
Studie der Bamberger Ärzte


Auswertung der Krankheitssymptome von 356 Personen unter häuslicher Langzeitbelastung mit gepulsten hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern (DECT-Telefone und Mobilfunkanlagen) in Abhängigkeit von der Höhe der Leistungsflussdichte in µW/m² finden Sie als pdf-Datei beigefügt: http://tinyurl.com/82hn6

Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam
96049 Bamberg Tel.0951/12300
Fax 0951/2972506
Mail: peter.selsam@t-online.de

Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner

URGENT: Stop the GOP's "Nuclear Option" today!

On Tuesday, Republican Senator Bill Frist, answering the call of the most extreme right-wing elements in America, is poised to pull the "nuclear trigger" on one the most fundamental principles of our cherished democracy: the filibuster, the right of the minority to make its voice heard on the floor of the United States Senate.

Frist's allies call it the nuclear trigger because they know there will be fallout in the Senate. We Democrats will not take it lying down. But the real fallout will be on the American people as they suffer generations of judges who will assail and outlaw their rights, attempting to weaken the federal government to such an extent that even Social Security and the minimum wage could be ruled unconstitutional, let alone environmental protections, civil rights, and human rights.

I am working overtime, night and day, to stop this power grab. So are my Democratic colleagues. And now, in the final hours before Senator Frist attempts to eliminate our right to filibuster -- violating the Senate's own rules and more than 200 years of precedent in the process -- we urgently need your help.

Call George Allen, Bill Frist, John McCain, and Chuck Hagel now -- 4 Republican Senators who are considering running for President in 2008 -- and tell them to uphold 200+ years of American values -- checks and balances and the right of the minority to be heard!

The Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. And they won't rest until they get the Judiciary too.

Imagine -- they have gotten 208 of Bush's judges through the Senate, and Democrats have only stopped ten. That's a 95% success rate, but still they aren't satisfied!

Please take a moment to read the statement I recently delivered on the Senate floor regarding this "nuclear option" as well as a detailed analysis of the decisions and writings of one the key judicial nominees in all of this, Janice Rogers Brown. You can find it on my new PAC for a Change website at BarbaraBoxer.com.

Then, after reading my statement, please call Senators Allen, Frist, McCain, and Hagel and tell them to uphold 200+ years of American values. Anyone who supports the "nuclear option" does not deserve to be President, since they clearly don't understand our Constitutional system of checks and balances.

Finally, after you've made your phone calls, please forward this email to everyone you know, and invite your friends to contact these Senators as well. Make sure they understand what we are dealing with here and why the American people must get more involved in politics. I know it is popular in some places to slam the door on that idea, but you and I know we must not.

Thank you for caring and for sticking with me. Please contact these Senators today, before Tuesday's vote on the "nuclear option!"

Best Always,

Barbara Boxer

Another Monument


White House Hypocrisy


Jobsicherung: Trittin-Mitarbeiter erhält Posten bei Bundesstiftung Umwelt


Bundesumweltminister Jürgen Trittin (Grüne) möchte nach einem Magazinbericht einen seiner Mitarbeiter zum Generalsekretär der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt wählen lassen. Der frühere Vorsitzende des Naturschutzbundes Deutschland (NABU) und jetzige Abteilungsleiter Naturschutz im Umweltministerium, Jochen Flasbarth, solle einen Fünf-Jahres-Vertrag erhalten, und würde so einer Entlassung nach einem möglichen Regierungswechsel entgehen, berichtete das Nachrichtenmagazin "Focus".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

UNEP-Bericht: Artenvielfalt schwindet schneller


Die Artenvielfalt des Planeten Erde schwindet schneller. Nach einem Bericht der UNO hat gerade der Verlust der Biodiversität auch schlimme Folgen für die Menschen, denn weniger Lebewesen schaffen auch menschliche Armut, berichtet das Wissenschaftsmagazin Nature. Nach dem Bericht haben die Menschen in den vergangenen 50 Jahren mehr Schaden an der biologischen Vielfalt angerichtet als je zuvor. Allein im vergangenen Jahrhundert habe aufgrund menschlichen Zutuns die Aussterbensrate 1.000 Mal höher gelegen als bei einer natürlichen Selektion. Sollte sich dieser Trend fortsetzen, werde aber auch das Leben der Menschen bedroht, so die UNO. Nur ein artenreicher Planet sei der Garant dafür, die Erdbewohner mit genügend Nahrung zu versorgen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Forderungen an Shell und die Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung: "Keine neue Ölbohrinsel vor Sachalin" - "Kein Geld für das Töten von Walen"

Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung: Protest gegen Kredit für Ölförderprojekt (23.05.05)

Gegen eine Kreditvergabe für ein Ölförderprojekt von Shell und für den Schutz der Grauwale hat die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace am Montag aus Anlass der Jahrestagung der Europäischen Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD) in Belgrad protestiert. Greenpeace-Aktivisten plazierten sich mit Bannern vor dem Eingang des Tagungszentrums, auf denen unter einem ölverschmierten Shell-Logo "Shell: Keine neue Ölbohrinsel vor Sachalin" zu lesen war. Mit einem Transparent "Kein Geld für das Töten von Walen" richtete sich Greenpeace an die EBRD, deren Entscheidung über den Kredit nach Angaben der Umweltschützer unmittelbar bevorsteht. Das von Shell geführte Konsortium wolle vor der Küste der russischen Insel Sachalin im Nordpazifik zwölf Milliarden Dollar in das weltweit teuerste Öl- und Gasförderprojekt investieren. Das hätte verheerende Auswirkungen auf die letzten hundert westpazifischen Grauwale, die ihre Nahrung an der flachen Küste Sachalins finden, so Greenpeace.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Attac fordert von der SPD kapitalismuskritisches Handeln

"Quittung bekommen": Attac fordert kapitalismuskritisches Handeln von der SPD (23.05.05)

Das globalisierungskritische Netzwerk Attac hat nach dem Absturz von Rot-Grün in Nordrhein-Westfalen eine Kehrtwende in der Politik der Bundesregierung gefordert. Die SPD habe "die Quittung für ihre Politik der sozialen Kälte bekommen", sagte Oliver Moldenhauer vom Attac-Koordinierungskreis. Ein "Weiter so!" gehe nicht mehr. Die SPD müsse jetzt ihren kapitalismuskritischen Worten auch Taten folgen lassen wenn sie nicht bei den angekündigten Neuwahlen im Herbst "untergehen" wolle.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Ursachen statt Symptome bekämpfen: Bürgerrechtler fordern Volksentscheide statt Neuwahlen

Nach Ansicht der Bürgerrechtsinitiative "Mehr Demokratie" wäre die die Einführung bundesweiter Volksabstimmungen wichtiger als vorgezogene Neuwahlen. So die Initiative am Montag anlässlich der Ankündigung der SPD im 2005 Neuwahlen durchzuführen zu wollen. Nach Ansicht der Bürgerrechtler können Patt-Situationen zwischen Bundesrat und Bundestag nur verhindert werden, indem die Bürger direkt über den Streitpunkt entscheiden. Volksabstimmungen würden "abseits der Machtinteressen der Parteien" stattfinden und Regierung und Parlament zwingen, sich mit den Sachfragen zu beschäftigen, statt mit Personalstreitigkeiten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Atomkraftgegner rufen Castor-Alarm aus

Von Dresden nach Ahaus: Atomkraftgegner rufen Castor-Alarm für nächsten Montag aus (23.05.05)

Nach Informationen von Atomkraftgegnern soll der umstrittene Atomtransport aus dem Zwischenlager Dresden-Rossendorf ins nordrhein-westfälische Ahaus am nächsten Montag starten. Wie "aus gewöhnlich gut unterrichteten Kreisen" verlaute, sollten die ersten sechs Castor-LKWs am Montag gegen 10 Uhr aus dem Zwischenlager Dresden-Rossendorf abfahren. Die Ankunft in Ahaus sei nach 600 Kilometern Autobahn und gut 15 Stunden Fahrtzeit gegen 1 Uhr in der Nacht zum 31. Mai geplant. Die Atomkraftgegner riefen daher "Castor-Alarm" aus und riefen zu Protestaktionen auf.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


"Intim-Verhör": Bundesagentur plant offenbar umfangreiche Befragung von Arbeitslosen


Empfänger von Arbeitslosengeld II müssen sich künftig offenbar einer umfangreichen Befragung unterziehen. Wie die Zeitung "Bild am Sonntag" unter Berufung auf ein Fachkonzept der Bundesagentur berichtete, sollen Fallmanager in den Arbeitsagenturen alle Daten des "sozialen Geflechts" von Arbeitslosen erfragen. Dazu zählt die Bundesagentur Familienkonstellation, Freundschaften, Nachbarschaftskontakte, Vereinszugehörigkeit und Wohnsituation. Außerdem solle eine "Bewertung der Beziehungsstärke" zu den jeweiligen Personen ausgearbeitet werden, schrieb das Blatt. Erfragt würden auch "Gesundheitsdaten" wie "gesundheitlicher Zustand, regelmäßige Arztbesuche und Krankenhausaufenthalte". Auch die Belastbarkeit und "Frustrationstoleranz" der Betroffenen solle erfragt werden. Das Konzept werde zunächst in zwei Arbeitsagenturen erprobt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Genveränderte Maissorte unter Verdacht

Streit um eine Gen-Maissorte, die nach einer nicht veröffentlichten Monsanto-Studie bei Ratten zu Veränderungen geführt hat.


Tillman's Parents Are Critical of Army


Informant: Friends

Neo-Cons and Theo-Cons at Armageddon


UN Survey: Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam


Informant: NHNE

A Real Ownership Society

by Gar Alperovitz, TomPaine.com

A true, functional ownership society isn't an idealistic dream. In fact, it's already at work in several states and communities.


Newsweek's Other Mishap

by Jim Naureckas, TomPaine.com

Both the Quran story and Newsweek's earlier reporting about WMDs shed light on the "real" reporting rules the media follow.


A Memo And Two Catechisms

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

Why are the media practically ignoring the Downing Street memo? The Democrats, for one thing.


It's the perfect crime: Conterfeit Prescription Drugs

Take prescription drugs worth $500, switch labels, and then sell them for $5,000. Patients taking the drugs eat the evidence. And if the patients die… no evidence, no crime!

Topics include why the USA has become the "go to" country for counterfeit prescription drugs; how some counterfeit drugs are bought and sold up to 30 times before being consumed by unwitting patients; and what can be done to protect against these drugs.

Listen Now (Click on for MP3 download)

Informant: Friends

Be afraid, Be very afraid

Catherine Crier
The Huffington Post

The Senate filibuster fight between Republicans and Democrats is not over the majority’s attempt to put more conservative judges on the bench. Contrary to their mantra--that liberal ‘activist’ judges have taken over the courts--the nation has had a majority of Republican appointees on the federal bench and Supreme Court for generations. No, this is a fight over a very specific judicial ideology that the far right wing of the Republican Party wants ensconced in our courts. [...] Read the exchange between Crier and Buchanan at http://tinyurl.com/8y39j

When I read of US troops going into homes in Afghanistan in the middle of the night, I thought, "Well, we are only one step away from that here. They can now go into our homes when there is no one there to 'sneak a peek.' How soon before we have the notorious practice of tyrannies of hauling citizens from their homes to concentration camps...?" Or do we have it now? The kind of law enforcement that would haul high school girls away from their homes apparently mainly because of their ethnic background makes my bones shiver. I hope they are not being treated abusively; however, I have heard nothing more about them. Was there more to this than met the eye? Why the silence now? Anyone know?

© Virginia Metze

Wal-Mart Shows Who Owns Our Government


Friday, May 20, 2005

Maryland Gov. Bob Ehrlich (R) yesterday vetoed legislation aimed at forcing Wal-Mart to provide its workers with more adequate benefits. That wasn't a surprise - Ehrlich is the standard "corporate whore in politicians clothing" that now occupies many of our nation's highest public offices.

What is shocking, however, is how open he was about acknowledging that Big Business pulls all of the strings when it comes to public policy. As the Los Angeles Times notes, "Eduardo Castro-Wright, chief operating officer of Wal-Mart stores USA division, stood at the Republican governor's side as he signed the official veto ." The photo at right captures it on film - Ehrlich, who has pocketed campaign cash from Wal-Mart , is waving after the veto, as the Wal-Mart executive prowls behind him. [...] I was under the impression that America belongs to ALL of the people... Read the whole article at the Sirota Blog: http://tinyurl.com/86ttx

© Virginia Metze

West’s religious bigotry of Islam is a matter of policy

by Abid Mustafa

(Friday 20 May 2005)

Media Monitors Network

"The West claims that individuals are free to worship whatever deity they choose. But in practice this leads to perpetual conflicts amongst people, as religious beliefs and practices professed by some can be interpreted as offensive and insulting to others. Hence, western governments are constantly intervening in the disputes and resort to legislation to protect the religious rights of some people by depriving others. Often, the real benefactors of freedom of religion are those individuals or groups whose beliefs coincide with the interests of the government or those who possess the ability to exert influence over the government."

Irrespective of whether Newsweek’s story on the discretion of the Quran is true or false, America cannot escape the undeniable reality that her religious bigotry towards the Muslim world is inseparable from her foreign policy.

In Muslims eyes, the Bush administration is notorious for the humiliation and torture of Muslims in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, responsible for the destruction and defilement of Iraq’s mosques, the debaser of Muslim women and the slayer of tens of thousands of innocent Muslims. [...] Read the rest at the MediaMonitors web site: http://tinyurl.com/8koos

© Virginia Metze

Bush: Worst President Ever?

Herbert Hoover may have triggered the Great Depression, but he didn't invade another nation on false pretenses, authorize torture of prisoners, or try to stack the courts.

By Stephen Pizzo, News for Real. Posted May 20, 2005

For the record, I don't like George Bush. And I don't like most of the people who work for George Bush. So, diehard Republicans can just brush aside my remarks as so much partisan blather.

But by now I suppose very few diehard Republicans ever read what I write. So do me a favor -- e-mail this to the diehards in your family and circle of friends. Ask them to tell me why I am wrong about this:

George Bush is the worst president of the United States of America, ever. Hands down.

And here are just a few reasons why I believe that statement is true. [...] There follows a number of reasons, starting with "America the Disgraced" and ending with "Christian Jihadists." [...] Read it all at Alternet, http://www.alternet.org/story/22057/

© Virginia Metze

Galloway Senate testimony PDF goes AWOL

Evidence 'missing' from Committee website

Iain Thomson, vnunet.com 20 May 2005

The website for the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs has removed testimony from UK MP George Galloway from its website .

All other witness testimonies for the hearings on the Oil for Food scandal are available on the Committee's website in PDF form. But Galloway's testimony is the only document not on the site. [...] Read it all at the vnunet web site: http://tinyurl.com/a9rga

© Virginia Metze


Jury anger over threat of torture

Jurors who acquitted four Algerians in the so-called "ricin plot" trial that ended at the Old Bailey last month have expressed outrage at the news that the government is seeking to deport three of the accused to Algeria.


From Information Clearing House

The face of modern tyranny

The Karimov regime has played a major role in the Anglo-U.S. fight against Islamic independence groups -- misnamed "the war on terrorism."



Enron - Uzbekistan & Bush

What's a little slaughter between friends?

Dead recruit's father wages campaign against 'green card Marines'

Prospect of careers, citizenship not worth the danger, he warns.

From Information Clearing House

Secret UK troops plan for Afghan crisis

DEFENCE chiefs are planning to rush thousands of British troops to Afghanistan in a bid to stop the country sliding towards civil war. The treacherous situation in Afghanistan is a serious setback for the U.S.-claimed 'War on Terror'.


From Information Clearing House

Soldier Pleads Guilty to Assault in Murder of Afghan Prisoner Gets 3-Month Sentence

A military policeman has been sentenced to three months in prison after pleading guilty to assault and two counts of making a false statement in the 2002 beating death of a prisoner in Afghanistan.


Army Faltered in Investigating Detainee Abuse

Despite autopsy findings of homicide and statements by soldiers that two prisoners died after being struck by guards at an American military detention center in Bagram, Afghanistan, Army investigators initially recommended closing the case without bringing any criminal charges, documents and interviews show.


"Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny"

Inside secret Saddam prison

A former Australian interrogator at Camp Cropper has revealed to The Observer for the first time the regime inside the prison, including suggestions that some of those arriving at the facility had been badly beaten.


From Information Clearing House


"Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny"

"He screamed out, 'Allah! Allah! Allah!' and my first reaction was that he was crying out to his god," Specialist Jones said to investigators. "Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny." It became a kind of running joke, and people kept showing up to give this detainee a common peroneal strike just to hear him scream out 'Allah,' " he said. "It went on over a 24-hour period, and I would think that it was over 100 strikes."


Mutationen in Fruchtfliegen durch Handystrahlung?

Laut einer Meldung der Baltimore Sun vom 8. Mai 2005 lautet das Ergebnis einer Untersuchung von Danna Thomas, einer 15-jährigen Studentin der Broadneck High School in Annapalos MD, United States of America, dass Hochfrequenzstrahlung von Handys, DECT-Telefonen und Radar Mutationen in Fluchtfliegen hervorrufen kann.

Sie setzte fünf Generationen von Fruchtfliegen Hochfrequenzstrahlung aus und zählte die Anzahl von Veränderungen der Flügel der Fruchtfliegen. Sie überprüfte auch die Chromosomen der fünften Generation und verglich sie mit der nicht exponierten Kontrollgruppe. Dabei stellte sie fest, dass 5 Prozent der exponierten Fruchtfliegen Mutationen zeigten, gegenüber 1,5% in der Kontrollgruppe. Weiterhin waren die Änderungen vererbbar, die in der Kontrollgruppe nicht. Die Mutationen traten bei Intensitäten auf, die geringer waren als die von DECT-Telefonen oder Handys. Danna Thomas wurde angeleitet durch Sujata Ives, Lehrer an der Severna Park High School in Annapolis. Sie erhielt den Grand Award von Merck Research Laboratories an der Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2005, Phoenix, Arizona.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 19.05.2005

Gehirntumorrisiko durch Mobiltelefonieren auf dem Land höher?


Mobiltelefone könnten für Bewohner ländlicher Gebiete ein größeres Risiko darstellen, weil die Signalintensität höher ist, sagen schwedische Wissenschaftler. Die Basis-Sendestationen sind auf dem Land normalerweise in größeren Abständen angeordnet und brauchen zur Kompensation der größeren Distanzen eine höhere Signalintensität. „Wir haben herausgefunden, dass das Risiko, an einem Gehirntumor zu erkranken, für Landbewohner höher ist als für Stadtbewohner“, sagte Professor Lennart Hardell vom University Hospital in Orebro (Schweden). Hardell und seine Kollegen untersuchten 1.429 Personen, die an einem bösartigen oder gutartigen Gehirntumor litten, und 1.470 gesunde Kontrollpersonen, die mitten in Schweden lebten.

Die Wissenschaftler kamen zu dem Ergebnis, dass bei den auf dem Land lebenden Personen, die länger als drei Jahre ein Mobiltelefon benutzt hatten, dreimal so oft ein Gehirntumor festgestellt wurde als bei der Stadtbevölkerung. Hardell fügte hinzu, dass die Studie nicht sehr umfangreich sei und die Erkenntnisse dupliziert werden müssten.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 19.05.2005

Erhöhter Stickstoffgehalt in Schleimhaut kann als Abwehrmechanismus gegen Gewebeschädigung dienen

Studie: Stickstoffoxydgehalt in der Schleimhaut der Nase und der Nebenhöhlen nach Exposition in einem elektromagnetischen Feld

Aus dem Abstract: Ziel dieser Studie war die Untersuchung der Veränderungen des Stickstoffgehalts (NO) in der Schleimhaut der Nase und der Nebenhöhlen nach Exposition in hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern (EMF). Die Exposition in EMFs von Mobiltelefonen (900 MHz) erhöht den Stickstoffgehalt in der Nasen- und Nebenhöhlenschleimhaut. Dieser erhöhte Stickstoffgehalt kann als Abwehrmechanismus gegen eine Gewebeschädigung dienen.

Bibliographische Angaben: Yariktas M, Doner F, Ozguner F, Gokalp O, Dogru H, Delibas N., Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 May;132(5):713-6


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 19.05.2005

War is a Racket


Dozens Have Alleged Koran's Mishandling


The False Prophet


Incomplete News Undermines US Values


Red, White, and Without a Clue

by Ken Sanders

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, America naively asked in its stunned stupor, "Why do they hate us?" In consoling us, our fearless leaders appealed to our collective sense of superiority and self-righteousness by explaining that the Muslim world (a.k.a. "they") hate us because of what we stand for: freedom, democracy, Mom, baseball, and apple pie. Comforted, we patted ourselves on our collective back for being so gosh-darn wonderful and condemned the savage heathens who wanted nothing less than to destroy all that is right and good in the world -- us. Thanks to a recent confluence of events involving our interaction with the Muslim world, it is clear that "they" do hate us for what we stand for. Unfortunately, what we stand for is not freedom, democracy, nor any other high-minded ideal. Rather, we stand for arrogance, barbarism, and violence....


From 'Duty, Honor, Country' To Depleted Uranium Cancer

An Open Letter To Every American Serviceman

Informant: Charles Bremer

How to buy votes from the Geneva Human Rights Commission


Informant: Charles Bremer

Senat verbietet RFID in Ausweisen


Bush unveils plans for US colonial office


Informant: Charles Bremer

Another scientist dead: Doctor stabbed to death

Last year, Lull lectured in San Francisco about the threat of nuclear terrorism.

Medical Society spokesman Steve Heilig said Lull was a thoughtful scientist with a long military background. He favored nuclear power as a solution to global warming, but he was so passionately opposed to the development of proposed "bunker buster" nuclear weapons that he co-sponsored a resolution at the California Medical Association House of Delegates opposing the technology. The resolution did not pass.


Informant: Anna Webb


Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.: Frist's Attempt To Trash Constitution, Install Dictatorship


If you care about our country and your family's future, you must give full support for the U.S. Senate's Democratic Party leadership now!

On this Tuesday, Senate Republican Leader Frist is prepared to act to tear down the Constitution of the U.S.A. in an effort to establish a right-wing White House dictatorship in the U.S.

The immediate target of this attempted illegal coup d'etat is the institution of the U.S. Senate. The purpose is to overturn the U.S. Constitution, in favor of White House dictatorship, by breaking the Constitutional powers built into the Senate's power to impose checks and balances against an out-of-control Presidency or temporary errant majority of the House of Representatives. This provision to defend our Constitution was centered in the powers of advice and consent which the Constitution assigned specifically to the U.S. Senate.

Do not be taken in by the fraudulent claims that the contested judicial nominees are "Christians." When judges of fascist leanings are up for confirmation, the issue is not religion, but economics. The issue is, which side will those judges take, when the financial sharks come to eat you in foreclosure proceedings?

Those of us old enough, or well-educated enough to remember, know what I am saying.

Leading Democrats and others recognize that there is an ominous parallel between the incendiary activities of White House radical right-wing propaganda minister Karl Rove and Vice-President Dick "Hermann" Cheney's plot, and the incendiary actions used by Hermann Goering which led to Reichschancellor Adolf Hitler's seizure of dictatorial powers on February 28, 1933. Hitler never gave up those powers until the day he committed suicide in Berlin on April 30, 1945. Tens of millions of people died as a result of what happened in Berlin on February 27-28, 1933. With the present Bush Administration pushing for "preventive use" of existing nuclear weapons now, many more than tens of millions will die world-wide, if we let the U.S. walk down that same road now. That increasingly hysterically desperate administration now intends to use those weapons just about as quickly as you can say, "Remember what happened with Iraq."

The U.S. Senate, with its power of advice and consent today, is the chief bulwark standing between you and the consequences of that increasing push for a so-called "preventive" nuclear-warfare policy. Do not allow that original Constitutional intention of advice and consent to be thrown away by the kind of panicked parliamentary majority rule which gave Hitler dictatorial powers on February 28, 1933. If you allow Frist to succeed on Tuesday, or in the days following, no one can predict today, when, or where that warfare might stop.

Without the savage pressures from high-level circles within the Bush Presidency, many Republicans would quickly join with Democrats in preventing the Bush White House's attempted anti-Constitutional plot from being carried out. Therefore, massive support for both Democratic leaders and concerned, but often intimidated Republican Senators must be provided immediately.

The Economics Issue

U.S. citizens must not allow themselves to be fooled again. Citizens must recognize the real issues behind this evil White House grab for dictatorial one-party powers. The key issues are not judges' religious beliefs; the issues, as in the French Revolution of July 14, 1789, and the Hitler seizure of dictatorial powers on Febrary 28, 1933, are just plain economic. These right-wing judgeship candidates are being set up to help rob your child's piggy-bank, hardly a Christian enterprise.

At this moment, the U.S. economy is on the verge of a bigger general financial and physical-economic collapse than 1929-1933, and the forces controlling the pathetic figure occupying the Oval Office, such as the would-be "Hjalmar Schacht" of the situation, former Pinochet crony George Pratt Shultz, the architect of the Bush II Presidency, and a key backer of the President's Pinochet-style intention to rob you of Social Security protection, are determined that the people will have no pension, health-care, or bankruptcy protection against the onrushing deep collapse of the world's present financial system.

There is no excuse for anyone's giving support to this attempted Bush Administration grab for dictatorial powers. We of the U.S. not only recovered from the 1929-1933 collapse caused by the policies of the successive Coolidge and Hoover Administrations, but, under Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency, we prevented what would have been otherwise, an Adolf Hitler world dictatorship. We can do that again.

We do have a clear majority of our leading politicians who are good enough to make the decisions needed to get us safely through the presently onrushing world-wide financial collapse. Admittedly, many of them have made mistakes in the past. Nearly everyone makes mistakes, and big people tend to make the biggest mistakes. But, when we as a people bring ourselves together to face up to a problem, and to solve it, we of the U.S.A. have always won out, sooner or later. Hopefully, this time, it will be sooner.

For this purpose, the founders of our present Constitutional republic created a Constitutional system which is not only the best in the world still today, but is a model for dealing with precisely those kinds of financial crises which the parliamentary systems of Europe are not competent to deal with by themselves. Our experience under President Franklin Roosevelt is something which is still fresh in our national memory, especially among those still living who were young adults or adolescents during the 1930s and 1940s. What succeeded then is a starting-point for selecting the economic recovery measures we must begin instituting immediately today.

So, give our leaders a chance, especially those in the Senate fight to defend the Constitutional principle of advice and consent consigned to the Senate. Support them in this fight. Support them as if your personal freedoms depend upon that; they probably do. By supporting them, you will be defending our Constitutional system.

Support that system as if your life and our nation's future depended upon winning that fight. They do. I am supporting those engaged in this fight, whether they are Democrats or Republicans. So should you.


Informant: ranger116

Revealed: health fears over secret study into GM food


Informant: NHNE

Long-term effects of radiation dose on inflammatory markers in atomic bomb survivors

I have NEWS for these researchers!!!! Non-ionizing radiation causes identical "aging changes!!!"

Those who belong to your group and others in regard to being EMF/EMR activists know my story but I need to emphasize a part of it regarding this new (note "2005") report re immune/inflammation/aging!!!!

My two grandsons' rare immune were rare because they had subclass deficiencies IgG 1 and 3. Such deficiencies signify "AGING.....!!!" Ironically we were even told such a deficiency wouldn't/shouldn't be found in children under the age of 10 years. The boys were infants/toddlers at time of diagnosis. As you can see, this report states the A-bomb exposures accelerated aging by about 9 years!!!! The boys also had problems making antibodies and other inflammatory problems.

If persons around the world don't start to demand the public be informed that sleeping in close proximity to electric appliances/devices is causing serious health problems and also that homes and schools should be checked for "dirty electricity" on wiring see http://www.stetzerelectric.com and/or http://www.electricalpollution.com regarding filters and meter to measure such pollution, the health effects of "aging" due to chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR exposures will soon overwhelm economies around-the-world!!! Soon "no one" will have enough strength, brain-power, etc. to run governments not to mention sustain/maintain adequate military protection!!!! Take care -

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Immune....radiation/aging/immune re atomic bomb survivors
Von: JCMPelican@aol.com
Datum: Sun, 22 May 2005 20:45:48 EDT


RERF Report No. 27-03

Long-term effects of radiation dose on inflammatory markers in atomic bomb survivors

Hayashi T, Morishita Y, Kubo Y, Kusunoki Y, Hayashi I, Kasagi F, Hakoda M, Kyoizumi S, Nakachi K
Am J Med 118(1):83-6, 2005 (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc.


Exposure to atomic bomb (A-bomb) radiation has had long-lasting health effects in survivors, even after a half century and more. In this study we investigated the association between radiation dose and sub-clinical inflammatory status and/or immunoglobulin production in A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima. Four hundred and forty two participants were randomly selected from a long-term epidemiological cohort of A-bomb survivors. Peripheral blood samples were assayed for inflammatory markers and antibody levels. We observed a statistically significant increase with increased radiation dose in the following markers:

(1) plasma levels of inflammatory markers TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and IL-10,
(2) erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and
(3) total Ig, IgA, and IgM levels.

We observed no significant radiation dose effects for IgG and IgE levels. Since both radiation and aging were associated with increases in most of the inflammatory markers investigated in this study, we estimated the effect of radiation in terms of age acceleration. Judging from the ESR and the levels of TNF-alpha, IL-10, and total Ig, exposure to 1 Gy was equivalent to an increase in age of about 9 years. These results suggest that A-bomb radiation may contribute as much to the production of inflammatory markers and antibodies as aging does, implying that radiation exposure may accelerate aging of inflammatory status.



Roy: This is more confirmation that EMF's/EMR promote "identical changes" as occur in cases of chronic, low dose ionizing radiation. Dr. Johansson is willing to replicate findings in grandsons as well as my guinea pig studies but can't do this without funding. Take care - Joanne

Forward 5-23-05 from Prof. Olle Johansson (email ollejohansson@neuro.ki.se):

This is exactly our working hypothesis, that EMFs - of various types and forms - wear down the inflammatory protective system or accelerate aging of it's status.

[Material received with great thanks!]

Best regards

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


Roger: Your comment below brings to mind Dr. Neil Cherry's excellent work in June 2000 titled "Evidence Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic......."


Dr. Cherry's quote by Burke is "right on!!!"

"Our frame of reference determines what we look at and how we look. And as a consequence, this determines what we find." Burke J, The Day the Universe Changed, 1985

Email exchanges regarding rare immune in my grandsons (signifying "aging") and the new article regarding A-bomb survivors and evidence re aging of immune function are also copied/attached. Children and parents around-the-world need this help!!! How many more will be diagnosed with Leukaemia this year only to die because they are unable to fight the ravages of treatment that has very little or no chance of success because "no one" is telling them they need to practice prudent EMR avoidance measures?

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Forward 5-23-05 of email to jcmpelican@aol.com from Roger Coghill:

This new finding makes it more important than ever to do the ESR experiment using sample blood from mast vicinals.

Roger Coghill
MA (Cantab) C Biol MI Biol MA (Environ Mgt)


Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic

Emergency Petition to stop the "Nuclear Option"

Please share as you see fit - Anna

I just signed MoveOn PAC's emergency petition to stop the "nuclear option" the far right wing's plan to seize absolute power to stack our courts -– and I hope you will sign too.

Starting Monday, the petition will be delivered straight to Congress every three hours until the final vote, and many of our comments will be read aloud on the Senate floor.

Please sign right now at:

Why is this an emergency?

This Tuesday, the Senate will vote on Republican Leader Bill Frist's "nuclear option" to break the rules of the Senate and give the Republican Party absolute control over appointing federal judges.

For 200 years the minority's right to filibuster has kept our courts fair, by making sure that federal judges needed to get at least some support from both sides of the aisle before they were given life time appointments.

If Frist eliminates the filibuster, his next step would be to force far right partisan judges onto the powerful U.S. Courts of Appeals. The real targets, however, are the four seats on the Supreme Court likely to become vacant in the next four years.

With that much power on the Supreme Court, the far right could strike down decades of progress on labor rights, environmental protections, reproductive rights, and privacy.

The "nuclear option" will live or die by a final vote, probably on Tuesday, and the vote is still way too close to call. There are at least 6 moderate Republicans still on the fence and only 3 more votes needed to win. If we can get enough of our voices into congress and into the streets in the next 72 hours, we can still save our courts.

Please take a minute to join me and sign the emergency petition today.



Congress Moves To Restrict Court Rulings On God


Informant: Friends

Russia still face mutual destruction threat


Interview with Helen Caldicott


Brazil Losing Fight to Save The Amazon


Dolphins and Whale Killed by Driftnet off Greece


The Christianity of George WMD Bush


A Genuine Inquiry into Abuses

How did a short item in Newsweek reporting that U.S. interrogators had desecrated a Koran at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, spark massive riots in several Muslim countries last week, leading to the deaths of least 16 people? And who, exactly, should bear the blame for these tragic events?


Hodenkrebs durch Handystrahlung?


Hodenkrebs nimmt stark zu: Verdoppelung der Erkrankungszahl seit 1980


20.05.05 Hodenkrebs nimmt stark zu - Verdoppelung der Erkrankungszahl seit 1980

Baierbrunn (ots) - Ein starker Anstieg der Zahl an Hodenkrebsfällen in Deutschland macht den Ärzten Sorgen. Weltweit erkranken nur in Dänemark mehr junge Männer an diesem Krebs. "Warum die Zahl der Neuerkrankungen gerade in Deutschland seit Jahren steigt, ist nicht geklärt", sagt Prof. Christoph Clemm vom Tumortherapiezentrum im Münchener Klinikum rechts der Isar im Gesundheitsmagazin "Apotheken Umschau". Eine aktuelle Studie des Berliner Robert-Koch-Instituts hat eine Verdoppelung der Erkrankungszahl seit 1980 ergeben. Betroffen sind überwiegend junge Männer zwischen 20 und 35 Jahren. Besonders sie sollten ihre Hoden regelmäßig abtasten. Jede Schwellung muss vom Arzt abgeklärt werden. Hodenkrebs ist heute zu 90 Prozent heilbar - je früher er erkannt wird, desto größer ist die Heilungschance.

Das Gesundheitsmagazin "Apotheken Umschau" 5/2005 B liegt in vielen Apotheken aus und wird kostenlos an Kunden abgegeben.
Mehr Texte auch online: http://www.GesundheitPro.de > Button "Apotheken Magazine" > Presse-Service

Originaltext: Wort und Bild - Apotheken Umschau
Digitale Pressemappe: http://presseportal.de/story.htx?firmaid=52678

Anmerkung Scherrmann: Es ist offensichtlich, dass die Autoren das inzwischen fast 10 Jahre alte Buch "The stolen Future" bzw. "Die bedrohte Zukunft" von Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, Joh. Peterson Myers und die dem Buch zugrundeliegende Forschungsarbeiten nicht zur Kenntnis nahmen.

Aus: SAFER WORLD newsletter/d - 85 - 23.05.2005


Haltet mich bitte nicht für verrückt, aber ich hab im Fernsehen gesehen dass neulich 3 Jungendliche wegen Hodenkrebs ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert worden sind ! Schuld war die Handystrahlung ! Was ist da dran ? Ihr wisst ja, mit solchen Sachen sollte man nicht spaßen...*gg*



Dabei handelt es sich um eine Frau und dessen Sohn aus Zingsheim, die 1999 durch den Krebstod des Familienvaters stutzig wurde und in der Nachbarschaft nach weiteren Fällen suchten. Tatsächlich seien seit 1995 sechs Anwohner in einer Straße an Krebs erkrankt. 1995, so die Beobachtung der Familie, sei auch der erste von heute drei Mobilfunksendern im Ort in Betrieb gegangen. Mittlerweile ist auch der 23-jährige Sohn an Hodenkrebs erkrankt. Auch eine andere Zingsheimerin sieht Zusammenhänge zwischen gesundheitlichen Problemen und Mobilfunk. Aus diesem Grund ist die junge Mutter mit ihrer Familie in den Keller ihres Hauses gezogen. Vor acht Jahren kaufte sie mit ihrem Mann das Haus. Bis dahin waren sie seltener Gast bei Ärzten und Apothekern.

Seit gut einem Jahr aber leiden alle fünf Familienmitglieder, darunter auch drei Kinder, an Tinnitus, einem nervenaufreibenden Klingelton im Ohr. Hinzu, so erklärt die Mutter, kommen weitere Symptome von der einfachen Hautrötung über ständige Tagesmüdigkeit bis hin zu Migräneattacken.



US military continues to hide systematic torture in Iraq


UN calls for inquiry into systematic torture and abuse by US military


US builds 4 giant military bases in Iraq and calls it 'withdrawal'


Die Handy-Zertrümmerer


Handys benötigen Sender

Handy nur für den Notfall

Pro- und Contra Handy

Freiheit vor dem Unsinn

Handys retten Leben

Erfahrungen mit dem Handy

Handy nur für den Notfall

Aus Kapazitätsgründen können von jeder voll ausgebauten Sendeanlage in ihrem Umkreis (z.B. Großzelle r= 10-30 km) nur ca. 90 Gesprächsverbindungen gleichzeitig hergestellt werden (in Österreich und Schweiz sind es weniger). Wenn die Zahl der Handynutzer weiter zunimmt, werden die Zellen weiter unterteilt und damit immer mehr Sender gebaut.

Auch für Handy die nur im Notfall gebraucht werden, müssen die Betreiber Sendekapazitäten zur Verfügung stellen. Die Zahl der Mobilfunkantennen richtet sich also nicht nach der Anzahl der Handy, die dauernd in Betrieb sind, sondern nach der Anzahl aller Handys, die beim Mobilfunkbetreiber angemeldet werden. Er muss die angemeldeten Kapazitäten berücksichtigen und zur Verfügung stellen, dabei kann er nicht differenzieren, ob das Handy dauernd oder nur im Notfall gebraucht werden soll. Sprich: Auch Handy , die nur im Notfall gebraucht werden sollen, führen zu mehr Mobilfunksendern.

Nach Erfahrungen von Handybenutzern gibt es kaum jemanden der ein Handy nur für den Notfall gebraucht, wenn man es hat, wird es in der Regel auch benutzt.

Pro- und Contra Handy

Handys retten Leben

Erfahrungen mit dem Handy

Freiheit vor dem Unsinn

Die Handy-Zertrümmerer

Handys benötigen Sender

Erfahrungen mit dem Handy


Handy nur für den Notfall

Pro- und Contra Handy

Handys retten Leben

Erfahrungen mit dem Handy

Freiheit vor dem Unsinn

Handys benötigen Sender

Die Handy-Zertrümmerer


Freiheit vor dem Unsinn


Die Handy-Zertrümmerer

Handy nur für den Notfall

Pro- und Contra Handy

Handys retten Leben

Erfahrungen mit dem Handy

Handys benötigen Sender

Pro- und Contra Handy


Handy nur für den Notfall

Handys retten Leben

Erfahrungen mit dem Handy

Freiheit vor dem Unsinn

Die Handy-Zertrümmerer

Handys benötigen Sender

"Star Wars" saga reflects political ideals


In the lead up to the last Star Wars movie, Weekly Standard online editor Jonathan Last took his magazine over to the dark side. The Empire may be a dictatorship, Last wrote, but it's 'a dictatorship people can do business with. They collect taxes and patrol the skies. They try to stop organized crime ... The Empire has virtually no effect on the daily life of the average, law-abiding citizen.' Last went on to explain that imperial ruler Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine 'is a dictator -- but a relatively benign one, like Pinochet.' Last's column was written tongue-in-cheek -- I think. But, in post-Patriot Act America, I hope his ideas stay far, far away from Capitol Hill...[editor's note: That makes two of us -- YUCK! - SAT]


from Fox News, by Thomas A. Firey

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No child left unmedicated


TeenScreen causes suicide? How? This pharmaceutical industry backed pill-pushing scheme cons school kids into taking a survey full of loaded questions and then uses the results to convince parents that their kids need to be on dangerous mind-altering drugs that have now been linked to suicide and other violent acts in children. Enough cannot be said when it comes to the power of mental persuasion with kids. Most children feel lonely, depressed, like they don't fit in, like they are different than others, like they are not smart enough, good-looking enough, or popular enough at one time or another. This is normal thinking for all adolescents. The TeenScreen pill-pushing squad takes advantage of normal and vulnerable kids when it goes into schools with a survey that them loaded questions about these normal notions and feelings, forever planting in their minds that such thoughts are abnormal...


from CounterPunch, by Ellen Pringle

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Spike helmets for the youth of America


In the nineteenth century young men in Russia and Prussia fled to America to escape the draft, to escape the glorification of militarism which poisoned the life in the countries of middle Europe. Death was a daily familiar there. The youths of those countries were put in field grey and spike helmets. Frederick, the king of Prussia, is on record as having shouted at his soldiers when they hesitated in an attack, 'Advance, you dogs! Do you want to live forever?' Americans felt a righteous contempt for this brand of militarism as a left-over from the middle ages. Now we begin to honor it. Dying and killing in Iraq is heroic. Young Americans fled, and will flee in a warlike future from rather than to America. We are forced by our government to become a warlike nation like the horde of Attila the Hun, like the France of Napoleon who lost half a million soldiers in his invasion of Russia and left them in the snow while he rode back to Paris in a heated carriage. He, like Bush in his National Guard days, certainly did want to live forever...


from Common Dreams, by Hans Koning

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Saddam's underpants are not the issue


No one need feel sorrow for Saddam Hussein, who in many eyes incarnates diabolic evil. His crimes themselves condemn him. That does not excuse demolishing the edifice of international and humanitarian law to depose and humiliate him. We must feel sorrow, not for the tyrant, but for our loss of international order enshrined in the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter. The United States and its British acolytes have brushed international law -- and the protections it implied for us all -- to pursue their crusade to control Iraq and intimidate its neighbours. Saddam's underwear is not the issue. Law is...


from Independent [UK], by Charles Glass

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Neo-Victorian America?


[T]he political fights over Iraq, Social Security, and now the filibuster are not isolated, they are about whether we are going to create the kind of society that a military hegemony requires to sustain itself: filled with people who are desperate for work, a stone's throw from poverty, and feeling themselves surrounded and beset by terrors and disaster. People who, therefore, cling zealously to arbitrary rules and partisan passions. Each fight is not about the margins of a few court decisions, nor a few dollars in a monthly check, nor over how much testing to do in schools -- instead, it is over what kind of people we are to become, and what kind of nation we are to be, now, and for a century to come...


from TruthOut, by Stirling Newberry

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Freedom 101


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Phony apocalypse


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The joys of flying


In early May, two overseas flights to Boston were diverted to Bangor, Maine, within days of each other. The first was Air France flight 322 from Paris. The second was Alitalia flight 618 from Milan. In both cases, a passenger's name on the flight manifest matched a name on the U.S. government's no-fly list. This is not the first time flights have been diverted to Bangor. Last September, a United Airlines London-to-New York flight carrying the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens was forced to land there because the name Stevens took after converting to Islam -- Yusaf Islam -- is on the no-fly list (Islam denies any terrorist connections). The question is: If it's supposed to be a no-fly list, how is it that people on the list are able to board the airplanes?


from Cato Institute, by Charles V. Peña

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ain't seen London, ain't seen France


The Busheviks have managed to, well, manage the Abu Ghraib atrocities into obscurity by mouthing platitudes and throwing a few enlisted schmucks to the wolves. They managed to fob off blame for the Quran desecrations -- actions reported for more than a year, by the way, and admitted to in the New York Times by a former Gitmo interrogator -- on Newsweek for making the mistake of trusting a government source on the claim that the Busheviks were going to depart from habit and actually tell the truth. And, with the help of a virtual media blackout, they've managed so far to slip by unscathed in the matter of the British cabinet memo which establishes beyond any reasonable doubt that Bush and Co. lied, continuously and through their teeth, throughout the buildup to war. Now they're going to get a free pass on a few more murders, just by leaking some photos of Saddam's package...


from Knappster, by Thomas L. Knapp

The Old Republic has been swept away, but hope remains


One thing that needs to be remembered and kept in mind throughout the Star Wars series is that it is the good guys who fall for the fake threats and false crises the whole time, allowing the imperial executive to take root and gain ground. Even the Jedi, for the most past, are fooled, and go along with the manufactured and unnecessary war against the Trade Federation. (Perhaps this is a lesson that Republics, too, are far too powerful and hold too much potential to become murderous dictatorships. Perhaps an anarchist galaxy is the only surefire protection against Empire.) Long before crossing over and becoming the nefarious villain of the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker, as an idealistic and well-intentioned young Jedi student, believes in a benevolent dictatorship, so as to make the galaxy best for the greater good, to the point when, fearful of his wife’s foreshadowed death, he turns to the Dark Side, becomes Darth Vader and realizes that sometimes benevolence is not all it’s cracked up to be ...


from LewRockwell.Com, by Anthony Gregory

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Star Wars and the Empire


Some neocons have expressed their dismay that the new Star Wars movie seems so antiwar, saying it was perhaps even rewritten as an anti-Bush diatribe. This cold desperation comes as no surprise, but it also strengthens my appreciation of Lucas' decision to make episodes IV, V, and VI before I, II, and the now-completed III. This establishes first the generally agreeable premise that it's right to overthrow oppressive government, before bringing into focus something more discomforting -- that the corrupt tyranny referred to is our own. The story being told this week was written over 30 years ago, as Lucas has explained. Star Wars 'was really about the Vietnam War, and that was the period where Nixon was trying to run for a [second] term, which got me to thinking historically about how do democracies get turned into dictatorships? Because the democracies aren't overthrown; they're given away.' I suppose that explains why Supreme Chancellor Palpatine works out of an oval office, and why his aide looks so much like Henry Kissinger...


from AntiWar.Com, by Scott Horton

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

SurREAL ID: New licenses may mean loss of privacy


George Orwell's totalitarian 'Big Brother' is exactly the image to which pundits and critics compare the Real ID Act. Robert Dreyfuss, contributing editor to The Nation and Mother Jones, calls it 'a step toward a chilling, privacy-violating national ID card system that could one day have Americans being asked, Nazi-style, to 'show us your papers' wherever they go.' That's not so far-fetched, says Jeff Weaver, chief of staff for Rep. Bernie Sanders, one of only 58 House members to turn thumbs down on the measure. 'There is a real concern on a lot of people's part that this is the first step toward a national ID card,' said Weaver. 'To the extent that you create a federally mandated standardized driver's license process, you are certainly moving in that direction...


from Vermont Guardian

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush gets mixed reception at Christian college


President Bush on Saturday championed faith in American society, but ran into some criticism as courted his Christian base in a commencement speech at a Michigan college. ... [Calvin College] describes itself as a 'center of faith-anchored liberal arts teaching and scholarship,' and Bush has aggressively sought to reinforce his support among religious conservatives who helped deliver him a reelection victory in 2004. But anti-Bush ads that ran in the local newspaper, protests outside the event and buttons worn on graduates' robes made clear that many students and faculty objected to Bush's policies. 'We believe your administration has launched an unjust and unjustified war in Iraq,' said a letter signed by about one-third the college's 300 faculty members and published in Saturday's Grand Rapids Press...


from Reuters

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


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