
Would you put your head in a Microwave Oven

Would you stick your head in a microwave oven?


"Would you put your head in a Microwave Oven"

New book on microwave radiation & health

I have not yet read the new book by Gerald Goldberg but what he says about his findings reminds me of the Swedish book “New Diagnosis” (1999) by Professor Robert Olin which unfortunately for most of us, was never published in English. After Gerald’s notice (below) I have copied and pasted some brief exerpts from Olin’s book which seems to back up Goldberg’s viewpoints.

Don Maisch

Book notice from Gerald Goldberg MD:

Hello, I am a medical doctor and researcher in the US. I have just published a book on microwave radiation. Check it out at:

From the above website:

Would you stick your head in a microwave oven? Well would you? Of course not.

Technology has transformed this planet into an open microwave system with its satellite transmissions. This book examines what the health consequences are. This book simply points out that the gradual rise in illness across broad geographic areas are an early indicator of microwave illness, independently of what the experts lead you to believe. The handwriting is already on the wall and most of know that something is wrong. This book discusses in simple terms the effects of microwave radiation on the human body. I utilize dosimetry studies done by the US Air Force, which outline in clear terms what organs of the body are most vulnerable to cumulative microwave exposure. I outline the mechanisms by which slow exposure is masquerading as various illnesses across this country.

We are on the verge of a health care crisis which threatens to bankrupt our society and health care system. Whether we like to consider it or not the planet that we are living on has been transformed into an open microwave system.

In this book I examine the common link between microwave radiation and seemingly unrelated illnesses. The book demonstrates that the rising incidence of certain illnesses and cancers across broad geographic regions parallels the increasing rise in exposure and use of microwave radiation.

This book is a common sense approach to the subject which is presented in a clear language that the laymen can understand. Also it is liberally referenced from the scientific literature. The book is designed to be generally informative as well as a reference source for the average reader. Additionally I have provided a wealth of resources that have been shown to be beneficial to offset the consequences of excess microwave exposure.

About the Author

I am a medical internist with over 30 years of clinical experience. Additionally I have been researching the biomedical literature from a traditional and holistic perspective for the last 15 years. I have training in herbology, Chinese medicine, nutritional approaches to health and other modalities. I have done extensive research on the causality of disease and its relationship to environmental factors as will as researching approaches to deal with these issues. I have been a radio show host involved in sharing information with the public on alternative health issues and perspectives in the NYC area for the past 5 years and have been actively involved with a nutritional pharmacy.

This manuscript was written to present the data to the average reader so that they could judge the issue for themselves.

The health consequences from continuous low level exposure from microwave radiation can be catastrophic. The transmission of microwave transmission can be handled in a safe and effective manner to provide for global communication without affecting the overall health of our planet.

The book starts by examining dosimetry which shows which parts of the body are most sensitive to microwave radiation based on studies done by our Armed Forces. Dosimetry is also predictive of the pattern of injury that one would expect to find.

The second chapter explains how microwave radiation produces disease. It examines the mechanisms of disease production in living systems. It also explains how microwave injury manifests as specific organ system dysfunction, be it neurological, behavioral, immune, cancer etc.

The third chapter links the rise of radiation against the simultaneous rise of certain illnesses in society. It demonstrates through the use of graphs that the parallel and symmetrical rise of certain illnesses across broad geographic areas reflects common force acting equally on all these regions. The graphs also demonstrate that it is the rate of increase not the absolute number of cases in a given region that is important. It is important to emphasize that microwave radiation is not the only cause of disease. It is potentially one of the few common links that unite large segments of our population to recreate and produce similar patterns of illness in widely separated geographic locations.

Microwave injury can also contribute to other patterns of illness. In the fourth chapter, under medical equivalents, I have grouped the common names that are attributed to illnesses by organ systems. If common illnesses are examined from the perspective of simultaneous parallel geographic increase than the influence of microwave injury can be discerned.

To purchase a copy simply go to the site, http://www.authorhouse.com and type in my name, Gerald Goldberg, under the author post.


G. Goldberg, MD

“New Diagnosis” (Swedish only)
by Robert Olin

The report “New Diagnosis” was written by Robert Olin, MD and Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine. The report has been prepared on behalf of a Parliamentary Commission appointed by the Swedish government. It was published in October of 1999.

This report was commissioned as a result of ongoing research carried out by several organisations, including the Karolinska Institute, The Swedish National Institute of Occupational Health, the Swedish Union of Clerical and Technical Employees in Industry, Lule College and Institute of Technology, Lund University and the Orebro Medical Centre in Sweden.

Per Segerbach from Sweden sent me some brief translations from the report as follows:

From the back page of the book:

“In medical care, the research community and among decision makers the attitude versus the “new diagnoses” have often been blocked by out-of-date views and prejudices.”

From the Summary chapter of the book:

. . .”But it is also true that living conditions for people in a highly developed country like Sweden, have changed considerably during the last century, compared to earlier centuries. The “exploding” technical development all the way from phone and radio use into the current “communication society” as well as the multitude of new chemical products and physical technologies, for most people leads to very different living conditions.”

“This document is founded on the belief that for many “new diagnoses” the common symptoms (see below) have existed for a long time, but that the conditions have become more visible, e.g. due to the above mentioned changes in the society. In addition, it is likely that the true occurrence have increased, which may hypothetically depend on the dramatic increase over the last decades in daily sensory stimulus and chemical and physiological environmental influence.”

“The document presents in brief, a number of “new diagnoses” and in chapter 14 especially, symptoms that are more or less common, namely tiredness, sleep disorders, vegetative and neuro-cognitive symptoms. Pain and disturbed “psychological equilibrium” as well as symptoms from mucus are also common.”

. . . “In the same chapter an overall hypothesis about the biological mechanism is discussed that might explain the majority of the “new diagnosis” -conditions - but naturally not all, because in a minority of the cases it is likely to be purely psychological circumstances or somatic diseases that are the cause of the symptoms.”

“The document critically reviews the role and position of psychiatry in the treatment and attitudes towards the patients suffering from “new diagosis” -disorders.”

The hypothesis relates to and enlarges the theory/hypothesis that the Swedish research group Rönnbäck-Hansson formulated regarding defects/damage in the astrogliacell membrane caused by disturbances in the transport through the membrane of e.g. the important energy- and signal substance glutamate.”


Source: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=390


Dr Goldberg's brilliant book on microwave radiation


Comments on the Goldberg / Olin books


Dr. Gerald Goldberg interview link is now on w-a-r-t web site http://www.w-a-r-t.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/


Dr. Gerald Goldberg interview 19.06.2006


Microwave oven info

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