
Chip Implant Wed, 12 Jan 2005


Morals and Immortality


CBS 'Memogate' Fallout


Nature: A Real Moral Value


Gov. Bush Wants to Privatize Medicaid

Bush says the 40-year-old health care safety net for the poor and elderly is in danger of total failure without a complete revamping. He notes that double digit annual cost increases can't be predicted.


From Information Clearing House

Homeland Security Chief Nominee Chertoff Oversaw Detention of Hundreds of Arabs and Muslims After 9/11

Homeland Security Chief Nominee Chertoff helped oversee the detention of hundreds Muslim and Arab men without pressing charges by using the "material witness" statute.

A subsequent report by the Justice Department's inspector general determined that immigrants were rounded up in a "indiscriminate and haphazard manner," held for months while denied access to attorneys and sometimes mistreated behind bars.


From Information Clearing House

Bush Paints Grim Outlook to Sell Social Security Plan

President Bush warned younger workers on Tuesday of a grim future for their Social Security benefits but critics accused him of exaggerating the retirement system's problems to try and sell his plan to change it.


From Information Clearing House

How Many More Will Have to Die?

Andreas Raya, a Marine that had been to Iraq once, and was scheduled to go back to Iraq a second time, has committed suicide--by forcing the police to shot him in front of a convince store in Ceres, Ca.

The Imperial Presidency

Chomsky speaks on the war crimes of Bush II, how his legal advisers are attempting to further insulate Bush & Co. from prosecution under international law, and about the meaning of the recent election.

Why are there no fundraisers for the Iraqi dead?

Why aren't our TV companies and newspapers running fundraisers to help Iraqis whose lives have been wrecked by the invasion? Why aren't they screaming with outrage at the man-made tsunami that we have created in the Middle East? It truly is baffling.

Investigate alleged violations of law in Fallujah attack

U.S. forces cut off Fallujah's water and electricity. About 200,000 residents were forced to flee, creating a refugee population the size of Tacoma. Those who remained faced a grim existence; they were afraid to leave their homes for fear of snipers and they had little to eat and only contaminated water to drink.


From Information Clearing House

Health fears for 'torture victims'

The four Britons soon to be released from Guantánamo Bay after up to three years in detention may need months of care when they arrive back home, experts in treating torture victims warned...


Tortured, humiliated and crying out for some justice:

Four Guantánamo Britons are coming home. Don't forget those left behind...

Three Years of Lawlessness:

Three years after it was created, the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo remains an enclave outside the law, Human Rights Watch said today.


From Information Clearing House

Bush's 'Death Squads'

George W. Bush is pushing the United States toward becoming what might be called a permanent “counter-terrorist” state, which uses torture, cross-border death squads and even collective punishments to defeat perceived enemies in Iraq and around the world.

The Right Is Wrong Again

by Angie Pratt

For all of their piousness, the Right just doesn't get it. Their new tactic for making the prisoner torture scandal go away is to say that it wasn't really torture. Torture by any other name is still torture.

Mobilfunk-Volksbegehren läuft weiter

Volksbegehren-Aktionsbüro "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk"

Info-Tel. 0851-931171

An die "sendemastenkritischen" Initiativen in Bayern und aktive Einzelpersonen für "Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk"

Das Mobilfunk-Volksbegehren läuft weiter - bitte werden Sie Bündnispartner und senden Sie den Antwortabschnitt zurück! Info-Veranstaltung für landesweites Bündnis am 27. Januar 2005

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

das im letzten Jahr gestartete Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" geht nun in die nächste Runde. Voraussichtlich im Frühjahr oder Frühsommer 2005 ist die zweiwöchige Eintragungsfrist. Ziel ist, die Rechte und Mitwirkungsmöglichkeiten von Gemeinden und Bürgern zu verbessern. Sendemasten sollen dann nach dem Vorsorgeprinzip nicht mehr in Wohngebieten, bei Kindergärten und Schulen, sondern nur noch an unproblematischeren Standorten aufgestellt werden können. Die Betreiberfirmen sollen sie nicht länger hinstellen können wo sie wollen. Um dies zu erreichen, soll eine Genehmigungspflicht für Sendemasten eingeführt werden.

Mehrere wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen warnen vor den Gefahren der Mobilfunkstrahlung (REFLEX-Studie, Naila-Studie ...). Deshalb müssen die Grenzwerte sofort drastisch gesenkt werden. Da es aber auf Bundesebene keine Volksbegehren gibt, bleibt nun nur der zweitbeste Weg über unsere Initiative in Bayern.

Am Donnerstag, 27.1.2005 findet ab 19.30 Uhr in der Gaststätte "Leopold", Leopoldstraße 50 / Ecke Trautenwolfstraße in München (U3/6, Haltestelle Giselastr.) ein landesweites Bündnistreffen statt. Der Physiker Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner und der offizielle Beauftragte des Mobilfunk-Volksbegehrens Peter-Michael Schmalz werden Ihre Fragen beantworten, aktuelle Studien zu den Gesundheitsgefahren vorstellen und die juristische Wirkung des Volksbegehrens erklären. Anschließend sollen die organisatorischen Fragen erläutert werden. Bitte melden Sie sich mit dem Antwortabschnitt an, damit wir besser disponieren können!

Bitte schließen auch Sie sich dem landesweiten Volksbegehren-Bündnis an und sprechen Sie sich öffentlich dafür aus! Wir informieren Sie rechtzeitig, sobald die 14-tägige Eintragungszeit vom Innenministerium festgelegt ist. Dürfen wir schon jetzt Ihren Namen bzw. den Namen Ihrer Bürgerinitiative als Unterstützer auf den überparteilichen Internetseiten unter http://www.gesundheitsvorsorge-mobilfunk.de veröffentlichen? Wären Sie bereit, in der "heissen Phase" parteineutrale Informationsblätter zu verteilen bzw. an andere Personen zur Verteilung weiterzugeben? Bitte antworten Sie mit dem beiliegenden Antwortabschnitt!

Die bayerische ödp will als Initiatorin des Volksbegehrens den weiteren Verlauf bewusst auf eine überparteiliche Ebene heben. Zahlreiche Verbände und auch die anderen politischen Parteien sollen zur Mitarbeit gewonnen werden. Viele Ärzte, Apotheker, Heilpraktiker, Reformhäuser und bislang rund 40 bayerische Bürgermeister unterstützen unser Vorhaben bereits. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter http://www.gesundheitsvorsorge-mobilfunk.de .

Herzlichen Dank und freundliche Grüße


Urban Mangold
Organisator des Volksbegehrens


Antwort (zutreffendes bitte ankreuzen und vollständig ausfüllen!)

Bitte einsenden an:

Postfach 2165
94011 Passau

oder per Fax an 0851/931192
oder an info@gesundheitsvorsorge-mobilfunk.de

( ) Ich bin bereit, im Frühsommer 2005 während der Eintragungszeit für das Volksbegehren zu werben.
( ) Bitte schicken Sie mir ______ Stück Flugblätter und _______ Stück Kleinplakate (A3, z.B. für Geschäfte)
( ) Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass ich/unsere Initiative im Internet unter www.gesundheitsvorsorge-mobilfunk.de namentlich als Unterstützer des Volksbegehrens genannt werde/wird.
( ) Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass ich/unsere Initiative in der örtlichen Tageszeitung zusammen mit anderen Personen als Unterstützer des Volksbegehrens genannt werde/wird.
( ) Ich nehme an dem Bündnistreffen am 27.1. in München teil.
( ) Bitte rufen Sie mich an!

Name, Vorname: ___________________________________________

falls Vertreter einer Bürgerinitiative - Name der Initiative:


genaue Anschrift:


Tel.: _____________________ Fax: ____________________

eMail: __________________

Landkreis: __________________________

Regierungsbezirk: _______________________

The WMD Search in Iraq Is Over


"Moderne Sklavenarbeit": Sozialverband gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs in der Privatwirtschaft

Der Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) hat den Vorschlag des Hauptgeschäftsführers des Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertages (DIHK) Martin Wansleben kritisiert, Ein-Euro-Jobs auf die Privatwirtschaft auszudehnen. Adolf Bauer, Präsident des SoVD, bezeichnete den Vorschlag als "hoffentlich untauglichen Versuch", die "Einführung moderner Sklavenarbeit in Deutschland zu verschärfen".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Ein-Euro-Jobs müssen nicht sein

Hartz IV - ALG II - Ein-Euro Jobs - Zwangsarbeit - Verfolgungsbetreuung

Arbeitszwang - Arbeitsverpflichtung

Ein-Euro-Jobs Illegal

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Year 5 - Number 1 - 01/01/2005


Homeland Security Nominee Criticized over Post-9/11 Policies


Experten sehen Kinder durch Handystrahlung gefährdet

Risiko für Altersgruppe unter acht Jahren am größten

London (pte, 12. Jan 2005 14:30) - Britische Experten haben eine Warnung für Eltern veröffentlicht, nachdem neuere Studien nahe legten, dass die Strahlung von Handys doch gesundheitsgefährlich sein kann. Am meisten gefährdet sollen laut dem National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) http://www.nrpb.org jüngere Kinder sein. Die Studie gibt zu, dass es keine Beweise für die Schädlichkeit der Strahlung gibt, warnt aber gleichzeitig davor, dass die Möglichkeit nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann.

Die NRPB-Studie wiederholt Bedenken, die zuerst im Jahr 2000 durch eine einflussreiche Studie der Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones http://www.iegmp.org.uk/report/index.htm geäußert worden waren. Die aktuelle Studie ergänzt diese Erkenntnisse um die in der Zwischenzeit veröffentlichten Forschungsergebnisse. Dazu gehört eine im Dezember 2004 veröffentlichte Untersuchung, die davon ausgeht, dass die Strahlung die DNA schädigen kann. Eine schwedische Studie aus dem April 2004 zeigte einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Handynutzung und Nerventumoren im Bereich des Gehörs. Eine Holländische Untersuchung aus dem Oktober 2003 konzentrierte sich auf Handys und Einschränkungen in der Hirnfunktion. Das NPRB betont jedoch, dass diese Forschungsergebnisse erst von anderen Stellen bestätigt werden müssen, bevor eine Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden kann.

Der Wissenschafter Zenon Sienkiewicz erklärte gegenüber NewScientist, dass zusätzliche Faktoren wie die stärkere Anfälligkeit mancher Menschen zu berücksichtigen seien. "Wir sagen in unsere Studie nur, dass die Aufmerksamkeit hinsichtlich möglicher Gefahren nicht nachlassen sollte." William Stewart von der Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones erklärte, dass Eltern Kindern unter acht Jahren keine Handys geben sollten, da eine besondere Strahlungsempfindlichkeit bestehen könne. Die geringere Größe ihrer Köpfe ermöglicht, dass ein größerer Teil des Gehirns mit der Strahlung in Kontakt kommt. Zusätzlich ist das Nervensystem in diesem Alter noch nicht voll entwickelt. "Sollte es Risiken geben, wovon wir ausgehen, werden Kinder am meisten betroffen sein. Je kleiner die Kinder, desto größer wird auch die Gefährdung sein." (Ende)

Aussender: pressetext.austria
Redakteur: Michaela Monschein
email: monschein@pressetext.com
Tel. +43-1-81140-0

© Pressetext


Omega siehe dazu auch:

Kinder und Mobilfunk

Mobile phones tumour risk to young children

The NRPB and its cautionary never-never land

Der Spion in der Jackentasche


Der Spion in der Jackentasche

Neuer AOL-Dienst spürt Handynutzer auf / Datenschützer warnen vor Missbrauch


Bielefeld. Wer sein Handy eingeschaltet hat, ist jederzeit erreichbar – in Zukunft ist durch das kleine Telefon auch jedermann im Handumdrehen aufzuspüren. AOL testet derzeit einen neuen Dienst für seine Internet-Kunden, mit dem kinderleicht die Handys anderer Menschen, theoretisch auch ohne deren Wissen, per Mausklick geortet werden können. Datenschützer bezweifeln den Nutzwert und warnen vor Missbrauch.

Unter dem Namen "Friendsfinder" (engl.: Freundefinder) bietet AOL Testkunden das Produkt des Münchner Herstellers Mecomo seit Dezember an. Auf der Mecomo-Homepage ist es unter dem Namen "Friends.nextome" erhältlich. Die Tester nehmen es laut AOL-Sprecher Tobias Riepe sehr gut an. Der exakte Starttermin steht noch nicht fest. In Kooperation mit dem Mobilfunkanbieter Vodafone – E-Plus und O2 sollen folgen – offeriert der "Friendsfinder" für jeweils 20 Cent eine Ortungsmöglichkeit.

Internetnutzer geben Handynummern von Menschen ein, über deren Standort sie informiert werden möchten. Wer in diese Liste eingetragen ist, bekommt eine SMS mit der Frage nach dem Einverständnis für zukünftige Abfragen. Schickt der Angepeilte an seinen Mobilfunkanbieter eine SMS, die Ortungen generell erlaubt, kann der AOL-Kunde in James-Bond-Manier die Zielperson im Stadtplan aufspüren.

Die Technik basiert auf den Funkzellen der Mobilfunknetze. Das Ergebnis der Abfrage besagt, in welcher Zelle sich das gesuchte Handy gerade befindet. In Städten haben die Zellen einen Radius von einigen hundert Metern, auf dem Land sind die Radien größer.

"Das Angebot richtet sich an Menschen, die wissen wollen, wo ihre Freunde gerade sind und auch an Eltern, die über den Aufenthaltsort ihrer Kinder informiert sein wollen", erklärt AOL-Sprecher Riepe.

Vor dem Einsatz als Kontrollmittel warnen Datenschützer. Die Bielefelderin Rena Tangens vergibt seit 2000 den Negativpreis Big-Brother-Award an Unternehmen und Institutionen, die es mit Privatsphäre und Datenschutz nicht allzu genau nehmen. Ein Preis ging im vergangenen Jahr deshalb auch an "Track your kid", einen SMS-Dienst zur Kinderkontrolle.

Sie ist empört über den neuen AOL-Service: "Bei Kindern führt so etwas zu Angst vor Kontrolle. Sie lernen nicht aus Einsicht, sondern aus Furcht." Tangens weist darauf hin, dass Kinder das Handy auch abschalten oder einfach bei Freunden liegen lassen könnten und so für die Eltern unsichtbar bleiben.

Über die einfache Missbrauchsmöglichkeit des "Friendsfinders" ist Franz-Josef Wesener, Referatsleiter bei der NRW-Landesdatenschutzbeauftragten, erschüttert: "Die Authentifizierung ist schwach. Wer Zugang zum Handy anderer Personen, wie dem des Ehepartners, hat, kann den Dienst ohne dessen Wissen einrichten und die Person überwachen." Das Handy in der Jackentasche kann damit zum Spion werden.

Beim "Friendsfinder"-Entwickler Mecomo heißt es, dass zur Sicherheit innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Anmeldung auch noch eine Bestätigungs-SMS an das zu ortende Handy geschickt wird. Ist ein misstrauischer Kontrolleur aber einen Tag lang im Besitz des Gerätes, kann er diese löschen und mehrere Wochen unentdeckt den Aufenthaltsort des Handys aufspüren lassen.

AOL hat trotzdem keine Bedenken und beruhigt: "Der Datenschutz hat für uns oberste Priorität."

MEINUNGS-BÖRSE: Handy-Ortung per Internet

Das Netz wird enger


Überwachung ist überall. Kameras beobachten uns nicht mehr nur in Banken und an Tankstellen. Wir werden im Fußballstadion, im Supermarkt und in Parkhäusern unablässig gefilmt. Irgend jemand weiß immer, wo wir uns gerade befinden. AOL zieht mit seinem Handy-Ortungssystem das Überwachungsnetzwerk noch enger.

Das größte Problem an der Internet-Neuheit ist der einfache Missbrauch des in Ansätzen gut gemeinten Produkts. Wer wissen möchte, wo sich seine Kinder aufhalten, kann sich auch mit AOL nicht auf der sicheren Seite fühlen. Sollte es zum schlimmsten Fall kommen, wissen auch Verbrecher, dass sie über Mobiltelefone aufzuspüren sind und entledigen sich der Geräte.

So einfach ist es für Angestellte nicht, die ein von der Firma präpariertes Handy bekommen, das ihre Wege nachzeichnet. Derartiges Vorgehen ist von Unternehmen bekannt und fördert keinesfalls die Sicherheit, sondern das Misstrauen.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

World On Brink Of Ruin


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Who upholds your Voting Rights?


Informant: Orval Osborne

Exit Poll Data Does Not Match Pre-Election Polls

by Tim Lohrentz


The national exit poll data was adjusted during the early morning hours of November 3. This report reveals many inconsistencies in this adjustment, including a weighting process that leaves impossible results, such as 104% turnout of the Bush 2000 voters. Download PDF (101.9 kibibytes):

read article:

Leaders of Principle



In his book Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community, Martin Luther King wrote, "And so we shall have to do more than register and more than vote; we shall have to create leaders who embody virtues we can respect, who have moral and ethical principles we can applaud with enthusiasm." On January 6, 2005, thirty-two courageous members of Congress, in the face of dismissive rhetoric from the majority party, challenged the results of the Ohio Electors of the 2004 presidential election in protest of the disenfranchisement of thousands of Ohio voters, and on behalf of all citizens of the United States of America.

read article:

Call in sick on January 20


Coronation farce deepens - These Companies gave Money for Bush's Innauguration

Citizen’s Oath

CODEPINK crashes the inauguration

The Inauguration of Royalty and the Sycophantic Media

REAL PEOPLE who went to the Inauguration

Tens of thousands protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush

Inaugural Protests in Many Cities

Big Companies' Inauguration Donations Raise Eyebrows

Rev. Moon “funnels” $250,000 for Bush inaugural bash

Impeachment and the inauguration

Turn Your Back on Bush in two days

It's going to be very different from past inaugurals

Friends, Americans, countrymen, send me your cheers

America the beautiful ... America the ugly

Homeless Services Adjust to Closings

None so blind

Protest Signs ALLOWED On Inaugural Parade Route

Coronation of Corruption

Coronation of Corruption: Lifestyles of the Rich and Heartle


Inauguration 2005, the Eve of Destruction

World fears inauguration


The coronation farce deepens

by Bob Smith

No Force, No Fraud


Not only is this going to be the most expensive inauguration in history, but the administration has refused, for the first time, to reimburse the District of Columbia for their extra costs, suggesting that they instead take $11.9 million away from their homeland security money. That money had been earmarked for minor things like increasing hospital capacity, equipping firefighters with protective gear and building transit system command centers. The better-late-than-never word from the administration is that they're not going to spend any more money. After spending everything they could get their hands on, or assign to the magical deficit, it's now time to stop? Not to stop SPENDING, be assured, but to rather just spend the money of other folks instead...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Corporate donors line up for inaugural :

President Bush wants to lower barriers to building nuclear power plants, and the lobby that promotes nuclear energy could not be happier. To show its thanks, the group has given $100,000 to help pay for his inauguration.



From Information Clearing House

List of cash supporters of the coronation...
From tbrnews.org

Cash Supporters of the Imperial Bush Coronation Festivities

GMAC Horsham, PA $100,000

Exxon Mobil Corporation Washington, DC $250,000

Kojaian Ventures, LLC Bloomfield Hill, MI $250,000

Nuclear Energy Institute Washington, DC $100,000

Occidental Petroleum Corporation Los Angeles, CA $250,000

S. Davis Phillips High Point, NC $250,000

Al Hoffman, Jr. Fort Myers, FL $100,000

Rooney Holdings, Inc. Tulsa, OK $250,000

Altria Corporate Services, Inc. New York, NY $250,000

Tom Benson Metairie, LA $50,000

Bensco, Inc. Metairie, LA $100,000

Benson Football Metaire, LA $100,000

Sallie Mae, Inc. Reston, VA $250,000

Stephens Group, Inc. Little Rock, AR $250,000

United Technologies Hartford, CT $250,000

Elliott Broidy Los Angeles, CA $250,000

Dwight C. Schar McLean, VA $100,000

International Paper Memphis, TN $100,000

Nancy and Jeffrey Marcus Dallas, TX $100,000

JM Family Enterprises, Inc. Deerfield Beach, FL $25,000

Susan and Michael Dell Austin, TX $250,000

Southern Company Atlanta, GA $250,000

Boone Pickens Dallas, TX $250,000

Northrop Grumman Los Angeles, CA $100,000

Nancy and Rich Kinder Houston, TX $250,000

American Bankers Association Washington, DC $25,000

Bill G. Hartley Tyler, TX $25,000

Corporate Capital, LLC New Orleans, LA $250,000

Independent Community Bankers of America Washington, DC $100,000

Union Pacific Corporation Washington, DC $100,000

Argent Mortgage Company Orange, CA $250,000

Ameriquest Capital Corporation Orange, CA $250,000

Long Beach Acceptance Corp. Paramus, NJ $250,000

Town and Country Credit Irvine, CA $250,000

Waite, Schneider, Bayless et al, LPA Cincinnati, OH $10,000

Andrew C. Taylor St. Louis, MO $100,000

Ilene L. Flaum and David M. Flaum Rochester, NY $100,000

John W. Childs Boston, MA $100,000

Thomas F. Petway, III Jacksonville, FL $100,000

Pilot Corporation Knoxville, TN $50,000

James A. Haslam, II Knoxville, TN $50,000

CheveronTexaco Concord, CA $250,000

Golden Eagle Industries, Inc. Charlotte, NC $250,000

Linger Longer Development Co. Greensboro, GA $100,000

Qualcomm Incorporated San Diego, CA $100,000

The Boeing Company Arlington, VA $100,000

Bradford M. Freeman Los Angeles, CA $100,000

Frank Baxter Los Angeles, CA $100,000

Lawrence Auriana Greenwich, CT $100,000

Cherie and Robin Arkley Eureka, CA $100,000

Valhi, Inc. Dallas, TX $100,000

National Association of Home Builders Washington, DC $250,000

AFLAC, Incorporated Columbus, GA $100,000

Marc S. Goldman Hoboken, NJ $100,000

Robert Frank Pence McLean, VA $100,000

Matthew R. Simmons Houston, TX $100,000

Alexander F. Treadwell Westport, NY $100,000

The Coca Cola Company Washington, DC $100,000

Marriott International, Inc. Washington, DC $250,000

Marriott Vacation Club International Washington, DC $250,000

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC Chevy Chase, MD $250,000

ServiceMaster Memphis, TN $25,000

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. New York, NY $100,000

Duane Acklie Lincoln, NE $100,000

Hunt Consolidated, Inc. Dallas, TX $250,000

Ned L. Siegel Boca Raton, FL $100,000

UST Inc. Greenwich, CT $250,000

Well Care Health Plans, Inc. Tampa, FL $100,000

SBC Communications, Inc. Washington, DC $100,000

Cove Partners, LLC Santa Monica, CA $100,000

KB Home Los Angeles, CA $100,000

Peabody Holding Company, Inc. St. Louis, MO $100,000

TC Management Partners IV, LLC Washington, DC $100,000

HSBC USA Inc. Mt. Prospect, IL $25,000

Office of the Commissioner of Baseball New York, NY $100,000

Michael W. Murphy El Dorado, AR $25,000

Sam & Marilyn Fox St. Louis, MO $100,000

The Home Depot Washington, DC $250,000

TRT Holdings Inc. Irving, TX $100,000

Benson Mineral Group, Inc. Denver, CO $100,000

BlueCross BlueShield of Florida, Inc. Jacksonville, FL $100,000

First Data Corporation Greenwood Village, CO $250,000

Waste Management Service Center Houston, TX $100,000

Ford Motor Company Dearborn, MI $250,000

Microsoft Corporation Redmond, WA $100,000

Kenneth J. Kies McLean, VA $25,000

National Association of Realtors Chicago, IL $50,000

J. Ronald Terwilliger Key Largo, FL $100,000

Sheldon G. Adelson Las Vegas, NV $250,000

Dr. Miriam Ochshorn Adelson Las Vegas, NV $250,000

Direct Supply, Inc. Milwaukee, WI $25,000

Time Warner New York, NY $250,000

New Century Mortgage Corporation Irvine, CA $100,000

Cinergy Corporation Cincinnati, OH $250,000

Carl H. Lindner Cincinnati, OH $250,000

Titus Electrical Contracting, Inc. Austin, TX $100,000

Retzer Resources, Inc. Greenville, MS $25,000

American Financial Cincinnati, OH $250,000

American Health Care Association Washington, DC $50,000

American Chemistry Council Arlington, VA $25,000

Frederick R. Meyer Dallas, TX $25,000

Hunter Engineering Company Bridgeton, MO $100,000

New Energy Corp. South Bend, IN $250,000

Intervest Construction, Inc. Daytona Beach, FL $100,000

William Earl Riggs Pleasantton, CA $100,000

Broadcast Music, Inc. Nashville, TN $25,000

Robert W. Johnson, IV New York, NY $100,000

William O. DeWitt, Jr. Cincinnati, OH $100,000

John L. Kemmerer, III Morristown, NJ $100,000

A.G. Spanos Stockton, CA $250,000

Beverly Enterprises, Inc. Fort Smith, AR $50,000

Computer Associates International, Inc. Islandia, NY $100,000

AT&T Washington, DC $250,000

MCI Ashburn ,VA $25,000

Pepsi-Cola Company Purchase, NY $100,000

Tyson Springdale AR $100,000

United Parcel Service Roswell, GA $250,000

Bank of America Corporation Charlotte, NC $250,000

Cove Partners, LLC Santa Monica, CA $25,000

Bristol-Myers Squibb Washington, DC $250,000

Lydian Asset Management $25,000

California Farm Bureau Federation Sacramento, CA $100,000

New Breed Corporate Services, Inc. Greensboro, NC $25,000

Rick J. Caruso $100,000

Oracle Corporation Rocklin, CA $225,000

Thomas F. Stephenson Atherton, CA $250,000

Strongbow Technologies, Corp. Burtonsville, MD $250,000

Informant: Marsha V. Hammond, PhD


$ $ $ $ -- Please Forward Widely -- $ $ $ $

All dressed up, but don't want to go to a typical Inaugural Ball with George W. Bush and his "haves and have mores"?

The Billionaires For Bush Inaugural Committee invites you to their Re-Coronation Inaugural Ball!

Bigger, Larger, More Unchecked!
All the Excess, Twice the Greed!
Four More Years; Four More Wars!

Thursday, January 20th, 2005
8:30 PM - 2 AM

Platinum Nightclub, 915 F St. NW, Washington DC

Live Entertainment and DJs (details below)


As long as there are politicians to buy, jobs to outsource, golden parachutes to wear, workers to exploit, countries to invade, corporate welfare to collect, foreign oil to tap, and ice sculptures urinating Stoli... the Billionaires for Bush will be there, lobbying for the corporate elite.

The Billionaires for Bush have big plans for 2005 to energize, entertain, and work within the progressive coalition that developed during the election campaign.

So dry your tears, put on your tuxes and ballgowns and join us!

Platinum Nightclub, 915 F St. NW, Washington DC
(at 10 th St., near Metro Center subway stop)

Thursday, January 20, From 8:30 PM until very, very late

The main floor will have performances by
* The Bobwhites -- Swinging Neo-Lounge
* Chopteeth -- Afro-funk big band http://www.chopteeth.com
* Billionaires for Bush Follies
* The Real Dick Cheney -- http://TheRealDickCheney.com/
The downstairs lounge will have DJ Bassam -- http://www.djbassam.com/
and DJ Askari of NYC -- http://www.groooovy.com/djs/askari/
spinning contemporary and classic dance music.

Varying Donor Levels from $20 to $1,000,000,000 are available.
For $100 or more, attend our exclusive catered VIP Reception.
Your support is crucial to the Billionaires for Bush goal of reframing Bush initiatives such as Brokerizing Social Security,
Repealing the Dynasty Tax, and our "Drain America First!"
Energy Policy. Please be as generous as possible.

( Note: Volunteer opportunities and a limited number of scholarship tickets are available for the disowned billionaire; inquire care of: J20@BillionairesForBush.com )

Formal attire requested. Please come looking like a billion bucks with your own bling -- real and faux. Or we can billionairize you; at the door will be available top hats, tiaras, money-print ties, wads of bills, pearl necklaces, cigarette holders, and elbow length gloves (for a moderate price). (Exceptions for Texas oil barons, or those coming straight from office, yacht or country club. Please tie polo ponies out back.)

See photos from past balls:
http://billionairesforbush.com/dc/ballsold.htm & http://www.billionairesforbush.com/photos.php and
read about our ball during the Republican Convention:

Advice on billionaire attire and adopting a Billionaire name.

Being a Billionaire is more than just going to balls, we also plan a variety of inaugural actions, including auctioning off Social Security: http://billionairesforbush.com/dc/inaugural.htm

For additional information contact the Inaugural Committee at: J20@BillionairesForBush.com

Billionaires for Bush is a grassroots group that advocates for the rights and interests of people of absolutely fabulous wealth. The group was a finalist in MoveOn's Bush In 30 Seconds ad contest. With headquarters in New York City and 100 chapters nationwide, the tactical street actions of the Billionaires for Bush have generated earned media in more than 250 local, national, and international outlets in the past twelve months.


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Ivan Tital ivan.tital@billionairesforbush.com
D.C. Coordinator Billionaires for Bush
A.K.A. Dr. Kenneth Mayer Ken_Mayer@comcast.net

The Billionaires Inaugural Ball: Thursday Jan. 20th

Please visit http://www.counter-inaugural.org for up-to-date counter-inauguration planning.

Informant: ItalysBadBoy

Protesters Plan to Mark Bush Inauguration

ImpeachBush movement at Jan. 20 inauguration

Tamer Protests Expected for Second Inauguration


On January 20th, 2005, Millions of People around the World will protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush in one form or another. How will you make your voice heard? BushBlackOut.com is suggesting that you be heard through your silence by blacking out your website or blog for the day and displaying a short message of protest.

We have made some suggested images available that you can display in place of the normal content on your website Thursday, January 20th. Feel free to use any image or statement you find suitable for your protest, we just suggest that you make the background of your website Black and display a message of protest to show solidarity with other BushBlackOut protesters. Examples and more info at: http://www.bushblackout.com/

"We must address the root causes of terrorism -- poverty, ignorance and injustice -- rather than responding to violence with violence." - from the Statement of the 5th Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, 11/12/2004

Informant: Lourdes Leger


Police State Inaguration for King Bush

Unprecedented Security & Cost for Bush's Second Inauguration
The secret service has banned poles supporting placards, the coffins some demonstrators had wanted to bring to symbolise the Iraqi war dead, and the crosses and American flags that the faithful had intended to wave.

A few square miles of central Washington will be transformed into an armed camp next week as the biggest security operation in the city's history is mounted for President Bush's inauguration. To protect them, 6,000 police officers, 2,500 soldiers and hundreds of secret service officers will flood the area around Capitol Hill and Pennsylvania Avenue, the route of the inaugural parade, scanning the expected 750,000-strong crowd of supporters and protesters. Air traffic into the city will be restricted, replaced by fighter jets and Black Hawk helicopters. The outgoing homeland security secretary, Tom Ridge, overseeing the last grand event of his career, promised it would be the most secure ceremony in history. "We're as prepared as possible to thwart any attempts at terrorism," he said. Troop carrying helicopters have been flying over Washington for days, but the security operation will begin in earnest on Tuesday when fireworks, parades and parties - costing a total of $40m (about
£21m) - begin. The government has not yet put a price on the security, but it will cost tens of millions more. There have been complaints from both ends of the political spectrum about civil liberty.

The secret service has banned anything that could conceal, or be used as, a weapon. That includes poles supporting placards, the coffins some demonstrators had wanted to bring to symbolise the Iraqi war dead, and the crosses and American flags that the faithful had intended to wave.


In feudal societies, the serfs must always bow their heads and avoid eye contact with the royal family and their entourage as they pass by. This is exactly what is being implemented in America today with a heady Hegelian synthesis of fascism and communism. Bush is a "Communazi" puppet crown prince of the European/Babylonian Empire come to claim his throne.

Inauguration Performers Ordered NOT to look directly at Bush

The nation's 55th presidential inauguration, the first to be held since 9/11, will take place this month under perhaps the heaviest security of any in U.S. history. Dozens of federal and local law enforcement agencies and military commands are planning what they describe as the heaviest possible security. Virtually everyone who gets within eyesight of the president either during the Jan. 20 inauguration ceremony at the U.S. Capitol or the inaugural parade down Pennsylvania Avenue later in the day will first go through a metal detector or receive a body pat-down. Thousands of police officers and military personnel are being brought to Washington from around the country for the four-day event. Sharpshooters will be deployed on roofs, while bomb-sniffing dogs will work the streets. Electronic sensors will be used to detect chemical or biological weapons. Anti-abortion protesters have been warned to leave their crosses at home. Parade performers will have security escorts to the
bathroom, and they've been ordered not to look directly at President Bush or make any sudden movements while passing the reviewing stand. "It's going to be very different from past inaugurals," said Contricia Sellers-Ford, spokeswoman for the U.S. Capitol Police, which is responsible for the Capitol and grounds.

"A lot of the security differences will not be detected by the public - there will be a lot of behind the scenes implementation - but the public will definitely see more of a police presence."


Ring of steel as Bush sworn in

A few square miles of central Washington will be transformed into an armed camp next week as the biggest security operation in the city's history is mounted for President Bush's inauguration. When Mr Bush and his vice-president, Dick Cheney, are sworn in for the second time on the steps of the Capitol building at midday on Thursday, the US government will be at its most vulnerable. Just about every member of the executive, Congress and the supreme court will be in the same place. To protect them, 6,000 police officers, 2,500 soldiers and hundreds of secret service officers will flood the area around Capitol Hill and Pennsylvania Avenue, the route of the inaugural parade, scanning the expected 750,000-strong crowd of supporters and protesters. Air traffic into the city will be restricted, replaced by fighter jets and Black Hawk helicopters. The outgoing homeland security secretary, Tom Ridge, overseeing the last grand event of his career, promised it would be the most secure ceremony in history.

"We're as prepared as possible to thwart any attempts at terrorism," he said. Troop carrying helicopters have been flying over Washington for days, but the security operation will begin in earnest on Tuesday when fireworks, parades and parties - costing a total of $40m (about £21m) - begin. The government has not yet put a price on the security, but it will cost tens of millions more.


Inaugural security draws on latest technologies

The nerve center for the most heavily guarded presidential inauguration in history will not be in Washington, where President Bush will take the oath of office, but 25 miles away in a futuristic command post in Northern Virginia. Inside a gleaming steel-and-marble complex, the Secret Service and 50 federal, state and local agencies will monitor action in the sky, on the ground and in the subway system. Giant plasma screens will beam in live video from helicopters and cameras at the U.S. Capitol, along the parade route and at other potential trouble spots. Officials will be able to track fighter jets patrolling the skies, call up three-dimensional maps of downtown, even project the plume of any chemical release.
One top police official likened the new facility to a set from the “Star Wars” movies. It is one of many signs that Bush’s second inauguration Jan. 20 will take security in Washington to a new level, using expertise and equipment developed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


Security at the inaugural will include 6,000 law enforcement personnel, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Tuesday.
Manuel Balce Ceneta, AP

Inaugural security will stretch from sky to underground

When President Bush raises his right hand to be sworn in to a second term at noon Jan. 20, he will be standing at the center of the most elaborate, expensive, visible — and invisible — security shroud ever put in place for a presidential inauguration. Fighter jets will be protecting the airspace over his head. Chemical, biological and radiological sensors will be set up in the subway system and in other, secret locations. Coast Guard boats will be running up and down the rivers. And at least 6,000 police officers — some of them heavily and conspicuously armed — will be patrolling the streets, searching ticket holders and onlookers and looking out for trouble from perches high and low.

Washington won't look like "downtown Baghdad" on Jan. 20, but security for the first presidential inauguration since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks will certainly be "noticeable," said Don Manuszewski of the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region, the military organization responsible for protecting the city and surrounding counties.


Aftermath News Top Stories -
January 16th, 2005


Bush protesters rethink tactics
San Francisco Chronicle


To show their disgust with George W. Bush's re-election, on Inauguration Day, his opponents will turn their back on his motorcade, 'refuse to spend one dime,' black out their Web sites, stage mock jazz funerals, wear black armbands and stage demonstrations from Palo Alto to Atlanta. But four years of such Bush-bashing theatrics didn't produce a change in November. And with Republicans controlling Congress and the White House, some of the president's most vocal critics have spent the past two post-election months making plans on how to begin preaching beyond the choir box, starting Thursday. Bottom line: less emphasis on mass demonstrations -- which Bush famously dismissed as 'focus groups' -- and more on reaching out to Americans who oppose the war but haven't publicly shown it...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Lavish Bush Inaugural Stirs Debate and Protests


Gauging the Worth of US Troops in Neocon Eyes

by Kim Petersen

Kim Petersen ruminates on American spending priorities and the "opulent outburst of vainglory" of the War administration: Bush's upcoming inauguration party is slated to cost $40 million, while American troops in Iraq lack adequate armor, and a new Census Bureau report finds more Americans slipping into poverty. Many die so a few can party?


From Axis of Evil to Exit Door for Weasels

by Ahmed Amr

In making the case for the war against Iraq, the Bush administration insisted that Iraq had WMDs and intimate relationships with Bin Laden. Two years and a billion dollars later -- the search is over and the president will stage his inauguration party with yet another dry hole on his hands. Bush can handle dry holes as well as any man. He already has a long history of losing other people’s money as a wildcatter in the Texas oil patch. . . .In any case, things have obviously turned out worse than the bleakest initial projections. We are now witnessing the end game. Which brings us to Iran -- a former founding member of the axis of evil -- now elevated to a partner in designing an exit strategy with the neocon weasels who orchestrated this war of choice....





American Gulags Become Permanent

Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Open Letter from Congressman John Conyers, Jr.


Informant: NHNE

Expert spells it out: health fears mean young should not use mobile phones


Powerwatch's First Press Release on the Stewart Report

Children and young people and the use of mobile phone:

In line with Department of Health Advice, Powerwatch believes that young people should only use a mobile phone when essential. Children under 11 should never use one, and over 11 they should be encouraged to use SMS texting and hold the phone away from their body when sending the message. Active "on-line" games should never be played.

Alasdair Philips, Powerwatch Director, states: "I believe that we will see a large increase in early-onset dementias when young phone users reach middle-age. Dementias (like Alzheimer's) that used to be seen after people reached 65, are now being diagnosed as early as 40 years of age. I believe that the Leif Salford work with rats strongly suggests that early mobile phone use is likely to greatly increase the chance of dementia developing at an early age." See:

It is usually parents who buy mobile phones for the use of children and teenagers. The Department of Health recommends that children under 16 should only use their phones when essential. Their leaflet should be revised to contain the results of the last few years' research showing some of the adverse health effects from mobile phone use, as this will enable parents to make a more informed decision about the phone contract they choose, ensuring that it does not encourage their children to use the phone more than absolutely necessary. This leaflet should be handed to the purchaser as a mandatory part of the sales contract.

Mobile phone use by adults:

Powerwatch believes that adults should only use a mobile phone when absolutely necessary and always use a land-line whenever possible.

Companies should not expect their employees to use a mobile phone as their main means of communication. Powerwatch condemns the Government's new tax incentive where companies can provide their employees and members of their direct family (including children!) with mobile phones free of tax and national insurance charges. We also believe this is an anti-competitive incentive favouring the mobile operators over land-line providers and may well be illegal under European law.

Mobile phone Base Stations:

A recent NRPB Report showed that low height "de-minimis" base station installations expose members of the public to much higher levels of microwave radiation than much higher free-standing masts. There are 5,008 base stations 10 metres or under listed by the Operators. For technical and political reasons the NRPB ignored the 2,000 highest powered (radiating up to 100 watts) base stations, and decided to select 20 to measure from those with a relatively low power of 5 watts or less. The NRPB's remit had been to measure microcells (by definition low height/low power), and it deliberately ignored the alleged 'microcells' (the ones that defy the definition and are in fact low height/high power) that are the worst ones irradiating the public.

It is scandalous that these low height installations do not require any planning permission. What is worse, they do not even require any consultation with members of the public or local authorities. Operators are using these as a way of avoiding a public consultation and approval process. They just have to tell the local authority that they are going make the installation.

In one square quarter-of-a-mile in Soho there are 126 mobile phone base stations, 90 of which (71%) are less than 10 metres and most would not have needed any (including GPDO) planning permission. People living across the street from these will be continuously exposed to significant levels of pulsing microwave radiation.

We believe the Department of Health should set up a database collecting information about the adverse health effects experienced by people living near base stations, either self-reported or through a GP, to gather together the information needed to decide what risk, if any, the masts subject the general population to. If there is a subsection of the population that is more susceptible to such radiation, it will produce a good base of information for future epidemiological research.

Informant: Don Maisch

Mobile phones tumour risk to young children

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"

Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes


Arrogance grows among GOP leaders

Robert D. Novak: Arrogance grows among GOP leaders

“WE ARE looking more and more like the Democrats we replaced,” a House committee chairman told me Wednesday. That comment came before he learned, to his surprise and sorrow, that the House Republican leadership had removed Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey as chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee. The extraordinary purge buttressed the growing impression of arrogance as Republicans enter their second decade of power in the House.


Outsourcing Treatment for Veterans of Iraq

Why does healthcare for troops and veterans face the Republican budget axe in a time of war? Martin Kelly writes, "The corporate culture of outsourcing that very possibly led to Abu Ghraib is still alive and well in the Pentagon. It’s their addiction." Now the government is outsourcing medical care for medical conditions related to combat duty.


Republican Congress Does an About-Face on Supporting Veterans

Here's the bottom line, according to Paul Vitello: "If you don't follow the intricacies of Washington politics, then you might want to know how the House Republican leadership felt about Rep. Smith's willingness to take a stand for our veterans. They didn't like it much." The GOP fired Smith because he fought for more healthcare funding for veterans.


Congress tells us they support the troops

Congress tells us they support the troops. It's time to hold them to their words.

At a time when Iraq War veterans are coming home to find the rug yanked out from under them, with months long waits to see doctors for serious injuries, we won't stand for cuts to the VA in order to pay for tax-cuts and no-bid contracts. Write your Congressman today.


Bush-neocon parting of the ways?

by Pat Buchanan



Where once, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice and Bush marched in lockstep with the neocons, U.S. national interests and Bush political interests seem now to diverge from the neocon agenda of more troops in Iraq and expanding the war to Syria or Iran. Rumsfeld appears to have recognized this truth and begun to act on it. Hence, the Weekly Standard calls for his firing. President Bush now approaches the crossroads LBJ reached in December 1967. Then, Gen. William Westmoreland came home to tell LBJ he needed 200,000 more troops, in addition to the 500,000 already committed. A war-weary LBJ said no. Came then the Tet Offensive, and the presidency of Lyndon Johnson was broken. Bush is nearing his Tet moment...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Social Security's battle over values

Christian Science Monitor


The coming Washington struggle over President Bush's plan to partially privatize Social Security promises to be particularly intense, because it revolves around a core issue of politics: the values the federal government should espouse. The economics of retirement security will be a major factor in the debate, of course, as will the usual Democratic-Republican partisan divide. The overall outlook for the federal budget (lots of red ink) could prove crucial in lawmakers' consideration. But opponents of private retirement accounts generally see them as a threat to the collective protection offered by a big government program. Proponents judge them as an encouragement to individualism, and a reduction in Washington's power.

That's why full-page ads hitting the plan are already running in big newspapers, and why Mr. Bush is promoting the idea around the country before legislation hits the House or Senate floor...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mobile phones tumour risk to young children - Children face danger of mobile phone tumours

BRILLIANT front page on Times today!

Full front-page article
"Children face danger of mobile phone tumours"
(includes half-page pic of scan of brain showing tumour)

Times website article:
"Mobile phones tumour risk to young children"

Go to
for a few related stories

Grahame Blackwell

Get off that mobile, expert tells children

Child warning over mobile phones

Expert spells it out: health fears mean young should not use mobile phones

Mobile Phones Again Linked to Cancer - in this Case specifically to Acoustic Neuromas

NRPB 2004 Mobile Phones and Health

The NRPB and its cautionary never-never land

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"

Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes


Mobile Harm

Not sure if this is breaking News in the US, but it's big news here! Also the fact that it was know before Xmas, and was surppressed, nice to know that the people out there care for our children.


KIDS should cut the number of calls they make on mobile phones and send text messages instead, an expert said yesterday.

Prof Sir William Stewart spoke out after a National Radiological Protection Board study warned children face greater health risks from handset radiation.

Board chairman Sir William urged parents not to buy youngsters phones and expressed concern that a quarter of Britain's seven to ten-year-olds have one.

He said: "I have a grandchild of four and one of two and I would not be recommending that they have mobile phones."

He added: "If there are risks, and we think there may be, the people who are going to be most affected are children. The younger the
child, the greater the danger. If you have a teenager and feel they can benefit in terms of security by having a mobile, it's a personal choice.

"They should use them for as short a time as possible and use text messaging.


These diagrams show the extent to which heat radiating from a mobile spreads through the brains of an adult and children aged ten and five in one hour. Repeated exposure to radiation may cause damage such as tumours.

"But if mobile phones are available to three to eight-year-olds I can't believe for a moment that can be justified."

Sir William, speaking at the London launch of the study, also recommended kids use phones with low SARS values — indicating the rate of energy absorption in body tissue.

He admitted there was no hard evidence that phone emissions were damaging to health.

But he said far more information was needed.

The Department of Health yesterday revealed it was spending £7.5million on research into the possible health effects.

Health Minister Rosie Winterton said: "There are parents who want children to have mobiles. We are quite clear they ought to be very careful."

Mobile phone operators welcomed the NRPB's report, highlighting the lack of hard evidence of adverse health effects.

But MyMo, the first mobile designed for kids, was withdrawn from sale yesterday.

MyMo phones for 4-8 year olds
Has anyone seen this site? I just found it advertised in the TV guide in the Daily Mail... :-(


Distributors Communic8 said: "It would be foolish to ignore these findings."



Powerwatch's First Press Release on the Stewart Report

Children and young people and the use of mobile phone:

In line with Department of Health Advice, Powerwatch believes that young people should only use a mobile phone when essential. Children under 11 should never use one, and over 11 they should be encouraged to use SMS texting and hold the phone away from their body when sending the message. Active "on-line" games should never be played.

Alasdair Philips, Powerwatch Director, states: "I believe that we will see a large increase in early-onset dementias when young phone users reach middle-age. Dementias (like Alzheimer's) that used to be seen after people reached 65, are now being diagnosed as early as 40 years of age. I believe that the Leif Salford work with rats strongly suggests that early mobile phone use is likely to greatly increase the chance of dementia developing at an early age." See:

It is usually parents who buy mobile phones for the use of children and teenagers. The Department of Health recommends that children under 16 should only use their phones when essential. Their leaflet should be revised to contain the results of the last few years' research showing some of the adverse health effects from mobile phone use, as this will enable parents to make a more informed decision about the phone contract they choose, ensuring that it does not encourage their children to use the phone more than absolutely necessary. This leaflet should be handed to the purchaser as a mandatory part of the sales contract.

Mobile phone use by adults:

Powerwatch believes that adults should only use a mobile phone when absolutely necessary and always use a land-line whenever possible.

Companies should not expect their employees to use a mobile phone as their main means of communication. Powerwatch condemns the Government's new tax incentive where companies can provide their employees and members of their direct family (including children!) with mobile phones free of tax and national insurance charges. We also believe this is an anti-competitive incentive favouring the mobile operators over land-line providers and may well be illegal under European law.

Mobile phone Base Stations:

A recent NRPB Report showed that low height "de-minimis" base station installations expose members of the public to much higher levels of microwave radiation than much higher free-standing masts. There are 5,008 base stations 10 metres or under listed by the Operators. For technical and political reasons the NRPB ignored the 2,000 highest powered (radiating up to 100 watts) base stations, and decided to select 20 to measure from those with a relatively low power of 5 watts or less. The NRPB's remit had been to measure microcells (by definition low height/low power), and it deliberately ignored the alleged 'microcells' (the ones that defy the definition and are in fact low height/high power) that are the worst ones irradiating the public.

It is scandalous that these low height installations do not require any planning permission. What is worse, they do not even require any consultation with members of the public or local authorities. Operators are using these as a way of avoiding a public consultation and approval process. They just have to tell the local authority that they are going make the installation.

In one square quarter-of-a-mile in Soho there are 126 mobile phone base stations, 90 of which (71%) are less than 10 metres and most would not have needed any (including GPDO) planning permission. People living across the street from these will be continuously exposed to significant levels of pulsing microwave radiation.

We believe the Department of Health should set up a database collecting information about the adverse health effects experienced by people living near base stations, either self-reported or through a GP, to gather together the information needed to decide what risk, if any, the masts subject the general population to. If there is a subsection of the population that is more susceptible to such radiation, it will produce a good base of information for future epidemiological research.

Informant: Don Maisch


Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks


Dwarfing The Tsunami - A Warning


Dwarfing The Tsunami - A Warning


RFID soll tausende Arbeitsplätze ersetzen


Nach dem Handy-Boom kommt der RFID-Boom

Sozialkritischer Kommentar dazu:

Es ist erstaunlich, dass ein deutscher Konzern offen zugibt, dass er mit der neuen Technologie Tausende von Arbeitsplätzen einsparen will.

Nicht etwa eine schnellere, zuverlässigere und besser dokumentierbare Logistik wird argumentiert, sondern das Wegrationalisieren von Arbeitsplätzen. Als Trostpflaster wird dazu gesagt, dass man mehr Personal bei der Kundenberatung einsetzen will.

Wenn das Ziel die Einsparung von Arbeitsplätzen ist, wird man die Tausenden von Mitarbeitern nicht z. B. in der Kundenberatung einsetzen, sondern einfach einsparen. Die Leute stehen dann eben auf der Straße!

Das Thema der "drahtlosen Etiketten" betrifft z. Zt. eher bestimmte Arbeitsplätze, wo die Antennen für die HF- Lese-/Schreibgeräte aufgestellt sind. Die Allgemeinbevölkerung ist z. B. betroffen, wenn sie in Supermärkten durch die Antennenfelder von Diebstahlsicherungssystemen geht.

Ein großes Problem sehe ich, wenn die Chips uns Menschen eingepflanzt werden (müssen), um andere Identifizierungssysteme (Ausweis, Führerschein, sonstige Lizenzen und Dateien) überflüssig zu machen (Toll Collect für Fußgänger?), vor allem dann, wenn diese Daten dem Staat, Organisationen oder auch Kriminellen jederzeit und ohne Einschränkungen zugänglich gemacht werden können. Für letzteres braucht man an (fast) jeder Ecke ein dauerstrahlendes HF-Lesegerät, und das erhöht natürlich die Gesamtstrahlenbelastung unserer Bürger, abgesehen von der totalen Kontrolle der Bürger...

Dipl.- Ing. Wolfgang Priggen

Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/4804

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Lohnnebenkosten bei VW und Dresdner Bank senken

Datum: 12.01.2005
© www.sozialisten.de


Lohnnebenkosten bei VW und Dresdner Bank senken!

Zur Gehälter-Affäre bei Dresdner Bank und Volkswagen erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer der PDS Rolf Kutzmutz:

Pausenlos jammert die Industrie, sie sei nicht mehr wettbewerbsfähig, weil die Lohnnebenkosten für deutsche Arbeit zu hoch seien. Da nehmen die arme Malocherin und der arme Malocher bereitwillig Lohnkürzungen in Kauf, verlängern ihre Arbeitszeit, zahlen tapfer die Praxisgebühr... Nichts von alledem rettete bisher endgültig seinen Job. Die Lohnnebenkosten sind immer noch zu hoch - heißt es aus den Zentralen der Unternehmen.

Dabei hat es der arbeitende Mensch nur falsch angepackt. Ein Job in der Politik sichert ihm nicht nur ein weitaus höheres Einkommen aus staatlicher Hand, sondern auch die stattliche Unterstützung aus dem Hause VOLKswagen.

Oder die rührenden Sorgen nicht nur um die Finanz-, nein, auch die Lebensplanung von Frau Hildegard Müller bei der Dresdner Bank. Das Mädel muss ja vorankommen in der Union, auch in unserem Sinne, denkt man sich im Geldhaus mit dem grünen Band. Ewiger Dank der so Bevorteilten ist den Unternehmen gewiss. Ebenso wahrscheinlich wie die eine oder andere Entscheidung zu deren Gunsten.

Was juristisch vielleicht korrekt bis fragwürdig ist, ist auf jeden Fall moralisch verwerflich. Vor allem gegenüber den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, die wegen zu hoher Lohnnebenkosten weggespart werden, auf der Straße landen. Die unseriöse Praxis von VW und Dresdner Bank muss ein Ende haben, so lassen sich prima Lohnnebenkosten senken.

Die PDS fordert ein höheres Maß an Transparenz bei den Abgeordnetengehältern. Der Wähler hat ein Recht darauf zu erfahren, von wem und in welcher Höhe sein Abgeordneter bezahlt wird.

The NRPB and its cautionary never-never land

With all the hype about the NRPB Stewart report on mobile phones it is worthwhile remembering how the NRPB is (mis)handling the power frequency issue.

The NRPB's latest sales pitch for accepting the ICNIRP guidelines is taking the definition of a precautionary approach even further into never-never land. It is available from their web site at:


(Advice on Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0-300 GHz)
Volume 15 No.2, 2004)

We have the usual 'feel good' but meaningless statements about precautionary approaches, etc. but the document's idea of following a precautionary approach is to adopt the ICNIRP guidelines. To Quote from the Conclusions and Recommendations:

"The review of current scientific knowledge, the adoption of a cautions approach to the interpretation of these data, and a recognition of the benefits of international harmonization, combine in a recommendation to adopt the ICNIRP exposure guidelines for occupational and general public exposure to electromagnetic fields between 0 and 300 GHz."

SO now a precautionary approach is defined as adopting ICNIRP. BUT what does ICNIRP's Paulo Vecchia say about precautionary approaches? See: http://www.emfacts.com/papers/moscow_conf.pdf

"Futire developments in ICNIRP , by Paulo Vecchia

"ICNIRP only considers acute effects in its precautionary principle approach. Consideration of long term effects [are] not possible."

"Precautionary actions to address public concerns may increase rather than mitigate worries and fears of the public. This constitutes a health detriment and should be prevented as other adverse effects of EMF."

So ICNIRP must now class precautionary actions as a thermal effect!

SO where does this leave the NRPB's platitudes about precautionary actions/approaches?

The NRPB report acknowledges that "There is some epidemiological evidence that time-weighted average exposures to power frequency magnetic fields above 0.4 uT is associated with a small increase in the absolute risk of leukaemia in children" but then does a questionable numbers game to discount that fact. The report claims that such exposures ( 0.4 uT or 4 milliGauss) "are seldom encountered by the general public (again, questionable) in the UK" and then suggests that the risk may not be real, thus conveniently discounting all the epidemiological evidence. Later in the report it is stated that "It is concluded that restricting time-weighted average magnetic flux density of 40 mT for whole-body exposure is appropriate for the general public." For occupational exposure (this would include pregnant workers) the "appropriate" exposure level is set at 200 mT.

Appropriate for whom?

Is this the NRPB's idea of a precautionary approach???

In Section 136 "Power frequency fields" the NRPB then goes on add one of their feel good but meaningless statements: " There remains concerns about possible effects of exposure of children to power frequency fields. The view of NRPB is that it is important to consider the possible need for further precautionary measures in respect of exposure of children to power frequency magnetic fields."

I wonder what those further measures could possibly be? Perhaps they may tell us in 15 -20 years time....

Its interesting that no matter how much solid evidence is presented that ICNIRP is severely flawed, national EMF standard setting bodies such as the NRPB uncritically accept it's assurances. Forget science - its really a social class thing - elites supporting their fellow elites in a global power sharing game. The Australian aboriginals have a name for it, "secret men's business".

Don Maisch

You are quite right, it is UNBELIEVABLE how Vecchia interpretes 'precautionary' and turns it right upside down and inside out.

1 - A precautionary approach would cause a health effect (worries) in the public!!!!!
2 - Precautionary is only acute and not long term!!!!!

Ad 2 - As a matter of fact there ARE acute effects at about 100 mikroWatt/m2, the moment of passing the threshold is acute. If I am in a building with WLAN or many GSM's I become sick ACUTE. If I go to the office where I have to work now I become sick ACUTE (it has HF TL-lights and it is at the 23. floor, the same height as the radio/tv/DVB-T/beams and other senders of a huge tower 100 metres far.

Ad 1 - This is crime! It is torturing the victims without giving any recognition or help, keeping their information away, hiding them for the public and slowly taking their lives and killing them by radiofrequent radiation, justified by 'the public would get anxious if they knew about them and saw the reality of radiofrequent radiation sickness'.



NRPB 2004 Mobile Phones and Health

Mobile phones tumour risk to young children

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"

Letter and attachment to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes


Sollen Mobilfunksender den Bürgermeistern und Mitgliedern des Gemeinde- und Stadtrates schmackhaft gemacht werden?

Informationsveranstaltung des Instituts für Verkehr und Umwelt (IVU) Baden-Württemberg am 4. Februar 2005:

Handybenutzung in Bahn, Bus und Auto: die verleugnete Gefahr

Die Häufung von Busunglücken – und besonders die mit Schülern als Insassen – veranlassen mich, erneut auf eine immer größer werdende Gefahr hinzuweisen.

Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann
Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Homöopathie, Freiburg i./Br. 6.1.05

In geschlossenen Räumen wie Bussen, Autos, Bahnen arbeiten Handies mit maximaler Sendestärke, da aufgrund der Abschirmwirkung des Fahrzeugkörpers (Faradayscher Käfig) der Verbindungsaufbau zum nächsten Sender erschwert ist. Auch ohne aktives Telefonieren oder Versenden von SMS suchen eingeschaltete Handies immer wieder mit einem Sendesignal den nächsten Sender – ebenfalls mit maximaler Sendeleistung.

Wenn bei 60 Schülern, wie bei dem kürzlich bei Euskirchen verunglückten dänischen Bus, z.B. nur die Hälfte ein eingeschaltetes Handy hat (was heute untertrieben ist), entstehen durch Interferenzen und Reflexionen unvorhersehbare Frequenzen und Feldstärken, die an sog. hot spots enorme Größen erreichen können. Zu sehr hohen Feldstärkenspitzen kann es kommen, wenn viele gleichzeitig innerhalb eines solchen Raumes telefonieren (bei unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen, bei Aufwachen, nach Pausen oder aus Langeweile).

In japanischen U-Bahnabteilen wurden Feldstärken gemessen, die sogar noch die viel zu hohen Grenzwerte, wie sie in Deutschland gültig sind, weit übertrafen. Und zwar dann, wenn eine U-Bahn etwas Verspätung hatte und die Fahrgäste gleichzeitig die Verspätung über Handy meldeten.

Entgegen allen Behauptungen der Mobilfunkindustrie und solcher staatlichen Institutionen, wie Strahlenschutzkommission, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Umweltministerium und den von diesen abhängigen Experten, ist die schädigende Wirkung von Mobilfunkfrequenzen auf lebende Organismen und auf den Menschen schon bei ganz geringen Feldstärken weit unterhalb der offiziellen Grenzwerte seit langem wissenschaftlich belegt.

Aufgrund von Resonanzphänomenen mit den körpereigenen Schwingkreisen kommt es durch Mobilfunkfrequenzen zu Landungsverschiebungen an Zellmembranen und im Zellzwischenraum mit tiefgreifenden Folgen für die Steuerung der Lebensvorgänge, wie z.B. Freisetzung von Radikalen, Störung der Bildung roter Blutkörperchen, Zellreifungs- und Teilungsstörung, Verminderung immunkompetenter Zellen, Brüchen der Erbsubstanz, Störung der Hormonbildung, wie z.B. von Melatonin, Fehlreaktionen an Nervenzellen, Aufzwingung künstlicher bleibender Schwingungsmuster. EEG-Veränderungen usw. Die gepulste Strahlung öffnet darüber hinaus die Blut-Hirn-Schranke und fördert das Eindringen von Eiweiß und Umweltgiften in den Gehirnblutkreislauf mit Folge weiterer Gehirnzellenschädigung. Die schädliche Wirkung anderer Umweltgifte wird dadurch zusätzlich potenziert.

Im Zusammenhang mit Bus-, Bahn- und Autofahrten sind die folgenden erwiesenen Sofortreaktionen auf bereits ein eingeschaltetes Handy von besonderer Bedeutung: Veränderung der Hirnströme (EEG) schon nach kurzer Zeit über viele Stunden anhaltend, auch bei Menschen im Umkreis bis zu 10 Metern vom Handy. Signifikante Verschlechterung der kognitiven Leistungen (Aufmerksamkeit), Verklumpung der roten Blutkörperchen schon nach 90 Sekunden Telefonat (Geldrollenphänomen) mit der Folge verminderter Sauerstoffbeladung und verschlechterter Durchgängigkeit durch enge Gefäße. Das bedeutet Verschlechterung der Sauerstoffversorgung im Gewebe.

Verschlechterung der Schlafqualität und damit verminderte oder fehlende Erholung. Zellschädigung durch Öffnung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke. Fehlreaktionen auf der Nervenzellebene und im Stoffwechsel.

Es ist klar, dass bei 30 und mehr einfach nur eingeschalteten und erst recht bei gleichzeitig aktiv benutzten Handies eine Flut von gepulsten Störsignalen auf die hochempfindlichen Regelkreise der Businsassen –Fahrer und Fahrgäste – niederprasseln, wenn jetzt noch zusätzlich zu den bisher bestehenden Mobilfunksendern noch der Wellensalat von UMTS hinzukommt.

Dass es bei solchen Bedingungen zu Störungen und Fehlreaktionen kommt, ist seit langem bewiesen. Welche das sind und nach welch langer Zeit der Strahlenbelastung, ist beim Einzelnen unvorhersehbar.


Omega siehe dazu „Zum Sachstand wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse Mobilfunk und Gesundheit“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/468934/

Zum Sachstand wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Dr. Wolf Bergmann, Freiburg im April 2003

Handybenutzung in Bahn, Bus und Auto: die verleugnete Gefahr

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Gefahren, Ängste, Katastrophen - Was hat der Mensch in der Hand?

SWR BW Fr - 14.01.2005

22:00 Nachtcafé

Gefahren, Ängste, Katastrophen - Was hat der Mensch in der Hand?
Ende: 23:30
Gäste bei Wieland Backes
Moderation: Wieland Backes
Gast: Witta Pohl, Dr. Martin Salm, Claus Koch, Volker Hartenstein, Prof. Walter Krämer, Christa Bücher, Peter Fischer
Internetadresse der Sendung

Es herrscht tiefe Betroffenheit angesichts der Flutkatastrophe in Südostasien. Einmal mehr wird der Welt vor Augen geführt, wie zerbrechlich das menschliche Leben ist. Unsichtbare Gefahren lauern überall: Reaktorunfälle wie in Tschernobyl, Strahlungen, schwere Erdbeben, Wirbelstürme und Epidemien bedrohen unsere Existenz. Wie nehmen Abschied vom alltäglichen Sicherheitsdenken und erkennen, dass sich nicht alles versichern lässt. Während die einen sich mit Schicksal abfinden, dass Leben immer mit Risiko verbunden sein wird, kämpfen die anderen mit allen Mitteln, um vor diesen Gefahren zu warnen und die Folgen abzufangen. Es ist nicht immer leicht, die tatsächliche Bedrohung realistisch zu beurteilen. Wir verdrängen einerseits die immer gegenwärtigen Meldungen wie Millionen von verhungernden Menschen in der Dritten Welt und reagieren nach der Meinung vieler fast hysterisch auf mögliche Risiken von Handystrahlungen, Elektrosmog, BSE etc. Was nehmen wir bewusst in Kauf, ohne die Folgen absehen zu können? Gehört das Risiko zum Leben dazu? Wie begründet sind unsere Ängste? Wogegen sind wir machtlos? Und wo können wir uns schützen?

Die Gäste:
Für Witta Pohl ist Sri Lanka zur zweiten Heimat geworden, seitdem ein befreundetes Ehepaar auf der Insel im Indischen Ozean wohnt. Für die 67-jährige Schauspielerin war schnell klar, dass sie das gebeutelte Land bald besuchen wird, um sich selbst ein Bild von der Katastrophe zu machen. Genau so hat sie vor 14 Jahren ihr Tschernobyl-Hilfsprojekt begonnen. Noch heute kümmert sich ihr Verein "Kinderluftbrücke" um strahlengeschädigte Kinder aus der Ukraine. Sie weiß, dass nur ein langfristiges Engagement wirklich helfen kann.

Dr. Martin Salm hat in 23 Jahren Arbeit bei Caritas International so manches Katastrophengebiet bereist. Meist begegnete ihm menschliches Leid ausgelöst durch Menschenhand. Caritas International kümmerte sich z.B. um die Überlebenden des Genozids in Ruanda. Im Moment hat der Chef der katholischen Hilfsorganisation jedoch alle Hände voll mit der Naturkatastrophe am Indischen Ozean zu tun. Er sagt: "Was der Mensch in der Hand hat, ist, den Neuanfang zu gestalten, den Weg nach vorne zu suchen."

Für den Publizisten Claus Koch hat die "apokalyptische Woge" erstmals einer breiten Öffentlichkeit klar gemacht, wie arm die Regionen oft sind, in denen wir gedankenlos Urlaub machen. Erst in der Katastrophe, so sagt er, wurden auf schreckliche Weise erste und dritte Welt vereint. Das vermeintliche Paradies hat nun tiefe Risse bekommen. Die Ausbeutung der dritten Welt wird plötzlich sichtbar.

Volker Hartenstein hält es für einen Skandal, dass die Warnungen weniger Wissenschaftler vor der heranrollenden Flutwelle im Indischen Ozean nicht ernst genommen wurden. In der Regel kümmert sich der Chemielehrer und Ex-Grüne aber um Risiken, die in erster Linie vom Menschen selbst verursacht werden, vor allem die Gefahren durch radioaktive und elektromagnetische Strahlung, die z.B. durch Mobilfunk entstehen. Für den 61-jährigen Umweltschützer war schon immer klar: "Der Mensch hat seine Zukunft selbst in der Hand."

Prof. Walter Krämer hält viele Ängste unserer Zeit für übertrieben. Während wir uns in seinen Augen um Pseudogefahren wie Atomkraft, Waldsterben und Ressourcenverknappung kümmern, werden die wirklichen Lebensrisiken wie Straßenverkehr, Zigaretten, Alkohol und Bewegungsmangel sträflich unterschätzt. Der 56-jährige Statistiker und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler sagt: "Das sind Hysteriker, Paranoiker, die auf Mini-Risiken starren wie das Kaninchen auf die Schlange. Die echten Gefahren werden ignoriert."

Gegen solche Vorwürfe würde sich Christa Bücher deutlich wehren. Für sie sind die Folgen von Mobilfunkstrahlung ganz klar spürbar: Kopfschmerzen, Ohrgeräusche, Schwindel. Ein Sohn der 45-Jährigen litt zeitweilig sogar unter massiven Sehstörungen. All diese Symptome führt die Krankengymnastin auf einen 1999 in der Nachbarschaft errichteten Mobilfunkmasten zurück. Weil sich die Büchers von Betreibern und Gemeinde im Stich gelassen fühlten, handelten sie: Ein riesiges Drahtgeflecht schützt nun das Haus von außen vor Strahlung, von innen wurden metalldurchwirkte Stoffe an den Wänden angebracht und das Bett durch einen strahlungsabweisenden Baldachin geschützt. "Seit dieser Zeit geht es uns wieder besser", sagt sie.

An der Bar:
Peter Fischer stand am Morgen des 26. Dezember am Strand von Phuket, als sich plötzlich das Wasser weit zurückzog. Nur ein australischer Rettungsschwimmer wusste, was das zu bedeuten hatte und jagte die Familie auf eine kleine Anhöhe. Diesem Mann hat Familie Fischer zu verdanken, dass ihnen nichts passiert ist. Nun engagiert er sich beim Aufbau einer Schule in Phuket.

Gastgeber und Moderator Wieland Backes.

14.01.2005 - Fr SWR BW


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Squad seeks tips in death of researcher - What you know WILL kill you


I wonder how many more leading microbiologists need to get killed or die before we really start demanding to know what the hell is really going on.


Jack Topel

Microbiologist Deaths


Yet another scientist....dead. This one a chemist involved in research.

This makes well over 30 prominent scientists, chemist, microbiologists, etc. dead under suspicious circumstances in the past 2 years. What you know WILL kill you, I guess.

Anna Webb

Another microbiologist gets 'whacked'


WHAT'S GOING ON? ...The 40th world leading MICROBIOLOGIST KILLED since after 9/11

Starting in 11/01, about 2 months after 9/11, world leading Microbiologists have been falling like flies!


Below is a 10 minutes summary of an hour long interview with Steven Quayle on the Cost to Coast AM Radio talk show (see info below audio clip that follows)

This is a subject I have been following for about 2 years which HAS NOT BEEN REPORTED ON OUR MAIN STREAM NEWS....WHY?

At the end, you will find some of the information I have compiled on this subject. We better start raising people's awareness about this issue and force our government and media outlets to get to the bottom of this....while we still can!

Jack Topel

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=138251&f=ZAXZBM&ps=13&p=1 (10min)
Microbiologist Deaths

Thursday's first hour guest, author Steve Quayle gave an update on the mysterious deaths of microbiologists. The latest case, the murder of Jeong Im , brought the total up to 40 deaths in the last 4 years, said Quayle. He theorized that a group of people plan to unleash "the ultimate epidemic" on the planet and are trying to eliminate scientists who might successfully combat it.


Here is a link for more detailed coverage of "mysterious deaths" of these premier microbiologists:



http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34123&f=NCRIWL&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34126&f=OGLMXY&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34128&f=VEVPJU&ps=7&p=1 (1 min)

For those who want further supporting testimony, here are 6 more sets of clips:


One more recent link:

This may also be a reason for so many microbiologist dying:


List of Murdered Scientists

Chronology of Dead Scientists

Did 22 SDI Researchers really ALL Commit Suicide?

Dead Scientists

Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales

Microbiologist a very dangerous profession

The Murder of Dr. David Kelly


Election farce comes to a predictable end


Police begin fingerprinting on all citations


Women and children's bodies still piling up in Fallujah



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