
Empire of Shame

What is actually implied here is the empire of the private transcontinental companies, directed by the cosmocrats. The 500 most powerful of these companies last year controlled 52 % of the gross world product, i.e. of the entire wealth produced on the planet.


From Information Clearing House

Mushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal blamed

Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter charged Monday that the reason Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi stepped down earlier this month was the growing scandal surrounding the use of uranium munitions in the Iraq War.


From Information Clearing House

Bush suffers Patriot Act defeat

The US Congress has voted to trim an extension of the anti-terror law known as the Patriot Act down to a month.


From Information Clearing House

Spekulationen über US-Schlag gegen Iran


Gospel Truth

What would happen today if a swarthy Middle Eastern man without wealth or political connections suddenly appeared in front of the White House proclaiming such a radical doctrine of mercy, forgiveness, charity, self-abnegation and love – love even for the "evildoers" who "want to destroy our way of life"?


From Information Clearing House

Double rebuke for Bush as judges attack terror moves

President George Bush faced a rare challenge from the judiciary yesterday when two courts questioned the legality of his expansion of presidential powers in the war on terror.


From Information Clearing House

Judge Issues Warrants for CIA Operatives

An Italian judge has issued European arrest warrants for 22 purported CIA operatives wanted for the alleged kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric, a prosecutor said Friday.


From Information Clearing House

Will a Republican Senate Save the Republic?

"I'll say this for Vice President Dick Cheney: he puts it right out there, whether it is trying to ensure legal protection for those torturing prisoners, or insisting-as he did on Tuesday-that a wartime president "needs to have his powers unimpaired."


From Information Clearing House

Critics Question Senate’s Supposed ‘Anti-torture’ Stance

While most media treatment of the McCain torture “ban” is repeating politicians’ spin, civil libertarians see compromise legislation has rendered it largely toothless and possibly added to the problem.


From Information Clearing House

An Ominous Neocon Gathering

On his November trip to the U.S., Ahmad Chalabi, Iraqi deputy prime minister in the “interim government” arising from the invasion he helped plan, visited Richard Perle in the latter’s suburban Washington home. There the two -- who go way back, friends since 1985 -- were joined by a Syrian gentleman named Farid Ghadry.


Chalabi’s defeat puts U.S. friends in quandary:

Should his backers go with his view that it was a fraudulent election?

From Information Clearing House

Major demonstrations protest Iraq elections

Huge marches allege vote fraud.

From Information Clearing House

Democracy's Battle Joined, Again

By Robert Parry

The choice is clear to American citizens. Either they accept the Imperial Presidency that gives Bush the authority to do whatever he wants in the name of fighting terrorism – from imprisonments without trial to detainee abuse to spying on anyone deemed a security threat – or they act now.


Nuclear Monitoring of Muslims Done Without Search Warrants

By David E. Kaplan

In search of a terrorist nuclear bomb, the federal government since 9/11 has run a far-reaching, top secret program to monitor radiation levels at over a hundred Muslim sites in the Washington, D.C., area, including mosques, homes, businesses, and warehouses, plus similar sites in at least five other cities, U.S. News has learned. In numerous cases, the monitoring required investigators to go on to the property under surveillance, although no search warrants or court orders were ever obtained, according to those with knowledge of the program. Some participants were threatened with loss of their jobs when they questioned the legality of the operation, according to these accounts.


A new antennas law has passed in Israel

The new antennas law passed on the 21.12.2005 with the third call (three calls to pass a law) in the parliament. The government meant to delay the vote on the law Until the last moment, in order to insert a few changes but finally the law passed in its original form.

The NON IONIZING RADIATION LAW or ANTENNAS LAW comes to put in order the issue of the radiation in Israel by creating a body that will set the radiation standards.

Three main subjects that were put in order in the law

1. Informing the public on the locations of (new) antennas and giving to every citizen the right to resist to the antennas.

2. Compensations that will be given by the cellular companies to the local authorities for reduction of property value lawsuits because of the proximity to antennas.

3. Setting distances from sensitive places.

The National Authority for Planning and Construction is expected to discuss the division of responsibility between the cellular companies and the municipalities.

(From: the antennas law passed at the third call, By Eran Gabai, The Marker 21.12.05)

Iris Atzmon

Mast ruined our football match


23 December 2005 12:48

An annual charity football match had to be cancelled after a mobile phone firm carved up the pitch while putting a mast next to the touchline.

The long-standing Boxing Day game in Spixworth was called off by organisers appalled at the mud-bath workers left behind.

Three teams that regularly use the pitch, next to Spixworth Village Hall in Crostwick Lane, are now seeking a new venue to fulfil their fixtures.

Former Norwich City player Peter Mendham, who uses the pitch when he turns out for Spixworth Veterans, said: "This is a real shame, the area has raised a lot of money for the air ambulance in the past.

"I had just got some new goal-posts from Norwich City's training centre for the pitch too."

The festive fixture has taken place in Spixworth for more than 10 years, this year's proceeds were set to go to East Anglian Air Ambulance and the Clare School.

Players for the game are drawn from willing volunteers in the village.

Peter Gilbert, 37, manager of Spixworth Sunday football team, one of the teams affected by the fiasco, said: "It is disgusting. There is no way we were going to be able to play football on that pitch.

"There are huge ridges in the surface from the machines used to put up the mast.

"There is no way the county football association or its insurers would sanction the use of this.

"Also, there are health and safety issues with regard to players actually running into this mast as it so close to the pitch."

The mobile phone mast was installed by telecommunications firm Hutchinson 3G two weeks ago and according to Mr Gilbert the structure is only a metre from the byline.

The phone firm put metal sheets over the pitch to try and protect the surface, but due to the wet weather the damage was severe.

Father-of-three Mr Gilbert, a courier who lives in Orchard Road, Spixworth, said the village's veteran and under 16s team would also be seeking new pitches to fulfil their remaining fixtures.

Lynn Jeffrey, chair of the village hall management committee, which owns the land, said: "We are really sorry this has happened and we are talking to the mobile phone company to resolve it.

"The football club was made aware the mast was going up and we did not receive any complaints from them over it.

"We have offered them the use of the smaller pitch for the charity match but they have refused.

"We have also spoken about moving the pitch markings forward but they do not seem to be interested."

Mrs Jeffrey said the phone mast netted the committee £4,000 a year, a vital stream of revenue for the hall, which loses £2,000 a year.

A spokesman for Hutchinson 3G said: "If the pitch has been damaged then we will make sure it is returned to how it was.

"We are going to look at the site and we will evaluate the situation after that."

He admitted it would be very different to move the mast now it had been sited.

The Evening News's long-running Put Masts On Hold campaign has called for no more mobile phone masts to be installed near homes and schools until proper studies of possible health risks have been completed.

Are you battling a mobile phone mast application where you live? Telephone Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or e-mail peter.walsh@archant.co.uk


Crypto Man

After reporting on America's spying operations for 25 years, James Bamford is speaking out against Bush's FISA runaround. He says the wiretapping is illegal.


Daschle: Congress Denied Bush War Powers in US

Congress rejected the Bush administration's request for war-making authority "in the United States," in negotiations over the joint resolution passed days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to Daschle.


All Overseas Phone Calls Tapped

The National Security Agency, in carrying out President Bush's order to intercept the international phone calls and emails of Americans suspected of links to al Qaeda, has probably been using computers to monitor all other Americans' international communications as well, according to specialists familiar with the workings of the NSA.


Cindy Sheehan: Language of the Heart

Cindy Sheehan writes that we need to learn a new language of peace and love that we can speak - even shout - to our leaders, who only understand the language of greed and murder.


Cindy Sheehan

The Hidden Cost of Christmas: Consumption and destruction of the planet

by InfoNature.Org

Information & Education, Activism & Volunteering on: Nature, Human Rights, Animal Rights


New report shows what our Christmas shopping is costing to the Earth

The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) has today released a report that measures the environmental cost of Australia's Christmas shopping. The report The Hidden Cost of Christmas: The environmental impact of Australian Christmas spending calculates the environmental impact of Australia's Christmas spending on books, confectionary, clothes, alcoholic beverages and electrical appliances.


The research shows:

- Every dollar Australians spend on new clothes consumes 20 litres of water and requires 3.4 square metres of land. Last Christmas, Australians spent $1.5 billion on clothes, which required more than half a million hectares of land to produce.

- Approximately 42 gigalitres of water (or 42,000 Olympic sized swimming pools) were used in the production of our Christmas drinks last December. Most of this water was used growing barley for beer and grapes for wine.

- Before we even plugged in the DVD players and coffee makers we bought last Christmas, they had created 780,000 tonnes of greenhouse pollution. A third of this was due to fuel consumption by the manufacturers of the appliances; greenhouse pollution embodied in steel contributed to a quarter of the pollution.

- If you spend around $30 on chocolates and lollies this Christmas, you'll be consuming 20kg of natural materials (even if the box of chocolates weighs only 1 kilogram) and 940 litres of water.

ACF's Executive Director, Don Henry, asked shoppers to consider the environmental cost of their spending. "If your bank account is straining under the pressure of Christmas shopping, spare a thought for our environment. It's paying for our Christmas presents with water, land, air and resources. These costs are hidden in the products we buy."

"We can all tread more lightly on the earth this Christmas by eating, drinking and giving gifts in moderation, and by giving gifts with a low environmental cost, such as vouchers for services, tickets to entertainment, memberships to gyms, museums or sports clubs, and donations to charities," said Mr Henry.

Tips for treading lightly at Christmas time

- Don't over indulge - eat, drink and give gifts in moderation.

- Organise a Kris Kringle with family or friends.

- Wrap gifts in newspaper or re-used paper.

- Save money and the environment by spending the hours you usually spend shopping in the company of people you don't see enough.

- Give gifts with a low eco-impact: Vouchers for services: massages, facials, gardening, housecleaning; Tickets: movies, concerts, sports events, theatre; Memberships: gyms, charities, sports clubs, zoos, museums, galleries; Personal favour vouchers: 3 hours of childcare, 2 breakfasts in bed, a month of lawn mowing, 4 car washes; Gifts that give: charity donations, overseas aid project sponsorships and donations, memberships and subscriptions to environmental organisations; Organic food hampers.


The top 10 bitterest ironies of 2005

Common Dreams
by Gary Alan Scott


How bitterly ironic is it that the Bush Administration bottled up the release (until the 2004 election had concluded) of documents showing that the pretext for the Vietnam War was faked and hyped just like the Iraq war. Indeed, there was no aggression by the North Vietnamese against U.S. vessels in the international waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. And now we learn that King George has defied the law and dusted off Nixonian tactics for spying on U.S. citizens. If the country had known either of these things prior to the 2004 election, Dubya might have been able to take an even longer vacation at the ranch, after all that hard work of being President!


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The American nightmare

Guardian [UK]
by Philip James


Is America becoming what it most fears: a big brother state ruled by diktat, where no one is protected from eavesdropping by the secret police, and everything is permitted in defence of the homeland, including torture? Perhaps I'm naive, but I grew up believing that America was somehow different, that alongside the corporate greed, brash materialism and barely functioning social safety net, a unique society prospered. This America was a land of limitless opportunity, a magnet to those escaping oppression, offering prince and pauper alike the possibility to dream big.This America still exists, but it is being eroded by an administration that believes it can rule outside the rule of law. They are fast replacing the American dream with an American nightmare, an Orwellian world where memos defending torture are penned in the department of justice and judges are made redundant in the public interest...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush spying targets reporters, activists

Unknown News
by Helen & Harry Highwater


So the Bush administration is spying on Americans, without going through the process required by law. It's an impeachable offense, but Bush and Cheney have both said they intend to continue the spying. In the coverage of this, I haven't seen any mention of who it is that Bush Cheney et al are spying on, but the answer is obvious. The White House is spying on reporters and activists. This ain't rocket science, it's just a short process of elimination. Maybe you figured it out before I did...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The disaster is in the response

Boston Globe
by Thomas Oliphant


In attempting to understand the shameful puniness of the response by President Bush and Congress to the post-Katrina Gulf Coast, I ran across an interesting number the other day. That number is $29 billion. This is presumably the sum just voted for the task of shifting from cleanup to actual reconstruction -- of both properties and lives. I say presumably because the number turns out to be a fraud. In fact, it represents the allocation of large sums of money that Congress has already appropriated. ... Perhaps you recall the atmosphere in September in the immediate aftermath of the horror that Katrina wreaked. Within three weeks, Congress had passed, and Bush had signed into law, roughly $62 billion in appropriations to pay for the massive cleanup. Nearly four months later, depending on which agency's figures you prefer, no more than a third of that money has been spent. ... Always inventive, what the government really did was repackage all this 'assistance' for the purpose of creating the illusion in the current budget mess that something meaningful is happening when nothing could be further from the truth...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Eavesdropping: Back to the future

National Ledger
by William Fisher


President Bush's do-it-yourself eavesdropping notwithstanding, the Pentagon could soon have legal authority to 'covertly' gather intelligence on American citizens in the United States -- a power taken from them because of excesses during the Vietnam War. The Senate Intelligence Committee, meeting in closed session, last month quietly approved a request from the Department of Defense (DOD) to allow it to conduct surveillance operations within American Muslim communities. The DOD said the cooperation of these communities could help fight insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

... But civil liberties groups and leaders of the Muslim community say the Pentagon is using the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to resume the domestic spying powers that Congress banned after those powers were used to spy on Americans during the Vietnam era...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The arrogance of power

Philadelphia Inquirer
by staff

Some Americans seem willing to accept any incursion into their civil liberties if the President tells them it's needed to catch terrorists. But over time, more and more citizens will come to realize that the President's refusal to obey the mild, flexible requirements of U.S. law regarding wiretaps for such purposes did not stem from urgency to fight terrorism. It stemmed from an arrogant habit of his White House: the quest to expand executive power secretively and without accountability... [Editor's note: But how much more 'time' do we have? - MLS](12/22/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Law doesn't back Bush

Atlanta Journal Constitution
by Bob Barr


When President Bush explained, over the course of three days, his administration's secret interception of communications involving American citizens without court approval, he repeatedly cited three authorities for such action. One of these was Article II of our Constitution, which provides authority for the president to serve as commander in chief of the armed forces. Not relying on my memory -- which has proved faulty from time to time (rarely, of course) -- I reread Article II to determine if in fact there was language in it that I had missed previously, that when the president serves as commander in chief, he can order federal agencies to violate the law. Of course, I found no such authority, because none exists...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

All the president's confessions

by G. Pascal Zachary


Given the likelihood that Bush's allies will find no legal basis for his actions, Bush's confession ought to be viewed as a triumph of lawlessness over law. After all, the president had options. Many commentators and critics have noted that he could have asked Congress to approve his spying program. He did not. Instead he chose lawlessness. And now he is boasting about it. His confessions -- for he keeps repeating himself, as boasters will -- are calculated, a means of positioning himself as a troubadour of conscience, the nation's chief advocate of lawlessness. His posture is not just the act of a desperate president whose own Republican Party stalwarts are abandoning him. Bush's advocacy of lawlessness lies at the heart of the right-wing agenda to remake America...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wiretap fight may taint cases

Seattle Post-Intelligencer


The Bush administration's decision to sometimes bypass the secretive U.S. court that governs terrorism wiretaps could threaten cases against terror suspects that rely on evidence uncovered during the disputed eavesdropping, some legal experts cautioned. These experts pointed to this week's unprecedented resignation from the government's spy court by U.S. District Judge James Robertson as an indicator of the judiciary's unease over domestic wiretaps ordered without warrants under a highly classified domestic spying program authorized by President Bush...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

House passes $453 billion "defense" bill



The House cleared the way Thursday for a $453 billion defense spending bill that funnels $29 billion in hurricane aid to the Gulf Coast and $50 billion more for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The action came on the heels of a move to give one month more life to the Bush administration’s anti-terrorism powers under the Patriot Act. The $50 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is to carry the Pentagon until Congress acts on another emergency war supplemental next year, which lawmakers expect to be from $80 billion to $100 billion...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

DeLay's request for speedy trial denied

Houston Chronicle


A state appeals court has rejected motions filed by U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay to help him get a speedy trial, an essential step in the Sugar Land Republican's efforts to regain his congressional leadership post. In an order made public today, the intermediate appeals court rejected DeLay's bid to be tried on a money laundering charge while prosecutors appeal the dismissal of a related charge accusing DeLay of violating the election code...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ohio: Pols threaten public with state "Patriot Act"

Yahoo! News


One state representative said it resembles Gestapo-style tactics of government, and there could be changes coming on the streets of Ohio's small towns and big cities. The Ohio Patriot Act has made it to the Taft's desk, and with the stroke of a pen, it would most likely become the toughest terrorism bill in the country. The lengthy piece of legislation would let police arrest people in public places who will not give their names, address and birth dates, even if they are not doing anything wrong. WEWS reported it would also pave the way for everyone entering critical transportation sites such as, train stations, airports and bus stations to show ID. 'It brings us frighteningly close to a show me your papers society,' said Carrie Davis of the ACLU, which opposes the Ohio Patriot Act...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Administration defends spying program

Tampa Tribune


The Bush administration formally defended its domestic spying program in a letter to Congress late Thursday saying the nation's security outweighs privacy concerns of individuals who are monitored. In a letter to the chairs of the House and Senate intelligence committees, the Justice Department said President Bush authorized electronic surveillance without first obtaining a warrant in an effort to thwart terrorist acts against the United States...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

NY Times editorializes against the Imperial Presidency


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The uncertain legal background of Bush spy program


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Cancer Cluster in Spain 2000-2005


One year more we send you the information that we have gathered of news published in the press in Spain on cluster of cancer and other serious illnesses and phone masts 2000-2005.


With best regards

AVAATE Asociación Vallisoletana de afectados por antenas de telefonía


Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations




Votre Cluster en ligne:


Jackboot Society: Pure Tyranny on the Streets of America


Group decries EPA plan to limit reports of toxins

By Steve Ivey
Washington Bureau
Published December 23, 2005

WASHINGTON -- Hundreds of communities in the U.S., including more than two dozen in Illinois, would not learn as quickly about the extent of pollution from businesses in their locales if the Bush administration's proposed toxin reporting rules are adopted, according to a new report by an environmental advocacy group.

Under Environmental Protection Agency regulations, businesses can emit up to 500 pounds of chemicals annually before reporting to the Toxics Release Inventory exactly how much of each pollutant companies release into the air, water or disposal sites. The EPA has informed Congress that it wants to increase that threshold to 5,000 pounds annually.

According to an analysis released this month by the National Environmental Trust, residents in 922 ZIP codes nationwide would lose all data for their communities under the proposed changes because the amount of the pollution would not reach the higher threshold. Meanwhile, 1,608 ZIP codes would lose detailed information about the pollution from at least half the companies in their communities, according to the group. The report says 8,927 ZIP codes include at least one facility that reports to the EPA database.

"Generally, [the database] is not used as often to shut down plants, but to get plants to be more careful about emissions and spills," said Megan Lewis, a spokeswoman for the Sierra Club, another environmental group. "Just by being one of the worst emitters in the database is a source of embarrassment, and they wind up being more careful."

But EPA officials say easing reporting requirements for businesses will save them time and money and aid the agency's push for efficiency. EPA figures show U.S. manufacturers spend about $650 million each year on compliance with the reporting forms. Under the proposed changes, the EPA estimates about a third of the 26,000 companies that report to the database would save about 165,000 hours of work annually.

"This does not affect any [emissions limits] set by EPA programs," said Mike Flynn, the agency's director of the office of information analysis and access. "What we've striven for in the proposals is looking for burden reduction while maintaining the information that's available to the public. On a national level, we will still get 99 percent of the same information we get today, but in a more efficient, streamlined way."

Smaller businesses--such as metal-plating facilities or electronics companies--would benefit most from the changes, Flynn said. Many of those plants produce a small amount of lead waste that all goes to recycling and is never emitted, he said.

According to the National Environmental Trust's analysis, 1,130 businesses in Illinois provide information to the Toxics Release Inventory. Of those, 207--about 18 percent--would no longer be required to provide the detailed information. Residents in 27 ZIP codes statewide would lose access to all detailed data.

In Cook County, the report says 88 of 415 businesses--about 21 percent --could change to less detailed reporting. Residents in nine Cook County ZIP codes would lose access to all detailed information.

The report identified a Weber-Stephen Products Co. plant in Palatine, Ill., as a facility that would switch to the shorter reporting form. Chris Childers, a manager of regulatory affairs for the grilling equipment manufacturer in Chicago, said citizens may still have ways to monitor their emissions.

"We're in a water reclamation district," Childers said. "That means we have to report to Cook County, the state of Illinois and the federal government. We use an environmental consultant to help us make sure we're in compliance. But it makes it a simpler reporting process for us."

But Tom Natan, research director for National Environmental Trust, said any lost information could have dangerous effects.

"This is monumentally ill-conceived," he said. "After what we've seen in the gulf from Hurricane Katrina [where Toxics Release Inventory data helped identify toxins in the floodwaters], I don't think there's a good reason for justifying putting polluter interests ahead of public health and safety."

Flynn said EPA will accept public comments on the proposed changes through Jan. 13.


Copyright © 2005, Chicago Tribune


*EPA To Cut Toxics Reporting

* The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed to cut the amount of information about toxic chemical releases that industrial facilities must report. The proposed cuts pose a risk to communities and to first responders such as police and firefighters. Read more http://www.net.org/health/tri.vtml *

Update:* Press briefing mp3 available.

Click here
to find out how to submit a comment to EPA.

* * * *

Group decries EPA plan to limit reports of toxins

By Steve Ivey Washington Bureau Published December 23, 2005

WASHINGTON -- Hundreds of communities in the U.S., including more than two dozen in Illinois, would not learn as quickly about the extent of pollution from businesses in their locales if the Bush administration's proposed toxin reporting rules are adopted, according to a new report by an environmental advocacy group.

Under Environmental Protection Agency regulations, businesses can emit up to 500 pounds of chemicals annually before reporting to the Toxics Release Inventory exactly how much of each pollutant companies release into the air, water or disposal sites. The EPA has informed Congress that it wants to increase that threshold to 5,000 pounds annually...

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Chemtrails of the World - Die Zerstörung des Himmels


STREIT UM KERNENERGIE: Atomglühen vor Weihnachten


Bauleitplanung und Mobilfunk

Bauleitplanung ist keineswegs wirkungslos

Haben Kommunen Einflussmöglichkeiten bei der Standortfrage von Mobilfunkmasten?

Bauhöhe gilt auch für Anlagen

Mobilfunk - was die Kommunen derzeit tun können

Planungshoheit der Gemeinden

Beschränkung von Mobilfunkanlagen durch Verabschiedung entsprechender Bebauungspläne

Thema Mobilfunk wandert in Ausschuss

Hohe Posten gesucht

Sendemasten für Mobilfunk sind in Kriftel bisher nur an der Peripherie der Gemeinde zu finden: T-Mobile ließ Antennen an den riesigen Strommasten der RWE im Läusgrund und entlang der A 66 montieren, Vodafone hat sie auf einem Bürogebäude nahe der Autobahn am Holzweg postiert. Im Ortskern beherbergt nur die katholische Kirche St. Vitus im Kirchturm mehrere Antennen von T-Mobile. Bereits 1999 hatte der Verwaltungsrat der Pfarrgemeinde mit dem Konzern einen Vertrag über eine Laufzeit von 20 Jahren abgeschlossen. Jetzt könnten weitere Antennen im Ortskern hinzu kommen.

Lange schon haben die Mobilfunkbetreiber auch das Josef-Wittwer-Haus als idealen Standort für ihre Anlagen ausgekundschaftet. Das Parlament hatte vor drei Jahren auch grundsätzlich grünes Licht gegeben, dass auf gemeindeeigenen Gebäuden und somit auch auf dem Seniorenheim Sendemasten aufgestellt werden dürfen. Die Gemeinde hätte dafür pro Jahr mehrere tausend Euro Miete kassiert. Doch nach massiven Protesten von Mobilfunkgegnern, die einige hundert Unterschriften gegen die Antennen sammelten, hat Bürgermeister Paul Dünte signalisiert, dass er keine Masten aufs Seniorenheim lässt, solange die Ängste der Bürger wegen einer eventuellen Gesundheitsgefährdung durch die Strahlenbelastung nicht aus der Welt zu räumen sind. Deshalb sind die Unternehmen nun auf der Suche nach Privathäusern, auf deren Dächer sie ihre Mobilfunkanlagen stellen können. Anscheinend ist ein Betreiber bereits fündig geworden und möchte seine Antenne auf einem Mehrfamilienhaus an der Kreuzung Bahnhofstraße/Friedrichstraße errichten. Eine entsprechende «formlose Mitteilung» des Mobilfunkkonzerns ist Ende Oktober im Rathaus eingegangen. Das bestätigte der im Bauamt zuständige Mitarbeiter Christian Schwarz . Doch weiter sind die Bemühungen des Betreibers, der größten Wert darauf legt, dass sein Name nicht bekannt wird, offenbar noch nicht gediehen.

Bei der Bundesnetzagentur in Eschborn etwa ist nach Angaben von Pressesprecher Manfred Küster noch keine Standortbescheinigung beantragt worden. Diese müsste das Unternehmen bei der Kommune vorlegen, um seiner offiziellen Anzeigepflicht nachzukommen. Dass in dem Kataster der Bundesbehörde ein Standort markiert ist, der bereits auf einen Mast in der Bahnhofstraße hinweist, sei leider ein Versehen, klärt Küster den Verdacht auf, sein Amt habe seine Zustimmung bereits gegeben. «Das Fähnchen ist uns verrutscht, eigentlich sollten damit die Antennen in St. Vitus gekennzeichnet werden», so der Pressesprecher.

Auch ein Bauantrag für einen Mast in der Bahnhofstraße, der dann zu stellen wäre, wenn dieser höher als zehn Meter werden soll, wurde beim Main-Taunus-Kreis als zuständiger Bauaufsichtsbehörde noch nicht eingereicht.

Marianne Kirst

Neues von der Arbeiterfotografie 23 Dez 2005


Update from the Field 12/22/05


Rachels News #834


Tsunami Was God's Revenge for Your Wicked Ways, Women Told

Marluddin Jalil, a Sharia judge who has ordered the punishment of women for not wearing headscarves, was uncompromising: "The tsunami was because of the sins of the people of Aceh." Thundering into a microphone at a gathering of wives, he made clear where he felt the fault lay: "The Holy Koran says that if women are good, then a country is good."


Avian Flu Victims in Vietnam Were Resistant to Tamiflu

Two patients who died from avian influenza in Vietnam had developed resistance to the antiviral drug Tamiflu, scientists are reporting today in The New England Journal of Medicine.


US Lawsuit Could Dent Global War-Contractor Boom

An unprecedented lawsuit stemming from the gruesome killing of four American civilians in Iraq is slowly making its way through the US legal system, closely watched by companies estimated to field up to 100,000 contractors alongside the US military.


On Wiretapping, Bush Isn't Listening to the Constitution

"The president is not above the law; he is not King George. Yet, with sorrow, we are now learning that in this great land we have an administration that has refused to follow well-crafted, longstanding procedures that require the president to get a court order before spying on people within the United States. With outrage, we learn that this administration believes that it does not have to follow the law of the land." - Senator Edward Kennedy


Whether HAARP is on or off: Live HAARP Monitor


Not sure if this is accurate, but it tells whether HAARP is on or off. Might be interesting to work with.


Join in supporting Stop Alito

People For the American Way

[Personal message: I don't trust anything that Bu$h does....]

As you may already know, President Bush has nominated Judge Samuel Alito to a lifetime position on the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Alito has a long, documented record of right-wing activism on the bench, and if confirmed, he could threaten our basic rights and freedoms -- privacy, civil rights, reproductive freedom, environmental protections, workers' rights, women's rights, consumer protections, and individual liberties. This nomination could affect all of our lives for decades.

People For the American Way (PFAW) is taking a stand against this nomination and is collecting names for a petition urging the Senate to oppose Judge Alito. PFAW can help make sure that your senators see your signature and hear your call to oppose this nomination.

If you agree with me that Alito is bad news for America, please sign the petition and join this campaign.

You can sign the petition and get your own personal petition page by clicking here:



Next-up News 23 December 2005

L'Actualité en 60 secondes

Clip Vidéo "le portable et les enfants":
L'imagerie de l'irradiation du cerveau et les commentaires:

A New Phase of Bright Spinning Lies About Iraq


A New Phase of Bright Spinning Lies about Iraq

Norman Solomon: What's on the horizon for 2006 is that the Bush administration will strive to put any real or imagined reduction of US occupation troop levels in the media spotlight. Meanwhile, the Pentagon will use massive air power in Iraq. The Bush administration is eager to downplay the escalation of this air war. In 2006, the anti-war movement must do the opposite.


The Hidden State Steps Forward


The nation is headed for a showdown with Evil


Note to Mr. Bush: The US is Not a Monarchy


Bush and Wiretaps: Congress, Citizens, This Means War


US Senate Blocks Attempt to Allow Oil Drilling in Alaska Wildlife Refuge


American Global Warming Gas Emissions Accelerate to a Record High


UN Threatened with Budgetary Shutdown


Nun Who Defaced Missile Silo Released from Prison; Vows to Continue Protests


The booming economy is just another Bush lie

He who lies most, lies worst

Informant: Our bill of rights

Iraq Election Spells Total Defeat for US


Informant: Our bill of rights

Will Blackwater death squads be visiting your neighborhood soon?


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Latin America trending left


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The US of torture: it's been that way for decade, only the shamelessness is new


Informant: Lew Rockwell

On a once-free country


A Tale of Two Criminals


Stop Encroaching on My Religious Freedom


How Federal Screwups Entitled Bush to Absolute Power


Where's the Outrage?

Bush’s defense of his phone-spying program has disturbing echoes of arguments once used by South Africa’s apartheid regime. Arlene Getz tells why Americans should examine the parallels.


At Last, 'Impeachment' Talk Appears in Media

Suddenly this week, scattered outposts in the media have started mentioning the “I” word, or at least the “IO” phrase: impeach or impeachable offense. The sudden outbreak of anger or candor - or, some might say, foolishness - has been sparked by the uproar over revelations of a White House approved domestic spying program, with some conservatives joining in the shouting.



Abramoff May Testify against Dozens in Congress

Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist under indictment for fraud in South Florida, is expected to complete a plea agreement in the Miami criminal case, setting the stage for him to become a crucial witness in a broad federal corruption investigation, people with direct knowledge of the case said.



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