
Call on Congress to Eliminate Federal Timber Sale Program Subsidies

Date: May 25, 2004

Let's Keep the Momentum Alive

Call on Congress to Eliminate Federal Timber Sale Program Subsidies

Last week the House of Representatives was about to vote on a bipartisan amendment on this year's Interior Appropriations bill that would have prohibited the Forest Service from spending tax dollars to build new logging roads on Alaska's Tongass National Forest. If the vote would have been allowed to take place, the bipartisan coalition of fiscal conservative and environmentally conscious Members of Congress could have passed this amendment to end these wasteful subsidies for the second year in a row.

But there is another way that this House coalition can stand up against taxpayer waste! They can become an original co-sponsor of the National Forest Protection and Restoration Act (NFPRA) led by Representatives Jim Leach (R-IA) and Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY).

The National Forest Protection and Restoration Act would protect and restore national forests by redirecting federal spending of over $1 billion in yearly timber sale subsidies to put rural communities to work restoring the damage to forests. It will save taxpayers money, reduce the deficit, cut corporate welfare and help communities adapt to wildland fire.


1. Call your Representative at 202-224-3121 and email them and ask that help end taxpayer waste and sign up to be an original cosponsor of the National Forest Protection and Restoration Act today.

To find your Representative go to: http://www.house.gov/

To find out your Representative's email go to:
OR http://www.house.gov/writerep/


Over 130 members of Congress have endorsed the National Forest Protection and Restoration Act in the past, as well as over 220 Ph.D. scientists, including Pulitzer Prize winning author Dr. Edward O. Wilson, 200 conservation organizations, religious groups, businesses, and, according to numerous polls, the majority of the American public. Even large Fortune 500 companies such as Staples Office Supply, Inc. and Lowe's Hardware made specific commitments in support of ending federal subsidies for public lands


For more information go to:

Talking Points

Preserves America's national forest heritage, protecting and restoring the ecological values of our federal public forests by ending the federal government's timber sale program on National Forests, National Wildlife Refuges, BLM Lands, and National Parks.

Saves taxpayers over $300 million annually.

Redirects logging subsidies towards scientifically-based ecological restoration of native biological diversity.

Protects communities by reducing the incidence of severe fire using prescribed burning and manual hazardous fuels treatments.

Immediately protects all roadless areas and old growth forests by canceling logging projects in those areas.

Provides funding for worker retraining; and gives preference to displaced timber workers for jobs in the woods doing ecological restoration.

Provides permanent funding to Counties for schools and roads.

Provides funding for environmentally sensitive non-wood alternative paper and construction materials.

Lisa Dix
National Forest Program Director
American Lands Alliance
Ph: 202-547-9105; Fax: 202-547-9213
American Lands Alliance http://americanlands.org

Informant: STRIDER


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Mai 2005

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