
Handy am Steuer: Berliner Polizei greift durch


Update from the Field 3/17/05




Prevent Government Censorship of Cable T.V. and Internet Content

Rep. Sanders Sponsors Bill To Prevent Government Censorship of Cable T.V. and Internet Content

Impeachment members mobilize for March 19/20

All across the country on Saturday, March 19, people will be taking to the streets in coast-to-coast mobilizations opposing George W. Bush's criminal policies. On the second anniversary of his having plunged the United States into an unprovoked war against Iraq, people will be demonstrating in nearly 600 cities and towns throughout this country. Internationally, people are marching in every country.

ImpeachBush.org/VoteToImpeach members are mobilizing to make sure that the message of impeachment resonates everywhere. The beautiful yellow and black impeachment signs and banners will be carried as thousands demonstrate with military families, veterans and soldiers at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina. In San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and elsewhere, VoteToImpeach/Impeach Bush members will be marching under Impeach Bush signs and banners, wearing impeachment T-shirts and baseball caps, and distributing impeachment petitions.

Impeachment is the message of accountability and deterrence. Accountability for all those Iraqis and U.S. soldiers who have been killed and maimed in a war that violates the Nuremberg Charter, the UN Charter, fundamental human rights and international law. Accountability for the billions being spent on war, death, torture, and destruction to line the pockets of the Bush administration's corporate backers. Accountability for the attack on the Constitution and civil rights and civil liberties at home.

This nationwide effort is possible because of the work of hundreds of volunteers and the financial support from those who believe that impeachment is an imperative to defend and save the Constitution. Please help today by making a generous donation. To make a donation on-line through our secure server, where you can also find information on how to contribute by click, please click here:

See you on Saturday, March 19 - and remember that the next two weeks are Home District weeks for Congressional representatives. There has been a tremendous response to Ramsey Clark's appeal to take action in the next two weeks. Mr. Clark appealed to all ImpeachBush.org/VoteToImpeach members to take action between March 19 and April 3, when Congressional representatives are scheduled to be back in their home district. Ramsey wrote: "It has never been more important for all people of conscience to hold demonstrations and rallies, and to lobby those representatives in their home districts during the March 19 - April 3 period." Please notify the ImpeachBush.org/VoteToImpeach campaign about your local activity, and send in a report and photos, to Reports@ImpeachBush.org.

--All of us at ImpeachBush/VoteToImpeach.org

Cell Phone Companies Sued For 'Unsafe Levels Of Radiation'

Interesting development in the USA. Judge Blakes recent dismissal of class action lawsuits has been overuled at the Court of Appeal:


Panayis Zambellis Luton

From Mast Network


US federal court decisions involving the Telecommunication Act (TCA) of 1996

Mercury Pollution, Autism Link Found

US Study

The brutal truth


Informant: Charles Bremer

When will we say enough is enough?


Stop the Wolf Slaughter in Alaska

There is no shortage of bad news out there. Human misery seems to trump everything else. People seem to think that people are more important than wolves. But even if that's true, what do we do to ourselves when we turn our backs on the wolves? When we allow a massacre of such noble animals to go on?

Because once we know about it, if we do nothing, we are complicit. There's the rub. There is simply no way around that one. This wolf "hunt" in Alaska is gratuitous, violent, vicious, and deeply depraved. I am ashamed of my species when I see this. These magnificent animals are being hazed from the air by a...in airplanes. The wolves try to escape in deep snow, and run until they are exhausted. Then the cowards land the plane and shoot them. They have already killed 200+ wolves this winter. The so-called "Government" is allowing them to kill A THOUSAND WOLVES. And even more next year! What the h...???


Why indeed. Why are wolves still hunted so ruthlessly? Because these weenies are still at war with the wild, and there is nothing that represents wildness, independence, and family more than wolves. I normally ignore most email petitions, I admit it. But this time I have to do something. Everything I can do.

A plea from me to you: Remember wolves you've seen. If you're lucky, you've even seen some in the wild. Remember their amazing music and language. Feel their plight in your body. Please, don't just dismiss this news as more hellish information.

I hope you will take a few minutes, watch the video if you can, and either make a donation or write a letter, write your local paper, tell your friends, spread the word. Pass this on to your email lists. These animals are being killed right now. You Canadians on my list should not think that these unlucky wolves in Alaska are beyond the realm of your concern. THEY DON'T SEE BORDERS and WE ARE THEIR ONLY HUMAN VOICE.

you can watch video a short video with footage of the hazing of wolves in deep snow here:

and this press release has all the facts:


Please send an email! (see links in message below, all it takes is one click to send a message to the appropriate folks)


Dear Friend,

By now, you've probably heard about the slaughter of wolves in Alaska through the horrific practice of aerial gunning. I wanted to give you an update on the situation, and let you know what our next steps are in stopping this barbaric practice.

Bad news first: Despite tens of thousands of phone calls, emails and letters, Governor Frank Murkowski refuses to stop the aerial gunning of wolves in Alaska. To make matters worse, his Board of Game has approved the number of wolves to be killed at over 1,000. This will be the greatest wolf massacre in half a century.

Here's what we're doing now: Defenders of Wildlife has newspaper ads ready to go in major newspapers across the country. Defenders is determined to use every means available stop this terrible practice where marksmen can gun down wolves from the air or chase them to exhaustion -then land and shoot them point blank. These ads will raise critical awareness throughout the country of the slaughter of wolves occurring in Alaska. But we need your help to run them. Our goal is to raise $50,000 over the next 72 hours so we can contact the newspapers and book ad placements immediately. Please consider an emergency tax-deductible contribution to help place these ads before more wolves are killed: http://www.care2.com/go/z/22287

Lawyers for Defenders of Wildlife have formally petitioned Interior Secretary Gale Norton to halt the killing as a violation of the Federal Airborne Hunting Act. To build grassroots pressure on her to act, we want to generate citizen petitions to her - especially through the placement of these newspaper ads.

Please send your emergency tax-deductible contribution today - your generous donation will help focus the eyes ofthe nation on this horrific killing of wolves in Alaska.

Thank you!

- Rebecca,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

Informant: STRIDER

Biscuit Fire Recovery Project: Protect Siskiyou Ancient Forests in the Biscuit Fire Area

Biscuit Update- Written from the Josephine County Jail

The people's movement to halt the largest logging project in modern history continues to build momentum after a dramatic week of actions and arrests. The Green Bridge over the Wild and Scenic Illinois River is the site of a growing campaign of nonviolent civil disobedience opposing Bush Administration attempts to roll back decades of hard fought environmental protections. The story is receiving major national and even international press- with ongoing coverage in print, television and radio networks.

This Monday's compelling all-women's action was the fourth major demonstration against the Biscuit Fire Recovery Project since logging began within the Fiddler old growth reserve timber sale last week. Twenty-two women were arrested, including Stacy Williams, an expectant mother in her ninth month of pregnancy, supported by her midwife and birthing team. Surrounding her on the Green Bridge over the Illinois River were Harriet Smith, 85, Dot Fisher Smith, 76 and Joan Norman, 72, who went to jail for the forests for the second time this week.

Hanging off the bridge beneath them was Becky White, suspended on a small platform by a rope that crossed the bridge and blocked the convoy of Silver Creek Timber logging trucks from passing for more than seven hours. In addition to the eighteen women on the bridge, another three were arrested in a separate blockade a few miles up the road. A tree-sit occupation remains suspended seventy feet in the canopy of a burned, but living Douglas Fir in logging unit 5 on the border of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness.

The Forest Service issued a full closure on the access road to the Fiddler Timber Sale Monday afternoon. The encampment at the Green Bridge is no more. Long live the Green Bridge! A new base camp is being set up a couple miles upstream from the bridge, just below the closure line, on BLM land off Eight Dollar Road. Our morale is high and the momentum of this campaign is strong. We continue to need fresh minds and bodies to infuse this campaign with new ideas and energy. Join us in the beautiful Siskiyou Mountains!

Federal Judge Michael Hogan finally ruled against the Temporary Restraining Order attorney Lauren Regan filed in his court- and an emergency appeal is immediately being submitted to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. The merits of the case are very strong and it challenges the very purpose of need of post fire logging. It has the potential to shut down logging not just in the old growth reserves but in the unprotected sales as well. Go Lauren go!


Informant: Scott Munson


#121 WILD NORTHWEST, March 18, 2005
A Message from Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
=====Keeping the Northwest Wild=====

Protect Siskiyou Ancient Forests in the Biscuit Fire Area

Forest Service begins first-time logging of old-growth reserves

On Monday, March 7, industrial logging began in old-growth forest reserves around Babyfoot Lake and Fiddler Mountain in the Siskiyou Wild Rivers Area in southwestern Oregon. This is the first time that logging of this magnitude has occurred in federal old-growth forest reserves that were established over ten years ago to protect and restore old forest habitat. This type of logging in the Biscuit Fire area destroys old-growth characteristics and inhibits natural forest recovery. Old-growth reserve logging establishes a remarkable and dangerous precedent for logging in protected areas across the Pacific Northwest, and sets the stage for logging of Washington's protected old forests.

The Biscuit Logging Project also allows large-scale salvage logging in roadless areas. According to the Forest Service's own information, salvage logging will degrade the wilderness character of tens of thousands of acres of roadless areas through logging, artificial planting, and other deleterious activities.

What you can do: Ask Oregon's Senator Wyden to intervene and stop the cut until all information is aired about the legality of logging in old-growth reserves. Older forests in the Siskiyou National Forest rightfully belong to all Americans as part of our national forest heritage; we have a say in their future. Urge the Senator to:

* Conserve an Oregon and American treasure by publicly urging the Forest Service to halt logging in old-growth reserves in the Biscuit Fire area.

* Protect fish, clean water, and wildlife, and promote recreation economies.

* Support the permanent protection of the Siskiyou Wild Rivers Area in southern Oregon.

Contact: Senator Ron Wyden
700 NE Multnomah St. Suite 450
Portland, OR 97232; http://wyden.senate.gov/contact/

Washington residents please copy your letter to Sen. Patty Murray, who is supportive of old-growth protection.
Send to: Senator Patty Murray
2988 Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98174; http://murray.senate.gov/email/index.cfm

Other resources:
Scroll down here http://www.siskiyou.org/swrc/timbersales/Fiddler_Mountain_Area.cfm, for photos of recent logging.
To see how citizens are speaking out, go to http://www.kswild.org/KSNews/logginglsrs

Please let us know that you took action, and thank you for helping to keep the Pacific Northwest wild!

Erin Moore
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201
Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24

Council wants phone mast powers


Informant: Sylvie

Time for rethink on mast policy

Published on 17/03/2005

Concerns: Do mobile phone masts pose a risk?

IT IS becoming increasing apparent that the planning system for mobile phone masts is in urgent need of an overhaul.

Regulations which were designed to kick-start the telecommunications industry 20 years ago only serve today to override genuine local, environmental and safety concerns about where best to place masts.

Carlisle City Council has very little discretion over their location, especially for 'Tetra' masts and those planned by Network Rail.

National planning diktats issued from Whitehall explicitly prevent the council's planning committee from taking health concerns into account, even though an independent panel of scientists urged caution on their location back in 2000, especially near schools.

The end result is feelings of powerlessness and frustration among those living under the threat of unwanted and badly located masts.

This is why I welcome new proposals by Conservatives nationally for all mast developments to require full planning permission, to allow health concerns to be taken into account and to ensure that they do not result in unacceptable damage to visual amenity.

Most of us want to be able to use mobile phones, but it is about time local people in Carlisle had the final say on where masts go.

Gareth Ellis
Helvellyn Rise


Informant: Sylvie

The True Costs Of War

Wonky But Worth It: The True Costs Of War

by The Institute For Policy Studies

IPS crunched the numbers to give us a true picture of what the war has cost Iraq and the United States.


Mr. Bush, Tear Down That Metaphor

by John Brown, TomPaine.com

The Middle East is not Communist Eastern Europe. A former diplomat counts the ways.


The Democracy Lie

by Juan Cole, TomPaine.com

First off: flickers of democracy do not justify the Iraq war. Second: they have nothing to do with the United States.


The Intelligence Made Them Do It

by Ray McGovern, TomPaine.com

Debunking the White House's "bad intelligence" excuse for Iraq and warning of the same with Iran.


Mapping The Oil Motive

by Michael Klare, TomPaine.com

If America's thirst for oil led Bush to Iraq, can Bush claim mission accomplished?


Minisender am Bein: Schutz vor Baby-Entführung


Congress and the Long Haul


Die Gesetzesänderung war überflüssig

Nach kurzer und heftiger Debatte wurde in der vergangenen Woche das Versammlungsgesetz novelliert. Der Verfassungsrechtler Ulrich Battis spricht im Telepolis-Interview über Ablauf und Ergebnis der Debatte...


Massive Corruption in Iraq

Report Uncovers Massive Corruption in Iraq

Illegal Logging on Agenda at Unique G8 Meeting

Latest update: Since international regulations have not achieved the required improvement, the German Environment Minister Trittin will - by a new "Ancient Forest Protection Law" - make the trading of illegally cut and/or not certified timber a criminal offence in Germany. The proof that timber does not come from ancient forests will have to be provided by the timber industry through independent certification bodies, recognized by the German Government..

Illegal Logging on Agenda at Unique G8 Meeting

Fri Mar 18, 4:36 AMET

by Jeremy Lovell

BREADSALL, England (Reuters) - Disagreement over moves to end illegal logging that is destroying rain forests overshadowed a unique meeting on Friday of environment and development ministers from the Group of Eight rich nations.

Britain, as president of the G8 this year, wants to take tough measures including bringing in new trade laws to curb the devastating trade estimated to be worth $15 billion a year.

But the United States, while agreeing there should be help given to the logging nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America to end the illegal side of the lucrative business, is adamant there should be no change to existing trade rules.

"We know the United States has a problem with public procurement. But that won't stop other countries acting unilaterally as Britain has," said one official. "At the end of the day we want a package we can all agree on."

Surrounded by intense security at a country hotel 190 km (120 miles) north of London to deter would-be protesters, the meeting is the first between these G8 ministers.

Apart from illegal logging, the only other item on the table was British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites)'s pet project -- the Commission for Africa report published one week ago.

Blair has put Africa and global warming at the top of the agenda for the G8 summit at the Gleneagles golf course in Scotland in July.

The report contains ambitious plans to slash debts, make world trade fairer, give millions of dollars more in better-directed aid and eradicate disease.

But officials at the meeting said the draft text circulated on Thursday afternoon by Britain was long on rhetoric and short on detail.

"On Africa it is couched in terms of broad principles agreeing there is a huge problem in Africa where the negative effects of climate change are already being felt, but no specific actions," an official said on the grounds of anonymity.

But the United States has dismissed calls for massive debt relief and British plans for a major new aid financing vehicle which are the core of what has been described by its proponents as a Marshall Plan for Africa.

The Marshall Plan was the U.S.-financed vehicle to rebuild Europe after World War II as a bastion against Soviet expansion.

But it is not all one-sided. Blair's Africa report also urged African nations to clean up their own acts -- insisting on eradicating corruption and installing good governance.

The Anti-G8 movement, in a dry-run for Gleneagles, has offered a prize for anyone hitting a minister with a pie, planting a skull and cross-bone flag on the 18th hole or invading British Environment Minister Margaret Beckett's room.


Americas secret plans for Iraq's oil


World Bank exposed US corruption in Iraq reconstruction


Waldsterben, Baumsterben durch Mobilfunk?



Mobilfunk und Wald

Mobilfunk und Wald


Baumsterben bzw. Waldsterben durch Mobilfunk?

Politik soll Sofortmaßnahmen gegen das Waldsterben ergreifen

Tag des Waldes: Politik soll Sofortmaßnahmen gegen das Waldsterben ergreifen (18.03.05)

Zum Internationalen Tag des Waldes am kommenden Montag fordert ROBIN WOOD ein Sofortprogramm zum Schutz der Wälder. Ziel ist es, den Eintrag von Stickstoff in die Wälder massiv zu verringern. Dafür ist es notwendig, die Massentierhaltung einzuschränken und eine ökologische Verkehrswende zu fördern. Noch nie ging es dem Wald in Deutschland so schlecht wie heute. 72 Prozent aller Waldbäume haben Schäden in ihren Baumkronen, wie das Forstministerium im vergangenen Dezember bekannt gab.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Mobilfunk und Bäume

Voruntersuchung zur Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder sehr hoher Frequenzen auf das Chlorophyll der Robinie http://omega.twoday.net/stories/691472/

Schäden an Bäumen

Ostermarsch 2005: "Abrüstung statt Sozialabbau"

Ostermarsch 2005: "Abrüstung statt Sozialabbau" fordert Demonstration in Müllheim (18.03.05)

Der Friedensrat Markgräflerland und der DGB Müllheim-Neuenburg sind die Veranstalter des diesjährigen Ostermarsches am Ostermontag, den 28.März in Müllheim. In dem Aufruf zu den österlichen Friedensaktionen wird darauf verwiesen, dass mit der Verkleinerung der Bundeswehr keine Mittel zur Finanzierung ziviler Aufgaben frei werden, sondern zur Umrüstung des Militärs zu einer weltweit agierenden Interventionsarmee missbraucht werden. Müllheim als Stationierungsort des Stabes der deutsch Französischen Brigade sei von diesem Prozess unmittelbar betroffen, diene doch die Brigade vor allem zur Eindringfähigkeit zu Beginn militärischer Interventionen in aller Welt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


"Hire and fire" möglich: Schröders Appell nach der Beseitigung des Kündigungsschutzes für Ältere


Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder appellierte in seiner Regierungserklärung am Donnerstag an die Unternehmen, ältere Personen nach dem erfolgten Wegfall des Kündigungsschutzes einzustellen, und an die Medien, diesen Aufruf zu verbreiten. "Ich wäre ja sehr dankbar", so der Bundeskanzler, wenn mit "großen Schlagzeilen darauf hingewiesen würde". Schröder erläuterte, dass der Kündigungsschutz für ältere Arbeitnehmer beseitigt worden ist: "Für Personen ab 50 Jahren existiert so gut wie kein Kündigungsschutz, denn für die ersten zwei Jahre besteht die Möglichkeit, sie befristet einzustellen. Für Personen ab dem 52. Lebensjahr gibt es keine gesetzlichen Regelungen mehr in Bezug auf befristete Einstellung. Sie können also unabhängig von den Regelungen für befristete Arbeitsverhältnisse jederzeit eingestellt und entlassen werden, da ein Kündigungsschutz für diese Personengruppe nicht mehr existiert."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


US Senate narrowly voted to drill in ANWR - but decision not done yet


Sommers Kapitulation

Hartz IV war gestern. Der DGB-Vorsitzende lässt bunte Bilder für die Mutter sammeln und McKinsey nach der Zukunft forschen. Artikel von Günter Frech in Freitag 9 vom 04.03.2005

Eine Leseempfehlung zur Einstimmung auf die Samstag-Demo in Brüssel…

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 11

Akustische Wohnraumüberwachung

Die Bundesregierung hat sich nach dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 3. März 2004 zur teilweisen Verfassungswidrigkeit des Gesetzes zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes vom 26. März 1998 veranlasst gesehen, die entsprechenden Bestimmungen der StPO zum sogenannten großen Lauschangriff zu überarbeiten. Der zunächst vorgelegte Referentenentwurf des Bundesjustizministeriums wurde nach heftiger Kritik in der Öffentlichkeit zurückgezogen. Er enthielt Einschränkungen des Schutzes von Berufsgeheimnisträgern vor heimlicher Überwachung, welche mit den Vorgaben des BVerfG klar unvereinbar waren. Der nunmehr vorgelegte Regierungsentwurf vom 15.12. 2004 begegnet ebenfalls massiven rechtlichen Bedenken. Aus bürgerrechtlicher Sicht ist daher zu empfehlen, den Regierungsentwurf in der jetzigen Form abzulehnen. Die Humanistische Union fordert daneben die Bundesregierung weiterhin auf, auf den großen Lauschangriff gänzlich zu verzichten!

Stellungnahme der Humanistischen Union vom 14. März 2005.

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 11

Videoüberwachung reduziert Kriminalität nicht

Videoüberwachung reduziert Kriminalität nicht - Eine vom britischen Innenministerium in Auftrag gegebene Studie bestätigt erneut die geringe Effizienz von Überwachungskameras. Technische Mittel wie Überwachungskameras gelten als gute Möglichkeit, Straftaten zu verhindern. Daher greifen Politiker auch gerne darauf zurück, um Handlungsentschlossenheit zu demonstrieren.

Überwachungskameras haben den Vorteil, den Raum permanent zu beobachten und Bilder speichern zu können, um Täter identifizieren zu können. Sie sind billiger als die Präsenz von Polizisten, vor allem aber muss mit dem technischen Heilmittel nichts verändert werden, um einen Ort sicherer zu machen. Dass diese Annahme, mit der Überwachungskameras überall angebracht werden, weitgehend eine Illusion ist, ist schon seit Jahren bekannt und wurde jetzt wieder von einer neuen Studie bestätigt. Artikel von Florian Rötzer mit zahlreichen Links zu den Originalquellen auf Telepolis vom 25.02.2005


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 11

Rote Karte den Internet-Schnüfflern

Immer noch läuft die Auseinandersetzung um die Vorratsdatenspeicherung, bzw. immer noch gibt es den Widerstand dagegen - wir berichteten. Was nach Vorsorge für schlechte Zeiten klingen soll, ist generelle Materialsammlung für Schnüffelei. Alle aktuellen Dokumente, die Gesetzesvorlagen, weitere Informationen und die "Kampagne gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung im Internet und in der Telekommunikation" in einer Zusammenfassung beim "Unabhängigen Datenschutzzentrum Schleswig-Holstein"

Breiter Widerstand gegen Regierungspläne

Die Pläne von Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily und Justizministerin Brigitte Zypries, die Speicherung von Telefon- und Internet-Verbindungsdaten auf ein Jahr zu verlängern, stoßen bei Rot-Grün auf heftigen Widerstand. Für Datenschützer ist der Plan "definitiv gesetzeswidrig". Bericht auf Spiegel-Online vom 15. März 2005.


Democratic Senators Denounce Bush Grab for "Dictatorship"


Dead Squid Wash Up in California Again

Is the ocean heating up? Sonar from the Military? No food sources left? This just happened way north in Oregon last week. All up the West Coast U.S.

FYI - Anna

Dead Squid Wash Up in California Again

2 hours, 36 minutes ago

DANA POINT, Calif. - Dead jumbo squid are again mysteriously washing up along Orange County's coastline, baffling scientists who are trying to find out why.

The Ocean Institute in Dana Point has conducted some of the research, shipping specimens to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and Stanford University for further study.

Scientists at the institute this week dissected a 5-foot-long, 15-pound female Humboldt squid that was filled with parasites and sand. More than a 100 squid have been spotted since Sunday between Dana Point and San Clemente.

Still, there are no answers.

"We still don't know what's killing them," said Linda Blanchard, lab director of the Ocean Institute who has dissected about a dozen squid since they first washed up ashore in January. "All we have right now are theories."

Scientists believe the squid are swimming north from Mexico to follow food sources, forcing them to come closer to the surface and shore. Squid normally live and hunt 3,000 feet below the water's surface.

Eric Hochberg, curator of invertebrate zoology with the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, said an active fishing industry in Mexico may be depleting the squid's diet, causing them to migrate into Southern California.

He said the squid possibly are discombobulated by sand churned up by tides.

Meanwhile, William Gilly, a biologist at Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, is studying their stomach contents to determine whether the squid are being poisoned.

Even if scientists cannot discover why the squid are washing up ashore, they hope to learn about the mollusks' diet, where they spawn and the biology of their beaks.

"Before the squid were found dead on the beaches in the quantities that they have, we weren't studying them as hard as we are now," Blanchard said.

In January, about 1,500 Humboldt squid washed up on the Orange County coastline about a week after an oil spill from an undetermined source coated more than 1,000 seabirds off the Southern California coast. The squid were found on the sands of Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Crystal Cove State Park. Some were spotted in northern San Diego County, at San Onofre State Beach.

Your shorter link is: http://makeashorterlink.com/?R2E9513BA

Peace - Anna

I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference. ~Robert Frost

The Wireless Revolution

I am increasingly miserable--mostly with insomnia but also with lightheadedness and heart palpitations--and I think it is due to RF radiation and EMFS.

I work in a school that has a wireless security system and wirelss computers. I live in a townhouse. Several neighbors have gotten wireless security systems, satellite dishes, and wireless computers.

I can always tell when one neighbor is home because I can feel the fields from his home office, which is across the wall from mine.

Today, I walked outside and felt the familiar feeling I feel around wireless devices. I looked for the source. The neighbor across the street has a security code panel in front of her house. It must be wireless.

All my students have cell phones and have them on constantly. I spend all day in a room with thirty cell phones on. Then, the wireless security system, which I think is even worse than using a cell phone myself.

Then, wireless computers.

I am so sick. Do I have to leave my home and my job?




Thousand of resident of Motril (Granada) blame an antenna for the 17 cases of cancer of the district.


Recognize that it does not have tests but "the neighbors of the district of San Antonio do not create in chances" after undergoing the proliferation of this disease are "of the nerves" and they throw the fault to it to a telephony antenna. They do not have any test that allow to relate cause and effect but after seventeen cases of cancer in the last years in the houses that surround the antenna and the upheavals of dream that undergoes neighborhood means, no longer they create chances. The neighbors attribute all their evils to the antenna and they have been put still on military to obtain that the municipal ordinance is fulfilled that forces move away the telephony stations a minimum of 500 meters of the urban helmet. They have it to two meters of the little houses and fifty of a school. The neighbors of San Antonio have already gathered a thousand of companies and tomorrow Mondays meet with the City council of Motril, to which they try to imply in his fight to obtain that the telephone company moves away the antenna of the district. While some neighbors "are arranged to everything" and already speak to cut streets and highways, the most numerous group prefers "to request aid to the politicians" and to exhaust the route diplomatic with the company. The antenna takes more than 40 years integrated in the district, in the North zone of Motril, but the neighbors complain which in the last years more plates for the mobile telephony are being added to the non-scanning antenna. According to Francisco Sáez, president of the Federation of Associations of neighbors of Motril, about four years, before the first ocal complaints, the company made measurements of the radioactivity and all the parameters that presented/displayed were below the legal limits. "But now they have put more antennas and of there the malaise of the neighbors", summarizes Sáez. One of the residents of Motril has been running into for 23 years with the telephone monster nothing else to leave or to watch after the window of her house, is Puri Ortega. To her nobody clears of the head that the radiations that it emits the antenna are carcinogenic. "The last month they were putting more plates in the antenna. It got more worse. In forty houses, almost twenty cases of cancer already are too much... ", comment the troubled. The neighbors agree in addition in which the noise that the antenna emits becomes unbearable by the nights. "My greater daughter had low platelet count, other neighbors cannot sleep... Who guarantees us that it is not because of the antenna", she adds. Puri assures to be arranged "to go to Madrid, to mobilize us and which is necessary".

The City council will act

"I am of my nerves and is because of the antenna", agrees Belén Jerónimo, another one of the neighbors of the district who head the protest movement. "In my house we rose and we lay down with headache. My neighbor died of cancer. There are too many cases of upheavals, abortions, migraine, and what we do not know! The antenna cannot be so near the houses, anybody must help ", adds Belén. From the environmental medicine of the City council of Motril they know clearly that they will deliver an attack so that the effective decree is fulfilled, that forces to move away the antennas of telephony of the urban helmet, and more in these cases in which social alarm takes place. So far they have dusted the file of the antenna of San Antonio and study what can do. The first step will be to request to the telephone company that presents/displays the permissions of the antenna: in the City council it consists one of the year 68 but lack to verify if there is authorization for the new plates. "We will make the measurements that make lack to see the level of radiations", calmed down the councilman of the environmental medicine, Bonifacio Perez (IU).

Informant: Sylvie

Translation Spanish-English: omega

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Charter of Paris... to the attention of the pollutants?

A charter of good behaviour on the mobile masts was signed in 2003 (the 21st of March) by the City of Paris and the operators of mobile phone.

Its stake was triple: to guarantee a low level of exposure, to allow transparent information for the inhabitants, to ensure a better integration of the masts in the urban landscape.

This charter was for 2 years and now it's going to be examined before its prolongation.

Vows have been made and below you have the press release of one organization.

You can be polluted if they pay.


Press release


Paris, March 16, 2005.

The Council of Paris has just expressed a wish concerning the technical installations of mobile telephony. In front of this text, national Association Robin des Toits expresses a double surprise:

First is moral: We do not understand that the going beyond of values can be regulated by fines. It acts neither more nor less than one right to pollute with the help of finances. What is all the more unacceptable is if the right to pollute comes down to endanger the health of people. Or there is a risk and one fixes values; or there is not and no value is necessary.

Second is technical: The Council of Paris is not unaware of that the value of 0,6V/m in threshold of exposure is that which is regarded as acceptable by the independent international scientists. He is unaware of it much less than two political groups of this Council who deposited wishes in this direction and various councils of districts follow them. Why then obstiner preserve the value of 2V/m described by the scientists and associations. This obstinacy is all the more incomprehensible with the sight of the official reports/ratios of measurements of fields. Indeed, in their near total, these measurements are definitely lower than 0,6V/m. However, these measurements, which were never disputed by the operators, correspond, according to the latter, with a technical operation considered as normal. In addition, neither Robin des Toits, the Association most present in Paris to take care on the application of the Charter of Paris, no other association were consulted to date on the renegotiation of this Charter. Can one make the economy of the opinion of people? The Charter would not have been born without the mobilization of the citizens. An agreement which does not take into account that the industrialists cannot have legitimacy.

E.Cendrier - Robin des Toits. Contact Presses: E. Cendrier 01 40 18 02 81 Internet site: http://www.robindestoits.org


Gegen den „Krebsmacher“ vom Burgberg

Anwohner begehren gegen Funkturm auf: Bürgerinitiative "Senderfreies Lichtenfels" gegründet

Christoph* leidet unter Herzrhythmusstörungen, er ist elf Jahre alt. Peter* ist sehr launisch und aggressiv, die Ärzte diagnostizierten dem Achtjährigen das Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom (ADS). Beide Kinder wohnen am Lichtenfelser Burgberg, von dem seit rund 35 Jahren ein knapp 60 Meter hoher Funkmast Fernseh-, Radio-, Funk- und seit gut einem Jahrzehnt auch Mobilfunksignale sendet.

„Wir wollen, dass der Sendemast abgebaut wird.“ Sven Eisele vom Stadtgraben hat deswegen zusammen mit 20 anderen Anliegern des Stadtteils vor kurzem die Bürgerinitiative ,,Senderfreies Lichtenfels" gegründet. Für den 35-jährigen Krankenpfleger und seine Mitstreiter ist der Funkturm die Ursache für diese Auffälligkeiten. Und nicht nur für diese. Eisele: „In den letzten Jahren sind am Burgberg immer mehr Menschen an Krebs erkrankt, alte wie junge. Das wissen wir aus Gesprächen mit Anwohnern.“ Und aus Gesprächen mit Kollegen: Einige Krankenpfleger haben ihm verraten, dass in einer Straße des Stadtteils Krebs vermehrt die Todesursache zu sein scheint. Einer anderen Kollegin ist dies laut Eisele ebenfalls aufgefallen.

Die Mitglieder der Bürgerinitiative haben nach der Aussage des 35-Jährigen, der sich zurzeit auf Erziehungsurlaub befindet und um seine vier Kinder kümmert, festgestellt, dass zahlreiche Anwohner Symptome wie Müdigkeit, Kopfschmerzen oder Herzrhythmusstörungen aufweisen. „Diese werden im übrigen immer öfter bei Menschen beobachtet, die in der Nähe von Mobilfunkmasten leben“, weiß Eisele.

Neben den verschiedenen Sendern halten die Gegner des Turms auch die großen Richtfunktrommeln für problematisch. ,,Eine Funkstrecke verläuft über den Bereich Goldberg und Friedhof, die andere in den Grabenweg", erklärt der Krankenpfleger. Beide sind seiner Meinung nach viel zu nah am Wohngebiet. "Wieso kann man solch eine Sendeanlage mit TV, Radio, Mobilfunk und den anderen Antennen nicht auf einem der unbewohnten umliegenden Berge installieren?", will der 35-Jährige wissen.

Hunderprozentig wissenschaftlich beweisen lässt sich die Strahlung des Senders als Ursache für die Krankheiten nicht, das weiß Eisele. Immerhin beschäftigt er sich seit vergangenem November intensiv mit der Problematik. ,,Ein Vortrag im Stadtschloss über Mobilfunk hat mich so beunruhigt, dass ich selbst aktiv geworden bin." Er besuchte Informationsveranstaltungen zum Thema ,,Elektrosmog", forschte im Internet und legte sich diverse Bücher zu. Bei der Schmökerei stieß er auf sehr viele Studien, die auf eine Gesundheitsgefährdung durch die Strahlen hindeuten.


Seither zeichnen sich auf seiner Stirn immer mehr Sorgenfalten ab. "Es gibt so viele Untersuchungen, deren Ergebnisse eindeutig auf die Schädlichkeit des Elektrosmogs hinweisen." Eisele erzählt von einem Fall im spanischen Valloid. Dort bauten Mobilfunkbetreiber gegenüber einer Schule einen Sendepark mit sechs Masten auf. ,,Plötzlich erkrankten binnen zwei Jahren vier Schulkinder an Leukämie." Experten hätten auch bei Erwachsenen eine vermehrte Krebshäufigkeit gefunden. In den 30 Jahren zuvor sei bei den Schülern kein einziger Krebsfall aufgetreten. ,,Kann das Zufall sein?", will Eisele wissen.

Trotz diesem und vieler weiterer Beispiele weigere sich die Regierung, die Grenzwerte für die Strahlung beim Mobilfunk zu senken. Diese liegen für das D-Netz bei 4,5 Watt je Quadratmeter, beim E-Netz bei neun Watt je Quadratmeter. Für Eisele und die Bürgerinitiative sind sie auf alle Fälle viel zu hoch. Der Grenzwert für elektromagnetische Wellen bezeichne die Schwelle, bei der die Wellen den Körper um ein Grad erwärmen, erläutert der Familienvater. Der 35-Jährige verweist auf eine Untersuchung, die bereits eine gesundheitliche Gefährdung bei einer Strahlung sieht, deren Stärke nur einem Bruchteil der deutschen Grenzwerte entspricht.

Davon kann Sven Eisele bisher nur träumen. Zwar freut er sich zusammen mit der Bürgerinitiative, dass die Stadt den Ausbau des Mobilfunknetzes vorläufig gestoppt hat. Doch in Sachen Fernsehturm passierte bisher nichts. Bei Behörden fragte er vergeblich nach Informationen an, doch weder Stadtverwaltung noch Landratsamt konnten Auskunft geben und verwiesen auf die Regulierungsbehörde, die Nachfolgeorganisation des Postministeriums. ,,Vier Mal hab' ich bei der Regulierungsbehörde in Bayreuth angerufen, sogar einen Brief geschrieben. Das war vor fünf Wochen. Gemeldet hat sich aber trotz Zusage bisher niemand", berichtet der Lichtenfelser enttäuscht.

Den Weg in die Öffentlichkeit hat der 35-Jährige bisher lange gescheut, obwohl ihm das Thema Mobilfunk schon lange am Herzen lag. "Ich hatte die Wahl zwischen nichts tun und abwarten, wegziehen oder etwas gegen den Mast zu unternehmen. Ich habe mich für das Letztere entschieden", meint Eisele und blickt beunruhigt durch sein Esszimmerfenster auf den Sendemast, der zwischen den Baumwipfeln hindurch zu sehen ist.

Neue Wohnung genommen

Einen anderen Weg wählte eine junge Frau, die zusammen mit ihrer Familie weg vom Burgberg und dem "Krebsmacher" (ein Anwohner) zog. Die Ärzte stellten bei der Lichtenfelserin Brustkrebs fest. "Ob der Sendemast mit seinen Strahlen die alleinige Ursache für den Tumor war, kann ich nicht sagen", äußert sich die Frau vorsichtig. Sie nimmt aber an, dass die Elektrowellen bereits geschädigte Zellen weiter zerstören und damit das Wachstum von Krebs fördern würden. ,,Wir haben uns bewusst eine Wohnung gesucht, die weit weg von jedem Sendemast steht."

Weiter am Burgberg wohnen bleibt dagegen eine andere junge Familie. "Was sollen wir machen? Wir haben unser Haus doch erst vor ein paar Jahren gekauft", erzählt die Frau. Sie selbst leide unter einem geschwächten Immunsystem, sei sehr anfällig für Krankheiten. Sobald sie von der Arbeit nach Hause komme, leide sie unter Kreislaufproblemen.

Die hat Sven Eisele noch nicht, doch er hat Schlafstörungen. Ursache ist seiner Meinung der Funkturm. Doch nicht nur deswegen will er den Sender weghaben. "Ich mache mir Sorgen um die Kinder", sagt Eisele. Dass er mit der Bürgerinitiative sein Ziel erreichen kann, davon ist der 35-Jährige überzeugt. Schließlich habe es in Holzkirchen bei München eine Bürgergruppe geschafft, einen Funkmast stillzulegen.

Die Initiative "Senderfreies Lichtenfels" plant übrigens im April oder Mai die Veranstaltung eines Vortrages zum Thema mit einem namhaften Referenten. Außerdem wolle man das Gespräch mit Verantwortlichen der Stadt suchen, um über mögliche andere Standorte des Sendeturms zu diskutieren. Wer bei der Bürgerinitiative mitmachen möchte, erhält weitere Informationen bei Sven Eisele, Tel. 09571/73355.

*Namen von der Redaktion geändert.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Krebshäufung in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen

Bushs eindeutige Geste


Our Currency, Your Problem

More than you ever wanted to know about our currency.

Our Currency, Your Problem

Published: March 13, 2005
The New York Times

Every congressman knows that the United States currently runs large ''twin deficits'' on its budget and current accounts. Deficit 1, as we well know, is just the difference between federal tax revenues and expenditures. Deficit 2 is generally less well understood: it's the difference between all that Americans earn from foreigners (mainly from exports, services and investments abroad) and all that they pay out to foreigners (for imports, services and loans). When a government runs a deficit, it can tap public savings by selling bonds. But when the economy as a whole is running a deficit -- when American households are saving next to nothing of their disposable income -- there is no option but to borrow abroad.
Let's translate that into political terms. In effect, the Bush administration's combination of tax cuts for the Republican ''base'' and a Global War on Terror is being financed with a multibillion dollar overdraft facility at the People's Bank of China. Without East Asia, your mortgage might well be costing you more. The toys you buy for your kids certainly would.
Why are the Chinese monetary authorities so willing to underwrite American profligacy? Not out of altruism. The principal reason is that if they don't keep on buying dollars and dollar-based securities as fast as the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury can print them, the dollar could slide substantially against the Chinese renminbi, much as it has declined against the euro over the past three years. Knowing the importance of the U.S. market to their export industries, the Chinese authorities dread such a dollar slide. The effect would be to raise the price, and hence reduce the appeal, of Chinese goods to American consumers -- and that includes everything from my snowproof hiking boots to the modem on my desk. A fall in exports would almost certainly translate into job losses in China at a time when millions of migrants from the countryside are pouring into the country's manufacturing sector. [...] Read all of it at http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/magazine/13WWLN.html

© Virginia Metze

Clark Plans to Stay at Forefront of Debate

Wed Mar 16,10:09 PM ET Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Wesley Clark ( news - web sites ) told supporters Wednesday that he's launched a redesigned Web site for his political action committee and plans to "stay at the forefront of the national debate."

The retired four-star general was one of several Democrats who ran for president in 2004. He abandoned the race in early February of that year after two third-place finishes in Southern states.

"I have been working hard to regroup after the November elections," Clark wrote in an e-mail to supporters, adding that he wants to strengthen WesPAC, his political action committee, "for the challenges ahead." [...] Read the rest at: http://tinyurl.com/6hqqg

When I was getting totally frustrated about Kerry's concession and his staying out of the Ohio and Florida recounts, I got zero results calling the Kerry office and the DNC. But when I called one of the Edwards offices in his home state, I got to speak to a fantastic man who understood what on earth I was talking about and was going to make sure a message got to Edwards. I was wanting Edwards to refuse to concede. Who says he had to because Kerry did? I don't know any more who the guy was; he sounded older and black, and was very understanding of the tragedy which was occuring.

© Virginia Metze

The Art of War, Divide & Conquer


Wolfowitz Pick for World Bank Prompts Head-Scratching


Playing the Democracy Card


Other Blood on Their Hands



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