
Protests mount over masts bid

Harborough Today

ANGRY villagers are organising a petition to stop phone masts being put up near their village.

Medbourne Against Masts (MAM) has been formed to fight applications for masts in Drayton Road and Manor Road on the outskirts of the village.

The group, which has already collected a 165 names on their petition, claims the proposals would expose residents to harmful radiation and adversely affect the countryside around Medbourne. Spokesman Nickie Philbin, who lives in Drayton Road, said: "We in the village are totally opposed to these masts. "Five years ago people were only concerned that their views would be spoiled but now they are more worried about the effect on their health. "We would have thought it would be easier to put the masts further into the countryside where there are no homes or people."

MAM organised a meeting with Melton and Rutland MP Alan Duncan, where he pledged to take the campaigners' fight to the relevant authorities.

Mobile phone company Orange has applied to build a 50ft mast at the Drayton Road site, while the Manor Road site would be occupied by a 65ft TETRA, or terrestrial trunked radio, mast which would contain radio equipment for use by Leicestershire Police.

MAM member Paula Parish (42), from Drayton Road, has just recovered from chemotherapy after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She said: "I contracted the illness about 20 years younger than someone could normally expect to be diagnosed, so I think I am in a high-risk group. I also have two young children and I am worried about what the effects could be on them."

Earlier this year, proposals for two masts near Newton Harcourt were thrown out by Harborough District Council.

26 May 2005


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