
Patriot Act Renewal, Spy Files, "Silver Ring Thing"

ACLU Online

Handy in Hosentasche reduziert Spermaqualität


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Hat zu häufiger Gebrauch von Mobiltelefonen einen frühen Alterungsprozess zur Folge?


Laut einem Artikel der Kuwait News vom 17. Mai weist eine neue Studie daraufhin, dass zu häufiger Gebrauch von Mobiltelefonen gesundheitliche Probleme im Hinblick auf den Alterungsprozess zur Folge haben könnte. Die Studie, die von Forschern der Kairoer Universität unter Leitung von Professor Dr. Fadhil Mohammad Ali, Professor für Bio- und Radiophysik, durchgeführt wurde, behauptet, unsere heutige Technologie, die Kurz- und Mikrowellen nutzt, stelle eine Gefahr für die menschliche Biologie und die Körperfunktionen dar. Die Studie, die insgesamt über einen Zeitraum von 15 Jahren lief, gliederte sich in drei Phasen und untersuchte elektromagnetische sowie elektrische Felder in gewissen Bereichen wie Wohnungen und Büros in der Nähe von Hochspannungsmasten und Industrieanlagen, in denen starker elektrischer Strom im Einsatz ist.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 25.05.2005

Worldwide Tribunal To Meet In Istanbul Over U.S. War Crimes In Iraq


Informant: ranger116

Turmoil as Chirac plots to disregard 'non' vote

PRESIDENT CHIRAC of France is preparing to throw Europe into confusion and put Britain on the spot by backing moves to keep the European constitution alive if it is rejected in Sunday’s referendum.


America's broken nuclear promises endanger us all

Bush has done his utmost to frustrate talks on the non-proliferation treaty.


From Information Clearing House

The Answer Is Fear

Americans are trying to figure out how their country went from a democratic republic to a modern-day empire based on a cult of personality and a faith-based rejection of reason.


Bush extends US legal immunity in Iraq

In an almost unnoticed move, President Bush on Thursday May 19 extended for one year the blanket immunity from legal action conferred on US corporations doing business in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Iraq Living Conditions Tragic - Report

Nearly one-fourth of Iraqi children aged between six months and five years are chronically malnourished, meaning they have stunted growth, the report says. Among all Iraqi children, more than one in 10 suffer from general malnutrition, meaning they have a low weight for their age.


From Information Clearing House

Road to Damascus

Syria is in the cross-hairs: It's not about terrorism, it's not about "keeping America safe" -- it's about the brutal expansion of elite power.



5 ships ordered to ''surge'' to support war on terror

The Navy has ordered five ships and 2,800 sailors to deploy on unexpected missions to support anti-terrorism efforts in the Balkans and Middle East. Four of the ships will leave today.


From Information Clearing House

American soldiers flushing the Koran down the drain?

Bentagon vs. Newsweak

by Ted Lang

The Koran is treated with care, but Iraqis, Afghanis, Muslims and Arabs can be beaten to death, have electric shock treatment administered to their genitals, have their faces smeared with fake menstrual blood, can be made to crawl while naked and chained wearing a dog’s collar and led on a leash by a wimpy female “soldier,” and can be forced into a river by Coalition heroes where non-swimmers are drowned. But this, by no means at all, should lead anyone to the erroneous conclusion that the great United States of America, and its “duty-honor-country” military, would ever condone any display of contempt or disdain for the venerable Holy Koran!


Für deutsche Bauern gibt es von Züchtern keine Garantie mehr auf gentech-freies Maissaatgut

Des Pudels Korn

Menschenrechtsverletzungen mit Vorbildcharakter

amnesty international erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen die USA und befürchtet, dass sich andere Regierungen vom Verhalten der Bush-Regierung inspirieren lassen.


Improper Handling of Koran Confirmed


Muslims Rally Across World Against Koran Abuse


World Bank Chief's Send-off Stirs Conflict Among His Critics


UN Nuclear Arms Conference Ending in Failure; US Blamed


Amnesty International Wants U.S. Officials Arested and Investigated

Governments should arrest any official who enters their territory and begin legal proceedings against them," said William Shulz, executive director of the U.S. branch of the international human rights agency.

By Bob Dart

Amnesty International USA urged foreign governments Wednesday to use international law to investigate Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and other alleged American "architects of torture" at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and other prisons where detainees suspected of ties to terrorist groups have been interrogated.


Judge Orders Govt. to Release Abuse Photos


Bundesrat sagt ja: Massenmails nach Frankreich und Aktion in Berlin gegen EU-Verfassung


Während der heutigen Abstimmung im Bundesrat haben Mitglieder des globalisierungskritischen Netzwerks Attac in Berlin gegen die EU-Verfassung protestiert. Mit einem großen "Non" vor dem Bundesratsgebäude machten sie zwei Tage vor dem Referendum in Frankreich deutlich, dass das Votum des Bundesrates für die EU-Verfassung nicht repräsentativ für die Meinung der Menschen in Deutschland ist. "Die Landesregierungen haben über die EU-Verfassung abgestimmt, ohne die Menschen vorher über den Inhalt dieses Verfassungsvertrags aufzuklären. Diese EU-Verfassung bedeutet, dass Kriege und Sozialabbau weitergehen", sagte Stephan Lindner, EU-Experte im Attac-Koordinierungskreis.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Solar fireworks signal new space weather mystery


Informant: NHNE

Assault On The Media


by E.J. Dionne, The Washington Post

The evidence confirming Newsweek's Quran reporting shifts the focus to the White House's efforts to undermine independent media.

Source: http://www.tompaine.com/

The Anti-Bush Channel

by Richard Bradley, TomPaine.com

PBS is under attack. Networks bow to political pressure. Are cable channels like Showtime the last bastion of independence?


Herr Bundeskanzler, was soll das?

Lothar Reinhard
Karlsruher Str. 12
45478 Mülheim/Ruhr
Mülheim, den 25.Mai 2005

An den (Noch-)Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder

Sehr geehrter Bundeskanzler,

Ihre SPD hat die NRW-Wahl verloren. Na und? Das kam nach 39 Jahren weder überraschend für die Meinungsforscher, noch für die Menschen in NRW und sicherlich auch nicht für Sie.

Die Stimmen waren noch nicht fertig ausgezählt, da ließen Sie Neuwahlen im Bund verkünden. Was soll das? Ihr Mandat geht bis 2006 und mit einer CDU-Bundesratsmehrheit müssen Sie schon länger leben. Das haben die Wähler nicht zufällig so gewollt. Wenn Sie die Neuwahl gewännen, wäre der Bundesrat zudem der gleiche!

Also warum jetzt Neuwahlen?

* Wenn Sie sich als Bundeskanzler überfordert fühlen, müssen Sie zurücktreten, keinesfalls aber zur Neuwahl antreten.

* Wenn Sie die Macht des Bundesrates verringern wollen, dann müssen Sie eine Verfassungsänderung versuchen oder aber Sie könnten dazu in einem Referendum die Bevölkerung befragen. Nur: dann gilt das in jedem Falle auch bei einer zukünftigen SPD-Bundesratsmehrheit und CDU-Regierung!

* Wenn Sie mit Rot-Grün nicht mehr weiterregieren wollen oder können, müssen Sie die Vertrauensfrage stellen, so dass eine neue Regierung gebildet werden kann, z.B. eine große Koalition. Dafür aber erst Neuwahlen zu machen, entspricht auch wegen der Erfahrungen der Weimarer Republik nicht dem Willen unserer Verfassung. Die große Koalition Kiesinger/Brandt wurde in geringerer Not auch ohne gebildet!

* Vor allem aber: Warum wollen Sie als Kanzler vorgezogen vom Wähler bestätigt werden, wenn sich an den Mehrheiten im Bundesrat nichts ändert?

Als Wähler in NRW kann ich nicht einsehen, warum im Herbst erneut gewählt werden soll. Der anstehende Wahlkampf ödet mich jetzt schon an, weil absehbar ist, dass gerade wegen der Kürze der Zeit wenig über Programme und Vorhaben informiert werden wird, sondern vornehmlich über Personen und Platitüden. Der NRW-Wahlkampf war bereits flach genug.

Besonders wir im krisengeschüttelten Ruhrgebiet brauchen alles, nur keinen erneuten Wahlkampf und damit weitere Monate von Versprechungen und Vertröstungen, während die Probleme sich weiter auftürmen!

Es mag sein, dass Sie die Flucht nach vorne antraten, um Konflikte in der SPD nicht hochkommen zu lassen. Doch die werden dann die SPD nach den Neuwahlen doppelt und dreifach einholen. Ich erinnere nur daran, dass die KandidatInnen für die vorgezogene Btw nun nicht im demokratischen Diskurs bestimmt werden können, sondern notgedrungen im Hau-Ruck-Verfahren und nur von oben.

Mit dem "Coup" der Neuwahlen werden Sie der Demokratie, aber auch Ihrer SPD, einen Bärendienst erweisen.

Ich hoffe immer noch, dass dieser Kelch doch noch an uns allen vorübergeht.

In tiefer Sorge um unsere Demokratie

L. Reinhard

Bolton 'Mishandled Secret Documents,' Say Senators


Scientists say NW overdue for giant earthquake


Bush's Calvin College Surprise

SojoMail 05.26.05

Anti-recruitment movement heats up in Seattle


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Breaking News - we're making a difference

May 26, 2005

Thank you so much for responding to our urgent call yesterday about Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey's amendment to the Defense Authorization bill asking President Bush for a plan to withdraw from Iraq (click here for the text: http://www.codepinkalert.org/article.php?id=323 ).

We're sorry to have contacted you so late, but it was only yesterday that we learned that the House Rules Committee had approved bringing up the amendment for a vote.

Despite the delay, we're making a difference! The amendment was defeated 128 to 300, but given the atmosphere in Congress, that's not bad. Also, let's put it in historical perspective: In the case of Vietnam, while the conflict escalated in 1965, it was not until 1971 that Congress began to vote on ending the war. How did the vote break down? We managed to get 122 Democrats, and 5 brave Republicans to vote "yes", including Rep Walter Jones from North Carolina, who wanted to change the name of french fries to 'freedom' fries! (Click here for details: http://www.tompaine.com/articles/20050526/woolsey_rocks_the_house.php and here for an article:
http://www.antiwar.com/orig/jeserich.php?articleid=6094 ).

In the coming weeks, there will be new opportunities in both the House and the Senate to push for an exit plan, and you can count on us to be in contact with you, informing you of next steps to peace. T he Woolsey amendment was an important first step in a larger and longer campaign.

Let's celebrate yet another victory! A few hours ago the Democrats forced the Senate to put off the final vote on Bolton's nomination to the UN! The Republicans needed 60 votes to overturn Senator Boxer's " hold ", but the vote was 56 to 42 - 4 shy of that threshold. The final Bolton vote won't take place until the Senate returns after the Memorial Day recess. Click here for breaking news: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=795030 .

Power to the People,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tiffany

PS: We continue our work to impeach and indict Bush - click here for the latest news: http://www.codepinkalert.org/article.php?list=type&type=24 .

Braveheart goes to Washington


Informant: mojo_j_2000

UN: Global Warming Will Increase World Hunger


Stuff about UFO's alliens

Please listen to the audio clips below and, for some - if not many of you - GET READY FOR SOME MAJOR DISCLOSURES!

It is long overdue that these topics become more mainstream. Few may realize, that, in great part, much of the "source" for the secrecy in our government stems from just these subjects.

This post deals with th UFO matters, now referred to as EXOPOLITICS.

Some here may not fully realize it (yet!) but we should thank those who have the courage and have been willing to risk ridicule by placing posts on these subjects.



http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64487&f=DNSMPH&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64542&f=EJVJAK&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64546&f=FVEVTY&ps=13&p=1 (4 min)


http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68188&f=FQSTZG&ps=13&p=1 ( 5 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68364&f=IRRQZR&ps=13&p=1 10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68202&f=TDKFII&ps=13&p=1 10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68205&f=ZQZASL&ps=13&p=1 (1 min)

Following are audio clip excerpts from US Army Major Robert Dean, one of two intelligence officers, whom had the highest clearance in existence - that of "Cosmic Top Secret" that have come forward on the military ET disclosure subject. Even US presidents, at one time, did not have such top level clearance.

This is the first of a long series of military and intelligence officers and government and corporate officials whose audio testimony, on military ET disclosures, will be made available to the public, among other vital disclosure issues.

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64549&f=YICEJB&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64562&f=NCKOBF&ps=13&p=1 (10min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64574&f=MKOLSQ&ps=13&p= ( 4 min)


Here are the audio clips I want to share to start raising our convictions and, below them, are the e-mail exchanges.

First you will hear a brief report on the aftermath of the historic National Press Club News Conference from the Disclosure Project http://www.disclosureproject.org . It will, immediately, follow with excerpts from Dr. Greer's introduction an, following that, I included about 5 short military and intelligence officer's short testimony.

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71768&f=JHDSVJ&ps=13&p=1 (5 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71799&f=QZAXCU&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71789&f=MIHOGH&ps=13&p=1 (6 min)

For good measure here is a very revealing clip from Dr. Greer when he attended an informal gathering in Miami while he was on vacation. Very, very revealing!

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71790&f=GKYJGY&ps=13&p=1 ( 3 min)

Delay of Bolton vote a 'major defeat for President Bush'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

EU Constitution - brainwashing behind the referendum


The Privatisation of Water - World Water Nightmare


Confirmation of Bolton Would Shatter Intelligence




Informant: NHNE


Exeter Express and Echo

12:00 - 25 May 2005
Mobile phone giants were having talks on controversial plans for more masts in Exeter at a crunch meeting with city planners today. Vodafone and 3G have been invited by the city council to outline their siting proposals for their so-called third generation phone networks.

Both companies claim they need new sites to meet their licence commitment to provide 3G coverage to most of the UK by 2006.

Exeter's head of planning services, Richard Short, and director of economy and development, John Rigby, together with city councillors, were involved in the meeting with representatives of Vodafone and 3G.

Vodafone's plan to put up a new 3G mast on Heavitree Road close to the city's maternity unit and several schools has already run into fierce opposition. More than 700 people have signed an Echo petition calling on the company to look elsewhere.

Today's meeting was expected to concentrate on the companies' plans, the possibility of sharing sites and the role of public consultation.

A council spokesman said: "The two main operators agreed to speak to councillors and will be asked to outline their network plans and justify their proposals."

The council has been involved in mast rows before, blocking several applications citing the health fears of local residents.

However, the authority has also lost appeals before Whitehall inspectors on the grounds that health risk was not a valid reason for objections to be made if the proposed mast emissions were within international guidelines.

Anti-mast campaigners are urging local authorities and the Government to stand up to the mobile phone giants.

Chris Maile, of pressure group Mast Sanity, said: "The planning guidelines are simply not working. We need strong guidelines and stronger controls, too, with the ability to remove inappropriately sited masts already in place."

Both 3G and Vodafone insist that all their new masts will operate well within current international limits.

The Mobile Operators' Association says more sites are needed, particularly in urban areas, to set up the new networks. A spokesman said: "To satisfy increasing customer demand for mobile services or to improve call quality, more base stations have to be built in busy areas.

"Site and mast sharing by operators is and will remain a priority. However, it is not always possible to share masts and there may be good environmental reasons for not doing so."

The Echo's Shock Waves campaign is demanding more research into the health effects of masts, that they should emit at the lowest possible level, and that there should be a full audit of output from all masts.



FURY has erupted over plans by a mobile phone company to build a mast at Paisley's biggest and best-known park.

T-Mobile wants to put up the mast with three antennae on Glasgow Road, next to the fence of Barshaw Park.

But Sandra Miller, 47, a resident of nearby Alton Road, is horrified at the prospect of the mast being erected so close to the park and houses, claiming it would mean a loss of amenity and pose a health hazard from radiation.

She said: "To put this mast up right beside a place where children are playing is just ridiculous.

"I'd say it would also be less than 20 metres from my house, which is far too close.

"It would be unsightly and it would be a health hazard.

"I also think it would affect road safety because drivers would be distracted by it."

Mrs Miller has now written a two-page letter to Renfrewshire Council objecting to T-Mobile's plans and outlining her concerns.

In a 'Neighbour Notice" issued to residents, T-Mobile says it wants to erect a 11.7-metre "slimline streetworks monopole", supporting three antennae, and with a "shroud" covering.

This is the type of disguised mast that's similar in looks to a lamppost, and is intended to blend in with existing street furniture.

David Moore, 32, who also lives in the area added: "This is a disgrace. It should not be put up close to a public park."

Local councillor Brian Lawson said: "Irrespective of what it looks like, I still don't think it is an appropriate place to put it.

"It would not be ideal to have this outside your front door."

T-Mobile's application will now go before Renfrewshire Council's planning committee for consideration in the near future.

A spokesman for the mobile phone company said: "T-Mobile understands that there can be concerns within local communities when locating base stations, however with over 60 million mobile phone in the UK there is a need to develop our network to provide quality service to our customers.

"Base stations are low-powered radio transmitters, and it is important to recognise that the radio frequency signal from them represents just one source of radio frequency in everyday lives.

"Other sources in the environment include paging devices and emergency services communication systems.

"The radio waves from nearby base stations are favourably comparable to exposure from distant masts and from TV and FM radio and other transmitters.

"Based on over 40 years of research, T-Mobile is confident that its base stations - operating within strict national and international guidelines recognised by the World Health Organisation - do not present a health risk to any member of the public."

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ and

The spokesman added: "As people are increasingly using their mobile phones in their homes, this means that we need to position base stations in or closer to residential areas.

"As you will appreciate, the options available to us in such areas are very restricted."

Mast battle 'victory'

00:00, May 25 2005

By Mandy Little, Greenwich Mercury

A PARTIAL victory is being celebrated by campaigners battling to prevent a mobile phone mast being sited near a school for disabled children.

The National Planning Inspectorate has told Greenwich council it must repeat its notification procedure for four mast applications made by O2 close to Charlton School.

The inspectorate agreed with campaigners that the consultation should be widened to make sure that all concerned parties have their say.

The communications giant appealed after the council turned their application down last October.

Residents opposed to the plans set up an action group, Charlton Residents Against the Mast (CRAM), and penned a 15 page letter to the inspectorate complaining about the consultation process.

Although the council fulfilled its legal obligations it initially only notified 67 houses in Charlton Park Road.

This was due to errors with the original application by 02 which failed to recognise the sensitivity of the siting.

A spokesman for the inspectorate said: "We have told the council that they must re-notify just to be sure that all interested parties have had a proper period of time - four weeks to comment.

"Then the appeal will carry on as normal."

Henry Gilbey from CRAM said: "It's a victory for us but we are not stopping here.

"We are pushing to have a full public hearing for the appeals. The issues need to be aired in public."

A spokesman for the council said that more letters will be sent out to a wider consultation area.

Battle over mast is stalemate

Evening Times Glasgow

THE FIGHT to keep a mobile phone mast away from a hospital and school has reached a stalemate.

Pollok families in Glasgow's south side have picketed the site at the junction of Kempsthorn Road and Crookston Road, and no mast has been built.

Bosses at O2 were given permission for a 56ft mast in March.

Campaigners argued its location near houses, a school and Leverndale Hospital was unsuitable.

The Evening Times reported that as workmen arrived on site, so did the campaigners.

For six weeks, mums, dads, children and even grandparents staged a peaceful protest, supported by local councillor Keith Baldassara. Councillor Baldassara said: "I would assume it's stalemate as they've not come back out. "But as soon as they do we will be there."

O2 are "re-assessing" the situation.

Earthquake could shake Los Angeles


CONCERNED residents and a town councillor are warning off a mobile phone firm over plans to build a mast in Bromsgrove

Conservative councillor for Slideslow, Caroline Spencer, has hit out after an inquiry to Bromsgrove District Council by mobile phone firm T-mobile.

The company consulted the council's planning department about building a base station and a 15-metre phone mast on the verge side of New Road, near to the end of Stonehouse Road.

T-mobile would not need planning permission for the development but does need to consult the council about their plans.

Cllr Spencer has already made her feelings clear about the site being earmarked.

She said: "It is next to a busy road and would be a health hazard. There is a footpath past the site that is used regularly by children early in the morning and late afternoon going to and from school.

"I just cannot understand why this location has been earmarked for a mast. It is the most unsuitable site one would look at."

Around 40 homeowners living near the site have also hit out at the plans by completing objection forms. At present 95 per cent of those asked by Cllr Spencer have expressed a total objection.

Bryan Walker, who lives in Stonehouse Road, added: "We don't want this site earmarked now or in the future. There is a very large concern nationally about the health risks."

Dave Hammond, from Bromsgrove District Council's planning department, said: "T-mobile have consulted us and asked for our opinion. We told them they would get opposition from residents and recommended they consider a site nearer Aston Fields Industrial Estate."

A spokesman for T-mobile said: "It is about a balance, we will be listening to residents and the council about their opinions and consulting with them.

"The majority of international research shows there is no link between mobile phone masts and ill health."

Omega this is not true. See under:
and http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Cancer+Cluster

Britain: Imperial Nostalgia


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Hard When You Lose the Respect of Others


So This Is How Liberty Dies?


The Roly-Poly Empire


A Week of Bush Is Like A Year of Clinton


Conservative Euphemisms for State Aggression


Residents launch a petition against mast

A Petition against more telecommunication equipment being added to the base station at Barry College has been started. The environmental impact and health issues are being cited as the prime causes of concern against the proposals by Vodaphone and O2, and local residents have already collected 450 signatures. They are also due to meet with John Smith MP tomorrow (Friday). A spokeswoman for the group of residents said: “We do not wish to have more equipment added to this eyesore of a mast. “Your home should be your sanctuary and my family have a right to live in a safe and tranquil environment.”

Red flags go up in bid to seek new sites for masts

PLANS for mobile phone masts in Menston and Ilkley are being opposed by Ilkley parish council planners.

Ilkley Parish Council's plans committee say they would be against a speculative plan by Hutchison 3G to put up a mast at Ilkley Tennis Club.

And plans by another operator for a mast in a residential area of Menston have been withdrawn following parish councillors' decision to oppose the scheme.

Residents of Menston's Farnley Road protested against mobile phone network T Mobile's plan to put up a mast at the nearby Menston Social Club on Coultas Close.

They argued that the mast would spoil the appearance of the residential area and could lower house prices.

They also feared the unknown long-term effects on health, particularly that of children living nearby.

But T Mobile withdrew the plan on Friday.

Bradford councillor Chris Greaves (Con, Wharfedale) was also against the proposed mast. He said: "They obviously thought it wasn't a good idea and they were not going to get a sympathetic hearing."

He called for any future Menston mast plans by the company to be at a `sensible' site, in an area which would not be too intrusive.

Ilkley Parish Council recently announced its opposition to a number of proposed masts in Menston, including a full planning application 82-foot mast on high ground on the outskirts of the village. Chairman of the plans committee, Councillor Kate Brown, said there had been a lot of letters from residents objecting to the Coultas Close mast.

Meanwhile, the parish council has also learned that another mobile phone company, Hutchison 3G, has moved its attention from Ilkley's Golden Butts Road to Ilkley Tennis Club, on Stourton Road.

And although there is already a mast at the club, parish councillors said they would oppose putting up another mast there. Hutchison, recently highlighted Christopher Binns Funeral Directors on Golden Butts Road as its preferred site for a mast in Ilkley. Residents living nearby protested, and Binns announced it had considered and rejected Hutchison's proposal.

In a consultation letter it sent to homes on Golden Butts Road, Hutchison said it had looked at a number of possible sites for a mast in Ilkley, including several churches, the historic Myddelton Lodge, and Ilkley Tennis Club.

The parish council has now been sent an initial consultation letter from Hutchison, asking for views on the possibility of putting up a new mast at the tennis club.

Councillor Brown said councillors felt the club's green belt surroundings were too sensitive for further masts, and they were worried about encouraging a proliferation of mobile phone masts, when there was already a mast at the club.

l Menston families recently took their campaign against the proposed Coultas Close mast to the streets with a protest banner.

Children worked on the banner, which was put up on Farnley Road in a bid by families to mobilise as many residents as possible against the mast plans. Parents wanted to publicise their campaign, to inform residents who had not received consultation letters, and encourage residents from other streets to join in the protest.

Posted Thursday 26 May 2005



Tamworth Herald

10:30 - 26 May 2005

Parents have vowed to fight on in their protest against a mobile phone mast at St Edward's RC Primary School.

Test results released last week proved that the mast's emissions are within recommended government guidelines.

But this appears to have made little difference to the strength of feeling against the Packington Lane mast because protestors believe emission guidelines for this country are already set too high.

"We're not demonstrating, we're not holding placards, but we are taking advice to see what we can do, legally, to get this mast removed," explained one parent, who asked not to be named.

"O2 didn't want us to have the deeds, we suspect there was something in them they didn't want us to see, but we found the deeds on the land registry and due to the Freedom of Information Act they couldn't actually stop us seeing them.

"Years ago people didn't know the dangers of asbestos or coal mining. But you can bet they'll turn around in 50 years and say of masts 'oh yes, that was dangerous, we didn't realise.'

"Well that's not happening to my children. Not if I can prevent it."

Coleshill Cllr Gordon Sherratt said: "I'm not a scientist. I've seen the report but for all I know those levels could still be injurious.

"Not only that, I was up at the cemetery yesterday and the Orange mast at the tennis courts was having 3G capabilities installed, so the workmen said.

"I suppose they think, 'Well who's going to complain? It's a cemetery. Everyone's dead already', but it's within sight of the school mast and we just don't know how far those rays reach or what the effects could be in years to come."

Mast fight goes on

Haverhill today

Protestors in Haverhill have vowed to continue their fight against proposals for a mobile phone mast on the Hazel Stub Roundabout, following an appeal by communications giant Hutchison 3G.

An application to site the mast – which would enable the use of 3G video technology phones – on the roundabout, was turned down by St Edmundsbury Borough Council's development control committee last month, following an outspoken campaign by residents.

People living near the roundabout, and on the nearby Castle Reach development objected to the mast because of fears about the possible consequences to health.

This week campaign leader, Jo Robbins, said: "This was entirely expected and no surprise at all. "This site is totally inappropriate as the council committee unanimously decided last month. You can be sure that the community will fight the appeal with the same zeal as before."

The borough council is contacting those who objected to the application to inform them of the appeal.

Objectors have until June 26 to contact the Planning Inspectorate.



Surrey Star

TWO Cove schools, which have a special unit for pupils with hearing problems, have suffered a setback in their battle against a proposed mobile phone mast.

Staff at Manor infant and junior schools have protested to Rushmoor Council planners that the Vodafone mast signals could interfere with hearing aids used by nine pupils.

Marilyn Penman, head of the 220-pupil infant school, said on Tuesday: “I’ve recently discovered that this problem arose at another school with hearing impaired children. “The pupils were having trouble with their hearing equipment and it was tracked down to a mast which had been put up nearby.” She hopes to unearth more detailed information before the deadline for objections tomorrow (Friday).

But Chris Jones, Rushmoor Council planning officer, said: “We are powerless to act over signal interference. “Under the terms of the licence, the operator is responsible for ensuring that his equipment does interfere with other systems.” Mr Jones also had bad news for more than 300 residents who have signed a petition objecting to the 10-metre high mast, earmarked for the Fernhill Road-Northcote Road junction, on health grounds. He said that, because it is less than 15 metres high, the council was limited to discussing the siting and design of the mast, and whether the company had looked at the possibility of sharing a mast with other operators.

The only ray of hope for the objectors appears to be the sharing option.

Mr Jones revealed that the council recently turned down an application by T-Mobile in the same area because it had not looked at the possibility of sharing a mast with another operator. “In that case the planning inspectorate upheld the planning committee’s decision,” he said.

The council has until June 28 to decide on the Vodafone application.



This is Exeter

12:00 - 26 May 2005

Cities and nations around the world are banning mobile phone masts or reducing their power near schools - while more go up in Britain. That's the claim of anti-mast campaigners frustrated at what they believe is the industry's failure to adopt the "precautionary approach" recommended in a 2001 report from an independent commission chaired by Sir William Stewart.

Now, Green Euro MP Caroline Jackson is pushing the UK Government to follow the example set by other countries.

Earlier this year, the Express & Echo revealed how the number of masts in Britain had more than doubled to at least 45,000 since 2000. They are allowed on schools, hospitals and other public buildings, as long as they emit at less than limits set out by the International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection.

However, as the Echo has discovered, many communities and countries favour a harder line.

Both Australia and New Zealand have outlawed masts from within 500m of state schools and in New South Wales, structures are also banned within 500m of child care centres, hospitals and nursery homes.

Italy, Sweden, Luxembourg and, most recently, the Austrian province of Salzburg have adopted lower output limits - Salzburg's 10,000 times less than that set out by the ICNIRP guidelines followed by Britain.

Salzburg's public health officer for environmental medicine Gerd Oberfeld said: "Greater caution should be taken in siting cell towers near places where children spend considerable amounts of time."

Emissions are also controversial in North America. Authorities in Toronto, Canada, have imposed a limit.

And education chiefs in Vancouver have voted to ban any more transmitters at their hundred-plus schools.

School board officials recommended: "There should be global caution exercised on the effects of electromagnetism, until it is conclusively proven to be harmless."

Although the United States has adopted similar guidelines to those of ICNIRP, its own National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement recommended the maximum permitted personal exposure to electro-magnetic waves be reduced by a factor of 500.

Dr Jackson has been pushing the European Commission to enforce a legally binding framework on emissions.

She said: "Without it, the result has been fear and uncertainty as mobile phone masts have sprung up - often requiring no planning permission or even advance warning - on schools, hospitals and in densely populated areas."

However, mobile phone operators insist there is no scientific basis for lowering the ICNIRP limits or a ban on masts near schools.

A spokeswoman for the Mobile Operators' Association said: "Professor Stewart said there were no scientific grounds for setting guidelines below the levels set by ICNIRP.

"Even the highest radio wave emissions from a base station will always be small fractions of the ICNIRP guidelines. Since 2000, Ofcom has undertaken more than 360 random audits of base stations near schools and hospitals. The measurements from these audits show that emissions levels from base stations are typically small fractions of the ICNIRP international health and safety exposure guidelines."

She said parents should be comforted by a National Radiological Protection Board Report in January, which said measurements showed there was no scientific basis for establishing minimal distances between base stations and areas of public occupancy.

The Echo's Shockwaves campaign is calling for more research into the effects of phone masts.

Town gets its own Bermuda Triangle

Littlehampton Today

MOBILE phone masts are being blamed for a spate of mysterious car breakdowns which are turning Beach Road into the Bermuda Triangle of Littlehampton. In just one week, signals from the masts are thought to have jammed the immobiliser systems of at least 10 cars, leaving their drivers stranded.

The problem affects only a short stretch of the road's northern end, and once the cars have been pushed or towed 50 yards away, their central locking and immobiliser systems work perfectly well again.

The nearest mobile phone stations to the affected area are at the police station off East Street, where there are three transmitters.

Michael Blackwood, who works at Arun Security, Beach Road, said that in the last week people had been coming into his shop and asking for help because their cars suddenly wouldn't start.

"The first one was on May 16," he said, "when a lady came in and said that her car had just died on her. People come into us here because we sell keys and car keys.

"It happened twice on the first day and it seemed a bit of a coincidence, then it happened three times the next day.

"We've helped push two cars about 50 yards down the road and then they work again. The RAC have been out to two cars and each time they've towed them just down the road. They seem to know what to do."

Jayne Young works in the Spokes bike shop next to Arun Security and parks her car across the road each day.

She said: "My remote locking only works for the driver's door in Littlehampton, but when I go to Worthing to visit my mum it works fine.

"I got the car in February and when I brought it back here the key wouldn't even open the driver's door sometimes.

"Some days I get so annoyed, I leave the car at home and walk into work."

Paul Hodgson, of the RAC said: "It's an issue which has come up on a national level and it's generally accepted that it is the masts that are causing these problems."

He explained that car locking systems were allocated a frequency of 433.92MHz by the European Radio Committee in 1993 and this became European Law in 1995.

But the same frequency was already allocated to the Ministry of Defence, amateur radio operators and traffic information systems. Some private and public access mobile radio networks also operate close to the 433MHz band and these stronger sources of radio transmission could sometimes block the signal from the radio-activated key.

Simon Bates, spokesman for the Office of Communications (OFCOM) said: "OFCOM is complaints driven so if people who have been affected by this contact us, we will come out and investigate.

"In the past we have found that problems have been caused by interference from a local transmitter but in many cases we have not been able to take action because the transmitter was found to be operating within the terms of its licence.

"In these cases what we have done is recommend that people contact their car manufacturer to see if they can help."

26 May 2005

Mast verdict sparks fury with councillors

by Jane Clee

May 26, 2005, 15:06

The Chronicle Great Barr

Oscott councillors have slammed city planning bosses for 'setting a dangerous precedent' and allowing a 12-metre high mobile phone mast to be built despite objections from hundreds of concerned residents.

They have called the decision a 'slap in the face' for the community and say having the phone pole near to homes, a school and a busy shopping area is a bitter blow for campaigners.

Birmingham's Planning Committee have given the go-ahead for the erection of the T-Mobile mast on land adjacent to the Deer's Leap pub, just yards from residents' homes.

At last week's meeting of the planning committee, on Thursday May 19, council chiefs agreed to grant permission for the mast, despite a formal objection from councillors Barbara Dring, John Cotton and Keith Linnecor, backed by a petition signed by hundreds of residents from the Oscott, Sutton Vesey and Pheasey wards.

The team said the decision was a 'slap in the face' for local residents, who have successfully stopped similar planning applications in the past.

Councillor Dring said: "This is a bitter blow to the local community, who have fought hard against this proposal and previous attempts to install these unwanted masts in the Queslett Road area.

"The mast will be within yards of people's homes and is just a stone's throw away from local schools and a busy shopping area. How they can agree to this just beggars belief."

T-Mobile can now put up a 12-metre high phone mast, in a mock telegraph pole design, with two associated equipment cabinets, which would be built at the rear of the pavement.

It would be positioned near a cluster of established trees, the tallest of which is around 11 metres high.

Fellow ward councillor John Cotton said the decision could set a 'dangerous precedent' for the area.

He said: "Up until now, we have been able to hold the mobile companies at bay.

"Walsall Council have already rejected a number of similar applications for the other side of the Queslett Road and I am appalled that Birmingham City Council has not followed their example.

"There is a real danger that this will make attempts to stop any future applications much more difficult."

The team are continuing to battle against a similar application on land almost directly opposite the Deer's Leap, where mobile phone giants O2 are seeking to overturn a Walsall Council ban on putting in a mast close to Doe Bank Lane.

Oscott Councillor Keith Linnecor said: "We are lobbying hard for the Planning Inspectorate to uphold the Walsall Council decision.

'It would be an absolute disaster for this mast to also get the go-ahead following the decision of Birmingham planners to blatantly ignore local residents."

Protests mount over masts bid

Harborough Today

ANGRY villagers are organising a petition to stop phone masts being put up near their village.

Medbourne Against Masts (MAM) has been formed to fight applications for masts in Drayton Road and Manor Road on the outskirts of the village.

The group, which has already collected a 165 names on their petition, claims the proposals would expose residents to harmful radiation and adversely affect the countryside around Medbourne. Spokesman Nickie Philbin, who lives in Drayton Road, said: "We in the village are totally opposed to these masts. "Five years ago people were only concerned that their views would be spoiled but now they are more worried about the effect on their health. "We would have thought it would be easier to put the masts further into the countryside where there are no homes or people."

MAM organised a meeting with Melton and Rutland MP Alan Duncan, where he pledged to take the campaigners' fight to the relevant authorities.

Mobile phone company Orange has applied to build a 50ft mast at the Drayton Road site, while the Manor Road site would be occupied by a 65ft TETRA, or terrestrial trunked radio, mast which would contain radio equipment for use by Leicestershire Police.

MAM member Paula Parish (42), from Drayton Road, has just recovered from chemotherapy after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She said: "I contracted the illness about 20 years younger than someone could normally expect to be diagnosed, so I think I am in a high-risk group. I also have two young children and I am worried about what the effects could be on them."

Earlier this year, proposals for two masts near Newton Harcourt were thrown out by Harborough District Council.

26 May 2005

10,000 year old forests should not be trashed to make products

The campaign is on fire, and Kimberly-Clark is feeling the heat!

Thousands of you have signed up to this email list because you care about what Kimberly-Clark is doing to ancient forests like the Boreal. Read on to find out how you can take the next step by finding each other and taking action on the ground.
Campaign update

A few weeks ago, we sent you an email asking you to take action by emailing the Board of Directors of Kimberly-Clark. We told you that our goal was to have 5000 people email the Board by the end of the first week. Well, more than 5500 people took action in that first week, and almost 2000 more have done so since – that’s a total of 7500 emails flooding the inboxes of the K-C board. Plus, so many of you helped spread the word to family and friends that over 1250 new people have joined this list since we last emailed you. Great work!

Meanwhile, Richard was in Texas confronting Kimberly-Clark’s Board and execs face to face. Read about his experience at the K-C annual meeting in his blog Sharpshooters, propaganda, and lots of cops: the K-C annual meeting. And, a new campaigner (that’s me!) joined the team to up our capacity to take on Kimberly-Clark and save Canada’s Boreal forest.

New organizing tools!

With so much momentum building, we’re excited to announce the launch of two new tools created specifically to help you organize against Kimberly-Clark: the Kleercut Action Pack and Kleercut Groups.

Kleercut Action Pack: The Kleercut Action Pack is an activist toolkit designed to give you everything you need to organize against Kimberly-Clark in your own community – information, ideas, advice, contacts, and sample materials (including a poster, a flyer, sample letters, media releases and more). Whether you live in a big city or a small town, whether you want to hang a banner or adopt a grocery store or write a story for your local paper, the Kleercut Action Pack will help you make it happen. Get yours now at http://www.kleercut.net/en/actionpack.

Kleercut Groups: Kleercut Groups is an online tool similar to Yahoo Groups designed to help you connect and organize with other activists in your own communities. Using Kleercut Groups, you can find others who are already organizing against Kimberly-Clark in your area, or start up your own local group. Simply subscribe to a local Kleercut Group, then use the e-list and calendar to recruit others and plan and organize events and actions in your own community. Visit the Kleercut Groups organizing centre at http://www.kleercut.net/en/getlocal and sign up or create a local group now.

You know what Kimberly-Clark is doing to ancient forests is wrong. 10,000 year old forests should not be trashed to make products that are used once and then thrown away. It’s up to you to save ancient forests like the Boreal – it’s up to you to stop Kimberly-Clark from flushing forests down the toilet.

Take action this week:

1. Get active: download your Kleercut Action Pack at http://www.kleercut.net/en/actionpack.

2. Get local: join the Kleercut Group closest to you or start a new group at http://www.kleercut.net/en/getlocal.

3. Get busy: put the Action Pack and groups to use by organizing an action against Kimberly-Clark in your area.

Keep on rockin’,


Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Forests Campaigner
» K L E E R C U T . N E T

Oil: Caveat empty


Informant: NHNE

France heads for political earthquake in EU vote


Quran "mishandling" verified at Guantanamo


U.S. officials have substantiated five cases in which military guards or interrogators mishandled the Quran of Muslim prisoners at Guantanamo Bay but found 'no credible evidence' to confirm a prisoner's report that a holy book was flushed in a toilet, the prison's commander said Thursday. Brig. Gen. Jay W. Hood, who commands the detention center in Cuba, told a Pentagon news conference that a prisoner who was reported to have complained to an FBI agent in 2002 that a military guard threw a Quran in the toilet has told Hood's investigators that he never witnessed any form of Quran desecration...


from MSNBC

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The telephone instead of Water: Warning from the World Council of Water


Informant: Sylvie

Congress: Adopt the Resolution of Inquiry

A coalition of veterans' groups, peace groups, and political activist groups announced a campaign today to urge that the U.S. Congress launch a formal investigation into whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with the Iraq war.

The formal Resolution of Inquiry request, written by Boston constitutional attorney John C. Bonifaz, cites the Downing Street Memo and issues surrounding the planning and execution of the Iraq war. A resolution of inquiry would force relevant House committees to vote on the record as to whether to support an investigation.

Democrats.com, Global Exchange, Code Pink, Gold Star Families for Peace, Progressive Democrats of America, Veterans for Peace, Democracy Rising, Rainbow Push, Velvet Revolution, Justice Through Music, and others have joined the campaign called After Downing Street - the website just launched yesterday, May 26, at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/

The inquiry has been written... It is now up to US to get the grassroots mobilized and demand an investigation. Regardless of whether or not you think the Republicans will ever impeach this "President", we MUST SPEAK UP! BE THE PEOPLE! Please sign the letter to urge Congress to adopt the Resolution of Inquiry at http://www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/39 and tell everyone you know!

For more details, visit http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/ and also read the Raw Story article at http://rawstory.com/exclusives/alexandrovna/coalition_inquiry_downing_street_memo_526

“The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service.” Albert Einstein

Informant: Lourdes Leger

US double standards claim over Cuban militant - American double-standards in 'war on terror'


America will plunder Brazillian rain forests to death


US escalates pre-war propaganda against Syria


Iraq veterans mentally damaged by what they saw and did


Americans routinely beat Muslims and desecrate their religious books


America secretly prepares to start using nuclear weapons


America prepares to make China the big enemy


Medien-Zensur gegen NON in Frankreich

In skandalöser Weise haben sich die Medien in Frankreich auf die Seite der EU-Verfassungsbefürworter geschlagen: Von Januar bis März entfielen bei Sendungen zur EU-Verfassung 71 Prozent der Sendezeit auf das Ja, 29 Prozent auf das Nein. Gegen diese einseitige Berichterstattung hat eine Gruppe von FernsehjournalistInnen in einem Aufruf protestiert, den mittlerweile mehr als 17.000 Menschen unterzeichnet haben. Bis zum Wochenende wollen die InitiatorInnen auf 20.000 Unterschriften kommen. Wer die Petition unterzeichnen möchte, kann dies online tun unter http://www.attac.de/eu-verfassung/non-zensiert.php

Mailomat-Protestaktion gegen den Bolkestein-Hammer

Nach der erfolgreichen bundes- und europaweiten Briefaktion geht das Ringen um die EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie nun in die zweite, entscheidende Runde. In diesen Monaten berät der federführende Binnenmarktausschuss des EU-Parlaments intensiv über Änderungsanträge zur Bolkesteinrichtlinie. Im Juli wird im Ausschuss über sie abgestimmt. Daher ist es jetzt besonders wichtig, aktiv zu werden und auf die EU-ParlamentarierInnen einzuwirken.

Per "Mailomat" können im Internet Protestschreiben an alle Mitglieder des federführenden Binnenmarktausschusses gerichtet werden, und zwar unter http://www.attac.de/bolkestein/mailomat/index.php. Es kann entweder eine vorformulierte Mail verschickt werden oder ein selbst formulierter Text. Da viele Abgeordnete die deutsche Sprache nicht verstehen, sollte die Mail aber auf jeden Fall in Englisch formuliert werden.

Da auch durch den von Evelyne Gebhardt am 8. April 2005 vorgelegten Änderungsvorschlag wesentliche Mängel in der EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie nach wie vor nicht beseitigt worden sind, ist Attac der Auffassung, dass sie vollständig abgelehnt werden sollte. Zu kritisieren ist weiterhin die mangelnde Folgenabschätzung und unzureichende Berücksichtigung des bestehenden Rechtsrahmens. Zudem dürfen neue Vorschriften zur Regulierung von Dienstleistungen auf nationaler Ebene nach wie vor nur nach Erlaubnis der Europäischen Kommission und der anderen Mitgliedsstaaten eingeführt werden. Um Sozialdumping wirksam zu verhindern, müssen Regulierungen, die Dienstleistungen betreffen, innerhalb der EU auf höchstem Niveau harmonisiert werden.

Helft mit, Bolkesteins Hammer zu stoppen, und beteiligt euch an der Mailomat-Protestaktion!

Nach Bundesratsvotum zur EU-Verfassung - Franchement: Votez NON

Am Sonntag: EU-Verfassungs-Referendum in Frankreich!

Noch heute: Mails an französische FreundInnen schicken: Votez NON

Die heutige Zustimmung des deutschen Bundesrats zur EU-Verfassung wird in Frankreich genutzt, um kurz vor dem Verfassungsreferendum an diesem Sonntag den französischen WählerInnen Angst zu machen. Kanzler Schröder wird heute Präsident Chirac bei einer Veranstaltung für das 'Oui' in Toulouse persönlich unterstützen. Bisher liegen die Gegner des neoliberalen Verfassungsentwurfes in Führung. Ein riesiger Erfolg für Attac Frankreich und 950 Bürgerkomittees!

Damit das 'Non' diesen Sonntag wirklich gewinnt, bittet Attac Deutschland alle Mitglieder und UnterstützerInnen, eine E-Mail an ihre französischen Freundinnen und Freunde zu schreiben. Sagen Sie Ihnen, dass wir kein Abstimmungsrecht haben, dass es bei uns keine wirkliche Diskussion gab und die Abgeordneten selbst nicht wissen, was in der Verfassung mit ihren 448 Paragraphen und etlichen Annexen steht (siehe Panorama-Bericht:
http://www.ndrtv.de/panorama/archiv/2005/0512/eu_verfassung.html ).

Bitten Sie Ihre FreundInnen, auch in unserem Namen 'Franchement, NON' zu sagen.

Senden Sie dazu anliegendes Flugblatt in französischer Sprache an Ihre Freundinnen und Freunde, das zumindest neun Personen in Frankreich eine Stimme gibt. Attac Frankreich verbreitet in einer parallelen E-Mail an seine Mitglieder das anliegende Flugblatt ebenfalls.

Weitere Informationen zur internationalen Unterstützung eines pro- europäischen 'Non': http://www.attac.de/faces-du-non und http://www.attac.fr


Attac Deutschland
Berlin, 27. Mai 2005

* Nach Bundesratsvotum zur EU-Verfassung:
* Massenmails nach Frankreich und Aktion in Berlin
* Scharfe Kritik an Zustimmung der Berliner PDS

Während der heutigen Abstimmung im Bundesrat haben Mitglieder des globalisierungskritischen Netzwerks Attac in Berlin gegen die EU-Verfassung protestiert. Mit einem großen "Non" vor dem Bundesratsgebäude machten sie zwei Tage vor dem Referendum in Frankreich deutlich, dass das Votum im Bundesrat nicht repräsentativ für die Meinung der Menschen in Deutschland ist. "Die Landesregierungen haben über die EU-Verfassung abgestimmt, ohne die Menschen vorher über den Inhalt dieses Verfassungsvertrags aufzuklären. Diese EU-Verfassung bedeutet, dass Kriege und Sozialabbau weitergehen", sagte Stephan Lindner, EU-Experte im Attac-Koordinierungskreis. Ein Nein zu diesem Text sei kein Nein zu Europa. "Wer ein soziales, ökologisches, friedliches und demokratisches Europa wünscht, kann diesem Text nicht zustimmen, sondern muss sich für neue Verhandlungen einsetzen."

Als Skandal bezeichnete Lindner die Zustimmung des Landes Berlin. Die Berliner PDS-Senatoren hatten nicht auf einer Enthaltung bestanden, obwohl die Partei die Verfassung öffentlich abgelehnt hat. Das Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns zeige, dass es der PDS auch in Berlin möglich gewesen wäre, eine Enthaltung im Bundesrat durchzusetzen.

Um die Kampagne von Attac Frankreich für ein Nein bei dem am Sonntag stattfindenden Referendum weiter zu unterstützen, haben Attac Deutschland und Attac Frankreich heute über 50.000 E-Mails verschickt. Mitglieder und Sympathisanten von Attac in Deutschland wurden aufgefordert, ihre französischen Freunde und Bekannten zu bitten, am Sonntag mit Nein zu stimmen. Seit Wochen besuchen bereits Attac-Aktivisten aus Deutschland Veranstaltungen in Frankreich, um der französischen Öffentlichkeit deutlich zu machen, dass es auch in Deutschland Widerstand gegen diese EU-Verfassung gibt.

Für Rückfragen:
Stephan Lindner, Tel. 0176-2434 2789

Weitere Informationen
und Bilder zur Aktion in Berlin (ab 14 Uhr):

Malte Kreutzfeldt
Pressesprecher Attac Deutschland
Post: Münchener Str. 48, 60329 Frankfurt/M
Tel.: 069/900 281-42, Mobil: 0170-233 4746
Mail: presse@attac.de, Fax: 069/900 281-99

THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time

The Corporation: a film by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott & Joel Bakan

SYNOPSIS: THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, illuminates the corporation's grip on our lives. Taking its legal status as a "person" to its logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" Provoking, witty, sweepingly informative, The Corporation includes forty interviews with corporate insiders and critics - including Milton Friedman, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change.


GOP Tilting Balance Of Power to the Right

Federalist #47, written by James Madison (who would later become President), encouraged ratification of the U.S. Constitution because there would be a separation of powers in the new U.S. government. There would be no single ruler. There would be no tyrant like King George III. Madison wrote, "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." The article below describes the consolidation of power may be one of the reasons our Nation rushed to war against Iraq.


Large Corporations Made Huge Illegal Campaign Cash Contributions in Texas in 2002

Large corporations are censoring the news and buying legislators: "The treasurer of a political action committee formed by U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay broke the law by not reporting hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions. State District Judge Joe Hart said the money, much of it corporate contributions, should have been reported to the Texas Ethics Commission." The enormous illegal contributions resulted in "Republicans [winning] control of the Texas House for the first time since Reconstruction. The GOP later used its majority to redraw Texas' congressional districts and send more Republicans to Capitol Hill."


The Heavy Hand of Large Corporations Censors Our News with Pro-Business Bias

Newspapers and other media are under enormous pressure to report only good news for their large corporate advertisers. This business bias is strong evidence there is longer a "liberal press," but rather a heavily censored press. The article below provides very disturbing information about the heavy hand of huge international corporations on our news.


Take Action for Memorial Day

Take action in honor of memorial day by sending one of these letters to the editor. http://www.veteransforcommonsense.org/?Page=Article&ID=3344

This Memorial Day Weekend, show your support for the servicemen and women by writing a Letter to the Editor to the newspaper of your choice. VCS has prepared template letters addressing four key issues: development of a credible plan for the stabilization of Iraq, women in the armed forces serving in combat roles, international law and prisoner abuse, and energy independence.


Rise in soldiers needing medical care

More than 85,000 U.S. soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan have sought medical care from the Department of Veterans Affairs after getting back, that department told Congress Thursday. That is an increase of 52,000 GIs since last summer -- last July the VA said 35,000 vets from Iraq and Afghanistan had sought medical treatment from the department.


Inmates Alleged Koran Abuse

Detainees told FBI interrogators as early as April 2002 that mistreatment of the Koran was widespread at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and many said they were severely beaten by captors there or in Afghanistan, according to FBI documents released yesterday.


Guantánamo Prisoners Told FBI of Koran Desecration in 2002

Guantánamo Prisoners Told FBI of Koran Desecration in 2002, New Documents Reveal

The joint VCS-ACLU lawsuit against the federal agencies for the mistreatment of prisoners in Guantánamo Bay opens access to new documents.


Democrats Launch Bolton Filibuster


Bürgerinitiative „Senderfreies Obermenzing“: Informationsveranstaltung gegen die geplanten Mobilfunksender

Info der Bürgerinitiative „Senderfreies Obermenzing“

Liebe Obermenzinger,
liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger,

In der Eglofstr.7 wird eine Mobilfunkantenne errichtet!

Wollen Sie, daß durch Mobilfunksender in unserem Wohngebiet

- Ihre Familien und Ihre Kinder krank werden ?
- Ihre Gesundheit und Arbeitsfähigkeit leidet ?
- Ihre Immobilie an Wert verliert bzw. unverkäuflich wird ?

Dann informieren Sie sich und helfen Sie mit Ihrem Protest gegen die geplanten Mobilfunksender in der Eglofstraße 7 und in der Sedelhofstraße.

Eine Informationsveranstaltung dazu findet am 01.06.2005 um 20 Uhr im Pfarrsaal von Leiden Christi in der Passionistenstraße statt. Eintritt ist frei.

Als Redner sind Dr. med. Scheiner und Ulrich Weiner geladen.

Bitte weiterleiten

Kontaktadresse der BI Obermenzing: Dr. med. Hans- C. und Ana Scheiner Franz-Wüllner-Str. 39, 81247 München, Tel.: 089-885222, Fax: 089-8204228, E-mail: info@drscheiner-muenchen.de, Internet: http://www.drscheiner-muenchen.de

Nachricht von Ulrich Weiner

The Silent Media Curse of Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend brings media rituals. Old Glory flutters on television and newsprint. Grave ceremonies and oratory pay homage to the fallen. Many officials and pundits speak of remembering the dead. But for all the talk of war and remembrance, no time is more infused with insidious forgetting than the last days of May.


From Information Clearing House

A Revolution in American Nuclear Policy: The U.S. removes the nuclear brakes

In a shocking innovation in American nuclear policy, the administration has created and placed on continuous high alert a force whereby the President can launch a pinpoint strike, including a nuclear strike, anywhere on earth with a few hours' notice.


The U.S. removes the nuclear brakes:

Ever since the terror attack of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration has gradually done away with all the nuclear brakes that characterized American policy during the Cold War. No longer are nuclear bombs considered "the weapon of last resort."


From Information Clearing House


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Mai 2005

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Familie Lange aus Bonn...
http://twitter.com/WILABon n/status/97313783480574361 6
Starmail - 15. Mär, 14:10
Dänische Studie findet...
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/3035537/ -------- HLV...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:48
Schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen ...
Bitte schenken Sie uns Beachtung: Interessengemeinschaft...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:01
Effects of cellular phone...
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/effects_of_cellular_p hone_emissions_on_sperm_mo tility_in_rats.htm [...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 11:08


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