
„Macht Mobilfunk krank?“

Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

am Donnerstag, 09. Juni 2005, 19.30 Uhr
in der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung
in der Brienner Str. 46,
U 1/7 und Tram 20/21 Stiglmaierplatz (3 min zu Fuß)
U 2/8 Königsplatz (5 min zu Fuß)

Drastisch niedrigere Grenzwerte für Mobilfunk-Strahlung fordert Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner auf einem Vortrag der ödp am 9. Juni 05, da in vielen Versuchen Schäden durch Mobilfunk-Strahlung bei Mensch und Tier nachgewiesen seien – sogar bei weniger als einem 1.000stel des deutschen Grenzwerts. Die ödp fordert daher eine konsequente Vorsorgepolitik zum Schutz der Bevölkerung.

Außerdem wird Prof. Buchner das bayerische Volksbegehren „Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk“ vorstellen. Ziel ist die Einführung von Genehmigungsverfahren für Mobilfunk-Sendemasten und die Verankerung der Gesundheitsvorsorge im Landesentwicklungsplan. „Wir sind nicht grundsätzlich gegen Handys, aber die Mobilfunkbetreiber sollen ihre Sendemasten nicht länger hinstellen können wo sie wollen. Mit dem Volksbegehren wird eine deutliche Reduzierung der Strahlenbelastung, eine Vorsorgeplanung mit unproblematischeren Standorten und mehr Nachbarschutz möglich“, erklärt Prof. Buchner.

Die Eintragungszeit beginnt am 5. Juli und endet am 18. Juli 2005. Die Initiative ist erfolgreich, wenn sich während dieses Zeitraums 916.000 Wahlberechtigte in die in den Rathäusern ausliegenden Unterschriftenlisten eintragen.

Der Referent:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, Universitätsprofessor (64) verheiratet, vier Kinder. Er ist ödp-Bundesvorsitzender.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Hollemann

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397
E-Mail m.hollemann@oedp-muenchen.de

Two blind experiences of unwell-being and sickness by radiofrequency radiation of wireless communication systems


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Informant: Charles Bremer

Omega-News Collection 28. May 2005

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Mast battle 'victory'



PEOPLE power has stopped a mobile phone mast

Health and home prices fears

Residents lose mast battle



Mast plan gets go-ahead


Phone mast could threaten 'health and house prices'

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Informant: Sylvie

MP to meet Orange over mast proposals

JEREMY Hunt has criticised Tony Blair and is calling on the Prime Minister to stop ignoring the concerns of local communities about the siting of mobile phone masts. The newly elected MP for South West Surrey is meeting representatives from mobile operator Orange to discuss 13 new mast planning applications around the south Bourne area. “We all want to be able to use a mobile phone, but this doesn’t mean masts should be constructed without any regard for the well- being of local people in south-west Surrey,” he said. “It is time for Mr Blair to start listening and stop ignoring the views of local communities. As your member of parliament I will be calling on Mr Blair’s government to address the feelings of powerlessness and frustration experienced by those living under the threat of badly sited masts,” he added. One of the sites Mr Hunt will be discussing at the meeting concerns the proposed site on Waverley Lane, opposite Bourne Infant School. Niki Hearnshaw, campaign co-ordinator for the Bourne School Masts Action Group, said: “It is great news that this meeting is taking place and that Mr Hunt is helping us with our campaign against the siting of this mast.” Ms Hearnshaw has been invited to attend the meeting to discuss her concerns about the mast. “I am delighted to get the opportunity speak with Orange face to face. I want them to know that there is no way we will give up our fight no matter how long it takes,” she said. “The fundamental problem is that Orange has failed to fulfil their promise to consult with the school and the local community about the siting of the mast.” All Ms Hearnshaw’s children have attended the school and she is worried out the health effects of the mast on the children. “The mast will be about 50 metres from the school and because the school is on a hill the mast’s beam will be in line with the playground. We have had this independently verified by local radiologists,” she said. And in a further boost for protesters, BBC television cameras visited Bourne Infant School on Wednesday to publicise its fight against the possible siting of a mast nearby the school. A statement from Orange said: “We are currently reconsidering a number of proposals as a direct result of the consultation undertaken at The Bush Hotel back in April. “We understand the strength of feeling among the local community and although we have a few options left available to us, we have agreed to revisit some of the previously discounted alternative sites. We hope to have made some final decisions about which sites we will be progressing within the next two months. The footage taken at Bourne Infant School will be broadcast on BBC’s South Today during the news coverage of the meeting between Jeremy Hunt, Niki Hearnshaw and representatives from Orange at the House of Commons on Tuesday, May 31.

United stand against mast

Kenilworth Today

Fears for the health of their children and the environment have prompted parents to tackle mobile phone giant Vodafone over a proposed mast. The world's largest mobile phone company plans to construct a 12-metre high mast on the corner of Beehive Hill and Birmingham Road, yards away from Priors Field School and even closer to resident's homes.

The planned mast falls short of the 15-metre limit, which requires planning permission and so is exempt from the need for formal consent from Warwick District Council.

Arvine Bird, who lives opposite the proposed site and has three young children, said: "Warwickshire County Council has actually banned these masts on the top of school buildings so there is obviously a question mark over the safety of them.

"The health risks cannot be proven but this does not mean they can be disproved either."

Clinton Lane resident Bob Owens believes the mast is needed to improve reception in the area, particularly for photo messaging.

He said: "It will damage the environment - it is on the approach to Kenilworth, close to a school and nursery and will be within 15 metres of residents' properties. It is something we do not want.

"The people who are going to suffer will be the people around it and nobody is sure yet what damage these things can do."

Gillian Gould, a lunchtime supervisor at Priors Field, remembers fighting a similar plan by Orange seven years ago.

She said: "It's absolute madness to put a mast next to a school with over 200 children. The playing fields back right onto Chase Lane. Orange didn't get away with it when they tried so hopefully Vodafone won't either."

But Steve Maggs, who works as a scientist at the University of Warwick, said: "Most of the research done suggests there are no problems with any of these masts. It's not necessarily harmful and a lot of the concerns have been brought about by scaremongering."

Vodafone has embarked on a consultation process inviting nearby residents, schools, councils and councillors to give their opinions before making a final decision.

People living near the site have written their objections to ward councillors and Vodafone, and a petition has also been circulated in the neighbourhood.

Coun Michael Coker (Con, Abbey) said: "As far as the masts are concerned we have to approach them very carefully, one because they tend to be ugly and two because people are still concerned about the health aspects. Whether they are right or wrong I understand their feelings.

"My own feeling is that if we have to have them, they should be well away from houses in the middle of a field."

A spokeswoman for Vodafone explained that other potential locations had been investigated but this is a preferred site.

She added: "Nothing is set in stone. We will take people's views on board and then we will make a decision."

27 May 2005

Phone mast could threaten 'health and house prices'

May 27 2005

Dorking and Leatherhead

By Daniel Edwards

A PROPOSAL by a major telecommunications company to install a mobile phone mast is causing concern among residents in Fetcham.

Mobile phone firm Vodafone has approached Mole Valley District Council to install a mast off Shamrock Close, Fetcham.

But residents living in the close are concerned about their health and the subsequent impact on the value of their properties.

Michael Cliff, who is already living 50ft from another telecommunications mast belonging to T-Mobile, said the new mast will be 28ft from his fence.

He is one of a group of residents to have written a letter in protest to the planning department to express his concerns about having a second mast placed next to his bungalow.

"When I spoke to the council they didn't seem bothered about our concerns of the impact on our health and the effects this might have on the value our property," said Mr Cliff, 73. "I am not in very good health at the moment so I am concerned about what effect this will have on me, and the value of our property.

"I have spent £28,000 on improvements on the house, but if the planning department allow the mast to be built I will never be able to sell. "If the second phone mast goes up it won't matter where you sit in the garden because all you will be able to see are these masts. "We already have one phone mast in the village so why do we need a second?"

Mole Valley's area planning manager, Gary Rhoades-Brown said: "It is inappropriate for any comment to be made on an application, but all material circumstances are fully considered before any decision is made by the council."

Jane Frapwell, public relations officer for Vodafone, said: "All Vodafone installations are designed to be compliant with stringent international guidelines and they are recommended by Government and have the general backing from the World Health Organisation.

"The guidelines are in place to protect all of us whether the mast is one or 1,000 metres away."

Florence Jack, who lives opposite Mr Cliff on Shamrock Close has written to Mole Valley's planning department and MP Sir Paul Beresford objecting to the proposal.

She said: "I wrote to the council when they put up the first mast. It's bad enough having one there, it will be visually intrusive.

"Why are they going to place the mast in a populated area?"


Chester Now

PLACARD-waving protesters took to the street to show their anger against plans for a second mobile phone mast in their Chester community.

Residents in Newhall Road, Upton, are angered by the plans to build an O2 mast at the junction of Newhall Road and Handford Road.
The worried residents are concerned about the potential health effects of the base station, as they are officially called, and believe a new mast would be another eyesore.

If built, it would be the second one in the area. Hutchinson 3G has already built one, despite opposition from more than 300 residents.
One of the residents angered by the plans is Sylvia Molloy, 68, who lives on Newhall Road. She was at the forefront of the protest against the 3G mast and now plans to campaign against the new proposals. “No-one wanted the first in this area, let alone another,” she said. “The first mast is a blot on the landscape and I believe this new one will damage my view further. If they built another, we would have two big masts in this area. “On top of that, there are the health risks. I am very concerned about it. There will be children walking past this mast all the time.” And because the mast is under 15 metres high, the plans will not go to a full committee meeting. Instead it will be decided by planning officials.

Upton parish councillor Pete Griffiths said: “It seems bad that it will not go to full planning committee. What are councillors for? This will probably be decided by people do not know where Upton is. “We have too many masts in Upton as it is. We do not need another one. Why can’t they put it somewhere in Chester that does not have so many.”

Andrew Kelleher, a spokesman for O2, said: “This mast is designed to look like street furniture so it will not look particularly bad. “O2 recognise the public’s concerns over health effects and we would like to say we work with experts and regulators and also we work within stringent guidelines. “But we need to put a mast in there to improve reception in a high demand area.”

Mast plan gets go-ahead

Dundee Evening Telegraph and Post

Mobile phone company Vodafone will be able to put up a 14.5-metre mast in Strathmartine Road, Dundee, after the Scottish Executive overturned a decision by councillors.

Last year the development quality committee voted 21 to six to refuse planning permission for the mast, close to Cox Street, on the grounds that it was near an existing mast and would affect the environmental quality enjoyed by residents.

Council officials had recommended approval because Vodafone had looked at 18 alternative sites but had been forced to discard them because they were technically unsuitable or too close to houses.

Vodafone appealed to the Executive’s planning inquiry unit. A company spokeswoman said the mast was needed to improve customer service and its height was not unusual for an urban area.

The Executive has now granted planning permission for the development, including an antenna, equipment housing and compound, to go ahead at 534b Strathmartine Road.

Meanwhile, Airwave O2 has lodged an application asking the council to remove a specific no TETRA condition imposed on a mast at Peacehill Farm, by Wormit, even although they have no plans to use the site.

In February, North East Fife Environment and Development Committee approved an application by Orange PCS for a 13-metre mobile phone (2G) mast. But, because of objections from locals and health concerns associated with the controversial TETRA system, councillors added a condition there should be no addition of such equipment at the site.

A spokesman from Airwave O2 defended TETRA and said they could not let the condition go without fighting against it.

He said; “We have no plans, or need for a mast or a site share. But we felt on principle we couldn’t let this blatant discrimination against TETRA go un-opposed and are asking for that condition to be removed.”

Arthur Jarrett, who has campaigned against TETRA masts and is a member of Scottish Action on TETRA, praised councillors for including the condition in the original application and urged concerned locals to object to Airwave’s attempt to have the ban removed.

He said; “I think it was the first time a local authority had done such a thing and councillors thought carefully about this condition.

“It can’t have been well received, especially as some of these companies have exercised an almost devious right to do what they like elsewhere.

“Airwave O2 simply don’t want any council development committee acting in the interest of communities and pro-actively blocking them out. They certainly don’t want Fife councillors to create such a dangerous precedent, which might sensibly be followed elsewhere.

“This is really the company and industry teaching councillors all over Britain a lesson, putting them in their place and making sure they stay there.

“Local people who have appreciated the effort made by North East Fife councillors, now require to act swiftly again to object to Airwave O2’s application to undo their protection.”


This is Kent


15:00 - 27 May 2005

Angry residents in North Tonbridge have protested against a mobile phone mast being erected on their doorstep.

Plans for the controversial mast on land at the junction of Hunt Road and Constable Road have raised concerns among residents over its visual impact and the possible effects on their health.

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council originally refused planning permission for the 11.7m high mast last June.

However T-Mobile appealed and a visit was made to the site in March by a Secretary of State-appointed inspector.

The inspector decided to grant permission for the slimline monopole that will hold three antennas and a microwave dish on the area that already holds gas and electricity units.

But residents are angry that the mast has been allowed in a densely populated residential area that lies between Woodlands Infant and Junior Schools and the playgroup held at the Methodist church.

Resident Betty O'Loughlin put together a petition with nearly 200 signatures when the original application was made last year.

She was disappointed by the decision and said: "I don't know what else we can do. I don't know why they have put it there when people will be walking past all the time."

Mrs O'Loughlin, who was in the Auxiliary Territorial Service during the war, was most concerned about the health effects and said: "The government said the same thing about radar and how it wouldn't do any harm, but I know for a fact that one man I worked with had a rash for the rest of his life from his contact with a radar mast."

Another Hunt Road resident, George Carey, who will be able to see the mast from his bedroom window said: "It will be unsightly and could pose long-term risks to the health of the surrounding residents."

The 58-year-old said that as both he and his wife Jennifer were disabled they were in the house more than the average family.

He also suspected that Kent County Council, which is believed to own the island, would receive a generous rent from the mast as he claimed £5,000 was offered to the Methodist church as developers originally wanted to place it there.

A spokesman for the county council denied this and said money was only offered for private land.

Stephanie Genner, of Hunt Road, has a 15-year-old son with cystic fibrosis and she wrote an initial letter of objection.

She said: "We don't know the effects on people's health and I need to maintain my health for when my son gets more ill."

But a report published by the National Radiological Protection Board in 2000 concluded: "The balance of evidence indicates that there is no general risk to the health of people living near base stations, on the basis that exposures are expected to be small fractions of guidelines."

Mrs O'Loughlin disagreed and said she had read an article in a national newspaper about a man who had managed to roast a chicken on the top of a mobile mast.

The expert who led the research, NRPB chairman Sir William Stewart added: "Some people worry about the radio waves from mobile phone masts and we want to provide as much clear information as we can on this topic.

"Many of the concerns can relate to planning matters rather than scientific and health issues. This is a matter we expect to return to when NRPB issues a statement on mobile phones and health later this year."

Despite this, new information released by the group this year recommended that exposure to vulnerable groups such as children should be minimised.

Another planning application has been put forward by T-Mobile to erect an 8.5m high mobile phone mast at the junction of Hadlow Road and Three Elm Lane.


Kent and Sussex Courier

15:00 - 27 May 2005
The Owner of a small goat dairy farm in Nutley has spoken of his relief after plans to build a mobile phone mast metres from his kidding shed were withdrawn.

Brian Willcock, 74, of Humphreys Farm, said he would have been forced to get rid of his goats if plans to site the mast got approval.

But weeks after submitting plans for the site off the A22, telecommunications giants Vodafone and Orange have unexpectedly withdrawn their application.

Steve Arnold of Crown Castle UK said: "Orange and Vodafone are now not wanting to proceed with the project on that site. So we will be withdrawing the application."

A Vodaphone spokeswoman said: "We withdrew [the plan] because of a financial reprioritisation. It may not be a permanent withdrawl, it may be transferred to a future financial year."

Mr Willcock said: "I'm very relieved indeed, and most grateful to Crown Castle for withdrawing their application. I think it is a morally correct decision."

The former pilot - who looks after the farm with his wife Margaret - was convinced that emissions from the proposed structure would have proven harmful to his herd and said that research into the effects of electromagnetic waves on animals confirmed his fears.

His concerns followed an application to Wealden District Council earlier this month by telecommunication sites manager Crown Castle UK for a new lattice mast to be built at the Nutley Telephone Exchange.

The proposed structure would have stood at 17.5m with a 3.2m slimline rocket extension to support Vodafone and Orange antennae.

If given approval, it would have been only 8m from a kidding shed at the farm and 21m from a milking parlour.

Mr Willcock said he feared the effect that the mast would have had on his goats and pointed towards a recent study in which cattle exposed to electromagnetic fields experienced lower milk yields and increased occurrence of poor health and behavioural abnormalities.

The German experts behind the investigation found that when removed from a nearby transmitting antenna the cows recovered, only for symptoms to reoccur when they were returned to the original field.

Mr Willcock - a mobile phone user himself - has now called on network operators to position masts away from people and livestock.

He said: "We don't mind masts, but what we do not want is masts that are close to houses.

"All we are asking is for the masts to be 400m away."

Over the last eight years, repeated bids to station a mast on land next to his farm have been made. During one previous application, Mr Willcock collected 600 names on a petition objecting to the mast.

Residents lose mast battle

Lancashire Evening Telegraph

HUNDREDS of residents have lost their battle against a 20 metre-high mobile phone mast near their homes after the issue caused a rift between councillors.

Labour over-ruled opposition members of Blackburn with Darwen Council's planning committee to approve the mast at Welding Engineering Ltd, Spring Vale Road, Darwen.

A petition with 250 signatures from residents opposing the mast, to be used by O2, was presented to the committee.

In January, residents won a similar battle when O2 asked to build the mast at a site close by.

But last night Darwen Labour councillor Dave Smith told the committee: "This is the best site for the mast within this area.

"They have looked at other sites, but they aren't suitable.

"People complain about masts wherever they are put, but on the other hand they are using mobile phones like never before."

Residents argued that the proximity of the mast to their homes could pose a future health hazard, and it would be an eyesore.

Staff at the nearby Barnabas House nursery had also complained to the council on health grounds.

Resident Paul Singleton said: "This site is just over the road from the one refused. There have to be better sites locally."

Conservative Darwen councillor Fred Slater said: "There are much more suitable sites, like closer to Cranberry Moor where it would be higher.

"I'm not happy, and I feel for the residents."

The committee was told it would not be held liable under law for any subsequent health problems caused by mast, because government guidance currently stated there was no risk to people from being close to masts.

Tory councillor Alan Cottam said: "These new generations of masts don't cover such wide areas so they are going to keep popping up. The council should find sites suitable for masts, away from homes, and make all the companies share them."

Elektromagnetische Einflüsse - Brigitte aus Wien


Health and home prices fears

The value of our Worcester home with a 3G mast on the pub roof next door 22 meters from our boundary wall and on a hill (we were at a lot higher level, so the mast contamination rams the house straight on) went down from £. 275000.- to £. 220000.-.

So ALL house owners and potential neighbors to masts. Brace yourselves for huge losses, and in many instances unsaleable properties.




Zum EU-Referendum in Frankreich

Nein-Bündnis weicht politischen Fragen aus
Von Peter Schwarz, 28. Mai 2005

Arroganz und Verzweiflung: Sozialistische Partei verleumdet Nein-Wähler
Von Peter Schwarz, 27. Mai 2005

Die offizielle Debatte
Von Peter Schwarz, 26. Mai 2005

Nein zur europäischen Verfassung!
Für die Vereinigten Sozialistischen Staaten von Europa!
Erklärung der Redaktion, 25. Mai 2005

Bundestagswahlen 2005: Zusammenarbeit macht stark

"Es kommt die Zeit, in der das Wünschen wieder hilft!"

Bundestagswahlen 2005: Zusammenarbeit macht stark!

Steigende Kinderarmut, Massenjugendarbeitslosigkeit, Lernfabriken statt Universitäten - der Sozialabbau der rot-grünen Bundesregierung zeigt Wirkung.

Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene- sie alle Leiden unter Hartz IV, unter der "Reform"-Politik.

Agenda 2010...9...8...7...6 - der Countdown läuft. Deshalb ist es Zeit auf zu stehen. Im Namen der Solidarität. Gegen ein schwarz-gelb-rot-grünes 'Weiter so' setzen wir umfassende soziale Sicherheit, lebendige Demokratie, internationale Solidarität und Friedenspolitik.

Als junge AktivistInnen aus Jugendorganisationen, sozialen Bewegungen, Gewerkschaften, SchülerInnen- und Studierendenvertretungen rufen wir dazu auf NEIN zu sagen:

* Nein zum Neoliberalismus und Nein zum Sozialabbau!
* Nein zu Hartz IV!
* Nein zu Kinderarmut und Massenjugendarbeitslosigkeit!
* Nein zu globaler Standortkonkurrenz und 'Kampf gegen Terror'!
* Deshalb: NEIN zur Allparteienkoalition des Neoliberalismus!

Wir fordern einen grundsätzlichen Politikwechsel ein:

* Für eine gerechtere Verteilung von Reichtum, Arbeit und Lebenschancen!
* Für die sofortige Einführung der Ausbildungsplatzabgabe! Wer nicht ausbildet muss zahlen, wer ausbildet wird unterstützt!
* Für ein sofortiges Studiengebührenverbot ohne Wenn und Aber!
* Für globale Solidarität, für Abrüstung!
* Für eine soziale Zukunft!

Durch eine Zusammenarbeit der PDS und der Wahlalternative kann eine Aufbruchstimmung entstehen, die Alternativen zum Neoliberalismus wieder anschlussfähig macht.

Die Chance ist historisch. Die Verantwortung ist gewaltig. Wir, junge Menschen aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet fordern PDS & WASG auf gemeinsam zu kandidieren. Wo ein politischer Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg.

Eine Linke Fraktion mit Widersprüchen ist besser als ein Bundestag frei von Widerspruch!

Wir rufen PDS und WASG dazu auf, diese Chance zu nutzen!

Verhandelt und einigt euch! Zusammenarbeit macht stark!

Nele Hirsch (hochschulpolitisch aktiv),
Heiner Fechner (ehemals FZS-Vorstand),
Katharina Volk (Bündnis linker und radikaldemokratischer Hochschulgruppen),
Kolja Möller (DGB-Landesjugendvorstand Hessen),
Sandro Witt (Vorsitzender DGB Jugend Thüringen),
Jens Prietzel (Jugendsekretär der IG Metall Berlin),
Johannes Buchner (ENDYL - European Network of Democratic Young Left),
Jörg Schindler (attac Rat),
Robert Wollenberg (aufmucken gegen rechts),
Julia Bonk (Mitglied des sächsischen Landtags),
Juliane Nagel (Linxxnet.de),
Silke Ritter (ehemals BundesschülerInnenvertretung),
Vincent Steinl (ehemals LandesschülerInnenvetretung Bayern),
Miriam Bürger und Nele Jäger (Bundesvorstand JungdemokratInnen/ Junge Linke),
Marco Heinig und Jan Schalauske (['solid] Bundessprecher),
Nils Matzner und Tobias Kirchhof (Landesvorstand JungdemokratInnen/ Junge Linke NRW),
Steffen Kühne (Landesvorstand ['solid]-Brandenburg),
Lars Kleba (PDS Jugend Sachsen),
Gregory Mohlberg (Jugendreferent PDS BaWü),
Felix Pithan und Sascha Wagener (PDS-Kandidaten EP-Wahl 2004),
Thomas Westphal (Rosa- Luxemburg - Stiftung Sachsen),
Victor Perli (['solid] Niedersachsen),
Mara Neele Künkel (aktiv in JD/JL Berlin),
Tobias Schulze (Sprecher der Jugendbasis der PDS Berlin Mitte),
Lena Kreck (Jugend-AG der PDS Wittenberg),
Bernd Barenberg (Landesratspräsidium JungdemokratInnen/Junge Linke NRW),
Dirk Burczyk (Mitarbeiter der Rosa- Luxemburgstiftung NRW),
Stefan Fulz (ehemals Bundesvorstandsmitglied der JungdemokratInnen/ Junge Linke),
Sebastian Schlüsselburg (PDS Prenzlauer Berg),
Ines Koburger (Bundesgeschäftsführerin ['solid]),
Dominic Heilig

*)Dies stellt die persönliche Position der Unterzeichnenden dar.

Im Netz - zum unterzeichnen - unter



Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Nano World: Nano could lead to new WMDs


Informant: NHNE

Help us stop torture worldwide

May 27, 2005

You can help Amnesty International stop torture.

The use of torture is an affront to human dignity that can never be justified and must be opposed in every country of the world. Those who try to justify torture contribute to undermining the rule of law. Help us stop it. Start by signing our petition letter and show the U.S. Administration, Congress, and others that those living in the United States are strongly opposed to torture and ill-treatment in all circumstances.

ACT NOW - Sign the petition:

Spread the Word!

Ask your friends to sign the petition. Let them know how important it is to pledge their commitment to denounce torture:

From InfoNature

PEOPLE power has stopped a mobile phone mast

PEOPLE power has stopped a mobile phone mast being built near a play area in Liversedge. Dozens of campaigners were celebrating after Kirklees overturned the plans last Thursday.

Every councillor on the Heavy Woollen planning sub-committee voted against the application for the T-Mobile mast – despite recommendations by planning officers to give it the go ahead.

27 May 2005

People power sees mast plan rejected

Spenborough today

People power has stopped a mobile phone mast being built near a play area in Frost Hill.

Dozens of campaigners were celebrating after Kirklees overturned the plans last Thursday.

Every councillor on the Heavy Woollen planning sub-committee voted against the application – despite recommendations by planning officers to give it the go ahead.

The 15-metre T-Mobile mast would have been built on the BMK Industrial Estate – just metres away from greenery used by children as a play area. Plans showed that Millbridge Junior, Infant and Nursery School was just 70 metres away from the mast and homes on Bank Street only 26 metres away.

They also revealed the mast would have included two equipment cabins and been enclosed by a two-metre high fence.

But councillors agreed with protesters and said the mast would be too close to housing and the play area.

One, ward councillor David Sheard (Lab), said other sites further away from housing were more suitable.

He said: "The amenities the residents have at the moment are very poor. There is very little open space – and a massive area of industrial land. It is too close to the amenities."

Andrew Nield, who spoke for the protesters at the meeting, said dozens of residents had signed letters of objection to the siting of the 48ft mast.

He said the location was picked by T-Mobile despite being in the middle of a residential area.

After the meeting, at Dewsbury Town Hall last Thursday, he added: "It was an amazing meeting. The councillors were smashing – they got it spot on. It's the only green area we've got and that would have been taken away. It would have taken away our privacy also.

"It's not just that an area where the kids play was being taken away, there may be health risks too."

keir.dawson@ ywng.co.uk

27 May 2005

Vor dem Verfassungsreferendum: In Frankreich wird nach einem Schwarzen Schaf gefahndet

Vor dem Verfassungsreferendum vom Sonntag

Ein Viech geht um in Europa: In Frankreich wird nach einem Schwarzen Schaf gefahndet. Artikel von Bernard Schmid vom 26. Mai 2005 mit einem Rätsel aus Anlass des Referendums: Wer errät den Scharlatan der Woche? (Siehe Schluss des Artikels):

Siehe dazu auch:

"Ein Viech geht um in Europa: In Frankreich wird nach dem schwarzen Schaf gefahndet"

Bilder und Kommentare von Bernard Schmid von Veranstaltungen und Plakaten zum EU-Referendum in Frankreich - exklusiv im LabourNet Germany: http://www.labournet.de/internationales/fr/eu/index.htm

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 25, Eintrag 16

After 19 years in military, homeless in Philadelphia

Today's Philadelphia Inquirer reported on the story of Luis Mejias, a homeless veteran of the Iraq war now living with his family in a takeover house of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union http://www.kwru.org , a member of the national Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign http://www.economichumanrights.org . See below for ways to help the Mejias family and other homeless KWRU families.

Philadelphia Inquirer article, posted on Fri, May. 27, 2005

After 19 years in military, homeless in Philadelphia

by Natalie Pompilio and Sam J. Lin
Inquirer Staff Writers

Luis Mejias admits he did something wrong. Last year, while stationed in Baghdad with the National Guard, he failed a random drug test. The Guard has a zero-tolerance drug policy, and Mejias was immediately discharged.

Now Mejias, 39, is home in Philadelphia - and homeless.

About 250,000 veterans are homeless on any given night, according to Linda Boone, executive director of the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. More than twice that number are homeless during the year.

A recent survey by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs shows about 220 of those individuals served in the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. That number is expected to grow with the troops' continued deployment.

"We're obviously monitoring this pretty closely," said Pete Dougherty, the department's director of homeless veterans programs. "We're not in a panic mode, but it is a concern."

So as Americans mark Memorial Day this weekend, Mejias, his girlfriend, and her three children will be hunkered down in an abandoned North Philadelphia home temporarily claimed by the Kensington Welfare Rights Union.

It is not much - with just mattresses on the floor of the three-bedroom home - but it is better than the battered 1982 Buick Skylark in which they once slept, the adults upright in the front seats, the three children ages 7 to 10 crammed into the back.

"I feel I'm less of a man because I can't provide for them," said Mejias, who served in Kosovo and Iraq during his 12 years in the Army and seven years in the National Guard. "All I want is to be able to walk into a house and say, 'Hi, honey. I'm home.' All I expect from [the government] is to help me find some place to live."

Newspapers nationwide have reported on veterans returning from Iraq and facing homelessness.

"It makes me angry that my government is treating veterans like this, especially with all the flag-waving and 'Support Our Troops' magnets on the cars," said Patrick Resta, a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, a national organization based in Philadelphia.

Mejias' case is complicated. Although separated from his unit, he still is not officially separated from the National Guard. Mejias has been assigned a Judge Advocate General lawyer who can appeal the pending discharge on his behalf, said Capt. Cory Angell, a Pennsylvania National Guard public-relations specialist.

"I never had any problems, anything, for 19 years," Mejias said. "I gave them the time, and I should be penalized for what I did, but I don't think they should go, 'Boom. You're out.'"

Because Mejias is not formally separated from the military, he is not considered a veteran, making him ineligible for veterans' services.

Cheri Honkala, founder of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union, said she has contacted city and state officials on Mejias' behalf but has had no luck.

"Homelessness is bad, period. But this is a disgrace," Honkala said. "Here's a man who risked his life, was shot at, is emotionally damaged for life, and we can't even find a place for him and these beautiful kids and his partner to sleep."

When Mejias was sent home about a year ago, he found that the house he once had shared with his brother had been foreclosed upon. He found it difficult to find jobs in landscaping and auto repair, work he had done previously. He now suffers from seizures - a side effect of his years in a combat zone, he said - and once when he found work, he suddenly tightened up, nearly broke the rake in his hand in two, and fell to the ground. He awoke in the hospital.

Of Iraq, Mejias said: "It's left me with cockroaches in my head. Sometimes at night I wake up and tell myself, 'You're safe. You're safe.'

"It consumes who you are."

The Mejias family is being housed temporarily in an abandoned HUD house "reclaimed" by the Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU). This family is but one of thousands of homeless families with no place to go in the Philadelphia area, dozens of whom are currently being housed temporarily with the KWRU (in takeover houses, Human Rights Houses, etc). The KWRU believes that decent, affordable housing is a human right.

Like all families struggling for affordable housing, health care, and other basic human rights with the KWRU and PPEHRC, the Mejias family is becoming an active part of the movement for economic human rights in the United States, united with the poor around the world.

To help house the Mejias family and other homeless KWRU families, please:

1) Join our emergency response list, to be called to come to the house in case of an effort to evict the Mejias family.

2) Write a statement supporting the Mejias' family's and the KWRU's struggle for the right to housing.

3) Contribute much needed food, toys, household items to the Mejias household.

4) Make a contribution to the KWRU's ongoing struggle to fight for housing for homeless families in the Philadelphia area.

5) Contribute to buy minutes for a cell phone that is needed for constant communication from the house.

6) Contact the KWRU about how your congregation/ organization can support KWRU's Human Rights Houses, housing homeless families as they both fight for affordable housing for themselves and become leaders in a movement for economic human rights for all.


Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU)
PO Box 50678
Philadelphia, PA 19132-9720
Phone: 215/203-1945
Fax: 215/203-1950
email: kwru@kwru.org
web: http://www.kwru.org


From ufpj-news

Military Dictatorship USA?


Congressman John Conyers Seeks 100,000 Signatures To Press Downing Street Letter

The Downing Street Memo

Informant: ranger116


Congressman John Conyers Seeks 100,000 Signatures To Press Downing Street Letter

Informant: NHNE


Sign Conyers' Letter to Start IMPEACHMENT of Bush !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It Has Started need 100,000 signatures to Congress to get a resolution of inquiry.

Sign Conyers' Letter to Bush :: After Downing Street Dot Org :: In
Support of a Resolution of Inquiry

Address: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=7&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0

The Raw Story | A rational voice - Alternative news

Informant: ranger116


Important Impeachment info from John Conyers

Informant: billder

Neuer Castor-Alarm im Münsterland


Abu Ghraib, Abu Gulag, and Abu Lies


Luck and Virtue Run Out

It happens to every empire, says Bill Bonner.

Scaring the People into Obedience


Crossing Nuclear Thresholds


Why No Anti-War Movement?


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Fear of Flying: Federal Peeping Toms

Becky Akers on their airport x-ray machines that see through clothes and underwear. http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/akers3.html

Abandoned Gold Standard Guarantees Inflation


Singing Hosannas to the Real State Religion


Neocons’ are Opening a Second Front for the Empire


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Continuing To Watch Our Language




Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Ärger mit Mobilfunkmasten

Bürgerinitiative Gesund leben in Allach informiert

Bitte nicht vergessen!

Info-Abend der Bürgerinitiative „Gesundleben in Allach“

Ärger mit Mobilfunkmasten

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2005, 20 Uhr

Vereinsheim Allach, Eversbuschstr. 161

Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Buchner, Atom-Physiker, ÖDP
Dr. Claus Scheingraber, Zahnarzt, Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie

Weitere Informationen:

Einladung als pdf bitte runterladen, drucken und verteilen!

Rules and Cash Flew Out the Window

Bill Keller knew that rebuilding Iraq's shattered telecommunications network meant throwing money into a black hole. As the clock ticked down to the U.S. transfer of power last June, reconstruction projects were hopelessly mired in delays, and financial controls at the Iraqi Communications Ministry appeared nonexistent. Yet instead of putting the brakes on spending, top U.S. officials urged that contracts be accelerated, Keller said. "We were squandering the money we were entrusted to handle," said Keller, who at the time was a deputy advisor to the ministry. "We were a blind mouse with money."


Guantánamo Bay is becoming the anti-Statue of Liberty: Just Shut It Down

Guantánamo Bay is becoming the anti-Statue of Liberty. If we have a case to be made against any of the 500 or so inmates still in Guantánamo, then it is high time we put them on trial, convict as many possible (which will not be easy because of bungled interrogations) and then simply let the rest go home or to a third country. Sure, a few may come back to haunt us. But at least they won't be able to take advantage of Guantánamo as an engine of recruitment to enlist thousands more. I would rather have a few more bad guys roaming the world than a whole new generation.


Coalition of citizen groups seek formal inquiry into whether Bush acted illegally

A coalition of activist groups running the gamut of social and political issues will ask Congress to file a Resolution of Inquiry, the first necessary legal step to determine whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in misleading the country about his decision to go to war in Iraq.


Coalition announces campaign to urge investigation of Bush's impeachable offenses


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Appelle für ein gemeinsames Wahlprojekt der deutschen politischen Linken



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