
Phone mast row at caravan park

Phone mast row at caravan park

OWNERS of a caravan park on Hayling fear tourists will desert them if a mobile phone mast is allowed. Vodafone wants to put up a 33ft mast in Fishery Lane to boost its coverage on the island. Businesses and homes in the area are furious after being sent letters telling them about the application. They are worried about radiation from the mast – and fear tourists will not want to bring their children to the island if they know the mast is there.

If the mast gets the go-ahead it will go up in Fishery Lane, between Hayling Recycling Centre and Fishery Creek Caravan Park. Darko Emersic, owner of Fishery Creek, has consulted solicitors and says he is prepared to fight the firm all the way. Vodafone's application to Havant Borough Council is to determine if it needs to apply for planning permission for the structure.

Jane Frapwell, of Vodafone, said better mobile phone coverage might even encourage people to visit the campsite.'

16 March 2005

From Mast Network

Schlingerkurs von McDonald's

Burgerbewegung: Schlingerkurs von McDonald's

Viele von Ihnen haben als Teilnehmer der foodwatch-Burgerbewegung McDonald's aufgefordert, Burger ohne Gentechnik anzubieten. Denn bisher muss Fleisch, das unter Einsatz von gentechnologisch verändertem Tierfutter erzeugt wurde, nicht entsprechend gekennzeichnet werden. Die Konsequenz: Verbraucher haben keine echte Wahlfreiheit. Sie werden zu Zwangsunterstützern der Gentechnologie, weil sie sich mangels richtiger Kennzeichnung nicht bewusst dafür oder dagegen entscheiden können.

Täglich essen über zwei Millionen Menschen bei McDonald's, für die pro Tag 80.000 Kilogramm Hackfleisch verarbeitet wird. Entsprechend großen Einfluss hat ein Konzern wie McDonald's auf dem Fleischmarkt und kann spielend leicht auch gentechnikfreie Burger anbieten.

Diesen Eindruck hatte McDonald's auch den Teilnehmern der Burgerbewegung anfangs vermittelt - und behauptete in der Antwort-E-Mail seine "Lieferanten angewiesen zu haben, gentechnikfreies Futtermittel (Soja) zu beschaffen". Obwohl der Konzern foodwatch gleichzeitig per Brief mitteilte, man habe gar "keinen Einfluss auf die Fleischlieferanten".

Eine eklatante Verbrauchertäuschung, gegen die foodwatch auf Unterlassung klagte. Dies wurde zwar vom Gericht in zweiter Instanz unverständlicherweise abgelehnt, doch McDonald's steckte trotzdem freiwillig zurück: In einer neuen Antwort an die Burgerbewegten hieß es, man sei auf der Suche nach gentechnikfreiem Futter nicht fündig geworden.

Diese Aussage ist absurd. Es gibt genug Bezugsquellen von gentechnikfreier Soja. Das weiß auch McDonald's. Offensichtlich war aber diese Ausrede den Managern des Fast Food-Konzerns selbst nicht geheuer. Denn seit kurzem antwortet McDonald's auf die Schreiben der Burgerbewegung überhaupt nicht mehr.

Ein peinlicher Schlingerkurs! Dem Konzern gehen die Argumente aus. Der Fall zeigt aber auch: Wenn Verbraucher sich gemeinsam gegen plumpe Täuschung und Verdummung wehren, dann reagieren auch Großkonzerne. Über 3800 Teilnehmer der Burgerbewegung haben dies erreicht!

Das ist ein Ansporn für uns. Wie heißt es so schön in der Werbung von McDonald's: "Für die optimale Zufriedenheit und das Vertrauen unserer Gäste tun wir alles." Machen Sie die Probe aufs Exempel: Unterstützen Sie weiterhin die http://www.burgerbewegung.de und gewinnen Sie Bekannte, Verwandte und Kollegen ebenfalls zur Teilnahme!

das foodwatch-Team

Highest Endorsement Yet for Sun-Earth Connection


Lafontaine macht Unterstützung der SPD von der Rücknahme von "Hartz IV" abhängig


Ex-SPD-Chef Oskar Lafontaine macht die weitere Unterstützung der SPD von der Rücknahme der Arbeitsmarktreform "Hartz IV" abhängig. "Hartz IV" sei "das Thema, an dem sich meine politische Zukunft entscheidet", wird Lafontaine von der "Saarbrücker Zeitung" zitiert. Lafontaine habe die Arbeitsmarktreform auf einer Veranstaltung ein "Schandgesetz" genannt, da sie jene Arbeitnehmer enteigne, "die diese Republik aufgebaut haben".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


CDU warnt vor totalem Überwachungsstaat und signalisiert hierfür Unterstützung

Freiheitsrechte: CDU warnt vor totalem Überwachungsstaat und signalisiert hierfür Unterstützung (16.03.05)

Der CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Willy Wimmer fürchtet den "totalen Staat" durch Überwachung. Innenminister Otto Schily und Justizministerin Brigitte Zypries (beide SPD) planten die völlige Abschaffung der Informationsfreiheit und der Selbstbestimmung über die Kommunikation, sagte Wimmer der "Leipziger Volkszeitung" zu den Plänen, Handy- und Internetdaten ein Jahr lang speichern zu lassen. Begründet werde dies mit der Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus. In Wahrheit solle damit aber die "Unfähigkeit", die sich aus legaler und illegaler Zuwanderung nach Deutschland ergebende Gefährdungslage durch Eindämmung und Beseitigung bekämpfen zu können, auf dem Rücken der Deutschen geregelt werden. Vom Geist eines freiheitlichen Staates bleibe kaum noch etwas übrig. Unions-Fraktionsvize Wolfgang Bosbach signalisierte zugleich Unterstützung für die Datenspeicher-Pläne der Bundesregierung.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Wiederaufbau des Irak soll größter Korruptionsskandal aller Zeiten sein


Der Irak droht nach Auffassung der Anti-Korruptionsorganisation Transparency International (TI) zum größten Korruptionsskandal aller Zeiten zu werden. Dies geht aus dem Global Corruption Report 2005 (GCR) hervor, der am Mittwoch vorgestellt wurde. Der Vorsitzende von TI Deutschland Hansjörg Elshorst beklagte, dass schon die Vergabe der Wiederaufbauverträge an US-Firmen nicht sauber abgelaufen sei. So sei den Irakern ein schlechtes Beispiel gegeben worden. Transparency befürchtet außerdem, dass der Internationale Währungsfond und der Pariser Club den Irak zu Privatisierungen drängen werden. Wenn Länder unter Besatzungsregierung zu schnellen Privatisierungen gezwungen würden und ein freier Markt fehle, sei fast sicher mit einer weitverbreiteten Korruption zu rechnen, meint die Organisation.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



Meinungsfreiheit: Über den NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien darf weiterhin straffrei diskutiert werden (16.03.05)

Das Vorhaben der Bundesregierung, kritische Meinungsäußerungen über den NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien mit einer Freiheitsstrafe von bis zu fünf Jahren zu bedrohen, ist vorläufig gescheitert. Das Bundesjustizministerium, SPD und Grüne hatten Mitte Februar Gesetzentwürfe zur Änderung des Strafgesetzbuches vorgelegt, wonach das Leugnen von als "geschichtlich gesichert anerkannten Tatsachen" unter Strafe gestellt werden sollte, zum Beispiel ein "Leugnen des Völkermords im ehemaligen Jugoslawien". Ebenso geräuschlos wie dieser Passus in die Gesetzentwürfe zur Einschränkung der Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit aufgenommen worden war, verschwand er wieder. Als der Deutsche Bundestag am vergangenen Freitag abstimmte, fehlte die Bestimmung. Zwischenzeitlich hatten die ehemalige Bundesjustizministerin Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger und der FDP-Abgeordnete Max Stadler interveniert. ngo-online liegt ein Schreiben von Stadler an den zuständigen SPD-Abgeordneten Dieter Wiefelspütz vor, in dem es heißt, dass in einer Demokratie "eine strittige und kritische Auseinandersetzung" über zeithistorische Ereignisse "möglich sein muss". In der Bundestagsdebatte am 11. März wandte sich Stadler gegen "einen Schritt weiter in Richtung Gesinnungsstrafrecht". Seine Befürchtung: "Dem ersten Schritt folgt dann leicht ein zweiter." Offiziell wurde die geplante Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit nur verschoben, nicht jedoch aufgehoben.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Don't Let Donald Rumsfeld Rewrite Personnel Policies

posted 03/11/05

Oppose the Bush administration's proposed new personnel rules that would severely limit the rights of 750,000 Department of Defense Department workers.


Jetzt gibt Rot-Grün richtig Gas

Eine parlamentarische Anfrage ergab: Der Fuhrpark des Bundes taugt nicht als Vorbild für die vom Umweltministerium gepredigten Forderungen nach Drei-Liter-Autos, Russfilter und Spritsparern. Ausgerechnet die Dienstautos der rot-grünen Bundesregierung sind schneller, stärker und schlucken mehr als die aller Vorgängerregierungen.

Die Kehrseite: Die Entdeckung von Erdöl beispielsweise im Amazonas hat zu einem regelrechten „Öl-Boom“ geführt. Das sensible Gleichgewicht des Regenwaldes wird zerstört. Die Ureinwohner sind durch Vergiftung und Vertreibung bedroht - viele leisten verzweifelt Widerstand.

Protestieren Sie noch heute bei der Bundesregierung, dass ausgerechnet unter rot-grüner Amtsführung der Bundes-Fuhrpark Sprit verpulvert statt Energie zu sparen!

Mehr Infos und einen Musterbrief finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter


Falls Sie einen eigenen Brief formulieren wollen, finden Sie die Anschriften unter http://www.bundesregierung.de .

Im nächsten Regenwald Report (Erscheinungsdatum voraussichtlich Ende März 2005) berichten wir ausführlich über Erdölförderung im Amazonas und die Folgen. Wenn Sie ihn kostenlos bestellen wollen, schicken Sie uns kurz eine mail an info@regenwald.org

Bitte leiten Sie diese Email an möglichst viele Freunde und Bekannte weiter.

Reinhard Behrend
Vorsitzender Rettet den Regenwald e. V.

Observations re EMR Pollution EHS and the Problems of the use of the ICNIRP Guidelines in Ireland

I have just finished a paper "Observations re EMR Pollution, EHS, and the Problems of the use of the ICNIRP Guidelines in Ireland" aimed at the Irish State legislature (Dail Eiranne) in view of the current serious problems over here with EHS. (dja.) [Dave J. Aldridge]


Residents fume over mast defeat

ANGRY residents are meeting tonight to consider their next move after permission was given for a phone mast in High Crompton.

They mounted a strong campaign against the proposed mast at Greenhill Farm but the scheme has got the go-ahead from Oldham Council.

For applicants 02, it is third time lucky after previous attempts to site the mast near the Waggon and Horses pub, Rochdale Road, and at the junction of Long Rushes and Trent Road came to nothing. However, there is widespread disappointment and anger among local people.

They submitted a 695-signature petition and individual letters arguing that the site was too close to their homes and High Crompton Park.

Other objections were that the 15 metre high monopole would blight the area and that there was already another mast near by.

Crompton councillor Ann Wingate, who was also opposed to it, said: “I recognise the real concerns of the residents about harmful emissions from this 50ft-high mast.”

One protester, Sandra Bolton, of Greenhill Avenue, said residents felt aggrieved the decision to grant permission was made by officers rather than by the planning committee.

She said: “People are not very happy at all. To have it decided by the swish of a pen considering the number of names on the petition and all the letters, is very disappointing.”

Mrs Bolton added that a group of residents was intending to meet tonight to discuss the next step but she admitted: “What we can do I don’t know.”

A council spokeswoman said the application had been granted prior approval by planning officers in accordance with set guidelines.

From Mast Network

DESPERATE parents offering to hand over £5,000 to a church if it throws out controversial plans to house a mobile phone mast

DESPERATE parents in Heaton Mersey are offering to hand over £5,000 to a church - but only if it throws out controversial plans to house a mobile phone mast.

St John the Baptist, on St John’s Road, stands to make £5,000 from communications giant T-Mobile if plans to site a mast in the church tower go ahead.

However, local residents, who say they fear for the safety of their children and those at neighbouring schools, mounted a campaign last year to halt the plan and are now so desperate they have offered to club together to avoid the controversial plan going ahead.

Lynda and Greg Lacey have even pledged £1,200 a year if the mast is refused and the church has no other way of raising funds - because they are worried about the health of their children who attend St John’s Primary School.

Lynda said: “There are a few people who have said they would be happy to set up a direct debit if the mast was refused.

“The church should look at the wellbeing of people in the community.”

However, Rev Marcus Maxwell, vicar of St John’s, said he would not accept money until a decision has been made.

He said: “While we are still convinced that there is no health hazard, there are some people who are worried and frightened. We are not in the business of worrying and upsetting people.

“If our neighbours want to support us financially because they value the parish church that is great but we don’t want to be seen to be being bought out.”


From Mast Network

Act Now: Stop Fake News

by FreePress.org

Tell the Bush administration you won't stand for any more government-funded fake news stories.


The Ruling Class And Its Intellectual Servants


Neocon challenger Norman Birnbaum decodes the disputes erupting at the neocon- leaning National Interest.


Democrats Asleep At The Wheel

by Robert Kuttner, The Boston Globe

Why can't Democrats turn Bush's assault on working people into winning politics?


1000 microchip sight storys



People power does it again!



AN APPLICATION for an extended mobile phone mast to be built in Groveland Road has been withdrawn.

The proposal to lengthen the mast at St John Ambulance Station by three metres to enable new 3G technology to be installed has been met with widespread opposition from local residents.

The extension to the Vodafone mast would have meant that it overlooked Grovelands Primary School, prompting concern from residents who were worried about radiation.

Grandmother Sybil Lacey, 82, of Derwent Close, told the Gazette that she was relieved at the decision. She said, 'I am just so extremely grateful that the application has been withdrawn. 'We only found out at the last minute at the planning committee meeting on Thursday so we are all still really pleased with this outcome.'

No reason was given as to why Vodafone withdrew the application, but many of the residents who were against the plan feel that their protests had something to do with the decision.

Mrs Lacey said, 'I think it says something about people power that we managed to make such a difference. 'We all fought so much for what we believed in and have achieved what we set out to do.' Cllr Ian Haffenden, who was dealing with the planning application' said, 'One of the positive things to come from this situation is that it has really brought the community together. 'I have never seen such intense concern from a community over a planning proposal. I have received more emails, letters and complaints than I have ever experienced. I think that speaks volumes.'

Before the withdrawal of the plan, a Vodafone spokeswoman reassured residents that the mast was safe. She said, 'We are aware that people do have concerns but all our masts comply with the very strict guidelines designed to protect all members of the public no matter where they live.'

16 March 2005

From Mast Network


Mari people are violently attacced by the govenency under direct rule of president Vladimir Putin.

Please friends, read and spread the information about the situation and sign the petition: http://www.ugri.info/mari/
More information: http://www.ugri.info/mari/articles.html

The killing and violence agains small Mari people by Russian governency has to be stopped immediately!


PC Online meeting for preventing GM trees invasion on the Earth is continuing. If you are interested to join, please send a request and short introduction to rikhard.saukko@elonmerkki.net


We the representatives and friends of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the world call on the Russian authorities at all levels to take immediate steps to end the attacks on members of the democratic opposition in the Republic of Mari El. We urge international human rights organizations to join us in this cause.

In recent months, the local government of Mari El has done nothing to stop the rising tide of discrimination and attacks against the Mari people, thus creating the impression that it supports or may even be behind them.

We note with regret that the authorities have done nothing to identify those who earlier this month attacked Vladimir Kozlov, editor-in-chief of the Finno-Ugric newspaper Kudo+Kodu and head of the all-Russian movement of the Mari people, Mer Kanash, beating him nearly to death.

The Mari people are an important part of the Finno-Ugric world, and this summer they are scheduled to host the next world congress of Finno-Ugric studies. Consequently, it is especially important now that the Russian authorities in Moscow and in Mari El do everything possible to end the abuse of the rights of the Maris.

21st of February 2005

Read more on the serious situation:

Urgent - Call Congress Now - Help Stop Torture

We need your help right now.

Congressman Edward Markey (MA) is offering an amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR 1268) currently under consideration on the House floor today.

The Markey Amendment would prohibit the use of any funds appropriated in the supplemental bill to support "renditions" of individuals to countries where they are likely to be tortured. Call your Representative now and ask them to vote to support the Markey Amendment.

There are growing reports of the United States handing detainees over to countries that use torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Amnesty International has reported cases of people being transferred into the custody of countries such as Syria, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia in violation of US and international law. This practice of "extraordinary renditions" contravenes the obligations to uphold the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution and the Convention Against Torture. It is illegal, impractical and immoral. The Markey Amendment is a step toward restoring the rule of law and protections of fundamental human rights.


Phone number: 1-202-224-3121

Talking points:

-- As a constituent, I am calling to urge you to support the Markey Amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR1268), which prevents funds being used to outsource torture.

-- I am very concerned about increasing evidence that the United States is involved in a practice known as "extraordinary renditions" to transfer individuals into the custody of countries that have a well-documented history of using torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

-- The US has "rendered" detainees to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Syria where individuals have reported being held and tortured and have eventually been released without charge.

-- This practice does not make us safer and violates fundamental human rights and principles that are important to me.

-- Please vote in support of the Markey Amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act. Thank you.

Save the Wild Siskiyous and advocate for the creation of a Biscuit Fire Natural Recovery Area

A Line in the Ancient Forest

50 Arrested in Protest to Save the Siskiyous

Informant: radtimes


Forwarded from NCEF!


Running from April 1st to 8th, come for all or part, or stay and never leave!

No joke, Wild Siskiyou Action is taking a week-long break from running the rotten Forest Service ragged with sudden road blockades and large defiant rallies, in order to teach more people how to join in on the fun. Whether you're new to the Siskiyous, or you're a veteran who's lived here since the glaciers melted, we think you'll benefit from the great workshops and discussions led by seasoned activists and long-time valley residents. The more we know, the better we'll be able to fight the biggest timber sale in Forest Service history. There will be practical classes in:

non-violence philosophy and direct action
how to talk to the media
beginning and advanced rope climbing
wilderness first aid, plant identification, and herbal medicine
timber sale monitoring
road blockades and canopy occupations
know-your-legal-rights and jail support
consensus building and communication skills
how to cook for a lot of people with hardly any money
organizing fun community events
sustainable forestry practices
history of the Siskiyou bioregion and the Biscuit fire
interpersonal empowerment and anti-oppression
and much much more!

As a group we will design and execute an action a day to protect the Wild Siskiyous and advocate for the creation of a Biscuit Fire Natural Recovery Area.

Meanwhile, logging continues in old growth reserves, and we've been running a vibrant Biscuit campaign for two years, with a lot of creative direct action in the last few weeks. Despite our best efforts, log trucks have begun rolling out of the Fiddler timber sale, the local Forest Service officials are acting like puppets operated by the timber corporations, and roadless area timber sales are going up on the auction block within the next few weeks. Multiple lawsuits are ongoing, but Judge Paul Hogan has refused to halt the logging, and by the time the courts determine that the sales were illegal, the native ecology of 19,000 acres of fire-adapted forest will be thoroughly decimated. We need your help to content these exploitative timber sales, and we hope you'll join us for a while, if not for the rest of this amazing campaign!

To get to Ring Beach Skillshare Camp, taking Hwy 199 South from Grants Pass, towards the coast. In the town of Selma, at the blinking yellow light next to the gas station turn right onto Illinois River Road, and look for our camp on the left at Ring Beach. Please drive carefully on this winding Forest Service Road. Give us a call on the campaign phone at (541) 659-2682 if you have any questions, or you can write to us at the siskiyou(at)cascadiarising.org email account, which we check every once in a while

See you in the Burn!


Be sure to check out http://www.northcoastearthfirst.org

Informant: Hummingbird Lou

URGENT: Alaska National Wildlife Refuge destruction vote tomorrow

Earlier today on the Ed Schultz show Senator Harry Reid appealed for the American people to "RISE UP" against the invasion of the the ANWR (Alaska National Wildlife Refuge) for an iffy 6 month's drop in the oil bucket. The Republican's are going to try to sneak this through TOMORROW using a budget trick tomorrow. We need you to SPEAK OUT NOW, especially if you are in Hawaii, both senators Akaka and Inouye, and also Landrieu from Louisiana


This is an urgent action request. The above webpage instantly sends your personal message directly to all your members of Congress with one click. Senator Reid says they just need ONE more vote against to stop this thing. Please take action now to help win the last vote to make this a reality.

Informant: activist_zy

From ufpj-news

Stop Canada’s cruel and senseless baby seal hunt

International Fund for Animal Welfare March 17, 2005

Stop Canada’s cruel and senseless baby seal hunt

This email contains graphic written descriptions of Canada’s seal hunt.

“A sealer near us quickly clubbed every seal within a small radius, to immobilize each of the pups, and then dragged the bodies to the center of his circle. One by one he flipped a seal on its back and skinned it. If the seal flipped around or fought against the skinning he’d flip it back to its stomach, club it several more times and then finish the skinning.”
—IFAW Seal Hunt Monitor

Please save a seal today

Right now on the sparkling ice floes of Eastern Canada, hundreds of thousands of baby seals are about to die.

In just a few short days, seals as young as 12 days of age will be clubbed and beaten over the head. Others will be shot with a rifle in open water, fighting for their lives ... many left to die under the ice or pulled onto boats with sharp metal hooks.

95% of the seals killed will be less than three months old. But there’s still time to help.

If you were to witness this personally, your heart would break

Some baby seals will be skinned alive. Their front flippers flailing violently, trying to squirm away as the knife finds them, blindly pawing and wrenching until they finally fall still.

Seal hunting isn’t much of a challenge. Most seal pups lay on the ice alone and helpless before they are violently cut down. The sealers pour over the ice in their army of boats, snowmobiles and even a helicopter, leaving trails of blood in their wake. The baby seals lift their heads and try to cry out in anguish, but manage only a pathetic snarl before the club crushes their skull.

After the seals are skinned, the carcasses are abandoned on the ice once the pelt and blubber are removed, left in piles like disposable laundry. The meat is never used.

This senseless act of annual cruelty is actually supported by the Canadian government

As many seals are killed today as during the 1950s and 60s when overhunting significantly pushed seals down the road towards extinction. You helped raise a global outcry that stopped the killing of whitecoat baby seals in the 1980s. But Canada’s politicians have since used hidden subsidies to expand the hunt again in order to win favor with the fishing industry.

Your contribution puts IFAW seal rescue teams on the ice to expose this outrage

The Canadian government wants the media and the public to believe that no one cares about the innocent blood spilled each year across the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The sealing industry counts on the fact that most people still don’t know it’s happening.

You can prove them wrong

This year’s hunt will continue until the industry reaches its quota of 319,500 seals. IFAW will be there, documenting the cruelty and abuses of the seal hunt to journalists and politicians.

But we need your help to tell the rest of the world what’s really going on. Your generous contribution will help stop cruelty to innocent animals such as the baby harp seal all over the world.

$25: Pays for a seal hunt observation permit to document ongoing cruelty and abuse
$100: Pays for one day of videotaping the seal hunt to expose its cruelty to the world
$50: Funds campaigns to prosecute anyone caught abusing seals
$500: Pays for one hour of flight time to bring a seal surveillance team to the ice

The seal hunt will be underway in just a few weeks. Please contribute now to help spare another single baby seal from a cruel and senseless death.

Thanks for all you do,

Fred O’Regan
President and CEO

P.S. Our humanity is measured by how we care for the vulnerable among us. What is more vulnerable than a newborn seal pup clubbed to death, stranded helpless and alone on the ice? The killing of baby seals doesn’t make sense economically or ecologically. Please give what you can now before this year’s hunt begins.

IFAW © 2005

Worried about Donating online?

I used to be too ... so I made sure our online system is safe, secure, and state-of-the-art. It also eliminates check-processing costs, so more money goes directly to saving animals. But if you prefer to donate by phone or mail, simply click here for address information.

NOTE: To make sure you continue to receive further emails from IFAW, please add fred@ifaw1.org to your email Address Book. If you use a spam filter program, please assign this address a status of “safe” or “trusted.” If you have an AOL, Hotmail, or Yahoo email address, this is particularly important as we receive many “bounce backs” from these email addresses.

PO Box 193 • 411 Main Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

US Experimental Bomb Test in Attempt to Change Jet Stream

Insane US Experimental Bomb Test, in Attempt to Change Jet Stream, Suggests Time May Be Near For Invasion and Occupation of North American Continent

by: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to the Russian Academy of Sciences http://www.ras.ru/win/htm/

Evidence is mounting against the United States today that is showing that this weekend's past atmospheric explosion in the Northwest Region of the North American Continent was due to their exploding one of their most dreaded and secretive weapons know as the HPM, or High Power Microwave, Bomb.


Informant: V

Framing the GOP

Parker Blackman

March 14, 2005

Tom Paine web page

How can a party containing such principle-challenged people as Tom DeLay and Bill O'Reilly dominate the moral values discussion? How are Democrats castigated as "outside the mainstream" when President Bush is leading the charge to dismantle a hugely popular government program? It's all due to Republicans successfully and consistently framing their opposition. Communications expert Blackman has a strategy for fighting back.

Parker Blackman is deputy general manager and managing director of Fenton Communications' West Coast office. A longer version of this piece can be read on the Fenton Communications website. [...] Read the rest of this article on the Tom Paine web site: http://www.tompaine.com/articles/framing_the_gop.php

© Virginia Metze

Brighton & Hove phone mast Motion

Attached are (1) a motion just passed by Brighton & Hove Council re phone masts (basically calling on UK Gov to implement the demands of the Freiburger Appeal re Planning and (2) the speech given by the Councillor (Green - Bill Randall) who drew it up.

Omega see "FREIBURGER APPEAL" under:

No mention of this has appeared at all in the local media whilst local radio is hyping 3G virtually 24/7. Any Ietters sent to local paper The Argus on this are more than welcome. letters@theargus.co.uk

Gary (Brighton)

Green Party Notice of Motion to Council: 10 March 2005

Mobile-phone masts

Bearing in mind the widespread and deep concern among the citizens of Brighton and Hove and the nation at large about the potential health risks of 3G mobile phone masts and TETRA masts. And noting the general disregard by telecommunications companies for the health of the public, amenity considerations and community wishes, this council urges the UK Government to:

· Halt the installation of further masts, until the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme two-year research study into their impact at the University of Essex is completed in November 2006.

· Decommission existing masts in sensitive locations, if the research demonstrates they are harmful, and introduce an exclusion zone that ensures no new masts are installed within 500 metres of schools, hospitals and domestic areas.

· Implement the Stewart Report recommendation that the siting of all new base stations should be subject to the normal planning process.

· Ensure the health and amenity concerns of local communities are taken fully into account in each stage of the decision making process.

· Implement the Stewart report recommendation that an Ombudsman be appointed to provide a focus for decisions on the siting of base stations when agreement cannot be reached locally, and on other relevant issues.

Proposed by: Councillor Bill Randall
Seconded by: Councillor Richard Mallender

Two petitions, a deputation and a demonstration

The people of Hanover and Elm Grove and Queens Park have certainly made their views clear about the 3G masts proposed for their neighbourhood and the rest of Brighton and Hove.

I am now asking this council to support them. Local democracy lies at the root of this issue. Is it right for an outside organization to impose its will on a city and communities in that city, when there is so patently an overwhelming opposition to their proposals? The citizens of Brighton and Hove don’t think so.

I have received more protests about the mast at the junction of Queens Park Road and Pankhurst Avenue than any other issue I have dealt with in the two years that I have been a councillor. There is a general and genuine disbelief in the community that Marconi are able to do what they like.

The more than 100 resident and families who have sent me e-mails, telephoned me, stopped me in the street or buttonholed me in shops are:

Outraged that they should have no say in whether or not a mast with possible health risks should be planted in the middle of their community next to houses and a short distance from two primary schools, several playgroups and Brighton General Hospital.

Outraged that the city planners appear to have no powers to prevent the mast going up.

Outraged that Marconi is clearly disinterested in their complaints. Indeed, the main thrust of Marconi’s standard response to those who have written is to blame the council.

Ideally, argues the man from Marconi “we would like a meeting with the planners and councillors so that more optimal use can be made of the council’s land and buildings, thus taking some of the development away from residential areas. Currently, we are not able to utilize the council owned land and buildings. Obviously, this has a significant impact upon the options available to us.’

So it’s all our fault.

Marconi belongs to the Mobile Operators Association. They don’t think much of local democracy and opposed a proposal by a House of Commons Committee that would require mobile operators to obtain planning permission for all new mobile masts, and would give parents a veto over siting.

The Daily Mail quoted MOA Executive Director Mike Dolan as saying ‘This would hold up the next generation of mobile networks to the detriment of businesses and communities.’

The community in Hanover and Queens Park couldn’t agree less. The motion speaks for itself. You will see we want a moratorium on the installation of new masts until current research is finished and installations removed if dangers are proved. We also want all masts brought within the planning system.

We realize we are up against the big battalions. The five major mobile operators paid the Labour Government £22.5 billion for the 3G licences. Gordon Brown has gratefully trousered the money and he and his colleagues have chosen not accept most of the recommendations of the Stewart Report. We urge this council to add their voice to those trying to change Ministers’ minds.

I should say I have prejudicial interest in this issue. I live only 200 yards from the mast site. More importantly, two of my grandchildren live only 100 yards from the site and two more of my grandchildren attend Elm Grove School, which is less than 400m from the site. Most of the letters and e-mails sent to me have been from concerned parents who also have a prejudicial interest. I am deeply concerned that the mast could affect the children’s health. I don’t know for sure if it will, but then neither do Marconi who have not responded to my request for reassurances about health risks. Nor do Underwriters Lloyds of London who refuse to insure mobile phone manufacturers against damage to health.

I believe Marconi and the other providers should prove beyond question that 3G and Tetra masts are safe before any further installations are put up.

I urge the council to support this view and move the motion.

From Mast Network

The Castle Tower of Crest

The Castle Tower of Crest, Dróme, France

Infos ASL L' heure des comptes La Bérézina acte 1

Correction: The official response of the Board of ASL France to Orange France SA is currently being formulated and will be available within a few days from now.

Wal-Marts Ethik

Mit der Gehaltsabrechnung des Monats Februar erhielt jeder Mitarbeiter von Wal-Mart Germany eine Zusammenfassung der so genannten "Statements of Ethics" (SOE). Gleichzeitig wurden im Unternehmen an den schwarzen Brettern und im Personalbereich entsprechende Plakate ausgehängt. Die Richtlinie "Unternehmensethik" mit der internen Nummer PW-12, ist Teil einer Reihe von Wal-Mart-Richtlinien, die die unterschiedlichsten Arbeits- und Lebensbereiche der Mitarbeiter regelt. So gibt es Richtlinien die im Falle von (vermutetem) Alkohol- und Drogenmissbrauch (PD-16) eintreten genauso wie für die Nutzung von Computern, Modems, Internetnutzung und Sicherheit (Il-06). Hintergrund für die aktuelle Neuausgabe der "Ethikrichtlinien" ist laut dem internen Kommunikationsleitfaden, "…dass zunehmend verschärfte Anforderungen an die Unternehmensführung von US-Unternehmen (Corporate Governance) gestellt werden…" In der internen Mitteilung, die uns vorliegt, heißt es: "Der Gesamtbetriebsrat wurde bereits über das Thema "Statement of Ethics" informiert". Eine Formulierung, aus der eindeutig hervorgeht, dass er das Papier nie zu sehen bekommen hat. Daher verwundert auch nicht, dass der Betriebsrat laut einer Meldung der Financial Times Deutschland vom 15. März 2005, derzeit den Gang zum Arbeitsgericht vorbereitet. Dies wäre auch durchaus nachzuvollziehen, hat das Wal-Mart-Management schon immer ignoriert, dass es in Deutschland so etwas wie Mitbestimmung gibt. Insbesondere, wenn sich ein Management erdreistet, sich um das Liebesleben seiner Mitarbeiter zu kümmern: "Sie dürfen nicht mit jemandem ausgehen oder in eine Liebesbeziehung mit jemandem treten, wenn Sie die Arbeitsbedingungen dieser Person beeinflussen können, oder der Mitarbeiter Ihre Arbeitsbedingungen beeinflussen kann.", heißt es in der Richtlinie. Auch die Maßnahmen die bei Nichtbeachtung vom Unternehmen angedroht werden, lassen keine Wünsche offen: "Angemessene Disziplinarische Maßnahmen, bis hin zur Kündigung, sind gegen jeden Mitarbeiter zu ergreifen, dessen Verhalten diese Unternehmensethik oder gültige Gesetze und Bestimmungen, einschließlich dieser ethischen Leitprinzipien, verletzt. Selbstanzeige bei Missachtung von ethischen Prinzipien wird begrüßt und möglicherweise bei Festlegung der angemessenen disziplinarischen Maßnahmen Berücksichtigung finden." "Beachten Sie jederzeit die Gesetze! Wenn Sie erfahren, das ein anderen Mitarbeiter ein Gesetz verletzt, oder wenn Sie von einem anderen Mitarbeiter, der dies tut oder von dem Sie annehmen, dass er dies tut, dazu aufgefordert werden, haben Sie darüber unverzüglich zu berichten.", heißt es weiterhin, der direkte Aufruf zur Denunziation von Kollegen.

Siehe dazu

WalMart. Unternehmensethik (Nummer PW-12) vom 1. November 2004 (pdf)(knapp über 1 MB!)

Talking Points - SOE (Statement Of Ethics) Kommunikationsleitfaden für Vorgesetzte (pdf)

Wir bitten um Verständnis für die schlechte Qualität, haben die Dateien nicht direkt vom Management erhalten….

Siehe dazu auch

Statement of Ethics (Number PD-10) as revised on January 1, 2005 - die englische Fassung auf der USA-Homepage des Unternehmens (pdf)

Neuer Dämpfer für Wal-Mart

Der weltgrößte Handelskonzern Wal-Mart bekommt sein Deutschlandgeschäft nicht in den Griff. Entgegen Ankündigungen von Deutschlandchef Kay Hafner schrumpft die Warenhauskette weiter und wird Ende Juni erneut eine Filiale schließen. Artikel von Nicola de Paoli und Christiane Ronke in FTD vom 15.3.2005

Aus dem Text: "…"In weiten Teilen sind solche Ethikrichtlinien mitbestimmungspflichtig", sagt etwa der Arbeitsrechtsexperte Manfred Confurius. Wal-Mart hatte seine deutschen Ethikvorschriften aber nicht zuvor dem Betriebsrat vorgelegt. Derzeit werde der Gang zum Arbeitsgericht vorbereitet, hieß es bei den Arbeitnehmervertretern…"

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 10

Wal-Mart droht Mitarbeitern mit Filialschließungen

Der US-Handelskonzern Wal Mart hat einer Strafzahlung in Höhe von elf Millionen Dollar zugestimmt, um einen heiklen Fall vom Tisch zu bekommen. In einigen Filialen waren illegale Einwanderer für die Reinigung beschäftigt worden - nach Angaben der Anwälte unter Missachtung jeglicher Ethik-Regeln.


Wal-Mart-Filiale: Nachtschichtarbeiter eingesperrt?

Washington - Insgesamt 250 Fälle sind dokumentiert, in denen die Handelskette illegale Einwanderer über einen Hausmeister-Service angestellt hatte. Die Mexikaner, Polen, Russen oder Mongolen mussten an sieben Tagen oder Nächten pro Woche Putzdienste leisten.

Überstunden seien nicht vergütet worden, erklärte James Lindsey, der die Betroffenen als Anwalt vertritt. Außerdem habe im Falle von Arbeitsunfällen keinerlei Absicherung existiert. Die Arbeiter der Nachtschichten seien zudem oft in der jeweiligen Filiale eingesperrt worden.

Die Ermittlungen hatten sich über längere Zeit hingezogen. Im vergangenen Oktober schließlich hatten Fahnder in einer gemeinsamen Aktion 60 Wal-Mart-Filialen in 21 Bundesstaaten der USA durchsucht und Mitarbeiter ohne Aufenthaltsgenehmigung ausfindig gemacht. Dass die Geschäftsleitung über deren Anstellungen informiert gewesen sei, belegten Abhörprotokolle, sagte ein Ermittler. (...)"

Aus: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,347196,00.html

"Wal-Mart muss 14,5 Millionen Dollar zahlen

Der US-Einzelhandelsgigant Wal-Mart zahlt mehrere Millionen Dollar Bußgeld, weil er Schusswaffen an Unbefugte oder ohne nötige Überprüfung der Personalien verkauft hat. Von 2000 bis 2003 hat der Konzern allein in Kalifornien mehrere tausend Mal nachweislich gegen die Bestimmungen verstoßen.(...)"

Aus: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,335763,00.html

Die Auswirkungen von 1-Euro-Jobs auf das soziale Hilfesystem

Referat von Dirk Hauer ( Sozialpolitische Opposition Hamburg) für die
1-Euro-Konferenz am 5.3.2005 in Hamburg

Aus dem Text: "…An Träger mit Anspruch: 1-Euro-Arbeitsgelegenheiten sind arbeitsmarktpolitischer Unsinn. Sie deregulieren Arbeitsverhältnisse, und sie ruinieren die Standards des sozialen Hilfesystems. Wenn soziale Träger mit Anspruch dennoch meinen, sie müssten sich an diesem Programm beteiligen, so gibt es u.E. einige Kriterien für den Umgang mit den Betroffenen…"

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 10

Aktionstag gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs: Reguläre Arbeitsverhältnisse werden gekündigt und durch Billig-Arbeitskräfte ersetzt

Proteste 2005

Offensives Sofortprogramm. In Göttingen trafen sich am Samstag Montagsdemonstranten aus der ganzen Republik. Bundesweiter Aktionstag gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs am 20. Mai beschlossen. Bericht von Wolfgang Pomrehn in junge Welt vom 14.03.2005

Aus dem Text: "…Etwas konkreter ist da schon ein lockerer Zusammenschluß von Gruppen, die bereits die bundesweiten Agenturschlußaktionen am 3. Januar angestoßen hatten und nun eine Kampagne gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs vorbereiten. Vertreter des Wuppertaler Sozialforums stellten am Samstag ein Konzept vor, wie man noch in der Aufbauphase in den Prozeß eingreifen wolle. Geplant ist ein bundesweiter Fragebogen, mit dem auf die Ein-Euro-Jobber zugegangen werden soll. Auch will man Informationen über die Einrichtungen, die Ein-Euro-Jobs anbieten, sammeln und öffentlich machen. Aus verschiedenen Städten kamen am Samstag erste Erfahrungsberichte, denen zufolge reguläre Arbeitsverhältnisse gekündigt und durch die neuen Billig-Arbeitskräfte ersetzt würden. Die Einrichtungen oder die sogenannten Zwischenhändler, die die Ein-Euro-Jobs vermitteln, bekämen von den Arbeitsagenturen 500 Euro im Monat, von denen die Jobber je nach Arbeitszeit nur etwa 150 Euro sehen. Am 20. Mai, zwei Tage vor den Landtagswahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, soll es einen bundesweiten Aktionstag gegen diese Billig-Jobs geben…"

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 10

Workfare is not fair: Gegen Lohndumping und Zwangsdienste


Ein-Euro-Jobs stoppen! Aufruf der Aktion Agenturschluß (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 10

Gen-Felder wieder heimlich

Noch vor Kurzem freuten wir uns über das neue Gentechnikgesetz, das die Offenlegung der Gen-Flächen beinhaltet.


Dies soll nun anders werden: In einem Kompromiss einigten sich SPD und Grüne auf eine fundamentale Änderung. Noch in dieser Woche soll diese Änderung im Bundestag beschlossen werden. Demnach würden Bauern, Nachbarn und Imker nur noch über aufwendige behördliche Prüfverfahren Informationen über die genauen Anbauflächen von Gen-Pflanzen erhalten. Die Öffentlichkeit würde über die genaue Lage keine Informationen mehr erhalten. Greenpeace fordert SPD und Grüne auf, diese Entscheidung sofort rückgängig zu machen.

Es besteht also dringender Handlungsbedarf, senden Sie bitte umgehend eine eigene Protest-Mail an die zuständigen Politiker:

Renate Kuenast: poststelle@bmvel.bund.de
Franz Muentefering: franz.muentefering@bundestag.de
Gerhard Schroeder: internetpost@bundeskanzler.de
Frau Dr. Daeubler-Gmelin: herta.daeubler-gmelin@bundestag.de

Wir freuen uns über eine Kopie Ihres Schreibens!

Unterdessen versucht die Unternehmensgruppe Müller, die auf eine Milchherstellung mit Gen-Pflanzen setzt, ihre Produkte zu verschenken - auch so kann man seine Milch los werden.

Zusammen mit Müllermilch bewirbt die Kamps AG die neuen PET-Flaschen von Müller. Wer beim Backspezialist drei Croissants kauft, bekommt eine Milch der unverbesserlichen Müller-Molkerei quasi hinterher geschmissen. Dies stellten bereits mehrere Greenpeace Gruppen letztes Wochenende mit Bedauern fest und wiesen die Müller-Plastik-Flaschen entschieden zurück. Wir sind der Meinung, dass sich die Kamps AG, wenn ihnen das Qualitäts-Image wirklich am Herzen liegt, solche Promotionspartner meiden sollte.

Wenn Sie der gleichen Meinung sind, teilen Sie Kamps bitte mit, dass Sie keine Müllermilch wollen, auch nicht geschenkt. Hier die E-Mail-Adresse: kundenservice@kamps.de

Müller sollte spüren, dass Verbraucher seine Produkte nicht möchten, auch nicht über den Umweg des Croissant-Kaufs.

Politisch tut sich gerade etwas zum Thema Pestizide. Nach dem das Verbraucherministerium selbst von steigenden Pestizidbelastungen in pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln berichten musste, legte sich Frau Künast nun auf ein Reduktionsziel für Pestizide fest: 15 Prozent in den nächsten 10 Jahren. Dies ist zwar nicht genug, aber doch ein erster Erfolg unserer Cyberaktion vom Januar, an der viele von Ihnen beteiligt waren. Mehr zum Thema lesen Sie in unserer Kampagnen-Chronologie:


Bis bald,

Greenpeace e.V.
Grosse Elbstrasse 39
22767 Hamburg

The continuing deceptions of O2

I have saved the photo if anyone wants it and I have a lamp post mast photo, too.


Wood you believe it?

MEET the latest scheme by mobile phone giants to boost coverage – undercover masts. In a bid to deter complaints about ugly masts blotting the landscape, operators have come up with a cunning plan to disguise them as trees. The only snag, though, is that the 'tree-mast' still has to tower over its wooden rivals to ensure a signal.

The move has come to light as part of an application for an 82ft mast on the slopes of Portsdown Hill, which O2 wants to disguise as a Scots pine.

Spokeswoman Angela Johnson said: 'We need a mast in the area for changes in capacity as part of our 3G network. 'But we would try to reduce the environmental impact by disguising it as a tree to make it look as reasonable as possible.'

The firm's plan, though, has done little to alleviate residents' health fears. Grace Edney, whose home at The Thicket, Portchester, would overlook the mast, said: 'Disguising it is just as dreadful and only hoodwinking people. You can hide it, but you can't get away from it.' O2 has applied to Fareham Borough Council for permission to build the mast on land at the Fitness First health club, in Down End Road, Fareham, where two masts, belonging to competitors Orange and Hutchison 3G, already stand.

15 March 2005

From Mast Network



Ultimate Bush Insider Karen Hughes Joins Rice at State Department


Better do it Eco-Activism

Overall, too many young people see the struggles of humans as separate from the struggles for a healthy environment. It isn't because we have bad intentions -- it's because a generation that does not care about the impact of its lifestyle on the environment can be easily manipulated for corporate greed. We are getting played out. And unfortunately, the environmental movement has actually helped enforce that disconnect by seeming to draw divisions between the natural world and its human inhabitants -- and by seeming to worry more about the former than the latter.

That is the context for the next stage of environmentalism. You have an oppressed, depressed, furious mass waiting to be mobilized. And sure, some of us eat at McDonald's and wear leather shoes -- but we feel it is possible to demand better from our government and from ourselves for our environment. We feel it is imperative to connect the different survival struggles we are engaged in if we truly hope to sustain a viable movement for change. You will not die if you try to link hands with us in this struggle, if you try to meet us halfway.

We are in a unique organizing space right now, fresh off the election, understanding that it is imperative to combine electoral organizing with community organizing with issue organizing, in new and unique ways. Environmentalists have done groundbreaking work in this arena, getting citizens informed and involved around policies and petitions. But the movement has failed to reach the urban masses, and it has fallen prey to the marketing of the right, which casts caring about the planet as goofy liberalism instead of instinctual self-preservation.

So I offer three transition steps for the leadership of the environmental movement:

1. Change your framework. You have to frame environmental issues in a way that makes sense for us and relates to the issues we care about. But you will have to get closer to us and to the work we're doing in order to make that happen. We're talking about racism -- meet us there. I know the research shows one thing, the statistics make your case; but they also make a case that the most pressing issues in my life should be stopping the prison industrial complex, stopping the HIV that's ravaging my community, stopping the president from cutting Upward Bound funding.

There's a place for you in each of those battles, just as there's a place for those activists in the battle for the environment. It is not either/or. The loss of your borders won't mean a dilution of your vision, it will simply mean a larger, greater, more inclusive vision.

2. Be easy and appealing. You need to turn up the heat and the appeal for environmentally friendly products and practices, while putting time and energy into bringing down the price. It's not written anywhere that everything recycled has to look used and cost twice as much. Lose that sage color scheme and price your wares to Target.

If you aren't willing to be a little savvy for the survival of the world, then how committed are you? Take five minutes and catch up to what appeals to the greatest number. The environmental movement needs to make its home in this real world of ours.

3. Stop the environmental evangelism. I say this as a loving criticism of the people who are at the forefront of this work: you often get so caught up in the sky-is-falling mentality of environmental work that you can only see the urgency of your own issue. That's not how to approach folks. Fiscally conservative people of color vote in their economic interest, not because someone approaches them on the street apoplectic about mercury in the water. Mercury in the water is a completely relevant topic for black folks, but not if we can't see our faces on and in that movement, and see our interests as clearly part of the platform. You've got to talk to folks about the things that will move them -- which means you've got to identify how your work relates to the issues that matter to other people.

As a young woman of color who doesn't do environmental work for a living, I believe environmentalism needs to become something that the masses can integrate into how we live our lives. It's nothing personal.

Every issue-based movement needs to think in terms of solidarity and collaboration right now.

How this discussion can move forward into worthwhile proposals and actions -- that is the question. Stepping back and thinking about a vision for a movement is absolutely necessary. Dramatizing its slow and agonizing death borders on indulgent. Too often, people rush to say something is dying when it's merely in a period of transition. Be less presumptuous. Shedding an old skin is not death but renewal, and those who follow the life of the planet should grasp that better than anyone else.


Adrienne Maree Brown is a writer and singer living in Brooklyn, N.Y. She is coeditor of the League of Pissed Off Voters' How to Get Stupid White Men Out of Office: The Anti-Politics, Un-Boring Guide to Power and program director for the League of Young Voters.

Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Help tech - jail the poor


Now that the outsourcing frenzy has inspired a small economic boom in India, tech companies looking for a source of cheap, skilled labor are turning to places like China and Estonia. But this strategy, like all strategies based on exploiting labor in developing nations, is doomed to fail. When those geeks and their countries start dominating the market, U.S. companies will find themselves scrambling to come up with business plans that don't depend on ripping off third-world hackers. Fact is, you can't just keep moving your outsourcing hot spots from nation to nation -- eventually you've got to come home. And that's why the Republicans are working now to create the domestic economy of tomorrow: one that won't require any revamping of business models that depend on underpaid professionals in engineering and the sciences. Nothing brings us closer to this exciting future than last week's passage of the bankruptcy bill, a pernicious piece of federal legislation that destroys financial safety nets for working- and middle-class people while allowing the rich to shield their wealth from debt collectors...


from AlterNet, by Annalee Newitz

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Coerced altruism's ruinous popularity


In a truly free human community, what measure of generosity, charity, philanthropy is to be forthcoming from people may not be forced upon them and the beneficiaries may not use the force of laws and regulations to elicit what they need and want from others. This is true in the case of all so called civil rights laws, too, be it for the benefit of members of any type of minorities, be they of some race, gender or disabled group. ... It is far more unjust to initiate force against people so as to help one -- a point that should be easy to appreciate in simple personal relations in which it is plain common sense that morally no one may coerce another to be helpful, even in cases of dire straits...


from Free Market News Network, by Tibor R. Machan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The IRS vs. Ragnor Danksjold


Have you ever noticed how public (i.e., government) schoolteachers and textbooks extol the virtues of America's Founders in the 1770s for being tax rebels -- you know, people who broke the law by avoiding taxes on tea, tobacco, et cetera (Remember the Boston Tea Party?); but today the rebels' successors are treated as evil, immoral beings for depriving the government of money to support its welfare-warfare state? I wonder how many public (i.e., government) school students ask about the difference in treatment...


from Future of Freedom Foundation, by Jacob G. Hornberger

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How come it's still 1984?


Why are the Democrats -- the party of my youth -- so widely dismissed as pathetic poseurs these days? Let's see. George W. Bush makes a big speech about how America promotes democracy throughout the world. How do the Democrats respond? By pointing out that our Founding Fathers purposely set us up with a Republic, while strongly warning against direct 'democracy' as nothing but 'mob rule,' likely to vote the constitutional rights of minorities out of existence at the first opportunity? Of course not. ... Loyal opposition? The only thing the modern Democratic Party can find to 'oppose' are such irrelevant cosmetic features as the churchgoing habits and adopted Texas drawls of the ancient Connecticut banking family known for more than a century as the Prescott Bush clan, while shrieking about 'tax cuts for the rich,' when this other set of elite millionaires who hasn't done their own grocery shopping in decades secretly defines any private-sector slob who works hard enough to own a house as 'rich...


from LewRockwell.Com, by Vin Suprynowicz

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Handmaiden of the state


Over 1,500 American soldiers killed in Iraq, and over 20,000 wounded -- in many cases, horribly wounded -- not to speak of over 100,000 dead Iraqis, most of them innocent civilians. Our government is involved in a long-term campaign to convince us that this is all worth it. Because if our foreign policy continues along the same path -- intervention everywhere, in the same of an explicitly imperial policy of preemption -- there are going to be a lot more casualties by the time we're through. If we are ever through, that is. And so alongside the gritty reality of mass murder and senseless destuction, the War Party has to construct a counternarrative, in effect an alternate reality of 'good news' from the front, which is invisible to those of us who live in the 'reality-based community,' but clear as day to those ideologues of global Democracy -- who don't even blink at the prospect of so many human sacrifices on the altar of the war god. This is the key role played by the media – which once boasted of its duty to tell the 'truth...


from AntiWar.Com, by Justin Raimondo

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

26 prisoners have died in US custody


At least 26 prisoners have died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2002 in what Army and Navy investigators have concluded or suspect were acts of criminal homicide, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing military officials. Investigators have closed their inquiries in 18 of those cases reviewed by the Army and Navy and have recommended them for prosecution or referred them to other agencies for action, the Times said...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wie grüner Tee Krebs stoppt

Meldung vom 16.03.2005

Rubrik: Medizin

Neues vom Tausendsassa: Wie grüner Tee Krebs stoppt
Hauptinhaltsstoff blockiert die Vermehrung der Krebszellen


Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner

Stop Confirmation of John Negroponte as National Intelligence Director

Activists Call for Letters to Senators to Stop Confirmation of John Negroponte as National Intelligence Director; Hearing Scheduled for April 12.


Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 Incompatible With Human Rights Obligations

UK: New Terrorism Law Fundamentally Flawed; Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 Incompatible With Human Rights Obligations

Ethics Shenanigans Undermine Public Trust


The Trials of Tony Blair


African-American Youths Are Rejecting Army

African-American Youths Are Rejecting Army, Military Says

Showdown Vote Approaches on Arctic Drilling


The Practice of Torture by the U.S. Was Widespread in Afghanistan


No Longer the "Lone" Superpower


Vietnam Redux: Iraq War Vets on Anti-War Offensive


Die Geldrollenbildung der Erythrozyten

Jugend forscht: Geldrollenbildung


Geldrollenbildung der Erythrozyten bei 90 sec Handytelefonat oder bei Dauerbelastung durch Mobilfunk-Basisstationen

Die Geldrollenbildung der Erythrozyten

Mit freundlichen Grüßen übersandt
Univ.-Doz.Dr.Ferdinand Ruzicka


Fünf Schüler leisten wichtige Basisforschung

Jugend forscht – und findet Geldrolleneffekt

Geldrollenphänomen: Wenn das Blut verklebt, drohen Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall


Die Arbeit



Timeline: Electromagnetic Weapons


All about Chemtrails and why they are being made


Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation

Urge Your Senators to Promote Open and Transparent Government

From: Matt Howes, National Internet Organizer, ACLU

Subject: Urge Your Senators to Promote Open and Transparent Government

How early did government officials learn about prison abuse in Iraq? What decisions were made about hiding detainees from the Red Cross? The answers to these important questions can only be obtained when the government stays transparent and open. Responding to a disturbing new trend toward government secrecy, new legislation has been introduced to ensure government transparency, and needs your support.

Take action to support openness and transparency in the federal government.

Recent scandals around torture and prison abuse have demonstrated that government employees and officials must be accountable to the public. As members of the public, we have the right and responsibility to know what is happening in our government, and to know what the government is doing about any problems.

Yet the current Administration has blocked reasonable requests for information relevant to a wide range of issues. Without timely and appropriate access to information about the government activity, we cannot stay properly informed and involved in our nation’s governance.

Real reforms are necessary to ensure that, as members of the public, we have access to the information we need to ensure the government stays honest and democratic.

Take action! Urge your Senators to stand up for the openness in the federal government.

Click here for more information and take action!

Are Nanobacteria Making Us Ill?


Informant: Dani Djinn

Many students willing to give government control of press

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Public editor: When students try journalism, faith in press increases

Lindsey Pendergrass trusts the government more than she trusts the press. That's why she doesn't believe that newspapers should be allowed to publish everything without government approval. "The press just wants to print something that people will buy," she says. "The government has to be true to the public."

The Gresham High freshman is not uncommon in her view of the roles of the press and the government. About half the students who responded to a national survey about the First Amendment disagreed that newspapers should be allowed to publish freely without government approval of a story. When The Oregonian mounted an informal survey of readers, about one-third of students disagreed with full freedom of the press -- twice the rate of adult readers.

The findings are in stark contrast to the goals of Sunshine Week this week, when journalists are trying to raise awareness about the public's right to access government information. A significant number of students actually would let government control the content of newspapers.

Full Story:

Informant: Dani Djinn

4. Rundmail des Friedensratschlags

Liebe Friedensfreundinnen und -freunde,
liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

nur drei Themen heute:

- 19. März: Brüssel und dezentral
- Ostermärsche: lokal und regional
- EU-Verfassung

(1) 19. März

Am 20. März 2003 (nach amerikanischer Zeit am 19. März) begannen die USA und Großbritannien den Angriffskrieg gegen den Irak. Zwei Jahre danach ist der Krieg im Irak nicht beendet, hat das Blutvergießen eher noch zu- als abgenommen. Von einem wie auch immer gearteten Frieden ist das besetzte Land noch weit entfernt.

Das Europäische Sozialforum hat - parallel zu der amerikanischen Friedensbewegung - beschlossen, den 19. März zu einem Aktionstag gegen Krieg und Neoliberalismus, gegen Rüstung und Sozialabbau sowie gegen die EU-Militärverfassung zu machen (siehe hierzu den Aufruf: http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb5/frieden/themen/Europa/esf-london.html).

Hierzu gibt es kommenden Samstag in Brüssel eine auch von den deutschen Gewerkschaften unterstützte Großdemonstration. Eine Attac-Konferenz in Stuttgart hat vor 10 Tagen hierzu eine Abschlusserklärung verabschiedet, die ihr hier herunterladen könnt:

Aus vielen Städten fahren Busse nach Brüssel. Bitte vor Ort Erkundigungen einziehen und mitfahren!

Die zu Hause Bleibenden werden aber auch alle Hände voll zu tun haben und an diesem Samstag mit vielfältigen Aktionen, Flugblattverteilen, Mahnwachen usw. sowohl auf den Jahrestag des Irakkriegs-Beginns als auch auf die bevorstehenden Ostermärsche aufmerksam zu machen.

(2) Ostermärsche

In den meisten Ostermarsch-Aufrufen werden neben dem Irakkrieg und den drohenden weiteren Kriegen (Iran, Syrien) die EU-Militärverfassung, der fortschreitende Sozialabbau und die drohende Rechtsentwicklung thematisiert. (Einen guten Überblick über ein paar ausgewählte Aufruftexte könnt ihr der Homepage der AG Friedensforschung entnehmen:

Die Bonner Friedenskooperative hat wieder in ihrem Kalender viele Ostermarsch-Termine festgehalten http://www.friedenskooperative.de .

Übertroffen wird dieses Angebot noch durch das visuelle Internet-Angebot aus Frankfurt: http://www.ostermarsch.info/ Reinschauen lohnt sich, und wer noch nicht auf der Landkarte präsent ist, sollte sich melden!

Das bundesweite Ostermarschbüro in Frankfurt a.M. wird auch in diesem Jahr an den Ostertagen Meldungen über den Verlauf der vielen Ostermärsche entgegennehmen, und zwar unter der Tel. Nr.: 069/24249950;
e-mail: mailto:frieden-und-zukunft@t-online.de

(3) EU Verfassung

Es ist viel zu still im Lande in Sachen EU-Verfassung! Vor kurzem fand bereits die erste Lesung zur Ratifizierung der EU-Verfassung im Deutschen Bundestag statt. Erschreckend das niedrige Problembewusstsein der Abgeordneten aller Fraktionen (die beiden PDS-Abgeordneten halten als einzige dagegen). So wie hier diskutiert wurde (die wichtigsten Redeauszüge gibt es hier:
wird die Verfassung in den nächsten zwei bis drei Monaten durch Bundestag und Bundesrat mit großer Einmütigkeit durchgewinkt und abgefeiert.

Die Friedensbewegung wird sich hier noch mehr ins Zeug legen müssen, um das Problem in die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen. Hilfreich sind dazu auch wissenschaftliche Stimmen, so zuletzt das vor wenigen Tagen neu aufgelegte, aktualisierte Papier des Arbeitskreises "Frieden und Sicherheitspolitik" der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung:

Das war's für heute. Vergesst bitte nicht die Rückmeldung über euren Ostermarsch: Tel. 069/24249950 und habt - wenn ihr könnt - auch noch ein paar erholsame Tage!

Mit besten Grüßen
Peter Strutynski

Hier geht es zur friedenspolitischen Website der AG Friedensforschung an der Uni Kassel, die ich wie immer wärmstens empfehle: http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb5/frieden/

Und hier zur Ostermarsch-Seite des bundesweiten Ostermarschbüros: http://www.ostermarsch.info/


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