
WHO will not accept smokers to work, will cell phones users be next?

The WHO takes an extreme move - WHO job candidates who will answer the question "Do you smoke or comsume tobacco products"- with a "Yes", will not be accepted to work at the World Health Organization. It was on Friday radio news all day in Israel + it was on the weekend TV news (Friday 2.12.). I looked on the internet for something about it and didn't find, but today I found by coincidence something in French about it

Jong-Wook Lee said that the WHO puts its words and actions in coherence, and the WHO spokesman added that the WHO initiated the international anti tobacco treaty and now they have to show an example.

This was the background: "Five years ago, the Committee of Experts on Tobacco Industry Documents issued a 260-page report documenting the tobacco industry’s strategies to undermine the work of the WHO. In response, the WHO issued 15 pages of recommendations on how to make sure its work is never subverted again."


The question remains: what about cell phones users - will they not be accepted to work in the WHO 30 years from now?...Today it looks very exagerrated, but 30 years ago it would have been considered very exaggerated to prevent from smokers to work at the WHO....why doesn't the WHO make the route shorter and deal with the cellular conflicts of interests NOW, instead of looking for ways in the future to protect its fragile reputation, by covering for all the past mistakes....now is the time that the WHO creates the history with cell phones, in the same way it did with the tobacco and the asbestos: "Not only was the WHO late in recognizing the emergence of the asbestos cancer epidemic, but the WHO also ignored it for years and, quite without explanation, continues to fail to address the problem of asbestos mining and manufacturing and world trade of a known human carcinogen.....IARC studied the carcinogenicity of asbestos fibers, but it was not until 1986, 22 years after publication of the article by Selikoff et al. (1964), that the WHO published its first document on asbestos. By that time, the asbestos cancer epidemic was claiming tens of thousands of lives.....All one need do is review the list of asbestos industry advocates involved in the writing of the WHO documents to see how the confusion arose over which asbestos fibers were to be considered carcinogenic (Egilman et al. 2003; Infante, in press; Lemen, in press; Tweedale 2000). The last WHO publication to recommend a protective exposure standard for asbestos was published 15 years ago (WHO 1987).....Before the meeting, a WHO letter was widely circulated in which an official of the WHO Regional Office for Southeast Asia wrote that the asbestos-cement industry and its products are "highly eco-friendly" (Aldana et al. 2000).
The Asbestos Cancer Epidemic
Joseph LaDou Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 112, Number 3, March 2004

History repeats itself for those WHO don't learn from past mistakes.....

Iris Atzmon


Repacholi and industry money


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