
Sometimes, One Woman is All it Takes


Cindy Sheehan

Fingers on the Button


Cindy Sheehan: Rosa Parks or Jane Fonda?


Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan: Hope That Anti-War Sentiment Will Fuel a National Momentum


Cindy Sheehan

An excellent collection of environmental reports


First-hand Report from Crawford Peace House

"...she said the decision to come to Crawford had come to her while she was typing to her email list about some event she was going to in Austin... and that she just sort of saw her fingers typing... 'and then from Austin, I am going to Crawford to ask to talk to Bush.' "

I got goosebumps up my spine as I read that: I couldn't help but think of Rosa Parks, and her sudden decision *not to give up her seat* on that bus in Birmingham.

This is a turning point.

Cindy Sheehan is our Rosa Parks -- and this is our Greensboro lunch-counter sit-in.

People are flocking to Crawford from all over the country. The news media are finally running with the story, putting that essential human face on the anguish felt by so much of the nation.

And the man who taunted the insurgents to "bring it on" is clearly seen for the coward that he is.

Craig Gingold

------- Forwarded message follows ----
Forwarded by: Kevin White
Date sent: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 09:11:31 -0500

hello all,

lee taylor and i just got back from crawford a few hours ago and i want to try to convey a little of the feeling of what is going on there with cindy sheehan's courageous stand outside of the bush ranch.

we drove up yesterday and arrived about 10 pm into downtown crawford where we easily found the Crawford Peace House, purchased in 2003 by a group of people who decided rather than driving to crawford every couple of weeks to demonstrate, they would just buy a property there...to balance out the energy in the area due to w's purchase shortly before just down the road. it was night and it was raining. we had heard of the ditches and the fireants, and, anyway, we didn't know where the actual camp site was, so the warm welcome we received when we walked in the door was almost overwhelming. Food and water were abundant, a delicious vegetarian soup was available to everyone, volunteers in the house were fielding phone calls for cindy from all over the u.s. and all over the world, directing parking places, assigning floor space for anyone wanting to sleep there. an entire table was full of gorgeous flower arrangements that had been sent to cindy and to the other gold star families who were joining the vigil.

after only 15 minutes, who should walk in the door but cindy sheehan herself. as lee and i were standing near the front door, she came to each of us and hugged us and thanked us for coming. she had some soup and made sure she was back at the campsite for 12:01 am when it had been rumoured that they would arrest her. she didn't want to disappoint them by not being there.

intimidated by the rain, the fireants and a tent i had never set up before, we sensibly opted to drive 7 miles into macgregor and rent a motel room. we were rested and fresh and back at the peace house just after 8 am today. volunteers were offering to shuttle people the 5 miles or so back and forth to the camp site, since the law enforcement agencies were restricting all kinds of no trespassing zones and parking was limited.

i had my trusty little handycam with me and started filming as soon as we got near the camp...a colorful cluster of banners, tents, people, cars up ahead. i was able to kneel in front of the many, many media people documenting the press conference, so i got close ups of each of the people who spoke...in front of the main tent with a peace sign embroidered/painted on it, bouquets of flowers everywhere, a cross with casey sheehan's name on it, crosses with all the other fallen soldiers' names on it stretching out in both directions, 3 rows deep, between the ditches and the road.

cindy spoke first, simply and gently, saying she would not leave until she saw bush and asked him why her son had died, what was the noble cause that he had died for. she said if he would not see her and if she were not arrested, then after august 31 she would go camp out in d.c. until he would speak with her. she spoke of her son, of her family's devastation and of their support for her taking this stand, even casey, she was sure. she said the decision to come to crawford had come to her while she was typing to her email list about some event she was going to in austin...and that she just sort of saw her fingers typing..."and then from austin, i am going to crawford to ask to talk to bush".

after cindy, bill mitchell spoke. he lost his only son, the baby of the family, on the same day as cindy's son, in the same battle. cindy's son had only been in iraq 5 days when he was killed. bill's son, michael, was scheduled to return home just a few days later. bill said he had been against the war in the beginning and had protested on the first anniversary, carrying a sign saying bring our boys home now. he said that 4 days later his son was killed and 2 weeks later his boy did come home, in a coffin, in one of the coffins in the photo that caused that woman to loose her job.

after bill, celeste spoke. her younger son stood beside her. her older son was killed in iraq. then, a young woman named jean, in a green shirt, spoke. her son had been killed also. next a couple spoke who had 3 sons and 2 grandsons in iraq, none of whom have yet been killed, but they explained the anxiety they live with every day. later in the day, a woman named barbara from arkansas arrived who had lost her only child. she was interviewed later. a number of veterans for peace and even one young guy eligible for being called back in were all there, making signs, participating in whatever was going on.

i felt honored to be able to just be in the presence and lend the little support i could to these brave parents who stand straight and talk to the cameras about their losses and their grief, thru their tears, or remaining calm, just that they can keep on going. it was evident that they gave each other tremendous support...lots of hugs, and sitting around talking with each other later, sharing photos of their sons.

i was able to speak with and film ann wright, the woman who resigned from her 16 year position in the state department because of her disagreement with the iraq war. no one, not even the gold star families, minded being filmed or interviewed by me. i hope i can edit it all and get it onto a dvd to make available for anyone who wants to see it. there was a fantastic folk singer from oklahoma named peggy who sang her own political songs, accompanied by some congos (our very own heather, at times) and other instruments.

a woman named diane (not diane wilson, who was in her 5th day of a hunger strike and who i missed seeing somehow), a minister from dallas, was walking around having people sign a guest book. there were 250 names in it just from today. people came and went all day. cindy and a few others slept in tents (or tried to) during the nite. heather and katie said it got pretty scarey about 4 am with large cars driving by really fast, just beside the tents, and honking.

but, our experience spending the day at the campsite and back at the peace house, was uneventful with police. the few sheriffs at either place were friendly and easy to speak with. about mid afternoon, 3 helicopters flew over us, apparently condi and donald and maybe bush on their way to a fund raiser on the other side of us from the ranch.

there was a great feeling of solidarity, compassion, vulnerability, thoughtfulness, hopefulness, sorrow, joy, gratitude, devastation, but, above all...connectedness. we all had a feeling that this was something really important happening and that maybe now there was going to be the shift we so desperately need in stopping this horrible and wrong war. we overheard at the camp someone saying that john conyers and maxine waters were on their way there.

our hitched ride back to the peace house was with the san francisco chronicle reporter, joe garofoli. he said his piece was on the front page today in san francisco (as another reporter's article was on the front page of the houston chronicle) and to look for the next one tomorrow. i'm sure we can find it online. he was intrigued with some of our texas bush stories and hearing a little of what's going on politically in texas.

at the peace house, as we said our goodbyes and packed up for houston, david van oz and his wife rachel arrived, on their way out to the camp.

i believe cindy arrived to camp out on either saturday or sunday and the idea and event has kept growing. it seems people come and go from all over (we met people from montana, illinois, georgia, ecuador and more) and stay as long as they can. then it seems like more people come to take their place and even multiply. they were pretty desperate for donations of food, money, medical supplies, but i think they have had a generous response. the crawford peace house is making it all possible and i think they could use some financial help.

but, most of all, i encourage all of you who are able to, to go join these brave and tender people. go for the day or for longer. cindy plans to stay til aug. 31 unless??? take whatever you can to share. help the numbers swell until bush cannot possible continue ignoring this mother's request for an answer to her question of just exactly why her son died.

sorry, i feel i've rambled and still not said what i wanted to say. it's late and i'll leave it at this. there are lots of places you will be able to get more precise and timely news, but maybe some of you will be able to get a little of the feeling from this.

Let's keep on.... with all hopes for an end to this war,


Cindy Sheehan

Massives Sterben unter einem Turm

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich möchte Sie auf einen Fall in STOLP (SLUPSK) / POLEN - POMERN, 100 000 Bewohner, aufmerksam machen. In einer Siedlung steht seit 13 Jahren ein grosser Turm mit Radio, TV und zahlreichen Mobilfunksendern. Seit den letzten ein paar Jahren beobachtet man massives Sterben der Siedlungsbewohner, meistens an verschiedenen Krebsarten. Die Sterberate ist vier mal höher, als die in der Region. Einer Bewohnerin der Siedlung, Frau E. Bartos, ist eingefallen, dass letztens ungewöhnlich viele Nachbarn an Krebs gestorben sind. Sie hat Namen, Adressen und Todesursachen von den gestorbenen Menschen auf eine Liste eingetragen. In den letzten vier Wochen sind z.B. in einem einzigen Treppenhaus vier Menschen gestorben! Insgesamt hat sie ca. 100 Fälle notiert. Ich war in Juni in Urlaub an der Ostsee, 20 km von Stolp, in Stolpmünde. Ich kann polnisch sprechen und habe die gesundheitliche Auswirkung der Mobilfunkstrahlung selber gespürt, deswegen wollte ich den Fall näher kennen lernen. Frau Bartos hat mir Kopien von vielen Unterlagen gegeben. Stolp wäre ein beweisschwerer Fall für die gesundheitliche Auswirkung der hochfrequenten Strahlung, wenn dort epidemiologische Studien durchgeführt würden, wie in Naila oder in Bamberg. Leider, die Verantwortlichen, ev. Geldgeber, haben kein Interesse für solche Studien. Die Ärzte in Stolp sind nicht richtig informiert...

Frau Bartos hat die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem massiven Sterben und dem Sendermast in der Siedlung erkannt, ein Verein gegründet, sammelt Unterlagen und kämpft mit verschiedenen Mitteln um eine Verlegung des Turmes. Auch vor Gericht. Inzwischen ist sie selber und ihre 17 jährige Tochter erkrankt. Andere Mobilfunk Opfer/ Kritiker in Polen wollen den Strahlungsopfern in Stolp helfen. Sie rufen zu einer Unterstützungsaktion auf und möchten Geld für einen unabhängigen Gutachter aus Deutschland sammeln. In Polen kann man einen guten, unabhängigen Gutachter schwer finden. Wen könnten Sie aus Deutschland empfehlen? Wie könnten wir, Mobilfunkkritiker in Deutschland, unsere Solidarität mit den Opfern in Stolp zeigen? Vielleicht ein Appell an die Ärzte in Stolp formulieren, dass sie ein Beispiel von Ärzten aus Naila und Bamberg nehmen? Die Presse in Polen, die schon viel darüber geschrieben hat, würde das bestimmt publizieren (ich könnte übersetzen).

Vielleicht wäre es auch möglich, ganz vom Fall Stolp abgesehen, einen Appell an Ärzte/ Ärzteverbände kurz zu verfassen: Ärzte aus Deutschland, die sich wie Fr. Dr.C.Waldmann Selsam, Ärzte aus Naila, von IGUMED, hese-projekt u. andere " selber aktiv mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen, rufen die Kollegen auf, in ihrer Umgebung auch ähnliche Studien durchzuführen? Man könnte bestimmte Internetadressen dazufügen, da manche Ärzte nur die falsche Informationen über "die Unbedenklichkeit der Strahlung" kennen. Ich könnte die entsprechende Adressen aus Polen finden und übersetzen. Ein Arzt aus Paris könnte ev. für Frankreich sorgen.

Ich wäre Ihnen für eine Antwort sehr dankbar!


Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 14.08.2005

Offener Brief im Namen von Mobilfunkstrahlung-Geschädigten und Betroffenen aus Polen an Papst Johannes Paul II

Mobilfunkturm des Todes: 55 Tote in Slupsk (Stolp) in Polen und weitere 53 schwer Erkrankte

The siege of Crawford


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Cindy Sheehan

Something's In the Air But It's Not on the Airwaves


From apfn-1

Cindy Sheehan

Mother of fallen soldier asks questions of President Bush


Informant: NHNE


Stand with Cindy & help make all the difference needed for all issues important.

Stand with Cindy & help make all the difference needed for all issues important to "We The People" from everywhere.

I know some of "US" do not stand with this organization due to differing belief or opinion, as the norm...but I think we should put our differences aside and work together on this one...Please forward and help kick corrupt b...

We need all strike at the same bad root together.

Click here: MoveOn.org

Must hear Cindy>>>

From Marsha

Cindy Sheehan

Schlüssel zu 200 Millionen Dollar im Rucksack

Irak: Die Hälfte des Verteidigungsbudgets des letzten Jahres wurde "vergeudet".


Mast families renew calls for research

Norwich Evening News 24
13 August 2005 11:27

Families who claim their street has higher than average rates of cancer because of a mobile phone mast looming over their homes today renewed calls for proper research into health risks from the technology.

Three years ago the Evening News reported how at least six people living in the shadow of a mobile phone mast had developed cancer.

The victims' homes in Furze Road, Thorpe St Andrew were several hundred metres away from the 120ft mast in St Williams Way, and they had all developed tumours in the previous six years.

Out of the six people featured in our story two have died from the disease and the others called for more research to be carried out into a possible link between their illnesses and radiation emissions from the antenna.

Three years down the line and families are once again urging more work to be done.

In 2002 Norwich North MP Ian Gibson added his voice to the calls for more research, but today he said that without any more cases, any further research into the links would be unlikely.

He said: “There has been no new research done but there have been no new cases that we know of.

“As the people concerned were all suffering from different types of cancer, it would make it hard to link them all to living near to the mast.”

Ivan Bond, 77, of nearby Churchfield Green, was one of the people who called for research three years ago.

He has lived only feet away from the 120ft structure since 1987. When his wife Olive died shortly after the Evening News investigation three years ago, there were concerns that her death could have been linked to the mast, but they were never investigated.

“More research definitely needs to be done,” he said today.

“I know Mr Gibson said it needs more new cases, but these masts are going up all the over the country. I think research should be done anyway, and it's very frustrating that it hasn't.”

The Evening News's Keep Masts On Hold campaign has called for no more masts to be put up near homes or schools until proper research into the health risks is completed.

In 2001 Norwich families quizzed one of the world's leading experts on the risks of mobile phone masts Sir William Stewart after he was invited to the city.

The Stewart report published in May 2000 recommended planners take into account the possibility of risks to health when allowing new masts to go up.

The mast is owned by Arqiva, formerly NTL, and leased to mobile phone companies. Arqiva did not wish to comment yesterday (fri).

Three of the four surviving victims were Betty Chaplin and Vera and Leonard Lamb. The fourth did not want to be identified but is still alive.


One person can make a difference


Cindy Sheehan

Bush Drives By as Slain Soldier's Mother Waits

The President's black Chevrolet SUV has tinted windows, so it was not clear if he looked at her, or the growing ranks of demonstrators, or the hundreds of plain white crosses, painted with the names of the dead, they have planted.


The Unfeeling President

This president does not know what death is, writes novelist E.L. Doctorow. He does not suffer the death of our 21-year-olds who wanted to be what they could be.


Seeing Cindy

"As a member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, I've been witnessing Cindy Sheehan's Crawford odyssey with a bittersweet mixture of pride, support and sadness," writers the group's Co-Director David Potorti.


Cindy Sheehan

How Can the US Ever Win, When Iraqi Children Die like This?

In the al-Jamia neighborhoods, a US Humvee was purring up the road so we gingerly backed off and took a side street, reports the Independent's Robert Fisk. In this part of Baghdad, you avoid both the insurgents and the Americans - if you are lucky. Yassin al-Sammerai was not.


Mother's Vigil Recalls Quiet, Dedicated Son

He was an altar boy, an Eagle Scout, a church youth group leader. That is what people remember about Casey Sheehan, the 24-year-old soldier whose death in Iraq has become a flashpoint for debate about the war since his mother began staging a peace vigil outside the president's ranch in Texas.


Cindy Sheehan

Bush Suggests Force against Iran, Shroeder Says No

President Bush said he could consider using force as a last resort to press Iran to give up its nuclear program. But German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, one of the most prominent European opponents of the US-led war on Iraq, told an election rally on Saturday the threat of force was not acceptable.


RWE will Klimakiller Nr. 1 bleiben

Greenpeace protestierte in Essen gegen die geplanten Investitionen des größten deutschen Stromkonzerns RWE in klimaschädliche Braunkohle-Kraftwerke. Vor dem RWE-Pavillon der Philharmonie verbrennen Aktivisten in einem verrosteten Ofen symbolisch Milliarden von Euro, die RWE für den Bau von zwei neuen Braunkohle-Blöcken in Neurath bei Neuss ausgibt. Auf einem Transparent steht "Klimaschutz statt Kapitalvernichtung. RWE: Stopp Neurath”. Greenpeace fordert RWE auf, in erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und klimafreundlichere Gas- und Dampfkraftwerke statt in Braunkohle zu investieren.


Noch nie war die Welt so gefährdet wie heute

Warum die Welt auch nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges nicht sicherer geworden ist, erklärt Xanthia Hall von der Organisation "Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges".


CDU/ CSU: Weiter mit Agrarfabriken

Innerhalb der EU hat Deutschland bei der Oeko-Landwirtschaft einen schwachen Mittelplatz inne. Gerade mal vier Prozent der deutschen Bauern wirtschaften ökologisch. Aber auch diese schwache Leistung ist der CDU/CSU noch zu viel. Bei einem Regierungswechsel sollen die wenigen deutschen Biolandwirte zu den Verlierern gehören.


Sind wir noch zu retten?

Nach der Münchner Rückversicherung hat jetzt auch das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) ausgerechnet, was der Klimawandel für die Weltgemeinschaft kostet.


Handys stören homöopathische Behandlungen

Achtung: Sie könnten homöopathische Behandlungen stören?

Die Diskussion um negative gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Handys hat eine neue Stufe erreicht. Jetzt sollen unsere Mobiltelefone schon das "Gesundwerden" behindern. So solle man laut der Zeitschrift "FÜR SIE" bei der Einnahme homöopathischer Medikamente das Handy beiseite legen.

Wie auch bei Radiowecker, Computer und Mikrowelle sollen die elektromagnetischen Felder dieser die Wirkung der Medikamente angeblich beeinträchtigen.

Die neue "FÜR SIE" erscheint übrigens morgen am Kiosk, da kann man sich den ganzen Artikel in Ruhe durchlesen und dabei eine Tasse Kaffee genießen - allerdings nicht wenn man dabei gerade homöopathische Mittel einnimmt...

Quelle: FÜR SIE
by Marian Härtel | 08.08.2005 | 10:30 Uhr


Kanzler Schröder hat kein Handy

Bundeskanzler Schröder: Er besitzt kein Handy!

Für einige mag die News von der Art: "Wen interessiert es?" sein, aber da die CDU sich momentan für die Bundestagswahl ihr eigenes Grab gräbt und wir unsere Leser auch am Wochenende mit Infos versorgen wollen, haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, euch doch darüber zu informieren, dass Gerhard Schröder kein Handy besitzt.

Wer jetzt Panikattacken bekommt, dem sei versichert, dass Herr Bundeskanzler immer erreichbar ist, wenn man einen seiner ständigen Begleiter, wie beispielsweise die ihn beschützenden BKA-Beamten anruft. Die Telefonnummer der betreffenden Personen müsst ihr euch aber schon selber im Telefonbuch heraussuchen.

Und? Was sagt ihr nun?


SCHRÖDER hat kein Handy

KANZLER Schröder hat kein Handy

ZUHAUSE trägt der Bundeskanzler Pantoffeln

Bundeskanzler Dr. Schüssel: Die Handymastensteuer einzuführen ist zweckmäßig



Thema Handymastensteuer Österreich:

Zur nachfolgenden Info eine Presseinformation der TriCoTel Telekom GmbH, Austria, in der Bundeskanzler Dr. Schüssel u.a. zitiert wird:

“Die Handymastensteuer einzuführen sei zweckmäßig...“

Die Bundesregierung erhebt beim heutigen Ministerrat keinen Einspruch gegen die niederösterreichische Handymastensteuer; „...den Handymastenwildwuchs einzudämmen sei zweckmäßig...“ sagt Bundeskanzler Schüssel.

Begründung und Reaktionen s. "Offener Brief von TriCoTel an Bundeskanzler Dr. Schüssel und die Bundesminister" http://omega.twoday.net/stories/885313/

Sehr geehrter Herr Tittmann,

von Herrn Dr. Ruzicka bekam ich folgende Mitteilung übermittelt. Österreich nimmt mit seinen Forderungen in Sachen Mobilfunk eine Vorreiterrolle im Umweltschutzbereich ein. Besonders interessant ist, das diese Forderungen von jemandem kommen der in der Telekommunikationbranche arbeitet. Unsere Hochachtung! Wir können nur lernen...

Herzliche Grüße

Claus Scheingraber

Mobiles aimed at under-8s set for return to high street


Link to article on MYMO in Sunday Telegraph today.


Mobiles aimed at under-8s set for return to high street

By Nina Goswami
(Filed: 14/08/2005)

A mobile telephone aimed at primary schoolchildren but withdrawn by the main distributor eight months ago because of health fears continues to be sold in Britain.

Health campaigners say they are disgusted that the telephone is still on the market, describing its sale to children as "a disgrace".

The telephone, previously also known as MyMo, is marketed by Eazytrack, a Worcestershire-based company, under the brand name the Owl. It is aimed at four- to eight-year-olds as an "SOS pay-as-you-go mobile telephone", which allows parents to know the location of their child to within 500 yards. The Owl can call only five numbers, as chosen by a parent for use in emergencies.

The telephone, which costs £99, is available online but from next month a new model will be sold in shops.

In January, Communic8, the distributors of MyMo, removed it from the market after the Government's chief adviser on radiation safety warned that under-nines should not have them.

Prof Sir William Stewart, the chairman of the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency, said: "I don't think we can put our hands on our hearts and say mobile phones are safe. If there are risks - and we think there may be risks - the people who are going to be most affected are children, and the younger the child, the greater the danger."

Sir William, who has banned his grandchildren from using mobiles, added: "If mobile phones are available to three- to eight-year-olds, I can't believe for a moment that can be justified."

At the time, Communic8 said: "It would be foolish, ignorant even, if we were to simply ignore these findings … Even the remotest possibility of our product becoming a health risk to any child is unacceptable."

The distributor of the Owl, which is identical to the MyMo except for its packaging, has taken a different stance.

Nicholas Seller, 44, a manager for Eazytrack, said the Owl had the lowest emission levels of any mobile, with a rating less than half that recommended by the Government's safety guidelines, and had been approved for sale in Australia. "We totally agree with the Stewart report, that mobiles for children should be for emergencies," he said. "Our phone doesn't have features that encourage heavy use - no texts, downloads of music or ringtones. It's a fine line: parents don't want health worries about their children, but at the same time they want peace of mind. It's their choice at the end of the day." Karen Barratt, a spokesman for the campaign group Mast Sanity, which is concerned about the effect of mobile telephones on children, said she was disgusted that the Owl was being sold in Britain.

"Quite rightly, after the Stewart report, MyMo was withdrawn from the market - but we knew that another company would put them on the shelves as soon as the publicity had died down," she said. "It's a disgrace. Parents are being told by companies that mobiles will keep their children safe - yet half of street crime involves theft of a mobile phone."

Mrs Baratt added: "These companies targeting children have a cleverly worked-out strategy - not only are they expanding their market now but they're securing their market for the future."

The Owl is part of a multi-million-pound industry targeting children in Britain. According to MobileYouth Report 2005, the most authoritative industry research, more than a million children aged five to nine have mobile telephones.

That figure is predicted to rise to 1.5 million by 2007. The report forecasts that this year the number of under-16s with a mobile will rise by 500,000 to 5.5 million.

Eric Huber, a radiologist at Vienna's Doctors' Research Chamber, which has conducted its own research, last week warned against children using mobiles. "If medications delivered the same test results as mobile phone radiation, one would immediately have to remove them from the market," he said.

"We must assume that children are more sensitive to high-frequency radiation than adults. Their skull bones are thinner and their cells show an increased rate of division, making them more sensitive to genotoxic effects."


From Karen Barratt

Having spent a long time in conversation with Nina Goswami I was pleased with her report and also glad to see that a reworked version appeared in Monday's Daily Expess. Interestingly it also featured in the latter's editorial where the stance taken was very much in line with ours.

Cellular Phone Electromagnetic Field Effects on Bioelectric Activity of Human Brain


Group Prepares To Walk To Bush Ranch Entrance To Demand He Answer Tough Questions

Cindy Sheehan's Anti-War Protest Swells To 600; Group Prepares To Walk To Bush Ranch Entrance To Demand He Answer Tough Questions


apfn-1 Aug. 14th Headlines Global News Matrix

Cindy Sheehan

We Have the Power

By Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan

Someone Tell the President the War Is Over


As gas prices rise, so do Big Oil’s profits in recent months

As gas prices rise, so do Big Oil’s profits In recent months, oil company profits have soared again as international crude oil prices hit new highs. Yet public reaction has been more muted. And that has probably emboldened Congress – which, instead of investigating oil companies, just handed them (by various estimates) $1.4 billion to $4 billion in tax breaks in the new energy bill.


From apfn-1 Digest Number 3220

Bush Tax - How do they do it? The control of our media is amazing

Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2005 12:27:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Informed Citizens <ED44@sbcglobal.net> Subject: Bush Tax - How do they do it?

The control of our media is amazing.

The Bush Tax is now hitting home. The tax will continue to rise as long as he is in Office.

I'm talking about Oil Prices.

As we were about to launch the invasion of Iraq it was frequently repeated what had also been previously reported. In Iraq sits 20% - that's Right TWENTY PERCENT - of the entire known Oil Reserves on our planet.

This was part of the sales job. Amazing how forgetful the general populace is. But I remember very well Donald Rumsfeld saying the Oil in Iraq would pay all our costs for this Military Adventure and pay for the rebuilding of Iraq. We, the Noble Americans, would not do what Hussein did. That is - hog the Oil Wealth and hide it in his 19 Palaces.

Now that Oil Prices are going through the roof the media never mentions it. One would get the impression Iraq has NO oil. They continually refer to the cause of the price rise on "increasing demand".

HUH? Ain't it obvious? The reason for the souring prices is the benefit the International Oil Companies knew they would get from this adventure. It is a win-win situation for them. They knew one of two things would happen:

1 - they would get ownership of the Oil in Iraq, if the adventure succeeded. Of course, gained at the expense of our Treasury - the Wealth of the people of the United States of America,


2 - The resistence to the occupation would make it a primary objective to blow up the pipe and prevent any of Iraq's Oil from getting out of the country. With 20% of the worlds Oil Reserves and production capacity off the market the value of the reserves that International Oil owns would become worth 2, 3, 4 or 6 times was it was.

I call it "the Bush Tax". Everytime I purchase gas I am paying an ever higher "Bush Tax" for the benefit of the owners of International Oil Corporations.

Now - with gas prices in the news everyday - HOW do they manage to keep our media from every mentioning the obvious fact that the rise in gas prices is NOT due to "increasing demand" but to the LOSS of supply from Iraq?


From apfn-1 Digest Number 3220

Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered


Cindy Sheehan

Your Property Rights Have Been Taken Away

----- Original Message ----- From: Grassfire.org Alliance To: deonm@adelphia.net Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 9:06 PM Subject: Your Property Rights Have Been Taken Away!


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Dear friend,

The U.S. Supreme Court has taken away your Fifth Amendment Rights and paved the way for your property to be seized!

I have just signed a national petition demanding the court restore my Fifth Amendment Rights, and am urging you do the same by clicking here:


Please consider taking action with me.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard/Deon Masker

P.S. For more information, please read below.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Special Report from Grassfire.org Alliance
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Richard/Deon, for more than 200 years the Fifth Amendment has protected the property rights of citizens by restricting the government's right of eminent domain. In fact, the exact language reads, "nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation."

Since the founding of our nation, "public use" was interpreted to mean use for something like a school, roads, power stations, water treatment facilities, bridges--anything that was government owned and operated for the benefit of its citizens.

Now with this ruling, "public use" means anything that could increase tax revenue for a city. This jeopardizes anyone and everyone, and leaves the door open for widespread abuse!

+ + Take Action and Take Back Your Rights!

Grassfire.org Alliance, one of the fastest growing online activist organizations, is committed to seeing that the court reverses its decision and restores the Fifth Amendment and its original intent, but we need to hear the voice of the American people!

Please take a moment to add your name to our national petition by clicking below:


Over the next 30 days, Grassfire is calling on at least 100,000 citizens to sign our petition, and alert their friends and family members to this egregious example of judicial tyranny!

Thank you for taking quick action with Grassfire!

+ + Sign our "Restore My Property Rights" petition:


+ + Read the full text of the Supreme Court ruling:


Informant: Milo

The Panama Deception

Weekend video: "The Panama Deception" :

This film shows how the U.S. attacked Panama and killed 3 or 4 thousand people in an invasion that the rest of the world was against. (Sound familiar?) It won the Academy Award for best documentary.


Fearing backlash, Pentagon moves to block new Abu Ghraib photos

The Pentagon has moved forcefully to block the release of new video evidence of prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, arguing it would help recruit new Islamist insurgents and endanger American lives.


From Information Clearing House

Hide Tide of the Neocons

The neocon plan as I understand it is to stand by while the EU-Iran talks collapse; to acquire a Security Council resolution condemning Iran; have John Bolton as new U.S. ambassador to the UN declare the organization irresponsible if not useless; and then tell the American people the U.S. has tried to deal with Iran's nuclear weapons threat.


From Information Clearing House


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August 2005

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