
Nur auf Drechselberg genügt ein Mast

22.12.2005 | Netzcode: 10809142

Der Vilsecker Stadtrat genehmigt mit 17 zu drei Stimmen diesen Standort für eine Mobilfunkanlage

Vilseck. (zip) Über die Zuweisung von Standorten für Mobilfunkanlagen im Außenbereich diskutierte der Stadtrat Vilseck ausführlich in seiner letzten Sitzung. Stellung dazu nahm auch Regierungsrat Matthias Steck von der Baugenehmigungsbehörde des Landratsamtes Amberg-Sulzbach.

Bürgermeister Hans-Martin Schertl gab zu Beginn einen Rückblick auf die bisherige Entwicklung des Verfahrens. Demnach beabsichtige der Mobilfunkbetreiber Vodafone D 2 wie berichtet, bei der Ortschaft Drechselberg einen Mobilfunkmast zu errichten. Zu dem 2004 eingereichten Bauantrag habe der Stadtrat Vilseck das gemeindliche Einvernehmen versagt, weil der Mast das Orts- und Landschaftsbild im Umfeld der Ortschaften Drechselberg und Axtheid-Berg verunstalte.

Gutachten gibt Ausschlag

Daraufhin habe der Stadtrat beschlossen, Konzentrationsflächen für Standorte von Mobilfunkanlagen auszuweisen. Damit solle insbesondere vermieden werden, dass Mobilfunkmasten an Standorten errichtet werden, wo sie aus städtebaulichen Gründen unerwünscht seien. Als Grundlage für die Standortzuweisungen sollte ein bei der Landesgewerbeanstalt Nürnberg in Auftrag gegebenes Gutachten dienen. Dieses Gutachten liege nun vor und sei auch bereits bei einer Informationsveranstaltung der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt worden.

Stadtrat Ertl meldete in der Sitzung Bedenken gegen das Gutachten an, da es seiner Ansicht nach nicht den Zielsetzungen des Stadtrats folge, andere Positivstandorte als Drechselberg auszuweisen. Er regte an, für Positivstandorte städtische Grundstücke vorzuschlagen.

Eine Konzentrationsfläche

Der Stadtrat beschloss abschließend mit 17 zu drei Stimmen, den Standort Drechselberg als Konzentrationsfläche für Mobilfunkanlagen im Außenbereich auszuweisen. Vor der Beschlussfassung werden die Gründe für die Entscheidung von den Stadtratsmitgliedern Albert Trummer und Josef Götz nochmals dargelegt. Die genaue Abgrenzung der Fläche ist von dem mit den Planungsarbeiten beauftragten Planungsbüro Röth in einem Vorentwurf darzustellen, der dem Stadtrat zur Beschlussfassung vorzulegen ist.

Die Entscheidung pro Drechselberg begründete der Stadtrat damit, dass laut dem Gutachten der Drechselberg der am besten geeignete Standort sei. Eine Mobilfunkversorgung des Stadtgebiets mit mehreren Standorten würde aufgrund der vorhandenen Topographie auch mehrere neue Masten erfordern. Diese müssten in einer ähnlichen Größenordnung ausgeführt werden, wie sie bereits von der Vodafone D 2 GmbH beantragt worden sei, wobei das Gebiet um Drechselberg nur schwerlich ausgespart werden könnte. Das Gutachten zeigt, dass das Ziel der Stadt, nämlich im Umfeld von Drechselberg keine Standorte auszuweisen, nicht verwirklicht werden könne.

Die städtebaulichen Gründe für die Versagung des gemeindlichen Einvernehmens bestünden zwar nach wie vor, denn das Vorhaben beeinträchtige Belange des Orts- und Landschaftsbildes und des Denkmalschutzes. Demgegenüber sei laut Stadtrat zu bedenken, dass durch das Ausscheiden des Standorts Drechselberg mindestens zwei, unter Umständen auch noch mehr Funkmasten erforderlich wären, um den Mobilfunk im Stadtgebiet zu gewährleisten.

Diese Masten würden in der freien Landschaft stehen und, wie der bei Drechselberg geplante Mast auch, das Landschaftsbild erheblich beeinträchtigen. Am Standort Drechselberg werde diese Beeinträchtigung insoweit abgemildert, als der Mast in einem Waldstück stehe und erst über den Baumwipfeln das Landschaftsbild störe. An den anderen Standorten stünden die Masten ohne jegliche Einbindung frei in der Landschaft.

Geringste Immissionen

Die Folge sei, dass ein einziger Mast bei Drechselberg verhindere, das das Landschaftsbild an mehreren anderen Standorten durch Funkmasten beeinträchtigt werde. Hinzu komme, dass, um eine Versorgung des Stadtgebiets zu erreichen, auf den Standort Drechselberg wohl ohnehin nicht verzichtet werden könnte. Nicht außer acht gelassen werden dürfe, dass die Immissionsbelastung für das Stadtgebiet am Standort Drechselberg am geringsten ausfalle und bei allen anderen Lösungen ein wesentlich größerer Bevölkerungsanteil höheren Immissionen ausgesetzt wäre.

Gesetzt den Fall, die Stadt würde den Standort Drechselberg nicht als Konzentrationsfläche ausweisen, würde zwar voraussichtlich das Landratsamt die beantragte Baugenehmigung nicht erteilen. Aber der Umstand, dass ohne den Standort Drechselberg die Versorgung des Stadtgebiets nur lückenhaft abgedeckt werden könnte, gäbe begründeten Anlass zu der Befürchtung, dass eine gerichtliche Anfechtung der Baugenehmigung vor dem Verwaltungsgericht Erfolg haben könnte, so der Stadtrat.

Eingriff auszugleichen

Die Stadtverwaltung wird auf Beschluss des Stadtrats in Verhandlungen mit der Vodafone D 2 GmbH klären, ob anstelle des Gittermasts ein Schleuderbetonmast errichtet werden kann, der nach Ansicht mehrerer Stadträte das Landschaftsbild weniger stören würde.

Regierungsrat Matthias Steck wies darauf hin, dass der durch den Mast verursachte Eingriff in Natur und Landschaft durch geeignete Maßnahmen auszugleichen sei. Das Landratsamt werde einen entsprechenden landschaftspflegerischen Begleitplan zum Bauantrag fordern.

Der Stadtrat hielt es für wahrscheinlich, dass der Vodafone-Mast auf dem Drechselberg auch von anderen Mobilfunkbetreiber genutzt werde. Man werde darauf hinwirken, dass dann der Betrieb von bereits bestehenden Stationen eingestellt und die Immissionsbelastung reduziert wird.

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1984? Britain will be first country to monitor every car journey

From 2006 Britain will be the first country where every journey by every car will be monitored. MI5 will also use the database.


From Information Clearing House

Bill Would Allow Arrests For No Reason In Public Place

The lengthy piece of legislation would let police arrest people in public places who will not give their names, address and birth dates, even if they are not doing anything wrong.


From Information Clearing House

Six Democrats have some explaining to do

The vote was on the GOP budget bill , It passed by 6 votes. Take a look at the official roll call and you'll see that 6 Democrats didn't show up to vote. They are...


From Information Clearing House

US finds a communist ally against Iran

The United States, which used Islamic fundamentalists against communism in Afghanistan in the 1980s, has embarked on an operation to use communists to bring about the end of the Islamic regime in Iran.


From Information Clearing House

Agencies of the U.S. government ran operations which opened the mail of American citizens

Mail Opening:

For a period of approximately two decades, agencies of the U.S. government ran operations which opened the mail of some American citizens.


From Information Clearing House

On the formation, operation, and abuses of U.S. intelligence agencies

Church Committee Reports:

These 14 published reports of the Church Committee contain a wealth of information on the formation, operation, and abuses of U.S. intelligence agencies.


From Information Clearing House

Beyond The Patriot Act

This show explores the personal effect it and related new laws have had on American citizens.


From Information Clearing House

Judges to review spying program

The presiding judge of a secret court that oversees government surveillance in espionage and terrorism cases is arranging a classified briefing for her fellow judges to address their concerns about the legality of President Bush's domestic spying program, according to several intelligence and government sources.


From Information Clearing House

Congress to Probe Domestic Spying:

A prominent Republican senator promised to hold public hearings, the House of Representatives Democratic leader and the ranking Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee said they had objected to the programme, and a California Democratic Senator said a number of legal authorities had told her that the president's actions rose to the level of impeachable offences.


Tony Benn: Bringing The War Criminals To Account

We allege that the breaches committed by the UK Government and the USA in coalition partnership during the period 2002 - 2005 outlined as a selection in summary are as follows...


From Information Clearing House

General Odom: The State of America's Armed Forces

A few weeks ago General Odom said, 'I think the army is already broken.'


U.S. Allies in Iraq Want Out, Adding to Bush Pressure

The U.K., Italy and South Korea are making plans to reduce or even withdraw their troops by the end of next year, following other nations, such as Ukraine and Bulgaria, that have already started to depart. "It is not a matter of if, but how,'' said Roberto Minotti, senior research fellow at the Aspen Institute in Rome.


Iraq rebels 'intensify violence':

AN Iraqi Sunni leader said insurgents will intensify attacks to drive out US troops and violence will worsen if a Shiite-led government returns to power, as seems likely.


From Information Clearing House

Of the $230 Billion spent in invading and occuping Iraq $40 Million goes to Iraq and Afghanistan for civilian casualties

The U.S. military uses these funds to run programs generally paying out up to $2,500 per victim to the families of those killed, and smaller amounts to those who are injured or have property destroyed or who were detained.


From Information Clearing House

Intelligence abuse déjà vu

By Gary Hart

Today, one has only to consider the behavior of the Bush administration during the Iraq war to appreciate how soon we forget, how little we learn and how pervasive is the tendency to violate civil and constitutional liberties in the name of war. Virtually all of the reforms recommended by the Church Committee — many of which were passed into law — have been evaded, ignored or violated in the name of the "war on terrorism."


Unlimited warrantless surveillance

By Kate Martin
Center for National Security Studies

The President claims he has authority as the Commander-in-Chief to conduct warrantless wiretaps of Americans. But when Congress enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in 1978, it expressly rejected the President’s claim of inherent authority to conduct warrantless wiretaps. It then went further and made it a crime to conduct such wiretaps.


We are being asked to destroy our country in order to save it

Early Warning

By William M. Arkin

We must pledge allegiance to a certain post 9/11 Order, abandon the rule of law, compromise our values, turn against our neighbors, enlist in a clash of civilizations, all in the name of defeating the terrorists.


051222 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Deutsche Bank gibt offenbar Geschäft mit indonesischem Zellstoffkonzern auf

Imageschäden: Deutsche Bank gibt offenbar Geschäft mit indonesischem Zellstoffkonzern auf (22.12.05)

Nach Angaben der Umweltschutzorganisation Robin Wood zieht sich die Deutsche Bank endgültig als Finanzberater aus einem stark kritisierten Übernahmegeschäft in der indonesischen Zellstoff-Industrie zurück. Die Organisation bezieht sich hierbei auf Angaben des "Umweltmanagers" der Großbank, Michael Hölz, und führt die Entscheidung auf den "Druck von Robin Wood und weiteren Umweltorganisationen" zurück. Das an der Börse in Singapur notierte Unternehmen United Fiber System (UFS) plane, seine Zellstoffproduktion weiter auszubauen und das Zellstoffwerk Kiani Kertas in Südkalimantan zu übernehmen. Die Deutsche Bank habe bislang dieses millionenschwere Geschäft koordiniert.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Jedes Fahrzeug wird identifiziert

In Großbritannien wird mit Tausenden von Kameras zur Nummernerkennung ein nationales Überwachungssystem für die Bewegung von Fahrzeugen aufgebaut.


Conyers releases report that indicts the Bush administration

Rep John Conyers has just released a 273 page report entitled " The Constitution in Crisis: The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution and Coverups in the Iraq War "


Attached is the executive summary.


Executive Summary of the Conyers Report

This Minority Report has been produced at the request of Representative John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee. He made this request in the wake of the President's failure to respond to a letter submitted by 122 Members of Congress and more than 500,000 Americans in July of this year asking him whether the assertions set forth in the Downing Street Minutes were accurate. Mr. Conyers asked staff, by year end 2005, to review the available information concerning possible misconduct by the Bush Administration in the run up to the Iraq War and post-invasion statements and actions, and to develop legal conclusions and make legislative and other recommendations to him.

In brief, we have found that there is substantial evidence the President, the Vice President and other high ranking members of the Bush Administration misled Congress and the American people regarding the decision to go to war with Iraq; misstated and manipulated intelligence information regarding the justification for such war; countenanced torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and other legal violations in Iraq; and permitted inappropriate retaliation against critics of their Administration.

There is a prima facie case that these actions by the President, Vice-President and other members of the Bush Administration violated a number of federal laws, including (1) Committing a Fraud against the United States; (2) Making False Statements to Congress; (3) The War Powers Resolution; (4) Misuse of Government Funds; (5) federal laws and international treaties prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment; (6) federal laws concerning retaliating against witnesses and other individuals; and (7) federal laws and regulations concerning leaking and other misuse of intelligence.

While these charges clearly rise to the level of impeachable misconduct, because the Bush Administration and the Republican-controlled Congress have blocked the ability of Members to obtain information directly from the Administration concerning these matters, more investigatory authority is needed before recommendations can be made regarding specific Articles of Impeachment. As a result, we recommend that Congress establish a select committee with subpoena authority to investigate the misconduct of the Bush Administration with regard to the Iraq war detailed in this Report and report to the Committee on the Judiciary on possible impeachable offenses.

In addition, we believe the failure of the President, Vice President and others in the Bush Administration to respond to myriad requests for information concerning these charges, or to otherwise account for explain a number of specific misstatements they have made in the run up to War and other actions warrants, at minimum, the introduction and Congress' approval of Resolutions of Censure against Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. Further, we recommend that Ranking Member Conyers and others consider referring the potential violations of federal criminal law detailed in this Report to the Department of Justice for investigation; Congress should pass legislation to limit government secrecy, enhance oversight of the Executive Branch, request notification and justification of presidential pardons of Administration officials, ban abusive treatment of detainees, ban the use of chemical weapons, and ban the practice of paying foreign media outlets to publish news stories prepared by or for the Pentagon; and the House should amend its Rules to permit Ranking Members of Committees to schedule official Committee hearings and call witnesses to investigate Executive Branch misconduct.

The Report rejects the frequent contention by the Bush Administration that there pre-war conduct has been reviewed and they have been exonerated. No entity has ever considered whether the Administration misled Americans about the decision to go to war. The Senate Intelligence Committee has not yet conducted a review of pre-war intelligence distortion and manipulation, while the Silberman-Robb report specifically cautioned that intelligence manipulation "was not part of our inquiry." There has also not been any independent inquiry concerning torture and other legal violations in Iraq; nor has there been an independent review of the pattern of coverups and political retribution by the Bush Administration against its critics, other than the very narrow and still ongoing inquiry of Special Counsel Fitzgerald.

While the scope of this Report is largely limited to Iraq, it also holds lessons for our Nation at a time of entrenched one-party rule and abuse of power in Washington. If the present Administration is willing to misstate the facts in order to achieve its political objectives in Iraq, and Congress is unwilling to confront or challenge their hegemony, many of our cherished democratic principles are in jeopardy. This is true not only with respect to the Iraq War, but also in regard to other areas of foreign policy, privacy and civil liberties, and matters of economic and social justice. Indeed as this Report is being finalized, we have just learned of another potential significant abuse of executive power by the President, ordering the National Security Agency to engage in domestic spying and wiretapping without obtaining court approval in possible violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

It is tragic that our Nation has invaded another sovereign nation because "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy," as stated in the Downing Street Minutes. It is equally tragic that the Bush Administration and the Republican Congress have been unwilling to examine these facts or take action to prevent this scenario from occurring again. Since they appear unwilling to act, it is incumbent on individual Members of Congress as well as the American public to act to protect our constitutional form of government.

Conyers releases 'Constitution in Crisis' report, asks 'citizen cosponsors' to sign up


informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Pentagon Illegally Spying on Activists

The National Security Agency story has pushed military spying on anti-war groups off the front pages, and the Pentagon appears to have seized upon administrative error to explain away its slide into domestic spying.


Conyers releases 'Constitution in Crisis' report, asks 'citizen cosponsors' to sign up


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Democrats ought to be building a progressive agenda as things continue to fall apart for Bush

The coming year could be a doozy. Democrats ought to be building a progressive agenda as things continue to fall apart for Bush.


The Freewheeling Executive

by Aziz Huq, TomPaine.com

The administration seems to believe Congress has signed off on an "anything goes" approach to counterterrorism.


The GOP's Insecurity Card

by David Corn, TomPaine.com

Republicans are once again trying to brand Democrats as caring more about politics than defending America.


Iraq: Game Over

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

The victory of the Shiite religious bloc means the big winner in the Iraqi elections is Iran. Next stop: civil war.


Bolton Threats May Lead to UN Shutdown

Bolton warned UN member states, specifically the 132 developing nations, that if they don't play ball with the United States, Washington may look elsewhere to settle international problems.


Bush: 'I Am the Law'

Max J. Castro writes: "La Loi, c'est moi; I am the Law." That is what George W. Bush, so anti-French, so unlike the Sun King and yet so monarchical, has in effect told those who question the president's right to do whatever he wants under the guise of the "war against terrorism."


New York Police Covertly Join In at Protest Rallies

Undercover New York City police officers have conducted covert surveillance in the last 16 months of people protesting the Iraq war, bicycle riders taking part in mass rallies, and even mourners at a street vigil for a cyclist killed in an accident, a series of videotapes show.


Specter Wants January Surveillance Hearings

Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter said Wednesday that he remains skeptical about a government surveillance program, despite an explanation from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.


Judges: Was Illegal Spying Used to Get FISA Warrants?

Some of the judges said they are particularly concerned that information gleaned from the president's eavesdropping program may have been improperly used to gain authorized wiretaps from their court.


Denounce Torture

Six months ago, Congressional leaders and administration officials intervened to block legislation that would stop torture and ill-treatment from occurring in U.S. detention centers around the world. But last night we achieved a significant milestone: passage of the Anti-Torture Amendment introduced by Senator John McCain. President Bush has indicated he intends to sign this vital piece of legislation into law.

This victory would not have been possible without vocal support for the Anti-Torture Amendment across the country. Over the past several months, tens of thousands of Amnesty International activists have contacted their Members of Congress advocating in favor of the Anti-Torture Amendment. Your work has resulted in meaningful change:

* Thanks to you the U.S. government has reaffirmed the absolute prohibition on cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

* Thanks to you there will now be unified standards for the treatment of detainees being held by the Department of Defense that conform to the U.S. Army Field Manual.

* And thanks to you Congress has made clear that all U.S. government agents must operate in a manner consistent with the best of American values and in accordance with U.S. and international law.

While this victory is significant, there is still much work ahead to ensure that we stop torture and ill-treatment in the "war on terror" once and for all. Along with the Anti-Torture Amendment, the Senate also passed the Graham / Levin / Kyl amendment that would allow Military tribunals to consider evidence obtained by torture, and limit the rights of detainees to challenge their detention and conditions in custody. Amnesty International looks forward to working with you to address these issues and secure more human rights victories.

For more on today's good news, see "Amnesty International hails senate passage of Anti-Torture Amendment ."



Eric Sears
Project Manager, Denounce Torture Initiative
Amnesty International USA

Liberating Knowledge


Torture as calculated policy

by Ben Saul


"Terrorism does not demand that we torture to defend ourselves. To the contrary, the threat of terrorism reminds us of the importance of protecting human dignity, even of terrorists. Law necessarily draws moral lines in the sand which cannot be crossed; the inevitability of torturing the innocent is a price too high to pay to save the lives of others...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Campus conscience police?

by Wendy McElroy


FIRE's new Guide -- the fifth in a series of ideological survival manuals for college students -- describes both the manner in which the right of conscience is being attacked on campus and how the tide is turning toward individual rights. Three common ways in which universities limit a student's access to ideas are speech codes, mandatory 'diversity' tests or training, and 'non-discrimination' policies...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

For plasma TVs and luxury vacations, lives are lost

Boston Globe
by Derrick Z. Jackson


It is a way of life to talk about our way of life, without questioning the way our lives are headed. In Sunday's address to the nation, President Bush said terrorists 'object to our deepest values and our way of life.' ... With all this talk about soldiers dying for our way of life, with all the pontifications about the Patriot Act and with the calls for national fortitude against John Murtha, you would think the 'way of life' being protected here is quite serious. It cannot be about protecting our freedoms, since Bush rather proudly admits -- after it was exposed -- that he secretly ordered the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on those he suspects of terrorism without obtaining warrants. The truth, magnified by the materialistic marketing of the holiday season, is embarrassing for a nation that loves to talk about military sacrifice. While the sons and daughters of the middle and lower classes die in Iraq, the wealthy count their toys, literally...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Tiny Tim v. Scrooge

Tom Paine
by Karen Dolan


House Republicans are home now decrying the 'War on Christmas,' their houses festooned with lights and pretty red bows. It's hard not to wonder if their Christmas spirit is blunted at all by the big lump of coal they recently gave America's poor and working families. Republicans have wished the nation’s least privileged citizens a 'Merry Christmas' by whacking our already anemic social safety net system. Eager to return home for the holidays, GOP leaders in the House and their counterparts in the Senate rushed out a budget agreement that’s stingy enough to put the Grinch to shame. They agreed on a budget that doles out $39.7 billion in cuts over five years, including spending reductions for Medicaid and Medicare, child support enforcement, foster care, welfare system benefits and student loans. The changes to the welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), are particularly offensive because the House Republicans sneaked them into the bill. Normally, changes to welfare rules are debated and voted on as separate bills, and the changes snuck into this bill have been defeated four years in a row...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What's the 411 on 9/11?

In These Times
by Salim Muwakkil


In early December, the 9/11 Public Discourse Project -- a private group formed by 9/11 Commission members after their official term expired in 2004 -- chided the government for ignoring the lessons learned from the Commission's probe of the terrorist attack. But the group's patrician members failed to answer many questions. For example, how, precisely, did the Twin Towers fall? Why did Seven World Trade Center fall despite incurring no structural damage? Why were there no jets to intercept the hijacked planes? What happened to the 'National Command Authority' that supposedly protects us in emergencies? This official reticence, combined with a lack of curiosity from the media, has sparked a grassroots inquiry, publicly dubbed The 9/11 Truth Movement...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Constitution does not apply

Working for Change
by Molly Ivins


Uh-oh. Excuse me. I'm so sorry, but we are having a constitutional crisis. I know the timing couldn't be worse. Right in the middle of the wrapping paper, the gingerbread and the whole shebang, a tiny honest-to-goodness constitutional crisis. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country: Damn the inconvenience, full speed ahead. On his own, without consulting the Congress, the courts or the people, the president decided to use secret branches of government to spy on the American people. He is, of course, using 9-11 to justify his actions in this, as he does for everything else -- 9-11 happened so the Constitution does not apply, 9-11 happened so there is no separation of powers, 9-11 happened so 200 years of experience curbing the executive power of government is something we can now overlook. ... As an ACLU liberal, I would like to say how proud and honored I am to stand with so many American conservatives on this issue. You do credit to all your heroes. Barry Goldwater would be so proud...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Nation-building is now job one

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


President George W. Bush's 2000 promise of a humble foreign policy that forswore nation-building has long gone the way of his father's 'read my lips: no new taxes' pledge. Now we have it in writing. Bush made the same point in an interview with Fox News's Brit Hume. He explained that transforming societies into democracies is not only good for them; it is also in the interest of the American people. He didn't explain how turning a society into an Islamic state aligned with Iran is a good thing, but most Americans won't ask anyway...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Should federal wiretaps bug you?

San Francisco Chronicle
by David Lazarus


President Bush this week vigorously defended his decision to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens without obtaining court approval, saying the move was both legal and vital to preventing terrorist attacks. Privacy advocates and people who snoop for a living aren't so sure. At a time when consumers have to be constantly vigilant for identity thieves, phishers, scammers, data aggregators and other traffickers in personal information, now people have to be looking over their shoulders as well for government agents listening in on private conversations...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Our founders did not want kingly powers

Lincoln Journal Star
by staff


The best line in the controversy over the Bush Administration's spying on U.S. citizens came from Russ Feingold, D-Wis.: 'He's President George Bush, not King George Bush,' Feingold said. Exactly. The republic was founded by Americans who revolted against the sort of monarchial power wielded by King George of England back in the late 18th century. The president's defense of his actions seems to be that he needed to do what he did in order to protect citizens of the United States. No he didn't. Bush could have done exactly what he did by following the law, which was carefully written to provide oversight by a secret court to prevent the sort of abuse that can happen when the executive branch of government's power goes unchecked...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How much security is too much?

American Chronicle
by William Grant


Even before the recent revelation that the Bush administration has been secretly spying on Americans in defiance of traditional authority, many people had begun to wonder: how much security are we getting for the things we're giving up? When the government claims it has to go behind our backs to make us secure, are we really secure? What do we do about all those freedoms that those soldiers are supposedly protecting that we are giving up? Can we (as some have said) give them up temporarily to work through this crisis and restore them later? History paints a forbidding picture in its response to those questions. Even the most enlightened governments are reluctant to release power once they have it, and if Bush is the man who erodes our freedoms, it is not him we have to worry about. He just opens the door...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Lawbreaker in Chief

by Jennifer Granick


Ignorance of the law is no defense. Someone should tell the president. ... Statutes prohibit government interceptions of the phone and e-mail conversations of United States citizens unless officials have first sought and obtained court approval, either under the Wiretap Act, for criminal investigations, or under FISA, for national security investigations. The only exceptions are following a declaration of war, when the president has very narrow, time-limited powers to order surveillance to obtain information to prevent attacks, terrorism or espionage, and under special circumstances when no U.S. citizens are involved. The administration's actions clearly fall outside these boundaries. There is no legal justification for these warrantless interceptions, which included calls to and from American citizens...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What I want for Christmas

by Jim Hightower


I need -- we need, our country needs something much bigger to strive for than mere possessions. There's a widespread hunger for a sense of national commitment and purpose. We need a connection to a common effort that'll enlist us to stop Washington's and Wall Street's abandonment of our egalitarian values, that'll reverse the growing sense most of us have that our America is headed in the wrong direction, that'll rekindle our democratic idealism. So, Santa, bring me no stuff. Instead, the one and only thing I want is this: A REAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY, ALIVE AND KICKING!


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Renegade Republicans send a message on Patriot Act

Human Events
by Robert Novak


Liberals who reflexively oppose anything Bush supports are overjoyed to welcome four apostates, but in fact they represent doctrinal Republican belief in individual rights against governmental power. That sums up the ingrained philosophy of Craig, who at age 60 has held public office since he was 29 years old and has been one of the Senate's unyielding champions of gun rights. But what was Larry Craig doing consorting with the likes of John Kerry and Dick Durbin as co-sponsors of his amended Patriot Act? Craig told the Senate on Dec. 15 that he knew he faced 'an uphill battle' when he got involved in this fight: 'I knew it would be an uphill battle because Americans have grown to be frightened. But now they have grown to be emboldened when they recognized that some of their freedoms were and are at risk'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fighting the last war in Iraq and the Middle East


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Syriana: It's not about the oil

by Charles Pena


It's probably safe to say that the filmmakers are not particularly pro-deregulation and pro-free markets and trade. However, even if its perspective is liberal-leaning, it would be a mistake to dismiss Syriana as a movie not worth watching. Syriana is an important movie because it is a metaphor for the problems of U.S. foreign policy. The central premise of the movie is that U.S. dependence on foreign oil -- particularly from the Middle East -- makes oil a U.S. national security interest. Yet this conventional wisdom is at the heart of what is wrong with U.S. Middle East and national security policy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Truth and happiness

Strike the Root
by Mark Davis


The clear message from the establishment is that happiness is more important than truth. So shut up and everything will be OK. This lesson remains with too many people far too long into adulthood. Some carry it to their grave in the most militant fashion. Still the light of shining truth must be put on a table for all to see. Those who wish to remain in darkness must be awoken. The surprising story of the year was not that Bush and Company told so many lies that led us into an immoral war, but that so many people fell for it, again...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mashpee tribe got Abramoff boost

Boston Globe


In the three-decade struggle by the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe to win federal tribal recognition -- a key requirement for building a possible Massachusetts casino -- the money that passed hands in September 2003 stands as a turning point. Six members of the Cape Cod tribe gave a combined $12,000 to a political action committee that is led by a California Republican, Representative Richard William Pombo. As chairman of the House Committee on Resources, Pombo has jurisdiction over most matters concerning Indian interests. The donations to Pombo's committee that month also included one from a Detroit casino developer who is bankrolling the tribe's recognition effort. The developer, Herbert Strather, kicked in an additional $2,000. But the biggest contribution to Pombo's committee, $5,000, came from Jack Abramoff, the lobbyist whose firm represented the Wampanoags...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

UK first country to monitor every car journey

Independent [UK]


Britain is to become the first country in the world where the movements of all vehicles on the roads are recorded. A new national surveillance system will hold the records for at least two years. Using a network of cameras that can automatically read every passing number plate, the plan is to build a huge database of vehicle movements so that the police and security services can analyse any journey a driver has made over several years. ... 'Every time you make a car journey already, you'll be on CCTV somewhere. The difference is that, in future, the car's index plates will be read as well,' said Frank Whiteley, Chief Constable of Hertfordshire and chairman of the Acpo steering committee on automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pharma-Pflanzen: Schluckimpfung im Tomatensalat?


Nanotechnologie: Manipulation im molekularen Raum


In Deutschland sollen nur noch ökologische Mindeststandards, wie in beigetretenen osteuropäischen Ländern, gelten

Die Ziele der Politik scheinen sich in Sparplänen, Haushaltssanierung und Anpassung an den globalen Markt zu erschöpfen. Der Schutz der Menschen vor den Gefahren der Gentechnik, atomarer und chemischer Verseuchung oder Elektrosmog rückt zunehmend in den Hintergrund. Es wird so getan, als ob eine ausgewogene Bilanz oder ein ausgewogener Haushalt eine hinreichende Grundlage für unsere Gesundheit und unser Überleben wären. Vorsorge und Umweltschutz werden als unfinanzierbarer Luxus abgetan, während gleichzeitig die Kosten des Gesundheitssystems, nicht zuletzt wegen des weltweit alarmierenden Zustands unserer Umwelt und der einseitig am Gelderwerb ausgerichteten Lebensform explodieren. Unsere neue Regierung will zukünftig bei der Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinien in nationales Recht auf eigene Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für mehr Umweltschutz verzichten. Dies bedeutet, dass in Deutschland nur noch ökologische Mindeststandards, wie in beigetretenen osteuropäischen Ländern, gelten sollen. Wir engagieren uns für gentechnikfreie, gesunde Lebensmittel, den Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie und mehr Gesundheitsvorsorge und Verbraucherschutz. Durch unsere Informationen, Kampagnen und Aktionen wollen wir auf Gefahren hinweisen und die Sorglosigkeit, manchmal Skrupellosigkeit in Wirtschaft und Politik aufdecken und bekämpfen. Unsere unabhängige Forschungs- und Aufklärungsarbeit ermöglichen Sie als Förderer oder Spender. Mir Ihrer Hilfe können wir weiter für eine lebenswerte Umwelt eintreten, denn auch unsere Kinder und Enkel brauchen gesunde Lebensmittel, sauberes Wasser und reine Luft.

Umweltinstitut München e.V.
Landwehrstr. 64 a
80336 München

Major setback for the White House on a top domestic priority

Patriot Act Extended for Six Months

In a major setback for the White House on a top domestic priority, the Senate on Wednesday passed a mere six-month extension of the Patriot Act - due to expire on December 31 - even though President Bush had demanded that most of the law become permanent.


Die alltäglichen Kämpfe um Einkommen und Existenzsicherung brauchen Selbstorganisierung

Organisiert Widerspruch! Die alltäglichen Kämpfe um Einkommen und Existenzsicherung brauchen Selbstorganisierung

„Dieser Aufruf richtet sich an alle Sozialhilfebeziehenden, Erwerbslosen und Beschäftigten mit Anspruch auf ergänzende Alg-II-Leistungen. Denn mit Hartz IV (Alg II, Sozialgeld und Sozialhilfe) werden Millionen Menschen, Tausende vor Ort, einer einheitlichen Armutsleistung unterworfen, deren Spielregeln derzeit ausgefochten werden. (…) Selbstorganisierung und Gegenwehr braucht Erfahrungsaustausch, Arbeitsteiligkeit, Entwicklung und Bündelung von Kompetenzen, die in ausreichendem Umfang nur in solidarischer Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitiger Unterstützung entwickelt werden können. Dazu braucht es vor Ort arbeitsfähige Gruppen. Für die politische und praktische Arbeit gilt es, neue MitstreiterInnen zu finden. Der Aufruf zu regionalen Erwerbslosenversammlungen, an ehemalige Mitglieder von Initiativen, Aktivisten aus anderen politischen Zusammenhängen oder für das Auffinden anderer ‚EinzelkämpferInnen’ kann der Keim einer neuen Initiative sein. Die BAG-SHI und die in ihr zusammengeschlossenen Gruppen werden nach ihren Kräften Unterstützung zum Aufbau dieser Gruppen geben….“

Aufruf von BAG-SHI, Kampagnenteam „Vorsicht!Arbeitslosengeld II“, Arbeitslosenzeitung quer, Tacheles e.V. Wuppertal, Labournet Germany, Arbeitsloseninitiative Kiel, Sozial-IGEL e.V. Itzehoe, AG auspAK Boizenburg, Berliner Kampagne gegen Hartz IV, Kölner Erwerbslosenrat, Widerspruch e.V. Bielefeld, ALSO Oldenburg, AGAB Bremen, AK Erwerbslose im DGB Marburg (pdf)

Dieser Aufruf wurde beschlossen am 30.10.2005 auf der BAG-SHI Bundesfachkonferenz in Bielefeld Für den Aufruf suchen wir weitere Unterstützer- und UnterzeichnerInnen!

Siehe dazu auch die Kampagnenseite bei BAG-SHI

Aus: LabourNet, 22. Dezember 2005

Krankheit und Armut: Krank sein in den Zeiten von Hartz IV

Gesundheit und Armut > Krankheit und Armut in der Sozialversicherung

Krank sein in den Zeiten von Hartz IV

Aus der bereits beworbenen Broschüre von Siegfried Dierke heute exklusiv im LaburNet Germany:

Auswirkungen der Sozialreformen auf die gesundheitliche Versorgung und den Anspruch auf Kostenübernahme bzw. Versicherungsschutz

„Die Gesundheitsreform 2004 (GMG) sowie die Sozialreformen (Hartz IV) haben für viele Menschen eine extreme Verschlechterung ihrer Versorgung im Erkrankungsfall mit sich gebracht. Für viele Menschen sind die schmerzlichen Folgen der Ausschluss aus der GKV oder der Verlust des Versicherungsschutzes. Das GMG (Gesundheitsreform 2004) sowie der Verweis im SGB XII auf den Leistungsumfang der GKV bedeuten zudem Einschränkungen des Leistungsumfangs bzw. finanzielle Überforderungen im Krankheitsfalle. Darüber hinaus treten für einige Personenkreise Zuordnungsproblematiken auf, die wiederum auch zu negativen Konsequenzen hinsichtlich der Regelung der Krankenbehandlung führen können. So bestehen dringliche Regelungs- und Änderungsbedarfe zur Sicherung der gesundheitlichen Versorgung….“ Konzept für einen Forderungskatalog zu Krankenversicherung (pdf)


Kapitel 13.: Fazit und Regelungsbedarf (pdf)

Wir erinnern an weitere Informationen und das Inhaltsverzeichnis im Flyer (pdf)

Krankenversicherungsschutz und Gesundheitskosten im Alg II-Bezug sind geregelt!

Kleine Handlungshilfe von Siegfried Dierke und Anne Allex (pdf)

Medizin und Ökonomie

Die Zwei-Klassen-Medizin ist nicht haltbar

Ein Gespräch mit dem SPD-Gesundheitsexperten und Professor für Gesundheitsökonomie Karl Lauterbach über die Reform der Krankenversicherung von Harald Neuber in telepolis vom 03.12.2005


Gesundheit und Armut

Krankenversicherung: Warten, bis der Notarzt kommt

„Immer mehr Menschen sind nicht krankenversichert. Beim Versuch, Sozialmissbrauch zu vermeiden, hat der Staat viele aus der Solidargemeinschaft gedrängt, die den Schutz dringend benötigen. Ein Team von Gesundheitsökonomen zeigt Alternativen auf. Ideallösung: eine „Versicherungspflicht für die gesamte Wohnbevölkerung“…“ Artikel mit weiterführenden Informationen aus Böckler Impuls 16/2005 der HBS

Siehe dazu auch die Grafik: Immer mehr Erwerbstätige sind ohne Krankenversicherung


Aus: LabourNet, 22. Dezember 2005

Democrats block Alaska drilling in US defense bill

By Tom Doggett and Julie Vorman

WASHINGTON, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Senate Democrats succeeded on Wednesday in blocking, for now, oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which Republicans sought to add to a massive massive $453 billion war-time military spending bill.

The ANWR refuge, which sprawls along Alaska's northern coast and may hold 10 billion barrels of oil, has been the focus of bitter wrangling in the U.S. Congress for more than two decades.

Most Senate Democrats and some moderate Republicans said the frigid wilderness and its assortment of wildlife, ranging from polar bears to peregrine falcons, should be protected. Republicans said ANWR must be unlocked for drilling to stop a steady slide in U.S. crude oil production.

Republican Ted Stevens of Alaska attached the measure to the unrelated defense bill which sets spending for the military and Pentagon weapons programs in the coming year.

Although few politicians wanted to be seen rejecting a bill that pays the salaries of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, furious Democrats and a half-dozen Republicans who have long opposed ANWR drilling conducted extended debate, known as a filibuster, to delay its passage.

The Republican majority failed to get the required 60 votes in the 100-member chamber needed to cut off debate. The vote was 56-44.

"It is a real victory for the environmental movement all throughout this country," said Democrat Dianne Feinstein of California, who opposed drilling in the refuge.

Leaders of both parties huddled to figure out the next step for the military funding bill.

"ANWR has got to come out (of the defense bill)," said Republican Trent Lott of Mississippi, whose state stands to gain vast amounts of Hurricane Katrina reconstruction aid also in the bill.

Another Republican, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, said he was disappointed that ANWR drilling was blocked but the overall defense bill needed to be passed.

But Stevens, who has fought since the 1980s to pry open ANWR, indicated he would not give up easily.

"I want you to know we're going to be here until (New Years Day) ... We're going to stay here until this is finished," Stevens said just before the vote. "I can't go home for Christmas. I've already canceled (airplane tickets)."


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which manages ANWR, describes it as "one of the finest examples of wilderness left on the planet." The refuge is the same size as South Carolina, with most of its land accessible only by plane or boat.

Oil companies say exploration and drilling could be limited to a small area and would not harm the wildlife.

"It is a 2,000-acre limitation," Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said, referring to the amount of land within the refuge that would be opened for drilling. "If we can do anything more to help decrease our reliance on oil imports, we need to do it."

Republican Pete Domenici of New Mexico will try again in the spring to attach ANWR drilling to a filibuster-proof bill, an aide said. Domenici said oil platforms already operate on Alaska's North Slope in an environmentally sensitive way.

"They look like little outhouses," he said. "You won't be able to even see or locate what has transpired (with drilling equipment)."

The defense bill also includes funds for the potential bird flu pandemic and a program that helps poor families pay winter heating bills.

The U.S. House approved the defense bill on Monday.

Informant: John Calvert

Christmas Bush

The "Canard enchaine" provides perspective on a number of recent controversies swirling around the Bush administration.


Why Didn't He Ask Congress?

George F. Will writes: The president's authorization of domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency contravened a statute's clear language. Assuming that urgent facts convinced him that he should proceed anyway and on his own, what argument convinced him that he lawfully could?


For Years, Bush Said Court Orders Required for Spying

US President George W. Bush, currently battling a domestic spying controversy, used to assure Americans wary of expanded anti-terrorism powers that tapping telephones required a judge's go-ahead.


Specter Will Question Alito on Legality of NSA Spying

Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. was warned yesterday by two key senators that he will be expected to comment on the revelation that President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to monitor the international phone calls and e-mails of US citizens without seeking a court order.


Coercion Marred Iraq Elections

Iraq's elections were marked by widespread intimidation and coercion by paramilitary groups, experts said Tuesday. The first results from the parliamentary election last week show the country is dividing between Shia, Sunni and Kurdish regions.


Cheney Breaks Senate Tie on Spending Cuts

The Republican-controlled Senate passed legislation to cut federal deficits by $39.7 billion on Wednesday by the narrowest of margins, 51-50, with Vice President Dick Cheney casting the deciding vote.


Der Mensch als Versuchskaninchen


Abramoff's `Equal Money' Went Mostly to Republicans :

U.S. President George W. Bush calls indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff "an equal money dispenser'' who helped politicians of both parties. Campaign donation records show Republicans were a lot more equal than Democrats.


From Information Clearing House

The Pimping of the Presidency

Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist Billing Clients for Face Time with G.W. Bush.


From Information Clearing House

Abramoff may cooperate in corruption probe

Asked how many members of Congress Abramoff could implicate, the person said only that "cooperation is cooperation; it's full cooperation."


From Information Clearing House

Testing Drugs on India's Poor

Multinational corporations are riding high on the trend toward globalization by taking advantage of India's educated work force and deep poverty to turn South Asia into the world's largest clinical-testing petri dish.


From Information Clearing House

Frist, Hastert Aid Vaccine Companies

In a late-night move that could be worth billions of dollars to a small group of major drug manufacturers, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) inserted language into the fiscal year 2006 Defense Department spending conference report.


From Information Clearing House

Holding hostages for Arctic oil

Jim Ramstad tends toward moderation in his comments, as well as in his politics, and so it is worth taking note when this Minnesota Republican spotlights "the most outrageous abuse of power I've seen in my 15 years as a member of Congress."


From Information Clearing House

Nothing New About NSA Spying on Americans

The big puzzle is why anyone is shocked that President Bush eavesdropped on Americans. The National Security Agency for decades has routinely monitored the phone calls and telegrams of thousands of Americans.


From Information Clearing House

Irish Senator: CIA 'using Baldonnel airport'

Mr Norris also branded US president George Bush and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice as liars on the issue.


From Information Clearing House

Support for war 'makes us terror target'

The Irish Government's support for the war in Iraq is putting Dublin at risk of a terrorist attack, an Oireachtas Committee heard today.


China lays down gauntlet in energy war

The United States stands to lose major leverage over the entire strategic Eurasian region with the latest developments.


From Information Clearing House

The Would-Be Dictator: How We Got to This Awful Place

How could this have happened in a free society? The reasons are many and varied, including a corporate-owned mass media that knew a lot more than it was telling the public.


From Information Clearing House

Neo-Cons, Fundies, Feddies, and Con-Artists

It is now a matter of public record that immediately after the terrible tragedy of 11 September 2001, U.S. Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld and his "Neoconservative" Deputy Paul Wolfowitz began to plot, plan, scheme and conspire to wage a war of aggression against Iraq by manipulating the tragic events of September 11th in order to provide a pretext for doing so.


It's your history

It's disturbing to think that the president truly believes that Arab and Muslim contempt for his government stems from Arab media detractors, rather than his administration's misguided policies.


From Information Clearing House

The Anglo-American War of Terror

The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. In the largest display of military might since the Second World War, the United States and its indefectible British ally have embarked upon a military adventure, which threatens the future of humanity.


From Information Clearing House

Letter shows senator raised concerns in '03

One of the few members of Congress briefed by the White House on a controversial domestic wiretap program took the extraordinary step Monday of unsealing the only copy he made of a 2003 letter in which he raised strong concerns about the secret effort with Vice President Dick Cheney.


From Information Clearing House

Congress Explicitly Said War Resolution Did Not Expand Executive Power

President Bush claimed at yesterday’s press conference that he did not have to secure warrants because “after September the 11th, the United States Congress also granted me additional authority to use military force against al Qaeda.”


From Information Clearing House

Iran's Victory in Iraq

For the Bush White House, the good news from Iraq just never stops. But the joy that President Bush has expressed over the country's latest election, though more restrained than his infamous "Mission Accomplished" speech, will similarly come back to haunt him.


From Information Clearing House

Lawmaker Wants Bush and Cheney Censured

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., called Tuesday for Congress to censure President Bush and Vice President Cheney, saying they misled lawmakers on the decision to go to war in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Post-election harmony in Iraq is unraveling

"This election is completely false. It insults democracy everywhere. Everything was based on fraud, cheating, frightening people, and using religion to frighten the people. It is terrorism more than democracy."


From Information Clearing House

Claims that poll was rigged raise fears of fresh insurgency

SUNNI politicians in Iraq launched a fierce attack yesterday on the credibility of last week’s watershed general election, in what could be the first step towards their rejection of the eventual outcome.


The Myth of the Superhuman Enemy

By Manuel Valenzuela

Terror new and real will arrive on our shores just in time to once again take possession of our minds, making us, yet again, unthinking animals sustained by raw emotion and instinct, becoming the sheep easily corralled, led and controlled by our masters. We will mobilize once more, marching to the trumpets of war and violence, becoming the instrument the corporatists need to further their goals.


'Contempt for law' is 'dominant ingredient of this administration'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

US Research 'Endangered Amazon Villagers'

Health officials in Brazil have launched an investigation following claims that at least 10 impoverished Brazilians from an Amazon village may have contracted malaria while being used as human "guinea pigs" during a study by an American university.


Statement on ANWR Provision

Today the Senate voted against cloture, opening the way to a filibuster, and effectively blocking the Defense Appropriations Conference Report with its ANWR language. Senator Carl Levin and others objected to the ANWR rider both on its merits and because the way it was attached is a violation of Senate rules.


Will Republican Senators Save the Republic?

Ray McGovern: Some hope can be seen in a recent remark by Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel, who told reporters: "I took an oath of office to the Constitution. I didn't take an oath of office to my party or to my president." Will enough Republican senators honor that oath?


We are facing a severe survival test


Informant: Teresa Binstock

STOP the Cruelty Budget

Your voices carried the day to stop the Patriot Act. Your voices carried the day in stopping destruction of the ANWR. And your voices have one last chance to stop the cruelty budget if you speak out now.


Today in the Senate, Dick "The Grinch" Cheney flew in just long enough to break a 50-50 tie, further gutting lifeline services for the poor while they plough full steam ahead with abolishing all tax responsibility for the wealthy. This is a battle that should have been won in the House already, but for 6 Democrats who didn't even bother to show up for the vote. Because there were some minor concessions made in the Senate, we have one final chance to reverse this heartless budget if you call your House member at 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641 and submit the action page at

ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/no_cruelty.htm

Remember that all members of the House must face reelection next year. In this season when some are complaining about a war to take Christ out of Christmas, we ask again, "Who would Jesus starve?" Consider these words:

"I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me." (Matthew 25:43-45)

And yet here we have a bill which will take AWAY food from the hungry, rob medicine from the sick, and steal clothing intended for those who are already naked. What should be the judgement for those who do such things? Perhaps you already know the next verse. Words of true compassion can be found in all faiths. Make the call and send a message to Congress and tell them to show some compassion for a change.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/no_cruelty.htm

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Was He Lying Then Or Is He Lying Now? Either Way He Is a Liar?


Informant: Friends

Impeaching Bush Jr.



Stop Bush's illegal wiretaps


Informant: Martin Greenhut

Stop Bush's illegal wiretaps


Informant: Martin Greenhut

You did it again: Senate blocks Arctic drilling

Millions of Americans spoke and the U.S. Senate listened.

This afternoon the Senate rejected an outrageous attempt by the Republican leadership to attach Arctic Refuge drilling to a "must-pass" defense spending bill. The pro-drilling forces needed 60 votes to break a filibuster of the bill, but they could only muster 56.

You are the true heroes. I want to thank every single one of you who took the time to call your Senators since we first alerted you to this very dangerous bill on Friday. Thousands of you lit up the Capitol Hill switchboard. There's no doubt you helped sway the votes of key Senators who were wavering over these last critical days.

To see how your Senators voted, click here:


If your Senator(s) voted to save the Arctic, please click on their name(s) on our webpage to send them a message of gratitude.

Today's showdown was a stinging defeat for those pro-drilling Senators who attempted to hijack the defense bill -- and funding for our troops during wartime -- in order to force their special agenda through Congress.

The Bush White House and its allies in Congress know full well that they can NEVER win a vote by the rules on sacrificing the Arctic Refuge. That's why they've resorted, with increasing desperation, to backdoor maneuvers and abuse of the legislative process like today's shameless ploy to co-opt the defense bill.

As you read this, Senate and House leaders are removing the Arctic drilling provision from the defense bill, and are promising to pass that bill, along with funding for hurricane victims, before the holidays.

Make no mistake: they will come after the Arctic Refuge again next year. But, thanks to you, we will stand stronger than ever in its defense.

Last December, President Bush and Congressional leaders said Big Oil would finally get its way in 2005. But, instead, the tide has turned. A solid majority of Americans now reject the President's drill-it-all mentality and is demanding a new energy policy that will save, not destroy, our natural heritage.

Thanks to your efforts, that solid majority was heard loud and clear on the floor of the U.S. Senate this afternoon. Thank you for speaking out when it mattered most to America's greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife. And may you have a wonderful and peaceful holiday season.


John H. Adams
NRDC Action Fund


A message from Robert Redford

I couldn't let the opportunity pass without thanking you for the huge victory on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which we won yesterday in the United States Senate. Since Friday, you pulled out all the stops and moved mountains. You continue to be the true heroes of this ongoing fight to save one of the last great places on earth.

Right now, Senate and House leaders are advancing a defense bill -- without the Arctic drilling provision. As well, they will act on funding for hurricane victims -- all before the holidays.

Every time I write asking for your help in turning back these cynical attempts to destroy the Arctic wilderness, you continue to respond in one clear, loud voice. In this latest showdown, you swayed key Senate votes that resulted in a resounding defeat of pro-drilling forces.

I wish I could say it will be the last time you'll hear from me on the battle to save the Arctic, but sadly, I am sure I will be writing to you again. But I come to you today with admiration and gratitude for a job well done.

Happy Holidays and Peace on Earth.


Robert Redford
Board of Trustees
Natural Resources Defense Council

Scientists' Open Letter on the Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods & Crops


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Voting Machines Can Be Hacked: Diebold CEO Resigns


Informant: Martin Greenhut

The National Security Agency Declassified


Informant: Kev Hall

Arctic Refuge Victory for All Americans


Business and the Rule of Law


An Unnecessary Breach of Law


The Bush Generations Have Enriched Themselves While Impoverishing the Presidency


Raising the Issue of Impeachment



US Judge Bans Intelligent Design from Science Lessons


Lobbyist Is Said to Discuss Plea and Testimony


Spying Program Snared US Calls


Cheney Argues for Nixon-Era Powers


US Judge Resigns Over Bush's Domestic Spying Authorization


Publication of all London Peace Conference sessions


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

A Meeting of the Mindless


Rigoberto Alpizar: Shame, Shame on the Media and Politicians


A Methodology for Hope

Jacob G. Hornberger on freedom and peace.

Guilty when charged: remember the victims of the "justice" system


On Torture: Goobers and Raisinettes


The Religion of the State


Dollar hegemony, a primer


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Klimaforscher schlagen Alarm: 2005 global zweitwärmstes Jahr seit 1861



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