
Masts: call to end lose-lose situation

Dundee East MSP Shona Robison is to press for detailed planning guidance from the Scottish Executive to end the “lose-lose” situation suffered by residents opposing the erection of mobile phone masts close to their homes, writes Steve Scott.
Ms Robison expressed her “great disappointment” with the planning inquiry decision to uphold an appeal by mobile operators 02 against the decision of Dundee City Council to refuse permission to upgrade a telecoms mast close to the Campfield Square shopping centre in Barnhill.

“I believe the residents had a good case, professionally put together by Dr Shirley McEwan and other local residents, and I am sure they will be furious to see their concerns dismissed out of hand like this,’’ she said.

“I was a witness to the inquiry last month and while the reporter listened to our concerns with sympathy, the planning regulations as they relate to these masts at the moment mean his hands were tied, and it makes it a lose-lose situation for everyone.

“I will continue to press for greater guidance from the Executive because it is intolerable that residents’ views on planning decisions in their area are continually being disregarded in this way.’’

Ms Robison is also calling for mobile phone users to put pressure on the companies to invest further in new technologies such as BT’s Microconnect System, which uses less invasive equipment that in most cases would not require planning permission.

“I understand there has to be more investigation into the system, but I was very annoyed by the way 02 dismissed it at the inquiry,’’ she continued.

“It has worked on trials in several English cities and hopefully mobile phone users will put pressure on their operators to research better technologies which might end the requirement for these mast eyesores.”

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