
Plans are thrown out

Plans are thrown out May 13 2005

Solihull Times May 14th 2005

MOBILE phone companies were told to 'keep masts out of our area' on Wednesday evening as a hoard of protestors showed their support at Solihull Council's Planning Sub-Committee.

Nearly 150 residents and their children cheered as councillors unanimously refused two applications from T Mobile to build 12 metre slimline telecommunications poles.

The healthy turnout of placard waving people resulted in the meeting being switched from its regular room to the main council chamber.

One mast application targeted land adjacent to the Sharmans Cross Pub, Prospect Lane and the other proposal was a plot on the corner of Alderminster Road and Hillfield Road .

The Shirley application attracted 46 written objections and three petitions containing 226 signatures.

Meanwhile, the Soli-hull site received 246 letters and two petitions containing 548 signatures.

Councillor Theresa Tedd (St Alphege, Con) opposed both applications.

Martin Leech, whose house lay directly next to the Hillfield application, said: "I was very pleased with the turnout and felt the whole community was behind us.

"We felt it was a ridiculous place to put a mast and are pleased that council officers and committee members decided to reject it."

During the meeting Councillor Stuart Davis (St Alphege, Con) said: "It beggars belief, I cannot understand why mobile companies think they can do this. As Councillor Tedd said they are 'dunderheads' and I would go along with that. These masts should not be built in residential areas."


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Mai 2005

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