
Who is responsible?

I am already gone and many others but some people still don't know.

Result, when I was in the industrial building I suffered 24 hours a day but now I hate going out because the street is hell and in all the civilized places.

When you are tired, you shift because the + you stay the + you get options. For a G (gadget, it's 15 years) for the mast especially DEC >> 1 month.

The people that stay now are old and the doctors say "you are old" >>> cancers, cataract, heart attacks, many falls (3 falls for me in 6 months), ear problems, permanent depression, silly ways...

Also I was fed up to get static shocks, and when we had the 3 operators there was a smell of burning in the building, there were permanent vibrations, I had very special sensations in the bath...

I know that it happens in many places.

Who is responsible? The operators? The town hall? When you leave the owner (of the private building) is not responsible?

I don't speak German but in Spain and UK I 've not read about justice actions ?

It's already hard with the French doctors and authorities because they don't want to write and say the name of my pathologies. >> electromagnetic stress, EHS... I've translated texts and sometimes bring texts of WHO for example but it's useless...

I've been recognized disabled for my job, but it doesn't help.

The EHS people make V E R Y B I G efforts not to suffer too much but all the people around don't realize and don't want to think "can I allow to irradiate my body and the people living near the masts and near the cell phones ?" So we spend our time in our refuge (golden or not). For the moment I am not in the woods but I know people who are away with their car.

Sylvie (France)


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Februar 2005

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