


Jenna Bush to Volunteer for Front Lines in Iraq?


Informant: sash

FLUORIDATION - Mind Control of the Masses


Schöne neue Stadt: Wie der Sicherheitswahn die urbane Welt diszipliniert


Bayerischer Mauerbau

Die Äußerungen von Stoiber über Ostdeutschland verdeutlichen vor allem eines: Deutschland ist politisch auch weiterhin tief gespalten.



Time grows short.

An update from http://www.lifeboatnews.com

Paul Grignon

This thought for a banner-slogan entered my mind last night as I lay, trying to sleep...


This is not a joke.

Please use it.

WE can't afford not to.

Informant: Friends


The 2005 International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration of the United States


Informant: Debi Clark

Pétition pour faire enlever le Dr Michael REPACHOLI de son poste de Coordinateur Général de l'OMS pour le programme International des Champs Electro Magnétiques

ASL Infos

Pour que cela change, agissons . . . étape par étape . . . Soutenez la Pétition (avec texte d'explication) pour faire enlever le Dr Michael REPACHOLI de son poste de Coordinateur Général de l'OMS pour le programme International des Champs ElectroMagnétiques.

" Pour que cela change, agissons étape par étape . . ." Traduction par ASL France du texte de la Pétition .

OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) = WHO (World Health Organisation).

Cette pétition est faite pour enlever de son poste de Coordinateur général de l'OMS pour le Programme International des Champs ÉlectroMagnétiques, le Dr. Michaël Repacholi . Comme vous savez que l'OMS c'est établi une réputation très élevée dans des sujets de santé publique parmi le public et les gouvernements dans le monde entier. Sur le projet des CEM ils ne dévieront pas du cours de la science officielle qu'il soutient au plus haut point, sous les pressions des groupes d'intérêt ou des individus de renom. Les scientifiques indépendants font appels à des gens qui ne croient pas en leurs méthodes scientifiques pour résoudre les problèmes. Eux et d'autres ne peuvent jamais discuter avec les scientifiques de l'OMS et de leurs décisions, car la position de leurs réclamations est complètement discréditée par le monde issu de l'industrie. Notre critique précise ce qui est évident, mais face a leur science intrinsèque, ils n'en ont rien à faire. Voila comment Mike Repacholi place sa politique basée sur cette pseudoscience, mais l'autre qui est tout aussi primordiale, il ne l'indique pas. Comme nous avons noté dans le commentaire, beaucoup de gouvernements nationaux ont regardé le même corps des données scientifiques et ont favorisé des politiques de précaution. Ceux-ci incluent la Chine, l'Italie, la Suisse et la Russie. En outre, les équipes d'experts en Angleterre, en Allemagne et en Russie ont publié des bulletins de renseignements décourageant des enfants d'utiliser les t téléphones mobiles. Peut-être, il est plus facile que Michaël de nous éviter pour s'adresser à ceux qui cherchent à protéger la santé publique pour des milliards de personnes, y compris le gouvernement national de la Suisse, qui est le pays d'accueil. Comme nous avons énoncé à maintes reprises, l'OMS devrait être du côté de la santé publique, et non pas des intérêts de l'industrie de la téléphonie sans fil. http://www.microwavenews.com/fromthefield.html#Repflip Nous, les Soussignés, demandons à l'OMS pour les raisons sus mentionnées d' enlever Dr. Michaël Repacholi immédiatement de sa position de Coordinateur Général du Programme International des Champs ÉlectroMagnétiques parce qu'il pose un très grand problème d'image publique à l'OMS.

Un exemple de démission en FRANCE : L'Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire Environnementale (AFSSE) été créée en 2001 dans le but d'évaluer les risques, et d'aider les pouvoirs publics à assurer la sécurité des populations dans le domaine de la santé environnementale. Depuis plusieurs mois de nombreuses Associations dont ASL avait mis en cause son Directeur scientifique le Pr Denis ZMIROU, celui-ci vient de démissionner. Crise ouverte au sein de l'Afsse Le Figaro - 24 mai 2005 extrait "...Cette démission serait motivée pour des raisons qui tiennent à l'organisation de l'AFSSE." ASL pense plutôt que le Pr Denis ZMIROU à un conscience et surtout qu'il est un bon ... visionnaire ! Lire l'article du Monde : Pourquoi j'ai démissionné de l'AFSSE, par Denis Zmirou-Navier
http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,1-0@2-3232,36-660150@45-100,0.html Malgré lui, le Pr Denis ZMIROU se trouvait être "la pierre angulaire du volet santé" de la Téléphonie Mobile (TM) en France, le rapport qui porte son nom fait toujours référence officielle à l'AFSSE. Les Opérateurs regroupés au sein de l'Association Française des Opérateurs Mobile (AFOM) qui y faisaient aussi référence à tout va viennent de perdre leur principal atout, leur faire valoir, celui qui leur donné bonne conscience et du coup leur crédibilité par à la dérive.

Cliquetez le photo ci-dessous:


So that that changes, let us act. . . stage by stage. . . Support the Petition (with text of explanation) to make remove Dr. Michael REPACHOLI of his position of General Coordinator of WHO for the International program of the Electromagnetic Fields.

Petition to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi


Global Warming Continues To Accelerate Unabated

As a avid Weather Channel watcher......This and events like it....are happening every single day now....In HUGE numbers!...It is getting very hard for even the most resistant ones.... to ignore these any longer......I want Mother Earth to get her inhabitants attention....So we may honor her....and....heal her and all life upon her.

Absolutely Amazing!!

We are bearing witness...to a BIG CHANGE or a SHIFT....and after this takes place.....

Wonderful things.....Things that have not even been imagined are awaiting man/woman kind.

See these things taking place...and know...(As the Bible says)....Your deliverance is near.......


With Love and Peace!


-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [earthchange-bulletins] Global Warming Continues To Accelerate Unabated Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 23:07:55 -0700 From: Michael Mandeville

PHOENIX FIVE EARTH CHANGES BULLETIN August 11, 2005 by MW Mandeville in Sedona

BULLETIN ITEM: Global Warming Continues To Accelerate Unabated

Climate Warning as Siberia Melts By Fred Pearce NewScientist.com

Thursday 11 August 2005

The world's largest frozen peat bog is melting. An area stretching for a million square kilometres across the permafrost of western Siberia is turning into a mass of shallow lakes as the ground melts, according to Russian researchers just back from the region.

The sudden melting of a bog the size of France and Germany combined could unleash billions of tonnes of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.

The news of the dramatic transformation of one of the world's least visited landscapes comes from Sergei Kirpotin, a botanist at Tomsk State University, Russia, and Judith Marquand at the University of Oxford.

Kirpotin describes an "ecological landslide that is probably irreversible and is undoubtedly connected to climatic warming". He says that the entire western Siberian sub-Arctic region has begun to melt, and this "has all happened in the last three or four years".

What was until recently a featureless expanse of frozen peat is turning into a watery landscape of lakes, some more than a kilometre across. Kirpotin suspects that some unknown critical threshold has been crossed, triggering the melting.

Western Siberia has warmed faster than almost anywhere else on the planet, with an increase in average temperatures of some 3 °C in the last 40 years. The warming is believed to be a combination of man-made climate change, a cyclical change in atmospheric circulation known as the Arctic oscillation, plus feedbacks caused by melting ice, which exposes bare ground and ocean. These absorb more solar heat than white ice and snow.

Similar warming has also been taking place in Alaska: earlier this summer Jon Pelletier of the University of Arizona in Tucson reported a major expansion of lakes on the North Slope fringing the Arctic Ocean.

The findings from western Siberia follow a report two months ago that thousands of lakes in eastern Siberia have disappeared in the last 30 years, also because of climate change (New Scientist, 11 June, p 16). This apparent contradiction arises because the two events represent opposite end of the same process, known as thermokarsk.

In this process, rising air temperatures first create "frost-heave", which turns the flat permafrost into a series of hollows and hummocks known as salsas. Then as the permafrost begins to melt, water collects on the surface, forming ponds that are prevented from draining away by the frozen bog beneath. The ponds coalesce into ever larger lakes until, finally, the last permafrost melts and the lakes drain away underground.

Siberia's peat bogs formed around 11,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. Since then they have been generating methane, most of which has been trapped within the permafrost, and sometimes deeper in ice-like structures known as clathrates. Larry Smith of the University of California, Los Angeles, estimates that the west Siberian bog alone contains some 70 billion tonnes of methane, a quarter of all the methane stored on the land surface worldwide.

His colleague Karen Frey says if the bogs dry out as they warm, the methane will oxidise and escape into the air as carbon dioxide. But if the bogs remain wet, as is the case in western Siberia today, then the methane will be released straight into the atmosphere. Methane is 20 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide.

In May this year, Katey Walter of the University of Alaska Fairbanks told a meeting in Washington of the Arctic Research Consortium of the US that she had found methane hotspots in eastern Siberia, where the gas was bubbling from thawing permafrost so fast it was preventing the surface from freezing, even in the midst of winter.

An international research partnership known as the Global Carbon Project earlier this year identified melting permafrost as a major source of feedbacks that could accelerate climate change by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. "Several hundred billion tonnes of carbon could be released," said the project's chief scientist, Pep Canadell of the CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research in Canberra, Australia.


Best Wishes, Michael Wells Mandeville, The Hills of Arizona USA at
Master Website Index is at: http://www.michaelmandeville.com

Author of "Return of the Phoenix" at

Author of "The Coming Economic Collapse of 2006" at

Author of "Earth Changes Almanac & Calendar 2003"

To check the latest status of the Change In The Earth and the location of Earth's Axis, go to:

To connect with the on-going Phoenix Quest, go to:

Omega-News Collection 13. August 2005

The End is Nigh: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century

Where has all the water gone?


Climate Warning as Siberia Melts

World Land Use Is Top Environmental Issue

Help stop the attack on the Endangered Species Act

Act now to protect the UK's whales and dolphins from harm

Rocky Mountain Front's Future on the Block in New Travel Plan

Genetic Contamination Spreads in 'GM-Free' Australia

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 13. August 2005

EMF-Omega-News 13. August 2005

Chromosomal damage in human diploid fibroblasts by intermittent exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields


Three papers from Hardell

Case-control study of the association between the use of cellular and cordless telephones and malignant brain tumors diagnosed during 2000-2003

Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients Diagnosed 2000-2003

Statistics of Morbidity in the zone close to the antennas relay of Orange - Statistiques de Morbidité dans la zone proche des antennes relais d’Orange

Prof Olle Johansson's comments on EHS research

Petition to remove Repacholi (Update)

David Hook another brain cancer victim

Protooncogenes start to act as oncogenes for they have (known) sequences in the DNA

A message from the U.S. Brain Tumor Registry

On the Non-ionizing Radiation Red Herring

Austrian doctor’s group warns of excessive mobile phone use by children


Message/enquiry to MOA

Orange applies at CREST not the Principle of Precaution, but the Principle of Economy on the back of the health of the Residents - Orange, après s’être affranchie des réglementations d’urbanisme, applique à CREST

Masts and TETRA forum 19th July 05

Families declare war on T-Mobile mast

Mast emissions to be monitored

Health and mobiles, deputies over the same wavelength - Santé et mobiles, les députés sur la même longueur d'onde

Sooner or later, the links between base station emissions and adverse health effects will be established beyond any doubt

Fed-up councillors threaten to resign after abuse at meeting

Residents celebrate mobile mast victory


Mast ruling signals victory for mobile phone protesters


Mast protesters fear for future

Councillor calls on Inspector to dismiss Appeal

Fife council turn down request for larger mast

Sneaky operator tactics in school holidays

Telford Council to review mast policy

Council calling for a mast policy to govern where masts are built

Marlborough Mast Appeal Allowed by Inspector







Vodafone plans mobile mast next to NHS surgery

Mobile mast protesters fear health risk

Mass lawsuit in Summary procedure against Orange - Procès de masse en Référé contre Orange



Council’s ‘hands tied’ over phone mast plan


Cancer worries over police station mast


Locate your child the same way they locate terrorists: Another excuse for masts at any expense?

Pilots get cataracts

The sad state of “science for the public” in Australia

EMF RAPID Interagency Committee Report has never been presented to Congress


News from Mast Sanity

Omega-News Collection 13. August 2005

Bush hints at military option for Iran


Informant: Kev Hall

Who Killed the Children of Baghdad….the Occupation and its Supporters, or the Resistance?


Informant: Charles Bremer

A Childish Theory

Charley Reese
August 9, 2005

As of this writing, more than 1,800 young Americans have died in Iraq. The combined cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is $340 billion. This is what happens when we elect people who refuse to accept the limits set by the United States Constitution.

The Constitution gave us a government to govern America, not the world. It is none of our business what forms of government other countries have, just as it is none of our business whether the women in a foreign country wear burkhas or bikinis.
Surely you realize by now that either the Bush administration knew Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction or, even scarier, was dumb enough to believe it did have them. On Sept. 11, 2001, we had one enemy – a terrorist organization that calls itself al-Qaida. Instead of limiting our response to taking out that organization, President George Bush declared war on the world.

He bought the childishly unrealistic theory, concocted by mostly pro-Israeli neoconservatives, that we could take out Saddam Hussein and install a Jeffersonian democracy in Iraq, and that this fine example would spread liberal democracy to the entire Middle East. This was going to be cheap and easy, they said. It was not only a childish and simplistic theory, it was stupid. It's what you would expect from a bunch of mostly academics who have never heard the sound of gunfire and who don't read or speak Arabic, much less have ever spent any time in the area. [...] Read the rest at LewRockwell.com:

© Virginia Metze


Meet Cindy

Hello from the Green Dog --

If you hadn't heard much about Cindy Sheehan before August 6 -- and it's likely that you had heard a pretty fair amount -- you certainly have heard a really big amount since then, haven't you?

Probably the best explanation of why she is now so high-profile is in an editorial in The New York Times of Aug. 9. 2005. To wit --

"Summertime often produces unexpected media figures, and this is Cindy Sheehan's season. Ms. Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq last year, is camping out near President George Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tex., and says she won't leave until Mr. Bush agrees to meet with her to discuss the war. [1] There are many reasons for the flood of media attention she is attracting: she has a poignant personal story and she is articulate -- and, let's face it, August is a slow news month. But most of all, she is tapping into a growing popular feeling that the Bush administration is out of touch with the realities, and the costs, of the Iraq war. [...] Read more about Cindy Sheehan at this mirror site
http://www.eurolegal.org/greendogdem/gdd0805/20050809gdd.htm or
http://tinyurl.com/8ekhn A number of other articles about Sheehan follow this one on the web site.

© Virginia Metze

MoveOn enters the Cindy Sheehan support effort

MoveOn enters the Cindy Sheehan support effort by running ad in Crawford paper!

You may want to read and sign their petition at

© Virginia Metze

Pharmaceuticals are still more deadly than terrorists


Informant: Friends

End this chorus of intolerance

It is uncivilised to demand that Muslims abandon their way of life.

Terror's Greatest Recruitment Tool

What propelled at least some of the bombers was rage at what they saw as extreme racism. And what else can we call the belief--so prevalent we barely notice it--that American and European lives are worth more than the lives of Arabs and Muslims.


From Information Clearing House

Public Will Get Better View Of Cost Of War

The American people -- sheltered for the last two years from some photos of the grim reality of the war in Iraq -- are beginning to see more images of the kind that had previously been suppressed.


From Information Clearing House

My sadness at the privatisation of Iraq

The US transnational companies are taking over — and they'll benefit for years to come.


From Information Clearing House

"Quick Strike" causes civilian casualties in western Iraq

"What is happening in Haqlaniyam, Browana and Haditha is a disaster. Bodies are in the streets or buried under the rubble for days, but US forces do not allow people to move and claim the bodies. This totally ran counter to basic human rights," 33 year- old Flah Ahmed told Xinhua.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan Calls for Mass Demos at Bush's Crawford Ranch

Protest on the Range

Audio and Transcript. Click Here To Listen


Cindy Sheehan

Blair's New Authoritarianism

Terror and Democracy

By Tariq Ali

In the face of terror attacks Anglo-Saxon politicians mouth the same rhetoric. One sentence in particular--shrouded in layers of untruth--is constantly repeated: 'We shall not permit these attacks to change our way of life.' It is a multi-purpose mantra. The first aim is to convince the public that the terrorists are crazed Muslims who are bombing modernity/democracy/freedom/ 'our values', etc.


It is not only Iraq that is occupied, America is too

My country is in the grip of a president surrounded by thugs in suits

By Howard Zinn

More Americans are beginning to feel, like the soldiers in Iraq, that something is terribly wrong. More and more every day the lies are being exposed. And then there is the largest lie, that everything the US does is to be pardoned because we are engaged in a "war on terrorism", ignoring the fact that war is itself terrorism, that barging into homes and taking away people and subjecting them to torture is terrorism, that invading and bombing other countries does not give us more security but less.


What Noble Cause?


What noble cause?
by Josef Hand-Boniakowski


The U.S. system inculcates obedience to the State. It indoctrinates children from a very early age in the schools to parrot the Pledge of Allegiance. The words of the National Anthem sung at sporting events state that we are 'the land of the free and the home of the brave.' However, the free are not those confined to paying their respects to fallen comrades within the narrow parameters as defined by the State. Telling my Vietnam combat veteran friend how he can mourn is not living in the land of the free. His resistance, however, is testament to our still being in the home of brave...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

This is George Bush's Accountability Moment


Crawford Update and Info


Cindy Sheehan

Reaction develops as Cindy Sheehan's protest swells

[Some pieces on Cindy Sheehan's quest for a meeting with the president in Crawford, Texas, which has swelled into a major media saga:

-- (1) The *Los Angeles Times* described how, after "President Bush today passed within 100 feet of the roadside encampment where the mother of an Iraq war casualty was inviting him to stop and talk, but his motorcade passed by the protest site without making contact," the president went to a "fund-raising event organized by the Republican National Committee and held at the Broken Spoke Ranch, owned by Stan and Kathy Hickey of Crawford. They were joined at the event by political advisor Karl Rove. Inside a large, air-conditioned tent decorated in a Western motif, the Bushes and about 200 RNC donors lunched on barbecued lamb, sausage, ribs, brisket and turkey breast, served family style with creamed corn, mashed potatoes, black-eyed peas, and okra. The lunch had been expected to generate about $2 million in contributions."

-- (2) The *Washington Post* reported in a story for Saturday's front page that Cindy Sheehan was now "working with a political consultant and a team of public relations professionals." The *Post* identified CodePink, TrueMajority, Fenton Communications, and Joe Trippi (who engineered Howard Dean's early successes) as among those working with her, and said the web site of the
*American Spectator* and "the Heart of Texas chapter of FreeRepublic.com, an online conservative forum" were gearing up to oppose her campaign. The *Post* also reported that her quest "has divided parts of her own family, some of whom sent an e-mail to news organizations distancing themselves from her protest."

-- (3) Reporting that Sheehan stated that she has separated from her husband "as a result of the war, and of her activism," the *New York Times* said that her vigil has "been able to focus what had become a scattershot antiwar effort." The *Times* report emphasized the growing reaction "from those who say her son's death does not give her the authority to criticize the war. The Fox News television host Bill O'Reilly has called her 'treasonous,' conservative bloggers have accused her of furthering a liberal agenda, and one local shopkeeper suggested unleashing skunks on her and her supporters to drive them out of town. Casey Kelley, 61, a semiretired real estate broker from Colorado who drove 1,000 miles in her camper with her dog, Lucky, to help Ms. Sheehan, said: 'It's us versus them again. I haven't felt this since the Vietnam War.'"

-- Oddly, no one is mentioning how apt for the situation are the lyrics of John Fogerty's 2004 song, "Déjà Vu (All Over Again)": http://www.ufppc.org/content/view/1577/ "Day after day, another momma's crying/She's lost her precious child to a war that has no end." --Mark]



Los Angeles Times August 12, 2005


CRAWFORD, Texas -- President Bush today passed within 100 feet of the roadside encampment where the mother of an Iraq war casualty was inviting him to stop and talk, but his motorcade passed by the protest site without making contact.

The fleeting encounter between the president's entourage and the antiwar assembly organized by Cindy Sheehan occurred near Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch, where he and First Lady Laura Bush are spending a five-week summer vacation.

On their way to a Republican fund-raising event at a neighbor's ranch about three miles away, the Bushes passed directly by Camp Casey, the tent camp named after Sheehan's son, a 24-year-old Army mechanic who was killed in action in Iraq.

Although she met briefly with Bush after her son's death in April 2004, Sheehan has said she wants to talk to the president again about her objections to the war effort. She began her vigil Saturday, and has promised to stay in Crawford until Bush either meets with her or returns to Washington in early September.

As the president and first lady drove by shortly after 11 a.m. in a black Suburban sports-utility vehicle with dark tinted windows, Sheehan held up a sign asking, "Why do you make time for donors and not for me?"

Sheehan, of Vacaville, Calif., was joined by several dozen activists who stood behind a cordon of yellow police tape inside the triangular grassy median at the intersection of three country roads several miles west of Crawford. Facing them were at least a dozen Texas state troopers and county sheriff's officers.

Other demonstrators carried signs saying "Iraq Is Arabic For Vietnam" and "Bring Them Home Now." Some activists flashed peace symbols with their hands or held small white wooden crosses bearing the names of Iraq war casualties.

Along the roadside were hundreds of similar crosses and a growing number of tents and banners erected in recent days by Sheehan supporters, including other families of war casualties. One sign said, cryptically, "Republican Headquarters."

Organizers said as many as 300 activists have arrived in Crawford, and more were expected.

Participants in the event said they were disappointed that the president had not stopped at the encampment. "It would have been nice if he had, but we didn't expect he would," said Lietta Rugar of Bay Center, Wash., as a security helicopter circled overhead.

After the motorcade passed by, the demonstrators attended a prayer serviced led by the Rev. Bob Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches in New York.

On Thursday, Bush expressed sympathy for Sheehan and others like her, but gave no indication that he planned to meet with her again. "She feels strongly about her position," Bush said. "And she has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America."

After Friday's drive-by, the White House said Bush's views have not changed.

"The president made clear in his comments yesterday that he sympathizes with Ms. Sheehan," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. "He has met with Ms. Sheehan before, as he has with hundreds of military families. The pain of those who have lost loved ones is shared by the president and the American people."

The Bushes spent more than two hours at the fund-raising event organized by the Republican National Committee and held at the Broken Spoke Ranch, owned by Stan and Kathy Hickey of Crawford. They were joined at the event by political advisor Karl Rove.

Inside a large, air-conditioned tent decorated in a Western motif, the Bushes and about 200 RNC donors lunched on barbecued lamb, sausage, ribs, brisket and turkey breast, served family style with creamed corn, mashed potatoes, black-eyed peas and okra. The lunch had been expected to generate about $2 million in contributions.

On the way back to their own ranch, the presidential motorcade passed by Camp Casey a second time, again without stopping.

Gold Star Families for Peace, one of the groups sponsoring in Sheehan's anti-war effort, said it had paid $15,000 for TV ads that would begin running on Crawford cable channels near Bush's ranch. It said the ads ask Bush: "How many more of our loved ones need to die in this senseless war?"

The group said it planned to hold a rally at noon Saturday in a Crawford park, and then proceed by caravan to Camp Casey.

Earlier Friday, Bush taped his Saturday radio address, received his regular briefing, and went on a bike ride at the ranch, White House spokesman Trent Duffy said. The president was scheduled to attend a Little League baseball regional championship game Saturday evening in nearby Waco.




** In a Tent Near Bush's Ranch, Antiwar Mother of Dead Soldier Gains Visibility **

Washington Post August 13, 2005 Page A01


http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/photo/2005/08/12/PH2005081201942.jpg CAPTION: The antiwar protest of Cindy Sheehan, standing in front of the banner, established a base along the road to President Bush's ranch near Crawford, Tex.]

CRAWFORD, Tex. -- Cindy Sheehan vaulted into national consciousness this month on the power of her story as the grieving mother of a fallen solider.

But what began as a solitary campaign to force a meeting with President Bush by setting up camp along the road to his ranch has quickly taken on the full trappings of a political campaign. Sheehan is working with a political consultant and a team of public relations professionals, and now she is featured in a television ad.

Sheehan began her protest here last Saturday after crisscrossing the country for more than a year demanding answers on why Bush continues to wage what she calls an unjust war in Iraq. After her son Casey Sheehan, 24, was killed in Baghdad last year, she founded Gold Star Families for Peace, an antiwar organization that labored largely in obscurity -- until now.

In part, Sheehan's case has echoed as her grievances merged with what polls show is growing dissatisfaction with the war. But her cause has also been aided by political organizers who swiftly mobilized around her -- recognizing an opportunity to cause acute discomfort for a vacationing president and put a powerful emotional frame around the antiwar movement.

No one watching cable television news this week, dominated by coverage of Sheehan's crusade, could doubt that they largely achieved their aim.

Sheehan's Crawford encampment has swollen in the past week, as other antiwar protesters have flocked to Texas. Members of CodePink, a women's antiwar organization, have pitched their tent near Sheehan's.

TrueMajority, an antiwar group founded by Ben Cohen -- one of the creators of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream -- hired Fenton Communications, a Washington public relations firm that has worked intermittently with Sheehan over the past year to coordinate media coverage.

With this help, Sheehan has courted coverage from the traveling White House press corps with a news conference. A schedule of when relatives of other military casualties in Iraq are expected to join Sheehan here was distributed to reporters. Her team is coordinating an antiwar rally planned for Saturday.

Joe Trippi, the political consultant behind former Vermont governor Howard Dean's early success in the 2004 Democratic presidential primary race, hosted a conference with Sheehan for liberal Internet bloggers, hoping their online dispatches will draw even wider attention.

On Saturday, Sheehan launched a TV ad campaign hoping to achieve what her roadside vigil so far has not: a second chance to directly tell Bush about the devastation she has experienced since her son's death.

"Mr. President, I want to tell you face to face how much this hurts," Sheehan says in the ad, which will air with only a modest $15,000 buy of airtime in Waco, the nearest broadcast market to Bush's 1,600-acre spread. "How many more of our loved ones need to die in this senseless war?"

The rising profile of Sheehan's vigil has proved awkward for the president's staff, which has been reluctant to publicly refute the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, even as they do not wish to be seen as bowing to what they view as an orchestrated publicity campaign. On Friday, as Bush's motorcade whizzed by Sheehan's camp on the way to a nearby barbecue expected to raise $2 million for the Republican National Committee, Sheehan held up a sign saying "Why do you make time for donors and not for me?"

Bush has been publicly respectful, responding to Sheehan's case with reporters on Thursday and saying he has thought "long and hard about her position," even though he disagrees with her about the war.

Still, as Sheehan has stepped onto the media stage, she has become a target in the way that happens inevitably to anyone involved in high-stakes political combat -- with opponents questioning her motives and examining her statements for contradictions.

"Despite what the headlines say, Sheehan, 48, is more antiwar protester than grieving mother," said a column Friday in the online version of the *American Spectator*. "She is co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, an organization that seeks to impeach George W. Bush and apparently to convince the U.S. government to surrender to Muslim terrorists."

Meanwhile, the Heart of Texas chapter of FreeRepublic.com, an online conservative forum, has scheduled a demonstration here for Saturday to counteract Sheehan's protest and show support for Bush and the war.

Others also have raised questions about Sheehan's account of her first meeting with Bush, which occurred two months after her son's death in April 2004. Sheehan was part of a larger group of grieving family members who met with Bush at Fort Lewis in Washington state.

After the meeting, she was quoted by the newspaper in her hometown of Vacaville, Calif., as saying that the president seemed sympathetic. Subsequently, she has said that Bush treated her callously during the meeting.

Sheehan said her initial reaction to Bush reflected her shock over her son's death. In addition, she said she grew increasingly angry toward Bush as it became clear that the United States had not found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and evidence emerged that the administration had discussed an invasion of Iraq before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. She has said that she has become further angered as the administration has sent mixed signals about its plans for withdrawing troops from Iraq.

While Sheehan's protest has galvanized support among antiwar activists, it has divided parts of her own family, some of whom sent an e-mail to news organizations distancing themselves from her protest.

"We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the expense of her son's good name and reputation," read an e-mail sent to the *Reporter* newspaper, in Vacaville. The e-mail was signed by Casey Sheehan's aunt Cherie Quartarolo on behalf of his paternal grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

"The Sheehan family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving," the e-mail says. "The rest of the Sheehan family supports the troops, our country and our president, silently, with prayer and respect."

Sheehan, however, told the paper that the admonition came from in-laws who often disagreed with her.

"We have always been on separate sides of the fence politically and I have not spoken to them since the elections when they supported the man who is responsible for Casey's death," Sheehan said. "The thing that matters to me is that my family, Casey's dad and my other three kids, are on the same side of the fence that I am."




By Anne E. Kornblut

New York Times August 13, 2005


http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2005/08/13/national/13crawford.1.583.jpg CAPTION: Cindy Sheehan, third from left, whose son was killed in Iraq, and other protesters watched President Bush's motorcade pass Friday in Crawford, Tex.]

CRAWFORD, Tex. -- This is not the place to expect a sighting of Viggo Mortensen, the star of "The Lord of the Rings." Or at least it wasn't when President Bush began his annual vacation here earlier this month.

But something has happened to Crawford over the last week. The sleepy summer air has been punctured by a blast of antiwar energy, with carloads of activists appearing every afternoon to join a vigil begun by the mother of a soldier who died in Iraq.

Flowers are delivered by the dozen at Camp Casey, as the muddy outpost established by the mother, Cindy Sheehan, near the Bush ranch is now called. White crosses have been hammered into the dirt, pink banners strewn across the trees, the police posted at bends in the road to wave gawkers along.

When Mr. Mortensen drove up the dusty lane unannounced on Thursday to huddle with Ms. Sheehan in a roadside trailer, it was just one more jarring sight in a small town accustomed to seeing mostly the reporters and buttoned-down administration officials it has come to know over the last five years.

No one has been more challenged by the round-the-clock campsite than Mr. Bush, who sped past in his motorcade for the first time on Friday and, as expected, did not stop to grant Ms. Sheehan's request for a meeting.

But even before Ms. Sheehan arrived, this sort of challenge was not entirely an unexpected one for Mr. Bush, who by the end of this summer will have spent more time away from the White House than any other president in history. His five-week sojourn at his 1,600-acre ranch offers the protesters ample opportunity to camp out for extended periods in front of the national media at a time of sharp spikes in the casualties in Iraq, and as public polling data suggests the lowest support for the war since it began.

Thus has Ms. Sheehan's vigil been able to focus what had become a scattershot antiwar effort. And in the process, she has triggered resentment in Crawford, within her own divided family, and across the nation, from those who say her son's death does not give her the authority to criticize the war. The Fox News television host Bill O'Reilly has called her "treasonous," conservative bloggers have accused her of furthering a liberal agenda, and one local shopkeeper suggested unleashing skunks on her and her supporters to drive them out of town.

Casey Kelley, 61, a semiretired real estate broker from Colorado who drove 1,000 miles in her camper with her dog, Lucky, to help Ms. Sheehan, said: "It's us versus them again. I haven't felt this since the Vietnam War."

How one 48-year-old woman from Vacaville, Calif., invigorated the antiwar movement, altered the landscape of the president's vacation town and drew a Hollywood celebrity out into the Texas heat may be as much the result of external factors as Ms. Sheehan's compelling tale. Unlike earlier Crawford protests that lasted a day or two and drew little attention outside Texas, her encampment, now entering its second week, has turned into a daily stage for interviews and encounters between the war's advocates and critics.

On Friday, as Ms. Sheehan waited for the presidential motorcade to come by, she was approached by a soldier from Fort Hood, Tex., who had been in Iraq and wanted to challenge her view that there is nothing good about the war. She pulled him away from the glare of the cameras to explain the impact of her son's death. Afterward, she said the soldier had admitted that his mother would probably be protesting as well if he died.

"I told him, I think we both agree, we want the troops to come home as soon as possible," she said later, as she rested in a trailer. "The difference is our definition of 'soon.' "

The toll of her son's death has carried over into Ms. Sheehan's marriage: She said she and her husband separated a few months ago as a result of the war, and of her activism. Although she and her estranged husband are both Democrats, she said she is more liberal than he is, and now, more radicalized.

"He agrees with the philosophy of what I'm doing," Ms. Sheehan said, "but not the intensity. He wanted me to pull back, but I couldn't. We grieved in two completely different ways."

Earlier this week, relatives on Mr. Sheehan's side of the family issued public statements attacking Ms. Sheehan for her protest. Only her surviving son, Adam, will join her at the site in a few weeks; her two daughters are in Europe, she said, "hopefully enjoying themselves" after a year of grieving.

Ms. Sheehan's natural, sincere look and earthy appearance on television do not betray the semiprofessional operation running the show at Camp Casey: organizers from Code Pink, a women's peace organization, and a public relations expert from Fenton Communications, are in constant Blackberry and cellphone communication with the news media and keep careful watch of Ms. Sheehan's schedule.

They said the bills for their work are being paid by donations and various groups.

In another publicity-savvy move, Ms. Sheehan and a group of military families known as Gold Star Families for Peace released a $15,000 television advertisement buy in the Crawford area on Friday. "This ad is intended to act as a message to President Bush," Ms. Sheehan said in the advertisement, according to a press release. "All I wanted was an hour out of his extended vacation time, but he's refused to meet with me and the other military families. We just want honest answers."

Helping the cause further are volunteers from the Crawford Peace House, a worn cottage that opened in 2003 as a gathering spot for antiwar protesters who occasionally come through town.

Organizers at the house played host to a few events in the 2004 campaign, including an outdoor screening of Michael Moore's movie "Fahrenheit 9/11," but its driveway has never been more crowded than over the last few days. By Wednesday night, as false rumors of an altercation with the police near the Bush ranch spread, volunteers took turns answering the constantly ringing phone and stirring pots of vegetable stew to take to the demonstrators.

One woman took a call from a stranger in Portland, Ore., who had researched the name Sheehan and reported that it means "peacemaker" in the Irish language.

Another visitor came through the front door wanting to know if legal advice was needed. Volunteers streamed in and out of the house, taking handfuls of trail mix that had been set out and admiring the piles of flower bouquets sent to Ms. Sheehan in care of the antiwar group.

Back at Camp Casey, there have been moments of tension between the protesters and local residents. Neighbors have driven pick-ups through mud puddles, revved their engines and careened close to the vigil. By Friday, rumors of a counterprotest were rampant; the demonstrators braced for a reported busload of pro-war activists from Dallas. By late afternoon, they had not arrived.

But a woman from Ohio had driving two days with her 13-year-old son to see Ms. Sheehan and express her support. Jill Forsythe, 43, a computer programmer, said she made the trip from Dayton because she had, simply, "been following the story on the Internet and I just wanted Cindy to know I support her."


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan to run for Congress? Rep. or Sen.?

Letter To Cindy Sheehan
Address: http://www.rense.com/general67/let.htm

---> The Gaelic Starover: ---> Run, Cindy, Run! Address:

The Savaging Of Cindy Sheehan Address:

Informant: ranger116

Cindy Sheehan

9/11 Revisionism, Revisited


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Why the State Hates Cholesterol


A Reality Check for Corporate America


Supreme Saviors


Fight for your country: The Most Honorable Thing a Patriot Could Do


Cindy Sheehan



Österreich, das bessere Deutschland?



Dr. Claus Scheingraber 12-08-05

Beitrag zur Handysteuer in Österreich

Österreich, das bessere Deutschland ?

12.08.2005 - Dr. Claus Scheingraber – Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie e.V.

Die Österreicher scheinen es uns wieder einmal vorzumachen. Die Alpenrepublik hat nicht nur halb so viele Arbeitslose, sondern auch in Sachen Mobilfunk scheinen unsere Nachbarn ideenreicher und klüger zu handeln als wir Deutschen.

Wenn am 1. Januar 2006 die niederösterreichische Handymasten-Steuer in Kraft tritt, dann könnten einige Teile in dem österreichischen Bundesland zur handyfreien Zone werden. Nach Aussage der Österreichischen Mobilfunkbetreiber könnten einige Gebieten deren Einwohnerdichte unter 40 Personen pro Quadratkilometer liegt zur „Mobilfunkfreien Zone“ werden, weil sich der Betrieb durch die Miete und die neue Steuer nicht mehr rentiert.

Endlich, so könnte man sagen werden „Handyfreie Zonen“ geschaffen, die den durch Mobilfunkstrahlung Schwerbetroffenen wieder einen lebenswerten Raum bieten. Die Absicht der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung ist es den Wildwuchs der Antennenmasten einzudämmen, sie schafft aber – ungewolltermaßen – wieder mehr Lebensqualität für (leidgeplagte) Menschen.

Der Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie e.V. hat schon vor über 10 Jahren eine Handysteuer gefordert und ist dafür belacht worden. Stellen Sie sich mal vor für jedes Handy würde pro Monat eine Handysteuer von 1 € erhoben. Bei 70 Millionen registrierten Handys würde das im Jahr über 800 Millionen € erbringen! Dieses Geld sollte sowohl für die Erforschung nieder- und hochfrequenter Felder eingesetzt werden als auch für die Ansparung eines Fonds der in 10 Jahren zur Finanzierung der bis dahin auftretenden HF-Schäden verwandt wird.

Sicher werden diese Vorschläge die helle Empörung der Mobilfunkbetreiber und unserer Politiker auslösen, aber gerade ein Blick über die südliche Landesgrenze zeigt uns doch, dass es auch anders geht. Das Hauptargument der Mobilfunkbetreiber wird sein, dass dann einige Regionen keine schnell erreichbaren Rettungsdienste mehr haben und Menschen sterben müssen. Wenn so von Betreiberseite argumentiert wird, dann muss man eine Gegenrechnung aufmachen, die lautet: wie viele Menschen verunglücken mit ihrem Auto, weil sie während der Autofahrt mit dem Handy telefoniert haben.

Ich kenne Untersuchungen, die belegen, dass der Volkswirtschaft mehr Schäden durch Handyunfälle entstehen als Nutzen durch rasche Hilfe. Ich weiß, es ist unethisch menschliches Leben mit Geld aufzuwiegen, aber die Diskussion zu diesem Thema ist nicht von mir erfunden worden sondern durch die Vertretern der Mobilfunkbetreiber auf unzähligen Podiumsdiskussionen und Mobilfunk-Werbeveranstaltungen.

Haben wir den Mut und machen es den Österreichern nach! Der AEB fordert unsere Politiker auf, erhebt endlich Steuern auf Mobilfunkstationen und Handys !

Herzliche Grüße aus dem Ferienland Österreich

Claus Scheingraber

Chemtrails - Verschwörung am Himmel



Chemtrails in der BILD-Zeitung



Cancer worries over police station mast




Council’s ‘hands tied’ over phone mast plan




In this story councellor John Mugglestone says all has been done to oppose the mast and a case against 3 would have been lost for sure. Not true. Rio 1992 and art. 174 European Treaty say that if there are strong indications (even if scientific proof is not 100%) that environmental pollution threatens health, then officials HAVE TO take measures to reduce the risks. There are strong indications (all the epdidemiologica research finds negative health effects for those in the vicinity of masts - see http://www.stopumts.nl and there is a huge body of evidence by testimonials; half of the laboratory research shows negative effects on health, so the only question is why the other half does not represent true life, what are the missing parameters) that the environmental pollution by radiofrequency radiation has negative effects on health. There is no jurisprudence yet based on this principle anchored in international law, except for one case in Haaksbergen, The Netherlands. There, in summary proceedings the case against Vodafone was won and now the long procedure has started.



All credit to mother-of-two Barbara Potter who tied herself to the base station of a mast in Nether Hall Road, Leicester, before workmen arrived with the mast on a truck. Despite a petition of 78 signatures against the mast, a spokesman for 3, is reported to warn that ultimately, the mast would go up as they have planning permission for that site.

This is an act of honour from a brave woman on a crusade against this bullying approach of forcing mast installations on people who do not want them in their area.


While I acknowledge the honour and bravery of this woman and totally understand her motivation, I do worry that this approach will ultimately achieve nothing, or that local people might find themselves in trouble with the law. Operators and their lawyers have no regard for ordinary people.

Her community should contact the local MP and flood him/her with letters asking for changes in planning procedures. It is the Government they need to put pressure on, not the council. This Government is putting pressure on councils to pass these applications by threatening to withhold part of the financial budget for councils who refuse too many applications which are overturned at appeal. What would communites do if essential services were cut or council tax was increased? Protest? Having said that, communites could try to talk to elected councillors to see if it is possible to work together and find a way to keep these masts at bay, or they could contact Mast Sanity for advice on how to object to planning applications now it is so restricted. Some communities are also staging peaceful protests at regular intervals to make the media, and therefore MPs and Government, aware of their feelings about masts in communities.

To me it does not seem fair that those who are protecting their families or their basic human rights should end up in trouble with the law, so I have presented the lawful ways to try to achieve what they want.




Team Kucinich Going to Crawford: In Solidarity with Cindy Sheehan


The vigil of Cindy Sheehan and those supporting her outside President Bush's ranch in Texas continues.


Crawford is about 20 miles from Waco, TX - about two hours south of the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

At kucinich.us we have a discussion forum about the Crawford vigil http://www.kucinich.us/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3409

In Crawford and around the world we bear witness to President Bush's response to Cindy's simple request for dialogue about the very personal, human cost of the war in Iraq. From our hearts we reach out to every family who has lost a loved one, or whose child, partner, sister or brother serves in Iraq. We are all in this together. No one is untouched by this war.

Team Kucinich Updates http://www.kucinich.us

Informant: Bigraccoon

Cindy Sheehan

Is the need to protect petrodollars a cause for US hostility to Iran?


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Cindy Sheehan Update 2

Informant: NHNE

Cindy Sheehan

050813 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


On the Non-ionizing Radiation Red Herring

Response to Lloyd Morgan’s message from Iris Atzmon:


Lloyd wanted responses from the public, I think it would be very interesting for him to read what Dr. Robert Kane has written about the ionizing/ non-ionizing and the mechanism, Lloyd and Kane complement each others messages:


Regards, Iris.

Note: Robert Kane is the author of “Cellular telephone Russian Roulette”

On the Non-ionizing Radiation Red Herring

Robert Kane

Reports relating radiofrequency (RF) energy exposures to humans seem inevitably to note distinctions between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. For those not formally trained as scientific researchers, and even for non-physicist bioeffects professionals, there persists a notion that this demarcation, ionizing versus non-ionizing, establishes some barrier separating hazardous from non-hazardous exposures. The common argument holds that since x-rays and ultraviolet rays are ionizing radiations known to cause various kinds of cancers that it must only be ionizing radiation that causes cancer. The truth of the matter is that researchers don’t know that the ionizing capability of the radiation is the causative mechanism.

Ionization as it is referred to in this context means the liberating of an electron from an atom. Only electromagnetic radiation of sufficient energy can liberate an electron from an atom. For metals, such as gold or copper, the concept of ionization energies is straightforward and describes the effect of absorption of photons within the material. However, in biologic systems comprised of complex organs, cell structures, and extensive molecules such as DNA the restriction of disruptive effects via ionization is entirely removed. In short, maintaining and professing a belief that only ionizing radiation holds a capability to damage tissue is of itself without scientific foundation.

In fact, the scattering of ionizing radiation throughout biological tissue efficiently breaks the covalent bonds that are the basis for construction of organic molecules. It may well be this effect and not the inherent ionizing capability of a particular frequency or wavelength that gives rise to initiation or promotion of cancers. It’s somewhat like a bullet shot into a concrete room and ricocheting from the walls, ceiling and floor. Each time the bullet hits a surface it loses a little energy while continuing to bounce about until the energy is fully spent. For a high-energy photon scattering through living tissue, each of the multiple contacts leaves behind some energy that can destroy the bonds that form the molecules.

The distinction between ionizing and non-ionizing loses all meaning for biological applications. The ionization potential refers to the photoelectric effect whereby an electron is liberated from an atom or dissociated from an atom in an ionic molecule and is accomplished via a single photon absorption event.

By contrast, of interest for biological applications is the energy necessary to disrupt one or more covalent bonds of which the biological system is comprised. For example, covalent bonds in human tissue may be disrupted at energy levels hundreds of times lower than necessary for ionization.

In the presence of an exogenous energy source of sufficient magnitude sequential photon absorption may lead to continually increasing excited energy states until bond disruption occurs. No such comparable mechanism or effect is available for ionization since the allowed energy states do not provide for sequential photon absorption to achieve ionization. It’s like the old saying, “you can’t get there from here”. Well, for the ionization argument it’s true. RF energy doesn’t let you get to ionization. But, most important is that ionization never has been the threshold. Clearly, by now we must all agree that it is not necessary to ionize a DNA molecule to disrupt one or more of the molecule’s covalent bonds. For the instance of covalent bond disruption in complex molecules the energy may be provided by means other than single photon absorption. And since that is accepted the ionizing/non-ionizing argument becomes inconsequential.

Single atoms have well defined and distinct energy bands that allow only specific energy states for the electrons. In order to ionize, eject an electron, it is necessary to provide a photon having sufficient energy to move the electron from an allowed energy state to a completely free state in one step. Multiple photon absorption is not permitted. This is the basis for the photoelectric effect - i.e. ionization.

Atoms in close proximity to one another establish a more complex system of allowed energy states. As atoms move close together the probability density functions indicate that there is some overlap and energy band shifting occurs. That is, additional allowed energy states are created due to the proximity of multiple atoms. For complex macromolecules, such as human DNA comprised of many thousands of interrelated atoms, the allowed energy states form a virtual continuum. The complex energy state structure of macromolecules provides for a significantly different energy absorption and dissipation profile. This energy state structure is so dissimilar from the single atom picture that it makes it impossible to apply the ionization argument.

RF energy absorption in biologic tissue takes place via an energy conversion process. Photon energy is converted to phonon energy better known as heat energy. Phonon energy is more familiarly observed as vibrational, translational, or rotational motion of atoms constrained by their covalent bonds. The absorbed energy may either reside at the absorption site, in which case the site is said to be in an excited state, or the energy may be dispersed through the system. If RF energy is incident at a rate that is greater than the energy dispersion rate then subsequent photon absorptions at any particular site, which has experienced a prior absorption event, will lead to a change in energy state to a second higher allowed energy level. Succeeding photon energy absorptions may continue up to the point where the covalent bond ceases to exist by virtue of the increasingly excited energy state.

Although the energy conversion process yields heat energy - phonon energy - there need not be any measurable temperature variation. In fact, the very use of the distinctions between thermal and non-thermal, or athermal is another “red herring”. Since all energy absorption is thermal by nature there is, strictly speaking, no such thing as non-thermal or athermal energy absorption.

Instead, when speaking of energy absorption it may be more appropriate to speak of measurable or not measurable temperature rise. In either case there is an increase in thermal energy whether it be on the order of pico-joules (immeasurable by typical thermometric means) or milli-joules.

RF energy photons are particularly suited for deep penetration into human tissue. Infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet radiation does not penetrate human tissue to any appreciable extent. However, the penetration capabilities of RF radiation puts it in the same category as x-ray radiation, which is also a deep penetrating energy. This penetrating characteristic of x-ray radiation and RF radiation provides that a single photon of x-ray energy may scatter through the tissue or molecule and disrupt many, many covalent bonds even without liberating an electron from an atom (in other words an ionizing event is not required) while RF radiation may be less extensive in bond disruptions until exposures are encountered that overcome inherent energy dispersion mechanisms. In essence the effects can be identical - the disruption of covalent bonds is essentially what destroys DNA molecules and genetic information and leads to neo-plastic transformation of cells.

Although a single x-ray photon may destroy molecular bonds RF energy can effect damage by multiple photon absorption. For example, a cell phone emits about 8.9 x 1021 photons per second per square centimeter at the surface of the human head. For those unfamiliar with the scientific notation of that number, its magnitude appears more dramatic when written in standard notation as 8,900,000,000,000,000,000,000 photons per square centimeter per second.

Consider, then, that the energy from each and every photon absorbed will disturb the equilibrium of the system while the energy is being diffused and dispersed. Biological systems, and in particular the human brain do not have the capability to handle the massive dose of photon energy coming from such radiation absorption. Under normal circumstances, when not exposed to high doses of RF energy, the body compensates for naturally occurring damages. During high dose RF energy exposures the biological protection and repair mechanisms may be overwhelmed and irreparable disruptions, caused by the radiation, lead to widespread submicroscopic damage including permanent DNA damage.

It will serve as little comfort to know that exposure to cell phone towers provides an RF energy dose only slightly lower at about 7 x 1018 photons per square centimeter per second (7,000,000,000,000,000,000) and that’s at a distance of a few hundred feet from the tower.


Banned in America

I knew there must be SOME reason that I had not liked Patricia Cornwell books for some time...

Dr. Les Sachs is a gentle and peaceful writer whose freedom of speech has been illegally banned by the USA government, after he dared to criticize a wealthy friend of the President George Bush family. Dr. Sachs is an expert critic of USA corruption. This is his weblog of occasional published articles, by someone truly "Banned in America".

Patrick Fitzgerald Requests Patricia Cornwell Scandal Material for Grand Jury - Report of Indictments of Pres. Bush and V.P. Cheney

It's good that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and his staffer Randall (Randy) Samborn (sometimes spelled 'Sanborn' in press reports), have requested from me in the Netherlands, the material involved in the ongoing legal issues with Bush celebrity friend and contributor Patricia Cornwell, and Cornwell's crimes of court fraud, bribery and extortion with U.S. federal judge Robert Payne, who was appointed to office by the Bushes.

Internet reports are that Fitzgerald's office, via Randy Samborn, are NOT denying that his grand jury has already secretly "returned" (i.e., charged or issued) indictments against President Bush and Vice President Cheney themselves, as well as others ( click here for report ).
(Note the difference between Fitzgerald's previous public denial that he HIMSELF has issued indictments, and how his office would NOT deny that the "GRAND JURY had returned" indictments against Bush and Cheney - said to be the legally more relevant phrase.) [..] Read it all at http://bannedinamerica.blogspot.com/ Someone dug up this article, and commented that it sure sounded like Bush. What do you think?

© Virginia Metze

Bush Confronted by Americans' Doubts about Iraq

Corine Lesnes notes that, "during this deadly month of August, the Pentagon obviously needs support... A sign that the conflation of Iraq and the sequel to the September 11 attacks is finally injuring his own cause, the president is losing ground on what was his strong point, the fight against terrorism."


President Bush Ditches Mother of Slain Soldier

Sheehan said that she would remain in Crawford for the whole month, if need be.


Cindy Sheehan

'There Is No Enemy Greater Than Ourselves'

Amnesty International declared Kevin Benderman a "prisoner of conscience" and is seeking his immediate release.



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