
Every step you take, every move you make


Stop the U.S. Attack on Global Women's Rights

While women around the world are battling for their lives and their rights, New York City is heating up for the ten year review of the Beijing Platform for Action on the Status of Women. The Beijing Platform is the strongest and most complete international document on women’s rights.

Not surprisingly, the Bush administration plans to undermine the Beijing Platform, displaying its usual contempt for international law and women’s rights. They want to chip away at the Beijing Platform, and are trying to get other countries to let them do it.

Just yesterday, U.S. representatives to the U.N. unveiled offensive and retrogressive language on abortion rights to include in the U.N.’s official comment on the Beijing Platform ten-year review. Almost every other country involved in the Beijing Platform review is trying to mobilize opposition to the U.S.’s proposed language, but ***American women also need to act now! ***

FAX OR EMAIL U.S. REPRESENTATIVES TO THE U.N. TODAY! Tell them to stop attacking global women’s rights!

Today, right now, you can tell the U.S. to stop attacking women's rights. Send a fax or email to Mark Lagon and Carl Fox, the main negotiators for the United States. Tell them that you oppose the U.S. amendment on abortion, and that you want to see the U.S. support and implement the Beijing Platform for Action!

Dr. Mark Lagon, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International
Organization Affairs
Email: lagonmp@state.gov Fax: 202-647-7385

Mr. Carl Fox, Adviser for Social Affairs, United States Mission to the UN
Email: foxcb@state.gov Fax: 212-415-4341

Get sample text online at


Join us next week to continue to stand up to U.S. While the Bush administration continues its attempts to undermine international women’s rights at the U.N., we will honor International Women's Day and show our solidarity with women everywhere, joining with women from Ramallah to Stockholm, from Nairobi to Lima, in celebrating the Global Week of Action for Women's Rights and demanding an end to war, poverty and discrimination.

In New York City, there are plans for several vibrant, loud and festive days to amplify women's voices for peace and justice and take a stand against the Bush Administration's lies and unending wars. Come to New York City to take action and to build the women's anti-war movement--or organize for women's rights in your own community! Details about the events below are at



4-6 p.m., Crobar, 530 W. 28th St. (Chelsea) between 10th and 11th Aves.

Gather with CODEPINK activists from all over the country for a meet and greet, and get detailed information about the week's actions and volunteer opportunities. RSVP: racheltanya@hotmail.com

8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Barnard College at 117th St. and Broadway
Join powerful female activists for a day of interactive training that will include workshops about creative protest, media outreach, non-violence, diversity, and youth activism. $10-25 sliding scale (your generous contribution makes more scholarships available) For more information, a schedule, and to register, go to: http://codepink.kintera.org/training

7:30-9:30 p.m., Minor Latham Playhouse, Barnard College
CODEPINK and Sacred Slam http://www.sacredslam.com join together for an evening of poetic performances that honor the female journey. Bear witness to and challenge the ideas of "sexism," "equality," and "feminism" through the work of featured artists including Magdalena Gomez, Morley, Queen GodIs, Ellen O'Grady, and more! $10-12, No one turned away for lack of funds.

Attend events at the UN, and participate in actions and events throughout New York City that are being organized by CODEPINK and other women’s groups.

1-3 p.m. Meet at the N.Y. Public Library, corner of 42nd St. and Fifth Ave.

Join us for an International Women's Day March and Rally! Stand in solidarity with the women of New York and the world against war and militarism, and in support of women's rights! Meet at the NY Public Library at the corner of 42nd street and 5th Ave and march to the UN at 46th St. and 1st Ave. Rally at 2 p.m. at the U.N., sponsored by a coalition of NYC women’s and progressive groups.

Sign up online at
http://www.codepinkalert.org/National_Actions_March_8th.shtml to let us know you're coming so we can keep you up to date on all the details. And please let us know if you need housing or if you're available to volunteer.


There are lots of ways to take action for women's rights internationally from wherever you are:

*Sign the National Women's Studies Association's petition http://ase.tufts.edu/womenstudies/newsa/beijing%2010%20petition/index.html in support of the Beijing Platform for Action and urging the US government to reaffirm it. The petition is written to target academics and students, but is open to anyone.

*Spread the word! Too few women know about the Beijing +10 Review, the Beijing Platform for Action, and international law on women’s rights. Educate yourself http://www.codepinkalert.org/National_Actions_March_8th.shtml#background and then educate other women in your community: write editorials in your local papers; forward emails about Beijing +10 to listservs you're on. Make sure this review can't happen in silence!

*Organize an International Women's Day event in your community! It can be as simple as a 'women for peace' vigil or as complex as a march and rally through your town. It can be a celebration of women's art and power, or it can be a meeting with your city council to talk about the need for women's programs. Bring women's issues to the table in your community. Bring International Women's Day home!

For women's rights everywhere,
Andrea, Ariel, Claire, Dana, Emily, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, Tiffany
http://www.codepinkalert.org February 25, 2005

Unter der Sendeantenne strahlt es nicht

...oder so gut wie nicht


Unter der Sendeantenne strahlt es nicht, oder so gut wie nicht. Die Strahlung gehe von der Antenne weg wie eine Pizza.

Richtig ist:

Unter der Antenne ist eine erhebliche Strahlung. Mit der Behauptung der Betreiber sollen wohl diejenigen getäuscht werden, bei denen die Betreiber eine Antenne montieren wollen.

Eine weitere Argumentation der Betreiber ist: „Unter der Antenne strahlt es nicht. Wenn Sie sich die Antenne nicht montieren lassen, dann macht es der Nachbar. Dieser erhält dann das Geld, und Sie werden dann bestrahlt." Unter der Antenne haben wir aufgrund der sog. Nebenzipfel und wegen der Nähe zur Antenne jedoch eine sehr hohe Abstrahlung.


Vioxx vote was rigged

Please forward to others who may benefit

The New York Times has just published an explosive piece of news describing how the Vioxx vote of the FDA panel was rigged with ten members who have financial ties to Pfizer, Merck and other drug manufacturers. These financial ties were NOT disclosed before the meetings took place, and it was only the investigative efforts of the NY Times that brought this to light.

This is a must-read article on FDA corruption:

I'll be writing a full essay on this, to be published late next week. It turns out that if the FDA hadn't stacked the panel with drug company lackeys, they vote would have produced the opposite outcome and Vioxx would now be banned.

How corrupt can this agency get? And when will there be an outcry for criminal investigation of this outrageous drug racket?

Remember, folks: as many as 60,000 Americans have been killed by just one of these COX-2 inhibitor drugs. We're supposed to be fighting terrorism in this country, but what about the FDA's assault on the public that has killed more Americans than the entire Vietnam War? The FDA is apparently far more dangerous than all the terrorists combined...

My own article on the FDA decision, published earlier this week, is at: http://www.newstarget.com/004728.html

Also: I've posted an MP3 audio file of the interview with Dr. Sidney Wolfe with DemocracyNow.com. Feel free to download this, it's an eye-opening interview with the top FDA critic at Public Citizen:

(Courtesy of DemocracyNow.org)

- Mike

Children and RFID Systems


Informant: STEAVE

Warning from the markets - Dollar Losing Favor As World’s Reserve Currency

If George W. Bush were half the capitalist he claims he is, he would listen to what the markets are telling him.


Signs Grow Of Dollar Losing Favor As World’s Reserve Currency:

For years, central banks around the world have held most of their foreign currency reserves in U.S. dollars. Now, there are signs that central banks are shifting away from dollar assets and into other currencies, such as euros.


From Information Clearing House

Lost in Europe

Sidney Blumenthal

The president doesn't seem to realize it, but the Europeans still don't buy his neocon vision -- and they've backed him into a corner on Iran.


From Information Clearing House

Professor criticizes U.S. foreign policy

Stephen Zunes agrees with President Bush that democracy in Iran would be a good thing. He just finds it ironic that the country had a democratic government until 1953, when a CIA-led coup ousted it.


From Information Clearing House

The Real Threat Coming from Iran

Iran is proposing to develop something far more threatening to Bush interests than nuclear capability, WMD's, or even terrorists. Iran has been planning to set up an international oil exchange denominated in the Euro currency.


From Information Clearing House

Now Syria is at the top of the bad guys' league table

Neocon pressure for regime change in Damascus is building up

From Information Clearing House

Australia: former leading intelligence official exposes government lies

Like all regimes involved in criminal activity, systematic lying is now the modus operandi of the Howard government.


From Information Clearing House

Dominance and Its Dilemmas

Noam Chomsky

The Bush administration’s Imperial Grand Strategy

Bush's 'priceless' war

The war and ongoing resistance could cost the United States between US$461 billion and $646 billion by 2015:

From Information Clearing House

US Army pays Halliburton big bonus

The US Army has awarded defence contractor Halliburton more than $9 million in bonuses for some of its work supporting the military in Kuwait and Afghanistan.


From Information Clearing House

Marine Suicides Rise Dramatically

The suicide rate for U.S. Marines rose a dramatic 29 percent in the past year:

From Information Clearing House

Italy probes possible CIA role in abduction

An Italian prosecutor investigating the apparent kidnapping of a suspected Islamic militant in the streets of Milan served military authorities this week with a demand for records of flights into and out of a joint U.S.-Italian air base in northern Italy.


From Information Clearing House

'Two people were beaten to death'

Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg tells C4 news what he saw:

From Information Clearing House

Iraq to be a Vietnam

Iraq to be a Vietnam: retired general:

Major General Alan Stretton said the Government would eventually bow to public pressure and withdraw the troops, leaving behind a bloody


From Information Clearing House

Operation Hollywood

"You must glorify war in order to get the public to accept the fact that your going to send their sons and daughters to die."

The inside story of the cozy relationship between big box office American war movies and the Pentagon.

Weekend Movie: Watch it online now! : Real Video

Jeder Zweite vom Handy abhängig


Human Tracking Links


Cell tower neighbors suing over alleged health problems


Brazilian police grab man in another brutal murder


Informant: sash

Bush in Mainz: Reportage vom Ausnahmezustand


Der Polizeistaat macht mobil

Bericht aus dem jetzt wieder Bush-freien Mainz von Peter Balluff, Gewerkschaftssekretär bei ver.di in Mainz vom 23. Februar 2005.

Aus dem Text: "…Die Stadt ist wie ausgestorben, das öffentliche Leben ist zum Erliegen gekommen, die Mehrzahl der Geschäfte sind geschlossen, Schaufenster sind mit Bretter gesichert, außer in den Großkonzernen, dort werden die Arbeitnehmer/innen teilweise mit "Abmahnungen" zur Arbeitsaufnahme gezwungen, im Tiefflug kreist mit ohrenbetäubendem Lärm ein Helikopter permanent über die Innenstadt, die Bürger gehorchen und bleiben in ihren Wohnungen bei verriegelten Fenstern und Türen. Die Stimmung ist beängstigend und bedrückend, eine Geisterstadt, der Staat hat nur vergessen, den Notstand auszurufen, de facto sind aber auch ohne Verkündung alle Rechte außer Kraft gesetzt…"

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 23, Eintrag 1

"Not welcome Mr. Bush": Anti-Bush Demo in Mainz

"Dann kommen die Jungs, wo man nur die Augen sieht"

Kerry/Edwards File More Ohio Election Motions


"Selbsternannter Herr auf Erden": Bundestag drängt auf "rasche" Ratifizierung von Anti-Folter-Protokoll


Deutschland soll nach dem Willen des Bundestages rasch das internationale Zusatzprotokoll zur UN-Anti-Folter-Konvention ratifizieren. Dies "hätte innen- wie außenpolitisch eine starke Signalwirkung", heißt es in einem Koalitionsantrag, den das Parlament am Donnerstag bei Enthaltung der Oppositionsfraktionen von CDU/CSU und FDP verabschiedete. Der Vorstoß von FDP und PDS, die UN-Anti-Folter-Konvention unverzüglich zu ratifizieren, wurde von SPD und Grünen jedoch abgelehnt. Ziel des Ende 2002 von der UN-Generalversammlung angenommenen Protokolls ist es, den präventiven Schutz vor Folter oder erniedrigender Behandlung zu verbessern. Dazu werden die Mitgliedsstaaten zur Einrichtung unabhängiger Gremien verpflichtet, die beispielsweise Gefängnisse, Polizeiwachen, Abschiebezentren und psychiatrische Anstalten, aber auch Alten- und Pflegeheime sowie geschlossene Heime für Kinder und Jugendliche inspizieren. Amnesty international kritisierte, dass die deutsche Länderkommission " lediglich mit vier ehrenamtlich tätigen Experten" besetzt werde. Sie sei "nicht mehr als ein Feigenblatt".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


FDP-Politiker Max Stadler mahnt Grundrecht der Versammlungsfreiheit nicht anzutasten

"Keine Kleinigkeit": FDP-Politiker mahnt Grundrecht der Versammlungsfreiheit nicht anzutasten (25.02.05)

Während sich die Regierungskoalition und die Opposition in der Frage der geplanten Verschärfung des Versammlungsrechts aufeinander zubewegen, wendet sich die FDP gegen eine Verschärfung des Versammlungsrechts. FDP-Innenpolitiker Max Stadler sagte, eine Einschränkung des Demonstrationsrechts sei "keine Kleinigkeit", sondern "von größter Bedeutung für die Demokratie". Er halte auch nichts davon, wenn die Bundesländer eigene Gesetze zur Verschärfung erließen, sagte Stadler. Das geltende Recht reiche aus, um den geplanten Aufmarsch der rechtsextremistischen NPD am 8. Mai durch das Brandenburger Tor und am Holocaust-Mahnmal in Berlin zu verbieten, sagte Stadler am Freitag im Deutschlandradio Berlin. Die FDP sei "sehr zuversichtlich", dass die Sachverständigen-Anhörung am 7. März zeigen werde, dass eine Rechtsverschärfung überflüssig ist. Die Innenexperten von Koalition und Union hatten sich am vergangenen Dienstag auf einen eng gestrickten Zeitplan zur Einschränkung der Versammlungs- und Meinungsfreiheit verständigt. In öffentlichen Verlautbarungen wird die geplante Verschärfung des Strafgesetzbuches fast ausschließlich mit dem Ziel begründet, rechtsextremistische Aufmärsche zu verhindern. Kein Diskussionsthema ist die geplante Bestimmung, wonach generell das "Leugnen" von geschichtlich als "gesichert anerkannten" Völkermorden - beispielsweise das "Leugnen des Völkermords im ehemaligen Jugoslawien" - unter Strafe gestellt werden soll.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Army contract for Feinstein's husband


Informant: Milo

American hatred of Muslims exposed by hundreds of criminal cases


'I Saw Americans Kill Terror Suspects'


Visa mit RFID

Visa mit RFID - wedeln Sie einfach mit Ihrem guten Namen

MP backs anti-mast campaigners

by Saxon East

Streatham MP and Government planning minister Keith Hill has swung his political muscle behind a residents' campaign to stop a giant mobile phone mast being built next to a much-loved park.

Mr Hill has rallied behind more than 400 Streatham protesters who have signed a petition against T-Mobile's plans for the 11m mast near the entrance of Hillside Gardens in Streatham.

Streatham householders fear the mast, with dish and two antennae, would ruin the appearance of the park, and are worried it could pose a long-term health risk to young children at a nearby playclub.

However, T-Mobile has stressed the mast is safe as it complies with radiation limit guidelines from the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radio Protection (ICNIRP).

Mr Hill has steered away from the controversial health arguments, and instead has written to Lambeth Council's planning department, saying: "I too oppose the placing of the mast, largely because it is in a conservation area. I have asked to be included in further correspondence on the matter."

But Nick McRae, chairman of the Friends of Hillside Gardens Park, went further by citing the Government-appointed committee recommendations of Sir William Stewart, who urged caution against mobile phone technologies.

Mr McRae said: "We should not take risks with vulnerable children, with phones and masts. That is something that the mobile phone company ought to take more notice of."

Because of residents' strong protests, it is rumoured the pre-consultation plans will move the mast further away, towards the Palace Road end of Streatham.

A council spokeswoman said the town hall had not received an official planning application, but it would follow the normal process if and when it arrived.

A T-mobile spokesman said: "We have submitted a planning application to the local planning authority and we await their decision. The site complies with all planning and ICNIRP guidelines."

12:30pm today


From Mast Network

Nuclear Terror at Home

Peace and Justice News from IRC

February 25, 2005

Nuclear Terror at Home

by Noam Chomsky

If you can imagine some rational observers from Mars looking at this curious species down here, I don' think they’d put very high odds on survival--another generation or two. In fact, it’s kind of miraculous that we’ve come along this far.

The world has come extremely close to total destruction just in recent years from nuclear war. New Mexico plays an important role in this. There’s case after case where a nuclear war was prevented almost by a miracle. And the threat is increasing as a consequence of policies that the administration is very consciously pursuing.

Noam Chomsky is the author of Hegemony or Survival. (Purchase online at: http://www.irc-online.org/content/books/chomsky.hegemony.php ) He has been an IRC board member for 15 years and a steadfast supporter of IRC s mission and programs.

See complete new IRC paper online at:

With printer-friendly PDF version at:

Read what Chomsky wrote about IRC in support of our 25th anniversary and why you should generously support IRC, as he does.

Also see what he had to say about Iraq Elections at our 25th Anniversary Celebration:

The Saga of Terri Schiavo

***Alert***((((((((EXPLOSIVE INFO))))))))))Please forward everywhere


Last night on the Alex Merklinger show...The usual three hour program was 30 minutes>>> Click here: Welcome To Mysteries Of The Mind
http://mysteriesofthemind.com/...It will be a couple days before it appears in the archives.

It was the most explosive show for such a short time I have ever heard...It was about Terri Schiavo, which I will go into in a moment.

It was also about Gannongate...Alex is searching his archives for the show in which the exposure of the prostitution, pedophiles horror our children have been kidnapped and enslaved into...and those at the top, and I mean the top, are...Oh my "God" I can't even find words to explain it enough for those not familiar with this factual prostitution ring.

So many details...Like the plane that crashed when evidence in the form of pictures surfaced...Pictures of the guilty well known evil beings running our country.

The show in which you must hear is Alex interviewing the Mother of Johnny Gosh...Noreen Gosh...His own Father gave Johnny over to the thugs when he was little...He has disappeared, himself, conveniently...He's probably dead.

It's a deep journey of the most heinous and horrible truth to what is and has been happening.

Alex and Noreen believe Ganon is Johnny...I forwarded a picture of Gannon to Alex last night and he sent back a message today saying Noreen thinks it's Johnny.

Alex called on his show for all the patriots to please begin research to prove this connection.

About Terri...I've had a couple of threats to back off...

Alex added something I didn't know...Terri's husband is a nurse working in law enforcement...I knew he was supposed to have become a nurse out of compassion for his wife but not that he worked in the law enforcement arena...That explains why we are so puzzled as to how he escaped blame for what he did to Terri.

I only want to add here for those that might not know that a couple years ago they removed the tube and starved Terri for six days...Imagine...

Bush ordered the tube to be put back...

Oh and there is video where they were discussing the removal of the tube just before they did it and Terri became frantic...I'll have to look for that and send it...It may have already posted here...I didn't watch it and don't want to.

Please make those calls, guys...and sign that petition...even though the time is here for the decision...

Click here: Center for Reclaiming America

Here are your contact numbers:

Governor Jeb Bush
(850) 488-4441

Senate President Tom Lee
Tallahassee: (850) 487-5072
District Office: (813) 744-8683
E-mail: lee.tom.web@flsenate.gov

Speaker of the House Allan G. Bense
Tallahassee: (850) 488-1450
District Office: (850) 914-6300
E-mail: speaker@myfloridahouse.gov


Call President Bush and ask him to personally intervene:

President George W. Bush
(202) 456-1111

I just ran across the medical report...I need to find it and send it out...He did it and he could get away with it...When I spoke with Dr. Gary Cass's assistant at The Center For Reclaiming America...(The people behind saving Terri)...She told me the medical records are now sealed.

Here it is>>>

Spousal Abuse in Terri Schiavo Case
Thu Feb 24, 2005 23:00

Monday October 27, 2003
State-Funded Agency to Probe Claim of Spousal Abuse in Terri Schiavo Case

Bone scan and injuries indicate severe trauma and strangulation http://www.apfn.org/apfn/Terri_bonescan.htm

TAMPA BAY, October 27, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Florida State Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, has decided to launch an investigation into the spousal abuse claims of the parents of Terri Schiavo. The severely disabled Florida woman whose life was spared by an executive order by Governor Jeb Bush to halt her court-ordered starvation, has, according to experts, sustained injuries consistent with abuse.

Michael Schiavo, Terri's estranged husband, who has been in a long- fought court battle with Terri's parents to end her life, fuelled suspicions of abuse when he sought and was granted a court order that Terri's remains would be cremated immediately following her death. Terri's parents, the Schindlers, were requesting an autopsy.

Other factors pointing to abuse include:

- Testimony of nurses who looked after Terri indicated that Michael was verbally abusive to Terri and may have attempted to kill her by insulin injection and attempts to induce pneumonia by turning the thermostat in her room to 64 degrees.

- Michael Baden, one of the most acclaimed forensic experts in North America, in an interview on Fox News National Television broadcast Saturday said Terri's bone scan indicates that Terri's injuries are not consistent with the suggested explanation of a heart attack or potassium imbalance. He said they are consistent with severe trauma possibly caused by a beating and would warrant an immediate investigation.

- Dr. William Hammesfahr, Nobel prize nominee and neurologist, testified that Terri's neck injuries are consistent with only one type of injury: that of strangulation.

Commenting on the case, Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition said, "It would come as no surprise to me that she had been abused previous to her disability, knowing that since1993 she has received continuous abuse by being denied basic medical care, visitation of loved ones, religious visits, and any form of rehabilitation."

Schadenberg warned however that the practice of euthanasia by withdrawal of nutrition and hydration from people who are not otherwise dying is common both in the United States and Canada. He pointed out that the argumentation around the case is not addressing the central point that nutrition and hydration should not be considered medical treatment. He noted that a 1990 U.S. Supreme Court decision wrongly allowed nutrition and hydration to be considered medical treatment.

In response to the six-day denial of food and fluids to Terri Schindler-Schiavo, the National Right to Life Committee is calling on state legislatures throughout the nation to move to protect people with disabilities from being denied food and fluids. The organization has issued a "Model Starvation and Dehydration of Persons with Disabilities Prevention Act."

See the NRLC model legislation for States:

See the Chicago Tribune coverage and the Fox interview:

Terri's supporters have also asked pro-lifers to encourage AARP to
intervene to save Terri's life and not against it: flaarp@aarp.org

See also
Media 'getting it wrong' on Terri Schiavo story
Press erroneously report she's 'comatose,' doctors also dispute
vegetative-state ruling

** People who are aware of the truth are calling in to radio and television stations insisting that they correct the misinformation. For example, Toronto News radio station 680 was reporting last week that Shiavo was in a persistive vegetative state. LifeSite called to say that that was not correct. The news room immediately acknowledged the error and corrected it. This would not have happened had no one called.

NUCLEAR IMAGING - MAY 7, 1991 - Theresa Marie Schiavo
Thu Feb 24, 2005 22:44

UPDATE 02/23/05 Judge extends stay on removal of Florida woman's feeding tubea surprise move the state's social welfare agency asked for an indefinite delay to investigate potential abuse of the severely brain-damaged woman.

For years the Schindlers have repeatedly suggested that their son-in- law strangled their daughter the night she collapsed.

Theresa Marie Schiavo's Bone Scan


Informant: Marsha

Key dates in the life of Terri Schiavo

Terri Schiavo and the Soul of America

Drilling In ANWR Is Bush Obsession

Pass It On: Drilling In ANWR Is Bush Obsession

by an anonymous Bush adviser

"If the government gave them the leases for free they wouldn't take them. No oil company really cares about ANWR."


"If the government gave them the leases for free they wouldn't take them. No oil company really cares about ANWR."

—an anonymous Bush adviser, on how drilling in the the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a Bush administration obsession not shared by the oil companies themselves.


Inching Past Poverty

Wonky But Worth It: Inching Past Poverty

by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities

Social Security keeps 13 million senior citizens nationwide out of poverty -- barely. Any cuts could push them back down.


For The Sake Of Our Children

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Earthlight

The biggest threat to our children, our environment and our markets is George W. Bush.


Micro Waves Effects on Wildlife Animals


EMF Exposure - Animal Studies

Effects of the electromagnetic fields of phone masts on a population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

Mystery of the silent woodlands: scientists are baffled as bird numbers plummet

Lack of nesting seagulls

Radio-tracking associated with ‘dramatic shift’ in water vole sex ratio

Invisible Poisons

Mystery of the silent woodlands: scientists are baffled as bird numbers plummet

by Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor

25 February 2005

It has hardly been noticed, but it is another sinister warning sign of a world going badly wrong. Populations of some of Britain's most attractive woodland birds are plummeting at a rate that threatens them with extinction, and nobody knows why.

Precipitous declines in the numbers of some species, of up to four-fifths, have been registered over the past 30 years, but scientists are just realising what is happening, and they have no simple explanation.

In its scale and its range, the phenomenon is one of the most ominous events in the natural history of Britain over the past half-century. Perversely, the decline comes at a time when Britain is planting more woodlands than ever, and forest management has never been more sympathetic to wildlife conservation.

About a dozen species of small birds that have flitted through our woodlands for thousands of years are suddenly in serious trouble. This may be associated with climate change, linked to the damage that excess deer numbers are doing to the undergrowth in woodlands, or in some cases, linked to trouble for birds on migration routes to and from Africa.

The endangered species are less familiar than common garden visitors such as robins and blackbirds, which is perhaps why their disappearance has taken longer to register. But now a study, appearing next month, makes the picture clear for the first time.

It shows that five of the species - the spotted flycatcher, the lesser spotted woodpecker, the lesser whitethroat, the lesser redpoll and the tree pipit - plunged by more than three-quarters between 1966 and 1999, and continues to decline.

The population of the spotted flycatcher fell by no less than 85 per cent, and that of the lesser spotted woodpecker by 81 per cent. Another five species - the willow tit, the marsh tit, the woodcock, the dunnock or hedge sparrow and the willow warbler - fell by between half and three-quarters, and two more species, the songthrush and the bullfinch, fell by nearly a half.

Yet another group, for which there are no reliable numerical figures, is nevertheless known to have fallen significantly in either numbers or in range, or in both. These include the long-eared owl, the hawfinch and the nightingale.

In southern England, where the situation is worst, some of these species have virtually disappeared. "These birds are falling off the radar in a quite catastrophic way and we have no real idea why," said Graham Appleton of the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), Britain's leading bird research organisation. Three of its researchers, Rob Fuller, David Noble and Des Vanhinsbergh, produced the study with Ken Smith, a researcher from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

The most puzzling and perhaps most worrying aspect of the woodland bird decline, apart from its remarkable scale, is that there is no obvious single cause, as there has been with the dramatic and well-known decline over the past 30 years of British birds on farmland.

Species of the fields such as the skylark, the grey partridge, the corn bunting and the turtle dove have also dropped enormously in numbers, but the reason is well-known, the range of new agricultural practices that came in with the intensive farming revolution.

Turning these declines around by more wildlife-friendly farming methods is now official government policy, and may well eventually succeed.

But the difficulty with addressing the woodland bird decline is that there is no obvious simple reason for it, and thus no obvious simple solution.

In their study, which will be published in the March edition of the journal British Birds, the researchers offer seven possible causes which may be behind the declines. They are:

* Pressures on migrant birds during migration, or on their wintering grounds in Africa;

* Climate change in Britain itself, especially changes in the timing of the emergence of insects used as food, and the drying-out of woodlands;

* Reduction in the actual numbers of insects and other invertebrates;

* Impacts of land use on woodland edges and on habitats outside woodland;

* Reduced management of lowland woodland;

* Intensified habitat modification by deer, which eat the woodland bushes, shrubs and grasses, and stop regeneration of trees, reducing nesting areas and insect populations;

* New pressure on nests and young birds from predators, such as grey squirrels, members of the crow family, and great spotted woodpeckers.

But at present, these possibilities are speculative, and the true causes of an enormous change in Britain's natural environment remain a mystery.

©2005 Independent News & Media (UK) Ltd.



I have been battling with the NRPB for years and the pigeon racing orgs about the problems with birds from masts. I can always tell when the output on my local mast is up because the birds diappear. I have filled in numerous online surveys from the RSPB about birds in the garden. I made a hoohaha last two years about bats - we used to have a big colony here which totally disappeared when the mast were erected. Since then we have had a couple of odd ones. However since other masts have been put up (and I believe that my house is now in a hot spot) I haven't heard any for a while. The sparrow population has also gone down AGAIN since other masts have been put in the area.. I believe, watching the birds, that in a very small way there is an evolutionary change but it is too small. The most noticable thing is in the size of the birds - small chicks growing very quickly to large birds. Robins also seem to be 'immune' but I am talking about one family only as opposed to a lot 4yrs ago.


sue fergusson


It does seem odd that the bird associations haven't taken up the concept that the EMF environment is one birds are sensitive to. We've noticed it! I've saved your observations into a growing document of similar bits and pieces on non-human observations. I feel fairly convinced that the changing planetary magnetic field, coupled with military specials and regular communications, are really screwing a lot of the environment up. Some deliberate, but most quite unknowingly.



Last Summer a large petition and many objection letters were raised because of my concern for the wildlife of Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve once a TETRA mast was installed alongside the area.

In the minutes of the harbour advisory board meeting of September 8th 2004, the following comment is lodged.

"A number of conservation organisations had been contacted in order toascertain if they had planned to carry out research on this topic, each of which had advised that the issue had been given low priority as it was extremely difficult to ascertain the reasons for changes in behaviour short term".

I had given all organisations a blow by blow account of the behaviour of the three orphaned thrush fledglings that had adopted our garden as a feeding ground and had become so tame that they tapped on the window for raisins and walked into the house if the door was left open. In July 2004 my area was hit by tetra testing emisions at high power, and swaths of the area were totally without any birds except for seagulls, pigeons and magpies, for 3 days.

Only two of our little thrushes ever returned to our garden, and this took over a week. They were very wary and nervous, would not come near us, their feathers were in poor condition and they mostly sat under bushes in a dejected way.

It has taken four or five months for these thrushes to trust us enough to stay put while we put out food. But they never tapped on the window or came into the house again.

During that period last summer we found several dead birds in the area.

I think it is time these wildlife organisations left their desks and joined the real world!



I have a friend who lives in Hampstead Norreys near Newbury. She used to exercise a horse and her route frequently took her near the M4 (on adjacent track). This horse was perfect in traffic, never took any notice of cars, the nearby busy road etc. Then a mast was erected near the motoway and he became very badly behaved, shied, tried to run away if she ever took him down there. She tried writing to the council and to the BHS (British Horse Society) but they were not interested. (Can give you more precise details if you want them) However, horses are very sensitive (hearing and otherwise) and it might be worth trying to find out if other riders have problems with newly erected masts.

Cheers, Ann


The 7 horses with the same liver complaint were in the Kent area. They were special horses used for displays etc (a team of 12?) For this reason, they did not roam freely in the fields and were given specialist care. A tetra mast was put up on a neighbour's land 300 yards from their stables and after 4 months 7 of the horses contracted some sort of liver disorder which left the vet puzzled and unable to treat.

In Kent, 12 special horses for displays etc were not let out in the fields and had special care. 7 of the 12 contracted a liver disease and the vet could not treat or diagnose it. There was a TETRA mast in the neighbouring field. The owner of the horses was seeking help with this from Mast Sanity.



It was me who started the horse thing! I promised Andy fuller details, the story is:

A friend who lives near East Ilsley/Newbury used to exercise a horse for someone. She used to daily cross a bridge over the A34 where there was already one mast in existence - the infamous mast disguised as a tree. The horse was always absolutely fine about traffic etc until two more masts were put up on the other side of the bridge then he became quite unmanageable, leapt about, refused to cross the bridge etc. My friend thought about it and the fact that, if you put metal in a microwave you can hear the waves pinging about, and she concluded that microwaves were probably bouncing off vehicles on the road and he could hear it and was upset because of it. Anyway, she had to give up using the crossing and although she wrote to the council and BHS, she got short shrift.

A side issue to this is that she happened to know an elderly woman who lived on the hillside in a relatively isolated house close to the three masts. This woman began to suffer cancerous patches on her scalp, the cancer spread and she died within a short period. The horse has also since died, he was found dead in his field and the owners were surprised because he was just turned 20 which is quite young for a horse with a relatively easy life. You could say this is all something and nothing but I do wonder whether there are other horse owners with problems and one just doesn't hear about it in the rush to live our glorious mobile-enhanced life (gosh, I feel depressed about it all this morning!)

Cheers Ann


I can relate the story of two such cases. Two farms, surrounded by masts, have experienced the problem of cancers in their animals. Over the last couple of years the one farm have lost 3 dogs and a racehorse to cancer (the cancer in the horse started in the eye and spread, I think to other parts) and the neighbouring farm lost their horse to cancer of the rectum last year.

Elsewhere in the village we have lost dogs who "go off their legs" - one household lost both of their dogs to cancers (one ended up with a cancer which was almost the size of the rest of his body!).



A friend asked me to forward this.


This maybe of interest - I have 3 horses and in their field is a huge electricity pylon. The grass immediately under the pylon is yellow and sparse compared to the grass elsewhere. Also the horses will never walk under it!!!

Makes you wonder

Peace Be


From Mast Network


Electromagnetic pollution of the environment

Micro Waves Effects on Wildlife Animals

Radio tracking collar disturbs water vole breeding

Invisible Poisons

One day we'll all know - Let's hope it isn't too late

New phone masts cannot be banned, says government

by Colleen McDonnell

Attempts by Richmond upon Thames Council to ban new phone masts are being frustrated by government guidelines, the council leader said this week.

Cllr Tony Arbour, who represents Hampton Wick ward, opposes a proposed ten metre high mast at the junction of Normansfield Avenue and Upper Teddington Road, near Hampton Wick Infant School, on the grounds that it would be a health risk.

But he said the government's planning department promptly sent back a warning to the council: local authorities cannot put blanket bans on phone masts.

Following Cllr Arbour's declaration to local residents, expressing the council's opposition, the government department wrote: "Local authorities should not implement their own precautionary policies, e,g by way of imposing a ban or moratorium on new telecommunications develop-ment or insisting on minimum distances between new telecommunications develop-ment and existing development."

Cllr Arbour said: "It is sad that we are prevented from taking action which will safeguard the interests of the residents whom we represent. Nevertheless every application for a new mast will be subject to the strongest scrutiny. I am sorry that our members of Parliament have failed to persuade the government that Richmond and other councils should be able to act in the interests of their residents."

The government's firm stance is based on guidelines for local authorities in Planning Policy Guidance 8 (PPG 8), last revised in 2001.

The government statement said the planning system is not the place for deciding health and safety and that if a proposed mobile phone mast meets emission level guidelines local planners should not consider further health aspects when deciding the application.

There are already three phone masts located close by, along a small section of Kingston Road. Hampton Wick Infant school is within one fifth of a mile and St John the Baptist school within a quarter mile of the proposed mast. Hampton Wick residents and parents of children at the two schools are worried because questions still exist regarding the impact of mobile phone masts.

MP for Twickenham, Vincent Cable, who is currently supporting residents in their battle against the Ashley Road phone mast in Hampton, will soon receive a petition from residents protesting the proposed mast on Normansfield Avenue. He said: "We can expect a large number of new masts. The companies are trying to get as many up as possible in order to plug the holes in their network and to get permission before pressures grow for tighter planning rules on masts. Under existing rules it is difficult to stop masts on any other than purely planning considerations; but residents should keep up the pressure on the council and the government."

Included in the planning department's statement was a parliamentary exchange in which Yvette Cooper, the public health minister, said the 'precautionary approach' recommended by the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones' report in 2000 has provided the basis for government policy.

She said: "The group's report did not recommend a ban on the construction of mobile phone masts near schools or any other site. What the report did do was make some specific recommendations for precautionary action for the use of mobile technology."

Sir William Stewart of the National Radiological Protection Board published a new study in January warning that if mobile phones do damage health, then children will inevitably be at greatest risk. His report also called for a review of the planning of base stations. According to an article published by the BBC, Sir William has also said he does not favour mobile phone masts being situated near schools.

3:12pm Thursday 24th February 2005

From Mast Network

Campaign against phone mast gathers pace

by Lawrence Marzouk

A campaign is gathering pace against a mobile phone mast to be erected next to an Edgware school.

Residents, representatives of the Holland House School, Broadhurst Avenue, Edgware, and local Tory councillor Brian Gordon have attacked plans to install three antennae at Mowbray House, Edgware.

Stephen Bernstein, Holland House's chair of the board of governors, commented: "We are very concerned at the decision: the Mowbray building is a stone throw away from the school."

Mr Gordon added: "I very much share these concerns and I am in the process of making a direct approach to Vodafone to persuade them to change their plans for this site."

Encouraging news came this week as Barnet Council rejected a bid to install a 10m monopole in East End Road, East Finchley, near the junction with Windermere Avenue.

Sue Liu, of Pavilion Mews, Finchley, fought the East Finchley installation purely on the basis of planning regulations, despite her concerns that new 3G masts could cause danger to health and put children at nearby schools at risk.

She said: "You have to know to oppose these things on planning reasons.

"I'm worried about the health reasons, but you have to trawl the UDP Unitary Development Plan and look for things to apply to your area."

4:59pm Thursday 24th February 2005

From Mast Network

School applications hit by mast plan

by Colleen McDonnell

APPLICATIONS to attend Hampton Junior School are being withdrawn by parents who fear the mobile phone mast located 10 metres away from the playground may be approved for yet another upgrade. Recognised as one of the best primary schools in the borough, the school is now facing a growing number of parents so strongly opposed to the 23-metre 3G Vodafone mast that they no long wish their send their children to school there.

Local parents and residents, Catriona Nason and Cassandra Wilcox, have set up Hampton Parents Against Ashley Road Phone Mast, to get the mast removed.

Dr Vincent Cable, MP, will be speaking at the group's next meeting on Wednesday evening at the school. He will be explaining some of the legislative background and discussing other instances of contested masts in the local area.

Mrs Wilcox said: "Hampton Junior School is one of the best in the borough. It is unacceptable that parents like myself are forced to choose between their children's health and education. The mast must be moved. We demand that Richmond council and the LEA work with Vodafone to find an alternative site.

"I want to ensure that the lives of our children and future generations are not endangered by mobile phone masts. I deplore the way this government and local planning authorities are ignoring the valid fears of the people they purport to serve."

The mast was first installed in 1994 and moved to its current position in 1997. The mast was later upgraded to a higher strength for 3G technology.

Mrs Nason, chair of Hampton Junior School Association said: "The school is by far the best Junior School in the borough and we have decided to take our children there due to its excellent reputation, results and atmosphere. My children love the school and the teachers. The mast should be re-sited to ensure parents never have to make such a decision."

The next public meeting will be on Wednesday, March 2 at 8pm at Hampton Junior School. All are welcome. The campaign website www.mast-campaign.com will be online in the first week of March.

3:17pm Thursday 24th February 2005

From Mast Network

Gannongate: It's Worse Than You Think


Informant: Milo

„Einstiegsdroge“ Handy bei Jugendlichen

Der Anteil an jungen Schuldnern erhöht sich seit Jahren ständig. Hier liegen für Niederreiter die Ursachen vor allem im nie oder nur lückenhaft gelernten Umgang mit Geld und Finanzprodukten. Zudem sind die jungen Erwachsenen die bevorzugte Zielgruppe der Werbestrategen unserer Konsumgesellschaft. Das Handy gilt als „Einstiegsdroge“ in eine Schuldnerkarriere; auch wenn diese Schulden meist noch von den Eltern beglichen werden. Außerdem muss zwischen „Jugendlichen“ und Volljährigen unterschieden werden. Jugendliche bis 18 Jahren sind nicht volljährig und daher auch nicht Vertragspartner der Handy-Betreiber. Vertragspartner ist zumeist ein Elternteil und haftet damit für die Kosten. Schulden durch die Handy-Nutzung hat daher zwischenzeitig auch (fast) jeder Schuldner, zumeist auch bei mehreren Anbietern. Durchschnittlich betragen diese Schulden pro Anbieter 1.150 Euro.

http://www.salzburg.gv.at/lkorr-meldung?nachrid=33898 (Auszug)

Strahlende Welt

Staatsanzeiger für Baden-Württemberg

BwWoche 21. Februar 2005 / Nr. 6


Sie sind unsichtbar, aber nicht harmlos

Elektromagnetische Wellen machen Menschen krank:


Eigentlich müsste ja mit jedem Handy auch ein Flugblatt, Beipackzettel, Warnhinweis oder was auch immer, mitverkauft werden, in dem auf die Risiken der gepulsten Hochfrequenzstrahlung hingewiesen wird. Bei den Zigaretten war so was ja auch nicht die Idee von Philipp Morris, wir können also hier von Seiten Nokias und Konsorten nichts erwarten. aber auch Gesundheitsministerium und Bundessamt für Strahlenschutz schweigen und verstecken sich hinter ihren Grenzwerten. Der Bund hätte nämlich n’ Problem, wenn er n’ Rückzieher machen wollte (UMTS-Lizenzen) muss es hier erst noch EU-Vorschriften geben? Dann dauert der ganze Zirkus ja noch länger.

Apropos länger dauern: wenn die Leut’ immer Studienergebnisse anzweifeln und "Beweise" fordern, sag ich "die Beweise werden schon noch geboren, nur is’ es dann reichlich spät" aber wie auch immer, das Problembewusstsein ist zumindest in unserer Region äußerst miserabel. Ich werde beim Flyerverteilen immer fast feindselig angeguckt, grade auch von Jugendlichen.


Eckardt Giese

Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/4972

Thema Mobilfunk nur von einigen wenigen "Übertrainierten" besetzt?

Die Zeiten, in den das Thema Mobilfunk nur von einigen wenigen "Übertrainierten" besetzt war, scheinen allmählich vorbei. Nun hat auch die bwWoche (ehemals Staatsanzeiger Baden-Württemberg) in einem ganzseitigen Artikel sich mit dem Thema befasst: "Strahlende Welt: sie sind unsichtbar, aber nicht harmlos" aufgehängt an einem Fallbeispiel, wird über Symptome (einschl. Wertverlust der Immobilien), Entstehung der Felder, Grenzwerte und die jüngste Anfrage der Grünen im Landtag informiert. Außerdem werden in einem separaten Abschnitt kurz die Begriffe "elektrisches Feld, magnetisches Feld, statisches Feld, Wechselfeld " erklärt.

Unser Gemeinderat scheint jedoch zunächst überhaupt nicht gewillt, sich mit der Problematik zu beschäftigen, manche scheinen sogar "beratungsresistent" und ziehen sich hinter irgendwelche Bauvorschriften und "Verwaltungseinheit" zurück. Dies wird jedoch angesichts der Schlagworte "Hörnervtumor, Gehirntumor, genetische Veränderung usw." der Sache nicht gerecht.

Wie kann man erreichen, dass der Aspekt der Gesundheitsvorsorge hier im Vordergrund steht, und dem Gemeinderat/bürgermeister mehr Einfluss auf die Baumaßnamen zukommt? Mir scheint bei unserem Gemeinderat ein Informationsdefizit vorzuliegen.

Was die örtlichen Schulen mit dem "Elternbrief" der hier vor einiger Zeit angeboten wurde, gemacht haben, kann ich nicht sagen.

Eckardt Giese

Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/4967

"Not welcome Mr. Bush": Anti-Bush Demo in Mainz


In den letzten Tagen bin ich öfter gefragt worden, was denn nun die Motivation von Attac sei, sich am Bündnis "Not welcome Mr. Bush!" zu beteiligen bzw. was unser spezifischer Beitrag hierbei sei. Diese Frage ist mittlerweile gar nicht mehr so einfach zu beantworten, da die Globalisierungskritik, so wie wir sie betreiben, erfreulicherweise bereits in der Friedensbewegung 'angekommen' ist und dort eigenständig weiterentwickelt wird. Ich möchte dies gerne an vier von sechs bisher unter http://www.notwelcomebush.de veröffentlichten Reden (meine nicht mitgerechnet) zeigen und damit auch Appetit auf eine genauere Lektüre insbesondere des Beitrags von Markus Pflüger machen, von dem wir mit Sicherheit einiges lernen können.

Am knackigsten (diese Rede gefällt mir persönlich am besten) baut Michael Wilk vom AKU Wiesbaden http://www.aku-wiesbaden.de/ueberuns.htm die Globalisierungskritik in seinen Beitrag ein:

Gregor Böckermann von der Initiative Ordensleute für den Frieden thematisiert im zweiten Teil seines kurzen eingängigen Beitrags, überschrieben mit "Kapital braucht Krieg", die tödlichen Auswirkungen der "Verselbständigung und Globalisierung der Finanzströme" und fordert die Einführung der Tobin-Steuer:

Jürgen Grässlin (Bundessprecher DFG-VK) stellt Bushs Achse des Bösen die "wahre Achse des Bösen" gegenüber: "Die 'wahre Achse des Bösen' reicht vom Hunger über die Armut, die fehlende Bildung bis hin zur unzureichenden medikamentösen Versorgung für Millionen von Menschen in aller Welt. (...) Zudem trägt die hemmungslose Wirtschafts- und Umweltverschmutzungspolitik der USA massiv dazu bei, dass die Klimakatastrophe wahrscheinlicher wird, dass verstärkt Kriege um Rohstoffe wie Erdöl und Wasser geführt werden, dass riesige Landstriche unbewohnbar und noch mehr Menschen zu Flüchtlingen gemacht werden."

Markus Pflüger (AGF Trier / DFG-VK / IMI), widmet sich hauptsächlich dem 'Flugzeugträger Rheinland-Pfalz' ("Ramstein und Spangdahlem sind zudem keine beliebigen US-Militärbasen. Der Flugzeugträger Rheinland-Pfalz ist DAS Zentrum des US-Nachschubs und der Vorbereitung des Irakkriegs in Europa. Ramstein war und ist zusammen mit Spangdahlem Nadelöhr und Nabel der US-Kriege der letzten Jahre. Sie gehören als die zwei größten Kriegsflughäfen Europas zum Eckpfeiler der aggressiven Politik, wie sie im Nationalen Sicherheitskonzept der Bush-Regierung formuliert ist. Ramstein ist logistische Drehscheibe für die Besatzung im Irak"), der deutschen Mittäterschaft am Irakkrieg und der EU-Militarisierung. Als Schluss seiner langen Rede kritisiert er "das kapitalistische Verwertungssystem, in das diese Kriegspolitik eingebettet ist, (...) die neoliberale Globalisierung mit Multis, Privatisierung und Freihandelsverträgen zulasten der Armen und Ausgebeuteten. Hier fängt z.B. es an mit Ein-Euro-Jobs und Studiengebühren. In anderen Ländern sind es knallharte Ausbeutungsfabriken und Kriege niederer Intensität. Von Puebla bis Panama, von Genua bis München zeigt dieses System in dem wir leben seine hässliche Fratze":

Unser 'spezifischer Beitrag' kann meiner Meinung nach daher eigentlich nur darin bestehen, ein, zwei etwas spezialwissenmäßig eher entlegene, aber aktuelle Beispiele aufzuführen, die die aufgeführten allgemeinen Beschreibungen gewissermaßen skandalisierend bebildern:

-- Angelika Shams * Mitglied im Attac-Bundeskoordinierungskreis Egertstraße 12 * 75365 Calw-Stammheim * email: shams@attac.de Fon: 07051 / 935 675 * 0179 / 513 41 59 * Fax: 07051 / 935 677

Bush in Mainz: Reportage vom Ausnahmezustand


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