
Sigmar Gabriel: Ex-Ministerpräsident kassierte von VW

Hannover – Auch Niedersachsens SPD-Fraktionschef Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) hatte geschäftliche Beziehungen zum VW-Konzern.

Nach seinem Ausscheiden als Ministerpräsident und VW-Aufsichtsrat wurde Gabriel Oppositionsführer im Landtag und im Nebenjob geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Firma „CoNeS Gbr“ in Halle/ Saale.

Dieses Unternehmen, an dem Gabriel bis September 2004 beteiligt war, erhielt einen Beratervertrag von VW für „Europäische Industriepolitik“. Auftragsvolumen laut „Focus“: mehr als 100 000 Euro.

Gabriel zu BILD: „Ich habe und hatte keinen Vertrag mit VW, sondern das Unternehmen an dem ich mit 25 % beteiligt war.“ (hjv)

Ex-Ministerpräsident Gabriel (SPD)
Noch eine Nebentätigkeit aufgetaucht


Hannover – Niedersachsens Ex-Ministerpräsident Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) kommt wegen Nebentätigkeiten immer mehr unter Druck.

Gestern mußte der Ex-VW-Aufsichtsrat auf einer Pressekonferenz einräumen, daß er an der Firma „CoNeS Gbr“ beteiligt war, die rund 100 000 Euro Honorar von VW kassierte (BILD berichtete). Gabriel: „Das stimmt. Und daran ist auch nichts Illegales.“

Landtagspräsident Gansäuer (CDU) bestätigte aber nur, daß Gabriel „nicht gegen die Verhaltensregeln“ verstoßen habe.

Jetzt kommt heraus: Der SPD-Fraktionschef war bis zum 31. Dezember 2004 auch noch an der „Strunz & Friends Marketing GbR“ (Halle) beteiligt. Namensgeber: Ex-Fußballnationalspieler und heutiger VfL-Wolfsburg-Manager Thomas Strunz.

„Die Firma haben wir im Herbst 2003 gegründet“, bestätigt Miteigentümer Lutz Lehmann BILD.

Angeblich war dieser Nebenjob Gabriels ebenfalls beim Landtagspräsidenten angemeldet. Doch davon findet sich weder im Landtagshandbuch noch auf der Internetseite des Parlaments ein Wort.

Gabriels Teilhaber und Ex-RTL-Sportchef Ulli Potofski zu BILD: „Wir wollten Gabriels gute Beziehungen nutzen und zusammen Sportler und Pop-Musiker vermarkten.“ Gabriel war zeitweise Pop-Beauftragter der SPD.


© 2005 Bild.T-Online.de


Wofür?: Volkswagen zahlte Firma von ehemaligem Ministerpräsidenten 100.000 Euro (07.02.05)

Der Automobilkonzern "Volkswagen" hat der Firma des ehemaligen niedersächsischen Ministerpräsidenten Sigmar Gabriel 100.000 Euro bezahlt. Die beträchtliche Summe floss auf Basis eines Beratervertrages zwischen Volkswagen und Gabriels erst Mitte 2003 gegründeten Firma CoNeS. Bei dem Vertrag sei es um eine Analyse zum Thema "Entwicklung der europäischen Industriepolitik" gegangen, sagte der derzeitige niedersächsische SPD-Fraktionschef. Gabriel muss nun nach Auffassung von CDU-Fraktionschef David McAllister erklären, warum eine kleine unbekannte Firma in Halle einen 100.000-Euro-Auftrag von VW erhalte.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



Geld für gute Worte

"Die gekaufte Republik": Volkswagen AG stellte Lebensgefährtin von Ministerpräsident Gabriel ein

Was unsere Abgeordneten noch nebenbei verdienen

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Post von Wagner

Post von Wagner

Lieber Arbeitslosen-Minister Clement,

4 Millionen, 5 Millionen, 6 Millionen Arbeitslose – wie viele wirklich? Ich glaube Ihnen und Ihrer Agentur für Arbeit keine Zahl.

Sie reden über 1 Million Menschen plus oder minus. Ich denke, Sie sind verrückt geworden. Interessieren Sie sich überhaupt für diese Menschen? Menschen sind nicht nur Geburtsdaten und Adressen.

In unserem Land gehen zur Zeit die Stromabschneider herum. Es sind Angestellte der öffentlichen Hand.

Sie kappen die Elektrizität, weil viele Arbeitslose den Strom nicht mehr bezahlen können. Es leben zur Zeit Tausende von Deutschen ohne Licht und Wärme.

Wissen Sie, lieber Minister Clement, wieviel Deutsche heute frieren?


Ihr F. J. Wagner



Lieber Arbeitslosen-Minister Clement, Teil 2,

ich bin nicht jeden Tag ein guter Kolumnist. Ich habe gestern in meinem Brief an Sie nicht den ganzen Wirklichkeits-Betrug begriffen.

Sie wußten immer, daß die Arbeitslosenzahlen nicht stimmen. Warum haben Sie uns angelogen? Lügen, das weiß ich, ist nicht Ihr Hobby. Gehe ich richtig in der Annahme, daß Sie logen wie ein Arzt bei einem Krebspatienten?

Die Ärmlichkeit Deutschlands ist überall sichtbar, aber Sie logen sie klein.

Die Menschen mit Plastiktüten. Die Menschen in der Höhle der U-Bahn. Die Menschen, die Flöte spielen. Die Menschen, die wie Hunde leben. Die Menschen mit blassen, müden, alten Gesichtern.

Die Arbeitslosen sind heute die größte soziologische Gruppe. Es ist die Armee der Armen.

Herr Minister, Sie haben versagt – ab in die Arbeitslosigkeit.


Ihr F. J. Wagner



Jetzt können Sie Franz Josef Wagner auch eine E-mail schreiben: fjwagner@bild.de

Copyright 2005 Bild.T-Online

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Nine New Environmental 'Hot Spots' Listed


Wasteland into Forest

Paul's Unstoppable Will Turns Wasteland into Forest

Informant: Fred Burks

EMF-Omega-News 5. February 2005

WHO comment on Draft EMF Framework

Top public health official of Russia: Mobile phones cause child cancer

PM to initiate study on cellphone health hazards

Irish mast cum cellphone health issue hots up further

IDEA Position on Electro-Magnetic Radiation

The saga of Lord Bassam of Brighton

Hidden Church masts - A church in Edinburgh refused Vodafone permission to erect a 3g mast on the church

Cellphone industry hides behind "charitable organisation" status to violate NRPB mobile phone report recommendations

Letter to the WHO from the V WSF

Report on 2004 WHO EHS conference

Citizens can be targeted individually by Micro Wave Towers

Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Waves And Their Mechanism

Hands free

Phone mast workers 'threatened'

Mobile-using drivers 'age 50 years'

HAARP project in La Figaro

Omega-News Collection 5. February 2005

Omega-News Collection 5. February 2005

'Unheard Of' Seismic Events Continues In Quake Areas


Global Warming: Scientists Reveal Timetable

Pressure Grows For Bush To Deal With Global Warming

Loggers Going Into Old Growth Reserve

Old Growth Going Down

Weyerhaeuser: skinning a burn patient

Australia: Styx and stones

Whale Stranding in N.C. Followed Navy Sonar Use

Sell the Whales

Geese die in droves in Keizer; experts baffled

Defend The Filibuster


Save Taku River Salmon from the Tulsequah mine

Special Caribou and Grizzly Bear Action Alert

Consequences of Genetically Engineered Milk


Global Extinction?

State of the Environment

Mysterious Siberian Blast Coincides With Antarctica Ice Sheet Collapse Report

Antarctic threat to sea level

Warming Could Produce 16ft Rise in Sea Levels

Earth's weather and climate becoming increasingly harsh

Sickening Solar Flares

Russian Military Movements towards Protected Areas Beginning

Humanity cannot live without nature, but nature can live without humanity

Tilt and Wobble of the Earth's Axis

"Western Medicine:" The World Has Suffered Enough...


Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



WHO comment on Draft EMF Framework

Top public health official of Russia: Mobile phones cause child cancer

PM to initiate study on cellphone health hazards

Irish mast cum cellphone health issue hots up further

IDEA Position on Electro-Magnetic Radiation

The saga of Lord Bassam of Brighton

Hidden Church masts - A church in Edinburgh refused Vodafone permission to erect a 3g mast on the church

Cellphone industry hides behind "charitable organisation" status to violate NRPB mobile phone report recommendations

Letter to the WHO from the V WSF

Report on 2004 WHO EHS conference

Citizens can be targeted individually by Micro Wave Towers

Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Waves And Their Mechanism

Hands free

Phone mast workers 'threatened'

Mobile-using drivers 'age 50 years'

HAARP project in "Le Figaro"

Hands free

Hands free, with air-acoustic tubes, not wires:

I fully expect Challis' response would be as mine; I am sure he is quite well aware that phones really do cause problems, and if asked would say, keep the length of calls down. (Could he say otherwise?) He would advise the use of hands free as precaution, but not because it will save you from certain harm. But advise it, he certainly would; he's been over this long ago. Even Colin Blakemore was named in 1999 as a scientist who was cutting back on use of his mobile:


Preventing wired earpieces from conducting RF into the ear is only common sense, after the study demonstrating this effect, and using air-tubes is even more common sense. There's no "opinion" about it, and he would certainly not advise against using them. The Stewart update advises on them and recommends evaluation of shielding and field-altering devices for efficacy. Challis is chair of MTHR and is bound to support Bill Stewart on both counts.

But we are a long way from Challis or the like admitting proof of damage to health. It is interesting that in the King's study into validating people's reports that use of mobile phones cause headaches, nausea, fatigue etc., that their volunteer subjects were able without hesitation to confirm when the test device was on or not. But the (millimetre?!)leap from "affecting the brain" to "being harmful" is a surprisingly hard one to take, when your feet have been nailed to the floor.


See the link at the end to China. Imagine how the UK industry would take it if phones automatically cut out after so many minutes, or so much per day? How on earth would you sell 3G, video etc. on the back of that? They'd never get their £32 billion back, let alone pay for the new spectrum auction. Note too, how keen WHO, in its draft framework for precaution, is to ensure there is no retrospective blame:


And here's another Brownie-point for our super-protective mobile phones for kids:

Today my daughter, in a very highly respected High School, brought home a letter regarding changed policy on mobile phones. No, not to protect their health in the light of the Jan 2005 "Stewart update". Could the Headmistress care about that? No, she wanted to "celebrate" these marvels of technology and how they made their daughters so much safer. The problem is actually phones being used in class to bully and intimidate, and worse, camera phones being used to take subversive images that subsequently find themselves on the Internet (and presumably MSN messenger groups) to further "bully and intimidate". The policy now is that all mobile calls are to be made in the school office under supervision. Why not just use the school telephone?! Surely this is the answer to the smart-arse who suggested masts near schools were a good idea because kids' phone that keep them so safe would receive stronger signals!!


From Mast Network

'The President is Continuing a Campaign of Deception'

MoveOn.org Refutes RNC's False Claims: 'The President is Continuing a Campaign of Deception'


Ignoring the Smoke: Bush Silent on Global Warming


U.N. Experts Fear 'Irreversible Psychiatric Symptoms' in Guantanamo Detainees


'Make Poverty History': People Power Gets to G7


Bush Team Prepares to Weaken Clean Air Act


Another Bush-Friendly Reporter Under Scrutiny


Now That Election Is Over, Expect to See Conscription

by Greg Szymanski | americanfreepress.net | Jan 29, 2005

Complete article: http://dailydraftdispatch.org/05_02/04_rangel.html

Within a matter of weeks, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), plans to try and re-institute the military draft, saying the present voluntary system places an unfair burden of war among lower- and middle-class Americans while giving the rich a free ride from military service.

Rangel’s statements are unpopular among most lawmakers and government watchdog groups. But they came on one of the bloodiest days of the Iraq war with over 35 Marines killed, bringing the total military casualties to more than 1,400 with over 10,000 injured or maimed.

Although the liberal Democrat has been an outspoken critic of President Bush’s war policies, he said this week “the burden of war should be shared among all social groups,” including the children of the wealthy and privileged.

“Sometime soon Rep. Rangel is preparing to reintroduce legislation to reinstitute the military draft since he strongly feels everyone should share the burden of war,” said Emile Milne, Rangel’s press representative and legislative director Wednesday from his Washington office. “He is essentially reintroducing legislation that failed to gain support last session. However, this time around, I think, it has a better chance of passing.”

To Chomsky & Rangel: Now is the Wrong Time to Advance the Draft

by Tom Kertes | draftfreedom.org | Jan 18, 2005

Complete article: http://dailydraftdispatch.org/05_02/01_moral.html

Part of the problem we face in defining and using the draft issue to advance our cause is that we're uncertain over what the principled position on the draft is. Noam Chomsky and Charles Rangel have raised the complexity of draft opposition in their own ways. Chomsky by repeating his opposition to an "all-voluntary" army on the grounds that a citizen's army will better reflect the will of the people over the will of the few. Rangel brings up the injustice of a "volunteer" army made up more Americans of color and more working class citizens than it would under a fair draft. Both Chomsky and Rangel's concerns point to the fact that the US military is a mercenary force. As such, it poses more of a risk to republican government than would a drafted-military, since the soldiers in the current force are economically dependent on following orders. Soldiers who face poverty if ousted from the army are hard pressed to stand against army command.

Even Homer Nods: Chomsky and Conscription

by JACOB LEVICH | CounterPunch | February 4, 2005 | People

Against the Draft

complete text: http://dailydraftdispatch.org/05_02/04_respond.html

Noam Chomsky is so rarely wrong about anything that it feels impertinent to correct him. But his recent remarks on the draft, printed in CounterPunch (Feb. 2) [link], are in need of scrutiny, especially since they might give false comfort to people who rightly worry that a revival of conscription is in the cards.

Chomsky says the US is unlikely to reinstate the draft because of "the Vietnam experience," which was "the first time in the history of European imperialism [sic; he must have meant to include North America] that an imperial power tried to fight a colonial war with a citizens' army." He continues: "I mean the British didn't do it, and the French had the Foreign Legion in colonial wars, civilians are just no good at it. Colonial wars are too brutal and vicious and murderous. You just can't take kids off the street and have them fight that kind of war. You need trained killers, like the French Foreign Legion."

Chomsky has been saying this a lot lately, and consequently the notion that conscripts can't fight dirty wars has taken its place among the Top Ten left-of-center myths about the draft, right alongside "the draft is fairer to the poor and minorities" and (don't laugh) "the Establishment wouldn't support wars of aggression if they thought their children might get drafted." Because Chomsky is usually so reliable, a lot of good people seem to be swallowing his argument uncritically, which is why it calls for correction.

Tom Kertes

Project Lead

From ufpj-news

Special Caribou and Grizzly Bear Action Alert


Bush tells Stations REMOVE MoveOn's Commercial

On ABC News this evening it was mentioned that Pres. Bush has gone on record as telling the stations preparing to air MoveOn.org's commercial on his Social Security plan, to remove it immediately.

Click here to view the advertisement.

Peace - Anna

"Let me put it to you bluntly. In a changing world, we want more people to have control over your own life." —George W. Bush, Annandale, Va, Aug. 9, 2004

Geese die in droves in Keizer; experts baffled

Bodies of water don't appear to be the cause


Statesman Journal

February 2, 2005

KEIZER -- Geese are literally falling from the sky in and around Keizer, and wildlife experts don't know why.

About 150 Canada geese were found dead Friday at a private pond off Wheatland Road owned by Morse Bros. rock products in rural Marion County. Thirty or so other dead birds were discovered three months ago near Staats Lake, a private lake in Keizer.

State wildlife officials visited both sites to investigate. The officials suspect that the birds may have died from something they ate, because it doesn't appear that anything in the pond or lake killed the birds.

"Reports of one bird here or one over there is not cause for alarm," said Will High, a wildlife biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. "But when you have 10 or 20 or 30 or 100 of them all of a sudden die in one day, well, that's just not normal."

Peace - Anna

Sell the Whales


The American Militarist State


Informant: Lew Rockwell

The 'Oil-for-Food' Smokescreen


Australia: Styx and stones


Weyerhaeuser: skinning a burn patient


Our Battered Constitution

The Constitution? Forget about it. Only about half of America's high school students think newspapers should be allowed to publish freely, without government approval of their stories. And a third say the free speech guarantees of the First Amendment go "too far."


Court Orders CIA to Comply With Request For Torture Records

A federal judge today rejected an attempt by the CIA to indefinitely delay the processing and release of critical documents pertaining to the torture or abuse of detainees held by the United States government. The ruling relates to a FOIA request filed more than a year ago by the ACLU and supported by Veterans for Common Sense.


A Whistle-Blower's Inside View of the Homeland Security Nominee Chertoff

In the commentary below printed in the Los Angeles Times, Jesselyn Radack makes very strong charges against Michael Chertoff, the nominee for Secretary of the Department Homeland Security.


The Senate and Mr. Gonzales

Mr. Gonzales has come to represent the administration's role in paving the way for the abuse and torture of prisoners by American soldiers and intelligence agents. Giving him the nation's top legal post is a terrible signal to send the rest of the world, and to American citizens concerned with human rights.


Bequemlichkeit und finanzielle Vorteile gegen Vernunft und Vorsorge

„Zeit heilt alle Wunden“, so nicht im Falle von Mobilfunk, dessen ungeahnte Auswirkungen noch in den „Sternen“ stehen. Überall sprießen Mobilfunkantennen auf den Dächern. Für Städte, Kommunen und Privatbesitzer, die ihre Dächer zur Verfügung stellen, ist dies wie Weihnachten, es klingelt in der Kasse, und zwar für viele Jahre, je nachdem wie lange sie die Verträge mit den jeweiligen Betreibern abschließen. Riskieren wir einfach, dass Menschen sich unwohl fühlen und erkranken können bis hin zu Krebs. Ein Zurück wird es so schnell nicht mehr geben. Die Verträge sind meist so formuliert, dass man sie nur aufheben kann, wenn Menschen erkranken und beweisen können, dass ihre Erkrankung durch die 24-stündige gepulste Mobilfunkstrahlung eingetreten ist!

Die deutschen Grenzwerte werden eingehalten. Diese beziehen sich auf die thermischen Werte, d. h. unterhalb dieser Grenzwerte tritt keine Erhöhung der Körpertemperatur ein. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass Mobilfunkstrahlung keine nicht-thermischen Auswirkungen hat, die gänzlich unberücksichtigt bleiben! Auf diese wird in einer Vielzahl von internationalen Studien hingewiesen, und viele Ärzte bestätigen eine Zunahme bestimmter Erkrankungen u.a. Krebs im Umfeld von Mobilfunk. Nun, aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen wird all dies von Betreiberseite abgeschmettert und bei unseren Politikern findet es auch keine Beachtung! Ein Zeichen, wie wenig die Gesundheit heute noch wert ist. Nichts ist sie wert! Denn nur mit der Krankheit lässt sich gutes Geld verdienen! Ganze Unternehmenswerte (Aktienkurse!) hängen von unseren Krankheiten ab.

Also bleibt in der heutigen Zeit nur der Appell an die Vernunft eines jeden Einzelnen, selbst Vorsorge zu treffen, um sich vor zu viel Elektrosmog zu schützen. Und zwar so lange, bis eine Kommunikations-Technologie eingeführt wird, die vorher so getestet wurde, dass sie jedwede Gefahren für die Gesundheit ausschließt! Wie britische Wissenschaftler vom National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) Eltern verstärkt empfehlen, sollen Kinder unter acht Jahren überhaupt keine Handys bekommen, weil ein größerer Teil ihres Gehirns durch die geringere Größe ihrer Köpfe direkt durch die Handystrahlung beeinflusst wird. Man schaue sich doch einmal in Kinderkreisen um! Allen anderen wird empfohlen, Handygespräche kurz zu halten.

Ein Phänomen, was den meisten Menschen aber nicht bewusst ist bzw. sie nicht wahrhaben wollen, die schnurlosen DECT-Telefone funktionieren auf der gleichen Basis wie eine Mobilfunkantenne. Das heißt, 24-Stunden lang sucht die Basisstation in der eigenen Wohnung/im eigenen Haus/durch Wände zu Nachbarn durch gepulste Strahlung nach dem Telefonapparat. Die Strahlung dieser Basisstation ist aufgrund der direkten Nähe zum Menschen weitaus höher als fast jede Strahlung einer Mobilfunkantenne auf dem Dach!

Man kann es halten wie man will, kein Leid ist schlimmer, als das, was man sich selbst zufügt! Und Bequemlichkeit und finanzielle Vorteile obsiegen immer wieder gegenüber der eigenen Vernunft!

Marianne Kirst

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk

Phone mast workers 'threatened'

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Riedlinger
To: Milt Bowling
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 3:48 PM
Subject: Emailing: 4230663


Phone mast workers 'threatened'

Construction workers building a new mobile phone mast in Leicester are refusing to go to work because they are being harassed and intimidated.

Workers fitting the 15-metre receiver on Bonney Road in New Parks have called in police because they claim they are being threatened by protestors.

The mast for O2 has already been approved by the city council.

Residents have started a petition against the mast, but say they have not intimidated workers.

They have been threatening the contractors by standing there saying there is no way they will allow this site to be built

Angela Johnson, O2 spokeswoman

The mast is being built on a traffic island close to two schools.

Spokesperson for O2, Angela Johnson, said: "Our work has been disrupted by a small number of irresponsible people who have damaged our meter cabinet on three occasions by kicking it in and by intimidating our contractors.

"They have been threatening the contractors by standing there saying there is no way they will allow this site to be built."

Residents claim the first they heard about the 15-metre high structure was when construction started.

The city council say 11 houses, which overlook the site, were sent letters about the application for the mast in July and no objections were raised, although some residents have since complained to them.

Leicestershire Police said they were called to a disturbance at the site but no protestors were present when they arrived.

A policeman said they will continue to monitor the situation. Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2005/02/03 06:34:14 GMT


-------Original Message-------

From: milt bowling
Date: 02/05/05 02:16:07
To: Robert Riedlinger

The woman from O2 calls the concerned citizens "irresponsible"? Is that the pot calling the kettle black or what?! When the police show up, the criminals at O2 should be arrested, not the protesters.


Here in Israel we also have an interesting case of pot calling the kettle black:

The environment ministry declared that there are going to be erected 18,000 more antennas for the 3G. One honest PM decided to fight this and is writing and talking to other PMs trying to convince them that Israel doesn't need the 3G and its antennas, he wants to cancell the 3G, because it's only unecessary functions like pictures etc and danger to health to erect so many antennas. So he published in the newspaper that he is trying to prevent the 18,000 new antennas (of them many have been already erected. Every day 12 new antennas are erected). And then, no less- the cellular companies went to the ethics committee in the parliament and released this: "To our amazement, PM Roman Bronfman distributed false information with no factual basis, according to which the companies are going to erect 18,000 transmission sites to receive the 3G services. The cellular companies think that the PM chose the easy way, without checking the facts, in order to create titles for himself" the cellular companies demand of him to apologize to them and to explain to the public why he chose to base himself on false data and release disinformation to the press. This is after the env. ministry had published several times in reports and newspapers and TV that it's no less than 18,000. And I would believe our ministry, because its working so close with the industry !....

Iris Atzmon

Iran and Syria hit back at Bush

President's vow to target Tehran and Damascus in push for peace and democracy causes anger and fear in region...


From Information Clearing House

Gonzales Nomination, Faith Leaders Seek Forgiveness

Church Folks for a Better America, today offered prayers seeking forgiveness for the US government's complicity in torture and for confirming a man who contributed to such an inconsistent policy.


A tortured defense:

Gonzales believes that its not torture unless the "mistreatment caused the kind of pain associated with "organ failure, impairment of bodily functions or even death"

Torturers' Tales:

A new book about the defendents at the Nuremberg Trials has chilling resonance to discussions of prisoner abuse today.

From Information Clearing House

Wounded in action

The forgotten casualties of the war: Haunted by his experiences as an army medic in Iraq, David McGough couldn't cope with life after his tour of duty. Yet it took two failed suicide attempts before he was diagnosed as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

80 Billion For What?

The Iraq War currently costs American taxpayers $1.5 billion a week. With 1,438 US fatalities and calls for withdrawal surfacing, the Bush Administration wants an additional $80 billion to maintain the occupation.


From Information Clearing House

Bush's liberty song echoes Vietnam tune

Bush talked of a now "free and sovereign Iraq" — although that probably comes as a surprise to the overwhelming majority of Iraqis who want the U.S. occupiers, who are building permanent bases there, out.

Elections’ Aftermath

Mainstream media and western pundits sold the elections as the ‘road toward democracy’. The opposite is true. The purpose of the elections was to persuade the outside world, particularly the US citizens, to support the occupation and US foreign policy.

Top Shiites push for an Islamic constitution

Large vote turnout boosts aspirations of religious coalition


From Information Clearing House

A Culture of Secrecy

What has happened to the principle that American democracy should be accessible and transparent?

By Charles Lewis

Investigators found that nearly every one of the 10 largest contracts awarded for work in Iraq and Afghanistan went to companies employing former high-ranking government officials...


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