
Leeds Yorkshire Amateur Football Club Appeal, decision & update on Leicester

For those who remember, this club, with about 8 masts already on the site, agreed to allow Airwave to add 6 TETRA antennas to the original 3 antennas, as well, if planning permission was granted. With Mast Sanity's advice and support, Jill Harland roused the locals and the council turned down the planning application. In June 05 Airwave appealed.

Jill and Mast Sanity gave it their best shot against all odds....................the appeal was REFUSED!

Appeal Decision

Appeal reference:app/N4720/A/05/1185025

Existing Airwave tower, Yorkshire AFC, Roxholme Road, Leeds LS8 4DZ

The appeal is made by Airwave/02 (UK) Ltd against the decision of the Leeds City council. The application Ref 34/107/05/FU, dated 8th March 05 was refused by notice dated 3rd May 05

The development proposed is the replacement of existing 17.5m monopole with a 25m lattice tower to accommodate existing Airwave antennas, six 02 antennas and one 0.3m transmission dish with associated radio cabinet housing and ancillary development at ground level.


15. Notwithstanding my conclusion on the third issue, I conclude that the proposal is unacceptable by reason of its visual impact. My inclusion is strengthened by my view that the evidence regarding consideration of alternative sites is unsatisfactory. For the reasons given above and having regard to all other matters raised, I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed.

Formal Decision

16. I do dismiss the appeal.

This was the big fish that didn't get away with it!

News on Leicester's Elizabeth House. For those who missed details of this there are at least 14 masts on the roof this block plus several large cabinets, and at least two TETRA masts nearby. There is ill health from the 15th (top ) floor right down to the 3rd floor.

The council refused an application for a 6 antenna 02 mast but 02 appealed.

So far no appeal decision is forthcoming. You wonder if there is a huge backlog. However, Orange and T-Mobile have both upgraded to add 3G to existing masts while the council insisted that no planning permission was required. The end result is that Phil Hendy is now extremely ill and his doctor has written a letter stating that he should be moved from the block because his health is being seriously affected. The housing association who own the block are refusing to move him and Phil is unable to walk or do much to help himself. The local MP is supposedly helping him. I have not heard of any progress.

Phil has not been able to make contact to say whether others are worse in the block, or not, so I cannot update you on them.

This is just one tragedy playing out. How many more are there?


MP to fight on over phone mast

Haverhill Today

Haverhill's MP Richard Spring is continuing the fight against the Hazel Stub roundabout phone mast.

Mr Spring has written strong letters of protest to both the deputy prime minister John Prescott and to Bob Fuller, chief executive of Hutchinson 3G UK Limited.

He told Mr Fuller in a strong letter that he felt Hutchinson 3G had 'ridden roughshod over the views of the local community, the local authority and myself' – he also told the deputy PM that the time for personal action was now clearly overdue.

Mr Spring also felt that Hutchinson had ignored the mobile phone network development code of best practice on more than one occasion.

He said: "I remain extremely anxious about the potential health and environment impact of such an installation on my constituents.

He added: "The local community has been united in opposing this with a petition, letters, rallies as well as a letter appealing to the company's chief executive, asking him to consider an alternative location.

"Disgracefully, Hutchinson 3G has been able to ride roughshod over the views of local people."

09 December 2005

Health call could lead to mast row

Rochdale Observer

Published: 9th December 2005

TOWN Hall bosses have been urged to review all mobile masts on their property – by the leader of the council’s largest party.

In what could spark a row between council planners and councillors, Liberal Democrat leader, Councillor Alan Taylor, says health fears should always be addressed whenever decisions are made on the siting of masts.

But this is in direct contrast to what the council’s own planning officers tell councillors on the planning committee.

They have pointed out that it is the Goverment’s firm view that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards.

The government has also told planning chiefs that if a proposed mobile phone base station met the international guidelines on exposing the public to radiation, it should not be necessary for a local planning authority to consider further the health aspects of any particular application.

Currently, there are 21 council-owned sites with mobile masts.

The lifetime of the masts range from five years to 21 years. The sites include schools, council premises, offices, the flats at College Bank and even the Black Box.

Councillor Taylor says the issue, ‘quite rightly’, has provoked a massive increase in the size of councillors’ postbags whenever an application for a mast is proposed in their ward.

He continued: "I think that Rochdale Council should be harder on applicants.

"When a mobile phone operator applies for permission to erect a mast, especially on council land, we should be rigorous in making sure that local people, or those working day-in, day-out near the site, are borne in mind.

"The council needs to send a clear message to mobile phone operators that it will closely scrutinise their work with a series of checks and balances that should always put public safety at the forefront of the public’s mind.

"I appreciate that mobile phones are a huge part of people’s social and business lives, but we should always have the safety of the public in mind."

Councillor Taylor’s comments come in the wake of the recent approval given to the siting of a mast near a Castleton primary school and another above Syke community base, despite widespread public opposition.

He’s asked Paul Rowen, the Rochdale MP, to query the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister about mobile phone masts.

He said: "Currently, councils are advised that they need to look at issues such as the appearance or siting of a particular mast. They are advised by the government not to take into account any of the health issues associated with such masts. I think this is fundamentally wrong.

"I have been contacted by dozens of residents about mobile phone masts and their concerns simply cannot be addressed the current process."

Planning committee chairman, Zulfiqar Ali, who is also a Liberal Democrat, said Councillor Taylor should know it is not the council that makes planning policy, but central government.

"This makes it very difficult for us. If Councillor Taylor can come up with independent evidence that mobile phone masts pose a health risk then I’ll be happy to go along with him.

"But until then, our hands are tied."

Independent evidence that mobile phone masts pose a health risk see under:

Illegal timber imports fuel forest disappearance


Informant: Andy

Pinters Frontalangriff auf die USA


Nachricht von Gerd Zesar


Wieder wurden 2005 in Österreich etwa drei Millionen Handys von den sechs Millionen Handyusern mit bereits mehr als acht Millionen SIM-Karten gekauft, oft Handys zu einem Lockpreis von Null Euro, viele davon für Kinder und Jugendliche - das trotz der Warnungen der Österreichischen und der Wiener Ärztekammer - das entgegen der Warnungen von zahlreichen Ärzten in der ganzen Welt - das obwohl 55% aller Studien die negativen gesundheitlichen Folgen bestätigen. Es ist leider zu befürchten, dass dieser Handyboom anhält, selbst wenn die WHO die Gesundheitsgefährdung anerkennt, ähnlich wie das jeder beim Rauchen beobachten kann.

Ich wünsche Euch allen fröhliche Weihnachten und alles Gute im Neuen Jahr!!

I wish you all Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year !!

Univ.-Doz.Dr.Ferdinand RUZICKA

US Denies Red Cross Access to Detainees

The United States said Friday that it would continue to deny the International Committee of the Red Cross access to "a very small, limited number" of prisoners who are held in secret around the world, saying they are terrorists being kept incommunicado for reasons of national security and are not guaranteed any rights under the Geneva Conventions.


Bush Threatens U.N. Over Clinton Climate Speech

US, Under Fire, Eases Its Stance in Climate Talks

The United States dropped its opposition early Saturday morning to nonbinding talks on addressing global warming after a few words were adjusted in the text of statements that, 24 hours earlier, prompted a top American official to walk out on negotiations.



Posted by Phil Geiger,

Bush Threatens U.N. Over Clinton Climate Speech

By Greg Sargent

New York Magazine Bush-administration officials privately threatened organizers of the U.N. Climate Change Conference, telling them that any chance there might’ve been for the United States to sign on to the Kyoto global-warming protocol would be scuttled if they allowed Bill Clinton to speak at the gathering today in Montreal, according to a source involved with the negotiations who spoke to New York Magazine on condition of anonymity.

Bush officials informed organizers of their intention to pull out of the new Kyoto deal late Thursday afternoon, soon after news leaked that Clinton was scheduled to speak, the source said.

The threat set in motion a flurry of frantic back-channel negotiations between conference organizers and aides to Bush and Clinton that lasted into the night on Thursday, and at one point Clinton flatly told his advisers that he was going to pull out and not deliver the speech, the source said.

“It’s just astounding,” the source told New York Magazine. “It came through loud and clear from the Bush people—they wouldn’t sign the deal if Clinton were allowed to speak.” Clinton spokesman Jay Carson confirmed the dustup took place and that the former president had decided not to go out of fear of harming the negotiations, but Carson declined to comment further.

On Friday afternoon, Clinton did end up speaking at the conference, a global audience of diplomats, environmentalists, and others who were in the final hours of a two-week gathering devoted to discussing the future of the protocol, the existing emissions- controls agreement. In 1997, Al Gore, then vice-president, helped negotiate the protocol, but it never passed the Senate. In 2001, it was formally renounced by the Bush administration, which argues that cutting greenhouse-gas emissions would hurt the American economy.

Some delegations at the conference appear ready to move forward and renegotiate the agreement without the Bush administration. But environmentalists and conference organizers are holding out hope that the administration will reconsider and sign on to the treaty or take steps to implement tougher climate-control standards. Both options would be considered an improvement over current U.S. commitments. But the specter of Clinton’s speaking caused the Bush administration to threaten to walk away.

In his Friday speech, Clinton blasted the Bush administration’s opposition as “flat wrong.”

But the speech almost didn’t happen.

The contretemps started late Thursday afternoon, when the Associated Press ran a story saying that Clinton had been added at the last minute to the gathering’s speaking schedule at the request of conference organizers. According to the source, barely minutes after the news leaked, conference organizers called Clinton aides and told them that Bush-administration officials were displeased.

“The organizers said the Bush people were threatening to pull out of the deal,” the source said. After some deliberation between Clinton and his aides, Clinton decided he wouldn’t speak, added the source: “President Clinton immediately said, ‘There’s no way that I’m gonna let petty politics get in the way of the deal. So I’m not gonna come.’ That’s the message [the Clinton people] sent back to the organizers.”

But the organizers of the conference didn’t want to accept a Bush- administration dictum. They asked Clinton that he go ahead with the speech. “The organizers decided to call the administration’s bluff,” the source said. “They said, ‘We’re gonna push [the Bush people] back on this.’”

Several hours went by, and at the Clinton Foundation’s holiday party on Thursday night, the former president and his aides still thought they weren’t going to Montreal. “The staff that was supposed to go with him had canceled their travel plans,” the source said.

At around 8:30 p.m., organizers called Clinton aides and said that they’d successfully called the bluff of Bush officials, adding that Bush’s aides had backed off and indicated that Clinton’s appearance wouldn’t in fact have adverse diplomatic consequences.

Several hours after all these tense negotiations had been resolved, the U.S. delegation’s chief, Paula Dobriansky, issued a statement saying that events such as Clinton’s speaking “are useful opportunities to hear a wide range of views on global climate change.”

“They were trying to clean up the mess,” the source said. Late Friday the U.S. walked out for other reasons.

A White House spokesman couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.


U.S. Criticized After Walking Out of Climate Talks


MONTREAL, Dec. 9 - Two weeks of treaty talks on global warming neared an end today with the world's current and projected leaders in emissions of greenhouse gases, the United States and China, still refusing to take any mandatory steps to avoid dangerous climate change.

The Bush administration was sharply criticized by other governments and by environmental groups for walking out of a round of informal discussions shortly after midnight that were aimed at finding new ways of curbing gases.

"This shows just how willing the U.S. administration is to walk away from a healthy planet and its responsibilities to its own people," said Jennifer Morgan of the World Wildlife Fund.

American officials declined to comment Thursday afternoon on their actions. They released a printed statement, but it referred only to the expected visit and speech later today by former President Bill Clinton.

Paula Dobriansky, the head of the American delegation, said that public events like Mr. Clinton's presentation were "useful opportunities to hear a wide range of views on global climate change."

The meeting is the latest in a 17-year string of sessions aimed at moving both industrial powers and fast-growing developing countries toward cutting emissions of the greenhouse gases, most notably carbon dioxide, which are an unavoidable byproduct of burning coal, oil and forests.

They have produced two agreements. The first, the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change, was accepted by nearly all the world's countries, including the United States, but includes no binding targets and never defines an unacceptably dangerous concentration of greenhouse gases.

The Kyoto Protocol, an addendum to the first treaty, took effect in February but only requires about three dozen industrial countries to make cuts in the gases. It was rejected in 2001 by President Bush.

At the Montreal meeting on Friday, countries bound by the Kyoto pact were close to agreeing on a plan to negotiate a new set of targets and timetables for cutting emissions after its terms expire in 2012.

But under pressure from some countries that were already having trouble meeting Kyoto targets, the language included no specific year for completing talks on next steps, instead indicating that parties would "aim to complete" work "as soon as possible."

In a news conference, environmental groups tried to cast that decision as a successful signal to emerging markets in credits earned by cutting greenhouse gases.

But even if those talks generate new targets, some scientists said today that they would be insufficient to stem harmful warming without much broader actions by the biggest and fastest-growing polluters.

In a statement from London, Lord Martin Rees, the new president of Britain's Royal Society, an independent national scientific academy, said that ongoing disputes among wealthy nations over how to cut the gas emissions were distracting them from actually carrying out steps to make the cuts.

Environmental campaigners insisted that the Kyoto process would eventually force other countries, particularly the United States, to act by building a market for credits achieved by making deep cuts in carbon dioxide and the other gases.

"As Kyoto deepens and broadens, U.S. business and industry will mount irresistible pressure on United States leadership to re-engage in the process rather than be shut out of markets of the future," said Alden Meyer of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a private group that supports binding cuts in heat-trapping gases.

But lobbyists and groups associated with businesses that oppose such restrictions scoffed at the prospect of a meaningful carbon market.

The National Center for Public Policy Research, one such group, worked the halls, distributing mock emissions credits.

These are the chits created under a "cap and trade" system for controlling pollution that allow those businesses that make cuts beyond requirements to sell the extra tons to others.

In this case, the mock credits were printed in five languages on rolls of toilet paper.

Environmental groups responded in kind.

The National Environmental Trust distributed custom-printed noise- making rubber Whoopee Cushions printed with a caricature of President Bush and the words "Emissions Accomplished."


Copyright 2005The New York Times Company

Phil Geiger

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Wie der Menschheit wichtige Forschungsergebnisse zu EMF-Wirkungen vorenthalten wurden


051210 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051209 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051208 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter



Dr Patrick Crowley of the Irish Association of General Practitioners, in a letter published last Thursday (THE IRISH TIMES, Dec 08, 05), challenging the arguments of those recent correspondents who claimed that Chernobyl did not have devastating health consequences for the local population, states:

"As a practising doctor who writes death certificates regularly I am fully aware that the cause of death will not be written down as radiation. Instead a physical classification will appear: leukaemia, hydrocephalus, cardiac valve deformity, etc. So Prof Reville's source statistics are meaningless.What about the estimated 25,000 liquidators who have died since 1986 of various causes linked to radiation exposure, but again are not recorded as such."

And this is also what is happening in our situation.

I have included the complete text of Dr.Crowley's published letter below plus that of the earlier letters and article ("MENTAL ILL-HEALTH BECOMES CHERNOBLY'S BIGGEST PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM") which have led to his rebuttal.

You have also archived at
http://omega.twoday.net/stories/358598/ earlier information I've sent you on this topic.

Best, Imelda, Cork



Madam, - Prof William Reville's piece on Chernobyl (Science Today, December 1st) is disturbing on a number of fronts. Firstly, it plays down the medical impact, classifying Chernobyl as a serious accident rather than a disaster, and having the UN's Chernobyl Forum go guarantor to these alleged scientific truths/facts.

Prof Reville writes that, as of mid-2005, fewer than
60 deaths can be directly attributed to radiation. What bunkum! In 1995 I travelled as a doctor to Minsk and Gomel, visited hospitals, orphanages, clinics, talked to physicians, surgeons, paediatricians, saw things with my own eyes and was filmed in what I called the "death wards". These are places in orphanages and clinics where children with congenital birth deformities are left barely attended, with no therapy, to the inevitable outcome -death. I probably saw 60 of those types of cases in that week alone.

As a practising doctor who writes death certificates regularly I am fully aware that the cause of death will not be written down as radiation. Instead a physical classification will appear: leukaemia, hydrocephalus, cardiac valve deformity, etc. So Prof Reville's source statistics are meaningless.What about the estimated 25,000 liquidators who have died since 1986 of various causes linked to radiation exposure, but again are not recorded as such.

If Chernobyl is presented as so much less important than a natural disaster such as the Asian tsunami or the Kashmir earthquake, one must ask who gains by playing it down. One answer is that governments do. In the age of 9/11, terrorists may attack nuclear plants and future Chernobyl-type disasters don't bear thinking about.

Honourable scientists know the reality. Albert Einstein knew that "the splitting of the atom has changed everything except our way of thinking, and thus we drift towards unparalleled catastrophe". - Yours, etc, PATRICK CROWLEY MB, Kilmoganny Health Centre, Kilmoganny, Co Kilkenny"

[Association of General Practitioners c/o Dr Pat Crowley, Kilmoganny, Co Kilkenny Tel: 051 648 007 Email: info@agp.ie
Web: http://www.agp.ie ]





[by] Prof William Reville

The greatest accident in the history of nuclear power occurred on April 26th, 1986, at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union. A massive explosion released a large inventory of radioactivity to the atmosphere to be carried widely over Europe and deposited as fallout.

Nearly 20 years later an international team of more than 100 scientists has issued a report entitled Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts (September, 2005). The group, called The Chernobyl Forum, is made up of eight specialised UN agencies including the International Atomic Energy Agency, World Health Organisation, UN Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organisation, UN Environment Programme, UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Scientific Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation, and the World Bank. The governments of Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine, the three most affected countries, were also involved.

The report concludes that although 4,000 people could eventually die as a result of exposure to radiation from the Chernobyl accident, as of mid-2005 fewer than 60 deaths can be directly attributed to radiation from the incident. Almost all of these deaths were among highly exposed rescue workers most of whom died shortly after the accident, although others died as late as 2004.

The chairman of the Chernobyl Forum, Dr Burton Bennett, said: "This latest research can help to settle the outstanding questions about how much death, disease and economic fallout really resulted from the Chernobyl accident. This was a very serious accident, especially for the thousands of workers exposed in the early days who received very high doses of radiation and for the thousands more stricken with thyroid cancer. By and large however, we have not found profound negative health impacts to the rest of the population in surrounding areas nor have we found widespread contamination that would continue to pose a substantial threat to human health, with a few exceptional, restricted areas."

About 1,000 on-site reactor staff and emergency workers were exposed to high levels of radiation on the day of the accident and more than 200,000 emergency and recovery operation workers were exposed during 1986-1987. Some 2,200 radiation-caused deaths can be expected over the lifetime of these people. This figure rises to 4,000 when residents of the most contaminated local areas (270,000) and evacuees (116,000) are taken into account. These figures would qualify Chernobyl as a serious accident, but not a disaster.

Fifty-six deaths have been directly attributed to the accident to-date. This figure comprises 47 emergency workers most of whom died early on from acute radiation syndrome (ie, died within months from massive exposure to radiation) and nine deaths among young children who developed thyroid cancer after drinking milk contaminated with radioactive iodine.

These figures are considerably less than popular worldwide and local perception of the impact of the Chernobyl accident would suggest. Confusion over the impact of the accident arises because thousands of people in the affected areas have since died of natural causes unrelated to radiation, but a widespread expectation of ill-health and a tendency to attribute all ill-health problems to radiation have led local residents, and many observers from afar, to assume that Chernobyl-related fatalities were much higher than they were in reality.

The greatest harm was inflicted on emergency workers, many of whom displayed great heroism. In the wider region, residents who ate food contaminated with radioactive iodine in the days following the accident received relatively high doses to the thyroid gland - iodine in food concentrates in the thyroid. Children who drank milk from cows fed on contaminated grass were particularly affected and there was a high incidence of thyroid cancer in children - about 4,000 cases. Ninety-nine percent of those cases were treated successfully, but nine children died.

Most people living in contaminated areas received relatively low whole body doses, comparable to natural background levels of radiation. No evidence of decreased fertility among the affected population has been found. There is no evidence of effects on number of stillbirths, delivery complications or overall health of babies.

A modest increase in reported congenital malformations in both contaminated and uncontaminated areas of Belarus appears to be related to better reporting and not to radiation.

Ecosystems affected by Chernobyl fallout have been studied for the past 20 years. More than 200,000 square kilometres of Europe were contaminated. The extent of contamination was patchy, depending on whether it was raining when contaminated air masses passed overhead. The recent report shows that, except for the still closed, highly contaminated 30km area around the reactor, and some closed lakes and restricted forests, radiation levels have mostly returned to acceptable levels.

The report concludes that the largest public health problem resulting from the accident is "the mental health impact". Residents in the region, who were victims of a tragedy they poorly understand, continue to suffer grave anxiety and this has prevented them from restarting their lives. This "paralysing fatalism" has led to an increase in drug and alcohol use, unprotected sex and unemployment. The report recommends that the first priority should be to encourage these people to normalise their lives by providing them with realistic information about the minimal risks they face.

However the report acknowledges that about 200,000 people continue to be severely affected by the disaster in a very real way. These include poor rural dwellers who live in the few severely contaminated areas, people with thyroid cancer and people who were resettled after the accident but who never found a home or employment in their new communities. These people "need substantial material assistance to rebuild their lives".

William Reville is associate professor of biochemistry and public awareness of science officer at UCC - http://understandingscience.ucc.ie

© The Irish Times

21, 2005

Madam, - Prof Philip Walton (November 11th) makes the point that misinformation about nuclear accidents, such as Chernobyl, has caused misconceptions about its safety and its ability to help solve the problem of satisfying energy demand without damaging our environment.

Unlike other accidents, such as plane crashes, dam failures, mining disasters, etc, the health and environmental consequences of nuclear accidents take time to confirm because much radiation damage cannot be determined until years, even decades, after the exposure. An exception, of course, is severe radiation exposure, which, thankfully, is rare.

The accidents which have coloured our view of nuclear energy are: the Windscale fire (1957); the partial meltdown of the core of a reactor at Three Mile Island in the US (1979); and, of course, the Chernobyl disaster (1986).

We now know that there were no serious after-effects for human health or the environment in the cases of the first two accidents. This is based on published epidemiological, environmental and other scientific studies.

Although the same cannot be said about Chernobyl, its effects have been greatly exaggerated over the years and this is plain to see in the recent report of the Chernobyl Forum.

Experts from the Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, the World Health Organisation and seven other UN organisations have sifted through the evidence over the past two years and have comprehensively described their findings.

Among these is that the majority of the 700,000 rescue workers and the 5 million residents of the contaminated areas of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia received relatively minor doses which are comparable to natural background levels.

Of the few hundred rescue workers and reactor operators who received high doses some 50 have died - not thousands or even tens of thousands as hitherto believed by many people. Also, there was no evidence of congenital disease. Several thousand cases of thyroid cancer were found in children, of which 99 per cent are reported to have been successfully treated.

Finally, radiation levels in the Chernobyl environment have reduced by a factor of several hundred due to both natural processes and countermeasures taken by the authorities. The majority of the contaminated land is now safe for living and working.

The risks of nuclear power must be put into the perspective of increased difficulties with the supply of oil and gas and the consequences of detrimental climate change, which I expect will be more dramatically revealed in about 12 months' time when the International Panel on Climate Change releases its next report.

I hope that politicians will act on Prof Walton's message. An in-depth examination of the potential of nuclear power to alleviate impending energy shortages would be a sensible first step. No energy option can be ignored. - Yours, etc,

FRANK TURVEY , Church Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow.


Madam, - Having just completed research for an energy policy for the Progressive Democrats, I have spent the past few months looking at all the energy options to help Ireland overcome the challenges we face with power generation. Naturally such research looked at the nuclear power option.

The cost of developing nuclear power in Ireland would be disproportionately high, given our lack of nuclear infrastructure, our high construction costs and the considerable opposition to nuclear power. In addition, the true cost of nuclear power is indeterminable because of the nature of decommissioning costs.

Our research also revealed that, given Ireland's very favourable location to harness wind and wave power coupled with our favourable climate to grow biomass, nuclear power would never be able to compete on an economic basis with these renewable energies.

Rising oil and gas prices have made the economic case for renewable energies much sooner than expected. We are uniquely positioned to exploit these green energies and, if given the right fiscal climate, to pioneer research and development,much as we have done with information technology.

Ireland is facing a huge challenge with fuel security. We have the right climatic conditions to develop a green energy industry. All we need is the right attitude.

The business case for nuclear power in Ireland does not stand up when we have cheaper, cleaner alternatives to hand. - Yours, etc,

PD Energy Spokesperson,
Dáil Éireann, Dublin 2

11, 05

Madam, - May I support the letter from Somhairle Mac Aodha (Nov 1st) concerning the end of cheap oil. It is true that world oil production will peak within the next few years and then decline at an annual rate of about 2 per cent.

This comes at a time when demand is increasing, especially from developing countries such as China and India.

Industrialisation has been almost totally dependent on the plentiful supply of cheap oil and gas. We will have used, in about 200 years, half of the oil/gas reserves which were created over many millions of years.

Our profligate use must be curtailed if we are to extend the life of this vital resource which, as well as being an energy source, is a vital feedstuff for agriculture and the whole chemical industry.

With impending shortages we need to use every available source of energy such as renewable sources, strict conservation measures and the use of nuclear power.

It is unlikely that renewables will ever contribute the major fraction of our needs and nuclear power is the only option for the base load which produces negligible greenhouse gases. (We hope that nuclear fusion will ultimately be an answer but that seems a long way off.)

The well known environmentalist, James Lovelock (guru of the UK Green Party) has now come out very strongly in favour of nuclear power.

France generates about 80 per cent of its electricity from nuclear power with very few problems or public objections. Radiation phobia, fuelled for example by misconceptions and misinformation about Sellafield and Chernobyl, have impeded the growth of nuclear power but things will have to change.

The legacy of nuclear waste buried in stable underground sites for many thousands of years is of little consequence compared to the problems we are going to face. - Yours, etc,

PHILIP W WALTON, Moycullen, Co Galway.


A chara, - As the media well know, we have reached the end of cheap oil (as Jacques Chirac has recently stated and as even Chevron-Texaco admits on its website).

Regardless of whether the peak in world oil production
("peak oil") occurs this year or in 2015, according to the Hirsch report we need at least 10 years of preparation for the coming oil crisis. The world is about to change dramatically and permanently as a result of oil depletion, and it is no longer just the opinion of Colin Campbell, Matthew Simmons, Richard Heinberg, et al. We are hopelessly addicted to oil, relying on it for everything from plastics, transport, heating, pesticides to delivering fresh water.

Given that 87 per cent of the fuels to produce Ireland's electricity are imported, and that a large proportion of our gas comes from the UK's rapidly depleting gas supplies, what radical action is Ireland taking? Surely, relying so heavily on imported oil and gas at a time when prices are rocketing is utterly ludicrous?

I urge the media to stop the scandalous silence over this enormous issue and to do an in-depth reportage into the topic of "peak oil" and Ireland's energy security. - Is mise,

Páirc na Labhras,
Caisleán Nua,

Chernobyl Heart On "Chernobyl Heart" and EHS

I've just come from viewing "Chernobyl Heart" an opening day entry at this year's Cork Film Festival. What a poignant and honest film, unsparing in showing closeups of children with horrific deformities, teenagers with tyroid cancer, and of countless other manifestations of shattered lives due to that ghastly Chernobyl radiation disaster. In the film it was stressed how invidious radiation is as it is invisible (a silent killer) and how it weakens the immune system's resistance to diseases.

At the Question and Answer session following the film, I asked Maryann DeLeo and Adi Roche whether any attention had been given to the possibility that these young victims now resident in hospitals, orphanages, and other institutions might also be EHS. I added that nearby masts and cellphones could cause these children further distress.

As my hearing is impaired I could not catch Maryann Deleo's response but later another attendee told me she--Maryann-- responded that their focus in "Chernobyl Heart" was solely on the health hazards of ionizing radiation.

I spoke briefly with Adi Roche before leaving the cinema and asked her to please take note of factors such as flourescent lighting, etc, that could cause those unfortunate children even worse discomfort. I directed her to some online EHS sources.

Frankly, I don't think my introducing the subject of non-ionizing radiation effects was well-received by the audience, but such a cold-shoulder reaction should come as no surprise to any of us. We activists on this EHS beat know ours is the most unpopular cause in evey country--except of course for our small number of dedicated supporters and ever increasing number of EHS affected.

But there are also some highly respected scientists who deny that the Chernobyl nuclear radiation accident had any disastrous health effects. And Irish professors feature among these, as can be seen in my posting to you earlier this year (EMF-Omega-News
28-02-04) which I have now pasted in below.

Best, Imelda, Cork

Pasted from EMF-Omega-News 28-02-04: http://tinyurl.com/5pb7z

There are, however, some prominent academics and other radiation specialists here in Ireland who continue to deny in the face of astounding contrary evidence that the Chernobyl radiation accident has had any significant health effects on the population of Belarus. For instance, Professors Philip W. Walton, (Applied Physics) and Wil J.M. Van Der Putten (Medical Physics) at NUI (National University of Ireland),Galway hold this view and cite the published findings of UNSCEAR (the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) as presented to the UN General Assembly in 2000 in their support.

The text of letters to the Irish Times by Professors Walton and Van Der Putten, and others are archived at Citizens Initiative Omega on these dates:

9/5/03 Subtitled: "Chernobyl bio-disaster is a myth say two Irish Professors" http://tinyurl.com/5x8ot

14/5/03 Subtitled: "Effects of Chernobly Disaster" http://tinyurl.com/7xram

15/5/03 "A measured response letter to Chernobyl nuclear disaster" http://tinyurl.com/6yu5o


http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/chernobylheart/ http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2004/03/6cb4b823-8b6a-4051-97b2-537daf5f0c45.html http://www.showbizireland.com/news/october04/04-u2167.shtml


Chernobyl, WHO and Utteridge's mice: Is there a connection?

Omega-News Collection 10. December 2005




Mission to save planet is 'failing'

Arctic Soil Could Free Far More Carbon Than Previously Thought

Greenland Glaciers Retreating

This Land May Not Be Your Land

Pacific Islanders Move To Escape Global Warming


As hurricanes intensify, is Washington just blowing more hot air on global warming?


Planetary Doom Prediction by Global Warming Scientist


The Struggle against Ourselves

WHO: Ecosystem Changes a Threat to Human Health

50,000 protest over forest law in India

Food Crisis Feared as Fertile Land Runs Out


CANADIAN SEAL HUNT: New attack by Brigitte Bardot and Franz Weber

Help stop whaling

Help stopping wasteful fishing in Europe’s waters

Take Action to Save California Condors and Majestic Oak Woodlands

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 10. December 2005

EMF-Omega-News 10. December 2005

Research Studies done on Microwave Radiation

Blood effects links

EMF and childhood cancer

Childhood leukemia and EMF

Breast cancer and radiofrequency exposure (update)

1997 - A curious year in Sweden (update)

Cell Phone Tumors

Contact details of MEP's wanted who are sympathetic to the battle against mobile phone technology

WHO will not accept smokers to work, will cell phones users be next?

Repacholi and industry money

How healthy is your world?

Telephone mast to go up despite protests

Vodafone and 3 ignore call to switch off

TV show exposes the corruption behind the phone mast industry

Tracking by tagging our children

Activist Chained Himself to 3G Antenna Installation

Pure irony: "When wireless voice-data communication is as vital as the blood circulation"

We're delighted mast plan was rejected

Carriers French mobile operators fined a massive €534m

Masts: call to end lose-lose situation


Phone company’s application for mast extension

Nearly 200 objections to mobile phone mast

Church mast gets go-ahead

MAST plan gets bad reception

North Ayrshire community's campaign to prevent a phone mast being built next door to an award winning primary school

Phone mast row could get nasty

Lib Dems Call For Phone Mast Controls

Enable Nigerians to know whether or not siting of GSM masts near residential areas, schools, health centres, churches or even police stations can be hazardous in any form whatsoever

Garage door chaos Pentagon's fault


Next-up news 7 Dec 2005

Next-up News 8 December 2005

Next-up Diffusion

Emission FR2

ASL infos 10 Dec 2005

News from Mast Sanity

Omega-News Collection 10. December 2005

Murtha's Tough Stand Boosts His Profile

The once-camera-shy Vietnam veteran who rattled Washington last month by calling for the removal of troops from Iraq seems to be popping up everywhere, making TV appearances and being cited by reporters as a leading Democratic opponent of President Bush's war policy.


US Blocks ICRC Access to Suspects

The US has admitted for the first time that it has not given the Red Cross access to all detainees in its custody.


Senate Filibuster Looms over GOP Patriot Act

Congressional Republican leaders will press for passage next week of a new Patriot Act to combat terrorism, but a Senate filibuster looms on a measure that liberal and conservative critics alike say is a threat to individual liberties.


Protesters Placed in Terror Files


The names and license plate numbers of about 30 people who protested three years ago in Colorado Springs were put into FBI domestic-terrorism files, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Colorado said Thursday.


Cunningham Probe Snares DeLay and Blunt

Two defense contractors at the center of ex-Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham's bribery case also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to curry favor with other influential lawmakers including Reps. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) and Roy Blunt (R-Mo).


US Military Probing Video of Road Violence

The video footage that appears to show private security contractors firing on Iraqi civilians has prompted an investigation by the US military, a spokesman said Thursday, and by the company linked to the incidents.


Werden geheime EU-Militäreinsätze aus schwarzen Kassen finanziert?


(TP) Mithilfe schwarzer Kassen werden offensichtlich geheime Miltäreinsätze finanziert. Der Vorteil: die Öffentlichkeit erfährt nichts von diesen Vorgängen und eine Kontrolle durch das Parlament ist ausgeschlossen. Die Gelder werden als Entwicklungshilfe deklariert.

G.Wendebourg / metainfo hamburg

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23157 und

Infopool / metainfo hamburg

We Need Answers not Cover-ups

Scooter Libby and Vice President Cheney withheld critical documents in the Senate's investigation of the use and misuse of intelligence in the decision to go to war and in the management of the war.

These documents must be handed over, because the American people deserve answers.

Please join me and Senator Kennedy; ask the White House to hand over those documents.


The American people know the high cost of this misguided war -- 2,000 U.S. soldiers dead, more than 15,000 wounded, hundreds of billions of dollars spent with no end in sight, and a continuing shameful effort by the White House to silence those who try to tell the truth about the war.

We need answers, not cover-ups, by the Administration about these serious issues. Thank you for all your support in trying to get the truth.



Informant: Mofmars3

ASL infos 10 Dec 2005


Cell Phone Tumors


Interesting because the cell phone programmer that won the lawsuit talks on this website.

Her phone number that is on the comments page - just in case you think of trying it out, it is no longer in service. However her email may be active and the other people also be sure and send along a word of encouragement to let them know whats been happening, they have the proof that people can see, they need to hear from us all.



The contracting scandal won’t end with Duke

The Cunningham scandal appears to be evolving into a full-fledged defense and intelligence contracting scandal with Duke Cunningham just the most colorful character and the first to be taken down.


From Information Clearing House

How much lower can they go?

In 2004, federal lobbyists spent $2.1 billion -- the equivalent of the gross domestic product of the Republic of Congo or the amount the U.S. government spends annually on energy assistance for low-income Americans. In that same year, candidates pursuing the presidency and seats in Congress spent more than $3 billion.


From Information Clearing House

What happens if you refuse to surrender identification when authorities demand it?

Let's See Some I.D.:

Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb":

A passenger on Flight 924 gives his account of the shooting and says Rigoberto Alpizar never claimed to have a bomb.


From Information Clearing House

Rogue State? US Spurns Treaty After Treaty

In 1989, the United Nations put forth the Convention on the Rights of the Child -- a treaty that protects the civil and economic rights of children around the world.


From Information Clearing House

Treat Us Like Human Beings, Saudi Reporter Tells US Ambassador

Omar Al-Zubaidi, a well-known reporter for the Arabic satellite channel “Al-Arabiya”, ripped his visa application and other papers in two in front of the American ambassador at a press conference.


From Information Clearing House

The propaganda presidency of George W. Bush

Propaganda is the only word for the Pentagon's recently exposed secret efforts to plant positive stories in the Iraqi press.


From Information Clearing House

'I feel I'm carrying the world on my shoulders'

"I don't blame the people who killed Casey but the people who brought us into this, who lied and deceived the world," she says.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

The Case Against Secretary Rumsfeld

Defending American Values in Court – Torture Victims Visit United States Seeking Accountability and Justice.


From Information Clearing House

The New Face Of America

When you close your eyes and picture America, what do you see?

From Information Clearing House

America continues its ongoing military, economic, and social assault on the Arab world


Pentagon sticks with 2-war plan

When the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is completed next month, it will retain the requirement that the Pentagon maintain active forces and reserves able to repel and occupy an enemy in one war and defeat a second enemy but not necessarily occupy the capital.


From Information Clearing House

Un-American and inefficient

Team Bush is hell-bent on preserving torture as an option if they think we, the public, will let them get away with it.


From Information Clearing House

Taken for a ride in the 'war on terror'

Since the onset of the "war on terror", the US has detained more than 3,000 people worldwide in a network of secret prisons established by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a number of regions, from Southeast Asia to North Africa, South Asia and Eastern Europe.


Iraq's oil production declines this year

Despite President Bush's optimism on Iraq's reconstruction, the country appears set to pump less crude in 2005 than last year's disappointing showing and far less than under Saddam Hussein.


From Information Clearing House

The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Addicted to War

Iraq war debate enters new phase:

You might not expect a West Point graduate, Vietnam vet and career soldier to come out with a book titled "The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Addicted to War." But that's what Andrew Bacevich, who now directs the program in International Relations at Boston University, has done.


From Information Clearing House

Turkish PM offers blunt message on Iraq

PRIME Minister John Howard has received an obvious but unwelcome message from his Turkish counterpart: Iraq is going badly.


From Information Clearing House

The War for Latinos

Jessica Sanchez poses an urgent threat to the US military. For a Pentagon stretched by stagnating enlistments and an Administration bent on waging a "global war on terror," the question of whether this four-foot-eleven Mexican-born legal resident and others like her will decide to join the military has enormous geopolitical implications.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Media Dodging Air War in Iraq

Hidden in Plane Sight:

U.S. Media Dodging Air War in Iraq: there are strong indications that the U.S. military command will intensify its bombardment of Iraq while reducing the presence of American occupying troops before the U.S. congressional elections next fall. With the White House eager to show progress toward U.S. disengagement from Iraq, we should expect enormous media spin to accompany any pullout of troops in 2006.


What our dollar's Buy: Faces of war

In Pictures:

- Warning - Images depict the reality and horror of war.


From Information Clearing House

U.S Military Will Request $100B For Iraq In 2006, Murtha Reveals

During his response to President Bush this afternoon, Murtha revealed, for the first time, that the Pentagon will ask for an additional $100 billion for operations in Iraq next year.


Truth for the Troops

By Richard Cohen

If, as Samuel Johnson said, "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel," then "support our troops" is very close by. It is being used to deflect criticism of the war in Iraq, or to rebut those who call for a pullout or question how incompetents seized control of the government in a coup by ideologues. In the lexicon of some, the only way to support our troops is to ensure that more of them die.


What We Said vs. What We did

By Philip Gallo, Ph.D.

The administration lied about WMD, lied about their earnest intent to go to war only as the last possible option and only when it was demonstrably unavoidable, lied about every aspect of the Iraqi situation, did so from the start and at every available opportunity, and continues to do so to this day.


Cost of the War in Iraq


From Information Clearing House



pass on.........

I recommend reading 1984 by George Orwell, help understand what is happening right now, your local library may have it... unless it was burned !



George Orwell:


A police state is a totalitarian state regulated by secret police; the police exercise power on behalf of the executive and the conduct of the police cannot be effectively challenged. In such regimes there is no significant distinction between the law and the will of the executive; there is no rule of law.

Under the political model of enlightened despotism, the ruler is the "highest servant of the state". The ruler exercises the absolute power that he enjoys to provide for the general welfare. All of the powers of the state are to be directed toward this end; to constrain the ruler with written law would be bad policy. This view was supported by such thinkers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau .

Because the enlightened despot is charged with the public good, opposition to government policy is an offense against authority, and thus against the state itself and all that it represented: the concept of loyal opposition is incompatible within this political framework. Because public dissent is forbidden, dissent is inevitably secret. To police dissent, therefore, requires use of informers and secret police.

Liberal democracy, with its emphasis on the rule of law, focused on the fact that the police state was unrestrained by law. Robert von Mohl, who first introduced the rule of law into German jurisprudence, for example, contrasted the Rechtsstaat ("legal" or "constitutional" state) with the aristocratic Polizeistaat ("police state").

No state ever claims to be a "police state", the term is always applied by critics of the state, based on differing perceptions of legitimate law, human rights and social contract. [edit]

The police state in literature

The best-known literary treatment of the police state is George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, which describes life under a totalitarian régime that uses the constant presence of eternal war as a pretext for subjecting the people to mass surveillance, constraining both freedom of action and of thought.

A police state is a totalitarian state regulated by secret police; the police exercise power on behalf of the executive and the conduct of the police cannot be effectively challenged. In such regimes there is no significant distinction between the law and the will of the executive; there is no rule of law.

Under the political model of enlightened despotism, the ruler is the "highest servant of the state". The ruler exercises the absolute power that he enjoys to provide for the general welfare. All of the powers of the state are to be directed toward this end; to constrain the ruler with written law would be bad policy. This view was supported by such thinkers as Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau .

Because the enlightened despot is charged with the public good, opposition to government policy is an offense against authority, and thus against the state itself and all that it represented: the concept of loyal opposition is incompatible within this political framework. Because public dissent is forbidden, dissent is inevitably secret. To police dissent, therefore, requires use of informers and secret police.

Liberal democracy, with its emphasis on the rule of law, focused on the fact that the police state was unrestrained by law. Robert von Mohl, who first introduced the rule of law into German jurisprudence, for example, contrasted the Rechtsstaat ("legal" or "constitutional" state) with the aristocratic Polizeistaat ("police state").

No state ever claims to be a "police state", the term is always applied by critics of the state, based on differing perceptions of legitimate law, human rights and social contract. [edit]

The police state in literature

The best-known literary treatment of the police state is George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, which describes life under a totalitarian régime that uses the constant presence of eternal war as a pretext for subjecting the people to mass surveillance, constraining both freedom of action and of thought. George Orwell:


The Bias Breakdown

A poll found that workers' perceptions of discrimination in the workplace are mismatched with official reports of discrimination. The survey was conducted during a year that marks the 40th anniversary of the formation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


United States Needs Labor Law Reform

Seventy years ago our Congress guaranteed the right of workers to organize unions and bargain collectively with their employers. But it took the famous "sit-down strikes" of Flint, Michigan, in 1936-37, where workers occupied the auto factories and refused to leave, before that right became a reality. Now we are back to square one, argues Mark Weisbrot.


Labor to Press for Workers' Right to Join Unions

With the nation's labor unions divided and shrinking, the AFL-CIO has organized 100 demonstrations nationwide this week to assert that the right of American workers to form unions is being systematically violated.


The Psychology of Global Warming

Journalism has no precedent for a story of the scale or seriousness of global warming, says Bill Blakemore in his analysis.


Bill Clinton Says Bush Is 'Flat Wrong' on Kyoto

Former President Clinton told a global audience of diplomats, environmentalists and others Friday that the Bush administration is "flat wrong" in claiming that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions to fight global warming would damage the US economy.


Pre-9/11 Warning to Saudis that Osama Bin Laden Might Target Civilian Airliners

National Security Archive Releases Pre-9/11 Warning to Saudis that Osama Bin Laden Might Target Civilian Airliners.



Bill Moyers' keynote address


Before 9/11, Warnings on bin Laden


More than three years before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, American diplomats warned Saudi officials that Osama bin Laden might target civilian aircraft, according to a newly declassified State Department cable.


Annals of Outrage


Shark-bit World


Befriending Despair


U.S. Leaders are Using Pinochet's Playbook


Our Amnesiac Torture Debate


WHO: Ecosystem Changes a Threat to Human Health


Hot Air: Summit Heads to a Close with No Sign of Progress


Bush's 'Lucid Dreams' Becoming Nightmares


Disasters Are Federal Food and Drink

Tom Engelhardt on 9/11 and the Bush administration.

Practice Peace and Liberty

And have no fear, says NguyenKhaPhamThanhChuong.

Not Even To Save Our Lives

Mike Ferner on the Christian Peacemakers Team in Iraq.

School-Zone Speed Limits and Other Delusions

Repeal them, says Andrew S. Fischer.

Conservative Self-Deification

Dmitry Chernikov on warmongering.

401(k) Holders of the World Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your chains.

The impossibility of imposed freedom

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


Transcript of a speech to staff aides from the US House of Representatives: "I can present my own perspective on this up front: all reform in all areas of politics, economics, and society should be in one direction: toward more freedom for individuals and less power for government. I will go further to say that individuals ought to enjoy as much freedom as possible and government as little power as possible. Yes, that position qualifies me as a libertarian. But I fear that this word does not have the explanatory power that it might have once had. There is in Washington a tendency to see libertarianism as a flavor of public-policy soda, or just another grab bag of policy proposals, ones that emphasize free enterprise and personal liberties as opposed to bureaucratic regimentation. This perspective is seriously flawed, and it has dangerous consequences...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Invitation to Create a New Civilization

(and to fight the one based on oil)

By Oilwatch International (a network of civil society organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America)

[Published in November/December 2005, 25th Anniversary Issue of Earth First! Journal -- The Radical Environmental Journal]

Never before have the limits of the current development model based on hydrocarbons been seen so clearly. Never have the relationships between oil and the networks of power that control the world been so clearly understood. Never have the relationships between oil and the principal causes of misery which afflict humanity been so evident.

Behind the worst wars of the last century and the current, Behind the waste of industrial, economic and financial resources, Behind the instability and impoverishment of many nations, Behind innumerable state coups, dictatorships and manipulations of democracy, Behind the age-old exploitation of workers, Behind the most dangerous chemical industries, Behind the systematic extinction of uncountable indigenous peoples, Behind the contamination of the world's fresh water, the water of the seven seas and the air of our cities, Behind the accumulation of enormous amounts of chemical and plastic wastes, Behind climate change that includes ever more extreme cyclones, floods and hurricanes, Behind the appearance and manifestation of numerous degenerative illnesses and, Behind the extinction of species on planet Earth,

Is Oil.

The 20th century was the century of poisoning and mass death of people and life all over the planet. This poisoning is the product not only of the wastes caused during extraction of oil, oil spills on land and sea and acid rain; it is also the consequence of agrochemicals, persistent pollutants, fuels, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, hospital wastes and other components produced from oil. These are being accumulated and dumped on the planet…and they are killing the Land.

We have suffered severe and repeated threats to the sovereignty of our nations due to wars and intrigues caused by oil. The large empires define their economic and military power in relation to their possibilities of obtaining secure access to their coveted black gold, in farflung regions around the globe.

The 20th century created, from its industrial oil bases, a culture founded on a pattern of of addictive energy and material consumption that has poisoned, sickened, crippled and killed hundreds of millions of people, while confronting and exterminating thousands of traditional communities, separating them from their healthy and ecological customs. Only a very few have managed to survive, in a way that is ever more one of isolation, impoverishment and defenselessness.

While this occurred, we have accepted these aggressions as separate nations or communities. Or worse still, we have fought among ourselves: inhabitants of one country against another, people from the North against those from the South, the urban poor against indigenous and peasant people, those ill from consumption against pacifists, those who propose against those who criticize...

Looking at each struggle from a distance, it is difficult not to see the profound connections between them.

The struggle to stay healthy and eat well, the fight for clean sources of energy, the fight for a sustainable and sovereign agriculture, the fight for decontamination and against global warming, the fight against transnational companies that expropriate and evaporate our natural resources, the fight for peace in the world...winning these fights depends to a great extent on our ability to jointly resist the oil industry and the civilization it sustains.

The crisis of the oil civilization has reached its climax. But the way forward to free ourselves from this crisis is hardly being carried out. To the contrary, our exit is delayed while the effects of this crisis increase in a manner which is ever more lethal. It seems evident that the transition into a new civilization requires the diffusion of alternative scientific and environmental technologies for sustainable energy systems -- as well as new economic, political, and cultural mechanisms that will allow the reconstruction of peace and equality among peoples, recover our health, restore our environment, absolve international debt, compensate for the pillaging of the countries of the South, and assure justice and true democracy everywhere.

For us, a clear path is shown by the fight of the peasant, fishing and indigenous communities that face a frontline battle against globalization and neoliberalism--defending their right to live on their lands with autonomy and without physical, cultural or environmental aggressions, even those that are considered "symbols of progress." But we need to listen to each other, so that we may imagine solutions that take into account, in a global form, the problems of us all.

Which are the organizations and networks that could start a positive collaboration in the fight against the oil civilization? Which are the most important local and global movements that we cannot ignore in our efforts? Which are the new initiatives that we could and should invent?

To answer these and other questions, Oilwatch International is inviting sympathetic networks to participate in a joint dialogue of our struggles and launch a global Campaign against the civilization based on oil. We invite you to send your opinions, considerations and ideas that may help consolidate this concept, so that we can create a way forward together. Please send your comments to the International Secretariat of Oilwatch at tegantai@oilwatch.org.ec

[Issued on September 19, 2005 and published in November/December 2005, 25th Anniversary Issue of Earth First! Journal -- The Radical Environmental Journal ]

OILWATCH INTERNATIONAL is a network of civil society organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America that promotes a post petroleum civilization, with its International Secretariat located in Quito, Ecuador. The Oilwatch network was born inspired by the necessity to develop global strategies for communities affected by oil operations, and to support the resistance struggles of communities against those operations. Among the network's functions is the exchange of information regarding oil companies operating in affected countries, about their practices as well as the different resistance movements and international campaigns against specific companies. Oilwatch makes an effort to raise, at the global level, the environmental conscience of humanity, to expose the impacts of oil operations on tropical forests and local populations, and to reveal the relationship between oil activities and the destruction of biodiversity, climate change and unpunished violations of human rights.

Oilwatch members include:

Coordinación de Organizaciones Mapuche - ARGENTINA Belice Institute of Environmental Law and Policy (BELPO) - BELICE Toledo Developement Corporation (TDC) - BELICE Bullet Tree Falls Environmental Club - BELICE FOBOMADE – BOLIVIA FUNDACIÓN SOLÓN – BOLIVIA Projeto Brasil Sustentável e Democrático/Rede Brasileira de Justiça Ambiental - BRASIL GTA / Comision Pastoral de la Tierra - BRASIL Asociación CENSAT Agua Viva – COLOMBIA FUNDACION AGUAVIVA - COLOMBIA Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario - Cabildo Mayor U'Wa - COLOMBIA ORJUWA-T Organización Wayúu Munsurat COLOMBIA OILWATCH COSTA RICA FoE CURAZAO Acción Ecológica – ECUADOR CESTA – EL SALVADOR Madre Selva - GUATEMALA Consejo de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo de Centroamérica (CIDECA) - GUATEMALA Alianza por la vida y la Paz - GUIATEMALA Frente Petenero Contra Represas - GUATEMALA MOVIMIENTO MADRE TIERRA - HONDURAS Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH) - HONDURAS Confederación de Pueblos Autóctonos de Honduras (CONPAH) - HONDURAS ALIANZA VERDE - HONDURAS Federación Indígena Tawahka, (FITH) - HONDURAS Federación de Tribus Xicaque de Yoro (FETRIXY) - HONDURAS Federación Indígena FETRIPH pueblo PECH de Olancho - HONDURAS Casifop - MEXICO Sociedad de Amigos Santo Tomás – MEXICO Centro Humboldt - Oilwatch Mesoamérica - NICARAGUA URACCAN-IREMADES - NICARAGUA Centro de Educación para la Paz y la Justicia (CEDUPAZ) – NICARAGUA CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS INTERNACIONALES - NICARAGUA COIBA - PANAMA ECORED - PANAMA MNJ-PAT - PANAMA SOBREVIVENCIA - PARAGUAY APRODEH - PERÚ CONACAMI - PERÚ Racimos de Ungurahui - PERÚ TOXIC TEXACOWATCH – SURINAM WRM – URUGUAY REDES - URUGUAY Amigransa- Red Alerta Petrolera Orinoco Oilwatch - VENEZUELA Centre Pour l'Environnement et le Développement - CAMERÚN Cadic - CONGO EPOZOP / ASSAILD - CHAD CPPL - Commission Permanente Petrole Locale - CHAD Chadian Association for the defence of Human Rights / LTDH - CHAD RESAPIME SARH GRAMP/TC - CHAD CILONG - CHAD CIAJE - GABON Third World Network - GHANA FoE GHANA LIVANINGO - MOZAMBIQUE Oilwatch Africa – NIGERIA Environmental Rights Action (ERA) - NIGERIA Justice et Paix (of Catholic Church) - REPUBLIC OF CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) GroundWork – SOUTH AFRICA Earthlife Africa eThekwini – SOUTH AFRICA Earthlife Africa Johannesburg - SOUTH AFRICA Earthlife Africa Cape Town - SOUTH AFRICA Sudan Council of Churches (SCC) - SUDAN Ecograph - AZERBAIJAN UBINIG - BANGLADESH BanglaPraxis - BANGLADESH Community developmnet Library - BANGLADESH PRAYAS - INDIA PAN - INDONESIA JATAM (Jaringan Advokasi Tambang) - INDONESIA FoE MALAYSIA Third World Network - MALAYSIA ActionAid - PAKISTAN Pakistan Institiute of Labour Education and Research - PAKISTAN Center for Environmental Justice - SRI LANKA EarthRights International (ERI) - THAILAND CAIN Campaign for Alternative Industriy Network - THAILAND Burma Issues - THAILAND Study Group for Natural Resource Sustainability - THAILAND Kalayanamitra Council - THAILAND LAOHAMUTUK - TIMOR PERDU-Manokwari - WEST PAPUA CEE Bankwatch Network - GEORGIA Indigenous Oil Campaign Organizer Indigenous Environmental Network - USA

Weiß um jeden Preis


Skifahren ist in vielen Wintersportorten nur noch dank Schneekanonen möglich. Naturschützer sehen Tiere und Pflanzen in Bedrängnis.


Erneuerbare Energien schützen Klima wirkungsvoll


Erneuerbare Energien können den Ausstoß von klimaschädlichem Kohlendioxid (CO2) in Deutschland innerhalb von 15 Jahren um rund 25 Prozent verringern. „Das wäre ein bedeutender Beitrag zum Klimaschutz, dessen Zukunft gegenwärtig in Montreal verhandelt wird", sagt Dr. Simone Peter, Leiterin der Informationskampagne für Erneuerbare Energien in Berlin.


Menschenrechte - Tierrechte - Pflanzenrechte

Seit Ihrer "Verkündung der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte im Jahr 1948 haben die 30 Artikel nichts von ihrer Brisanz eingebüßt. Von der ständigen Gefahr bedroht, verschwiegen und ignoriert zu werden, muss es unser aller Bestreben sein, immer wieder auf diese Rechte hinzuweisen.



Das Menschenrecht auf Erneuerbare Energien


Mit der Abschlusserklärung „Das Menschenrecht auf Erneuerbare Energien “ endete in Bonn die Weltversammlung für Erneuerbare Energien (WREA) 2005. Die Abschlusserklärung können Sie auch als Video abspielen:

http://www.wrea2005.org/AbschlussvideoHS.ram http://www.sonnenseite.com/index.php?pageID=6&news:oid=n4188


Tag der Menschenrechte: Auch Energie ist ein Menschenrecht


Wie Energie und Arbeit als Menschenrechte einander ergänzen macht ein "Adventswunsch" des Solarenergie-Fördervereins Deutschland e.V. (SFV) deutlich.



Kein Recht auf gesunde Nahrung?


UNO ignoriert, dass die „grüne Gentechnik“ zahlreichen Menschenrechten widerspricht.



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Dezember 2005

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Starmail - 15. Mär, 14:10
Dänische Studie findet...
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/3035537/ -------- HLV...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:48
Schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen ...
Bitte schenken Sie uns Beachtung: Interessengemeinschaft...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:01
Effects of cellular phone...
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/effects_of_cellular_p hone_emissions_on_sperm_mo tility_in_rats.htm [...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 11:08


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