
The Coming Of The Psychotherapeutic State?


Informant: Andrea Ball

Leaving Women Behind

by Karen Kornbluh and Laurie Rubiner, TomPaine.com Exclusive

George W. Bush has a plan he says will help women economically. As in all things Bushian, it depends on what you mean by "help."


Weather Control


Informant: big brother

Dec. 3-10 Stop the War Week - A Call to Action

The following Call to Action was raised from the stage at the Million Worker March on Sunday, and supported by a meeting of the Million Worker March Committee on Monday, October 18.

We forward this to you in lieu of a full report of this historic and important event, which has formed a new level of unity between the antiwar movement and the workers' struggle.

We encourage activists across the country to begin discussing December 3-10. Send us your ideas and feedback as soon as possible.

There has been a suggestion that Friday, December 3 might be a perfect day for student walkouts--this is something that student activists will know best.

In the coming days, this web page will report on the specific proposals for action on the various days, Dec. 3-10, including actions planned by labor activists and unions, by students and youth, and by community organizers.

Please contact us to endorse, to offer feedback, and to share your ideas: stopthewar@antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org


A Call to Action

Dec 3 - Dec 10

“The War Must Stop Now!” Week

Not one more life - or U.S. bullet or bomb - or new war to pacify Iraq.

It is with a shared sense of seriousness and urgency that we appeal to all antiwar forces, including: those of us who are based in the union/workers movement; organizations that are fighting for jobs, health care and housing; youth and student organizations; veterans; military families; military resisters; solidarity movements; and all the other progressive movements - to make the week of Friday Dec. 3 - Friday Dec. 10 (International Human Rights Day) a time for truly mass action across the country to Stop The War Now! including job actions, student walkouts, boycotts, and business closings.

The U.S. has started a new war to conquer Iraq - It Will Not Work - But it will be deadly - UNLESS we say, “No More!”

The bombing raids on Falluja and other Iraqi cities have been intensifying, and after the U.S. presidential elections, the occupation forces are preparing a full-scale new war to "pacify" Iraq in preparation for phony U.S.-controlled elections in January. This assault will not subdue the Iraqi people; they have made it clear that they want the U.S., and U.S.-led occupation forces to leave immediately.

However, this new desperate and deadly plan to conquer a people who refused to be conquered will cause enromous death and destruction unless we make it clear that the war will no longer be tolerated.

The War & Occupation must end now! And the People can end it!

Our challenge, especially for those of us who have marched against the war, and those of us who have worked hard to organize those marches, to remind ourselves that the election is not going to stop the war, and that waiting for something beyond our control to stop the war only weakens our movement. The majority of the people want the war and occupation to end immediately. It is up to us to act with a sense of urgency, immediacy, passion, and determination. It is time to say “No More!”

Jobs - Unions - Healthcare - Education - Housing - Bring the Troops Home Now!


Million Workers March Audio and Video by Ryme Katkhouda, Fred Nguyen and the dc-radio-coop

Read the Washington Post article about the Million Worker March: http://www.antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/washingtonpost.htm


The War on Our Civil Liberties


This is a good opportunity for us to invite others in our community so they can learn more about the USA PATRIOT ACT and the many other ways our civil liberties are under attack. Checkout this post 9/11 Civil Liberties scorecard: http://www.aclunc.org/911/scorecard.html.

Eric Einem 714-926-1916

The War on Our Civil Liberties

Presented by Arroyo Seco Greens, San Gabriel Neighbors for Peace and Justice, West Covina Neighbors for Peace and Justice, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) and Throop Memorial Church.

Saturday, October 23, 7:00 PM
Film Screening, Potluck and Discussion
In Pasadena, California
With special guest Philip Koebel

Throop Memorial Church Unitarian Universalist
300 S. Los Robles Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101

This is a FREE event, if you can bring something to eat or drink to share
Event contact: eric@einem.us
Event website http://www.throopuu.org/oct23/

Unconstitutional reveals how paranoia, fear and racial and ethnic profiling have led to the subjugation of our constitutional rights, without protecting us from future terrorist attack. Through personal stories, the film explores how detentions and police infiltration of ordinary Americans has been based solely on unconstitutional directives from the White House and the Justice Department.

Executive producer: Robert Greenwald
Writer/Producer/Director: Nonny de la Peña
Documentary Website: http://www.publicinterestpictures.org/unconstitutional/

Philip Koebel

Philip Koebel has been active in the community as an affordable housing activist and a youth advocate. Philip Koebel is running for Congress in California's 29th District with a focus on quality education, affordable housing, withdrawing our troops from Iraq and repealing the USA PATRIOT act. The USA PATRIOT act must be repealed because it threatens the civil liberties of every one of us. The rich must be taxed at the same level as the rest of us and military spending needs to be cut so that housing, education, and health care can be provided to all of our families. His opponent co-sponsored the USA PATRIOT act and is calling for extending it, and he voted to support Bush's wars. For more information visit http://www.peace29.com or call 1-888-PEACE29.

Informant: Eric Einem

Moving Ideas Alert: October 21, 2004

The Moving Ideas Network is a one-stop policy shop with resources from more than 130 research and advocacy organizations. Looking for progressive research and information? Turn to Moving Ideas first!


How to Move the Progressive Agenda Forward with Technology
PopandPolitics.com is hosting an exciting roundtable event exploring progressive politics and technology starting at 5:30pm on Thursday, November 18, 2004 in Washington, DC at the headquarters of the AFL-CIO. Moving Ideas’ is a co-sponsor and will be part of the panel!


Patriot Act Threatens Civil Liberties
On the 3rd anniversary of the Patriot Act, write a letter to the editor in support of civil liberties protections.

Early Childhood Development
Readings and resources relating to The American Prospect's special report on early childhood development.

Guantanamo Detainees: Human Rights are Not Negotiable
Read the transcripts from the online chat presented by Amnesty International USA and the Moving Ideas Network.


Lost Opportunities: The Reality of Latinos in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
This report found that Hispanics are overrepresented in the U.S. criminal justice system, with Hispanic defendants imprisoned three times as often as Whites and detained before trial almost twice as often as Whites, despite being the least likely of all ethnic groups to have a criminal history.

American Nationalism and U.S. Foreign Policy from September 11 to the Iraq War
Paul T. McCartney
The author examines how the Bush administration drew upon nationalist imagery first to interpret the terrorists attacks of September 11 and then to frame the war against Iraq.

Placebo Ballots: Will Fail-Safe Voting Fail?
David Cay Johnston
More than 200,000 votes cast on November 2nd could be invalidated due to improperly and illegally applied provisional balloting procedures, according to this new report.

RFID Passports : American Passports to Get Chipped

Just had to comment that I was strongly reminded of similar incidents in our country, in fact, probably more! We agree on this subject! Hope this doesn't bore you!

Dave said:

"Note: In reading this, it seemed that the US is sooooo close to the same. How easy to freely invade our homes, confiscate our documents, photos, computers, and find "something" to arrest and control us. Our Police State is unbelievably close. Our privacy is non-existent, police powers are out of control, and so much more. Scary."

Oh so true!



RFID Passports

New US Passports Will Include RFID in 2005

A Boon for Identity Thieves.

Privacy concerns and RFID technology are colliding in an unusual arena: the next US passport. Wired News reported yesterday that next generation passports will contain RFID chips to make their contents machine readable. A State Department spokesperson quoted in the article claims that it will make passports more secure, and ensure "the bearer is the person who was issued the passport originally." Machine readable passports have long been a goal of the Department of Homeland Security. When queried, the embedded chip in new passports will deliver the name, address, date and place of birth of the bearer, along with a digital photograph. The information will not be encrypted, but will contain a digital signature certifying the authenticity of the chip. Privacy advocates are already decrying the insecurity of the system, citing it as a boon for identity thieves. It's not a difficult leap to envision terrorists tracking US citizens as they emerge from customs. Or a conventional thief looking for high rent addresses amongst the passengers leaving on international flights.

Perhaps the most paranoid reaction comes from security expert Bruce Schneier, who claims the Bush administration "wants to be able to identify people in crowds."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 25th, 2004


Statement of Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU Technology and Liberty Program, on RFID Tags Before the Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce



Weltweite Artenvielfalt ist in 30 Jahren um 30 Prozent gesunken

Naturbilanz: Weltweite Artenvielfalt ist in 30 Jahren um 30 Prozent gesunken (21.10.04)

Der natürliche Reichtum der Wälder, Flüsse und Meere hat in den vergangenen 30 Jahren rapide abgenommen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt der WWF in seinem jetzt vorgestellten "Living Planet Report 2004". Die Langzeituntersuchung über die Entwicklung der biologischen Vielfalt in den vergangenen 30 Jahren beschäftigte sich mit 1.145 ausgewählten Tierarten, die charakteristisch für die unterschiedlichen Land-, Meeres- und Süßwasserökosysteme der Erde sind. Der Artenschwund trifft das Ökosystem Meer genauso wie den Lebensraum Land um etwa 30 Prozent. Noch dramatischer ist der Rückgang an biologischer Vielfalt in den Flüssen und Feuchtgebieten. Hier haben sich die Bestandszahlen seit 1970 nahezu halbiert. Der WWF macht die verschwenderische Lebensweise der Menschheit dafür verantwortlich: Menschen verbrauchten 20 Prozent mehr als der Planet an Naturschätzen produziere.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



Ein-Euro-Jobs: Selbstverpflichtung des Kreises Marburg gegen Zwangsarbeit verlangt (21.10.04)

Zur Übernahme des Beschlusses der Marburger Stadtverordnetenversammlung bezüglich besonderer Qualitätsanforderungen an "Ein-Euro-Jobs" fordert die Humanistische Union (HU) den Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf auf. Das hat der HU-Arbeitskreis "Erwerbslosigkeit und Soziale Bürgerrechte" (ESBR) am 20. Oktober einstimmig beschlossen. Vor allem den Zwang zur Annahme derartiger "Arbeitsgelegenheiten" hält die HU für unvereinbar mit dem Grundgesetz und dem Internationalen Völkerrecht.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



"Ein-Euro-Jobs sind gut für die Statistik und mies für die Arbeitslosen", sagt Gaby Gottwald. Ab dem 1. Januar gibt es keine ABM mehr, dafür Ein-Euro-Jobs. Funktionieren wird das nicht.

Interview von Annette Jensen in der taz vom 22.12.2004

Aus dem Text: "taz: Frau Gottwald, Sie leiten einen Beschäftigungsträger und haben entschieden, Ende 2004 dichtzumachen. Warum?

Gaby Gottwald: Es wird nur noch Ein-Euro-Jobs geben im nächsten Jahr - und wir finden das sozialpolitisch unverantwortlich, arbeitsmarktpolitisch sinnlos und betriebswirtschaftlich rechnet sich das auch nicht für uns. Deshalb machen wir da nicht mit…."

In der uns vorliegenden Mitteilung über die Einstellung der Projekttätigkeit zum 31.12.2004 durch Abakus - Gesellschaft für Arbeit, Berufsausbildung, stadtteilbezogene Kulturarbeit und soziale Integration Hamburg mbH - heisst es: "…die ABAKUS GmbH stellt zum 31.12.2004 ihre gesamte Projekttätigkeit ein, in deren Rahmen bisher Langzeiterwerbslose auf der Basis des SGB III und des BSHG sozialversicherungspflichtig befristet beschäftigt und qualifiziert wurden. Der Grund für die bis Ende 2005 beabsichtigte komplette Betriebsschließung ist naheliegend: Der profunde Wechsel in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik entzieht einer arbeitsmarktpolitisch sinnvollen und sozialpolitisch akzeptablen integrationsorientierten Arbeit mit Langzeiterwerbslosen die betriebswirtschaftliche Basis. Die ausschließliche Ausrichtung der Tätigkeit eines Beschäftigungsträgers auf die Umsetzung von Hartz IV in Form der Ein-Euro-Jobs wird zudem von ABAKUS weder als zweckmäßige arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme angesehen, noch als sozialpolitisch vertretbarer Umgang mit dem Personenkreis…."

Ein-Euro-Job als Strohhalm?
In Berlin trafen sich Betroffene von "Hartz IV" und Ein-Euro-Jobs zum zweiten Mal, um nach Möglichkeiten der Selbstorganisation und des Widerstandes zu suchen. Bericht von Hans Springstein in junge Welt vom 22.12.2004

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 20, Eintrag 18

Bilanz der Bürgerrechte

Bilanz der Bürgerrechte: Menschenrechtspolitik widersprüchlich und entwicklungsfähig (21.10.04)

Die Menschenrechtspolitik hat weltweit seit dem September 2001 große Rückschläge erlitten. Auch in Deutschland werde viel weggeschaut und geschwiegen, wenn es um den Kampf gegen den Terror geht. Dies war eine der Aussagen zu dem das Forum Menschenrechte am heutigen Donnerstag auf einer Pressekonferenz in Berlin kam. Das Forum ist ein Zusammenschluss von 45 Menschenrechtsorganisationen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Anja Schüller: Immobilienbetrug fordert weiteres Suizidopfer


Richtigstellungen von Unwahrheiten der Mobilfunk-Betreiberfirmen

Richtigstellungen von Unwahrheiten der Betreiberfirmen (und ihrer Lobby)

Argumente der Mobilfunkbetreiber widerlegt

14 x fictions and facts zum Mobilfunk

Darf’s ein bisschen mehr Strahlung sein?

Ein Mobilfunksender bestrahlt die Bevölkerung 24 Stunden am Tag

Was Mobilfunk-Betreiber behaupten

Die Mobilfunkantenne sendet noch nicht, aber die Anwohner klagen bereits über Beschwerden

Die Irreführung mit den Watt-Leistungen

Ja zum Handy – Nein zu den Sendemasten ?

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk - Unterdrückung von Information

Parteipolitik und Lobbyismus behindern Umweltschutz

The Perils Of Electropollution

Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Funkmasten

Die Naila-Mobilfunkstudie

Studie belegt Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Funkmasten

Grand Canyon Expedition


Informant: di


Psyquantuml radiation in lasers kills human blood

Dear all,

A Russian friend has just translated this and sent it to me.

Shivani Arjuna

School of Survival


A team of scientists in the ELECTRON Moscow Design Bureau, one of the countries major defense enterprises, made a sensational discovery. In its Medico-biological Department headed by V. Kvartalnov it became apparent that laser radiation contains a component known as psyquantum radiation. Under its impact, erythrocytes in human blood undergo mutation. As a result, an overall breakdown of the immune system takes place, in short what develops is AIDS in a new packaging. Our reporter was informed about this by Leonid S. Vilenchik, director general of MDB Electron.


Radiation of an Unknown Nature

“Currently we are as yet unable to explain the nature of psyquantum radiation. What is it? Is it a stream of neutrinos of ultra low energy? Or maybe what we are observing are longitudinal electromagnetic waves? But if so, why do they fall outside of the physical model of all known radiations? No electromagnetic radiation can pass through liquid metal, yet the psyquantum type easily passes though quicksilver as well as through melted lead.

Considering that scientists have no clear notion of the nature of this radiation, doubts may be raised by some as to whether it exists at all. However, I can declare with full responsibility personally assumed, that our physical devices do fix the presence of the given radiation. In other words this is not something that cannot be materially confirmed as for example when the discussion deals with some sort of paranormal phenomena. Caviar, for example, irradiated by a low intensity laser beam commonly used in therapy begins to undergo genal mutation. Irradiation of sprouting seeds leads to a sharp decline in the rate of their growth. But the most compelling proof that psyquantum radiation exerts a clearly evidenced pathogenic influence even upon man, we got by experimenting with blood.”

We both Heal and Mutilate

“Leonid Semyonovich,* laser devices are currently used in industry as well as in medicine. Laser treatment methods have long been approved by the Ministry of Health. So is this extremely expensive equipment actually a killer?”

“Without doubt, lasers do heal, but in doing so a danger arises. The radiation discovered by us can cause an organism a great deal of harm. As the saying goes: “You cure here and you maim there.” Think of a surgical laser used in coagulating vessels when treating erosion of the neck of the womb. This operation is performed practically in every clinic. But what does the woman undergoing irradiation get? What will be the impact of this radiation on her health as well as on the health of her children to come? Could this be a reason why so many of our children are born with mental debility?”

“Well then, should all lasers be promptly buried like radioactive waste?”

“Entire institutes spend their time developing methods which make it possible to take one medicine or another not as a poison, but as a medication. The same thing applies to lasers as well. After discovering a form of radiation that exerts a pathogenic influence on human health, a search for defensive methods was undertaken. Our specialists have already hit upon the direction that needs to be followed. The light at the end of the tunnel is quite clearly perceptible, but considerable funds are needed which we, as a defense type enterprise, do not possess. When laboratory personnel needed to carry out experiments with human blood, they went to the blood bank, gave their own blood and worked with it.”

“Why haven’t you come forward with this announcement earlier? After all, your experiments confirming the existence of psyquantum radiation have been going on for quite a long time.”

“We didn’t have sufficient proof. We could have been told: well, so caviar mutates, seeds grow more slowly, so what? But now, when a sufficiently large number of experiments have been conducted with blood, when it has been irrefutably proven that psyquantum radiation alters the properties of human blood, not a single clear thinking person would say that the matter at hand is not serious. Lasers are entering our lives in ever increasing numbers. Laser illuminators and laser lights are already being produced, and children get a kick out of using laser pointers. At stake is the health of a huge number of people. Therefore, it would not be right to keep silent any longer.


Students claim they were duped into switching party registration

Students at the University of Central Florida and two community colleges claim they were duped into switching their party affiliations from Democrat to Republican, campus police officials said Tuesday.


Gore assails Bush's use of religion

"President Bush has stolen the symbolism and body language of religion and used it to disguise the most radical effort in American history to take what rightfully belongs to the American people and give as much as possible to the already wealthy and privileged."

As God Is His Witness

Bush is no devout evangelical. In fact, he may not be a Christian at all.

Nearly 1.7 Million Veterans Lack Health Care

Nearly 1.7 million U.S. veterans had no health care coverage in 2003 -- no access to private insurance, to Medicare or Medicaid or to the Veterans Affairs health program, health care advocates said on Tuesday.

Stealing a Nation

There are times when one tragedy, one crime tells us how a whole system works behind its democratic facade and helps us to understand how much of the world is run for the benefit of the powerful and how governments lie. To understand the catastrophe of Iraq, and all the other Iraq's along imperial history's trail of blood and tears, one need look no further than Diego Garcia.

Click Here To View:

ACLU Calls on Intelligence Reform Conferees to Protect Liberty and Freedom


The US Invasion of Iraq: The Military Side of Globalization?



by Mark Engler

Are the War and Globalization Really Connected?

To be radical, in the oldest sense of the word, is to go to the root. One strength of truly progressive analysis is that it places what appear to be isolated events in a larger context. It seeks to make connections between seemingly disparate political issues by revealing underlying ideological frameworks. And so it has been a central task, in the post 9-11 era, for activists to demonstrate how the war against terror and the drive for corporate globalization are one and the same--how peace and global justice movements share vital common ground. That these two issues are connected, in a fundamental way, is an article of faith on the political left, reinforced by the fact that many participants in globalization protests have also mobilized against the Bush administration's militarism. All such articles of faith deserve a bit of critical skepticism, so I would like to offer a constructive challenge. Many of the arguments wedding the war in Iraq with a strategy for neoliberal expansion are not readily convincing. They risk reading causality into tangential relationships. And, in their drive to connect, they overlook important disjunctures between the Bush administration's foreign policy and the policy preferred by many business elites. Activists have good reason to look again at the neoconservative hawks now in power and to consider whether they have outdone the corporate globalists of earlier years or whether they have betrayed them....


The Encyclopedia of White Collar and Corporate Crime


Critics See Drug Industry Behind Mental Health Plan


Bush Relatives Use Website to Show Support for Kerry


Kerry Aims to Avoid Gore Recount Mistakes






The Hundredth Phone Call


Terror Fears Can't Curb 'Liberty'

Court: Terror Fears Can't Curb 'Liberty'

Fear of a terrorist attack is not sufficient reason for authorities to search people at a protest, a federal appeals court has ruled, saying Sept. 11 ``cannot be the day liberty perished.'' A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously Friday that protesters may not be required to pass through metal detectors when they gather next month for a rally against a U.S. training academy for Latin American soldiers. Authorities began using the metal detectors at the annual School of the Americas protest after the 2001 terrorist attacks, but the court found that practice to be unconstitutional. ``We cannot simply suspend or restrict civil liberties until the War on Terror is over, because the War on Terror is unlikely ever to be truly over,'' Judge Gerald Tjoflat wrote for the panel. ``Sept. 11, 2001, already a day of immeasurable tragedy, cannot be the day liberty perished in this country.''

City officials in Columbus, Ga., contended the searches are needed because of the elevated risk of terrorism, but the court threw out that argument, saying it would ``eviscerate the Fourth Amendment.''


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 21st, 2004

The great American e-voting experiment

Democratic elections are supposed to be decided by the will of the people. That principle was called into question by the 2000 election for the president of the United States of America, which was famously determined by just 537 votes in Florida and one Supreme Court decision. In November, it may be under scrutiny again, as another close presidential election could be decided by the accuracy of a raft of new voting technologies. Across the US on 2 November, while some voters register their intent using traditional paper ballots, punched cards and lever machines, others will be using less tried-and-tested systems such as optical scanners and electronic touch-screen voting machines. These new systems are supposed to count votes more accurately. But concerns are being voiced that electronic technologies can just as easily mean that more votes will go missing or be miscounted. They might even be used to commit election fraud. And unlike conventional voting systems, many electronic systems leave no paper trail to allow results to be double-checked. The unprecedented use of these novel technologies will make the coming election a huge experiment in electronic voting. “If the presidential election is decided by electronic voting in some swing state, one could imagine a bitter fight with no way to resolve it,” says David Dill, a computer scientist at Stanford University in California.

“We could be entering uncharted waters with this election. People will not take a funny electronic result lying down: there will be challenges.”


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 21st, 2004

The making of the terror myth

During the three years in which the "war on terror" has been waged, high-profile challenges to its assumptions have been rare. The sheer number of incidents and warnings connected or attributed to the war has left little room, it seems, for heretical thoughts. In this context, the central theme of The Power of Nightmares is riskily counter-intuitive and provocative. Much of the currently perceived threat from international terrorism, the series argues, "is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. It is a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services, and the international media." The series' explanation for this is even bolder: "In an age when all the grand ideas have lost credibility, fear of a phantom enemy is all the politicians have left to maintain their power."

Adam Curtis, who wrote and produced the series, acknowledges the difficulty of saying such things now. "If a bomb goes off, the fear I have is that everyone will say, 'You're completely wrong,' even if the incident doesn't touch my argument. This shows the way we have all become trapped, the way even I have become trapped by a fear that is completely irrational."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 21st, 2004

Chips to Bar-Code Humans - FDA approved the VeriChip ID implant in humans

David Icke's site has new feature by him about the FDA approving a microchip for humans and he points out that he brought this to the world's attention 12 years ago.

Read all about it here:

Informant: Steve Andrews


US plans chip to bar-code humans

The US government could literally be getting under the skin of its citizens with the first futuristic microchip implant for humans getting a go ahead this week. The chip - VeriChip developed by the Digital Angel Corporation - has got Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its medical use, but it opens a critical window for radio tracking humans, it is pointed out. The radio frequency identification (RFID) chip is a minute, rice grain sized gadget that will be implanted sub-dermally, which some critics allege is akin to bar-coding humans like a can of beans on a superstore shelf. Though the chipmaker claims the chip is approved for only medical use, it could replace passports, ID cards and even credit cards. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has already objected to the use of such chips, saying they would allow authorities "to sweep up the identities of everyone at a political meeting or protest march". The chipmaker said it stores a 16-digit identification number that could open the medical details of the person stored in a central database.



As you may know, last week the FDA approved the VeriChip ID implant for medical use in humans (along with a whole class of similar implants).

While VeriChip promoters discuss only the "benefits" of chip implantation, CASPIAN researchers have uncovered a host of serious potential medical dangers associated with the VeriChip.

We have outlined details in the press release below and in a special web report at:


As I have discussed on NPR, CNN, NBC, and elsewhere in the last week, the VeriChip is bad news for consumers, putting their health, privacy and security at risk.

Please read this material and share it with others.

In freedom,
Katherine Albrecht, CASPIAN


OCTOBER 19, 2004

FDA Letter Raises Questions about VeriChip Safety, Data Security Implantable RFID device "poses potential risks to health"

Electrical hazards, MRI incompatibility, adverse tissue reaction, and migration of the implanted transponder are just a few of the potential risks associated with the Verichip ID implant device, according to an October 12, 2004 letter issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) has obtained a copy of the letter and posted it on the group's RFID website at http://www.spychips.com/reports/verichip-fda.html.

"For a device purported to help patients, the VeriChip has serious medical downsides," said Katherine Albrecht, Founder and Director of CASPIAN. "By omitting this information from their press material, the companies marketing the VeriChip have painted an inaccurately rosy picture of their product that could mislead consumers into believing the devices are completely safe."

Albrecht cites MRI incompatibility as perhaps the most serious issue. An MRI machine uses powerful magnetic fields coupled with pulsed radio frequency (RF) fields. According to the FDA's Primer on Medical Device Interactions with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems, "electrical currents may be induced in conductive metal implants" that can cause "potentially severe patient burns."

"Patients contemplating a VeriChip implant need to know that the FDA has raised MRI incompatibity as a potential risk," she said. "If it's a choice between a potentially life-saving diagnostic procedure or a VeriChip implant, I believe most patients would choose the MRI."

In addition to outlining a number of health risks, the FDA letter also cites the risk of "compromised information security" among its concerns.

The VeriChip ID implant, about the size of a grain of rice, uses radio waves to transmit medical and financial account information to reader devices. There is a risk that these transmissions could be intercepted and duplicated by others or that the devices could be used to track an individual's movements and location.

"Once you're chipped, you can be identified by doorway portal readers without your knowledge," says Albrecht, referring to a VeriChip reader sold by value added resellers such as FindMe, LLC
http://www.findmellc.com/verichip_portal.asp . "That tracking potential, coupled with VeriChip's potential health risks make the VeriChip a very poor choice for medical patients seeking safety and security."

Albrecht said her group will be contacting the FDA to get more specifics about the dangers outlined in its letter. She also plans to contact the Digital Angel Corporation, manufacturer of the VeriChip; VeriChip, the technology licensee; and VeriChip's parent company, Applied Digital.

CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) is a grass-roots consumer group fighting retail surveillance schemes since 1999. With thousands of members in all 50 U.S. states and over 30 countries worldwide, CASPIAN seeks to educate consumers about marketing strategies that invade their privacy and to encourage privacy-conscious shopping habits across the retail spectrum.

For more information, see:
http://www.spychips.com and http://www.nocards.org

You're welcome to duplicate and distribute this message to others who may find it of interest.


May I scan the bar code in your arm?

Forget about temperature-taking and blood-pressure checking. In the bright, near future, the first step for people seeking medical care may be to have their bicep read by an electronic scanner seeking data stored on an implanted chip. A Florida company, Applied Digital Solutions, announced yesterday it had received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to market in that country an implantable device known as a VeriChip. The grain-of-rice-sized chip contains a unique numeric identifier that hospitals and doctors offices could scan to gain Internet access to an individual's medical records.

In the initial rollout, the company will target people with chronic health problems -- and complicated medical records and needs -- as well as patients with cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.



Privacy breach feared from human-implant chip:

The US government could literally be getting under the skin of its citizens with the first futuristic microchip implant for humans getting a go ahead this week. The chip -- VeriChip developed by the Digital Angel Corporation -- has got Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its medical use, but it opens a critical window for radio tracking humans, it is pointed out. The radio frequency identification (RFID) chip is a minute, rice grain sized gadget that will be implanted sub-dermally, which some critics allege is akin to bar-coding humans like a can of beans on a superstore shelf. Though the chipmaker claims the chip is approved for only medical use, it could replace passports, ID cards and even credit cards. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has already objected to the use of such chips, saying they would allow authorities "to sweep up the identities of everyone at a political meeting or protest march". The chipmaker said it stores a 16-digit identification number that could open the medical details of the person stored in a central database.



How to get consumers to swallow electronic tags

70 percent of the public are concerned about the implications of RFID

One of RFID's proponents explains how to sell the technology to consumers, while privacy activists keep fighting to protect them from secret RFID tagging. Last week's Enterprise Wireless Technology show in London heard a proponent of radiofrequency identification (RFID) tags explain some of the techniques that retailers should use to overcome customer opposition to this new technology, which some privacy groups vehemently oppose. Derren Bibby, chief technologist at IT services firm Noblestar, delivered the keynote address on RFID and told his audience that companies who deploy RFID will "need to educate people" about the technology. RFID tags, which are tiny chips that can be fitted to an object and tracked wirelessly, have generated a storm of controversy. Supporters say they will help retailers to run their supply chains and protect their goods from shoplifters. Opponents label them as a privacy nightmare that would give governments and big business the opportunity to monitor the behaviour and movement of citizens. Bibby was dismissive of RFID opponents such as CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering). "They're some kind of fringe group in America. These are the kind of people you need to watch out for," said Bibby, adding that the group wasn't going to last long.

Katherine Albrecht, director of CASPIAN and a doctoral researcher at Harvard University, has fiercely rebutted the suggestion that her group don't represent widely-held views. She points out that research has found that around 70 percent of the public are concerned about the implications of RFID.



Radio frequency ID devices give a signal of the future

At the heart of this emerging trend, playing key roles, Microsoft, Weyerhaeuser and others.

Inside Weyerhaeuser's technology lab in Federal Way, technicians are working to turn an ordinary cardboard box into a smart device. Using radio waves, a sensor on the box beams information about its contents and destination so they can be tracked by computer from the warehouse to the store shelf. It all happens in a split second as the box passes through an electronic gateway along a conveyor belt. The sensor tag, which has no battery and is usually dormant, wakes up when it comes close enough to a tag reader to receive power from its radio signal. Such technology, known as radio frequency identification, or RFID, promises to make scanning bar codes by hand obsolete. All the information resides inside a single chip the size of a grain of sand.

At the heart of this emerging trend, companies in the Northwest are playing key roles in developing and using RFID technology, including chip-design firm Impinj, RFID hardware maker Intermec, Microsoft, Weyerhaeuser and others.



Microchips in people, packaging and pets raise privacy questions

Implanting a microchip in a pet has become a common practice, but until last week, it may have seemed quite a stretch to implant one in a person. On Wednesday, a Florida company announced that the Food and Drug Administration had approved its microchip for embedding into humans to convey information about their medical conditions. The FDA's decision could move privacy concerns about the emerging technology to the forefront of public debate. The technology behind it involves radio frequency identification, or RFID, sensors that are being applied to all kinds of objects to hold information about them and track their whereabouts. Proposals for RFID tags run the gamut from tubes of toothpaste to passports and money.



Feds approve human RFID implants

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a gimmick from Florida-based Applied Digital Solutions to chip people with RFID implants - previously confined to tracking animals - thereby making it easy to access their medical records, even when they cannot, or would rather not, cooperate. The tiny, passive RFID devices, called VeriChips, are injected under the hide. They do not contain the medical data in question, but instead store a unique ID number that is used to access records on a remote server maintained by Applied Digital, using a handheld reader. The chips are legal in numerous applications, but cannot be used as medical devices without FDA approval - which they now have got. So, what is the problem that this technology solves? We don't think there is one, unless doctors' offices are being flooded with people who can't recall their own medical histories.

Yes, some people do suffer from dementia, but these are most often found already in nursing facilities and hospitals, or at least supervised by a nurse or family member.



Cashless Society Update

Motorola, MasterCard trial RFID PayPass system

Motorola and MasterCard are conducting field tests of new mobile phones that include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips embedded in them as part of a cashless payment system dubbed PayPass. The phones will be equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC) systems, which will allow them to communicate with nearby readers to, for instance, pay for small purchases or tickets for transit or events simply by passing their phone close to a reader. Once the phone and account has been identified by the RFID tag, the user's MasterCard account will be billed automatically by the network for the appropriate amount. MasterCard also sees potential for the phones as contactless readers, which it claims opens the door for "a variety of marketing and promotional applications", on which the company did not elaborate further.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 21st, 2004

Europe May Start Digital Fingerprinting

European Ministers Hope to Start Digital Fingerprinting in Five Countries in 2006

In a bid to improve security, ministers from five European countries said Monday they hoped to start digital fingerprinting for passports in 2006, but they split over a German proposal to put illegal migrants in transit camps in North Africa. Interior ministers from Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy held two days of informal talks in a 19th-century villa in Florence to prepare initiatives they hope will eventually be adopted throughout the 25-member European Union. But they failed to overcome their own differences over Germany's proposal, backed by Italy, to set up camps in North Africa to process asylum seekers before they set out on perilous sea journeys to southern European shores. In a statement at the end of the talks Monday morning, the ministers said they were hoping to introduce the fingerprint measure for passports issued in their countries starting in 2006. Conservative Italian politicians hailed the fingerprinting measure as aiding the fight against terrorism and immigrant smuggling.

Although Spain, like Italy, is flooded with immigrants making clandestine voyages across the Mediterranean from North Africa, it sided with France against the German idea.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 21st, 2004

Biometrics: 'the deal' at the heart of privacy sacrifice

'Some know more about the deal they're making than others' Exaggeration, fears, gradual acceptance, trust and deal-making were identified as among the dynamics of a relationship between sacrifice of privacy and gaining technologically-assisted benefits, at an energetic panel session at last week’s biometrics conference in Wellington. Discussion ranged beyond biometrics to citizens’ confidence in “joined-up government” and the shock of finding an Indian helpdesk apparently in possession of personal information entrusted to a US company's Australian branch. A rational person might find it very difficult to be opposed to the alleged privacy invasion of a biometric “when we’ve already accepted that we’re safer with CCTV cameras in our streets,” says privacy lawyer John Edwards. On the other hand, a significant number of citizens had raised objections to their driver’s licence photographs being digitised. “At the heart of it is the deal,” says Australian code of practice coordinator Terry Aulich. It’s a matter of the privacy citizens are prepared to give up, including their perception of the possibility of subsequent abuse, in return for increased convenience in the transaction or some other kind of “reward”. “Some people are more knowledgeable about the ‘deal’ they’re making than others will be,” he said. In an earlier era, “joined-up government”, where one government agency exchanges a citizen’s personal information with another, “was seen as a bogeyman. Now [many citizens] see it as a sensible way of easing their burden of compliance with the law.” In practice, “Big Brother” activity is more likely to come from private industry than government, says Aulich; public trust in government to do the right thing is still high, “though it’s dropped back a bit recently.”

Government and the media are two of the few groups exempted from the provisions of Australia’s Privacy Act, he notes.of easing their burden of compliance with the law.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 21st, 2004

Police add to biometrics arsenal

Biometrics, the science of using measurable physical characteristics to identify people, has added new weapons to the arsenals of law enforcement agencies, and as some of these new tools are connected to high-speed wireless communications they could become widely available to officers in the field, not just those back at headquarters. Hand-held devices that can be used to digitally scan fingerprints and match the results against large databases are being tested by several law enforcement agencies nationwide, with officials at some saying that the benefits of biometrics are already clear. The companies behind the products see uses that extend beyond local law enforcement activities, into such areas as homeland security and border control. They say the tools also have potential in the private sector, in banking and employee identification, for example, and that foreign governments have begun ordering them as well.

The Portland, Ore., police department has been testing a mobile fingerprint identification device since April. The unit, called IBIS and made by a Minnetonka, Minn., company called Identix, is slightly larger than an ordinary hand-held computer. It can scan fingerprints and then compare them with records kept by members of the Western Identification Network, a consortium of law enforcement agencies in Western states with a database of more than 3.5 million fingerprint records.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 21st, 2004

Blogs offer view of soldiers' lives

Veterans for Common Sense is adding a new feature this week: aggregating the weblogs of Iraq veterans, service-members in Iraq, Iraqi civilians and others who are on the spot in Iraq.


The art of stealing elections

by Robert Kuttner

Boston Globe


The Republicans are out to steal the 2004 election -- before, during, and after Election Day. Before Election Day, they are employing such dirty tricks as improper purges of voter rolls, use of dummy registration groups that tear up Democratic registrations, and the suppression of Democratic efforts to sign up voters, especially blacks and students. On Election Day, Republicans will attempt to intimidate minority voters by having poll watchers threaten criminal prosecution if something is technically amiss with their ID, and they will again use technical mishaps to partisan advantage. But the most serious assault on democracy itself is likely to come after Election Day. Here is a flat prediction: If neither candidate wins decisively, the Bush campaign will contrive enough court challenges in enough states so that we won't know the winner election night...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

E-voting still a Florida bugaboo

Wired News


With memories of 2000 and the state's bitter fight over ballots still fresh, Floridians began casting votes Monday and within an hour problems cropped up. ... Some groups urged Florida voters to ask for paper absentee ballots because of concerns over the state's new touch-screen voting machines and any potential recounts. Voters Monday morning could choose either method. State Rep. Shelley Vana said the paper absentee ballot she was given at a Palm Beach County site was missing one of its two pages, including the proposed amendments to the state constitution. She said election workers were indifferent when she pointed out the oversight. 'There was absolutely no concern on the part of the folks at the Supervisor of Elections Office that this page was missing. This is not a good start. If there are incomplete ballots out there, I can't imagine I would be the only one getting it,' she said...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ohio aids probe of bogus voter registry forms

Washington Times


The Ohio Attorney General's Office has joined the investigation of a man charged with filing more than 100 fictitious voter registration forms who was paid in crack by a woman affiliated with the NAACP National Voter Fund. Defiance County Sheriff Dave Westrick said yesterday he requested the state's assistance, given that some names in the probe involve individuals and organizations in 'other counties' of Ohio. Kim Norris, spokeswoman for the Attorney General's Office, confirmed that her office is helping in the investigation.

... On Monday, the sheriff's office arrested and charged Chad Staton, 22, of Defiance, with false registration, a fifth-degree felony. He was released on his own recognizance and has a hearing set for Friday...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Police stun 75-year-old

Rock Hill Herald


The Rock Hill [SC] Police Department is investigating why an officer used an electric stun gun on a 75-year-old woman who refused to leave a nursing home where she had gone to visit an ailing friend. The woman, Margaret Kimbrell, said she suffered bruises on her leg and face after she was knocked to the floor by the force of the weapon, called a Taser...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Legal wars stirring over election 2004

Christian Science Monitor


For weeks, reports of potential trouble have been trickling in from around the country. There are the suspicious -- or clearly fraudulent -- signatures on voter registrations. There are the allegedly unreliable electronic voting machines, controversies over lists of ex-felons, and conflicting court rulings over provisional ballots. And, as always, there is human and mechanical error. Chances are, the 2004 election will not be close enough in key states to produce a rerun of 2000, when the outcome hinged on 537 votes in Florida. But no one can rule that out, either for Florida or other battleground states. Both major parties have dusted off their copies of Bush v. Gore and 'lawyered up,' just in case. There is no evidence of a broad conspiracy on anyone's part to steal the election this fall, election analysts say. But what if, on Nov. 3, there is no clear winner, and the outcome is again disputed?"


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mobilfunk, Elektrosmog und die Politik


Politik und Mobilfunk


Mobilfunk und seine Technikfolgen: Sachstand und Handlungsbedarf

Mobilfunk-Recht und Politik

Problematisches Zusammenwirken beim Grundrechtsschutz zwischen BVerfG und Fachgerichten

Mobilfunk, Elektrosmog und die Politik

Wie stehen in Deutschland, Bundesregierung, Bundestag, Parteien und Ministerien zum Problem des Elektrosmogs, der Mobilfunktechnik, zu den Grenzwerten für elektromagnetische Strahlung?

Wende einer unverantwortlichen Politik im Umgang mit gesundheitsschädlichen Mikrowellen durch Massendemonstrationen erreichen

Brief an Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder

Signifikante DNA-Schäden

Mobilfunk, Elektrosmog und die Politik

Wertminderung von Immobilien in der Nachbarschaft von Mobilfunk-Antennen

Verblödung durch Mobilfunkfrequenzen


Ein Volk von Demenzkranken?



Krank durch Mobilfunk - Elektrosmog - Die Opfer

Mobilfunkopfer Ettlingen

Mit detaillierten ärztlichen Untersuchungsergebnissen belegter Mobilfunkopferfall

Todesfall wegen Mobilfunk in Frankreich

Usfie Cancer Cluster

Mobilfunkturm des Todes: 55 Tote in Slupsk (Stolp) in Polen und weitere 53 schwer Erkrankte

Carnavon Street: Cancer Street - Straße des Krebses

Zusammenstellung diverser Opferfälle

Mikrowellensyndrom weit unterhalb der Grenzwerte der 26.BimschV bei Anwohnern der Mobilfunksender Kaiserslauterer Str. 77 und 86, Homburg /Saar-Bruchhof

Mikrowellensyndrom weit unterhalb der Grenzwerte der 26.BimschV bei Anwohnern des Mobilfunksenders Aschaffenburger Str. 31, 63808 Haibach

Akute Gesundheitsgefährdung für Anwohner der Mobilfunksender (Mittenwalder Strasse, S-Bahnhof, Schleichersteig) in Icking

Cluster in Spain 2000-2004


Schockstudie der EU: Handys knacken die DNS und bewirken schwere Zellschädigung


Mobilfunkopfer: 4 Krebstote, 3 Krebserkrankungen, massive Schlafstörungen

Weitere Fälle von Mobilfunkopfern

Häufungen von Krebs- und anderen Erkrankungen in der Nähe von Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen

Krebscluster in der Nähe von Funkantennen

Spanische Presseberichte über Anhäufungen von Krebs- und anderen Erkrankungen in der Nähe von Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen 2000 - 2003

Krebscluster in der Nähe von Mobilfunkantennen


Mobilfunkopfer Ulrich Weiner

Leidensweg als Anwohner in der Hauptstrahlrichtung einer GSM-Basisstation

„Man kann sich nicht schützen“

Wachzimmer: Keine Erklärung für Krankheiten

Inas Schicksal - kein Einzelfall

Interessen oligarchischer Strukturen schutzlos ausgeliefert

Wir bereiten gerade eine Klage gegen Vodafone vor

Mobilfunk - Unterdrückung von Information

Warum gibt es keine Spenden für Mobilfunkopfer

Endlich ein Signal aus Berlin

Fallbeispiele Mobilfunkantennen
Mobilfunkopfer Frau Dr. Eder-Stein
Briefe an Frau Dr. Eder-Stein

Berichte, Interviews, Briefe, Aktionen

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Symposium in Bamberg: Ärzte und Wissenschaftler warnen vor Gesundheitsgefahren

Schädlichkeitsbeweise seit 10 Jahren ignoriert

Personal Stories and Symptoms

It is appalling that politicians who are supposed to serve the electorate are so determined to ignore them

Message about Tetra from Cumbria

Voices and Witnesses About Electro-Hypersensitivity


Franz Josef Bettag bewohnt mit seiner Familie den aufgegebenen Bauernhof seiner Eltern im pfälzischen Dudenhofen. Er deutet ins Grüne und sagt: also wir sehen hier in 150 Metern Entfernung einen Mobilfunkturm mit 20 Antennen oder Sendern, das kann man nicht genau sagen. Das Problem ist, man bekommt keine Information von Betreibern und der Telekom.

Als Bettag und seine Familie im letzten Jahr plötzlich unter massiven Schlaf und Konzentrationsstörungen litten sowie unter trockenen Augen, Mund- und Nasen-Schleimhäuten, da führten sie das zunächst nicht auf den Mobilfunkturm zurück. Denn der stand ja schon fast 10 Jahre in der Nachbarschaft, ohne dass sie Auswirkungen der Hochfrequenz-Strahlen bemerkt hätten. Dennoch forschte Franz-Josef Bettag auch in Richtung Mobilfunk und fand heraus, dass der Turm soeben mit dem neuen digitalen Übertragungsverfahren nachgerüstet worden war, nämlich, ... dass da zwei UMTS-Antennen dran hängen. Das sind Test-Antennen, und da wird ordentlich was rein gepulvert. Und nach Nachforschungen habe ich dann rausgefunden, dass die nachts um zwei hochgefahren oder abgefragt. Genaueres konnte ich nicht rausfinden, aber ich wusste, dass die sendet.

Der Künstler ist einer von 150 Betroffenen, die seit Ende letzten Jahres den Fragebogen des Mainzer Internetportals ausfüllten, die meisten davon machten den Mobilfunk als Quelle ihrer gesundheitlichen Probleme aus. 100 Meldungen kommen aus Rheinland-Pfalz, zu wenig, um repräsentative Aussagen darüber machen zu können, welches Ausmaß das reale oder auch eingebildete Leiden unter elektromagnetischen Feldern in der Bevölkerung annimmt. Doch im zweiten Teil des Projekts sollen sich die Probanden, die zustimmen, umweltmedizinischen Untersuchungen am Mainzer Universitätsklinikum unterziehen.

Joachim Schüz, Leiter des Wachhund-Projekts, erhofft sich davon Erkenntnisse, ob es ursächliche Zusammenhänge zwischen Beschwerden und Mobilfunk-Strahlung gibt: wenn wir uns jetzt vorstellen, dass gerade bei den Elektro-Magnetischen Feldern nur ein Teil der Bevölkerung betroffen ist, weil es diese Elektrosensibilität vielleicht physiologisch gibt, dann ist es möglicherweise der richtige Weg, in Forschungsprojekten auch nur mit diesen Betroffenen zu arbeiten. Und dass man einen Effekt vielleicht bislang nur deshalb nicht gesehen hat, weil man oft mit gesunden Probanden in solchen Studien gearbeitet hat.

Doch viele Mobilfunk-Gegner halten es für verharmlosend, gravierende Beschwerden wie Schwindel, Erschöpfung und chronische Infektionen als Problem einer Minderheit von 3, 4 Prozent Elektrosensibler hinzustellen. Auch Franz-Josef Bettag bezeichnet sich nicht als Elektrosensibel. Am zweiten Teil der Studie will er nicht teilnehmen, weil er fürchtet, dass sie mehr verschleiert als aufdeckt. Wenn man das Strahlen-Risiko ernsthaft abschätzen wolle, müsse man sagen: ... wir nehmen ein paar Türme bzw. Sendanlagen raus und machen über einen längeren Zeitraum 5-6000 Leuten über einen längeren Zeitraum, um zu sehen, was sind tatsächliche Beschwerden, was ist eingebildet, was hat andere Ursachen. Aber 150 Leute - das ist Quatsch, das kann nicht funktionieren, da kriegt man keine umfassenden Ergebnisse.

Über das Mainzer Wachhund-Projekt sind der Pfälzer und der Rheinhesse unterschiedlicher Meinung, in ihren Forderungen an Politik und Mobilfunk-Betreiber stimmen sie überein: ich meine, wir brauchen nicht diese hohen Grenz- und Strahlungswerte. - Für uns ist es wichtig, dass, wenn man schon nicht abschaltet, die Leistung auf ein verträgliches Maß reduziert. Ich wüsste gern, was gesendet wird und welche Antennen mit welcher Sendeleistung am Turm hängen. Dann wüssten wir, wie stark ist die Strahlung, und man könnte damit umgehen. Diese Aufklärung kriegen wir nicht, und damit haben wir ein Problem.

Quelle: http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/umwelt/318302/


Mainzer Wachhund-Projekt


Krank durch Mobilfunk - Elektrosmog - Die Opfer



"Ich finde, das ist ein Unding. Die Leute sitzen im Gottesdienst und werden dabei kräftig bestrahlt", ist Karin Bucher (67) empört. Sie wohnt direkt neben der Erlöserkirche und macht jetzt gemeinsam mit anderen Menschen aus der Nachbarschaft mobil gegen den Funkturm. Ihre Sorge ist, dass sich die Strahlung negativ auf die Gesundheit auswirkt. Allein in der Wohnanlage an der Kisdorfer Straße 8 hat es in den vergangenen Jahren zwei Fälle von Darmkrebs sowie Tumore an Augen, an der Hand, unter dem Arm und im Brustbereich gegeben. "Offiziell heißt es zwar immer, die Strahlung sei nicht gefährlich. Aber wirklich bewiesen hat das noch niemand", meint Alex Janke (71), der sich daran erinnert fühlt, dass Radar-Geräte, Asbest-Isolierungen und das Fleisch BSE-kranker Rinder einst ebenfalls als ungefährlich galten.




Diese Frau muss im Wald leben

Familie Kind aus Dresden: Bericht über unsere Situation

Mobilfunktagebuch: Ein Jahr in der Strahlungskeule

Folter und schwere Körperverletzung gegenüber Elektrofühligen

Körperverletzung durch Mobilfunkanlagen und Handys

„Die Warnsignale stehen eindeutig auf Rot"

Mainzer Wachhund-Projekt

Lesen Sie hier weitere Beispiele von betroffenen Menschen

Berichte von schweren Gesundheitsschädigungen in der Nähe von Mobilfunkbasisstationen

Häufungen von Allergien in der Nähe von Mobilfunkantennen

Nach 2,5 Jahren GSM Sender bereits 50% mehr Krebs

Mobilfunk, Elektrosmog und Fehlgeburten


Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Ärzteappelle gegen Mobilfunk

Erste statistische Ergebnisse aus dem großen Freilandversuch mit lebenden Menschen

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Haben Mobiltelefone Vorrang vor der Gesundheit?

Freiburger Appell

Bamberger Appell

Symposium in Bamberg: Ärzte und Wissenschaftler warnen vor Gesundheitsgefahren

Beobachtungen zum Mobilfunk aus einer psychotherapeutischen Praxis

Nächster Krebscluster: Gehirntumorhäufungen in Geisenheim

Auch in Deutschland Häufungen von Leukämie und Gehirntumor in der Nähe von Mobilfunkantennen

60 Krebscluster in der Nähe von Funkantennen

Verdachtsfälle: Häufungen von Krebs und schweren Erkrankungen in der Nähe von Funkantennen

Krebsfälle häufen sich in der Nähe von Mobilfunkmasten

Gößweinstein: Viele Krebsfälle in der Nähe von Sendeanlagen

Spanische Presseberichte über Anhäufungen von Krebs- und anderen Erkrankungen in der Nähe von Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen 2000 - 2003

Dramatische Zunahme an Gehirntumoren und Krebserkrankungen im Nahbereich von Mobilfunk-Antennen

„Bürgerwelle Eifel“ in Kall fordert ein Verbot von gepulsten Mobilfunkhochfrequenzen

Krebsfälle gemeldet

Tatort Bad Münstereifel

Tatort Kall, Sendeanlage „Auf der Loshardt“ - Eifel

Tatort Schleiden - Sendeanlagen Broich

Mobilfunkopfer Zingsheim; Eifel
http://www.wissenschaft-unzensiert.de/ele3_13.htm und

In Badmünstereifel Houverath sind im Umfeld einer Sendeanlage einige Leukämiefälle festgestellt worden:

Strahlung von Handys bereitet großes Kopfzerbrechen


Welchen Stellenwert hat der Mensch?

Stimmen und Zeugenaussagen zur Elektrosensibilität

Elektrosensibilität - ein Fall für den Psychiater??

Elektrosensibilität und elektromagnetische Hypersensitivität

Krebs durch Elektrosmog

Haaren/Westfallen: 6 Gehirntumor-Fälle

Diverse Krebstode um Antennen

An alle Bürgerinitiativen

Wer glaubt das?

BARMER: Fast jeder Zweite hat erhöhten Blutdruck


Verblödung durch Mobilfunkfrequenzen

Zum Sachstand wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse
Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Auswirkungen von Elektromagnetischen Feldern

Cluster of Symptoms around an Orange Mast

Pillow Talk


Families of Iraq War Dead Target Bush in Ads

Real Voices : The Children Left Behind


Published on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 by Reuters

Families of Iraq War Dead Target Bush in Ads

by Sue Pleming

WASHINGTON - Angered by President Bush's policy in Iraq, a group of military families whose relatives died there is targeting the president in new television ads to be aired ahead of the Nov. 2 election.

"I think the American people need to know that we have been betrayed in this rush to war," said Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey is among the more than 1,000 U.S. troops who died in the war.

Sheehan is joining a small group of military families in Washington on Wednesday to launch new political ads by an interest group called RealVoices.org, which supports Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry's bid for the White House.

"It's important that we get our troops home from Iraq as soon as possible so no other families have to go through what we are going through," said Sheehan of Vacaville, California.

The ads are expected to be aired nationally in the coming weeks and in battleground cities of Las Vegas, Orlando and Albuquerque. In one ad, Sheehan is seen sobbing as she tells the story of her son, 24-year-old Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, who died in the arms of one of his friends in Iraq on April 4, 2004.

Al Zappala is active in "Military Families Speak Out" http://www.mfso.org , a group that opposes the U.S. war in Iraq and has about 1,700 families among its members. He is in Washington for the ads and to attend a peace march on Saturday. Zappala's son, Sgt. Sherwood Baker, was killed on April 26 in Iraq and was the first Pennsylvania National Guard soldier to die in action since World War II. "I feel so let down by the Bush administration," said Zappala, who said Military Families Speak Out was a non-partisan group.


Another group, "Military Moms with a Mission," is campaigning in 30 cities across America to tell people why they should vote for Kerry. "They are traveling the country telling people their stories and why George Bush has let them down. Many are frustrated that George Bush is not telling the truth about the reality in Iraq," said Kerry campaign spokesman Chad Clanton.

Countering this campaign to support Kerry are similar groups who back Bush and his policy in Iraq.

Retired Air Force Capt. Linda Bergin is campaigning on behalf of military families and others in New Jersey and says Bush is the only leader capable of leading America following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


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