
Ex-CIA officer blasts premise for Iraq war

A Central Intelligence Agency veteran is traveling the country on a mission to explain what he calls "prostituted intelligence" crafted at the request of the Bush administration to induce Congress into approving the war in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Hijacking Catastrophe : 9/11, Fear, and the Selling of American Empire

Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, understated, straightforward and educational. In a single meticulously organized hour of evidence and analysis, viewers are treated to a thoughtful explanation of modern American empire, neo-conservatism as a driving force for the current Bush administration.


An BBC Investigative report on the Skull and Bones

BBC Radio 4 Report on Skull and Bones

Informant: Truth Seeker

Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic

The predictions of Dr Neil Cherry in May of 2000 are unfolding!!
Lest We Forget One Of The Best.


Robert Riedlinger


Roger: Your comment below brings to mind Dr. Neil Cherry's excellent work in June 2000 titled "Evidence Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic......."


Dr. Cherry's quote by Burke is "right on!!!"

"Our frame of reference determines what we look at and how we look. And as a consequence, this determines what we find." Burke J, The Day the Universe Changed, 1985

Email exchanges regarding rare immune in my grandsons (signifying "aging") and the new article regarding A-bomb survivors and evidence re aging of immune function are also copied/attached. Children and parents around-the-world need this help!!! How many more will be diagnosed with Leukaemia this year only to die because they are unable to fight the ravages of treatment that has very little or no chance of success because "no one" is telling them they need to practice prudent EMR avoidance measures?

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Forward 5-23-05 of email to jcmpelican@aol.com from Roger Coghill:

This new finding makes it more important than ever to do the ESR experiment using sample blood from mast vicinals.

Roger Coghill
MA (Cantab) C Biol MI Biol MA (Environ Mgt)


Mobile Phones Again Linked to Cancer

Mobile phone 'ear tumours risk'

2-Year Study Finds Cell Phone Radiation Danger To Brain

Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic

Long-term effects of radiation dose on inflammatory markers in atomic bomb survivors

Doch Hirntumoren durch Mobiltelefone ?

Anbei der Original-Artikel über die Hirntumorstudie von Prof. Ahlbom aus dem Deutschen Ärzteblatt:


Sehr bemerkenswert ist, wie man in den letzten Zeilen des Artikels versucht die Ergebnisse zu verwässern.

Viele Grüße!

Manu Knapp

Langjährige Handy-Nutzung erhöht Risiko für Ohrtumor

Schockstudie der EU: Handys knacken die DNS und bewirken schwere Zellschädigung

Familie Kind aus Dresden: Bericht über unsere Situation

Unser „Leben“ im Hauptstrahl einer Mobilfunksendeanlage für UMTS und GSM

Aus einem Schreiben der Krankenkasse vom 08.10.04 an Familie Kind:

"Das Ergebnis unserer Prüfung stellt sich wie folgt dar: An der gesundheitlichen Schädigung Ihrer Familie scheint kein Zweifel zu bestehen, auch am Krankheitswert kann in diesem Fall nicht stichhaltig gezweifelt werden. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass in Ihrem Fall tatsächlich durch elektromagnetische Wellen Gesundheitsstörungen hervorgerufen werden. In der Wissenschaft ist allerdings unstrittig, dass es außer der Beendigung der Exposition KEINE ETABLIERTE THERAPIE der Elektrosmogkrankheit gibt. Aus diesem Grund ist auch die Frage zu stellen in wie weit die Bestimmung von Melatonin und Serotonin oder von Antikörpern gegen Aspergillus für die einzuschlagende Therapie von Bedeutung sind."


Mobilfunksendeanlage in Dresden-Naußlitz

Gesundheitszustand der Dresdner Familie Kind hat sich nach Urlaub wieder verschlechtert

Unser Leben im Hauptstrahl einer Mobilfunksendeanlage für UMTS und GSM

Krankheitsgeschichte der Familie Kind aus Dresden

Spendenaufruf: Familie Kind aus Dresden klagt

Christine Kind aus Dresden

Nachweis der Unschädlichkeit von Mobilfunk bei Einhaltung der Grenzwerte


Chip-Implantat : Big Brother in der Medizin


In den USA dürfen implantierbare Mikrochips angeboten werden, die alle medizinischen Daten des Trägers enthalten. Verbraucherschützer sind besorgt.

Die US-amerikanische Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hat die Vermarktung von implantierbaren Chips genehmigt. Der elektronische Informationsspeicher unter der Haut soll einfachen Zugang zu den medizinischen Daten eines Patienten ermöglichen. Der Hersteller vertritt die Meinung, dass diese „VeriChips“ Patienten schnellere und bessere medizinische Versorgung gewährleisten. So könnten sie zum Beispiel Unfälle durch Verabreichung falscher Medikamente verhindern.

Die New York Times weist in ihrem Bericht über die Neuheit aber auch die Problematik dieser Technologie hin. Datenschützer und Verbraucherzentralen äußern bereits starke Zweifel an der Harmlosigkeit des Chips. „Sobald der Chip einmal unter der Haut ist, hat man keine Handhabe gegen eine mögliche Überwachung„, sagt Marc Rotenberg, Geschäftsführer einer Gruppe in Washington, die sich für Datenschutz einsetzt. „Da liegt nämlich das Interesse: an der Möglichkeit, Leute zu identifizieren und zu verfolgen.“

Der Chip-Hersteller versucht diese Zweifel mit dem Argument abzuschwächen, dass die Implantation freiwillig ist und dass nur Daten gespeichert werden, die vom Patienten autorisiert sind. Ärzte und Krankenhauspersonal sollen mit einem speziellen Scanner eine 16-stellige Zahl über den Chip lesen können. Der Chip soll keinerlei andere Aufzeichnungen enthalten, nur die Zahl, über die der Arzt Informationen erhält, wie beispielsweise Blutgruppe, Medikamenten-Historie oder andere medizinische Daten, die im Computer gespeichert sind.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Major timber harvest blocked


Informant: Teresa Binstock

A simple way to make computer voting safer


Informant: Friends

The Illuminati-Staged US Presidential Election


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 16th, 2004

If you have problems on Election Day

Here's another good bit of information to pass on for the upcoming election


If you have problems on Election Day...
Please forward widely.

Our colleagues in the civil rights community have set up a toll-free Election Day hotline. This hotline is staffed now and, in addition to logging your complaint, the civil rights organizations have law students and attorneys who can provide assistance on Election Day.

The phone number is:

866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).
If pollworkers refuse to allow you to vote for any reason,
call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).

If the polling place is inaccessible,
call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).

If there is a late opening or early closing of a polling place,
call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).

If your polling place runs out of ballots or has an incorrect ballot,
call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).

If you experience pollworker insensitivity or discrimination in the voting process,
call 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)

When you call the hotline, be prepared to give your name,
telephone number, and note as many details as possible, including the names of the people who are involved.

Angela Katsakis
Disability Vote Project Coordinator
American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD)
202-457-0046 x25
202-457-0473 fax
1629 K Street NW, Suite 503
Washington, DC 20006
Visit our website at http://www.aapd-dc.org/

Call your local Board of Elections before Election Day to find the location of your polling place and its accessibility features is part of good planning.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 2, 2004. As Justin Dart said, "Vote as if your life depended on it, because it does."

Informant: Martin Greenhut

The War Dead - Long May We Remember Them




Europe closes ranks on bioengineered food

European farmers, chefs, environmental groups and consumers have joined their voices in opposition to the import of genetically modified seeds and crops.


Source: We Are Fighting Back #31

Touring speakers raise GMO concerns

Drumming up support for propositions that, if approved by voters, would ban GM crops in five California counties, the National Family Farm Coalition and Californians for GE-Free Agriculture arranged a five-county tour that featured Midwestern farmers speaking about their experiences with GM crops to Californian farmers.


Source: We Are Fighting Back #31

Indian Farmers Force Monsanto to Withdraw Wheat Patent In Europe

In the battle against biopiracy, Indian wheat farmers, backed by Greenpeace, won a significant victory after the European Patent Office revoked a patent given to Monsanto for its "Nap Hal" wheat variety.

"This was clearly a biopiracy attempt by Monsanto and would have set a new and dangerous trend," said Dr. Ashesh Tayal, scientific advisor for Greenpeace India. "Revocation of the patent in total reinforces a victory for the farmers in India and a lesson to learn that we need to be much more proactive to protect our traditional knowledge."

In its patent application, Monsanto claimed a special baking quality in the wheat was its invention. But Indian farmers, with the help of Greenpeace, were able to prove it was a trait bred by them and not genetically engineered.

"This is a big success for farmers all over the world," said Dr. Christoph Then, patent expert from Greenpeace Germany. "For the future of saving world food security it is extremely important to promote open access to seeds for farmers."


Source: We Are Fighting Back #31

No Draft: Sign the Petition

Although I just signed a petition demanding to know how George Bush plans to avoid drafting a generation of young people to fight in Iraq, and I hope you will to by going to the website listed below, I did not get this message to you by submitting your address on the petition signing website. If you want them to have your address, feel free to give it to them as I did mine, but that is your right and privilege.

In any case, I do hope you got to
http://petition.democracyforamerica.com/page/petition/nodraft/lvzmcr and sign the petition.

George Bush is already drafting some people -- he is forcing soldiers to stay active beyond their commitments and ripping apart families by sending unprecedented numbers of National Guard and Reserves to occupy a foreign country.

He has been misleading us on Iraq from the beginning -- about nuclear weapons, about the cost, and about the progress being made. George Bush has some explaining to do about how he will fix the mess he's made without asking this generation to make the sacrifice he dodged.

Join me and demand some answers:



Eric R. Stietzel

November 2nd - Vote Your Values - Vote for the forests


Raise your voice

We have the right to remain silent. We have a responsibility to speak out. A healthy democracy requires engaged citizens. Engaged citizens participate by making their voices heard. Register your voice, go to the polls.

Vote your values. Vote for the forests.

Vote on November 2nd.

Click here to learn more about how to get involved and stay informed about the upcoming election http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=63142

Click here to register to Vote! http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=63143

RAN Action News October 2004


Florida Selection 2000


Audio reports

'People found themselves disenfranchised ...'
Julian Borger in Tallhassee on the black voters denied their rights. (2mins)

How to listen to audio reports

More US election audio reports


See Dec. 18:


About Florida in 2004!

Informant: Laurel

One Million Workers on the March


Superhero of the Military-Industrial Complex

Captain America: Superhero of the Military-Industrial Complex
Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse on sci-fi and the military-industrial complex.


On the ruling ideology of hate

The Brownshirting of America
Paul Craig Roberts on the ruling ideology of hate.


The American Global Inquisition


Informant: Andrea Ball

The Masterminds of Torture, Humiliation and Abuse


Billions Vanish in Iraq

Billions Vanish in Iraq -- U.S. auditors can't account for Iraq spent funds

With U.S. forces in Iraq sinking deeper and deeper into quagmire, there are fresh reports of rampant looting. Only this time the victimes aren't Iraqi museums, the victims are U.S. taxpayers, who stand to lose billions as money flows to projects that never start or never get finished. For further information on the missing billions, see the link to the official government report at the end of the article below.


Gulf War Veterans Sickened by Chemicals

Chemicals Sickened '91 Gulf War Veterans, Latest Study Finds

In a story which Veterans for Common Sense was critical in publicizing, the New York Times' Scott Shane reports that a new VA Research Advisory Panel on Gulf War Veterans' Ilnesses report breaks dramatically from previous government reports describing stress as the major causative factor in Gulf War illnesses. The new report, focusing on exposure to toxic chemicals, raises the key question: have we learned from our mistakes and will we treat returning Iraq veterans any better than we did those of the Gulf War and Vietnam?



New Study Shows Gulf War Veterans Sickened by Chemicals

Better care and research is needed for returning veterans who might be exposed to toxic chemicals and other injuries in wartime deployments, said a non-partisan veterans' organization in response to a New York Times report of a new study showing that Gulf War veterans' illnesses were caused by exposure to toxic chemicals.


Groundbreaking News on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

VCS: Groundbreaking News on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

In a year where every politician waves the flag of "supporting the troops," why did Congress have time to pass a massive corporate tax-relief bill, but adjourned without voting on a budget for the VA or extended benefits for the troops.


Sinn und Unsinn von Mobilfunkkatastern


Von Dagmar Schindler

Wenn ein Kreisbauamtsleiter in seiner Eigenschaft als FWG-Kommunalpolitiker in der Stadt Bad Dürkheim einen Antrag stellen muss, damit die Kreisverwaltung in Sachen Mobilfunk größere Initiative entwickelt, dann ist das schon bemerkenswert. Zwar war es natürlich nicht Peter Kiefers Absicht, die Kreisverwaltung mit einem Kataster zu behelligen. Aber dass der Bürgermeister den FWG-Stadtrat über den Umweg des Landkreises beim Wort nehmen würde, war abzusehen. Durch seine berufliche Position lieferte er dem Bürgermeister die Angriffsfläche. Deshalb hatte die FWG nicht das richtige Händchen, als sie ausgerechnet den Kreisbauamtsleiter für solch einen Antrag vorschickte.

Es macht auch keinen Sinn, wenn jede Kommune im Landkreis für sich ein Kataster erstellen will, hier ist wirklich die Betreuung durch die Kreisverwaltung sinnvoller. Wobei Sinn und Zweck einer solchen Auflistung [Mobilfunkkataster] schon zu hinterfragen sind. Welchen Nutzen soll so etwas haben, wenn nur die grobe Umgebung einer Antenne farblich hervorgehoben werden darf? Die eingeforderte Transparenz ist doch eigentlich nur eine Verschleierung.

Quelle: Verlag: DIE RHEINPFALZ, Publikation: Bad Dürkheimer Zeitung, Ausgabe: Nr.241, Datum: Freitag, den 15. Oktober 2004, Seite: Nr.13

Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

FBI Shutdown of Indymedia Threatens Free Speech


Grizzlies may be safe in the den, but protection decision still looming


Help Protect Voting Rights


What Role Should Religion Play in Politics?

Last night during the third and final presidential debate, both President Bush and Senator Kerry were asked to discuss how their personal faith has and will influence their policy. Although both candidates took a moderate stance in their responses last night, during this campaign as a whole, religion has been repeatedly used as a political tool to divide the country and create wedge issues.

As a recipient of Political Alerts from Care2, you have been following this election closely. Please sign this petition today to protest the manipulation of religion for political gain: http://www.care2.com/go/z/17931

Nothing is more fundamental to America than freedom of thought and belief. But the president is preaching that his faith is the purest, and as such dissenters must be a people whose values and sincerity are of a lower order. This is not the religion of George Washington, John Adams, or Abraham Lincoln.

Act now and add your voice to the thousands of Americans calling out to put compassion back into politics, to end the manipulation of religion in this presidential campaign, and to end the alienation of non-Christian faiths and Christians with different political views.

Send a message to the world that America still believes in the separation of church and state. Sign this petition today! http://www.care2.com/go/z/17931

Thanks for taking the time to make a difference.


Jenny M.
Care2.com & ThePetitionSite

P.S. This Saturday, October 16, a coalitionof faith-based organizations will launch a Day of Action to enlist thousands of volunteers from the progressive faith community to help Get Out The Vote! Show your solidarity by taking action today!

Protect the Vote Now


An Open Letter to the Anti-War Movement


Informant: Friends


User Status

Du bist nicht angemeldet.




Oktober 2004

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