
Flu Vaccine Scam

Tetrahedron Publishing Group Health Science Communications for People Around the World
206 North 4th Avenue, Suite 147, Sandpoint, ID 83864
208-265-2575 FAX: 208-265-2775

NEWS RELEASE Release: No. XXX Date Mailed: Oct, 21, 2005 Contact: Jackie Lindenbach - 208-265-2575; (e-mail: tetra@tetrahedron.org)

Dr. Horowitz Presents Free Download File Condemning Governments' Avian Flu Response: Lecture Donated for Health, Grassroots Activism, and Public Protection

San Francisco: Harvard-trained award-winning author Dr. Leonard Horowitz has donated a freely downloadable lecture for health, political action, and public protection. He says those frightened by the avian flu are victims of malicious abuse by government officials who put politics and profits before people.

An emerging diseases expert, Dr. Horowitz condemned officials for a deadly and deceptive flu fright that he says serves "a political and economic agenda" more than it does the public's health. His 45-minute recorded commentary, considered by many as an "urgent warning" about the risks of developing and taking flu vaccines, has been donated and freely circulated over the Internet by thousands of concerned citizens and public interest groups. (Spread the link to:
http://www.drlenhorowitz.com or http://www.bloginservice.com ).

Dr. Horowitz, best known for his national bestseller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?
http://www.healthyworlddistributing.com; 1-888-508-4787) urges the public to refuse vaccines and drugs being hyped for the avian flu. His scientific publications evidence the origin of AIDS from early hepatitis B vaccines prepared in contaminated chimpanzees (See: http://www.originofaids.com , and he shares similar pharmaceutical malfeasance regarding the outbreak of SARS.

In his recorded message, Dr. Horowitz reviews the history of the institutions and drug industrialists fanning fears of the avian flu. Gross conflicting interests are being served, he explains, by political payoffs and drug company profiteering. He goes on to indict government officials for genocidal policies much like those embraced by Hitler.

Lacking the "future virus," flu mutation specifics, cost/benefit studies, and essential risk/benefit analyses, masses of people will be injured by the proposed "fast-tracked" Bush administration mass-vaccination plan, Dr. Horowitz said. "I call this lethal policy of dispensing poorly tested flu vaccines and risky drugs 'iatrogenocide.' That is, physician-induced decimation of populations for profit."

Iatrogenic diseases are physician-caused ailments and drug side-effects, he explains. These are among the leading causes of death in the world. Currently, hospitals and morgues are full of vaccine-victims disregarded by politicians and health officials "eager to receive their next payoff from Capitol Hill's largest lobby."

"With awareness, there is hope," he says. "You either diagnose these political-pharmaceutical prostitutes, or die from the combination of your ignorance and their malfeasance."

Besides defrauding the world with a flu fright aimed at creating mass markets for new drugs and vaccines, Dr. Horowitz condemns officials for disregarding circulating "flu-like" ailments that he also claims are "man-made." Sadly, they also overlook " low cost, no risk preventatives and treatments based on healthier living, natural healing, and vibrational frequencies of sound and light that are well known to shatter viruses.

"Why do we use ultraviolet light to kill viruses and other water pathogens to purify drinking water, but see similar capabilities suppressed in healthcare?" Dr. Horowitz asks.

"Curing cancers to common colds relying on bioelectric flows and subtle energy vibrations rather than poisonous vaccines and deadly drugs," he explains, "is solidly supported by science." Yet, these viable alternatives are grossly neglected by leaders spending billions for vaccines yet to be manufactured for viruses yet to emerge.

By donating a freely downloadable avian flu lecture http://www.DrLenHorowitz.com , and urging others to freely circulate it over the Internet, Dr. Horowitz and his sponsors hope to save millions of lives.

- end -

Note to journalists: Review copies of Dr. Horowitz's books and tapes are available by contacting Jackie Lindenbach at 1-208-664-7545. Media interview requests should be likewise directed.

A Supporting Message from: Brian William Hall, Executive Producer of CONSPIRACY CON and Victoria Jack, Executive Producer of the BAY AREA UFO EXPO.

We are both honored to have recently invited Dr. Len Horowitz to present at our respective forums. Furthermore, we hereby support his most current public alert that regards the latest "eugenics-based" SCAM known as "avian flu." This is intended to poison and kill potentially millions more with vaccines being developed by the pharmaceutical cartel. These latest vaccines (as countless others before them) are known to be tainted, untested and dangerous. These are consciously designed to wreak havoc with the human immune system, courtesy of the drug cartel. Most people do not realize the pharmaceutical industry is governed by a "global elite" whose agenda includes massive planetary depopulation.

Dr. Horowitz continues his tireless service to humankind by exposing the politics and economics underlying the "Biological Apocalypse" in which avian flu plays a current role. This is yet another assault against humanity; part of the "Bio-Spiritual Warfare" waged to create from chaos their NEW WORLD ORDER. If you wish to remain healthy in the coming months and years, we urge you to consider the vital information dispensed by Dr. Horowitz here and on affiliated websites. We also urge you to apply this knowledge, and share it with as many others as possible.

With respect and blessings to all. Brian William Hall Executive Producer CONSPIRACY CON Victoria Jack Executive Producer BAY AREA UFO EXPO

This donation and public service announcement is also rendered by collaborating companies and organizations including:

The National Vaccination Liberation Organization
http://www.vaclib.org ; Blog In-Service Radio
http://www.bloginservice.com ; Tetrahedron Publishing Group
http://www.tetrahedron.org ; Healing Celebrations, LLC
http://www.healingcelebrations.com ; Healthy World Distributing, LLC http://www.healthyworlddistributing.com ; and many other organizations and individuals committed to exposing the truth.

Note: Dr. Horowitz recommends the following herbal tinctures for naturally addressing the current "flu-like" illnesses: a) Lomatium root extract; b) Devil's club; c) Rosa nutkana (Natural rose hips); d) A.alnifolia (Service berry); and Black Elderberry. The products (Flumonia Factor Formula and Elderberry) are available through Healthy World Distributing, LLC through http://www.healthyworlddistributing.com (1-888-508-4787) and wherever fine organic herbal products are sold.

Listen to the Lecture now at:


Informant: Lloyd Kinder

House Bill Would Let Mining Interests Buy Federal Land

House bill would allow mining claim holders to purchase the federal property. Some fear it would open national parks to development.


The Joyless Economy

Paul Krugman writes that the main explanation for economic discontent is that it's hard to convince people that the economy is booming when they themselves have yet to see any benefits from the supposed boom.


CIA's Secret Jails Open Up New Transatlantic Rift

During the weekend, there were further revelations about the role of the CIA in kidnapping suspects. According to yesterday's Washington Post, the agency carried out a number of "erroneous renditions" - grabbing suspects off the street who later turned out to be innocent.


Cunningham Contracting Probe Could Extend to CIA

Federal investigators in San Diego have made it clear that while just-resigned Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham pleaded guilty last week to taking bribes from defense contractors, their public corruption probe will not stop at Cunningham.


Linkspartei will "gerechte Unternehmensbesteuerung" statt höherer Mehrwertsteuer

"Trifft sozial Schwächere"


Der Chef der Links-Fraktion im Bundestag, Gregor Gysi, hält die Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer zur Sanierung der Staatsfinanzen für den falschen Weg. "Wir brauchen mehr Steuern. Wir können uns diese Finanzknappheit nicht leisten", sagte Gysi am Sonntagabend in der n-tv-Sendung "Späth am Abend". Aber es komme darauf an, welche Steuern erhöht würden: "Die Mehrwertsteuererhöhung ist völlig falsch, weil sie insbesondere die sozial schwächeren Schichten trifft."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Streit um Sicherungshaft für terrorverdächtige Ausländer

Ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte?


In der großen Koalition wird weiter über die Einführung einer Sicherungshaft für terrorverdächtige Ausländer gestritten. Während Unions-Fraktionsvize Wolfgang Bosbach am Wochenende für einen solchen Schritt plädierte, lehnte Bundesjustizministerin Brigitte Zypries eine vorbeugende Sicherungshaft für gewaltbereite Islamisten in Deutschland strikt ab. Mit ihre werde es "keine Regelung geben, nach der Menschen inhaftiert werden können, nur weil man vermutet, sie könnten gefährlich sein, ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte für strafrechtlich Relevantes zu haben", sagte die SPD-Politikerin. Sie "halte das für verfassungsrechtlich nicht zulässig".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Flüge in Foltergefängnisse?

Regierung und Opposition bitten USA wegen CIA-Flügen um "Aufklärung" (05.12.05)

Die Affäre um geheime CIA-Flüge im deutschen Luftraum mit gefangenen Terrorverdächtigen schlägt immer höhere Wellen. Politiker von Koalition und Opposition verlangten am Montag Aufklärung über die angebliche Kenntnis des früheren Bundesinnenministers Otto Schily von den Vorfällen. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International (ai) forderte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auf, bei ihrem Treffen mit US-Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice das Verhalten Washingtons im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus zu kritisieren. Nach einem Bericht der Zeitung "Washington Post" wurde Schily bereits im Mai 2004 vom ehemaligen US-Botschafter Daniel Coats über die Verschleppung eines deutschen Staatsangehörigen informiert und um Stillschweigen gebeten. Der gebürtige Libanese soll wegen einer Verwechslung mit einem Terrorverdächtigen von der CIA nach Afghanistan geflogen und dort fünf Monate lang verhört worden sein.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Ramstein, Kaiserlautern & Garmisch: Bundeswehr bewacht weiterhin US-Standorte in Deutschland (05.12.05)

Die Bewachung von Kasernenanlagen amerikanischer Streitkräfte in Deutschland wird nicht wie bisher geplant zum Ende des Jahres eingestellt. Auf Antrag der Amerikaner werde die Bewachung auf dem Militärflugplatz Ramstein, in der Sembach Kaserne bei Kaiserlautern und im NATO-Center Garmisch um sechs Monate verlängert, sagte ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums am Montag in Berlin. Zum Einsatz kämen dabei rund 200 Bundeswehrsoldaten, 150 davon in Rheinland-Pfalz. Eingestellt wird nach Angaben des Sprechers Mitte Dezember nur die Bundeswehr-Bewachung auf dem Militärflugplatz Spangdahlem sowie in US-Einrichtungen in Wiesbaden und Mannheim.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

An alle Mobilfunkkritiker in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass Ihre Aktionen für umwelt- verträglicheren Mobilfunk eine steife Brise Rückenwind vertragen könnten, dann haben wir heute gute Nachrichten für Sie. Denn Erol Özkan (Dortmund) und Gerrit Krause rufen alle Mitstreiter in Nordrhein-Westfalen dazu auf, gemeinsam mit ihnen den Landesverband NRW (Name noch offen) zu gründen.

Frei nach der Devise "Gemeinsamkeit macht stark" soll der geplante Landesverband allen angeschlossenen Bürgerinitiativen praktische Hilfe leisten und Aktionen übernehmen, die einzelne BIs allein nicht stemmen können. Die beiden Initiatoren haben die Idee zur Gründung des Landesverbandes jetzt bis zur Spruchreife gebracht. Unter http://la21-haan.de/mobilfunk/aufruf/aufruf.pdf können Sie sich den vollständigen Aufruf herunterladen.

Jetzt hängt alles davon ab, welche Resonanz der Aufruf in NRW findet. Überlegen Sie es sich bitte, ob Sie mit Ihrer BI dem Landesverband zu seinem Rückgrat verhelfen möchten und geben Sie Ihre Entscheidung bis spätestens 14. Dezember den Initiatoren bekannt. Einen Antwort-Coupon zum Ausdrucken und weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte dem oben referenzierten PDF.

Wir hoffen auf große Resonanz (auch Einzelpersonen und Kommunen sind uns willkommen).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Gerrit Krause
[BIuM] Bürgerinitiative für umweltverträglichen Mobilfunk im Kreis Mettmann
An der Schmitte 15 • 42781 Haan
Tel. 02129-959126 • Fax: 02129-959127

US Media Dodging Air War in Iraq

The US government is waging an air war in Iraq. "In recent months, the tempo of American bombing seems to have increased," Seymour Hersh reported in the December 5 edition of The New Yorker. Hersh added: "As yet, neither Congress nor the public has engaged in a significant discussion or debate about the air war."


Free Speech Repression At Hampton

Hampton University is considering expelling seven of its students for political activism just days after the 50th anniversary of Rosa Parks' arrest.


What To Do About Wal-Mart

by Stacy Mitchell, TomPaine.com

It's time to turn the battle against Wal-Mart into a fight against the system that created it.


Will Pay For Good News

by Willam Fisher, TomPaine.com

The Iraq news payola scandal reinforces how the United States is exporting hypocrisy -- not democracy.


Ask Congress to Protect Arctic Refuge, Other Public Lands


Citizen's Petition to Protect Our Roadless Areas


Media's marriage to mediocrity

Frontiers of Freedom
by Tony Hill


Unfortunately the media continues to spread an unremitting stream of political pontifications in an alarming and persistent rate, feeling it necessary to inundate us daily with a constant barrage of politics and government as if serving their gods. Watch the slavish and sycophantic attitude today's reporters demonstrate when questioning Presidents and politicians, acting like petulant children daring to question the almighty. Check the papers, magazines, radio and TV -- the majority of editorials, stories and articles cover and approve of the politicians' efforts to spend more and more of our money on government giveaways. These unearned gifts enlist the votes of willing and conditioned citizens that feel entitled to the government's largesse...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War Crimes, USA

Mother Jones
by Mark Engler


With the White House on the defensive about its justifications for the invasion of Iraq, and with European governments in an uproar over whether American abuse of prisoners has taken place in bases on the continent, scrutiny of alleged U.S. war crimes looks sure to intensify. And if debate about this inflammatory topic begins to rage, a new book, edited by Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler, and Brendan Smith, promises to add fuel to the fire. In the Name of Democracy:

American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond

collects damning official documents, leaked e-mails, testimonies, commentaries, and investigative articles. Together, these items make a strong case that Bush administration actions overseas violate international norms and treaties, and that those responsible are subject to legal repercussions.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The fallacy of consumption

Free Market News Network
by Peter Schiff


During the Christmas Shopping season all eyes are on the American consumer. If he spends lavishly, all is well; if he does not, disaster looms. In fact, Wall Street economists are so obsessed with consumption that they have hopelessly confused the tail with the dog. Consumption, over the long term, is only possible to the extent that there is production. It is not through financial courage and resiliency that Americans consume. The desire to do so is infinite and omnipresent. It exists equally from the wealthiest of kings to the poorest of beggars. Hunger itself will not put food on the table. Only production can transform abstract demand into genuine purchasing power...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America can't take it anymore

by Mark Follman


Five days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Vice President Dick Cheney instructed the nation that the U.S. government would begin working 'the dark side' to defeat its enemies in a new global war. 'A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion,' Cheney declared on NBC's 'Meet the Press.' He added, 'It's going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal.' More than four years later, the Bush administration has delivered on Cheney's vow to wage war in the shadows, free from oversight and accountability. Policies for seizing and interrogating suspects -- conceived and commanded at the highest levels of the White House -- have permitted numerous acts of torture and even murder at the hands of American soldiers and interrogators... [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The victims of the public school system guide to the Bill of Rights

The Price of Liberty
by Robert Greenslade


As a recovering victim of the American public school system, it took many years of independent study before I finally discovered the true intent of the Bill of Rights. With the 214th anniversary of the adoption of the Amendments only weeks away, the Bill of Rights remains, next to the Constitution itself, the most misunderstood document in the history of the nation. The recent vacancies on the United States Supreme Court have made the Bill of Rights front-page news and a major topic of discussion. Unfortunately, editorials and talk shows continue to misrepresent the original intent of the Amendments. Since a vast majority of the American people suffer from the 'victims of the public school system syndrome' that plagues the nation, the author felt this was the perfect time to offer some information that might help them overcome their affliction concerning the Bill of Rights...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Urban myth" or treason?

by Justin Raimondo

The War Party certainly has its party line down pat. In response to allegations that he had deliberately misinformed the Americans about Iraq's 'weapons of mass destruction' and alleged links to al-Qaeda, Ahmed Chalabi recently declared: 'The fact that I misled the U.S. is an urban myth.' The same phrase popped up when an aide to Vice President Dick Cheney denied that his boss was the recipient of bogus 'intelligence' in the run-up to war, or is in any way beholden to the neocons: ''That's an urban myth,' said this aide, who declined to be identified.' This is a longtime favorite theme song sung by government officials who would rather not even discuss an inconvenient issue, and it often works, but not so well these days. The stench of fraud -- and worse -- is rising over Washington so that the whole city seems permeated by a permanent miasma, a poisonous cloud so thick that denials seem to stick in the throat even before they are uttered...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The war on Al Jazeera

The Nation
by Jeremy Scahill


Nothing puts the lie to the Bush Administration's absurd claim that it invaded Iraq to spread democracy throughout the Middle East more decisively than its ceaseless attacks on Al Jazeera, the institution that has done more than any other to break the stranglehold over information previously held by authoritarian forces, whether monarchs, military strongmen, occupiers or ayatollahs. The United States bombed its offices in Afghanistan in 2001, shelled the Basra hotel where Al Jazeera journalists were the only guests in April 2003, killed Iraq correspondent Tareq Ayoub a few days later in Baghdad and imprisoned several Al Jazeera reporters (including at Guantánamo), some of whom say they were tortured. In addition to the military attacks, the US-backed Iraqi government banned the network from reporting in Iraq. Then in late November came a startling development: Britain's Daily Mirror reported that during an April 2004 White House meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, George W. Bush floated the idea of bombing Al Jazeera's international headquarters in Qatar...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

E-mail, memos detail Katrina's political storm



As Hurricane Katrina roared ashore and thousands of people waited days amid the floodwater for rescue, a series of letters passed between the governor and the White House that reveal delays, claims that requests for federal help weren't received, and concerns on both sides about public relations. Gov. Kathleen Blanco late Friday released 100,000 pages of memos, handwritten notes, e-mails, phone logs and other documents requested by congressional committees that are now investigating what happened behind the scenes in the frantic days surrounding the deadly Aug. 29 storm...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Former 9/11 commissioners: US at risk

Las Vegas Review-Journal


The U.S. is at great risk for more terrorist attacks because Congress and the White House have failed to enact several strong security measures, members of the former Sept. 11 commission said Sunday. 'It's not a priority for the government right now,' said the former chairman, Thomas Kean, ahead of the group's release of a report Monday assessing how well its recommendations have been followed...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

FBI faked terror probe documents


Informant: Milo

Don't Let It Bring You Down

William Rivers Pitt is at the end of his rope. Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed and maimed during this occupation. 70% of the population is unemployed. Electricity is intermittent. Potable water is hard to come by. Bombs go off every day, slaying civilians, police and soldiers indiscriminately. Iraqis disappear into torture chambers. Religious factions growl at each other like dogs in a fighting pit. Even the children throw rocks.


Torture Makes Justice Impossible

David Cole criticizes the indictment of Jose Padilla, saying his charges had virtually nothing to do with what the United States government had been saying about him during his three years in military custody as an "enemy combatant."


Rove Running Out of Answers

Jason Leopold analyzes attorney Robert Luskin, who is representing Karl Rove in the federal investigation into the outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson. According to Leopold, Luskin has made a desperate attempt to ensure Rove avoids becoming the subject of a criminal indictment.


Haben Kommunen Einflussmöglichkeiten bei der Standortfrage von Mobilfunkmasten?



Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D.


Sehr geehrter Herr Hartenstein,

im Anhang unsere Pressemitteilung zu der Veranstaltung "Mobilfunk und Baurecht", die wir am 24.11. in Oberbeuren/KF abhielten.

Renate Marek
Sprecherin der Mobilfunk-Initiativen OAL

Mobilfunk und Baurecht

Haben Kommunen Einflussmöglichkeiten bei der Standortfrage von Mobilfunkmasten?

Der Zwiespalt ist offensichtlich: Viele Menschen wollen mit dem Handy telefonieren und erreichbar sein, wollen aber auch vor Mobilfunkstrahlung geschützt werden. Obwohl die meisten Gebiete mobilfunktechnisch so weit versorgt sind, dass ein weiterer Ausbau eigentlich unnötig wird und nur noch fragwürdigen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten des Handys dient, drängen die Netzbetreiber auf immer neue Standorte. Die Kommunen stehen hier häufig dazwischen, sehen sie sich einerseits gezwungen, den Forderungen der Mobilfunkbetreiber genüge zu tun, andererseits sind sie aber auch für die Gesundheitsvorsorge in der Bevölkerung verantwortlich. Dass es Wege aus diesem Dilemma gibt, versuchte vergangenen Donnerstag auf Einladung der Ostallgäuer Mobilfunkinitiativen der Dipl. Verwaltungswirt (FH) Peter-Michael Schmalz, Referent für Umwelt- Natur- und Verbraucherschutz sowie Mobilfunkexperte, im Rahmen seines Vortrags "Mobilfunk und Baurecht" im Pfarrsaal in Oberbeuren aufzuzeigen. Schmalz geht in seinen Ausführungen erst einmal auf die derzeit festgelegten Grenzwerte ein. Sie böten selbst nach offiziellen Angaben zwar Schutz vor akuten Schäden, jedoch keinen nachgewiesenen Schutz vor mittel- und langfristigen gesundheitlichen Schäden. Die Menschen wären zudem wenig sensibilisiert für die gesundheitlichen Gefahren, die von elektromagnetischer Strahlung ausgingen. Denn, so Schmalz,: "Man riecht`s nicht, man schmeckt`s nicht und man hört`s nicht." Eine Senkung der Strahlenschutzwerte sei derzeit aufgrund der persönlichen und finanziellen Verflechtungen der regierenden Parteien mit den Konzernen nicht zu erreichen, deswegen müsse auf das Baurecht als den zweitbesten Weg ausgewichen werden. Wie z. B. bei der Windenergie, verfügt jede Gemeinde auch beim Mobilfunk über Steuerungsmöglichkeiten.

Schmalz empfiehlt ein flächendeckendes verbindliches und gemeindliches Standortkonzept für Mobilfunksendeanlagen in der Bauleitplanung. Als Basis hierfür rate er dringend die Beauftragung eines von den Netzbetreibern unabhängigen Fachbüros an. Dieses Büro müsse ein funktechnisches Standortgutachten erstellen. Dies beinhalte die Bestandsaufnahme von Sendeanlagen, eine dreidimensionale Erhebung gemeindespezifischer Gegebenheiten mit einer Genauigkeit im Meterbereich, funktechnische Berechnungen und die Erstellung eines Pflichtenheftes für die Gemeinde. Schmalz erläutert, dass jede Gemeinde ihre ganz eigenen zu berücksichtigenden Gegebenheiten, topographischer wie baulicher Art habe. So sei z. B. das Reflektionsverhalten, wie etwa in Häuserschluchten, ein nicht zu unterschätzender Aspekt für die Strahlenbelastung. Die Funknetzplanung der Netzbetreiber basiere dagegen in aller Regel nur auf weniger genauen und billigeren Geländemodellen, in denen viele maßgebliche Aspekte nicht berücksichtigt werden. In dem aufwändigen Standortgutachten hingegen können aufgrund extremer Digitalisierung die Auswirkungen des geplanten Standortes genau gemessen werden. Darüber hinaus können die gewonnenen Daten für weitere unverzichtbare Komponenten, wie Straßen- oder Kanalbau verwendet werden.

Im Außenbereich kann jede Gemeinde auf Basis dieses unabhängigen Gutachtens rechtsverbindliche sog. Positivstandorte im Flächennutzungsplan festsetzen. Im Innenbereich können auf Basis des Gutachtens dann Sperrungen von reinen und allgemeinen Wohngebieten für Mobilfunksender per Bebauungsplan festgelegt werden. Unter gewissen Voraussetzungen können sogar bestimmte Bereiche von Misch- und Dorfgebieten von Mobilfunksendern freigehalten werden. Gewerbegebiete entzögen sich jedoch in aller Regel beim Mobilfunk einer gemeindlichen baurechtlichenhoheitlichen Regelungskompetenz. Hier könne man jedoch ersatzweise zivilrechtliche Regelungen in den Kaufverträgen für die Gewerbe-Grundstücke fixieren. Für die zeitliche Absicherung dieser gemeindlichen Planungen stünden, so der Fachmann weiter, gemeindliche mobilfunkspezifische Veränderungssperren und Anträge auf Rückstellungen von Baugesuchen zur Verfügung. Voraussetzung hierfür sei jedoch eine hinreichend konkretisierte Planungsabsicht der Gemeinden für ein Standortkonzept zum Mobilfunk.

Eine weitere, sehr aktuelle Möglichkeit der Gemeinden, Einfluss in Sachen Mobilfunk zu nehmen, böte das derzeitige Anhörungsverfahren zur Novellierung des Landesentwicklungsprogramms (LEP). Einige Kommunen haben bereits den Vorschlag eingereicht, die Formulierung "flächendeckende" durch den abgeschwächten Begriff "ausreichende" Versorgung" zu ersetzen

Im weiteren Verlauf des Vortrages widerlegte der Referent noch einige Falschbehauptungen hinsichtlich der angeblichen hervorgehobenen Rechtsstellung der Mobilfunkbetreiber. So pochten die Netzbetreiber immer auf ihre Lizenzverpflichtungen. Diese Lizenzverpflichtungen, so Peter-Michael Schmalz, seien jedoch nur privatrechtliche Lizenzen zum Geldverdienen, keine öffentlich-rechtlichen Verpflichtungen zum Netzaufbau, so ein rechtskräftiges Urteil des Bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofes vom

Zum Schluss seines sehr intensiven und anspruchsvollen Vortrages fasste der Referent seine Ausführungen zusammen mit den Worten: "Ein gemeindliches Vorsorgekonzept ist keine rechtswidrige Verhinderungsplanung, sondern eine rechtlich zulässige Lenkungsplanung. Oft scheuten jedoch die Gemeinden die Kosten hierfür. Es gelte jedoch auch hier das Prinzip: "Wo ein Wille ist, da ist auch ein Weg."

An die Bevölkerung appellierte er, angesichts der gesundheitlichen Risiken, den Vorsorge-Empfehlungen des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz zu folgenden: nach Möglichkeit nur mit dem Festnetz telefonieren, und wenn nicht anders möglich, dann nur sehr kurz mit dem Handy telefonieren und Kinder gar nicht mit dem Handy telefonieren zu lassen. Auch dürfe nicht vergessen werden, dass mit jedem Handytelefonat die Wahrscheinlichkeit steige, dass auch im eigenen Nahfeld ein neuer Sender gebaut wird. Schließlich gelte: Viele Handytelefonate, bedeuten viele Sender!

Übersehene Gefahr: RFID-Chips verseuchen das Trinkwasser


Oversight of war spending is faulted

The Pentagon's accounting methods make it difficult to monitor how the armed services have spent more than $300 billion since the war on terror began.


From Information Clearing House

President Bush has equated Islamic radicalism with communism

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Do These Two Have Anything in Common?

President Bush has equated Islamic radicalism with communism. Is the comparison sound? Is it wise?


The next holocaust: Islamophobia is not a uniquely British disease:

Across Europe, liberals openly express prejudice against Muslims. Do new pogroms beckon?


From Information Clearing House

FBI mishandled terrorism case

Officials at the FBI mishandled a Florida terror investigation, falsified documents in an effort to cover repeated missteps and retaliated against an agent who first complained about the problems, Justice Department investigators have concluded.


From Information Clearing House

Squeezed to death

Half a million children have died in Iraq since UN sanctions were imposed - most enthusiastically by Britain and the US. Three UN officials have resigned in despair. Meanwhile, bombing of Iraq continues almost daily.


The secret cabal which was spun for Blair


From Information Clearing House

How MI6 sold the Iraq war:

THE Secret Intelligence Service has run an operation to gain public support for sanctions and the use of military force in Iraq. The government yesterday confirmed that MI6 had organised Operation Mass Appeal, a campaign to plant stories in the media about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.


Smear Pattern

Rather than address the issues the soldiers raised, angry White House officials devised a plan to attack the messenger – the ABC correspondent who filed the story, Jeffrey Kofman.


From Information Clearing House

The Revolt of the Generals: "Broken, Worn Out" and "Living Hand to Mouth"

"The Four Star Generals picked Murtha to make this speech because he has maximum credibility." It's true. Even in the US Senate there's no one with quite Murtha's standing to deliver the message, except maybe for Byrd...


From Information Clearing House

US Army admits Iraqis outnumber foreign fighters

Of 1,300 suspected insurgents arrested over the past five months in and around Ramadi, none has been a foreigner. Col John Gronski, senior officer in the town, Anbar's provincial capital, said that almost all insurgent fighting there was by Iraqis.


From Information Clearing House

On the road to Damascus

By William Bowles

Much has been made in the corporate/state-run media of Blair being some kind of ‘restraining influence’ on Bush and the ‘neo-cons’ but as the report makes abundantly clear, US-UK foreign and energy and military policies are ‘joined at the hip’ and have been so for the past century and in spite of the rivalries.


Wrongful Imprisonment: Anatomy of a CIA "Mistake"

German Citizen Released After Months in 'Rendition'

By Dana Priest

Coats informed the German minister that the CIA had wrongfully imprisoned one of its citizens, Khaled Masri, for five months, and would soon release him, the sources said. There was also a request: that the German government not disclose what it had been told even if Masri went public. The U.S. officials feared exposure of a covert action program designed to capture terrorism suspects abroad and transfer them among countries, and possible legal challenges to the CIA from Masri and others with similar allegations.


The Latest Tyranny: Tagging Terrorist Chickens


Government Accountability Office report CONFIRMS key 2004 STOLEN Election


Take Action to Save California Condors and Majestic Oak Woodlands


From EF! Media Center

Murtha speech signaled 'mutiny in the US senior officer corps': GOP is panicked


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

This Land May Not Be Your Land

House bill would allow mining claim holders to purchase the federal property. Some fear it would open national parks to development.

By Janet Wilson and Tim Reiterman
LATimes Staff Writers
December 4, 2005

MOJAVE NATIONAL PRESERVE — Standing at the foot of billion-year-old Stripe Mountain, acting park chief Larry Whalon gazed up at ancient slopes banded in limestone and copper.

"In 10 years, there could be a big house right here. Lots of houses," Whalon said.

The entire mountain in the desert preserve west of Las Vegas is covered by federal mining claims, and newly proposed legislation would allow claim holders to purchase this land outright.

Supporters say the mining law changes, part of a spending bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last month, are intended to revive dying rural mining towns. But the possible consequences have provoked fierce disagreement.

A House-Senate conference committee is expected in the near future to begin work to resolve the differences between the House bill and one passed by the Senate. The Senate bill does not contain the mining provisions, but it does include an equally contentious measure, rejected by the House, that would open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

Critics fear the mining law changes could open the door to any type of locally approved development on millions of acres of public land — including national forests and national parks. Records show California's national parks have more mining claims than any others in the U.S.

Six Western governors, all Democrats, signed a letter Thursday opposing the changes, calling them "ill-conceived" with "sinister intent."

"Functionally, 6 million acres of public land could be on the selling block … including lands within our wilderness and national parks system," wrote the governors of Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and Washington. "With the potential for new … claims, untold other millions of acres could be up for sale."

The governors said the sale of lands would yield a "paltry" $32 million annually, while sacrificing $2 billion worth of royalties.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office is assessing the mining claims legislation, but spokesman Darel Ng said Friday, "He has not yet taken a position."

Supported by the mining industry, the bill is being championed by Reps. Richard Pombo (R-Tracy), Resources Committee chair, and Jim Gibbons, a Nevada Republican and Resources Committee member who wrote the legislation.

The two congressmen maintain it is a long overdue reform of an 1872 mining law that will help ease the nation's deficit and bolster rural economies. They say fears of massive development are unfounded, particularly in national parks and other protected areas.

"This is not some land sale or giveaway," said Pombo spokesman Brian Kennedy. "This legislation allows there to be jobs and economic sustainability after the mine closes."

But others worry that language in the bill could negate regulatory oversight of mining on public lands, and lead to the sale of surface lands atop claims.

"We're trying to decipher this thing. It's amazing how some of it is written," said Death Valley National Park Supt. J.T. Reynolds.

According to the park's mining engineer, Mel Essington, "They could put in a bingo parlor, gambling casinos, a McDonald's….

"A portion of the park extends into Nevada," Essington added. "They could have a legal right to a brothel out there."

Several hundred miles north in Sierra County, where there are about 1,500 mining claims and only 3,500 residents, county planning chief Tim Beals said privatization of claims would create "horrendous conflicts" between the new landowners and fishermen, hunters, hikers and snowmobilers, as well as a rush to build along the rivers. "It would be chaos."

If approved by the Senate, the law would lift an 11-year-old moratorium on the patenting, or sale, of federal lands to claim holders. Purchase prices, now $2.50 to $5 an acre, would be raised to $1,000 an acre or fair market value, whichever is greater. Claim holders could also stake and buy adjoining lands.

Mining industry officials said the ability to patent, or buy, mining claims would help ensure a domestic supply of minerals and provide incentive to make new uses of property containing shuttered mines.

Luke Popovich, vice president of the National Mining Assn., said critics have grossly exaggerated the law's potential effects. "If you put in some common-sense screens … you come up with a total acreage that is seriously possible for privatization of about 360,000" across the U.S, he said.

The bulk of active mining claims on federal land in California are in the Mojave Desert and the Sierra Nevada foothills. The lands are rich in mining history, attractive for development and used by millions of people for camping and other recreation.

The Mojave Preserve, established in 1994, is studded with 432 active claims, meaning they pay fees each year and have done exploratory work.

The existing federal Mining in the Parks Act has tough restrictions that make it difficult to actually mine, and that effectively ban other development.

The land is largely devoid of humans, except for occasional hikers or hunters who share the undulating desert valleys and five mountain ranges with jackrabbits, tortoises, coyotes and small bands of bighorn sheep.

"I call it the big openness," said acting park chief Whalon. "I don't want to lose any ground."

What concerns him most is how the legislation could affect adjacent public land just across the increasingly busy Interstate 15 from the northern boundary of the preserve.

Administered by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, that land has less protection than the preserve, Whalon said. He fears if it is sold to private owners as a result of the new bill, it could be very profitable to put commercial strips next to the highway, exposing the preserve to light, noise and pollution.

Three hours away in Death Valley, tourists interviewed last week were mostly aghast at the possibility of new mining and development in the park.

"It would be crummy," said Laury Huckling, 35, of Ontario, Canada, marveling at the 35-million-year-old lava beds off Zabriskie Point. "This should be protected forever."

But Don Twiggs, a visitor from Ludlow, Vt., disagreed. "For 360 degrees I see nothing but a lot of rock," said Twiggs, a retired plumbing contractor. "I'm sure you could get some use out of some of it, and still have plenty left over."

Supporters of the bill say buying lands simply for development would remain illegal, and that years of costly mining work would have to be done before the land could be privatized.

"This is not a return to the Old West land rush," said Gerald Hillier, former head of the BLM's California desert office, now a consultant to county officials in four Southwestern states. "People are not going to be able to go out and stake a claim, kick the cattle off, and say 'this is mine.' "

He said market forces would also keep most national forest and BLM land from being developed, because there is still so much available private land closer to towns.

Last week in Sierra County, on snowy ground outside his DigMore Mine, David O'Donnell put on his hardhat and adjusted his headlamp with fingers gnarled from old injuries. A county road worker, he mines his claims evenings and weekends. "If I was not married," said the father of two grown sons, "I would be up here 24-7."

On one level, the legislation appeals to O'Donnell, who mines with a heavy hammer, dynamite and an ore cart inherited from his father. He figures he could acquire his 160-acre claim and cut some timber for shoring up his mine. And he could sell off an interest to raise capital for equipment and helpers.

But he is concerned about development. "I think mining property was not designed for a housing tract," he said. "If people move in, they will think the miners are making too much noise. They would complain about drills and rock crushers … and too much dust."

Mike Miller, who owns the Original Sixteen to One Mine in the nearby hamlet of Allegheny — one of the county's few commercial mining operations — said the new law would make it too easy to purchase mining claims, after as little as $7,500 in mineral development work.

"That is not right," he said.

Unlike some other foothill counties that lost mining and logging jobs, Sierra County is hardly teeming with new development. Three-quarters of the county is public land, and most of the rest has been developed or is too steep and rugged.

Officials said the proposed law could open up vast forests in the county to housing and other private uses, increasing the tax base. They said they welcome development near existing towns but are concerned that development deep in national forests could harm recreational tourism and create new costs for snow removal, ambulance services and police and fire protection.

Adam Harper, manager of the California Mining Assn., said those fears are unwarranted. "The locals have the ultimate say on what can go on a piece of property."

On a recent afternoon, Sierra County Sheriff Lee Adams III stood on a snowy outcropping, looking out over some of the mining claims that extend 40 miles along a stretch of the Yuba River favored by fishermen and whitewater enthusiasts.

"These are some of the most scenic areas of Tahoe National Forest," said Adams, speaking as a longtime county resident. "Say I pay $10,000 for a claim and turn around and sell it to a developer for $200,000. I do not think that is a benefit to the public."

Informant: binstock

Death By Torture: US Media Ignores Hard Evidence

For Your Torture Dosier: Move evidence of widespread Imperial abuses

December 2, 2005

The Proof is in the Military's Own Autopsy Reports

Death By Torture: US Media Ignores Hard Evidence


Military autopsy reports provide indisputable proof that detainees are being tortured to death while in US military custody. Yet the US corporate media are covering it with the seriousness of a garage sale for the local Baptist Church.

A recent American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) posting of one of forty-four US military autopsy reports reads as follows:

"Final Autopsy Report: DOD 003164, (Detainee) Died as a result of asphyxia (lack of oxygen to the brain) due to strangulation as evidenced by the recently fractured hyoid bone in the neck and soft tissue hemorrhage extending downward to the level of the right thyroid cartilage. Autopsy revealed bone fracture, rib fractures, contusions in mid abdomen, back and buttocks extending to the left flank, abrasions, lateral buttocks. Contusions, back of legs and knees; abrasions on knees, left fingers and encircling to left wrist. Lacerations and superficial cuts, right 4th and 5th fingers. Also, blunt force injuries, predominately recent contusions (bruises) on the torso and lower extremities. Abrasions on left wrist are consistent with use of restraints. No evidence of defense injuries or natural disease. Manner of death is homicide. Whitehorse Detainment Facility, Nasiriyah, Iraq."

The ACLU website further reveals how: "a 27-year-old Iraqi male died while being interrogated by Navy Seals on April 5, 2004, in Mosul, Iraq. During his confinement he was hooded, flex-cuffed, sleep deprived and subjected to hot and cold environmental conditions, including the use of cold water on his body and hood. The exact cause of death was "undetermined" although the autopsy stated that hypothermia may have contributed to his death.

Another Iraqi detainee died on January 9, 2004, in Al Asad, Iraq, while being interrogated. He was standing, shackled to the top of a doorframe with a gag in his mouth, at the time he died. The cause of death was asphyxia and blunt force injuries.

So read several of the 44 US military autopsy reports on the ACLU website -evidence of extensive abuse of US detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan 2002 through 2004. Anthony Romero, Executive Director of ACLU stated, "There is no question that US interrogations have resulted in deaths." ACLU attorney Amrit Sing adds, "These documents present irrefutable evidence that US operatives tortured detainees to death during interrogations."

Additionally, ACLU reports that in April 2003, Secretary Rumsfeld authorized the use of "environmental manipulation" as an interrogation technique in Guantánamo Bay. In September 2003, Lt. Gen. Sanchez also authorized this technique for use in Iraq. So responsibility for these human atrocities goes directly to the highest levels of power.

A press release on these deaths by torture was issued by the ACLU on October 25, 2005 and was immediately picked up by Associated Press and United Press International wire services, making the story available to US corporate media nationwide. A thorough check of Nexus-Lexus and Proquest electronic data bases, using the keywords ACLU and autopsy, showed that at least 95percent of the daily papers in the US didn't bother to pick up the story. The Los Angeles Times covered the story on page A-4 with a 635-word report headlined "Autopsies Support Abuse Allegations." Fewer than a dozen other daily newspapers including: Bangor Daily News, Maine, page 8; Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque Iowa, page 6; Charleston Gazette, page 5; Advocate, Baton Rouge, page 11; and a half dozen others actually covered the story. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Seattle Times buried the story inside general Iraq news articles. USA Today posted the story on their website. MSNBC posted the story to their website, but apparently did not consider it newsworthy enough to air on television.

"The Randi Rhodes Show," on Air America Radio, covered the story. AP/UPI news releases and direct quotes from the ACLU website appeared widely on internet sites and on various news-based listservs around the world, including Common Dreams, Truthout, New Standard, Science Daily, and numerous others.

What little attention the news of the US torturing prisoners to death did get has completely disappeared as context for the torture stories now appearing in corporate media. A Nexus-Lexus search November 30, 2005 of the major papers in the US using the word torture turned up over 1,000 stories in the last 30 days. None of these included the ACLU report as supporting documentation on the issue.

How can the American public understand the gravity of the torture that is currently being committed in our name when the issue is being reported with no reference to the extent to which these crimes against humanity have gone? Has the internet become the only source of real news for mainstream Americans while the corporate media only tells us what they want us to know?

Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored a media research organization.

ACLU source documents online at:

Michael Wells Mandeville,
The Hills of Arizona USA at mwman@earthlink.net


Death By Torture:

The Proof is in the Military's Own Autopsy Reports: US Media Ignores Hard Evidence.


From Information Clearing House

How to end the world on a budget


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Cheney Speaks for DeLay


Today Iraq, Tomorrow the World


Is Mankind a Mistake?


Traveling Sheep


FEMA and the coming police state

FEMA Concentration Camp for Families in Taylor, Texas

Informant: shane_digital



..... and never say: "We didn't know!"

Al Martin: FEMA and the coming police state

Important article, if a little frightening. It explains why, further down, that Fema is organizing America into a gulag of work camps. The implementing legislation is in place, or going in place even now. It may somewhat replicate the work camps that served the German corporations in WWII, being located on top of natural resources. These people just can't help recreating the fascist model. Heck...just take a look at films and stories on last years Republican Convention in New York. The writer, Al Martin, was a former cohort of the Bush Cabal... D

FEMA, CILFs & State Security: Shocking Updates (11-28-05)

The Bush-Cheney Regime is telling US citizens their exact intent. In fact FEMA is being upgraded as a federal agency, and upon passage of PATRIOT Act III, which contains the amendment to overturn posse comitatus, FEMA will be re-militarized, which will give the agency military police powers. It should be remembered that FEMA started out in 1952 as a military agency, called Federal Emergency Military Agency (FEMA).

FEMA was under the control of the Department of Defense. In related news, as reported on CNBC, the new Taser H-26 super stun gun has been fully developed and is already being sold, even though there have been problems.

(It also comes with the laser target identifier, so when you see that little red dot on you at night, and you wish to avoid that nasty shock, you immediately raise your right arm in the air and shout - "Hail the Leader.")

Taser doesn't like having to adopt the new label of semi-lethal instead of non-lethal. Semi-lethal, in this case, means that whether it is lethal to you or not depends on your body's tolerance for 100,000 volts of electricity.

Nevertheless Taser is going to restrict sales to governmental agencies and the military only, at least for now. FEMA has announced they will go ahead with the purchase of the new super stun gun to add to their ever-growing arsenal of high-tech, so-called non-lethal and semi-lethal weapons, to be used for the control of either crowds or the control of detained citizens en masse.

But after PATRIOT III is passed, FEMA will be re-militarized and it will be a fully stand-alone federal agency that will take over from the Department of Defense the militarized law enforcement and citizen control function within the United States.

FEMA has acted, as we reported earlier, not to confiscate, but to commandeer the Red Cross emergency housing facilities in the future. Furthermore FEMA has announced it will commandeer now and take control of all remaining temporary housing facilities now being run by private charities and other organizations. In other words, these facilities are going to be brought under control of a remilitarized, military policed and empowered FEMA.

As Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff pointed out in recent weeks, these private temporary housing facilities and compounds will be made 'secure' by FEMA.

Secondly, FEMA is now taking over from the U.S. Army the control of the CILF project (Civilian Inmate Labor Facilities). FEMA will now provide the personnel within these facilities to act as guards, and also to keep out of the venue any legalities regarding any personal rights, as well as civil liberties that citizens detained in these facilities would have had, had these facilities remained under the control of the Department of Defense. In other words, these facilities, legally speaking, in a post-PATRIOT Act III environment, will hold citizens, who while detained will have no rights. This lack of rights goes beyond the lack of rights that exists now under PATRIOT II. This means indefinite detention without trial, indefinite detention without charge, indefinite detention without right of counsel-indefinite detention secretly, without any communication with the outside world, and without anyone knowing where you are.

The power to do so does not really rest with the Department of Defense. That power really rests with Homeland Security and FEMA.

And this is what it has come down to -- a turf war between Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, between Chertoff and Rumsfeld, that Homeland Security has won. That's what this is really all about. It's a turf war, in which Homeland Security wants militarized police operations domestically under its control. It wants to run all civilian detention facilities, all 'non-conventional civilian judicial apparatus' relating to the PATRIOT Act, knowing this would vastly increase the power of Homeland Security.

Chertoff didn't say this, but Congressman Dan Burton said that, after PATRIOT III is passed, the Department of Homeland Security's name will be changed to the Office of State Security. He also said that's what pro-Bush faction Republicans wanted to name the agency all along, but were afraid to do so because of what that might mean in certain public quarters and how it might be construed.

However, Congressman Burton points out, sinisterly enough, that, in a post-PATRIOT Act III environment -- we need no longer be concerned about public opinion. Chertoff is thus setting himself up as a czar, a Czar of Domestic Military Security.

Chertoff is doing it by cobbling a system together -- by increasing FEMA powers, which would be further increased anyway in the post-PATRIOT III environment. This will insure that Northern Command does not trump the Department of Homeland Security, or soon to be the Office of State Security, in terms of militarized law enforcement capacity. In other words, he wants Homeland Security and FEMA to have that power and organization -- not the Department of Defense.

This is a power struggle Chertoff is clearly winning and Rumsfeld is effectively feeding into. The implications, of course, continue to be ever more sinister for the American people in the post-PATRIOT III environment. What remaining civil rights and constitutional protections were afforded American citizens would be effectively eviscerated, and we will have what the Regime has wanted all along -- a militarized police state.

Furthermore, what will happen is that in the post-Patriot III environment, the CILF project, for the first time, will be able to be openly funded as a separate budgetary item, instead of funding it through the U.S. Army, as it's being done now. It is currently estimated the Regime is spending about $1 billion dollars a year on refurbishing and expanding the CILF program. The funding, by the way, is being diverted from U.S. Army training and weapons procurement funding. That's where the money's coming from. However, in the post-PATRIOT Act III environment, the CILFs will be able to be funded as a separate item.

Chertoff even said this, that he would request funding be increased from what is an estimated billion dollars per annum now, to $10 billion per annum, to allow for the dramatic expansion of CILF facilities in order to meet the new goal.

Readers may remember the CILFs originally were envisioned to house 2 million dissidents, or those who were found to be acting in a seditious capacity or otherwise treasonous to the state. That was, I think, the original language in 1977. What Chertoff has now said is that the facilities are going to be expanded to initially house 3 million.

Furthermore, and what is interesting about this, is the Department of Homeland Security is currently petitioning for increased power over the Department of the Interior, for example. It is now attempting to usurp some of the authority of the Department of Interior regarding the management of certain federal lands in 'agriculturally or mineral producing areas.' FEMA now wants first dibs, as it were, over these lands.

It is likely, based on the pronouncements coming from FEMA and OEM, or Office of Emergency Management, (remember FEMA and OEM will be put together as one agency post-PATRIOT III), one can draw the conclusion from this attempt to usurp the power of the Department of the Interior that Chertoff intends to build CILFs on federal lands.

Remember a Department of Homeland Security senior advisor, former KGB General Yevgeny Primakov, intimated this before in a radio show he did with BBC, which we have previously written about: Chertoff wants to build new large CILF camps on agricultural or mineral-producing areas. In other words, what he's talking about now is the construction of a long-term system of concentration camps, using slave labor for mining and for the production of agricultural products.

Chertoff is saying these places have to support themselves. Under Bushonomics, the red ink cannot flow forever to the point where you could potentially house, let's say, 10% of the population in a gulag. These gulags, like the Russian gulags, have to pay for themselves somehow, and how you make them pay is by insuring the detainees are put to work producing something of value -- agriculture, metals, minerals, fishing rights, timber -- something that is of commercial value to defray the cost of maintaining a gulag.

And that is precisely what Chertoff is attempting to build. That's why Chertoff has requested the special power over the Department of Interior to inform 'certain current commercial leaseholders of federal lands-agriculture, grazing, timber, metals, minerals, etc.-to shorten the leases of these lands and to make them a fixed termination wherein the Department of Homeland Security (soon to be the Office of State Security) could take control of these lands to build CILFs on them that would be self-supporting or reasonably so.'

Typically these things are sub-contracted out to Bush connected firms. But pro-Bush faction Republicans have expressed a willingness to give up that gravy train to some extent. Their willingness comes out of their desperation to see a pro-Bush faction Regime remain in power, knowing that, if a democratic process is allowed to proceed, (this is the thinking), a Democratic Party candidate would be elected president in 2008. If that were to occur, the economic policies which this Democrat Party administration would have to undertake would be so draconian that, in order for the American people, to make it politically palatable, they would need to tell the people for the very first time the truth about the Bush Cabal and about the rape and pillage of the United States by this Cabal.

It will not be couched in terms of FDR's New Deal program. When you have to ask the American people to make substantial sacrifices, short of fighting a global war, they're going to want to know why. Global war against "terrorism" will not be convincing anymore.

Therefore, an incoming Democratic regime would have no choice but to tell the people the truth about Bushonomics and about the Bush Cabal and what has been done to the nation and the trillions upon trillions in debt this Cabal and Bushonian Regimes have accrued. Then, all of the pro-Bush faction Republicans with connections to the frauds, to the endless panoply of Bushonian frauds, would be flushed out and identified.

Therefore, pro-Bush faction Republicans are increasingly desperate to ensure that the Regime is continued and that it uses its PATRIOT Act powers to continue itself, not only in power, but in absolute power. Consequently they're willing to give up the gravy train on the minerals and agricultural lands.

However, interestingly enough, as Congressman Tom DeLay had pointed out previously, since the mineral and ag payments haven't increased much since the original law of 1872, thanks to Republican pressure to keep them low, the federal government is not losing much revenue anyway. Why? Because the lease payments are so low relative to the commercial value of the land, CILFs could actually make these lands generate a profit beyond the cost of actually running the CILF.

General Primakov warned us of this in his BBC radio interview in
2003. This is when he was still a senior advisor to Homeland Security on Domestic Internal Security affairs, DISA, as it was called, as it is still called. General Primakov, knowing he would lose his $150,000-a-year consulting fee, came out and started to tell the truth. But Primakov wasn't really giving up anything because he knew that when his 18-month contract was over, it wasn't going to be renewed anyway because it had become an embarrassment. Primakov, Karpov and Kalugin had frankly become embarrassments -- and they knew it.

Therefore, in order to hedge his bets, Primakov goes to Europe and starts giving interviews about what the Bush Cheney Regime is up to. That way, he could be an I-told-you-so down the road. This is something Russian generals always like to say down the road. Their one great claim to fame is for Russian generals 10 years down the line to be able to say, "I told you so."

This is an update, and a review of where the nation is going. There are more and more signs and they are showing the intent of the Bush Cheney Regime. What I find most onerous of all is that the Regime, with each passing month, hides less and less of its intent. In other words, the amount of information within the public domain, although, granted, not particularly easy to find, is nonetheless in the public domain. There is plenty of information even the average citizen can find in the public domain, if they know how to look for it.

That's the key difference. Most people don't know how to look. But if you do know how to look for information, the amount of information regarding all of what we have just said that is in the public domain is astounding. The Regime is not attempting to hide its intent. And with near-absolute control of mainstream media, it doesn't have to. For instance regarding the turf war between the Pentagon and Homeland Security, people have asked me -- are the generals going to sit still and let it happen?

The generals in the Department of Defense know, in the last analysis, they control the military. They control all of the heavy weapons. More importantly, they control all of the military infrastructure. They know that, even if they are not in control of the CILFs and if the Department of Defense is not in control of a militarized police state, in the last analysis, they are in control. The reason why, I think, Rumsfeld is acquiescing is he doesn't want the Department of Defense to have the headache of this program. I mean, who wants the headache of doing this?

Rumsfeld is not interested in becoming a king or czar. Chertoff apparently is.

But we should understand where we are going. As mentioned before, OEM went through the GSA (Government Service Administration) to have new rationing booklets printed for food, petrol, tobacco, liquor, etc., which is something that has not been done since the Second World War. This in itself speaks volumes. The only reason you're going to do that is if you intend to ration products in the US.

Here's another part we touched on before that should be reiterated. The FEMA-OEM combination in a post-PATRIOT Act III environment already exists (it doesn't need a declaration) since a state of national emergency has existed since 9-14-01.

We should also remember the declaration of a national emergency, the legal trip wires exist. In other words, in a sense, PATRIOT III is already here.

In a post-PATRIOT III environment, the FEMA-OEM combination could, at any time, exert absolute control over the production and distribution of food and fuels, by the power already given to them under PATRIOTs I and II.

In a post-PATRIOT III environment, they could act under the existing declaration of a national emergency signed by George Bush in September 2001 that gives them enough to hang their hat on, legally speaking, to exert control over the production and distribution of food, water, medicine, etc. in the nation. As we have mentioned before, the OEM has done surveys of all the large food distribution companies in the United States, asking them the total number of outlets they have, the square footage, the production volume, etc. They would then have the information ready so the FEMA-OEM super-combo agency (the State Security Agency), after PATRIOT Act III, would have the information necessary to take control of food and water distribution, production, etc. in the nation if they so chose to do.

All of this is combined with what we have been writing about-the various edicts of the U.S. Treasury to increasingly restrict citizens' ability to own gold, to take gold out of the country, to force them to use a soft dollar in a post-economically collapsed environment, knowing that that is the ultimate goal.

Why is all of this is being done? Why is the regime moving to a militarized police state and to a dictatorship?

It is because of what Comptroller General David Walker said, that after 2009, the ability of the United States to continue to service its debt becomes questionable.

Although the average citizen may not understand what that means, when the United States can no longer service its debt it collapses as an economic entity. We would be an economically collapsed state.

The only way government can function and can maintain control in an economically collapsed state is through a military dictatorship. Government has never been able to maintain control throughout history of a post-economically collapsed environment other than in a military dictatorship. We have seen many examples of this south of the border, in Eastern Europe and in Asia throughout the twentieth century.

There is really nothing new about this. People act like this is something new. The people who believe that, of course, are the naive flag-wavers. They also believe that what has happened on the rest of this planet throughout history can't happen in the United States. Of course, it can. And it will happen because Bushonomics ensures that it will happen.

Bushonomics is ensuring the need for a military dictatorship in the nation. The United States, in order to survive in a post-economically collapsed environment, would have to have the ability to repudiate the trillions of Bushonian debt that has been accrued. It couldn't survive as an economic state and still service that debt.

We've heard this on radio shows before, that there is a growing number of people in this country who are buying 5 or 10 acres of farmland in the middle of nowhere and building little farm-lets for themselves and getting ready for all this. First of all, that's nonsense, in that FEMA and OEM would control all food production in the country, ala Soviet style. As General Primakov said, this would not only be an American gulag system, but an American gulag system based on a Soviet model.

In other words, you are forced to sell your products to the state at a fixed price. The state is going to know how much you can grow. It is nonsense to believe you can remain in the United States and have any degree of independence or control over your own life or the ability to feed yourself without a rationing coupon book. That is nonsense to believe. It is further nonsense that those who buy survivalist food and guns think that they are going to stand up against their government. That is nonsense as well.

The new American Civil War scenario is also nonsense. You would be mowed down. Let's face it. Why do you think all of the sub agencies now, like the Office of Internal Security, have already identified every potential citizen who is hostile to the regime? Your whereabouts are already known. It isn't like you can hide.

And this is the long and short of it. The only thing that is going to be good is gold and the only way to have that is to be outside of the United States.

By the way this column is not meant to be apocalyptic. This is simply a review of the situation as it currently stands and what it will look like after PATRIOT III. There's nothing apocalyptic here. There is no guesswork implied.

The Regime is telling you their intentions.



U.S. Relocation Centers




Informant: NHNE

Repacholi and industry money


Testimony of Michael Repacholi

Petition to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi

Open letter to the WHO

WHO: a lot of people report symptoms of electromagnetic radiation sickness http://omega.twoday.net/stories/958459/

WHO writes off electrosmog victims

WHO and Electric Utilities: A Partnership on EMFs

The cozy relationship between the WHO and the electric utility industry http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1023935/

The WHO EMF Charade Continues - Time To Stop the WHO Charade

Time To Stop the WHO Charade

WHO will not accept smokers to work, will cell phones users be next?

A Danger from within the house: Radiation was found in the Israeli Prime Minister Office http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1178309/

Das zwielichtige Spiel des Dr. Michael Repacholi

Bestechungsvorwurf gegen Repacholi


Aspartame's impeccable Study proving cancer beyond any shadow of a doubt


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame that was approved when Donald Rumsfeld
http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2004/05/07/aspartame_gate_when_donald_rumsfeld_was_ceo_of_searle.htm decided to call in his political markers to override the FDA's scientific doubts, seems to be nearing the end of its 'useful' life span. Not only are consumers getting increasingly angry - once they find out what causes their ills and they get off the poison - but threatening black scientific and legislative clouds are lining the horizon as well.

Italian study

A large multi-year study of a private Italian health research foundation has acutely confirmed what studies in the 1980s had already found: brain tumors and other unsavory effects of aspartame consumption. The study, which used laboratory animals to test the cancer hypothesis, has been published by Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. The article is available on the EHP website

The study's authors said that previous studies on aspartame were too short to show the cancer causing potential of the substance: "In our opinion, previous studies did not comply with today's basic requirements for testing the carcinogenic potential of a physical or chemical agent, in particular concerning the number of rodents for each experimental group (40 - 86, compared to 100 - 150 in the current study) and the termination of previous studies at only 110 weeks of age of the animals." The study has made headline news, but most countries are wary to take a first step - the FDA is held in high esteem, although opinions might be changing after recent scandals involving painkillers and the effects of psychiatric drugs approved by the agency. Consumer complaints Consumer complaints about aspartame were collected by the FDA and in a rare slip, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in February of 1994 released a listing of adverse reactions. There are some 92, listing can be found in Aspartame the BAD news! http://www.dorway.com/badnews.html . Apparently aspartame accounted for more than 75% of all adverse reactions reported to the FDA's Adverse Reaction Monitoring System. The FDA is in a very unenviable position. It has approved a neurotoxic carcinogen to be used as an artificial sweetener and complaints are piling up to where they are difficult to hide. But once the sweetener was approved it became almost impossible for the agency to admit wrongdoing, without unleashing a scandal the likes of which has not been seen since the thalidomide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalidomide disaster.

New Mexico

Against this background, there is now action in the New Mexico legislature to hear evidence about aspartame's health effects. Heaven forbid that there should be hearings, Ajinomoto, the principal manufacturer of aspartame, has hit the ceiling. Lawyers hired by Ajinomoto
http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=2331 descended on legislative committees to argue why the FDA's approval should prevent any independent hearings from taking place. The Calorie Control Council, a group close to industry, was called in to help. They dutifully attempted to demolish
http://search.ivanhoe.com/channels/p_channelstory.cfm?storyid=12568&channelid=CHAN-100017 the Italian study saying it did not follow the guidelines of the National Toxicology Program, the United States government toxicology initiative administered by the National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences. The people pressure against aspartame comes from a network of former 'addicts' who have kicked the diet habit and from doctors who have seen the damage and halted or reversed it in their patients. Books have been written (look at the Amazon ads in the side bar - hint, hint) that condemn the sweetener and document its ill effects, aspartame detoxification programs and aspartame help groups exist, a video Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World
http://store.yahoo.com/yhst-61637171248923/sweetmiserydvd.html documents some the history of aspartame's approval and some of its egregious side effects. A tireless lady by the name of Betty Martini, who founded Mission Possible
http://www.dorway.com/possible.html is arguably the most well known among the aspartame opponents, although hers is not a lonely crusade. Aspartame users (mostly ex, to be sure) and doctors in some 30 countries are involved. They swear they won't rest until the poison has been removed from the food supply and those responsible for overriding science and covering up the side effects are brought to justice. It is Betty Martini
http://www.wnho.net/bio-bmartini.htm who wrote the following two letters, one to the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board and another, more recent one, to the Governor and the Attorney General of New Mexico. While her tone reflects her frustration of seeing official inaction in the face of an obvious catastrophe, we should not make light of what she has to say. The comments and documentation go well beyond the immediate issue of the New Mexico hearings. Anyone serious about understanding what the aspartame controversy is all about would do well to read her letters. That includes any health officials who might be reading this article - especially! I have added some links to the references in the letters, to make it easier for those interested to arrive at the documents... (12/1/2005 9:50:11 PM)

Please pass this message or article on to someone else so that they may learn also.

"Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus Pauling

Getting well is done one step at a time, day by day, building health and well being.

Informant: Scott Munson


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