
Solar wind

Solar windspeed accelerates as recent CME passes Earth. 4 M-class CME's in the past couple of days - more M class flares expected (65% chance).


Peace - Anna

Children win mobile mast battle


English Edition - Greek Supplement of the International Herald Tribune

Athens, Friday, March 18, 2005

Schoolchildren on the island of Lesvos learned that playing truant for a cause can sometimes pay off after their repeated refusal to attend lessons because of the presence of a camouflaged mobile telephony mast near their schools led local authorities to revoke its operating license yesterday.

Some 500 pupils from three schools on the island, including a kindergarten, started skipping lessons on March 7 in protest at the location of the mast, which some scientists believe can cause severe health problems.

Backed by their parents, the children's action led to authorities cutting off power to the mast three days later, after discovering that it was illegally drawing electricity.

However, the pupils insisted they would not return to school until the mast -- which was disguised as a solar energy panel -- was removed completely. This led the Lesvos prefecture yesterday to revoke the right for the mast to operate. Meanwhile, the island's parents' association filed a lawsuit with the prosecutor demanding a probe into the circumstances under which a license was granted to erect the aerial.

Janet Newton, President
The EMR Policy Institute, P.O. Box 117, Marshfield VT 05658
Tel: (802) 426-3035 FAX: (802) 426-3030
Web Site: http://www.emrpolicy.org

Vodafone und NABU starten Kooperation

An: presse@nabu.de

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mit einigem Erstaunen habe ich in der NABU-Presseerklärung gelesen, dass Vodafone sich u.a. für eine "Verbesserung der Kommunikation beim Thema Mobilfunk/Gesundheit" eintreten will.

Das lässt in meinen Augen lediglich die altbekannten Beschwichtigungshymnen erwarten. Kein Wort von vorbeugendem Immissionsschutz, kein Wort von Reduzierung der Strahlenbelastung, kein Wort von Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Tier. Das lässt tief blicken !

Wir werden daher, aus Protest gegen diese Kooperation, unsere Mitgliedschaft beim NABU beenden.


Eckardt Giese


Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/5301


Hallo Herr Giese,

vielen Dank für diesen Hinweis. Ich habe mich soeben mit den folgenden Worten vom NABU verabschiedet:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

entsetzt habe ich die Kooperation von NABU und Vodafone zur Kenntnis genommen. Auf diese Weise kann sich der Mobilfunkbetreiber das Deckmäntelchen des Naturschutzes umhängen. Was die Mobilfunkstrahlung bei Mensch, Tier und Umwelt für negative Auswirkungen hat, können Sie dann wohl nicht mehr unabhängig bewerten - geschweige denn anprangern. Das erwarte ich allerdings vom NABU. Ich verstehe Ihre Marketinggründe für diesen Schritt, doch ich hatte mehr Weitsicht erwartet!

Meine Konsequenz heißt: AUSTRITT.

Hiermit kündige ich meine langjährige Mitgliedschaft mit sofortiger Wirkung.

Als Baubiologe erlebe ich täglich, welche Auswirkungen die Mobilfunkstrahlung hat. Ich hoffe, dass noch viele NABU-Mitglieder gegen diese Kooperation protestieren! Naturschutz und Mobilfunk schließen sich einfach aus.

Baubiologische Gesundheitsberatung
Jürgen Kühn



Danke für diesen Austritt und die Bekanntmachung! Wie die Proteste im NABU verlaufen werden, wird aufschlussreich sein.

Der NABU ist - und noch weniger als das - wieder geworden was er am Anfang war: Ein "Deutscher Bund für Vogelschutz". Geld machts möglich.

Helmut Breunig



Hi, wie lautet die Meinung und Stellungnahme von Euch zu dieser Kooperation zwischen dem NABU und Vodaphone. Ich finde es - mit Verlaub zum kotzen.

D. B.


Wer hätte gedacht, dass der NABU so simpel gestrickt ist und ausgerechnet Vodafone auf den Leim geht. Für ein paar lächerliche Silberlinge läßt sich der NABU ein kritisches Eintreten für eine lebenswerte intakte Umwelt abkaufen. Hat denn keiner der Verantwortlichen in dieser angeblichen Umweltschutzorganisation wenn schon nicht an die Menschen, so wenigstens an die betroffenen Tiere gedacht? Wie hoch ist wohl der Beitrag des Elektrosmogs am Artensterben in Deutschland und in der ganzen Welt?! Ist der Schaden, den Vodafone und Co in der Natur anrichten nicht ein Vielfaches größer als der geplante finanzielle Beitrag für den Naturschutz?!

Diese Kooperation mit Vodafone erlaubt dem NABU keine negativen Stellungnahmen oder gar Klagen gegen geplante neue Mobilfunkantennen. Etwas besseres konnte Vodafone beim Ausbau des UMTS-Netzes gar nicht passieren. Jetzt kann Vodafone sogar vor Gericht behaupten, dass der zweitgrößte Umweltverband in Deutschland gegen diese fragwürdige Technologie nichts mehr einzuwenden hat.

Eine solche Organisation, die gegen ihre eigenen satzungsmäßigen Ziele in derart eklatanter Weise vorsätzlich verstößt, hat damit die Gemeinnützigkeit verspielt und verdient keine Unterstützung mehr durch Mitglieder und Spender. Hoffentlich zeigen viele Mitglieder, dass sie mit dieser profitorientierten, die Belange des Umwelt- und Naturschutzes verratende Vereinspolitik nicht einverstanden sind und treten aus dem NABU aus.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
vom Uhlenhof

H. U. Weiland


Dies ist ein gewaltiger Tiefschlag für Naturschutzfreunde ! NABU, der neben dem Bund Naturschutz grösste Verband in Deutschland verbündet sich ausgerechnet mit dem aggressivsten Mobilfunkanbieter. Da bleibt mir die Spucke weg.

J. W.


Schlitzohrig: Kooperationsvertrag Vodafon – NABU

Vodafon engagiert sich nun mehr für Gartenvögel und Fledermäuse. Das ist sehr erfreulich.

Als Gegenleistung unterstützt der NABU die nachhaltige Entwicklung der flächendeckenden Versorgung mit Mobilfunk. Das ist vorbildlicher Naturschutz. Wieso, das ist schnell erklärt. Der NABU-Präsident hat richtig erkannt, daß es viel weniger Probleme für Gartenvögel und Fledermäuse, für Kröten, Käfer, Würmer und Bäume gäbe, wenn nicht die Menschen da wären. Also ist alles, was sie vertreibt (und bist Du nicht willig, so strahl ich Dich krank), Naturschutz. Diese Strategie, Natur ja, Mensch nein, verfolgt die NABU-Spitze bekanntermaßen schon länger. Und sind die Menschen verschwunden – egal wie -, hat Vodafon keine Kunden mehr, es lohnt sich nicht mehr, neue Masten mit dem „schleichenden Tod“ wie nun auch in der Graßdorfer Straße in der Ökologischen Modellstadt Taucha geplant zu errichten. Sozusagen die Negation der Negation.

Der NABU paktiert also mit Vodafon, weil er in Wirklichkeit gegen Vodafon ist. Nun sage mir einer, der NABU-Präsident wäre kein ganz raffinierter Naturschützer. Aber hat er etwa übersehen, daß auch die Gartenvögel und die Fledermäuse durch den Mobilfunk vertrieben werden, besser gesagt, keine Jungen mehr aus den Eiern schlüpfen? Der Spatz ist ja auch schon am Aussterben. Aber nicht doch, er ist doch schlau. Ihm zu unterstellen, er wäre nun Handlanger von Vodafon, das wäre wirklich ungerecht. Denn gleich haben wir ein neues Naturschutz-Projekt der NABU-Vodafon-Kooperative: Vodafon finanziert große, von engmaschigen Drahtgittern umgebene Reservate, in denen Gartenvögel und Fledermäuse weiterleben können – wenn sie drin bleiben. Wenn sie das nicht tun, dann sind sie gewissermaßen selber schuld und können sich nicht beschweren. So wenig wie diejenigen Mitglieder des NABU, die ihren Chef gewähren lassen, anstatt ihn rauszuschmeißen und ihm nahezulegen, sich besser gleich bei Vodafon zu bewerben. Für einen Naturschutzbund besitzt er vielleicht doch nicht ganz die notwendige charakterliche Eignung. Oder hat er vor, Vodafon dazu zu bringen, daß auch für Menschen strahlungsarme Reservate eingerichtet werden? Dazu wäre an der Kriebstein-Talsperre Gelegenheit.

Stefan S.

Kommentare aus: Elektrosmognews vom 16.05. und 22.05.2005

Auf dem 54. Deutschen Ärztekongress in Berlin wurde am 9. Mai 2005 die Naila-Studie vorgestellt

Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam Pfingsten 2005
Karl-May-Str. 48
96049 Bamberg
Tel.0951/12300 Fax 0951/2972506

Ein wichtiger Schritt in der Mobilfunkdiskussion ist erfolgt:

Auf dem 54. Deutschen Ärztekongress in Berlin wurde am 9. Mai 2005 die Naila- Studie vorgestellt.

Fünf Hausärzte aus Naila hatten in einer retrospektiven Pilotstudie festgestellt, dass der Anteil von neu aufgetretenen Krebsfällen bei den Patienten, die während der letzten zehn Jahre in einem Abstand bis zu 400 Meter um die seit 1993 betriebene Mobilfunksendeanlage gewohnt hatten, gegenüber weiter entfernt lebenden Patienten signifikant höher war und die Patienten in durchschnittlich jüngerem Alter erkrankt waren. Für die Jahre 1999 bis 2004 – also nach fünf und mehr Jahren Betriebszeit des Senders – hatte sich das Malignomrisiko für die näher an der Sendstation lebende Bevölkerungsgruppe im Vergleich mit der Gruppe im Nailaer Außenbereich verdreifacht.

Ergänzend berichtete Dr. H.Eger auf dem Ärztekongress von ähnlichen bedrückenden Beobachtungen im Jahr 2004 in Österreich, Israel und England:

-Müllendorf ( Österreich )

In der Ortschaft mit 1200 Einwohnern kam es zu einer Verdreifachung von neuaufgetretenen Krebsfällen nach 5 Jahren Latenzzeit nach Installation des 1. Sendemastes ( Vortrag Dr. W. Jandrisovits auf dem Bamberger Mobilfunksymposium Januar 2005).

-Netanya ( Israel)

In der im Journal of Cancer Prevention April 2004 veröffentlichten Studie wurde das Neuauftreten von Krebserkrankungen in der Nähe eines Mobilfunksenders im Vergleich mit einer unbestrahlten Region untersucht. Die Autoren R. und D. Wolf finden bereits nach einem Jahr Laufzeit gegenüber der Gesamtbevölkerung und der Kontrollgruppe vierfach erhöhte Krebsraten bei Frauen, die sich im Folgejahr wiederholt.

- West Midlands ( England )

Bei einer Erhebung, an der Dr. J. Walker beteiligt war, zeigt sich eine ungewöhnliche Krebshäufung im Bereich der höchsten Strahlungsintensität um eine seit 8 Jahren sendende Basisstation. Die Untersuchung der Krebscluster in Verbindung mit der geschätzten und gemessenen Strahlenintensität wurde von Dr.Walker bereits mehrfach mit demselben Ergebnis durchgeführt.

Dr. P.M. Wiedemann (Jülich) stellte eine neue Risikoanalyse vor. Wissenschaftler hätten Studien aus den Jahren 2000 bis 2004 bewertet und hätten keine Belege für Gesundheitsschäden gefunden. Wiedemann musste in der Diskussion jedoch einräumen, dass in Deutschland außer in Naila keine Untersuchungen an Mobilfunkstandorten durchgeführt worden sind. Also fehlt der Risikoanalyse die wissenschaftliche Grundlage.

Obwohl sich seit 10 Jahren erkrankte Menschen von vielen Standorten verzweifelt an das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, an die Strahlenschutzkommission und an das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit wendeten, wurden die entscheidenden Fragen wissenschaftlich nicht untersucht:

Wie geht es den Menschen, die in der Nähe von Mobilfunkanlagen leben oder arbeiten, gesundheitlich?

Wie wirkt sich das Vorhandensein eines DECT-Telefones auf Bewohner und Nachbarn aus?

Von den Naturwissenschaftlern wurde es unterlassen, zu den vielen Erkrankten zu gehen und Studien durchzuführen. Daher haben sie keine wissenschaftliche Legitimation eine Bewertung des Gesundheitsrisikos vorzunehmen.

Die Ergebnisse ärztlicher Untersuchungen, die mangels offizieller Studien von etlichen Ärzten durchgeführt wurden, sind erschütternd:

- Seit Jahren erkranken viele Menschen z.T. schwer durch gepulste hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder.

- Die behandelnden Ärzte erkannten die Ursache der Erkrankung oft nicht, da nach geltender Lehrmeinung eine Auswirkung auf die Gesundheit nicht für möglich gehalten wird.

- Wenn die Betroffenen selbst einen Zusammenhang mit der Hochfrequenz vermuteten (aus zeitlichen und räumlichen Gründen) wurden sie oft lächerlich gemacht, zu Psychotherapeuten geschickt und ihrem Schicksal gnadenlos überlassen.

Die Forschergruppe von Prof. Dr.R.Tauber, Berlin, die an der renommierten REFLEX-Studie mitgearbeitet hatte, stellte die Auswirkungen von EMF unterhalb der gültigen Grenzwerte auf die Erbsubstanz und auf Proteinkonzentrationen vor. Auch wenn aus diesen Laborbefunden nicht direkt auf Gesundheitsschäden geschlossen werden kann, sind diese Ergebnisse aus ärztlicher Sicht so beunruhigend, dass sofortiger Handlungsbedarf besteht.

Ein Naturwissenschaftler forscht.

Ein Arzt muss vorbeugen und heilen.

Vorbeugung und Heilung ist nur möglich durch Beendigung der Hochfrequenzexposition.

Bamberg, den 15.5.05

Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam
Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell

Nachricht von Christine Kind


Die Programmgruppe Mensch, Umwelt, Technik des Forschungszentrums Jülich, ist eine sehr industrienahe Institution, deren Mitarbeiter sich seit Jahren durch Verharmlosung von Umweltgefahren hervortun und im Auftrag von Mobilfunk- und Atomindustrie durch die Lande ziehen und bei Veranstaltungen und in Fernsehsendungen auftreten, um die Sorgen besorgter Bürger herunterzuspielen. Die Programmgruppe Mensch Umwelt Technik (MUT) wird von Dr. Peter M. Wiedemann geleitet, Psychologe und in der Vergangenheit bereits in ähnlicher Weise für die Atomindustrie tätig. Als Partner der Programmgruppe werden beispielsweise T-Mobil und Vodaphone Produktentwicklung angegeben. http://tinyurl.com/7tmjr

Krebs Cluster


Plans are thrown out

Plans are thrown out May 13 2005

Solihull Times May 14th 2005

MOBILE phone companies were told to 'keep masts out of our area' on Wednesday evening as a hoard of protestors showed their support at Solihull Council's Planning Sub-Committee.

Nearly 150 residents and their children cheered as councillors unanimously refused two applications from T Mobile to build 12 metre slimline telecommunications poles.

The healthy turnout of placard waving people resulted in the meeting being switched from its regular room to the main council chamber.

One mast application targeted land adjacent to the Sharmans Cross Pub, Prospect Lane and the other proposal was a plot on the corner of Alderminster Road and Hillfield Road .

The Shirley application attracted 46 written objections and three petitions containing 226 signatures.

Meanwhile, the Soli-hull site received 246 letters and two petitions containing 548 signatures.

Councillor Theresa Tedd (St Alphege, Con) opposed both applications.

Martin Leech, whose house lay directly next to the Hillfield application, said: "I was very pleased with the turnout and felt the whole community was behind us.

"We felt it was a ridiculous place to put a mast and are pleased that council officers and committee members decided to reject it."

During the meeting Councillor Stuart Davis (St Alphege, Con) said: "It beggars belief, I cannot understand why mobile companies think they can do this. As Councillor Tedd said they are 'dunderheads' and I would go along with that. These masts should not be built in residential areas."





PNAC - the Bush Administration Agenda for Global Military Domination


Millions of Acres of Wild National Forests Immediately at Risk


Solar Myth


Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops

Article Research and Development (RnD) by: InfoNature.Org: Information & Education - WWW.INFONATURE.ORG
Information & Education on Nature, Cultures, Science, History, News, Activism, Human/Animal rights...




The results on the use of Depleted Uranium - An amazing Flash Animation:
More information:

More info - Photos of the consequences on the use of DU:

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
By Amy Worthington - The Idaho Observer

On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done. America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.

Bush-Cheney have delivered upon 17 million Iraqis tons of depleted uranium (DU) weapons, a "liberation" gift that will keep on giving. Depleted uranium is a component of toxic nuclear waste, usually stored at secure sites. Handlers need radiation protection gear.

Over a decade ago, war-makers decided to incorporate this lethal waste into much of the Pentagon's weaponry. Navy ships carrying Phalanx rapid fire guns are capable of firing thousands of DU rounds per minute.(1) Tomahawk missiles launched from U.S. ships and subs are DU-tipped.(2) The M1 Abrams tanks are armored with DU.(3) These and British Challenger II tanks are tightly packed with DU shells, which continually irradiate troops in or near them.(4) The A-10 "tank buster" aircraft fires DU shells at machines and people on the battlefield.(5)

DU munitions are classified by a United Nations resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction. Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.

Ironically, support for our troops will extend well beyond the war in Iraq. Americans will be supporting Gulf War II veterans for years as they slowly and painfully succumb to radiation poisoning. U.S and British troops deployed to the area are the walking dead. Humans and animals, friends and foes in the fallout zone are destined to a long downhill spiral of chronic illness and disability. Kidney dysfunction, lung damage, bloody stools, extreme fatigue, joint pain, unsteady gait, memory loss and rashes and, ultimately, cancer and premature death await those exposed to DU.

Award-winning journalist Will Thomas wrote: "As the last Gulf conflict so savagely demonstrated, GI immune systems reeling from multiple doses of experimental vaccines offer little defense against further exposure to chemical weapons, industrial toxins, stress, caffeine, insect repellent and radiation leftover from the last war. This is a war even the victors will lose."(6)

When a DU shell is fired, it ignites upon impact. Uranium, plus traces of plutonium and americium, vaporize into tiny, ceramic particles of radioactive dust. Once inhaled, uranium oxides lodge in the body and emit radiation indefinitely. A single particle of DU lodged in a lymph node can devastate the entire immune system according to British radiation expert Roger Coghill.(7)

The Royal Society of England published data showing that battlefield soldiers who inhale or swallow high levels of DU can suffer kidney failure within days.(8) Any soldier now in Iraq who has not inhaled lethal radioactive dust is not breathing. In the first two weeks of combat, 700 Tomahawks, at a cost of $1.3 million each, blasted Iraqi real estate into radioactive mushroom clouds.(9) Millions of DU tank rounds liter the terrain. Cleanup is impossible because there is no place on the planet to put so much contaminated debris.

Bush Sr.'s Gulf War I was also a nuclear war. 320 tons of depleted uranium were used against Iraq in 1991.(10) A 1998 report by the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances confirms that inhaling DU causes symptoms identical to those claimed by many sick vets with Gulf War Syndrome.(11) The Gulf War Veterans Association reports that at least 300,000 Gulf War I vets have now developed incapacitating illnesses.(12) To date, 209,000 vets have filed claims for disability benefits based on service-connected injuries and illnesses from combat in that war.(13)

Dr. Asaf Durakovic, a professor of nuclear medicine at Georgetown University, is a former army medical expert. He told nuclear scientists in Paris last year that tens of thousands of sick British and American soldiers are now dying from radiation they encountered during Gulf War I. He found that 62 percent of sick vets tested have uranium isotopes in their organs, bones, brains and urine.(14) Laboratories in Switzerland and Finland corroborated his findings.

In other studies, some sick vets were found to be expressing uranium in even their semen. Their sexual partners often complained of a burning sensation during intercourse, followed by their own debilitating illnesses.(15)

Nothing compares to the astronomical cancer rates and birth defects suffered by the Iraqi people who have endured vicious nuclear chastisement for years.(16) U.S. air attacks against Iraq since 1993 have undoubtedly employed nuclear munitions. Pictures of grotesquely deformed Iraqi infants born since 1991 are overwhelming.(17) Like those born to Gulf War I vets, many babies born to troops now in Iraq will also be afflicted with hideous deformities, neurological damage and/or blood and respiratory disorders.(18)

As an Army health physicist, Dr. Doug Rokke was dispatched to the Middle East to salvage DU-contaminated tanks after Gulf War I. His Geiger counters revealed that the war zones of Iraq and Kuwait were contaminated with up to 300 millirems an hour in beta and gamma radiation plus thousands to millions of counts per minute in alpha radiation. Rokke recently told the media: "The whole area is still trashed. It is hotter than heck over there still. This stuff doesn't go away."(19)

DU remains "hot" for 4.5 billion years. Radiation expert Dr. Helen Caldicott confirms that the dust-laden winds of DU-contaminated war zones "will remain effectively radioactive for the rest of time."(20) The murderous dust storms which ensnared coalition troops during the first few days of the current invasion are sure to have significant health consequences.

Rokke and his cleanup team were issued only flimsy dust masks for their dangerous work. Of the 100 people on Rokke's decontamination team, 30 have already "dropped dead." Rokke himself is ill with radiation damage to lungs and kidneys. He has brain lesions, skin pustules, chronic fatigue, continual wheezing and painful fibromyalgia. Rokke warns that anyone exposed to DU should have adequate respiratory protection and special coveralls to protect their clothing because, he says, you can't get uranium particles off your clothing.

The U.S. military insists that DU on the battlefield is not a problem. Colonel James Naughton of the U.S. Army Material Command recently told the BBC that complaints about DU "had no medical basis."(21) The military's own documents belie this. A 1993 Pentagon document warned that "when soldiers inhale or ingest DU dust they incur a potential increase in cancer risk."(22) A U.S. Army training manual requires anyone who comes within 25 meters of DU-contaminated equipment to wear respiratory and skin protection.(23) The U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute admitted: "If DU enters the body, it has the potential to generate significant medical consequences."(24) The Institute also stated that, if the troops were to realize what they had been exposed to, "the financial implications of long-term disability payments and healthcare costs would be excessive."(25) For pragmatic reasons, DOD chooses to lie and deny.

Dr. Rokke confirms that the Pentagon lies about DU dangers and is criminally negligent for neglecting medical attention needed by DU-contaminated vets. He predicts that the numbers of American troops to be sickened by DU from Gulf War II will be staggering.(26) As they gradually sicken and suffer a slow burn to their graves, the Pentagon will, as it did after Gulf War I, deny that their misery and death is a result of their tour in Iraq.

Dr. Rokke's candor has cost him his career. Likewise, Dr. Durakovic's radiation studies on Gulf War I vets were not popular with U.S. officials. Dr. Durakovic was reportedly told his life was in danger if he continued his research. He left the U.S. to continue his research abroad.(27)

Naive young coalition soldiers now in Iraq are likely unaware of how deadly their battlefield environment is. Gulf War I troops were kept in ignorance. Soldiers handled DU fragments and some wore these lethal nuggets around their necks. A DU projectile emits more radiation in five hours than allowed in an entire year under civilian radiation exposure standards. "We didn't know any better," Kris Kornkven told Nation magazine. "We didn't find out until long after we were home that there even was such a thing as DU."(28)

George Bush's ongoing war in Afghanistan is also a nuclear war. Shortly after 9-11, the U.S. announced it would stockpile tactical nuclear weapons including small neutron bombs, nuclear mines and shells suited to commando warfare in Afghanistan.(29) In late September, 2001, Bush and Russian president Vladimir Putin agreed that the U.S. would use tactical nuclear weapons in Afghanistan while Putin would employ nuclear weapons against the Chechnyans.(30)

Describing the Pentagon's B-61-11 burrowing nuke bomb, George Smith writes in the Village Voice: "Built ram tough with a heavy metal casing for smashing through the earth and concrete, the B-61 explodes with the force of an estimated 340,000 tons of TNT. It is lots of bang for the buck, literally two apocalypse bombs in one, a boosted plutonium firecracker called the primary and a heavy hydrogen secondary for that good old-fashioned H-bomb fireball."(31)

Drought-stricken Afghanistan's underground water supply is now contaminated by these nuclear weapons.(32) Experts with the Uranium Medical Research Center report that urine samples of Afghanis show the highest level of uranium ever recorded in a civilian population. Afghani soldiers and civilians are reported to have died after suffering intractable vomiting, severe respiratory problems, internal bleeding and other symptoms consistent with radiation poisoning. Dead birds still perched in trees are found partially melted with blood oozing from their mouths.(33)

Afghanistan's new president, Hamid Karzai, is a puppet installed by Washington. Under the protection of American soldiers, Karzai's regime is setting a new record for opium production. Both UN and U.S. reports confirm that the huge Afghani opium harvest of 2002 makes Afghanistan the world's leading opium producer.(34) Thanks to nuclear weapons, Afghanistan is now safe for the Bush-Cheney narcotics industry.(35) ABC News asserts that keeping the "peace" in Afghanistan will require decades of allied occupation.(36) For years to come, "peacekeepers" will be eating, drinking and breathing the "hot" carcinogenic pollution they have helped the Pentagon inflict upon that nation for organized crime.

As governor of Arkansas during the Iran-Contra era, Bill Clinton laundered $multi-millions in cocaine profits for then vice-president George Bush Sr.(37) As a partner in the Bush family's notorious crime machine, President Clinton committed U.S. troops to NATO's campaign in the Balkans, a prime heroin production and trans-shipment area. DOD's campaign to control and reorganize the drug trade there for the Bush mafia was yet another nuclear project.

For years, the U.S. and NATO fired DU missiles, bullets and shells across the Balkans, nuking the peoples of Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo. As DU munitions were slammed into chemical plants, the environment became hideously toxic, also endangering the peoples of Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Austria and Hungary. By 1999, UN investigators reported that an estimated 12 tons of DU had caused irreparable damage to the Yugoslavian environment, with agriculture, livestock and air water, and public health all profoundly damaged.(38)

Scientists confirm that citizens of the Balkans are excreting uranium in their urine.39 In 2001, a Yugoslavian pathologist reported that hundreds of Bosnians have died of cancer from NATO's DU bombardment.(40) Many NATO peacekeepers in the Balkans now suffer ill health. Their leukemias, cancers and other maladies are dubbed the "Balkans Syndrome." Richard Coghill predicts that DU weapons used in Balkans campaign will result in at least 10,000 cases of fatal cancer.(41)

U.S. citizens at home are also paying a heavy price for criminal militarism gone mad. DOD is a pollution monster. The General Accounting Office (GAO) found 9,181 dangerous military sites in USA that will require $billions to rehabilitate. The GAO reports that DOD has been both slothful and deceitful in its clean-up obligations.(42) The Pentagon is now pressing Congress to exempt it from all environmental laws so that it may pollute and poison free from liability.(43)

The Navy uses prime fishing grounds off the coast of Washington state to test fire DU ammunition. In January, Washington State Rep. Jim McDermott chastised the Navy: "On one hand you have required soldiers to have DU safety training and to wear protective gear when handling DU...and submarines must stay clear of DU-contaminated waters. These policies indicate there is cause for concern....On the other hand the Department of Defense has repeatedly denied that DU poses any danger whatsoever. There has been no remorse about leaving tons of DU equipment in the soil in foreign countries, and there appears to be no remorse about leaving it in the waters of your own country."(44)

DU has been used in military practice maneuvers in Indiana, Florida, New Mexico, Massachusetts, Maryland and Puerto Rico. After the Navy tested DU weaponry on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, one third of the island's population developed serious illness. Many people show high levels of uranium in their bodies. Hundreds have filed a class action suit against the Navy for $100 million, claiming DU contamination has caused widespread cancers.(45)

The Navy's Fallon Naval Air Station near Fallon, Nevada, is a quagmire of 26 toxic waste sites. It is also a target practice zone for DU bombs and missiles. Area residents report bizarre illnesses, including 17 children who have contracted leukemia within five years. A survey of groundwater in the Fallon area showed nearly half of area wells are contaminated with radioactive materials.(46)

The materials for DU weaponry have been processed mainly at three nuclear plants in Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee, where workers handling uranium contaminated with plutonium have suffered for decades with cancers and debilitating maladies similar to Gulf War Syndrome.(47)

Emboldened by power-grabbing successes made possible by his administration's devious 9-11 project, President Bush asserts that the U.S. has the right to attack any nation it deems a potential threat. He told West Point in 2002, "If we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long."(48) Thus, it is certain that Bush-Cheney future pre-emptive nuclear wars are lined up like idling jets on a runway. Both Cheney's Halliburton Corp. and the Bush family's Carlyle Group are profiteers in U.S. defense contracts, so endless war is just good business.(49)

The Washington Post reported that the Pentagon will create special nuclear weapons for use on North Korea's underground nuclear facilities.(50) Next August, U.S. war makers will meet to consolidate plans for a new generation of "mini," "micro" and "tiny" nuclear bombs and bunker busters. These will be added to the U.S. arsenal perhaps for use against non-nuclear third-world nations such as Iran, Syria, Lebanon.(51)

The solution? Americans must stop electing ruthless criminals to rule this nation. We must convince fellow citizens that villains like Saddam Hussein are made in the U.S. as rationale for endless corporate war profits. Saddam was placed in power by the CIA.(52) For years U.S. government agencies, under auspices of George Bush Sr., supplied him with chemical and biological weapons.(53) Our national nuclear laboratories, along with Unisys, Dupont and Hewlett-Packard, sold Saddam materials for his nuclear program.(54) Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton in the late 90s when its subsidiaries signed $73 million in new contracts to further supply Saddam.(55) The wicked villain of Iraq was nurtured for decades as a cash-cow by U.S. military-industrial piranhas.

If America truly supports its troops, it must stop sending them into nuclear holocaust for the enrichment of thugs. Time is running out. If the DU-maniacs at the Pentagon and their coven of nuclear arms peddlers are not harnessed, America will have no able-bodied fighting forces left. All people of the earth will become grossly ill, hideously deformed and short- lived. We must succeed in the critical imperative to face reality and act decisively. Should we fail, there will be no place to hide from Bush-Cheney's merciless nuclear orgies yet to come or from the inevitable nuclear retaliation these orgies will surely breed.


1."DOD Launches Depleted Uranium Training," Linda Kozaryn, American Forces Press Service, 8-13-99.

2."Nukes of the Gulf War,"John Shirley, Zess@aol.com. See this article in archives at http://www.gulfwarvets.com.

3. BBC News, "US To Use Depleted Uranium," March 18, 2003; U.S. General Accounting Office, Operation Desert Storm: "Early Performance Assessment of Bradley and Abrams," 1-2-92.

4."Nukes of the Gulf War," op. cit.

5. Ibid.

6. "Invading Hiroshima," William Thomas, 2-4-2003, http://www.willthomas.net

7. "US Shells Leave Lethal Legacy," Toronto Star, July 31, 1999; also "Radiation Tests for Peacekeepers in the Balkans Exposed to Depleted Uranium," http://www.telegraph.co.uk, 12-31-02.

8. "Depleted Uranium May Stop Kidneys In Days," Rob Edwards, New Scientist.com, 3-12-02; also "Uranium Weapons Too Hot to Handle," Rob Edwards, New Scientist.co.uk, 6-9-99.

9. "Navy Seeks Cash for More Tomahawks," David Rennie in Washington, Telegraph Group Limited, 1-4-03, http://news.telegraph.co.uk.

10. "Going Nuclear in Iraq--DU Cancers Mount Daily," Ramzi Kysia, CounterPunch.org, 12-31-01.

11."Depleted Uranium Symptoms Match US Report As Fears Spread," Peter Beaumont, The Observer (UK) 1-14-01, http://www.guardianlimited.co.uk.

12. "Gulf War Illnesses Affect 300,000 Vets," Ellen Tomson, Pioneer Press, http://www.pioneerplanet.com. See also American Gulf War Veterans Association at http://www.gulfwarvets.com.

13. "2 of Every 5 Gulf War Vets Are On Disability: 209,000 Make VA Claims," World Net Daily, 1-28-03, http://WorldNetDaily.com.

14. "Research on Sick Gulf Vets Revisited, "New York Times, 1-29-01; "Tests Show Gulf War Victims Have Uranium Poisoning," Jonathon Carr-Brown and Martin Meissonnier, The Sunday Times (UK) 9-3-02.

15. "Catastrophe: Ill Gulf Vets Contaminated Partners With DU," The Halifax Herald Limited, Clare Mellor, 2-09-01. This article is available in archives at http://www.rense.com.

16. "Iraqi Cancer, Birth Defects Blamed on US Depleted Uranium," Seattle Post- Intelligencer, 11-12-02; "US Depleted Uranium Yields Chamber of Horrors in Southern Iraq, Andy Kershaw, The Independent (London) 12-4-01.

17. "The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf War Region with Special References to Iraq," Ross Mirkarimi, The Arms Control Research Centre, May 1992. See also Gulf War Syndrome Birth Defects in Iraq at http://www.web-light.nl/VISIE/extremedeformities.html.

18. "The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm, Has Our Country Abandoned Them?," Life Magazine, November 1995; "Birth Defects Killing Gulf War Babies," Los Angeles Times, 11-14-94; "Depleted Uranium, The Lingering Poison," Alex Kirby, BBC News Online, 6-7-99.

19. "Depleted Uranium, A Killer Disaster," Travis Dunn, Disaster News.net, 12-29-02.

20. San Francisco Chronicle, 10-10-02.

21. "US To Use Depleted Uranium," BBC News, 3-18-03.

22. "Depleted Uranium Symptoms Match US Report As Fears Spread," Peter Beaumont, The Observer (UK) 1-14-01.

23. "Iraqi Cancer, Birth Defects Blamed on US Depleted Uranium," Seattle Post- Intelligencer, 11-12-02.

24. "US To Use Depleted Uranium," BBC News, 3-18-03.

25. US Army Environmental Policy Institute: Health and Environmental Consequences of Depleted Uranium in the U.S. Army, Technical Report, June 1995.

26. "Pentagon Depleted Uranium No Health Risk," Dr. Doug Rokke, 3-15-03; also "The Terrible, Tragic Toll of Depleted Uranium," Address by Dr. Rokke before congressional leaders in Washington, D.C.,12-30-02; also "Gulf War Casualties," Dr. Doug Rokke, http://www.traprockpeace.org. 9-30-02.

27."Tests Show Gulf War Victims Have Uranium Poisoning," Sunday Times (UK), Jonathon Carr-Brown and Martin Meissonnier, 9-3-00.

28. "The Pentagon's Radioactive Bullet: An Investigative Report," Bill Mesler, The Nation, 5-28-99, see http://www.thenation.com/issue/961021/1021mesl.htm.

29. "Tactical Nukes Deployed In Afghanistan," World Net Daily, 10-7-01. 30. Ibid.

31. "The B-61 Bomb,The Burrowing Nuke" George Smith,VillageVoice.com 12-29-02.; also "Bunker-busting US Tactical Nuclear Bombs, Nowhere to Hide," Kennedy Grey, Wired.com, 10-9-01.

32."Perpetual Death From America," Mohammed Daud Miraki, Afghan-American Interviews, 2-24-03; also "Dying of Thirst," Fred Pearce, New Scientist, 11-17-2001.

33. Ibid.

34. "Afghanistan Displaces Myanmar as Top Heroin Producer," Agence France-Presse, 3-01-03. This article is at http://www.copvcia.com.;also "Opium Trade Flourishing In the `New Afghanistan,'" Reuters, 3-3-03.

35. "The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire," Michael C. Ruppert, Nexus Magazine, February-March 2000; The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, Alfred W. McCoy, Lawrence Hill & Co., revised edition due May 2003; Drugging of America, Rodney Stich, Diablo Western Press, 1999; "Blood for Oil, Drugs for Arms," Bob Djurdjevic, Truth In Media, April 2000, http://www.truthinmedia.org.

36. ABC News, February 27, 2003.

37. Compromised, Clinton Bush and the CIA, Terry Reed and John Cummings, S.P.I. Books, 1994; The Clinton Chronicles and The Mena Cover-up, Citizens for Honest Government, 1996; "The Crimes of Mena, Grey Money," Ozark Gazette, 1995 (see http://www.copvcia.com.)

38. "Damage to Yugoslav Environment is Immense, Says a UN Report," Bob Djurdjevic, 7-4-99, truthinmedia.org. This report was submitted to the UN Security Council on June 9, 1999; also, "New Depleted Uranium Study Shows Clear Damage," BBC News,8-28-99; also "NATO Issued Warning About Toxic Ammo," Associated Press, 01-08-01.

39. CounterPunch.org, 12-28-01.

40. "Hundreds Died of Cancer After DU Bombing--Doctor," Reuters, 1-13-01.

41."Depleted Uranium Threatens Balkan Cancer Epidemic," BBC News, 7-30-99.

42. "Many Defense Sites Still Hazardous," Associated Press, 9-24-02; also Old US Weapons Called Hidden Danger, Los Angeles Times, 11-25-02.

43. "Pentagon Seeks Freedom to Pollute Land, Air and Sea," Andrew Gumbel in L.A., 3-13-03, Independent Digital (UK) Ltd.

44. "Radioactive DU Ammo Is Tested in Fish Areas," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1-11-03; Letter from Rep. McDermott to Department of the Navy: see "Navy Fired DU Rounds Into Waters Off Coast of Washington," 1-20-03, rense.com.

45."Cancer Rates Soar From US Military Use of DU On `Enchanted Island,'" http://www.telegraph.co.uk, 2-5-01; also "Navy Shells With Depleted Uranium Fired in Puerto Rico," Fox News Online, 5-28-99.

46. "The Fallon, NV Cancer Cluster And a US Navy Bombing," Jeffrey St. Clair, CounterPunch.org, 8-10-02.

47. "DU Shells Are Made of A Potentially Lethal Cocktail of Nuclear Waste," Jonathon Carr-Brown, http://www.sunday-times.co.uk, 1-22-01.

48. "Preventative War Sets Perilous Precedent," Helen Thomas, Hearst Newspapers, 3-20-03.

49. PIGS at the Trough, Arriana Huffington, Random House, 2003 (New York Times best seller.); also "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy, From Hitler to Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden Insider Connections and the Bush Family's Partnership With Killers of Americans;" Mike Ruppert, From the Wilderness,10-10-01; also "Bush Sr.'s Carlyle Group Gets Fat on War and Conflict," Jamie Doward, The Observer (UK), 3-25-03; also "Halliburton Wins Contract for Iraq Oil Firefighting, Reuters, 3-7-03; also "Cashing In-Fortunes in Profits Await Bush Circle After Iraq War, Andrew Gumbel, The Independent (London) 9-15-02; also "War Could Be Big Business for Halliburton," Reuters, 3-23-03.

50. "Pentagon Seeks a Nuclear Digger," Washington Post, March 10, 2003.

51. "Remember: Bush Planed Iraq War Before Taking Office," Neil Mackay, The Sunday Herald (UK) 3-27-03; also "US Mini-Nukes Alarm Scientists," The Guardian (UK) 4-18-01; also "US Nuclear First-Strike Plan--It Keeps Getting Scarier, Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, 2-24-03.

52. Wall Street Journal, 8-16-90: The CIA supported the Baath Party and installed Hussein as Iraqi dictator in 1968.

53. "United States Dual-Use Exports to Iraq and Their Impact on the Health of Persian Gulf War Veterans," Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, 1992, 1994; "U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup," Washington Post, 12-30-02.

54. "US Government, 24 US Corps Illegally Helped Iraq Build Its WMD," Hugh Williamson in Berlin, Financial Times, 12-19-02; "Full List of US Weapons Suppliers To Iraq," Anu de Monterice, coachanu@earthlink.net, 12-19-02.

55. Huffington, op. cit.

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White House Moves Disability Benefits to The Chopping Block


Informant: Bigraccoon

Torture Whitewash


Bolton: Plenty of Harm, Lots of Fouls


Anti-American Protests Spread through Islamic World


We must stop him this time

May 14, 2005

Let us celebrate two MAJOR victories! Let them inspire you to continue the calls, vigils, petitions and letters, as we can't let up now.

1. Despite dire expectations that Pablo Paredes would suffer the next 8 months in jail like his friend Camilo Mejia (the first Conscientious Objector to be tried), Pablo is free from imprisonment. We are delighted to report that his " victory is an incredible boon to the anti-war movement ," as attested by Jeremy Warren, Pablo's lawyer. Thank you for your support -- especially CODEPINK San Diego, who stood by Pablo's side this week. Let's use this momentum to continue supporting each soldier's right of conscience by signing our petition.

For more on Pablo's trial and his statement of conscience, go to: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/13/1437208 .

2. Our double victory includes Bolton's delayed confirmation. In a series of surprising events, the republicans were forced to send his vote to the senate as a no recommendation. Just as word of this news reached us, we also heard from our beloved Barbara Boxer, who had dug into her bag of tricks and put a HOLD vote on this issue, with a request for more information, which the State Department is still sitting on.

Thanks to her, we have won a few more days to press forward with our campaign against Bolton. We THANK Barbara Boxer yet again for being a true representative of the people and for standing up to the bullies in the White House and Congress. We ask everyone, especially her Californian constituents, to call Barbara Boxer to THANK HER, and to support her in BLOCKING THE VOTE!

While Barbara continues this fight in the Senate, there is much more you can do:

* Please use this precious time to contact your Senators and demand that they vote NO when the hold is removed: http://ga4.org/campaign/bolton/3kiseu245jen57?

* Then send an email to the White House, urging President Bush to send us a new common-sense UN nominee ( http://ga4.org/campaign/new_nominee/3kiseu245jen57? ) who can receive bi-partisan support in the Senate -- and across America.

* Plus, don't forget to invite your friends and family to email their Senators ( http://ga4.org/campaign/bolton/forward/3kiseu245jen57? ), and tell them to email President Bush as well ( http://ga4.org/campaign/new_nominee/forward/3kiseu245jen57? ).

Each call and email WILL make a difference. We must stop him this time! Bolton's failed nomination could very well be the cog that stops this out of control administration.

With hopeful hearts,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tiffany

The Anatomy of the State


Informant: Milo

Millions Against Monsanto

GMO's - Monsanto Paid For & Bought by US Government and Federal Officials. US Government and Biotech Firm Deceive Public on GM Corn Mix-up.


Millions Against Monsanto
Take Action!

Informant: Friends

New light on Bush's war plans


Informant: kevcross5

A coronal mass ejection has swept past Earth, shaking our planet's magnetic field

IMPACT! A coronal mass ejection has just swept past Earth, shaking our planet's magnetic field. http://www.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/kp_3d.html

It's too soon to say how strong the resulting geomagnetic storm will be, but if if it's dark where you live, you should step outside now and look for auroras. http://www.spaceweather.com/aurora/gallery_01may05.htm


If US attacks Iran, real disaster would be an 'America finally gone beyond the pale'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Cellular Antennas could have caused Plane Crash


Informant: Sylvie

Pentagon's war stories leave a legacy of doubt

Given that we now know what really happened in the death of Pat Tillman in Afghanistan, is it any wonder the Italians dispute the U.S. government's version of how Nicola Calipari died in Iraq?


The emerging scientific consensus on the meaninglessness of the key concept of radiation dose

The latest edition of the Low Level Radiation Campaign's Journal Radioactive Times is now published as a PDF on http://www.llrc.org.

Of great topical relevance in view of the pressure for new nuclear build this edition covers:

* The full story of CERRIE (the UK Government's Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters) – how it failed and why;

* Where CERRIE stands in the wider debate on how Governments obtain science advice;

* The emerging scientific consensus on the meaninglessness of the key concept of radiation dose (Since "dose" is the only language regulators have for quantifying risk, challenges to emissions authorisations are inevitable and are already underway);

* New evidence of cancer and leukaemia that falsifies existing risk estimates;

* European plans to enforce clearance and recycling of radioactively contaminated materials into consumer products;

* and a good deal more.

Look for THE RaT IS BACK on the navigation bar on http://www.llrc.org .

For hard copy contact Richard Bramhall 01597 824771 / 07887 942043 bramhall@llrc.org giving a postal address.

Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
The Knoll, Montpellier Park
Llandrindod Wells,
Powys LD1 5LW U.K.
+44(0)1597 824771
07887 942043

Constant Use of Mobiles for sometimes trivial Purposes is pushing up the Demand for more and more Base Stations

Dear Philip, I should like to see the list of yours and Nancy's symptoms please. There are often minor variations in what people suffer.

I met a couple recently who live near three masts. Husband and wife have both developed lumps/tumours? on the back of their heads during last three years; wife has severe vertigo, husban and daughter insomnia in spades and daughter extreme thirst. Both adults are having difficulty doing their jobs and have had a great deal of time off work - he said it was all he could do to bother getting in touch with me, after the council gave him my addres as 'a lady who has been instrumental in preventing a mast from being erected'. That was news to me!

Although I did know that orange 'needed' to put at least one other mast in our village, so perhaps that is what I have prevented.

Someone living at the top of the village was complaining that he could get no signal for his Orange phone.

I must ask him what possessed him to get one, when he knows all about the symptoms suffered near the mast. He obviously does not believe that they victims are really suffering!

Gill Lyden


Gill's comment regarding the chap complaining of no Orange signal is highlighting the problem we have. When the phone companies claim the need for base stations because of "demand" that is exactly what they are referring to. No phones - no demand!

I have recently had contact with a local resident who has enlisted my help in objecting to a T Mobile base station (another to add to the 20 + base stations we already have in and around the village!). She rang me from home and when the quality of the reception fell - she explained that she was on her mobile phone because "I get my calls free".

So that is what is happening around the country (and around the world) - people are expecting to use their mobile phones, even when there is a landline handy (she took another call on her landline while we were speaking) - but do not want to live by a base station. These people must be made to understand that constant use of mobiles for sometimes trivial purposes is pushing up the demand for more and more base stations - especially 3G - AND THE PROFITS FOR THE MOBILE OPERATORS!!


Clusters in England


May 15 2005

EXCLUSIVE Residents' fear over radio masts on roof

By Chris Tate

A BLOCK of flats bristling with mobile phone and radio masts has been branded the Tower of Terror after a grim series of cancer deaths.

Seven residents have died from the disease in the last 18 months alone, with four receiving treatment for related illnesses. Four others have suffered strokes.

Now panic-stricken neighbours are desperate to have the masts removed amid fears the emissions are death rays.

Residents' Association chairman Bill Marrow, 65, who was recently fitted with a pacemaker, said: "Every time I get a headache these days I'm worried I could be the next person to be struck down.

"The whole block is extremely concerned. We're all asking who is going to be next."

Vodaphone and Orange have base stations on top of Liscard House - the block housing 86 flats in Wallasey, Merseyside - and there is also a radio mast for the emergency services.

Health chiefs have launched an investigation and offered residents urgent medical checks. Reg Blackmore, 77, is currently nursing his wife Monica back to health after she too fell victim to the cancer curse. He said: "We love it here. It's been a fantastic place to retire to, but we're so worried that our health is suffering with each passing day."

Campaigner Bill accepts there is no scientific proof linking radio masts to cancer, but said: "I fear that one day someone will come along and tell us we were right about this.

Omega: There is scientific proof linking radio masts to cancer. See under:

Clusters in England

Inquiry into cancer cluster fears at 'tower of doom'

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations


"Until then it's better to be safe than sorry. We're determined to get these masts removed."We know there is no concrete proof these masts are causing the cancers but it is not fair to have the worry over our heads."

The seven dead are Norman McMahon, 64, Jean McCabe, 71, Betty Olney, 72, Ray Clynch, 70, Pat Doughty, 65, Alan Benson, 85, and Anastasia Redington, 72.

Birkenhead and Wallasey Primary Care Trust confirmed health checks were on offer and they would meet residents' requests for data on cancer rates which they can cross-reference with those in their building.

Orange said it had agreed to co-operate during the probe. A spokesman added: "Radiation coming from our mast is well below the guidelines. But we will do everything possible to allay the residents' concerns."

No-one from Vodafone was available for comment.


THE PEOPLE, 1 CANADA SQUARE, LONDON E14 5AP OR SEND AN EMAIL TO: people_letters@hotmail.com


Constant Use of Mobiles for sometimes trivial Purposes is pushing up the Demand for more and more Base Stations http://omega.twoday.net/stories/692981/


Those of us who live with it, know the truth about TETRA and how it affects us, which is always denied by Government, NHS, and phone companies.

I lost my composure and all else over this very issue on Friday and Saturday, and thought I was behaving unreasonably to want to push TETRA and health risks right up in the spotlight!
These two articles tell me I am right and I intend to try to do something about it, at whatever cost to myself.

Please note that TETRA is also on the tower block where 7 people have died.

I have written to the People and also sent the Comrie article to them. If any other groups want to join with me to get this issue aired as much as possible, please email The People (see below) or contact Mast Sanity


Campaigners’ alarm at health survey results

by Dave Lord

The Courier Tayside and Fife 15th May 2005

CAMPAIGNERS AGAINST a controversial mobile communication system claim dozens of residents of a Perthshire town are suffering acute health problems due to their prox- imity to a telecommunications mast.

The vast majority of respondents to a survey organised by the Comrie Action on TETRA (CAT) group reported illness including rashes, itchy skin, disturbed sleep and headaches.

CAT is now calling for a ban on the system, which is used by the emergency services.

The Comrie mast is located close to the local primary school and campaigners claim to have found persuasive evidence that the technology is unsafe.

“TETRA is affecting the health of the community in Comrie,” a CAT spokesman told The Courier yesterday.

“Comrie has a population of around 1800 and Comrie Action on Tetra has carried out a health survey of 1000 households. The results appear to show that many people are already suffering negative health effects.”

The spokesman said it was “particularly alarming” to note that people within a mile radius of the mast were more likely to be affected.

“Surveys were handed out and col-lected by local volunteers and in total 167 households responded,” he said. “Of these, 118 people said they thought they were being affected in some way or other by the mast.”

Most common health-related problems reported were disturbed sleep (91) followed by headaches (61), rashes and itchy skin (35) and dizziness (25). Other people noted unusual nosebleeds and other symptoms.

Of 69 respondents living within a mile of the TETRA mast, 47 reported negative health effects compared to 22 reporting no noticeable effects. “Of 80 households over a mile away, only 21 reported negative effects while 59 said they were not affected,” the spokesman said.

“If TETRA was not responsible for the health problems reported, it would have been assumed there would be no obvious difference based on distance from the mast.”

In the light of the results, the proximity of the mast to Comrie primary school is causing renewed anxiety.

“It is hard not to conclude that TETRA is having a negative effect on the quality of life of many in this community,” the spokesman said.

“Of particular concern is the proximity of the mast to the primary school where children who live in the village spend their days.

“We also believe that many people who are being affected have not filled in the survey forms and that there is still more to uncover. There is a sense that people try to manage problems like headaches and disturbed sleep and just make the best of it.”

CAT called for more to be done in a bid to stop the roll-out of TETRA.

“We would urge the Scottish Executive, health boards, and any relevant regulatory bodies to take a serious look at this now,” the spokesman said. “How many other communities throughout the UK are affected, and why are most politicians and media so quiet and complacent about this?

“It should not just be left to individuals and families to cope and manage these problems into their daily lives. They should not be expec-ted do so quietly and compliantly.”

The Comrie survey was carried out over the first few months of the year, around six months from the time that the TETRA mast was switched on.

Last night O2 Airwave, the company behind the mast, poured scorn on the survey’s findings.

“I wonder if this was a scientific study,” said communication manager Ray Weldon. “If you ask questions like this you are bound to get a certain amount of ticked boxes.”

Mr Weldon denied that the health problems described had anything to do with proximity to a TETRA mast.

“People who make surveys like this can get the answers they want by the way they ask the questions,” he continued. “TETRA is a safe technology—that is why it has been adopted by police forces across the UK .”

Mr Weldon added that “numerous” scientific studies had been carried out and that TETRA had not been found to pose any particular health risks.



11:00 - 12 May 2005

So Mike Dolan would have us believe that international guidelines support the claim that the mobile phone industry, which he represents, is squeaky-clean as to health effects (Letters, May 5). Rather than bandy words, let's look at what those International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection guidelines actually say. I quote: "These guidelines are based on short-term immediate effects such as . . . shocks and burns . . . elevated tissue temperatures . . . In the case of potential long-term effects of exposure, such as increased risk of cancer, ICNIRP concluded that available data are insufficient for setting exposure restrictions".

Note that the guidelines don't say 'no evidence of long-term non-thermal health effects', but 'insufficient data on which to base a safety threshold for such effects - so these guidelines don't cover them'. Exactly what the phone and mast health lobby keeps saying, and the Government keeps ignoring.

Of the six studies to date on phone masts, every one has shown significant ill-health effects. A recent four-year EU-backed study by 12 partners in seven countries repeatedly showed irrefutable evidence of phone emissions, at levels within ICNIRP guidelines, causing double-strand DNA breaks of the sort that lead to cancer.

Details of these studies, and many more, can be seen on my website http://www.starweave.com .

Mr Dolan would also have us believe that the NRPB, advisers to Government that he claims support his view, are independent.

We've heard from Government advisers before - on asbestos, BSE and the like. Anyone who dares to publicly advise the Government that this particular multi-billion pound cash cow is a health hazard may well find their services no longer required.



Lustleigh, Newton Abbot



17 May 2005 11:40

Norwich Evening News

A Norwich MP today welcomed new research which suggested people in rural areas could be at a heightened risk of health problems because of mobile phone masts — and said it should be used to back up calls to stop more masts springing up.

The latest Swedish research shows that rural mobile phone users could face eight times the risk of developing brain cancer than those living in urban areas — because of the use of boosters to make masts more powerful.

The research findings echoed warnings made by a foremost radiation expert that users in areas with poor reception, such as parts of rural East Anglia, are more vulnerable because signals have to be boosted to make a connection.

"The phone companies will argue that we need more phone masts to reduce these risks," said Dr Ian Gibson, MP for Norwich North.

"This research is only one piece of research and needs to be duplicated. But it still keeps the issue of health problems on the agenda. If the phone companies had their way they would have one on every street corner."

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Dr Gibson, who has been a long-time supporter of out Put Masts on Hold campaign, said the latest research means we will have to think more about people living in rural areas.

"Where they are in rural areas people are at greater risk than those at the same distance from them in urban areas," he said.

Mike Dolan, executive director Mobile Operators Association, said: "All mobile handsets in the UK comply with international health and safety guidelines which apply whether the phones are used in rural or urban areas.

"Individual studies must be seen in the light of the total research effort into mobile phone safety.

"Conclusions cannot be drawn from individual studies until they have been confirmed and reviewed by the scientific community.

"The MOA and mobile phone operators will carefully consider this latest statistical study from Sweden.

"However the authors themselves highlight that they used a small sample size and their findings should be treated with caution."

Although the application of the Swedish study to British mobile phone use has been questioned, Dr Gibson backed it up — insisting it was equally relevant to those living in rural East Anglia. He said similar research was currently being conducted in Essex.

More than three years ago, Dr Alasdair Philips, a foremost expert on electromagnetic radiation and director of Powerwatch, told the British Association science festival that potentially dangerous radiation levels from handsets were higher in poor reception areas.

Other experts in the UK have said there is no proven health risk to using mobile phones. But they have acknowledged the possibility of a problem emerging after prolonged use as mobile technology was still a relatively new phenomenon.

Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency (HPA), has called on parents to ban under-eights from using mobile phones and wants teenagers to restrict their use and rely more on sending text messages.


My response to Dolan's letter of 16th May

I begin to wonder if Mr Michael Dolan, and other government officials, or advisors, read an entirely different version of the 2004 Stewart report for the National Radiological Protection Board to that which is available from the NRPB website. They seem to read from a different hymn sheet, somehow.

On pages 47 and 48 of this report, under the heading 'Main Conclusions On the Possible Effects of Mobile Phone Technology On Human Health' 1.16 to 1.21 reads as follows:

1.16 Despite public concern about the safety of mobile phones and base stations, rather little research specifically relevant to these emissions has been published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. This presumably reflects the fact that it is only recently that mobile phones have been widely used by the public (paragraphs 2.1-2.12) and as yet there has been little opportunity for any health effects to become manifest. There is, however, some peer-reviewed literature from human and animal studies, and an extensive non-peer reviewed information base, relating to potential health effects caused by exposure to RF radiation from mobile phone technology.

1.17 The balance of evidence to date SUGGESTS that exposures to RF radiation below NRPB and ICNIRP guidelines do not cause adverse health effects to the general population (Chapter 5, paragraphs 6.33-6.42)

1.18 There is now scientific evidence, however, which SUGGESTS that there may be biological effects occurring at exposures below these guidelines. (paragraphs 5.176-5.194. 6.38). This does not necessarily mean that these effects lead to disease or injury, but it is potentially important information and we consider the implications below.

1.19 There are additional factors that need to be taken into account in assessing any possible health effects. Populations as a whole are not genetically homogeneous and people can vary in their susceptibility to environmental hazards. There are some well-established examples in the literature of the genetic predisposition of some groups, which could influence sensitivity to disease. There could also be dependence on age.

We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in the knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach. (Chapter 5, paragraphs 6.35-6.42)

1.20 In the light of the above conclusions we recommend that a precautionary approach to the use of mobile phone technologies be adopted until much more detailed and scientifically robust information on any health effects becomes available. (Chapter 5, paragraphs 6.35-6.42)

1.21 We note the precautionary approach, in itself, is not without cost (paragraph 6.16) but we consider it to be an essential approach at this early stage in our understanding of mobile phone technology and its potential to impact on biological systems and on human health.

I find it very hard to reconcile Mr Dolan's, the mobile phone companies,' and Government's stance of "No evidence of adverse health effects from mobile phones and base stations operating within international guidelines" with Sir William Stewart's "Balance of evidence SUGGESTS that exposure etc" (1.17); the reference at 1.18, 'which SUGGESTS that there may be biological effects….."; the reference at 1.19 " it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects….."

I wonder if Mr Dolan can answer the question on most people's lips? "What happened to the precautionary approach?"

I also wonder how Mr Dolan would answer those many people I speak to on the Mast Sanity advice line, who tell me they are unwell with what we now recognise as 'classic mast symptoms', or how many people in their area feel unwell around masts. Also they wonder why their doctors keep telling them this technology is safe, rather than exploring the possibility that their ill-health might be attributed to this technology using microwave radiation.

I guess the absolute proof either way lies in the future, for there is no conclusive evidence at this moment in time which seems to be acceptable either to officials, or those who suffer around this technology. There will come a time, and if any deceit is exposed, names will be remembered by the people of the UK .

Sandra Lawrence


Well done, Sandi - Mike Dolan is obviously paid a lot of money to say the things he does (and being a lawyer knows exactly how to say it!).

We are hearing now that epidemiological studies are going to be difficult as time goes by as it will be difficult to find a control group who have not been exposed!!! The continued "head in the sand" tactics have certainly worked in the favour of the Government and phone companies.



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