
Beobachtungen eindeutig - Mobilfunk ist gesundheitsschädlich

Elektrosmognews vom 13.02.2005

Bamberg, Februar 2005


Beobachtungen eindeutig - Mobilfunk ist gesundheitsschädlich

Enormer internationaler Zulauf bei Mobilfunk-Symposium in Bamberg - Ärzte-Initiative fordert Stopp für Netzausbau und niedrigere Grenzwerte

Dringenden Handlungsbedarf betonten die Veranstalter und Referenten des 1. Bamberger Mobilfunk-Symposiums, das an der Universität Bamberg stattfand. Der Andrang von Ärzten, Journalisten und teilnehmenden Interessierten hatte alle Erwartungen übertroffen. Über 400 Personen kamen bis aus Norddeutschland und Österreich, aber sogar aus Schweden, Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg und der Schweiz in die oberfränkische Universitätsstadt.

Es war die erste große mobilfunkkritische Fachveranstaltung in Deutschland zu der Frage, welche Gesundheitsschäden Mobilfunk verursachen kann. Das Symposium wurde auch vom Hese-Projekt unterstützt. "Die große Resonanz zeigt, wie viele Menschen bereits heute Beschwerden durch Mobilfunk haben, wie dringend sie Hilfe brauchen, wie sehr sich Ärzte und Patienten in dieser Situation allein gelassen sehen", so das Resümee der Mitorganisatorin, der praktischen Ärztin Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam. Sie hatte zusammen mit 130 Kollegen aus Bamberg und Umgebung im Sommer 2004 den "Bamberger Mobilfunk-Appell" initiiert, der bundesweit durch die Presse ging. Die Ärzte warnen vor den Gefahren der durch Mobilfunk entstehenden elektromagnetischen Felder, fordern einen Ausbaustopp für das Mobilfunknetz und eine Senkung der gesetzlichen Grenzwerte.

Dies waren auch die Hauptforderungen der Redner bei dem ganztägigen Symposium. Dr. med. Gerd Oberfeld, als Referent für Gesundheit und Umweltmedizin bei der Salzburger Landesregierung tätig, zog einen historischen Vergleich: Vor 150 Jahren habe man in London festgestellt, dass sich in der Nähe von bestimmten Brunnen schwere Durchfallerkrankungen mit Todesfolge häuften. Daraufhin habe man die Brunnen gesperrt – und tatsächlich seien die Infektionen sofort zurückgegangen. Erst 30 Jahre später habe Robert Koch den verantwortlichen Choleraerreger entdeckt und danach habe es noch einmal 70 Jahre gedauert, bis man den genauen Wirkmechanismus verstand. "Wir sind heute in der Beobachtungsphase", so Oberfelds Parallele, "wir erkennen, dass es Krankheiten durch Mobilfunk gibt, wenn auch die genauen Kausalzusammenhänge noch nicht klar sind. Aber bisher tun wir nichts, sondern warten nur weiter ab, bis wir alles bis ins letzte Detail erforscht haben und erklären können." Seiner Meinung nach besteht aber sofortiger Handlungsbedarf. Er schätzt, dass bereits heute mehr Menschen durch Mobilfunk geschädigt werden oder gar zu Tode kommen, als durch Verkehrsunfälle oder Luftschadstoffe. Das Vorsorgeprinzip, nach dem Behörden und Politik handeln sollen, sahen auch andere Symposiumsredner völlig außer Acht gelassen.

Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht, emeritierter Professor der Humboldt-Universität und seit Jahrzehnten mit dem Thema befasst, fragte: " Warum muss jedes Medikament akribisch den Nachweis führen, dass es nicht gesundheitsschädlich ist, aber von einer neuen Technologie wie Mobilfunk wird dies nicht verlangt?"

Die Beobachtungen von Dr. med. Reinhold Jandrisovits aus Müllendorf (Österreich) zeigten, dass unverzüglich Untersuchungen an den Standorten erfolgen müssen, wo die Menschen bereits krank sind. Er praktiziert als einziger Allgemeinarzt in dem Ort mit 1200 Einwohnern und stellte eine drastische Zunahme von Ohrgeräuschen, Hörstürzen, Schlafstörungen und Tumoren fest.

Auch der Ingenieur für Baubiologie und Umweltmesstechnik, Dr. Martin H. Virnich, hält die bestehenden gesetzlichen Grenzwerte für unzureichend, weil diese sich nur auf die Wärmewirkung beziehen und andere Auswirkungen auf den menschlichen Körper unbeachtet lassen. Er kritisierte den aufgeputschten sozialen Wert der Mobilfunktechnologie. "Mit Unsummen für Marketing und Werbung suggeriert die Industrie vor allem jungen Leuten, Telefonieren mit Handy oder Schnurlostelefonen bedeute Freiheit und Modernität."

Der Einfluss der Industrie auf Politik, Behörden, aber auch die Ärzteschaft selbst ist nach Ansicht der Experten enorm. Erst vor ein paar Jahren habe Bundeskanzler Schröder selbst - gedrängt von Mobilfunk-Lobbyisten – den Vorstoß des Umweltministeriums gestoppt, die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte zu senken. Seither sei die Politik in Stillstand erstarrt. Auch im "Deutschen Ärzteblatt", dem Organ der Ärzteschaft, werde bisher kaum über das Thema berichtet. "Information und Aufklärung der Ärzte sind nicht ausreichend", stellte der Bamberger Allgemeinarzt und Mitorganisator des Symposiums Dr. Helmut Heyn fest, "in der Ausbildung spielt Mobilfunk noch keine Rolle und eine Kommunikation unter den Ärzten fand bisher noch nicht statt."

Dem hat nach Hoffnung der Veranstalter das 1. Bamberger Mobilfunksymposium nun eine Ende gemacht. "Wir Ärzte vor Ort müssen zusammen mit den Patienten die Politik und die Verantwortlichen aufrütteln", so Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsams Ziel. Ein erstes Angebot kam bereits, wenn auch nicht aus Deutschland, so doch von der Universität Bern: Man will zusammen mit Hausärzten eine sogenannte epidemiologische Studie organisieren, d.h. die Reaktion von Menschen auf Mobilfunk wird nicht unter Laborbedingungen untersucht, sondern sie werden in ihrem alltäglichen Umfeld über längere Zeit medizinisch begleitet. Im Auftrag des Schweizerischen Bundesamtes für Gesundheit werden in einer Studie die Erfahrungen der Hausärzte mit Patienten, die unter elektromagnetischen Feldern leiden, erfasst.. "Das fordern wir auch in Deutschland: Wir müssen dort forschen, wo die Menschen tatsächlich krank werden."

Möglicherweise sind die Mobilfunkkritiker auch hierzulande bereits einen Schritt weiter gekommen. Dr.. Axel Böttger, im Bundesumweltministerium als Referatsleiter für Strahlenschutz zuständig, besuchte erst vor wenigen Wochen die Bamberger Ärzte-Initiative und einige ihrer Patienten. Er sagte zu, dass die Bamberger Krankheitsdokumentationen Grundlage für eine Expertenrunde sein sollen, die demnächst in Berlin anberaumt wird.

Auf einer eigenen Homepage - die sich derzeit noch im Aufbau befindet - werden die Symposiums-Vorträge in Kürze abrufbar sein:


Symposium in Bamberg: Ärzte und Wissenschaftler warnen vor Gesundheitsgefahren

Müllendorf: Krank durch Strahlen?

Clarke Warned Rice on Al Qaeda in January, 2001


Bush & the Rise of 'Managed-Democracy'


Informant: Friends

C.I.A. Operation in Iran Failed When Spies Were Exposed


Rice Got Early al-Qaeda Warning But Failed to Act


IPSI BgD Conferences: Invitation to Italy and USA 2005

Dear potential Speaker:

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend a cordial invitation for you to attend one or both of the upcoming IPSI BgD multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary conferences.

The first one will take place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA:

Hotel@MIT, Cambridge (arrival: 7 July 05 / departure: 10 July 05)
New deadlines: 20 February 05 (abstract) / 15 April 05 (full paper)

The second one will take place in Loreto Aprutino, Italy:

Hotel Castello Chiola (arrival: 27 July 05 / departure: 1 August 05)
New deadlines: 20 February 05 (abstract) / 15 April 05 (full paper)

All IPSI BgD conferences are non-profit. They bring together the elite of the world science; so far, we have had seven Nobel Laureates speaking at the opening ceremonies. The conferences always take place in some of the most attractive places of the world. All those who come to IPSI conferences once, always love to come back (because of the unique professional quality and the extremely creative atmosphere); lists of past participants are on the web, as well as details of future conferences.

These conferences are in line with the newest recommendations of the US National Science Foundation and of the EU research sponsoring agencies, to stress multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research (M.I.T. research). The speakers and activities at the conferences truly support this type of scientific interaction.

One of the main topics of this conference is "E-education and E-business with Special Emphasis on Semantic Web and Web Datamining"

Other topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Internet
* Computer Science and Engineering
* Mobile Communications/Computing for Science and Business
* Management and Business Administration
* Education
* e-Medicine
* e-Oriented Bio Engineering/Science and Molecular Engineering/Science
* Environmental Protection
* e-Economy
* e-Law
* Technology Based Art and Art to Inspire Technology Developments
* Internet Psychology

If you would like more information on either conference, please reply to mit2005@vreme.yubc.net

If you plan to submit an abstract and paper, please let us know immediately for planning purposes. Note that you can submit your paper also to the IPSI Transactions journal.

Sincerely Yours,

Prof. V. Milutinovic, Chairman,
IPSI BgD Conferences

O'Reilly Advocated Violating The Geneva Convention by Bombing Civilian Targets


Informant: Charles Bremer


Most Direct Route, President Says

Borowitz Report, sent February 10, 2005

Under pressure to detail an exit strategy for Iraq, President George W. Bush said at a White House briefing today that he would not designate an exact timetable for a withdrawal of U.S. troops but added, "The fastest way to bring the troops home would be through Iran."

After reporters audibly gasped, the president explained that bringing the troops home through Iran would be "the most direct route" and produced driving directions from Mapquest to back up his claim... Read the rest at:

copyright Virginia Metze

Where Those Who Now Run the U.S. Government Came From and Where They Are Taking Us


copyright Virginia Metze

Harry Reid's response to the Republican attacks

I loved Harry Reid's response to the Republican attacks in his DSCC fundraising appeal. He said:

"All this week, you've been hearing about how the Republicans are launching cheap personal attacks against me despite George Bush's hollow promises of bipartisanship. Don't worry about me. In case you didn't know it, I'm a former boxer, and I am prepared to fight back--hard--against the dishonest attacks and stand up for our core Democratic values."

To read the full article about the attack on Reid, the DSCC report directs you to
http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20050210-114750-1724r.htm The DSCC web page is at http://www.dscc.org

copyright Virginia Metze



TETRA group back Irish Health Study

The Courier Tayside and Fife 11 -02 -05

by Michael Alexander

CLAIMS BY doctors that they have found the first proof of health problems caused by mobile phones should be a “wake-up call” to the potential dangers of the national TETRA police communications system, a north-east Fife campaigner said yesterday.

Peat Inn woman Catherine Gamba, who has been at the forefront of local concerns about an alleged ill-health cluster around phone masts at Drumcarrow Hill, near St Andrews, said the claim by doctors that up to 5% of the population could be suffering headaches, mood swings and hearing problems caused by radiation from phone handsets was “extremely worrying” and was similar to symptoms associated with TETRA.

She said, “It’s time the National Radiological Protection Board, who provide Government guidance, took a lead on this. The amount of people suffering needs to be dealt with. This is now a huge health problem which needs urgent action.”

Experts are advising people, especially children, to limit their use of mobile phones if they experience headaches or other symptoms.

The research, announced yesterday by the Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA), was carried out on 16 people who had complained of symptoms from using mobile phones and were particularly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

The 16 were studied over several months. They were examined by doctors, filled in detailed questionnaires charting their use of mobile phones, and underwent medical tests including blood and liver analysis.

It was found 13 suffered symptoms including nausea, headaches and dizziness, which researchers believe are a clear indication of radiation.

Chairman of IDEA Dr Philip Michael said, “This is causing disabilities in a large section of the population.

“We are working on funding for a far larger study which will use blind testing to prove beyond doubt that mobile phones are responsible, but we believe the evidence is now overwhelming.

“These problems can get very difficult to deal with—we had one person in our study who was basically confined to their house because of the symptoms.”

He advised anyone suffering from the symptoms the study describes to limit the time they spend on their mobile, and to try to stay away from mobile phone masts.

The research was this week presented to a select committee of Irish MPs, who, it is hoped, will back plans for further research.

Other experts in the field said they were not surprised by the results of the study. Dr Michael Maier of Imperial College said more research was needed, adding, “There is so much anecdotal evidence I think more findings along these lines are inevitable.

“The biggest problem is that it is hard to measure any effects as people use their phones so differently.

“But the brain is an electrical instrument, and the frequency of radiation produced is very close to that used in the brain, so it’s no big surprise to find a phone is interfering with that frequency, causing headaches and other problems.”

Last month experts advising the Government warned that children under eight should not be given mobile phones because of the potential health risks.

That study, by the National Radiological Protection Board, found no firm conclusion could be reached on the impact of mobile phones.

The TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) police communications is being used by police forces across the country. The secure digital communications system is replacing analogue radios and is said to bring great benefits to the work of police officers.

Despite assurances from the NRPB and Home Office that there is no evidence of danger, and whilst acknowledging that research is continuing, reports of ill-health from a small number of officers already using the handsets in England persist, while many communities are concerned about the siting of TETRA masts.

As with mobile phones, scientific opinion has been divided on safety issues. In Fife, 22 masts are now in place and switched on for testing.


From Mast Network

Omega see also:

School masts to be debated

Feb 10 2005

Formby Times

THE possibility of taking mobile phone masts off Formby High School roof will be debated at tonight's (Thursday) area committee meeting.

Orange and T-Mobile have masts at the Freshfield Road school.

Complex legal disputes over the council's right to the land means that, despite the first mast going up 13 years ago, both agreements have never been finalised.

Designs for a skate park in Duke Street park will also be discussed at the area committee meeting.

Following the agreement of the proposals, Sefton Council will ask those who will be using the park to put forward their ideas of how best to spend the £50,000 budget.

* Formby Area Committee meets at the Park Road Professional Development Centre on Thursday, February 10, at 7pm. Residents are invited to ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues relevant to Sefton Council.

From Mast Network



09:00 - 10 February 2005

A Father fears a proposed mobile phone mast could seriously damage his five-year-old son's health.

James Hill, 35, is worried about the impact O2 antennas will have on Aaron as his bedroom is situated 20ft away from the planned site.

The oil worker from Cove is planning to write to the company to object to its proposals to install equipment on a floodlight pylon at Cove Rangers FC's ground on Loirston Road.

But the company said the pole already accommodates redundant Vodafone omni-antennas and was the best site in the area.

It has now invited nearby householders to respond to a pre-application survey before approaching Aberdeen City Council planners.

Mr Hill added: "I am really concerned for my son's health especially after watching a documentary about mobile phones on television the other night.

"It has not been proven they cause health problems or not but people are genuinely concerned at the rate they are going up."

He also criticised the company for the limited number of households they had notified of their plans.

But local councillor Kate Dean said O2 had done more than enough.

"They have contacted more people than they are statutory supposed to if its a planning application," she said.

Cove and Altens Community Council are due to discuss the issue at its annual meeting at the end of the month.

Chairman Andy Finlayson said he was concerned the 14-day deadline for submitting representations to O2 was not long enough. He added that the organisation will be asking the company what alternative sites it has considered.

Ken Leitch, regional communications manager for O2, said the company was obliged, under instruction of the Scottish Executive, to look at existing structures to erect masts.

He said: "This is the reason the site has been chosen. We have been working with Aberdeen City Council to identify the most suitable site."


From Mast Network



16:30 - 12 February 2005

Two schools are fighting to get rid of mobile phone masts in their grounds over fears that they are not safe.

Fullhurst Community College and Eyres Monsell Primary both receive around £2,500 a year from Orange for having an antennae on their premises.

But headteachers at both schools are trying to find a way out of complicated long-term contracts - because of fears that the masts pose a health risk.

In all, four schools in Leicester are being paid for having masts. The other two are Beaumont Leys School and Lancaster Boys' School, neither of which have any plans to remove them.

Last month Government adviser Sir William Stewart warned that children under eight should not use mobile phones at all and he "did not favour" mobile phone masts being situated near schools.

City council leader Ross Wilmott today said introducing a ban on masts within school premises should be investigated.

Fullhurst Community College, in Imperial Avenue, Braunstone, has about four years left on its contract with Orange.

Headteacher Bill Morris said the mast was already at the school when he joined in 2001 and he was desperate to take it down.

He said: "If we could get rid of the mast tomorrow then we would, but it is not as clear cut as that.

"We received an application about 18 months ago to have the lease extended but the governors rejected it on the grounds of health and safety concerns.

"What we have been trying to do ever since that application is to fight a legal battle about the terms of the original contract, which we want to terminate."

Eyres Monsell Primary School, in Simmins Crescent, has at least two years left on its contract with Orange.

Headteacher Sally Morrison said: "Although it does bring much-needed cash into the school, it is a moral issue and I believe it should not be in school grounds.

"We've tried to get out of the contract in the past but have been told it is very difficult by our legal advisers. If it is at all possible in the future, then we will try again to get it removed."

Since 2000, the county council has had a policy of not allowing masts on school sites, and any previously in place have been removed, but this is not the case in the city.

City council leader Ross Willmott said: "We will be calling for a report into what we ought to be doing in light of concerns expressed by many people."

Today the contractors defended the decision to have the masts up at schools in the city.

Inigo Wilson, a spokesman for Orange, said that the company had no plans to remove the masts from schools.

He said: "All the masts transmit nearly horizontally.

"What this means it that the one place you will get no radiation from the phone mast is underneath it. Because they offer little or no radiation to the pupils below, they are a useful source of revenue at the schools.

"Removing them is not practical because the operator may look for a site nearby which may be a few hundred yards away, which could lead to a greater risk."

When asked about school's not being able to end contracts Mr Wilson said he could not comment on individual cases but added: "It all depends on whether there are break clauses in the contracts. If not they have to run to the end."

Parents of children at the schools are unhappy about the masts.

Rachel Smith's eight-year-old son Kasey Taylor goes to Eyres Monsell Primary School.

She said: "The mast is in the centre of the playground and all the children play around it. It's dangerous."

Tina Nutt, who has three sons at Lancaster Boys', said: "I would like to see the school get rid of it."

A recent survey also revealed nearly one third of all schools in Leicester have a mast sited nearby.


From Mast Network

Shiite Candidates Dominate Iraqi Election; Kurds 2nd


Mamdouh Habib: U.S. Tortured Australian Citizen in Four Countries

Bush-Gonzales-Chertoff Legacy: U.S. Tortured Australian Citizen in Four Countries

After being arrested in Pakistan in the weeks after Sept. 11, 2001, he was held as a terror suspect by the Americans for 40 months. Back home now, Mr. Habib alleges that at every step of his detention - from Pakistan, to Egypt, to Afghanistan, to Guantánamo - he endured physical and psychological abuse.


Freed Aussie terror suspect alleges being tortured by US forces :

Australian former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib said yesterday that he was beaten and subjected to electric shock torture in Pakistan and Egypt and degraded by US forces in Cuba during his almost three years in detention.

Australia concedes ex-Guantanamo detainee was tortured in Egypt:

The Australian government has conceded allegations by former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Mamdouh Habib that he was tortured in Egypt may be true.

This is a must watch interview:

Under suspicion:

60 Minutes Australia Interviews Habib Mamdouh: After more than three years in prison, he tells his story of terrorism and torture. Windows Media. Video may take a moment to load.

Transcript: Under suspicion:

Transcript Of 60 Minutes interview with Mamdouh Habib

From Information Clearing House

Concern spreads over drug lariam given to troops

"What are we doing giving drugs that cause hallucinations, confusion, psychotic behavior to people that carry weapons and hold secret clearances?" asked Georg-Andreas Pogany, 33, who is now seeking a medical discharge. "It doesn't pass the common-sense test."


Torture, American Style

"Terrorism suspects in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East have often been abducted by hooded or masked American agents, then forced onto a Gulfstream V jet, like the one described by Arar. ... Upon arriving in foreign countries, rendered suspects often vanish. Detainees are not provided with lawyers, and many families are not informed of their whereabouts."


Mothers Against the Draft (MAD)

New Group: Mothers Against the Draft (MAD)

A new organization led by mothers opposed to the re-institution of a military draft will open its doors next week. According to the biographies of their leaders, the new group consists of evangelican Christian and some Catholic women involved in conservative causes.


Mothers against the draft

by Mary Starrett

News With Views


"Like many Americans, I am horrified to watch as more and more Americans come back from Iraq (and soon from Iran?) in metal boxes. I am frightened that someone I love may be sent off to die in a senseless war. Unfortunately, the chances that will happen have increased. You see, there's a draft in the offing. There are other mothers who are as concerned as I am. A well-organized group of very serious folks has mobilized to shout very loudly: 'STOP IT NOW!' Their website, http://www.mothersagainstthedraft.org/ , says what a lot of us are feeling. The return to conscription that was dismissed as an 'internet hoax' and downplayed in the months before the presidential election is here. It just hasn't been called a 'draft.' D's and R's and liberals and conservatives of every stripe see the return of the draft as a good thing..."


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

HAARP to install 516 new antennas

Hang on to your aluminum foil beanies----HAARP to install 516 new antennas

That's over and above the 132 that were just installed last year. And that's over and above the original 48 antennas that were perfectly adequate to fry the earth many times over.


February 07, 2005 09:48 AM US Eastern Timezone

Antenna Products Corporation Awarded Contract

FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 7, 2005--PHAZAR CORP announced today that Antenna Products Corporation in Mineral Wells, Texas, a wholly owned subsidiary, was recently awarded a $3,723,531 firm fixed price subcontract from BAE SYSTEMS ATI for the production of 270 Low Band Antenna Matching Unit Assemblies and 346 High Band Antenna Matching Unit Assemblies. This equipment will be manufactured at Antenna Product Corporation's plant in Mineral Wells, Texas, and deliveries are scheduled to begin in June, 2005 and continue monthly through September, 2005. The equipment will be shipped to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) ionospheric research site near Gokona, Alaska, the site of the recently completed installation of an array of 132 crossed dipole antennas built and installed by Antenna Products Corporation in 2004.

As the result of this order, Antenna Products Corporation's backlog of orders as of Feb. 4, 2005 was approximately $5.9 million.

Information on PHAZAR CORP is available on the Internet web page at www.phazar.com and at www.antennaproducts.com.

The common stock of PHAZAR CORP is listed on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market under the trading symbol "ANTP." This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 29A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performances and underlying assumption and other statements, which are other than statements of historical facts. Certain statements contained herein are forward-looking statements and, accordingly, involve risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results, or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. The Company's expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith and are believed by the Company to have a reasonable basis, including without limitations, management's examination of historical operating trends, data contained in the Company's records and other data available from third parties, but there can be no assurance that management's expectations, beliefs or projections will result, or be achieved, or accomplished.

Contacts Antenna Products Corporation
Kathy Kindle, 940-325-3301
Fax: 940-325-0716

Informant: Bea Bernhausen

Gulf War vet testifies on radiation


Informant: Davey Garland

Our 'Godless' Constitution


Informant: Bigraccoon

The Right's Attack on Public Pensions


Informant: Bigraccoon



Informant: Charles Bremer



Informant: Davey Garland

Rindersterben auf Bauernhöfen und die Untätigkeit der Politiker

Zur Information und weiteren Verwendung/Verbreitung, siehe Anhang.

Dieses Schreiben wurde - samt Anhang - auch an die überregionale Presse verteilt.

Hans Schmidt
Sprecher der Bürgerinitiative Wofratshausen-Stadtgebiet gegen Elektrosmog

Dr.-Ing. Hans Schmidt Sprecher der Bürgerinitiative Wolfratshausen-Stadtgebiet gegen Elektrosmog
Gebhardtstr. 2d, 82515 Wolfratshausen, WOR, den 06.02.05
Tel: 08171/29751, Fax: 08171/911035

An den Bayerischen Staatsminister für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen, Herrn Dr. Werner Schnappauf, Rosenkavaliersplatz 2, 81925 München

cc: an den Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten, Herrn Dr. Edmund Stoiber
an die Fraktionen im Bayerischen Landtag
an den Petitionsausschuss des Bayerischen Landtags

Betr.: Gesundheitsgefährdung durch gepulste Mobilfunkstrahlung - Ergebnisse der Rinderstudie – Schweigen der Verantwortlichen

Bezug: unser Brief vom 02.01.01
Ihre Antwort vom15.02.01
unsere Antwort vom 24.02.01

Sehr geehrter Herr Minister,

nach dem äußerst unbefriedigenden Ausgang unseres letzten Briefwechsels (siehe oben) haben wir uns lange überlegt, ob es überhaupt Sinn macht, nochmals auf die Angelegenheit zurückzukommen. Sie schreiben zwar immer wieder, „dass die Bayerische Staatsregierung die Zweifel und Ängste zum Thema Mobilfunk überaus ernst nimmt“, aber Ihre konkreten Reaktionen sehen anders aus: Sie antworten einfach nicht mehr und lassen die Bürger mit ihren Sorgen allein.

Was sollen die Bürger von einer Wissenschaft halten, die sagt, sie findet keine ursächlichen Zusammenhänge zwischen Mobilfunkstrahlung und Gesundheitsstörungen, wenn viele Menschen am eigenen Leib spüren, dass ihre Beschwerden deutlich zurückgehen, wenn sie sich aus der massiven Strahlenbelastung entfernen? Muss sich die Realität dem wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand anpassen oder sollte die Wissenschaft nicht eher demütig sagen, sie weiß hier momentan nicht weiter, anstatt kategorisch zu behaupten, es gäbe „im Ergebnis keine wissenschaftlich belastbaren Hinweise dafür, dass die Strahlung von Mobilfunksendern in der Umgebung außerhalb des Sicherheitsabstandes zu gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen führt“? Und was sollen die Bürger von einer Politik halten, die das Vorsorgeprinzip so interpretiert, dass Forschung ausreicht, obwohl Feuer unterm Dach und dringender Handlungsbedarf gegeben ist? – Wenn in der Geschichte der Menschheit die Verantwortlichen sich ebenso unverantwortlich verhalten hätten mit dem Hinweis, man wisse nicht die Ursache für Pest, Cholera, Typhus oder andere tödliche Epidemien, wäre die Menschheit vielleicht ausgestorben. Früher wurde auf Verdacht gehandelt, um Schlimmeres zu verhüten – heute gibt es offensichtlich keine Verantwortlichen mehr.

Aber zurück zur Bayerischen Rinderstudie: In Ihrem Antwortschreiben vom 15.02.01 verwiesen Sie für weitere Details auf die Auftragnehmer der Studie. Herr Prof.Löscher von der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover hat in der Monatsschrift „Der praktische Tierarzt“ vom November 2003 sehr deutlich gegen die offizielle abwiegelnde Haltung Ihres Ministeriums Stellung bezogen: „Zusammenfassend bedarf die Frage, ob und unter welchen Umständen die erhöhte Exposition von landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren in hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern von Mobilfunksendeanlagen negative Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit, Leistung oder Verhalten ausübt, der weiteren wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung. Nach Einschätzung des Autors lassen die bisher vorliegenden Fallberichte und Untersuchungen den Schluss zu, dass derartige Auswirkungen wahrscheinlich sind, die expositions- und bestandsspezifischen Faktoren, die derartige Auswirkungen begünstigen, aber bisher weitestgehend unbekannt sind. Die Aufklärung dieser Faktoren könnte dazu beitragen, die möglichen Risiken elektromagnetischer Feldexposition zu minimieren und sollte deshalb sowohl im Interesse der Politik, der Gesundheitsbehörden als auch der Mobilfunkindustrie liegen.“

Nun ist bekannt geworden, dass auf einem weiteren Bauernhof, diesmal im Donauried, ein rätselhaftes Rindersterben stattfand (siehe Anhang), ebenso wie in der Rinderstudie nach Installation von Mobilfunksendern. Auch hier das gleiche Bild, Schweigen bei den Verantwortlichen: „Doch bekomme ich seit nunmehr knapp 2 Jahren (vom Bayerischen Umweltministerium) auf meine Briefe keine Antwort mehr. Das Dilemma wird totgeschwiegen. Von politischer Seite erhoffen wir uns keine Hilfe mehr.“ „Auch das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, Umweltminister Jürgen Trittin und den bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Edmund Stoiber haben wir um Stellungnahme gebeten. … Zur Bekräftigung unseres Hilferufs wiesen wir auf die vielen tierärztlichen Untersuchungsergebnisse hin, die den Adressaten vorlägen. Doch leider blieben bis heute alle erhofften Stellungnahmen von verantwortlicher Stelle aus.“

Wir meinen, die Öffentlichkeit hat ein massives Interesse, zu erfahren, wie die Blutwerte der Rinder sind, wie die Blutwerte sich mit veränderter Strahlungsstärke verhalten und wie der Gesundheitszustand der Rinder war.

Tiere können nicht simulieren. Auf dem Stengel-Hof wie auch in Schnaitsee hat sich der Gesundheitszustand der Rinder, die aus der Strahlungszone auf einen anderen Hof gebracht worden sind, deutlich gebessert und erst wieder verschlechtert, nachdem sie zurück in die Strahlung gebracht wurden. Doch dies interessiert weder die Wissenschaft noch die verantwortlichen Politiker.

Wir fordern Sie, Herr Dr. Schnappauf, deshalb auch unter Hinweis auf das Umweltinformationsgesetz auf, die von Ihren Mitarbeitern festgestellten Befunde und Messwerte vom Stengel-Hof vollständig zu veröffentlichen, auch die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen des Amtstierarztes, der beim Landwirt Altenweger in Schnaitsee tätig war.

Insbesondere sind wir daran interessiert, den zeitlichen Zusammenhang von Blutbildwerten, allgemeinem Gesundheitszustand und Strahlungsbelastung (unterschieden nach Mobilfunkfeldern und anderen Strahlungsquellen) zu erfahren.

Für eine baldige Antwort bedanken wir uns im Voraus und verbleiben mit freundlichen Grüßen

Rätselhaftes Rindersterben in Oettingen

Die "Rinderstudie"

Rätselhaftes Rindersterben in Oettingen


Zur Information und weiteren Verbreitung

Hans Schmidt
Sprecher der BI Wolfratshausen-Stadtgebiet gegen Elektrosmog

Die "Rinderstudie"

Rindersterben auf Bauernhöfen und die Untätigkeit der Politiker

Tag der Gesundheitsforschung

am 20.2.05

Gestern war sicher nicht nur in der FAZ eine Großanzeige. Ich habe den Themen-Inhalt aus der Homepage in beigefügte Datei gepackt:

Bei Sucheingabe Elektrosmog kam nur Leukämie (siehe Auszug). Beim Thema Gene kommt Elektrosmog nicht vor (Reflex-Studie?). Die F&A Seite ist noch in Arbeit, sollte aber nicht ungenutzt bleiben!

Marianne Kirst

The Fox News Synthetic Bovine lawsuit

The short story: FOX News reporters Jane Akre and Steve Wilson wrote a story on health risks associated with the use of synthetic bovine growth hormone in cattle. Monsanto, which makes the hormone, pressured FOX News to change the story to conceal the health issues, and FOX ordered Jane and Steve to change the story. They refused and FOX fired them. Jane and Steve sued for wrongful termination and LOST on appeal when the court ruled that there is no law requiring the mainstream media to report the truth to the public, and that therefore FOX News (and every other network) has the right to fire any reporter who refuses orders to lie.

Keep in mind that this is the same mainstream media that told you there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Keep in mind that this is the same mainstream media that counts and reports the national election results.

Informant: zonman

Lies, Damn Lies. And Milk.

My Hero presents the story of Jane Akre and Steve Wilson

Jane Akre & Steve Wilson Win Prestigious Goldman Award for Exposing rBGH Coverup


GROWING numbers of islanders are worried about the safety and siting of communication masts



Unconvinced by reassurances on safety, they want alternative sites away from residential areas and schools to be investigated. And some have called for in-depth, independent probes to prove that the new generation masts do not cause any health problems. Their concerns are mounting as the numbers of installations to keep pace with advances in technology rise.

The Environment Department is being urged to ensure that installations are in safe, practical areas where the health of the community will be protected.

Residents who live in and near Le Vauquiedor Clos, St Andrew’s, and Les Hubits, St Martin’s, are the latest publicly to voice their disapproval. Despite 48 masts being found in a recent audit to comply with international safety emissions standards, residents are worried about the health risks and visual impact of masts planned near their homes.

Residents claimed they had documentary evidence showing that 68 masts were up and running on the island. St Andrew’s residents are worried about a proposed 15ft high mast with round dish and three antennae above a water tank at the States Dairy.

‘Why put it close to a built-up area when there is land nearby?,’ said Mike Cooper, a Le Vauquiedor resident for 40 years. ‘They might be within the guidelines and okay today, but how do you know what they will be like from one day to the next?’ he said.

Residents, who have made representations to two deputies, claimed they had been informed that Wave Telecom had told their men that when their equipment readings near masts go above a certain level they must back off. It is also claimed people should not go within 5.7m of the antennae when operational.

‘We can’t back off. Our Clos is raised above the Vauquiedor road level and will be level with the mast,’ said Mr Cooper. ‘Why are they putting it in the middle of the dairy site, right on top of the workers?

‘It’s the principle of new science being introduced and people being assured that these things are okay. If you have cancer or trouble with your brain or some other illness which is proved to be linked, it’s too late,’ said Mr Cooper.

In St Martin’s neighbours object to a 17-metre mast planned next to the milking parlour at Les Hubits Farm and one on top of St Martin’s Hotel. ‘My concerns are for people’s health and for the cattle. Les Hubits Farm is one of the largest farms on the island and it could have an effect island-wide,’ said Joan Rouget, speaking on behalf of Les Hubits neighbours.

‘The masts will be directly across the road from where I live and we will be stuck in between two. ‘We want them to prove to us they don’t cause problems.’ She said that legal action on masts could be taken against authorities that give permission and mobile phone companies.

South-east district deputy Bill Bell said: ‘My role is to ensure that their views are fully considered by the Environment Department when they are considering applications. They have to do a thorough job to satisfy themselves that the concerns of the community are fully considered.’ ‘There are clear concerns about these new generation masts,’ he said. ‘The local community want to ensure they are located in safe positions away from residential areas and the dairy does not fall into that category.’

The OUR has proposed that the power of a mast at the airport be reduced and that has been done. The latest local report warned that improvements should be made to the systems currently in place. Access to all masts should be suitably restricted and signs should be clear and prominent.

Published 12/2/2005

From Mast Network


Published 25/1/2005

Residents ‘up in arms’ over phone mast plan

by Tom Bradshaw

A PLAN to put up a 50ft telecoms mast in St Martin’s has aroused concerns about health risks and property devaluation.

The Wave Telecom development, intended for Les Hubits Farm, is facing significant opposition from neighbours. ‘There has been a lot of evidence collated in the UK and the rest of Europe to suggest that such masts could bring cancer or leukaemia to those in the immediate proximity,’ said Joan Rouget, whose home in Les Traudes overlooks the proposed site.

‘It’s not 100%, but there is enough evidence to cause concern.’ She added that the radiation might affect the milking herd, which would have island-wide implications.

Wave Telecom managing director Tim Ringsdore said the company took such concerns very seriously and tried to allay residents’ fears. ‘Scientific research has shown that risks presented by mobile-phone sites are negligible,’ he said. ‘We continue to monitor all research being published to ensure everything we do complies with the strictest health guidelines.’ He added that Environmental Health Services had ratified every proposed installation. The application is pending a site-safety investigation. ‘I am confident the reports will come out in our favour and underline our responsible approach to these matters,’ said Mr Ringsdore. But Mrs Rouget was not convinced. ‘Just admitting there is no proof of ill effect is not good enough – what they should be doing is providing concrete evidence that they are safe.’ She added that neighbours felt betrayed by farm owner Jeremy Le Cocq offering his land for the development. Mr Le Cocq declined to comment.

‘We are not against masts, as mobile phones are vital in our society, but we are against the positioning of them so close to the homes of children and their families,’ she said. The proposed site would put the mast within 100 metres of Richard Crook’s property, the former Cloche Hotel site in Les Traudes.

‘It will dominate the view out of the living areas of our house, which is bound to have implications for the value of the property,’ he said. Mrs Rouget referred to a national newspaper article that told of a woman whose £400,000 house was devalued by £50,000 following the building of a similar-sized mast near it.

Mr Crook went to the Environment Department to study the plans and consulted the duty planning officer. He said he was happy with the proposed design, which was unimposing, but was concerned about the potential for it to be extended. ‘The initial mast looks set to be well disguised as a plain telegraph pole, but the planning officer admitted that companies wanting to put up additional aerials or antennae on the island would be encouraged to share the facility,’ he said. ‘This means it has the potential to become more and more of an eyesore over time.’

Mrs Rouget said the opposition was not confined to her lane. ‘The mast will have a visual impact and health implications across a wide area and I know a lot of people in the extended neighbourhood are up in arms.’ She produced a letter from an anonymous resident, delivered to every house in the area to drum up support for opposing the construction.

article © 25/1/2005 Guiton Group. website © 2005 Guiton Group


Potentially Harmful Fluoride


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