
Plattform "ProLeben - AntiGentechnik"

Österreichische Plattform "ProLeben - AntiGentechnik"

Kontakt: Richard Leopold Tomasch,
Tel.: 04235/2347;
rileto@proleben.at ;
http://www.proleben.at ;
http://www.proleben.at/presse für Bilder zum Herunterladen!

Wie die irakische Presse vom Pentagon gekauft wird

Happy Irak

Contact details of MEP's wanted who are sympathetic to the battle against mobile phone technology

Would your readers please send us names and contact details of their MEP's, (Members of European Parliament) who are sympathetic to us in our battle against mobile phone technology. I am hoping that if they connect up we might have more success at European level.

Colette O'Connell (Ireland)


Below are some of the MEP's that I have been in contact with. The bottom one Vitaliano Gemelli is the chairman of the petitions committee which occasionally sits and disscusses our Petition to the President of the European Parliament, which has been on going since 1996. Michael Cashman is our MEP and he visited our house in 2001 and said he was appalled at the mast sited 2 metres from our garden fence. He took a handwritten letter of mine and gave it personally to Tony Blair the next day at a Labour Party NEC meeting, but as usual Tony Blair did not reply. I think you may find most of those below sympathetic to the battle against mobile phone technology. Best of luck.



Astrid Thors
E-mail Address(es):

Caroline Lucas
E-mail Address(es):

Emma Nicholson
E-mail Address(es):

E-mail Address(es):

Liz Lynne
E-mail Address(es):

Maria Sornosa Martinez
E-mail Address(es):

Michael Cashman
E-mail Address(es):

Phil Willis
E-mail Address(es):

Proinsais De Rossa
E-mail Address(es):

Roy Perry
E-mail Address(es):

Vitaliano Gemelli
E-mail Address(es):


I have found that when speaking to people, it is the personal account that most gets people; they can identify with ordinary people. I'd llike to get some first hand accounts from other countries if possible. And photos would be great also.





Telephone mast to go up despite protests

CAMPAIGNERS against the siting of a mobile phone mast at a roundabout in Haverhill have lost their fight.

Hutchison 3G (UK) Ltd rejected their proposed alternative site at Homefield Road.

Residents appealed to the company's chief executive, to consider the alternative location.

However, following a site visit last week and computer technical assessment of the predicted coverage, the outcome of the review, according to 3G, demonstrated the identified site to be unsuitable to provide the level of coverage required.

No sooner had residents had time to digest the bad news and plan their response than a JCB was digging foundations for the mast at the Hazel Stub roundabout.

Public feeling against the location of the mast has been strong with residents, local councillors and MPs protesting strongly since March of this year.

St Edmundsbury Council's Planning Committee objected to Hutchison 3G (UK) Ltd's application deeming the site to be 'inappropriate' due its close proximity to a busy roundabout and listed buildings, and that it would be visually intrusive and detract from the amenity of the countryside.

However the mobile phone giant won an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate to allow the mast to be erected on its proposed site.

03 December 2005



****Cross Post Widely****

Almost time to.... "Take Back the Woods"

NJ Bear Hunt Begins December 5, 2005

Before the sun comes up on Monday, December 5th, "hunters" will be traveling in the darkness of night to take their hidden positions in the woodlands of New Jersey. New Jersey's black bears have been protected for many years, with the exception of 2003, when at least 328 bears were killed in the only NJ state sanctioned slaughter of bears in 35 years.

We should call these people what they really are. They are not hunters, they are assassins. They are not fierce warriors, they are cowards.....hiding and waiting for an unsuspecting bear to happen along for the bait that they have been setting out most likely for weeks now. The cold hard reality is that most of these bears will be shot in the back from tree stands while they munch on jelly donuts and BBQ grease that has been left in the woods in order to create an easy target for these murderous scum. There is nothing sportsmanlike about bear hunting.

It is time for us to say the same thing to this state sanctioned slaughter as we did to the fur ghouls who inhabit and pollute the fashionable runways and streets of New York City. We at WAR once again say: "ENOUGH" It's time for us to assert our rights and take back our woods. The large majority of our population does not hunt. Hunting is truly a "dying sport". If we really believe that our brothers and sisters that dwell in the forests have rights, it is time that we rise up in their defense.

For useful information of where to go and what to do when you get there, visit the WAR bulletin board, Operation: Take Back the Woods '05. So, do some reading and research and then make yourself some PB&J or marinated tofu sandwiches, fill your thermos with soy latte and pack up your knapsack........let's head to the woods. Don't waste time thinking about it, just do it. There is still time to make a difference for the NJ bears and the others that live in the woods.

Don't forget to dress appropriately and anyone planning on entering the woods must be wearing blaze orange for safety.


If you would like to join us for an early morning hike in the woods on Monday, December 5th, we will be posting meetup times and details on Sunday, December 4th. Once again, the WAR bulletin boards will have the most up to date information.

If you are not able to be there, then consider making phone calls and sending e-mails to those NJ officials that have the authority to call a halt to this insane slaughter. For more information, we urge you to check out: http://www.nj-ara.org/bears.html

Win Animal Rights

For more information contact: Win Animal Rights/W.A.R. at: centcom@war-online.org or check out the WAR website at:


****Cross Post Widely****


NEWS BULLETIN: Snow is falling in northwestern New Jersey and anonymous reports are pouring in from Bear Defenders, who are hard at work preparing for opening of the government sanctioned assassination of black bears. While hunters prepare for the hunt, animal liberation warriors have taken to the field in defense of native forest dwellers.

Numerous tree stands that have been previously sighted are no longer visible...something appears to have happened to them during the night. Donut laced bait stations were sighted but reports indicate that they may have been compromised by mysterious ammonia like substances. Flourescent trail markers seem to have been repositioned. We sure hope Elmer has a compass as he may become "vewy, vewy confused". Bear tracks and scat have been obliterated and are now covered by the falling snow. Blaze orange markers appear to have been randomly scattered throughout the woods adding to the confusion.

Reports indicate that there have been numerous bear sightings and that the bears are gentle and docile and not the least bit aggressive. It is our fervent hope that the snow will continue and drive them to den and that the presence of active bear defenders will alert them to the coming danger.

More as breaking news develops..........

For more information about what you can do to defend NJ Bears, please check out the WAR Bulletin Board "Operation: Take Back the Woods '05" at: http://war.arforum.org/

Later today we will be sending out details about a meet up in NJ on Monday, December 5, 2005 for anyone who wishes to participate in "Operation: Take Back the Woods". We are arranging carpools from New York City. Anyone who can drive or who wishes a ride, please contact us immediately.

For more info contact: Win Animal Rights/W.A.R. at: centcom@war-online.org or check out the WAR website at:

****Cross Post Widely****


In just a few short hours at sunrise, the sounds of gun shots will be echoing through the still air of the New Jersey woods. You can still make a difference for the defenseless bears that are only hours from being shot from behind, by cowards hiding in tree stands, as they haplessly munch on jelly donuts and bagels.

Reports continue to come in from field locations. More tree stands appear to have been turned into firewood and numerous fluorescent trail markers appears to have been reconfigured into smiley faces. :-P

As someone who was in the woods of NJ in 2003, I would like to share some of my recollections with you. I recall hearing the first rifle shots and flinching at the thought that the first bear in 33 years might be dying at the hands of a scumbag hunter. I remember seeing the first bear come into the Waywayanda weigh station and seeing the poor thing hoisted up, her blood puddling on the snow covered ground.

One of the hardest moments was watching a hunter open the back of a station wagon. He carried, in his arms, a limp black body. At first I thought it was a dog....a black labrador retriever perhaps. It turned out to be the lifeless body of a black bear cub. He couldn't have been very old and he was no bigger than the family dog.

What I remember being horrified about while we watched the hunters return triumphantly with their "kill" in tow is that the majority of the bears that were slaughtered that first day were young females and cubs. And who will ever forget the story of the bear cub that was shot and staggered out onto the highway to die slowly, as the grizzly scene was witnessed by countless New Jersey commuters including children?

The horror of this hunt is it's inhumanity. These bears harm no one except maybe the greedy land developers who wish to continue to rape and pillage the bear's homes. They are not encroaching on our territory, we are encroaching on theirs. Instead of finding a peaceful solution, a way to cohabit the woods, we sell them out and deliver them into the hands of cowardly assassins, who lure them with treats and "bait" and then shoot them when their backs are turned. How despicable!

What I find most amazing is that the bears have harmed no one, still the state of NJ feels that safety dictates sending out killers to neutralize them. Every day I hear about hunting accidents, many of them resulting in death and some of them involving children and unsuspecting bystanders, yet the state isn't advocating the abolition or even the stricter regulation of hunting. Doesn't make any sense to me.

Please consider becoming a bear defender and when the
5 day season comes to a close, become a forest and wildlife defender. Its time we all said "ENOUGH". At WAR, we are dedicated to continuing the fight until the woods are safe and open for the enjoyment of all animals, human and non-human.

Until all are free,

Win Animal Rights

P.S. To meet up with other activists, contact us at:
646-267-9934 or check the WAR bulletin board at:

All activities planned for December 5th are totally legal. If you plan on entering the woods, you must be wearing blaze orange for safety reasons.

For more info contact: Win Animal Rights/W.A.R. at: centcom@war-online.org or check out the WAR website at:


****Cross Post Widely****


Operation: Take Back the Woods '05 Update

Hunter tree stands and bait stations continue to be compromised during the state sanctioned black bear slaughter. Bear defenders were heavily concentrated in New Jersey's Waywayanda State Park. One of our teams was stationed in an area that was being heavily patrolled by both Bear Defenders and Wounded Bear Rescue Teams. Patrols spotted many bears, but heard very few gun shots. Bears seemed passive and not at all dangerous.

Breaking News: four bear defenders were arrested as a result of a sting operation In Waywayanda State Park, this morning. Following is a statement issued by NJARA and the BEAR Group:

"This morning, four bear activists fell victim to a sting operation orchestrated by two hunters they had encountered in the woods yesterday, as well as park rangers and Division of Fish and Wildlife staff. These peaceful, nonviolent people were only trying to rescue wounded bears while documenting the hunt on videotape. Yesterday, these same two hunters shot a bear within close proximity to these activists. The rescuers followed the blood trail, but the bear was dead.

The hunters cut the bear open, discarded her entrails, and hauled her body out of the woods. They left behind the bear's heart, clearly visible against the white snow. These activists discovered the bloody entrails of one of their bear neighbors.

Today, the bear rescuers were engaged by those same two hunters, along with an additional hunter who was wearing a ski mask. They said they were from South Jersey and were hunting practically in the backyard of one of the activists, who they called by name and obviously recognized.

The hunters were taunting the activists, using racial slurs, but at no point did the activists restrict the movement of these hunters or interfere with their ability to hunt. In fact, the activists were walking away from the hunters when they heard someone shout out, "Clear the area!" They were frightened for their lives because they had no idea that the police, park rangers, and Division of Fish and Wildlife staff were there. Once they realized they were officers, the activists were calmly escorted out of the woods.

Later, they discovered the hunter wearing the ski mask was a park ranger."

Check out the WAR website for daily reports coming in from the field and for pictures both of gentle NJ bears and before and after shots of hunter tree stands, submitted to us anonymously by bear defenders. In view of what happened at Waywayanda this morning, it is now more important than ever to get bear defenders out into the field. If having activists out there wasn't effective, they never would have attempted that sting operation. So, lets head for the NJ woods Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

If anyone is willing to drive from New York City, please contact us immediately at: 646-267-9934 or e-mail: centcom@war-online.org

For more information about what you can do to defend NJ Bears, please check out the WAR Bulletin Board "Operation: Take Back the Woods '05" at: http://war.arforum.org/

For more info contact: Win Animal Rights/W.A.R. at:
centcom@war-online.org or check out the WAR website at:

Informant: Ima Vegan

American Civil Liberties Union to Sue CIA

A US civil rights group says it is taking the CIA to court to stop the transportation of terror suspects to countries outside US legal authority.


Gravierendes Sicherheitsleck in Handy-Netzen - Handy-Netze durch Hacker bedroht

3. Dezember 2005

In allen vier deutschen Mobilfunknetzen sind nach einem Bericht des "Spiegel" schwerwiegende Sicherheitslücken entdeckt worden.

Ohne größere technische Voraussetzungen sei es möglich, Mailboxen von Handy-Nutzern illegal abzuhören, berichtet das Magazin. Die Schwachstelle sei vermutlich beim Zusammenwachsen von Internet und herkömmlichen Telefonnetzen entstanden.

Experten gehen den Angaben zufolge davon aus, dass die Sicherheitslücke fast alle Mobilfunknetze auf der Welt angreifbar macht.

Unter bestimmten Umständen sei es möglich, einer Mailbox vorzutäuschen, dass der Handy-Besitzer selbst anrufe, heißt es. Hacker könnten auf diese Weise auch die Funktionen der Mailbox verändern und sogar auf Kosten des Betrogenen telefonieren.

Die Mobilfunk-Betreiber hätten aufgrund dieser Erkenntnisse zugesichert, den Zugang zur Mailbox zu erschweren, so der "Spiegel". Künftig sollten sich Handy-Nutzer bei jeder Abfrage über eine Geheimnummer identifizieren, wenn sie aus einem anderen Netz anrufen.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Handy-Netze durch Hacker bedroht

Veröffentlicht am Samstag, 03.Dezember. @ 19:17:37 CET von redaktion

News Nach Informationen von Spiegel Online sind alle vier Handynetze in Deutschland von vier massiven Sicherheitslecks betroffen. Diese Sicherheitslücken ermöglichen Angreifern wie Hackern einfach Mailboxen abzuhören und zwar ohne große technische Hilfe.

Die Sicherheitsexperten rechnen damit dass durch diese Sicherheitslecks die Handynetz weltweit angegriffen werden können. Es sei unter anderem möglich dass Angreifer eine Mailbox vortäuschen können dass der Handybesitzer darauf einen Anruf tätige. Damit könnten Hacker außerdem ohne Wissen des Handybesitzers und auf seine Kosten telefonieren.

Damit die Handynutzer wieder sicher telefonieren können haben die Mobilfunk-Unternehmen zugesagt den Mailbox-Zugang durch eine Geheimzahl abzusichern. Nur mit der Eingabe einer solchen Geheimzahl können dann die Handynutzer ihre Mailbox abrufen.


Gekaufte Wissenschaft: Tabakforschung im Würgegriff der Industrie


Forscher und Forschungsergebnisse von der Industrie bezahlt

It's Propaganda

Powered by Pentagon dollars, Iraqi television and radio is propelled by US public relations firms and consultants hired to spin the coalition's propaganda to the Iraqi people.


Worldwide Search for US-American Torturers


The Worldwide Search for the Anglo/American Torturers is on:
- check "military islands" like Diego Garcia
- check US warships
- check any young "democrazy", where the torturers get practical lessons by the US military using real people as guinea pigs.
- check any old "democrazy", where the hidden governance has been established with perfidity since long.

Any dictatorship, where the top-shot at least takes responsibility, is better than today's sick governance-systems run by networks of maniac and paranoid and often enough incorporated psychopaths.

US on Defensive as Reports of 'Secret Torture Flights' Pile Up Agence France-Presse

Friday 02 December 2005

The United States was facing mounting embarrassment as allegations continued to emerge of a shadowy network of both secret prison camps and CIA "torture flights" carrying undeclared detainees through European and other countries.

In the latest such report the British newspaper The Guardian said Thursday it had seen navigation logs showing that more than 300 flights operated by the US Central Intelligence Agency had passed through European airports, as part of a network that could be involved in the clandestine detention and possible torture of terrorism suspects.

The claims have emerged since November 2, when the Washington Post newspaper reported that "black site" prisons were, or had been, located in eight countries including Thailand, Afghanistan and "several democracies in Eastern Europe" since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

The paper also said that the CIA had used planes to send more than 100 suspects to the hidden global internment network, not including prisoners picked up from Iraq.

Its report did not name the European countries involved, but Poland, a European Union member, has denied being one of them, as has Romania.

There have been widespread reports that the alleged network could involve both the transport and torture of undeclared detainees.

The EU has meanwhile threatened sanctions against any of its member states found to have been operating such prisons, or allowing their territory to be used for the transport of the phantom detainees.

The United States on Wednesday promised a timely and forthright reply to the EU concerns.

In Thursday's report the Guardian said flight logs its reporters had seen showed that CIA planes visited Germany 96 times and Britain 80 times, though when charter flights were added this figure rose to more than 200. France was only visited twice and Austria not at all, the newspaper said.

The logs also showed regular trips to Eastern Europe, including 15 stops in the Czech capital Prague.

"Only one visit is recorded to the Szymany airbase in north-east Poland, which has been identified as the alleged site of a secret CIA jail," The paper added.

Among other reports relating to alleged secret flights through European countries:

* The Danish transport ministry said in September that it had recorded at least 20 illegal over-flights by CIA planes since 2001.

* The Hungarian government said last month that two CIA craft had landed at Budapest airport in the past two years.

* Iceland said it was not satisfied with Washington's response to allegations that CIA planes had landed on its territory at least 67 times since 2001.

* Portuguese Foreign Minister Diogo Freitas do Amaral said he would report to parliament on December 13 on reports of illicit CIA flights passing through the country, including three incidents last March.

* Polish Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz said his government would be looking into reports that US planes had both flown over and landed in his country on secret missions that could be linked to transports of undeclared terrorism suspects.

Planes allegedly operated by the CIA have also been spotted at airports in Finland, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain and Sweden as well as Morocco.

Go to Original

Rice to Address Secret Prison Issue in Europe Deutsche Welle

Friday 02 December 2005

When she heads to Europe for a five-day visit next week, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will face a barrage of questions about alleged secret CIA prisons for terror suspects.

As Condoleeza Rice prepares for a trip to Germany, Romania, Ukraine and Brussels for a NATO meeting, the US is under mounting pressure to come clean about reports of "black site" prisons in Europe.

Media allegations of an underground network of secret prisons and possible torture of undeclared terrorism suspects show no sign of letting up.

Brussels has threatened sanctions against any EU states found to have been operating these clandestine jails or allowing their territory to be used for the transport of "ghost detainees," while a number of EU parliamentarians have accused European leaders of failing to call the Bush Administration to account.

Statement Expected

But speaking in Washington after meeting the Secretary of State Thursday, Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern said Rice intends to make a statement on the row when she visits Europe next week.

Ireland is among the countries concerned that its airports were used by the Central Intelligence Agency in transporting prisoners to undisclosed European destinations.

Ahern said Rice had told him she would answer a formal query from the European Union on the reports, but said the top US envoy would also make it "quite clear that as far as Americans are concerned, they have not infringed any international human rights laws in relation to this."

Going on the Offensive

On Thursday, the State Department released a letter from Britain asking, as acting EU president, for clarification of the media reports "suggesting violations of international law" in its detention and transport of terror suspects to foreign states for interrogation, which is known as rendition.

Spokesman Sean McCormack defended the US renditions policy Wednesday.

"As a theoretical legal matter, I understand the practice of renditions is one that is recognized by the international system," he said.

A Priority Issue

Rice's tour, beginning Monday, will also include a get-acquainted meeting with the new German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which is expected to focus on repairing the two countries' damaged relations after the Iraq war.

The secret prisons controversy is the latest test of the still-fragile trans-Atlantic relationship, and has fanned the flames of Europe's concern at US detainee policies as evidenced in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and Abu Ghraib in Iraq.

Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick will be preceding Rice to Germany, meeting next Wednesday and Thursday with Merkel and members of parliament.

In Intelligence, One Has Only Temporary Allies
By Manuelle Tilly
Le Nouvel Observateur

Friday 02 December 2005

Interview with a former French intelligence officer, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Is it really surprising to learn that the CIA has secret prisons for conducting any kind of interrogations it wants to?

No, there's nothing surprising about that. Many people know about it. But we are not talking about prisons, exactly. These are locales where people can by interrogated by methods not used under common law. All methods are used there, especially chemical methods. The CIA's system is not painful torture. There were places suspected of harboring this type of locale, for example "Camp Bond Street" in Kosovo. The CIA uses existing infrastructures. It has reserved areas in military installations, as it does in camps in Afghanistan. Prisoner transfers occur for practical reasons. The prisoners are arrested and transferred by plane for interrogation. In the war against terrorism, the CIA didn't take enough precautions, because they imagined they had everyone's assent, and now it ends up that people know about their activities.

Three hundred airplanes used by the CIA that could have conveyed Islamists to secret prisons landed in Europe, including two in France. Would you say the French secret services knew about it?

If the planes landed on specific bases, our secret services knew about them. There are two possible bases in France. If the CIA landed there, our secret services knew that, but did not necessarily know what there was in the planes.

For example, when I was still serving, the French airplane "Médor" did a tour of French embassies to transport DGSE [French secret service] secret materiel. But the countries in question didn't know what the airplane carried. When a sensitive airplane lands in France, it happens the same way.

Finally, you mustn't forget that the secret services are public services that execute governmental orders without talking about it. Consequently, if politicians have given their approval, they know what the airplane carries.

If these prisons really exist, as I believe they do, those guilty of complicity are not the intelligence services who receive the orders: it's the politicians. The government commands: functionaries execute those orders. If the investigation goes somewhere, which would surprise me, we shouldn't be questioning secret service functionaries, but rather the authorities who give the orders.

How does the relationship between secret services work, specifically between the DGSE and the CIA?

Every country has an office in charge of international relations. The DGSE is the only agency authorized to exchange information with the CIA. But in France, that gets complicated when you add in the European Union.

In the framework of the war against terrorism, in the Schengen Treaty area, police forces are tempted to exchange information directly - that is, bilaterally - although, according to the norms, everything should be made available to all.

With regard to intelligence, you never tell all. You never give away sources. You have no friends, only temporary allies. When you provide a fact, you provide a true, certain and useful fact for a particular point.

Networks for the multinational exchange of intelligence are being setting up, for example at the NATO level. Each nation feeds the network through the intermediary of national information cells (NIC). For example, NATO has different cells of diverse nationalities. NICs furnish allies with intelligence considered communicable.

With respect to terrorism, only synthesized intelligence is exchanged: an intelligence document that summarizes all the intelligence - military, police, economic - from all sources, without citing them.

Sometimes, you need bilateral intelligence. For example, if the Americans have a concern with ramifications for Spain, France, and Belgium, the CIA will contact the Spanish, French, and Belgian governments, which each give what they want to give, without necessarily consulting one another. Intelligence networks form at global, continental, and national levels, also by type of interest.

Every problem occurs in the context of global phenomena, with a political, financial and macro-economic background, including arms and drug trafficking.

Consequently, before giving assistance in the domain of terrorism, governments take into account their own interests. In France, we are not officially engaged in Iraq, but we are directly involved with the Americans in Afghanistan. Consequently, we certainly have an interest in opening our bases to the American secret services.

Translation: t r u t h o u t French language correspondent Leslie Thatcher. http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/120205H.shtml

Blair faces allegations of complicity in torture
By Colin Brown and Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 02 December 2005

Pressure is mounting on the White House to answer claims that the CIA is using UK airports to fly terrorist suspects for torture in secret prisons in Europe. Elizabeth Wilmshurst, the former Foreign Office lawyer who resigned over the Iraq war, warned Tony Blair last night that he cannot duck the questions crowding in about the flights which could mean Britain has been complicit in torture.

In The Independent, Ms Wilmshurst, now a fellow of Chatham House, said the Prime Minister could not justify breaking the international convention against torture by saying the "rules of the game have changed" because of the war on terrorism.

Britain's European partners stepped up the pressure for details to be disclosed about hundreds of secret flights by CIA-operated jets.

Sarah Ludford, a British member of the European Parliament's civil liberties committee, said: "I am not at all reassured that there is sufficient determination by [member states] to establish the truth," she said. "The allegations are now beyond speculation. We now have sufficient evidence involving CIA flights. We need to know who was on those flights, where they went."

EU leaders are ready to follow up their request to Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, to challenge the White House. On Tuesday he wrote to Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, calling for details of the secret flights to be revealed. Mr Straw said yesterday he had raised the issue with Ms Rice. She is likely to face direct challenges about flights when she visits Brussels next week.

This month, prisoners were reported held in two eastern European countries, believed to be Romania and Poland, brought there on flights the CIA calls "extraordinary rendition". Michael Ratner, director of the New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights, said: "It's a secret. No one knows what happens in the rendition process or in the gulag of secret CIA hellholes."

But journalists and campaigners have tracked some of what is happening by monitoring the flight records of planes known to be used by the CIA. Plane-spotters have helped compile information on the aircraft - including one Gulfstream originally identified as N379P but now renumbered N44982 - and their movements.

Twenty-six planes apparently used by the CIA have made 307 flights in Europe since 9/11. Of these, 94 had stops in Germany and 76 in Britain, at Luton, Glasgow, Prestwick and Northolt. The UK government has denied prisoners are being held on a US-operated base on British-owned Diego Garcia.

John Sifton, a researcher for Human Rights Watch, which has released a list of 26 "ghost detainees" held by the US without access to lawyers, said probably only a few of the 307 flights involved moving prisoners. Most, he said, were likely transferring CIA personnel. "It's impossible to know for sure how many are innocent," he said.

There is a debate in the US about whether torture should be permitted for extracting information. A Bill tabled by Senator John McCain to outlaw torture passed the Senate but is being opposed by Vice President Dick Cheney, who wants special exemption for CIA agents.

Increasingly, politicians in Britain and Europe are showing a determination to find out whether the US has "black sites" in eastern Europe where harsh treatment of suspected terrorists would raise fewer questions. Alexander Alvaro, a German Liberal MEP and member of the European civil liberties committee, said Angela Merkel, the Chancellor, would raise the issue in talks with George Bush. "I think our Chancellor will point out that Germany would not tolerate secret camps in Europe."

There are growing calls at Westminster for Mr Blair to block the CIA flights. The Labour MP Harry Cohen said: "It is not for the UK Government to connive in and facilitate people disappearance. The Government's blind-eye approach to enforcing the law is not acceptable."

An all-party group to challenge the UK and US Governments over the transport of suspected terrorists, was launched yesterday at Westminster. It will be chaired by Conservative MP Andrew Tyrie, former Labour foreign affairs minister, Chris Mullin, and Sir Menzies Campbell, the deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Pressure is mounting on the White House to answer claims that the CIA is using UK airports to fly terrorist suspects for torture in secret prisons in Europe. Elizabeth Wilmshurst, the former Foreign Office lawyer who resigned over the Iraq war, warned Tony Blair last night that he cannot duck the questions crowding in about the flights which could mean Britain has been complicit in torture.

In The Independent, Ms Wilmshurst, now a fellow of Chatham House, said the Prime Minister could not justify breaking the international convention against torture by saying the "rules of the game have changed" because of the war on terrorism.

Britain's European partners stepped up the pressure for details to be disclosed about hundreds of secret flights by CIA-operated jets.

Sarah Ludford, a British member of the European Parliament's civil liberties committee, said: "I am not at all reassured that there is sufficient determination by [member states] to establish the truth," she said. "The allegations are now beyond speculation. We now have sufficient evidence involving CIA flights. We need to know who was on those flights, where they went."

EU leaders are ready to follow up their request to Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, to challenge the White House. On Tuesday he wrote to Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, calling for details of the secret flights to be revealed. Mr Straw said yesterday he had raised the issue with Ms Rice. She is likely to face direct challenges about flights when she visits Brussels next week.

This month, prisoners were reported held in two eastern European countries, believed to be Romania and Poland, brought there on flights the CIA calls "extraordinary rendition". Michael Ratner, director of the New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights, said: "It's a secret. No one knows what happens in the rendition process or in the gulag of secret CIA hellholes."

But journalists and campaigners have tracked some of what is happening by monitoring the flight records of planes known to be used by the CIA. Plane-spotters have helped compile information on the aircraft - including one Gulfstream originally identified as N379P but now renumbered N44982 - and their movements.

Twenty-six planes apparently used by the CIA have made 307 flights in Europe since 9/11. Of these, 94 had stops in Germany and 76 in Britain, at Luton, Glasgow, Prestwick and Northolt. The UK government has denied prisoners are being held on a US-operated base on British-owned Diego Garcia.

John Sifton, a researcher for Human Rights Watch, which has released a list of 26 "ghost detainees" held by the US without access to lawyers, said probably only a few of the 307 flights involved moving prisoners. Most, he said, were likely transferring CIA personnel. "It's impossible to know for sure how many are innocent," he said.

There is a debate in the US about whether torture should be permitted for extracting information. A Bill tabled by Senator John McCain to outlaw torture passed the Senate but is being opposed by Vice President Dick Cheney, who wants special exemption for CIA agents.

Increasingly, politicians in Britain and Europe are showing a determination to find out whether the US has "black sites" in eastern Europe where harsh treatment of suspected terrorists would raise fewer questions. Alexander Alvaro, a German Liberal MEP and member of the European civil liberties committee, said Angela Merkel, the Chancellor, would raise the issue in talks with George Bush. "I think our Chancellor will point out that Germany would not tolerate secret camps in Europe."

There are growing calls at Westminster for Mr Blair to block the CIA flights. The Labour MP Harry Cohen said: "It is not for the UK Government to connive in and facilitate people disappearance. The Government's blind-eye approach to enforcing the law is not acceptable."

An all-party group to challenge the UK and US Governments over the transport of suspected terrorists, was launched yesterday at Westminster. It will be chaired by Conservative MP Andrew Tyrie, former Labour foreign affairs minister, Chris Mullin, and Sir Menzies Campbell, the deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats.


My Teddy Bear Mobile

Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’

What a cuddly signal

Video Footage of napalm usage


War is the terrorism of the rich. Terrorism is the war of the poor.

Informant: Guillermo Kuhl

Omega-News Collection 3. December 2005

Climate Change as Destructive as Effects of WMDS'

Rapidly accelerating glaciers may increase how fast the sea level rises

A Rise in Deadly Storms Has Researchers Worried About the Future

Global warming stalks Yosemite



Fears of Big Freeze as Scientists Detect Slower Gulf Stream

"It's about Us!": Climate Change Fires Young Minds

How to Tame the Logging Beast

Pay Up to Save the Rainforests

Silent Streams

Working for Transition From Consumer Society to a Simpler, More Cooperative, Just and Ecologically Sustainable Society

The mass poisoning of humanity: an exploration of human stupidity

Pharma's Poisoned Generation

Poisonings from a Popular Pain Reliever Are on the Rise

Beyond the Harbin Chemical Spill

Stop the Cruel Slaughter of Horses for Food

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 3. December 2005

EMF-Omega-News 3. December 2005

Breast cancer and radiofrequency exposure

Nonthermal microwave radiations affect the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus

The effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on skin and thyroid amine- and peptide-containing cells in rats

Your Own Health and Fitness

WHO, EMF, Electromagnetic Radiation and Mobile Phones

Activist will chain himself to UMTS (3G) antenna installation fence


Mast threat to get worse

Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’

What a cuddly signal

Help me to put a stop to mast bid

02's lies counteracted



Talk of ban on phone masts near schools

Sports club left on hold over telephone mast plans

Scrooge council sinks tenants' anti-phone mast bid

Joy as mast bid turned down

Phone mast protesters ‘sold down the river’

Health fears for children from Orange phone mast scheme for Castle Acre

Phone firm set to win mast battle

Outrage over mobile phone mast plan

Sweep e-bulletin 10

SWEEP E-Bulletin 11

RFID Tags in New US Notes Explode When You Try to Microwave Them



Next-up news 28 Novembre 2005

Le téléphone cellulaire et les enfants - L' Électro Hyper Sensibilité

Un Militant du Groupe STS (Spijkenisse Tegen Straling) enchaîné contre une installation UMTS d’Orange - Hollande

Les irradiations d’un téléphone mobile en forme de nounours pour les enfants de 4 ans ?leurs fait prendre un risque?

Dossier l’école de RUITZ et de Saint-Cyr-l’École

Enquête Nationale Riverains Antennes Relais

Le CRIIREM veille sur les ondes

News from Mast Sanity

Omega-News Collection 3. December 2005

Let God Speak for Himself


Hard Evidence of U.S. Torturing Prisoners to Death Ignored by Corporate Media


Majority Says Wal-Mart Bad for America


Vietnam War Intelligence 'Deliberately Skewed'

Secret Study Says

Cities Take the Lead in America's Growing Antiwar Movement


Washington Insiders Talk About Money in Politics






Oppose Official Secrecy: it's the enemy of freedom


The Greatest Debt-Beat President in History


On "Iraqization" and National Pentagon Radio


Bush’s Counterattack


Diebold Election Systems


Don't bother showing this to an elected official....they already know this stuff...maybe its time the voters know about this !


Informant: beefree

Anatomy of a Victory

George W. Bush's plan to privatize Social Security, the centerpiece of his second-term agenda, is dead, says The Nation. A remarkable progressive mobilization caused Bush's defeat - and progressives can learn much from the anatomy of that victory.


A Worried Mother Discovers the Secrets of Pesticide Testing

A mother looks into who is testing pesticides and doesn't like what she finds.


Beyond the Harbin Chemical Spill

Joshua Muldavin discusses this month's toxic spill into China's Songhua River. He draws attention to the largely overlooked rural populations that suffer from this type of pollution worldwide.


Thousands of Firms Could Stop Reporting Emissions

Thousands of companies throughout the nation would no longer have to provide the public with details of toxic chemicals they release into the environment under a Bush administration proposal to streamline the nation's environmental right-to-know law.


Cities Voice Opposition to War in Iraq

Cities don't make foreign policy. But that hasn't stopped dozens of towns from Berkeley, Calif. to Chicago to Cambridge, Mass. from passing resolutions calling for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.


Unter 16 nicht mit Handy telefonieren

02. Dezember 2005

Leukämie- und Tumorrisiko: Experten warnen vor Gefahren für Kinder

Salzburg (SN-höd). "Wir wollen nicht warten, bis weitere Studien vorliegen. Wir sind keine Versuchskaninchen", sagt Johann Pinezits, Sprecher der Bürgerinitiativen zum Schutz vor Mobilfunkantennen. Deshalb haben die Bürgerinitiativen unter Mitwirkung von Experten eine neue Broschüre ausgearbeitet. Darin wird auf die Gefahren hingewiesen, denen vor allem Kinder beim Handy-Telefonieren ausgesetzt sind.

"Wir wollen damit das Bewusstsein für die Gefahren wecken", sagt Pinezits. Denn die Langzeitfolgen des mobilen Telefonierens seien derzeit kaum abschätzbar. Der neue Folder informiert über die Risken für Babys, Kinder und Jugendliche. Er enthält Basisinformationen zu den Themen Hochfrequenz und Tipps zur Vermeidung von Elektrosmog. Die Mobilfunk-Initiativen wollen die Broschüre in Kindergärten, Schulen und anderen pädagogischen Einrichtungen verbreiten.

Die Ärztekammer geht schon jetzt davon aus, dass Mobilfunk für Kinder und Jugendliche besonders gefährlich sei. "Wer jünger als 16 Jahre ist, sollte grundsätzlich kein Handy benutzen", sagt der zuständige Referent in der Ärztekammer, der Salzburger Umweltmediziner Gerd Oberfeld. Es werde ein Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung von Leukämie befürchtet. Außerdem steige beim häufigen Handy-Telefonieren das Risiko, dass sich Gehirntumore bilden. SN-Info: http://www.risiko-mobilfunk.at ; E- Mail an risiko-mobilfunk@salzburg.co.at


Those guilty of complicity are not the intelligence services who receive the orders: it's the politicians

In Intelligence, One Has Only Temporary Allies

A former French intelligence officer asserts: "If these prisons really exist, as I believe they do, those guilty of complicity are not the intelligence services who receive the orders: it's the politicians. The government commands: functionaries execute those orders."


Venezuela Touts Cheap Fuel to US as Bush Takes Heat

Venezuela on Thursday launched an ad campaign touting its cheap heating oil program for the US poor, as Washington faces criticism for doing little to protect consumers from high fuel prices.


Reports of 'Secret Torture Flights' Puts US on Defensive

The United States was facing mounting embarrassment as allegations continued to emerge of a shadowy network of both secret prison camps and CIA "torture flights" carrying undeclared detainees through European and other countries. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will face a barrage of questions about alleged secret CIA prisons for terror suspects when she heads to Europe for a five-day visit next week.


As many as 60 U.S. Congressmen may be implicated in Bribery scandal

Michael Scanlon, a Republican political operative, publicist and former press spokesman for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, pled guilty November 21 to conspiring with lobbyist Jack Abramoff to bribe a Republican congressman and cheat several American Indian tribes out of tens of millions of dollars.


From Information Clearing House

Strong evidence Romania was involved in CIA secret prisons case

HRW has strong evidence Romania was involved in CIA secret prisons case:

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has indirect, but strong evidence that Romania and Poland were involved "some time ago" in the case of the CIA alleged secret prisons, together with several Middle East countries.


Rewards for torture?

Romania to sign US military bases deal next week:

Romania and the United States will sign a deal on Tuesday to set up U.S. military bases in the Black Sea country, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.


US holding 26 ‘ghost detainees’, says HRW:

A leading human rights monitor accused the United States on Wednesday of holding and possibly torturing at least 26 ‘ghost detainees’ in secret overseas locations.


Report: Two CIA Flights Stopped in France:

Two flights chartered by the CIA made stopovers in France in 2002 and 2005, French newspaper Le Figaro said Friday, adding to likely questions facing U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice when she visits Europe next week.


Blair faces allegations of complicity in torture:

There are growing calls at Westminster for Mr Blair to block the CIA flights. The Labour MP Harry Cohen said: "It is not for the UK Government to connive in and facilitate people disappearance. The Government's blind-eye approach to enforcing the law is not acceptable."


It is time for Britain to come clean on its part in rendition:

The UK is a party to the Convention against Torture which imposes an absolute prohibition on torture, with no exceptions. So is the US. The ban on torture applies not just to the act itself but also prohibits sending people to countries where there are substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of being tortured.


95 per cent US dailies ignored report on torture of Iraqi prisoners:

Military autopsy reports provide indisputable proof that detainees are being tortured to death while in US military custody. Yet the corporate media of the United States (US) is covering it with the seriousness of a garage sale for the local Baptist Church.


From Information Clearing House

Guantanamo is just an aside

U.S. Is Force Feeding Hunger Strikers In Guantanamo:

"Some, because of their character and temperament, they would be less than cooperative and would need to be restrained," Gong said

Guantanamo is just an aside:

14,500 of those remain in detention and 108 people are known to have died in US custody.


From Information Clearing House


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Dezember 2005

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