
Chernobyl Heart

On "Chernobyl Heart" and EHS

I've just come from viewing "Chernobyl Heart" an opening day entry at this year's Cork Film Festival. What a poignant and honest film, unsparing in showing closeups of children with horrific deformities, teenagers with tyroid cancer, and of countless other manifestations of shattered lives due to that ghastly Chernobyl radiation disaster. In the film it was stressed how invidious radiation is as it is invisible (a silent killer) and how it weakens the immune system's resistance to diseases.

At the Question and Answer session following the film, I asked Maryann DeLeo and Adi Roche whether any attention had been given to the possibility that these young victims now resident in hospitals, orphanages, and other institutions might also be EHS. I added that nearby masts and cellphones could cause these children further distress.

As my hearing is impaired I could not catch Maryann Deleo's response but later another attendee told me she--Maryann-- responded that their focus in "Chernobyl Heart" was solely on the health hazards of ionizing radiation.

I spoke briefly with Adi Roche before leaving the cinema and asked her to please take note of factors such as flourescent lighting, etc, that could cause those unfortunate children even worse discomfort. I directed her to some online EHS sources.

Frankly, I don't think my introducing the subject of non-ionizing radiation effects was well-received by the audience, but such a cold-shoulder reaction should come as no surprise to any of us. We activists on this EHS beat know ours is the most unpopular cause in evey country--except of course for our small number of dedicated supporters and ever increasing number of EHS affected.

But there are also some highly respected scientists who deny that the Chernobyl nuclear radiation accident had any disastrous health effects. And Irish professors feature among these, as can be seen in my posting to you earlier this year (EMF-Omega-News 28-02-04) which I have now pasted in below.

Best, Imelda, Cork

Pasted from EMF-Omega-News 28-02-04:

There are, however, some prominent academics and other radiation specialists here in Ireland who continue to deny in the face of astounding contrary evidence that the Chernobyl radiation accident has had any significant health effects on the population of Belarus. For instance, Professors Philip W. Walton, (Applied Physics) and Wil J.M. Van Der Putten (Medical Physics) at NUI (National University of Ireland),Galway hold this view and cite the published findings of UNSCEAR (the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) as presented to the UN General Assembly in 2000 in their support.

The text of letters to the Irish Times by Professors Walton and Van Der Putten, and others are archived at Citizens Initiative Omega on these dates:

9/5/03 Subtitled: "Chernobyl bio-disaster is a myth say two Irish Professors"

14/5/03 Subtitled: "Effects of Chernobly Disaster"

15/5/03 "A measured response letter to Chernobyl nuclear disaster"



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