preteens sould be limited. The government has also said that tests on mobile-phone base stations in the country found that none exceeded internationally recognised guidelines on radiation levels. Mobile-phone operators also dismiss claims that radiation from masts or phones could be harmful. Vodafone said: "There is no evidence of any impact on human health when exposure levels are below internationally recognised guidelines."

Omega this is not true. There is very much evidence of impact from that radiation on human and animal health. See under:

Despite these reassurances there are growing numbers of people reporting symptoms, like Dubliners Helen McCrory of Clontarf and Enda Dalton of Raheny. McCrory blames nearby mobile phone masts for her illness and said she can't leave her house because "masts are everywhere now". "I can't sleep, my head pounds, my skin burns and I get a painful pumping sensation from head to toe. It has got so bad that I feel suicidal," she said.

Dalton claims he has suffered from radiation since 1985 and has installed a screened room in his house to get relief. "There are loads of people like me who are sensitive to radiation and our symptoms are real. We need the entire system shut down until a thorough investigation is carried out. We know the radiation is below recommended guidelines, but these guidelines are not correct because we still suffer," he said.

John Ryan, a farmer in Tipperary, claims he has suffered illness since allowing a Vodafone mast to be installed on his land. He has offered to return the money he received to have the mast taken down but Vodafone wants him to pay extra. The mast has been shown to adhere to safe radiation levels but Ryan is adamant that it gives him headaches and dizzy spells. Vodafone does not accept that the mast is reponsible for Ryan's symptoms."

Shell to reveal hidden phone masts


Churches cash in on phone boom

Cross used as antenna

Hidden phone masts

Homeowners paid to hide phone masts

Homeowners paid to hide phone masts


Churches cash in on phone boom

Cross used as antenna

Hidden phone masts

Shell to reveal hidden phone masts

Churches cash in on phone boom


Cross used as antenna

Hidden phone masts

Homeowners paid to hide phone masts

Shell to reveal hidden phone masts

Hidden Church masts - A church in Edinburgh refused Vodafone permission to erect a 3g mast on the church

The local paper in Oxford (Oxford Times) has run a big story this w/e about a proposal from QS4 acting for Vodaphone and O2 to put a hidden mast inside a church tower in N. Oxford. The story only came to light because they need planning permission because the church is a listed building. It says in the report that Lincoln college recently put a mast disguised as a tree up in their sports ground, first we had heard of that. If they don't need planning permission then low level masts can be stuck up anywhere. Frighteneing.

Chris Gretton for QS4 was quoted as saying 'If it is a case of the mast not going in the OCMS building (church), then it will be built somewhere in the vicinity. It is possible the masts will take the form of street works - horrible monopoles on the roadside. You will need more of them and they will have to be more highly powered because they are working at ground level.'

What nasty threatening toads these people are.

Ann Furtado


Hi Ann

A couple of points - in addition to Yasmin's suggestion make your church aware of the reasons a church in Edinburgh refused Vodafone permission to erect a 3g mast on the church - St. Martin's Vestry, Dairy Road. Edinburgh

Vodafone offered the church over £100.000 over 15 years but the church said that because a number of residents made it clear they feared the health effects the church wasn't prepared to agree a course of action which would make people feel unsafe in their own homes. The church said they existed to help promote the well being of the community and area in which they are set and in which they witness to the Gospel. The wellbeing of the community was their main focus.

I experienced the same situation in my own community. Hutchison wanted to put a mast on our village Grade 1 listed church. The church eventually refused them permission because the community was against the mast. So Hutchison said well it has to go somewhere so if the church won't have it we will put it as a street lamp solution nearby, that nearby happened to be outside my back bedroom window about 15 meters from my house. Everyone was so outraged by their attitude that we ran a huge campaign and I complained about them absolutely everywhere including the DTI and got organisations like Corporate Watch writing about them. We got rid of them and they eventually got permission 800 meters away in a field 200 meters from the nearest house so give them as good as they give you - they are a disgrace.


From Mast Network

Concern over church phone masts : Fury as vicar claims mast 'a gift from God'

Churches cash in on phone boom

Cell towers now hide in plain sight

Cross used as antenna

Hidden phone masts

Homeowners paid to hide phone masts

Shell to reveal hidden phone masts

The saga of Lord Bassam of Brighton

The saga began with this entry in Hansard during the debate on mobile phone masts.

Lord Bassam of Brighton: My Lords, there will of course be some revision of the guidance, because the planning policy guidance process is turning into a different form of planning guidance. There have been recent reviews of PPG8 and I understand that it is widely understood. The problem is that local residents sometimes do not like what they hear; one has to be realistic about that. The noble Baroness makes a point about the number of appeals. It is certainly true that there was a large increase in appeals and in the quantity of written representations on planning applications. Thankfully, that appears to have peaked and may well now be tailing off, but it is of course open to local political activists to stir up such issues. It is in their interests to do so; one can well understand that.

I then sent the following letter to all Members of the House of Lords on the 8th December 2004:

Letter to all members of the House of Lords

I finally received ONE reply from Rt Hon Jeff Rooker dated 26th January 2005, as follows:

Thank you for your letter addressed to all members of the House of Lords regarding Lord Bassam's comments during the debate on mobile phone masts. You will appreciate that it would be inappropriate for the Government to comment on an individual case. Nonetheless, it may be helpful if I set out the planning position in general terms. I apologise for the delay in replying.

As you will be aware, the regulations (Statutory Instruments 2001/2718 and 2001/2719) for communication developments can be found at http://www.hmso.gov.uk . The revised Planning Policy Guidance Note on Telecommunications (PPPG*) and Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Development can be found on http://www.odpm.gov.uk .

The Government takes very seriously public concern about the possibility of health effects associated with telecommunications systems. Our advice is based on the Stewart Report on recommending a precautionary approach to the development of this technology and made proposals for further research.

For base stations Stewart concluded that: "the balance of evidence indicated that there is no general risk to health of people living near base stations on the basis that exposures are expected to be small fractions of the guidelines."

The Government accepted the precautionary approach and has therefore introduced new measures to ensure that people's exposures from base stations meet the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These guidelines are five times tougher than they have been for the public and include TETRA and 3G base stations.

Another recommendation of the Stewart Report was the auditing of emissions from base stations. In an ongoing audit, OFCOM (formerly the Radiocommunications Agency) has measured exposures around nearly 400 base stations to date http://www.ofcom.org.uk . TETRA base stations are also now being measured. In all cases exposures have been below, and mostly thousands of times below, the guidelines.

The Stewart report had already noted that "for base station emissions, exposures of the general public will be to the whole body but normally at levels many times less those from handsets."

The Stewart recommendation for further research has been followed up through the new Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) program ( http://www.mthr.org ) that is jointly funded by both the Government and industry. The research is aimed mainly at the areas identified in the Stewart Report and those proposed in a report on TETRA by the National Radiological Protection Board's independent Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR). The process will ensure that Government and the public are kept up to date with new research findings.

Stewart also recommended that the issue was reviewed again after 3 years and in January the NRPB's Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation published their report "Health Effects from Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields". AGNIR has examined recent experimental and epidemiological evidence for health effects due to exposure to radiofrequency (RF) transmissions, including those associated with mobile telephone handsets and base stations. They also conclude "Exposure levels from living near of mobile base stations are extremely low and the overall evidence indicates that they are unlikely to pose a risk to health".

You raise the issue of potential health concerns about the TETRA system. Following a request to the NRPB by the Home Office, the issue of possible health effects caused by signals from TETRA base stations was comprehensively addressed in a report by NRPB@S independent Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR), chaired by Sir Richard Doll. The report on "Possible Health Effects from Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) was published in 2002 in the Documents of the NRPB (Volume 12 No2 2001) and is also available on the NRPB website http://www.nrpb.org . The report noted the signals from TETRA base stations, like their mobile phone counterparts, are not pulsed. There is, therefore, no reason to believe that signals from TETRA base stations should be treated differently from other base stations. The AGNIR report also found that exposures of the public to signals from TETRA base stations are small fractions of the international guidelines.

TETRA technologies are also included within the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) program set by the Government 2001 ( http://www.mthr.org.uk ). An associated program, specifically on TETRA, is being funded by the Home Office
http://www.homeoffice.go.uk .

The Government has welcomed the timely review undertaken by the national Radiological Protection Board which was published on 11 January.

The report made many recommendations about mobile phones and health, including two related to planning procedures. We are studying the recommendations and will respond fully once we have considered them fully.

I can assure you that the Government is keeping the whole area of mobile phone technology under review in the light of further research.

Jeff Rooker
Personally signed


The Rt. Hon. Jeff Rooker

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
26 Whitehall

30th January 2005

Dear Sir,

I thank you for being the only one to have the courteous to reply to my letter of the 8th December 2004 to all members of the House of Lords.

My objection was that Lord Bassam of Brighton referred to mast campaigners as "local political activists" because we object to mast applications and take the trouble to research, in order to help residents to present evidence which fits planning criteria.

It appears that this is what Lord Balsam calls "stirring up issues concerned with planning appeals."

I can only say that there would not be objections to mast planning applications, resulting in many appeals, if there was no anecdotal evidence of ill health in areas where these masts are up and running; if there was no visual environmental aspect with these eyesores: if the phone companies fully observed the Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone network Development; and if phone companies did not try to breach all ethic and moral codes, which a majority of residents adhere to.

It may be inconvenient to your government that ordinary people want to object to phone mast applications, but then what other recourse do people have when the elected government ignores their plight?

I do not believe any government should run the UK which does not truly serve the people who elected it into power.

As Lord Balsam has not replied to my letter, I can have no respect for a man who tars everyone with the same brush, to suit his frame of mind, without looking into the truth of what sort of people work towards planning appeals and for what reasons.

Please inform him that planning appeals have only decreased because planning applications for masts 15m and under only need prior notification.

I can assure him that the current rush to cover the UK with 3G masts has caused great concern and anger amongst residents of the UK and that Mast Sanity is now issuing health survey forms, in areas where 3G is up and running, for an independent of Mast Sanity Health Survey. Mast Sanity also gives advice and support frequently on mast planning applications and prior notifications across the UK. The strength of opposition from members of the public is surprising us daily.

If this present government takes very seriously public concern about the possibility of health effects associated with telecommunications systems, why does it choose to ignore the pockets of ill health around mast sites across the UK; why has consideration of health/perceived health aspects been "buried" in planning systems; and why are there no ' independent of government and phone companies' health surveys?

If you are quoting Sir William Stewart and his report in 2000, why did this government ignore his recommendations then, which he reiterated this month in his further report?

ICNIPR guidelines are based on the thermal (heating) effects and good research abroad, which this government ignores states that the biological effects cause symptoms of ill health and ill health. So really ICNIPR is irrelevant.

OFCOM may have measured exposures around nearly 400 base stations to date and also an unmentioned number of TETRA base stations, but what is the relevance of measuring the exposure of one mast when some cities are so densely populated with these masts?

In reference to the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MYTHR), and also the TETRA program for serving police officers, I am not alone in having a problem with both of these.

If the government wanted an investigation into drug running, it would not choose people who had financial or other interests connected with this trafficking to do so.

My argument, therefore, is how can either of these health research programs be unbiased when they are funded by the government or phone companies?

If this government sincerely wants to tackle this huge problem of health effects from these masts it should arrange for independent research into all microwave radiation and instruct its scientists to search out a safer alternative to use for telecommunication technology.

At the very least it should remove restrictions to "health and perception of.." in planning considerations and all masts should come under full planning law, with the removal of those mast in clusters around residential areas. There should be an exclusion zone around schools, hospitals, homes for the elderly, and other sensitive sites; 3G and TETRA should be researched for biological effects.

That is what will solve the problems that campaigners and UK residents seek to change. This is what the electorate wants. Ignore them at your peril!

Yours sincerely

Mrs S L Lawrence

Message from Mast Network

Letter and attachment to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework



Not welcome, Mr. Bush!


Bush in Europa unerwünscht

Fotos von der Demo gegen Bush in Mainz vom 23.02.2005:

Anlässlich des Besuchs des US-Präsidenten George W. Bush in Deutschland wird es nicht nur in Mainz, wo Bush Station macht, Massenproteste geben, sondern auch in vielen anderen Orten der Bundesrepublik und in anderen europäischen Ländern. "Not Welcome, Mr. Bush!", ist der Aufruf überschrieben, auf den sich die Friedensbewegung geeinigt hat.


Aktionen zum Bush-Besuch, Bitte um Beteiligung

An Initiativen und Interessierte aus der Friedens-, Eine Welt-, Umwelt-, Menschenrechts- und globalisierungskritischen Bewegung, an Kirchengemeinden, Unigruppen, Gewerkschaften und Parteien

Abs.: Netzwerk Friedenskooperative
Römerstr. 88
53111 Bonn
Tel. 0228/692904
Fax: 0228/692906
eMail: friekoop@bonn.comlink.org
Förderverein Frieden e.V.

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Wir möchten auf die Aktivitäten zum Bush-Besuch im Februar 2005 aufmerksam machen und um Unterstützung und Beteiligung bitten.

Während seiner Europareise wird US-Präsident Bush am Mi., 23. Februar 2005 auch in Deutschland sein. Geplant ist ein Treffen mit Kanzler Schröder in Mainz und vorraussichtlich ein Truppenbesuch in Wiesbaden. Am Vortag kommt Bush zu NATO und EU nach Brüssel, am 24. Februar trifft er den russischen Präsidenten Putin in Bratislava/Slowakei. Für Montag und Dienstag werden auch Protestveranstaltungen in Brüssel geplant.

Unter dem Motto "Not welcome, Mr. Bush! Für eine friedliche und soziale Welt!" wird aufgerufen, am Dienstag, dem 22. und Mittwoch, dem 23. Februar 2005 an vielen Orten und mit vielfältigen Aktionen zu demonstrieren und am 23. Februar nach Mainz zu kommen. Natürlich sind das "ungünstige" Demonstrationstermine, aber es ist sicher unverzichtbar, dass wir uns am transatlantischen Dialog "von unten" beteiligen.

Über die bisher geplanten Aktionen informieren wir unter


Weitere geplante Aktionen bitten wir, dort in die Datenbank der Friedenskooperative online einzutragen. Oder sendet einfach eine kleine Mail mit den Details an uns.

Kundgebung/Demonstrationen in Mainz:
Dienstag, 22.2.05
17:30 Uhr
Versammlung mit Rahmenprogramm in der Mainzer Innenstadt

Mittwoch, 23.2.05
5 vor 12
Auftaktkundgebung in der Mainzer Innenstadt/ vorauss. Markt
14:00 Uhr
Wir holen Euch ab (Zwischenkundgebung am Mainzer Hauptbahnhof)
15:30 Uhr
Abschlusskundgebung in der Innenstadt

Trägerkreis Not welcome, Mr. Bush in Mainz:
Infotelefon: 0 61 31 / 90 52 63
eMail: info@notwelcomebush.de

Infos z.B. zu den nächsten Vorbereitungstreffen sind auf der Website abrufbar.

Schwerpunkte der Demonstrationen werden die Kritik an der völkerrechtswidrigen Kriegspolitik der USA im Irak und die wankelmütige bis unterstützende Haltung der Bundesregierung und die zunehmende Militarisierung Europas sein. „Um die drängenden Probleme der Menschen global friedlich lösen zu können, braucht die Welt keine Kriegsallianzen und keine US-Alleingänge, sondern solidarische Zusammenarbeit“, heißt es im Aufruf.

Der Aufruf ist auf den genannten Webseiten abrufbar. Unterstützung/Unterschrift bitte per Nachricht an das Aktionsbündnis (s.o.). Gruppen/Organisationen sollten mindestens 50,- EUR. zu den Organisationskosten beitragen. Beim nächsten Treffen am 31. Januar wird auch ein engerer Veranstalterkreis bestimmt (dessen Mitgliedsorganisationen sich personell wie finanziell sich besonders stark engagieren müssen).

Der Aufruf kann bei uns auch "online" unterzeichnet werden. Auch das DIN A2-Plakat kann beim Netzwerk Friedenskooperative bestellt werden, das Formular dazu siehe:

Schon vorher: München
"Transatlantischer Dialog von unten" bzw. Antikriegsdemonstrationen finden übrigens auch schon vorher (10.-12. Februar) anlässlich der "Sicherheitskonferenz" in München statt. Informationen zu den dort geplanten Diskussionsveranstaltungen/Konferenzen und Demonstrationen siehe unter:
http://www.dfg-vk.de/sicherheitskonferenz/index.htm und

Für freuen uns über Dein/Ihr Engagement und Unterstützung

Mit friedlichen und herzlichen Grüßen
aus dem Büro des Netzwerk Friedenskooperative,
Kristian Golla und Mani Stenner


"Wer schweigt stimmt zu!" - Attac-Erklärung zum Bush-Besuch

Am 23. Februar 2005 (Mittwoch) wird George W. Bush im Rahmen seiner Europareise auch die Stadt Mainz besuchen. Diesen Besuch nehmen wir zum Anlass gegen die unheilvolle und zum Teil verbrecherische Politik von George W. Bush zu protestieren und rufen alle demokratischen und gewaltfreien Kräfte auf, sich hieran zu beteiligen.

Die Politik von George W. Bush in den USA und weltweit steht wie kaum eine andere für neoliberale Globalisierung und Raubtierkapitalismus. Vom völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg über die offizielle Außerkraftsetzung des Rechtsstaats bis zur Beschneidung von Bürgerrechten und Schaffung sozialer Ungleichheit fehlt kaum etwas in der Liste seiner Verbrechen.

Die Begriffe von "Freiheit" und "Demokratie" werden von George W. Bush infam missbraucht, um tatsächlich die Errungenschaften der Aufklärung und des Humanismus mit Füßen zu treten und zu beseitigen.

Diese Person gehört nicht in das "Goldene Buch" der Stadt Mainz sondern vor Gericht!

George W. Bush und seine Administration kennen keinerlei Skrupel, wenn es darum geht, die Interessen der Konzerne an ungestörter Kapitalverwertung weltweit mit wirtschaftlicher, politischer und militärischer Gewalt abzusichern. So wird der verschärfte Standortwettbewerb der Staaten immer heftiger buchstäblich auf Kosten des Lebens von Menschen ausgetragen. Auch die europäischen Staaten sind und waren daran nicht erst im Irakkrieg beteiligt. Zuletzt 1999 in Jugoslawien haben sie bewiesen, dass auch sie auf Uno und Völkerrecht pfeifen, wenn sie es für opportun halten. Gerhard Schröder errang sich damals das Verdienst, der erste echte deutsche Kriegskanzler seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg zu sein. Auch dagegen richtet sich unser Protest.

Attac wird dieser Politik gewaltfrei die Stirn bieten und unterstützt die Aktionstage am 22./ 23.02.05 und den Aufruf "Not welcome, Mr. Bush!"

Wer schweigt stimmt zu!

Attac Deutschland, Koordinierungskreis

-- Angelika Shams * Mitglied im Attac-Bundeskoordinierungskreis Egertstraße 12 * 75365 Calw-Stammheim * email: shams@attac.de Fon: 07051 / 935 675 * 0179 / 513 41 59 * Fax: 07051 / 935 677


Wir brauchen dringend noch Leute, die sich am 23.02 bei der Bush Demo als Ordnerinnen und Ordner melden. Bitte alle zentral bei mir melden haugr@gmx.de . Vielen Dank! Treffpunkt: 23.02: ab 11h Kaiserstr. Mainz (ca. 200m vom Hbf) an der Demobühne. http://www.notwelcomebush.de/

Roman Haug


Präsident Bush in Deutschland nicht willkommen

Not welcome, Mr. Bush

Iran - Kriegsvorbereitungen

Kein Krieg!
Sonderseite mit Reportagen, Reden, Zitaten, Analysen,...

Mainz wird seins

Ein weiterer Grund Bush gebührend zu empfangen

Demonstration zum Bush-Besuch - Termine zum Bush-Besuch

Infos zu den Bussen nach Mainz gibt es unter:

Stop The Escalation - Let’s show Bush he’s NOT welcome

Bush Not Welcome In Europe (pictures)

Klimaschutz und Atomausstieg kein Widerspruch

Die Nutzung der Atomkraft ist keine Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Klimaschutzpolitik. Stattdessen sind Effizienzsteigerungen bei der Energieumwandlung und der Energienutzung, sparsamer Umgang mit Energie in allen Bereichen und der Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien wichtige Bausteine, die Anforderungen des Klimaschutzes zu erfüllen. Dies betont die Bundesregierung in ihrer Antwort auf eine Grosse Anfrage der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion, die sich nach den Konsequenzen des Ausstiegs aus der Atomenergie für Wirtschaft und Umwelt erkundigt hatte.


Dioxin-Meldung lanciert?

Dass die Schlagzeile "Dioxin in Eiern" in der letzten Woche ein reines Medienthema war, wurde am Rande der Internationalen Grünen Woche in Berlin klar. Die Vorsitzende des Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverbandes (vzbv), Prof. Dr. Edda Mueller, betonte auf einer Pressekonferenz, sie hätte keinerlei Rückmeldung von vermehrten Anfragen aus den Verbraucherzentralen der Länder erhalten.


Weltsozialforum kritisiert Irak-Politik der USA

Die Gegenveranstaltung zum Weltwirtschaftsforum hat mit Demonstrationen begonnen. Der Protest mit 200.000 Teilnehmern richtete sich vor allem gegen die US-Politik im Irak. Es war die bisher größte globalisierungskritische Kundgebung in Brasilien. Daran nahmen unter anderem Sozialisten, Gewerkschafter, afrobrasilianische Trommler und Kirchenvertreter aus der ganzen Welt teil. Eröffnet wurde das Forum durch ein Friedensritual brasilianischer Indianer.


Die ökologischen Grenzen der Globalisierung

Hintergründe zu den sozialen und ökologischen Folgen des Welthandels.

Geschöpfe wie wir

Die moralische Qualität einer Gesellschaft zeigt sich gerade im Umgang mit den Tieren. Der Theologe und Philosoph Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald belegt diese Tatsache jetzt mit seinem Buch "Geschöpfe wie wir". Der Vorstand der Schweisfurth-Stiftung für ökologische Agrar-Kultur in München will damit Christen und christlich Denkende zum dringend erforderlichen Umdenken und einer Abkehr von Massentierhaltung, Futterimporten sowie Überschussproduktionen zu Lasten der Nutztiere anregen.


Lehren aus dem Tsunami

Eine gesellschaftliche "Entwicklung", die ökologische Grenzen und Umweltschutz missachtet, kann nur zu unabsehbaren Zerstörungen führen - von Vandana Shiva


Project for a new anti-American century



COMMENTARY: Project for a new anti-American century
Written by Jay Ruskin
Saturday, 29 January 2005

To the peoples of the world, George W. Bush's second inaugural address seemed ludicrous for one simple reason: except in the area of military bullying, "the U.S. today is a follower rather than a leader," as Michael Lind demonstrates in Thursday's Financial Times (UK) by reviewing recent developments in matters economic, diplomatic, humanitarian, political, technological, institutional... -- Michael Lind is "a former Republican who voted for George Bush in 1988. He is a former editor of National Review and protégé of William F. Buckley Jr. And probably the 'highest ranking' defector from the conservative movement," as Jim Blair put it in reviewing Lind's Up from Conservatism: Why the Right Is Wrong for America (Free Press, 1996)....


Informant: jensenmk

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