
Deutsches MOBILFUNK Forschungsprogramm

Was wird wohl bei einem von der Mobilfunkindustrie gesponsertem Forschungsprogramm herauskommen, doch wohl kaum etwas, was den Mobilfunkfirmen in ihrem Geschäft schaden würde? Und wie lange noch warten und forschen und die Mobilfunkopfer zählen, wenn die wissenschaftlichen Hinweise und Beweise für die Gesundheitsgefahren durch gepulsten Mobilfunk heute (und lange bereits) schon erdrückend sind?


Das ist doch eine reine Zeitschinderei bis das gesamte Mobilfunknetz bis zum letzten Masten aufgebaut ist und Bestandsschutz für die Masten eingetreten ist. Im Sinne der Vorsorge hätte man schon längst handeln müssen. Früher oder später werden die Verantwortlichen für dieses Desaster zur Verantwortung gezogen werden.

LIVE Web Radio Coverage Of Camp Casey

[Please Forward Widely]

LIVE web radio coverage of Camp Casey
10:00am PST every day

Evening events also as announced
on BradBlog.com and BradShow.com
on the Brad Show (Brad Friedman of Brad Blog)





Informant: Friends

Cindy Sheehan

A CIA Cover Blown, a White House Exposed


Tell Automakers: Stop Fighting Progress on Global Warming

Environmental Defense take action for the environment...online

*Tell Automakers - Stop Fighting Progress on Global Warming*

You would think that hybrid cars, better engineering and rising gas prices would combine to make every year's new cars burn less gas than the year before. But it turns out that each year since
1988, new cars are spewing even more global warming pollution into the air.

The damage from global warming is more visible every day, and emissions from cars are a major contributor. But automakers are blocking progress on global warming, fighting state and national efforts to curb global warming pollution.

Find out which automakers are responsible for the most global warming pollution, and ask them to support, not block, policies that reduce it.

Take action:

What's at Stake: In the last five years, gasoline prices have soared, and more fuel-saving hybrid-electric vehicles debuted to an enthusiastic audience. That should, in theory, lead to less global warming pollution from cars and trucks. After all, the less gas cars burn, the less carbon dioxide they release.

Yet carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from U.S. cars and light trucks jumped 25 percent from 1990 to 2003. Both total emissions and average emissions per vehicle continue to rise, even over the last five years.

Yet the major automakers still fight cutting carbon pollution in the U.S., the world's largest auto market. In February 2005, the big automakers sued the state of California, for example, to block the state's clean cars law.

Take action! Send an email to the CEOs of Ford, GM, Toyota, Mazda, Honda, DaimlerChrysler, Porsche, Mitsubishi, BMW and Nissan. Tell them to stop blocking progress on global warming.

Learn more or take action: http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/carbon_burden_cars2/step1.tcl

Your letter will be addressed and sent to: Major Automakers


Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

I am concerned about the growing damage global warming is doing today. The global warming pollution that your products add to the atmosphere each year is growing, in spite of high gas prices and new technology like hybrids.

I ask you to stop blocking state efforts to control global warming pollution, and to support a national cap on greenhouse gases.

Thank you.



Update from the Field 8/25/05


Children's Help - dubiose Geschäfte mit dem Kinderschutz

"33 Cent am Tag, das tut niemandem weh":

Auf dem Weg zur Kanzlerdemokratie

Das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgericht zu den vorgezogenen Neuwahlen.


President Bush's Loss of Faith

The president's strange declaration yesterday that the draft constitution would protect the rights of women and minorities, and his continuing attempts to clog the debate with misleading explanations, suggest his own lack of commitment to the only rationale for keeping American troops in Iraq - or, perhaps, New York Times suggests, his lack of faith in the likely outcome.


How America Lost Iraq


Informant: Bob Reuschlein

From ufpj-news

The Pentagon's Bid to Militarize Space

A series of Pentagon initiatives aimed at space militarization and at the creation of new types of armament -- capable of precisely striking small targets in every corner of the world and of neutralizing most of today's anti-aircraft defenses -- will likely result in a new power battlefield in the near future.


From Information Clearing House

The Preacher's Fatwah on Chavez

What Robertson has to say is based on a paradigm from the most conservative voices in this country, and those voices have no God except themselves and no soul except their selfish point of view!


The Bombs in the Basement

Our job as responsible citizens is to pull away the curtain and expose the wizard as soon as possible, to minimize further damage to our country – to its economy, to its international reputation, to its honor.


Homeland Security's Casualties

In early August alone, a number of disturbing articles suggested that measures designed to protect Americans are seriously undermining the most basic civil rights of both citizens and guests in this country—in an ostensibly still-free society.


From Information Clearing House

An awful sense of déjà vu

The most important objective is to persuade the domestic populations to accept the horrifying destruction of civilian populations as the ‘price’ that has to be paid to preserve civilisation.


Iran Next, by way of Charleston?

The Bush administration's obstacles to initiating overt war are resolved in the STRATCOM plan contingent on another 9/11-type attack. Another 9/11 event could create a "new reality" with potentially immense public support for war.


Iran in the Crosshairs

Iran's danger to America is not its nuclear program but its plan to introduce a euro-based energy exchange.


Tough talk and temptresses

"The uranium we enrich in the fuel cycle is only 3% to 4% rich while for an atomic bomb it should be enriched up to 99%. - We want our own fuel production for our nuclear plant but they [the West] tell us to purchase fuel from them so that we would eventually become dependent on them."


Iran cannot be let off hook over nuclear charges

The United States said that Iran should not be let off the hook although an independent probe has reportedly showed no evidence of clandestine atomic weapons activities in the Islamic republic.


Memorial to those Killed In Action Has Been Desecrated

He has spat on the troops coming home in the most cowardly way possible.


Containing the Anti-War Movement

Cindy Sheehan's squatter's camp has re-energized the antiwar movement, but just as it has done so, it has also re-energized the herd dogs of the Democratic Party who fear nothing more than an independent mass movement.


Dismay and Horror:

An open letter to Cindy Sheehan from a supporter in India.

Cindy Sheehan

Anti-Iraq war parents to take protests across nation

Parents of soldiers killed in Iraq plan to follow President George W. Bush around the country in the coming months, hoping to generate nationwide anti-war sentiment after camping out at his Texas ranch.


From Information Clearing House



Our Reckless Chemical Dependence

New studies show that the widely used pesticide Roundup (glyphosate) has a real but unknown potential to harm wildlife and human health. Rather than risk disastrous consequences we should change farming practices to organic methods.


Renewal through Renewable Energies

Giving just due to the essential role of renewable energies in our societies that are so very dependent on fossil energies, is long overdue.


Memo for the President

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) calls on President Bush to spurn his ever-shrinking circle of advisors, the "amateur architects of the Iraq war," and listen to the circle of "wise women" gathered outside of his Crawford ranch.


Cindy Sheehan

All US military leave has been cancelled is something big in the work?

Published: Monday, August 22, 2005 Bylined to: Bob Chapman

All US military leave has been cancelled ... something big is in the works!


THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: The US military is building a new base and conducting secretive operations in Paraguay ... our Embassy there refuses to acknowledge a base exists and describes the military activity as routine.

The base is in Mariscal Estigarribia, 200 km (127 miles) from the Bolivian border and will handle large aircraft and accommodate 16,000 troops.

There are now 500 of our troops there with planes, weapons, equipment and ammunition. Either before, during, or after the coming presidential election we expect the US to intervene or better put, invade Bolivia to control its natural gas reserves.

Paraguay has approved of the troops being there and given them total immunity, free from Paraguayan law and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. George and the neocons have threatened to withdraw $24.5 million in aid to Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Paraguay if they didn’t grant immunity to the US military.

You cannot believe a word Washington says about the base being a humanitarian undertaking, when they are struggling to fill the ranks in Iraq.

Why would they be on a humanitarian mission in Paraguay?

They said the same thing in Manta, Ecuador, which houses an $80 million US military base. The US is preparing for war in South America -- make no mistake about it.

a.. In Bolivia if Evo Morales, or someone like him is elected, then you can expect a US invasion. Paraguay, bordered by Brazil and Argentina is one of the wildest places on earth. This is a very aggressive move by the US and all South American governments should be very concerned. George Bush and the neocons are using international terrorism as an excuse to appropriate natural resources and subject people to their brand of democracy, which is corporatist fascism.

All military leaves for September and October have been cancelled ... something big is in the works ... there is a buildup of material and equipment ... personnel at draft board offices are waiting for the word to activate.

Informant: Milo

Send Postcards to Cindy Sheehan

From: Christina Kraich-Rogers
From: Karin Pally
Sent by request by Betsy Cunningham

Postcards for Cindy:

Vermont Poet for Peace David Budbill says, "We are going to begin sending postcards daily to Cindy Sheehan with notes of support. The goal is to have thousands of postcards arrive daily. Spread the word. Tell a friend, tell 10 friends and send a postcard today. If you send a postcard every day from now until September 1st, it'll cost you $3.91." Send post cards to:

Cindy Sheehan
Crawford Peace House
9142 East 5th Street
Crawford, TX 76638-3037 USA

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Cindy Sheehan

Bush Drive to Save Fuel Fails to Include Cars and Biggest SUVs


Bush Dogged on Vacation by Critics


Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans


Panel Sees Growing Melting Arctic Threat


As Cindy Sheehan returns to Crawford, Bush vows 'more sacrifice' to cheering crowd in Idaho


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Cindy Sheehan

050825 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Cindy to arrive at Waco Airport at 4:30 pm today


Cindy Sheehan



Cindy Sheehan

My Response to George: Why don't you channel some courage?


Cindy Sheehan

Karl Rove's War Against Cindy Sheehan


Cindy Sheehan

Democrats Seek Roberts' Iran-Contra Papers



Derbyshire Evening Telegraph

09:30 - 24 August 2005

Governors at a Normanton school could take action over mobile phone masts which have been installed nearby.

The issue has been brought to people's attention after Derby City Council granted permission for mobile phone provider O2 to put up a 7.5m tower with three antennae on the roof of New Normanton Mills, in Stanhope Street, on July 29.

The two-storey building, which contains factories, already has two towers and three antennae for telecoms equipment.

Campaigners say that new guidelines concerning notification of schools should have been taken into account before the latest decision was made.

But the planning department said it did notify the correct people, sending out 108 letters to residential properties within 90m and schools within 200m.

These included Hardwick Primary School, in Hastings Street, which the council said was sent a letter on July 5.

But parents were not informed of the plans because the school's head teacher and governing body say they never received the letter.

Head teacher Sushma Sehmbi said: "I wasn't aware of it. Had we known we would have informed our parents. Stanhope Street is very close to the school.

"If masts are close to the school and they are a risk then it does concern us.

"When we go back to school after the summer holiday we will take up the issue with the governors. They could consider whether they want to take it up with the council.

"We will let the parents know by writing to them."

School governor Andrea Luscombe (38), who has a nine-year-old son, Lee Russell, at the school, said: "It's quite concerning that the mast is so close to the school, when there could be health risks.

"I didn't even know there were any masts there."

Ms Luscombe, of St James' Road, said the issue of mobile phone masts would be considered by the governors.

Dorothy Skrytek, of Crewe Street, said that under the latest information from the Stewart Report on mobile phone and health produced by the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, school governors should be consulted on proposals for masts near schools.

"As far as I know there was no consultation. I sent out leaflets through people's doors letting them know, but the council had already granted permission."

An O2 spokesman added: "All of O2's mobile phone masts operate well within international safety guidelines."

Omega this statement is plain and simple not true. See further under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/


The Citizen, Gloucestershire

Be the first reader to comment on this story

10:30 - 24 August 2005

A Planning inspector has overturned Stroud District Council's decision to oppose permission for a mobile phone mast at Thrupp.

Members of the public had applauded councillors when they rejected Vodafone's application for a 12-metre device in London Road on health and visual intrusion grounds. But five months on, an inspector has decided in favour of the mobile phone company's proposal.

Last year almost 40 householders logged protest letters with the council about the mast.

Mother Lynn Cain said people were really worried about the health implications of the radiation from the mast.

She was especially concerned because it was near Stroud General Hospital.

However, Inspector Ken Barton said Vodafone's pole and cabinets would be screened by trees and would be "integrated into the locality to some extent".

"Public views and vantage points are limited and people are only likely to get a fleeting view of it," said Mr Barton.

"It would have an insignificant impact on the character and appearance of the area."

On the issue of health, the inspector said he noted the "strong local feeling", particularly about the school 400 metres away and two homes 100 metres from the pole. But the proposal had been designed to comply with the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.

"PPG8 indicates that in these circumstances it should not be necessary to further consider the health aspects and concerns about them," he said.

The inspector's decision has been condemned by Green Party councillors as "undemocratic".

They said the mast and two equipment cabins would "blight" the London Road approach to Stroud.

"There has been enormous local opposition from Thrupp residents to this phone mast - no wonder people get disenchanted with democracy when the decision of local councillors and the opinions of local people are overridden by an unelected bureaucrat," said Coun Martin Whiteside.

"It seems that this Government and the Planning Inspectorate are only interested in the profits of big business, not the opinions of local people".

On behalf of Vodafone, Jane Frapwell said the company planned to keep visual intrusion from the mast to a minimum.

"We are well aware that this is a conservation area and our obligations to make sure we reduce and visual impact and to provide a service locally," she said.

"This installation is a roadside slim pole which is designed to blend in with existing street furniture.

"In terms of health we recognise that some people do have concerns but we take our lead from expert international bodies such as the World Health Organisation which has said that within the guideline levels there is no evidence of any adverse health effect from radio base stations.

Omega this statement is plain and simple not true. See further under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

"They are very low powered and provide a very local service."

David Corker, from Stroud District Council, said the authority would not incur any costs from the planning appeal because it was dealt with through written representations.


Thanks to whoever posted this...

I have replied to the newspaper in Stoud with the following:

I would like to let the good people of Stroud know that they are not alone! This sad state of affairs is happening all over the UK and has indeed two weeks ago happened at Marlborough in Wiltshire. Marlborough is very similar to Stroud, both are delightful little old English rural market towns, full of historic and listed buildings set in beautiful surroundings and within or around conservation areas and ANOB’s. Like the people of Stroud, the residents of Marlborough would like to keep it that way. But no, the telecommunications giants are walking all over the UK, crushing us underfoot and changing the very nature and traditions of all that we hold dear.

Below are a few thoughts to encourage Stroud to fight on; why should we have all this equipment and environmental pollution imposed upon us against our wishes, putting the needs of the operator before our own? In our case the real culprit is BT who want to put these masts on their exchange roof against the wishes of their customers who live around it. At the end of the day, we are all the customers of these phone companies and they would do well to remember the power that we have - if only it were coordinated effectively…

We too feel the despair that Stroud must be feeling right now. We have thanked the regulatory committee for everything that they have done to support the people of Marlborough during the last three years. We have been constantly supported by our Town Councilors and by the Regulatory Planning Committee and are very grateful that they rejected permission, even though loosing an appeal will cost Kennet financially. I am sure that they are as dismayed by the decision as we are. We have written to ask them if the planning authority is prepared to challenge this decision in the High Court on behalf of those in Marlborough, on the grounds that this decision wasn't right, backing up their previous stance on the matter. We do not have the funds to take this to the High Court ourselves and so the bullying telecommunication company tactics win.

Naturally, I along with many of the residents living here, are devastated that this development can now proceed in our midst. Many firmly believe that the radiation from these structures is likely to cause health problems and illnesses in the future and simply do not agree with the comments made by the Inspector in the appeal decision and we have written to tell them so. There is much evidence being published regularly by various bodies but this Government chooses to ignore such findings.

Neither are many local residents in agreement with the views made by the Inspector - that in his opinion - the visual impact will be of an acceptable level and would not have a detrimental impact on the settings of listed buildings. We clearly will be subjected to these eyesores everyday. We asked whether the Planning Committee agrees with the inspector that this development will comply with Policies HH5, HH8, NR8, PPS7 and PPG8?

Despite numerous concerns raised by local residents in their objection letters only the two points seem to have been addressed: visual impact and health risks. No reference is made to concerns such as vehicular access and increased traffic to the site, economic impacts such as devalued property and the impact on local schools and impact of those families moving away are ignored. Neither is the issue of setting a precedent for all future telecommunication equipment in this location and that impact on Policy NR8 given any consideration.

Given that Kennet District Council has an obligation to protect the environment on our behalf, we have strongly urged that this decision should be challenged by the Council in order to comply with Article 130r of the European Treaties Act, which actively requires the protection of the environment, following a precautionary approach, preventing any type of environmental pollution at source. Kennet has a responsibility to provide a safe environment for those with disabilities and that includes the 15 - 25% of the population known to suffer with chemical and/or electromagnetic sensitivities who can experience debilitating reactions from exposure to extremely low levels of common chemicals such as pesticides, cleaning products, fragrances, and remodeling activities, and from electromagnetic fields emitted by computers, cell phones, and other electrical equipment. At present we have a choice about whether to use such products and devices in our homes but we will have no choice about the microwave irradiation about to be unleashed over us 24/7/365.

Outside and industrial noise pollution is another responsibility that Kennet has to protect us from under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Soon, many may well be troubled by low frequency noise or hum and no doubt be contacting the environmental health department at Kennet for help in order to simply sleep at night. The inspector states that noise levels generated by equipment must not exceed 10db(A) above the background noise level when measured at the boundary of adjoining properties (which means that to comply fully, the generated noise level would need to fluctuate with the background noise level). But, when is background noise to be measured? At night it is very quiet, in daytime the lorries can be extremely loud. If it were measured above this level, then the noise from equipment could be very loud at night, much above 10db(A) allowed by the inspector. The inspector’s decision could be challenged on these grounds alone as it is not quantifiable and is open to abuse by the equipment operators.

So much research is now available to support evidence of potential health issues that I believe it is irresponsible to allow this development to proceed. Everyone has been warned of potential risks, from tumors to cataracts and the decreased nighttime production of Nocturnal Melatonin and to ignore such advice brings the prospect of legal proceedings against Operators, Landowners and Planning Authorities ever nearer. The local people have made their views known clearly. The inspector’s decision represents the slow death of democracy and possibly the death of many who live in Marlborough, and, unfortunately, it would seem in Stroud too.



Thanks, Sandi.... I am very grateful that you take the time to keep us all informed... I totally agree with you about consumer power. I haven't bought a 3g phone but sadly others do. We need to coordinate targeted boycots to become effective. Like Greenpeace did for example over the price of petrol and they encouraged people not to buy certain brands of petrol to send a message. We could sugggest people boycot a particular operator to make them listen. Or we could praise ones like O2 who have just listened to people at Pewsey, Wiltshire. I'll post the article as it may be a way forward for others. I'd like to see all the groups working together with one voice - thanks for the 'Voice of the People of the UK' info - I didn't know about that.


Praise an operator? Not me, Pete! If an operator withdrew it would be for self-interested reasons, not out of consideration for the people. If they did consider the people, masts would not be insensitively sited and our human rights wouldn't be trampled into the dust and clouds of emissions!



You're right of couse, Sandi, silly me!!! Whatever was I thinking of? Just read '02 jumps in for the kill'



Well, I was inclined to try to see the best in situations and people before I met my first TETRA mast, but after my initial "baptism by fire" I became more realistic and realised that there are tiddlers and killer sharks, and puppy dogs and wild dogs!



Dear Pete,

I post news articles when I have the time, so that you can all see what it going on in other parts of the country. I also add comments on these articles sometimes to try to inform people. This is the one I posted for Stroud:

As SWCoord and Director of Advisory Services for http://www.mastsanity.org, a voluntary organisation with charity status which offers free advice and support for anyone with mast queries or problems, I can confirm that the feelings of the people of Stoud are mirrored across the UK.

All areas are concerned and indignant about the loss of amenity and the way the wishes of residents are being overridden in the phone masts issue.

It is particularly worrying that these masts are now intruding upon conservation areas and areas of outstanding natural beauty because PPG8 - Planning Policy, Environmental Considerations para 16 clearly states:

"In accordance with PPG7 high priority should be given to the need to safeguard areas of particular environmental importance. In National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty proposals should be sensitively designed and sited and the developer must demonstrate that there are no suitable alternative locations."

That there are health concerns to be consider is abundantly clear from the calls Mast Sanity receives on the advice line (08704 322 377 Mon to fri 1pm to 8pm).

Communities across the UK are unhappy that no meaningful research is being carried out in this country, as it is abroad.

Mast Sanity advises that people should contact their MPs if they are concerned, to ask them to back all calls for planning changes in line with a more sensitive and sensible siting of these masts.

Sandi Lawrence

I am also finding that communites are begining to join forces with other groups in their area to build a more formidable resistance, and to pack more power.

In some areas, six weekly peaceful protests are to be held to raise awareness of the discontent of the people.

Copies of the "Voice of the People of the UK" letter are being distributed for individuals or campaign groups to send to Government departments. A copy can be obtained by email from Redsunset37@aol.com

The other way of making your views known is by not buying 3G phones. If no one bought them, there would be no need for the masts!



Thanks, Sandi.... I am very grateful that you take the time to keep us all informed... I totally agree with you about consumer power. I haven't bought a 3g phone but sadly others do. We need to coordinate targeted boycots to become effective. Like Greenpeace did for example over the price of petrol and they encouraged people not to buy certain brands of petrol to send a message. We could sugggest people boycot a particular operator to make them listen. Or we could praise ones like O2 who have just listened to people at Pewsey, Wiltshire. I'll post the article as it may be a way forward for others. I'd like to see all the groups working together with one voice - thanks for the 'Voice of the People of the UK' info - I didn't know about that.

I have printed below a letter which I am sending to BT about the Marlborough BT Telephone Exchange masts.

Regards, Pete.

Naturally, I along with many of the residents living here, are devastated that this development can now proceed in our midst. Many firmly believe that the radiation from these structures is likely to cause health problems and illnesses in the future and simply do not agree with the comment made by the Inspector in point 11 of the appeal decision. There is much evidence being published regularly by various bodies but this Government chooses to ignore such findings.

Neither are many local residents in agreement with the views made by the Inspector in points 6 and 7. In his opinion the visual impact will be of an acceptable level and would not have a detrimental impact on the settings of listed buildings. We clearly will be subjected to these eyesores everyday.

Despite numerous concerns raised by local residents in their objection letters only the above two points seem to have been addressed. No reference is made to concerns such as vehicular access and increased traffic to the site, economic impacts such as devalued property and the impact on local schools and impact of those families moving away are ignored. Neither is the issue of setting a precedent for all future telecommunication equipment in this location and that impact on Policy NR8 given any consideration.

Is BT aware of its responsibility to comply with Article 130r of the European Treaties Act, which actively requires the protection of the environment, following a precautionary approach, preventing any type of environmental pollution at source? Has BT considered those with disabilities who live nearby, including the 15 - 25% of the population known to suffer with chemical and/or electromagnetic sensitivities who can experience debilitating reactions from exposure to extremely low levels of common chemicals such as pesticides, cleaning products, fragrances, and from electromagnetic fields emitted by computers, cell phones, and other electrical equipment. At present we do have a choice about whether to use such products and devices in our homes but we will have no choice about the microwave irradiation about to be unleashed over us 24/7/365.

Outside and industrial Noise pollution is another responsibility that BT has a responsibility to protect us from under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Soon, many may well be troubled by low frequency noise or hum and no doubt be contacting the environmental health department at Kennet for help in order to simply sleep at night. The inspector states that noise levels generated by equipment must not exceed 10db(A) above the background noise level when measured at the boundary of adjoining properties (which means that to comply fully, the generated noise level would need to fluctuate with the background noise level). But, when is background noise to be measured? At night it is very quiet, in daytime the lorries can be extremely loud. If it were measured above this level, then the noise from equipment could be very loud at night, much above 10db(A) allowed by the inspector. The inspector’s decision could be challenged on these grounds alone as it is not quantifiable and is open to abuse by the equipment operators.

So much research is now available to support evidence of potential health issues that I believe it is irresponsible to allow this development to proceed. Everyone has been warned of potential risks, from tumors to cataracts and the decreased night time production of Nocturnal Melatonin and to ignore such advice brings the prospect of legal proceedings against Operators, Landowners, in this case BT and Planning Authorities ever nearer.

One company, BT, is in a position to halt this particular development. But to do so would mean going against BT’s policy as stated below:

‘In November 2000, BT and Crown Castle UK entered into an agreement to provide infrastructure to 3G mobile and wireless operators. This should enable us to receive significant rental income through the development of the roof-space and surroundings of, initially, 4,000 of our exchange buildings. The programme has the potential to be extended to cover all of our operational buildings. Agreements have been signed with three of the 3G licence holders, including BT Wireless, for use of the combined BT and Crown Castle portfolio’.

It appears that the above policy is based purely upon generating revenue and that 4,000 exchanges will be used whatever their location. So much for the - ‘most suitable location for operational needs’ - as so often quoted in planning applications. BT is determined to put masts on its exchanges regardless of the views of neighbouring residents or their concern for their immediate environments.

Interestingly BT are keen to attract customers, remember the ‘Come back to BT adverts? You even have a policy: ‘BT Wireless’strategy is to attract and retain high-value customers and increase revenues per customer by positioning itself as a leader in the European mobile data market’. Well BT, in case it hasn’t dawned on you yet, we are your customers, and the customers of O2 and Hutchinson and all the other mobile phone operators. And, if you don’t treat your customers’ right, you loose them. Yes, we want mobile phone technology, but not at any cost. You would do well to listen to what people are saying in the countless communities that you are bullying up and down the country. Take heed before it is too late. Site phone masts in positions that people find acceptable and consider your neighbours. They have been good neighbours and customers to you over the years and in Marlborough t he local people have made their views known clearly. They do not want the mobile phone masts on the exchange.

BT could reverse its decision in this case and ask the operators to withdraw their application for a mast and suggest they use alternative sites on the edge of Marlborough. They could even move the telephone exchange to a more appropriate purpose built building with transmission facilities on the new industrial site in the town. The existing exchange could be sold off for housing development to provide revenue to fund the project. You could take the lead from the recent case in nearby Pewsey where "Reluctantly O2 have agreed to withdraw their application in order to satisfy community feeling." How much more respect the local community now have for that company and their brave decision than we currently have for BT in Marlborough.

In this case the inspector’s decision represents the slow death of democracy and possibly the death of many who live here. BT may soon find to their cost that ignoring their local neighbours will cost them more financially than the revenue from masts on a roof will ever generate.

End the War on Iraq

"I'm coming back to Crawford for my son. As long as the president, who sent him to die in a senseless war, is in Crawford, that is where I belong. I came here two and a half weeks ago for one reason, to try and see the president and get an answer to a very simple question: What is the noble cause that he says my son died for?" - Cindy Crawford

1. Cindy Returns to Crawford!

Cindy Sheehan will return to Camp Casey in Crawford Texas this evening! Get ready for big events there tomorrow, Friday, and over the weekend. If you can go to Crawford, now is the time. If not, pitch a tent in a prominent location in your community, make some signs, and create your own Camp Casey!


2. Cindy Denounces Bush's Smokescreen

George Bush in Idaho on Tuesday:

"I think those who advocate immediate withdrawal from not only Iraq but the Middle East are advocating a policy that would weaken the United States."

Cindy's reply:

"This is the biggest smokescreen from him yet. I didn't ask him to withdraw the troops; I asked him, what 'noble cause' Casey died for. I am still waiting for one of the press corps to ask him that. I am still waiting for that answer.

First, we were told WMDs -- false. Then we were told Saddam=Osama -- false. Then we were told Saddam was a bad man to his own people and we had to get rid of him -- he's gone. Then we were told the Iraqi people had to have elections -- they did. Now we are spreading 'freedom and democracy' but we are building 14 permanent bases, some the size of Sacramento, California. To me that indicates that we are spreading the cancer of imperialism and usurping THEIR natural resources."


3. It's Time to Demand More Polls on Impeaching Bush

On June 30, a Zogby poll found 42% of Americans said "if it is found that President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should hold him accountable through impeachment." At the time, Bush's approval rating was just 43%. Since then, Bush's approval has dropped even lower - down to 36%.

It's time for other pollsters to follow up on the Zogby Poll and to ask about impeaching George Bush. We've collected all the e-mail addresses you need to contact them.


4. An Open Letter to Rep. Nancy Pelosi on Presidential Accountability and Impeachment from Bob Fertik

Dear Representative Pelosi,

Thank you for your letter requesting a contribution to elect a Democratic Congress in 2006 to "hold the President accountable." This is a cause that I, and millions of Americans, wholeheartedly support. But I write to differ strongly with you on exactly how to "hold the President accountable."

It is true that Democrats in Congress cannot impeach George Bush (and Dick Cheney, who shares full responsibility with George Bush) by themselves.

But Democrats can introduce Articles of Impeachment and thereby put the issue of accountability squarely before the Republican majority - and the American people.

Read more:

5. Rep. Woolsey Plans Iraq Exit Strategy Hearings and Rally in D.C. on September 15

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey has for months requested official bipartisan hearings on an exit strategy for Iraq , but has been blocked by Republican committee chairs. This week she announced unofficial hearings to be held on Capitol Hill on September 15.

The After Downing Street Coalition, Democrats.com, Progressive Democrats of America, Peace Action, and Code Pink will sponsor a rally in Lafayette Square Park , across from the White House, at 5 p.m. ET on September 15. Members of Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace, and Iraq Veterans Against the War have been invited to speak.

Read this op-ed by Congresswoman Woolsey: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/2008

6. Sign and Promote the Petition for an Exit Strategy from Iraq

Last week, two organizations seeking an end to the Iraq War began collecting signatures on a petition to Congress calling for an exit strategy. Thus far over 13,000 signatures have been collected on the websites of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and Peace Action. The petition, whose chief author is PDA Cofounder Tom Hayden, can be read at http://www.pdamerica.org or http://www.peace-action.org . It will be delivered to members of Congress on September 15. A growing number of orgaizations are promoting the petition, including: After Downing Street, National Organization for Women (NOW), Democrats.com, Women's Action for New Directions, Peace Majority, and others.

Use this logo to link to the petition from your website:

7. Call Your Representative to Support Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry There are now 52 co-sponsors on Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry on Downing Street Memos
http://www.house.gov/lee/roi/roi.htm. If your Representative isn't on this list yet, please call their D.C. office and ask to speak to the Legislative Director. Ask why they haven't cosponsored HRes375, and then report back to us:

8. September 24-26 - Mark Your Calendar!

September 24-26: End the War on Iraq !
Three Days of Peace & Justice Actions in Washington , D.C.




Informant: JHW369

Mast plan thrown out

Sunderland Echo

PLANS to put up 50ft mobile telephone mast in the grounds of one of Sunderland's biggest landmarks have been rejected.

Communications giant T-Mobile, which employs about 1,000 people at its Doxford Park centre, lodged the idea of a mobile mast in the grounds of Sunderland Minster in June and was ready to pay church authorities rent for using the land, though no fee was agreed.

The company said the mast – that would have been made to look like a flagpole – was necessary for the new 3G technology that allows video conferencing between users. It had mapped the city centre and plumped on the minster’s ground as the best location.

City planners said, however, the mast would be “detrimental” to views around the listed building and its conservation area around the minster.

But Canon Stephen Taylor, of Sunderland Minster, today defended the mast plans. He said: “The minster did not think there was a concern over the visual impact and nobody had ever brought that up so it is something of a surprise, I suppose it could have interrupted views of the hotel.”

T-Mobile wanted to put the mast next to steps leading into the minster’s grounds and the reception aerials and antennas would have been inside. The company believed the mast would also have been screened by trees.

Mr Taylor added: “If we are going to have 3G technology then people need to be near a mast and there will need to be one in the city centre. It will now be be up to T-Mobile to look elsewhere.”

Planning officers in their decision said the company’s plan went against planning guidelines on conservation areas, plus building in parks and next to trees.

One2One at Doxford Park was taken over by T-Mobile and last year it wanted to put a mast up the steeple at St George’s United Reformed Church in Belvedere Road – one of the most prominent landmarks on the city’s skyline.

That was rejected in a consultation exercise with neighbours before any plan was lodged with the city council.

T-Mobile was unavailable for comment.

24 August 2005

We woke up and found mast at our window


RESIDENTS of a street were caught unawares as they woke to find a 50ft mobile phone mast had been installed metres away from their bedroom windows.

People living on Berkerley Street, whose houses back onto the Sandy Mill, say they were not informed that the mast would be erected.

One resident, Michelle Shaw, said: “There was digging and I thought work had started to demolish the mill but we got up on Tuesday morning and the mast was there.

“We haven’t received any letters and no-one’s told us anything. What really concerns us is the health issues, we are worried at what it’s going to do. It’s right in our faces, only about 10 metres away from the back door. We have had no chance to object or protest against it. We are all very upset and disgusted that we were given no warning.”

Royton South councillor Jill Read said: “If they had the courtesy to contact and reassure the residents about the health issues and that it is only temporary, they wouldn’t be so upset. It’s just bad public relations.”

The Orange mast has been put up as a temporary measure to replace the masts on top of Sandy Mill which is set for demolition later in the year.

A spokesman for Orange said: “I would like to apologise on behalf of Orange for any inconvenience caused and would like to stress that this is only a temporary measure for six months.”

First published by the Oldham Advertiser

Vietnam and Iraq, the Heartland Experience


Will Colleges Respect Your Child's Rights?


Give Us the Answers


Cindy Sheehan

Robertson Is Wrong, But So Are Most of His Detractors


Regime-Change Reverend Has Pistol Plan for Peace


The Pentagon Dishonors VMI’s New Market Heroes


Lessons (of Vietnam)? We Don’t Need No Lessons


Terror, Utopianism and the Politicization of Science



The Brad Blog
August 24, 2005


Following Joan Baez' performance, Cindy Sheehan made her first public statements since returning to Camp Casey in Crawford, TX.

She spoke about the media attacks on her, and at length about Casey. Both moving and at times, funny.

As broadcast LIVE Exclusively on The BRAD SHOW via RAW RADIO's Special Edition of "Operation Noble Cause". Here's the MP3:


Cindy Sheehan

Kp Index “Off the Scale”; Warnings Sent Out

August 24th 2005


Kp Index “Off the Scale”; Warnings Sent Out

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

Earlier today, severe solar storms hit the Earth’s magnetic field. This was so powerful; warnings were immediately issued to the FAA to warn all high flying aircraft, all major power companies for possible power grid failures, NASA to alert the International Space Station and all commercial satellites, and the USAF for all military satellites and weaponry.

Kp Index: http://www.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/kp_3d.html

New (4th) M-Class Flare: http://www.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/xray_5mBL.html

Watch for severe and “freak storms” to occur within the next 24 to 48 hours. Watch for rapid temperature shifts, straight-line winds, wind shears, micro-burst, and tornadoes.


Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

There are 176 masts located near schools, homes and offices

THE location of hundreds of mobile phone masts in the borough can be revealed for the first time.

A POST investigation reveals that there are 176 masts located near schools, homes and offices.

Our research also reveals that several council accommodation blocks still have mobile phone masts on roofs.

The POST understands that the council is tied to lengthy contracts with the mobile phone giants which it can not break.

Many families are furious by our revelations but said they had no choice when it came to being allocated council housing.

Tory Chadwell Heath councillor Terry Justice has called for greater transparency when it comes to the siting of masts.

Mr Justice said: "Just because they rent doesn't mean that they don't have any say in terms of what's above them."

Old people's home Kilsby Walk in Lodge Avenue, Dagenham, has more than nine antennae on the roof.

In Dagenham alone, there are masts on Highview House, Laburnum House, Millard Terrace, Cadiz Court and Bassett House.

Our research also reveals that Sydney Russell School in Parsloes Avenue, Dagenham, has a mast just metres from the school gates.

Barking and Dagenham Council has refused to reveal how much it is being paid by the mobile phone giants to have masts on their properties. But a spokeswoman for pressure group Mast Sanity said that it could command upwards of £20,000 per year for each site.

The investigation also reveals how St Albans Church in Dagenham even has a mobile phone mast hidden in its bell tower.

Team Rector Ann Clarke said all the money received was ploughed back into the church.

Staff working at Barking and Dagenham Primary Care Trust's HQ will also be surprised to learn that there are more than 12 antennae on the roof.

Crown House, in Linton Road, Barking, Golds Gym in Rainham Road South, Dagenham, and Crown House in Linton Road, Barking, are other mast hotspots.

The rise in the number of masts in built-up area comes despite protests from campaigners and families living nearby.

Many are concerned about the possible health risks from the masts and the fact that masts have been linked to cases of leukaemia in children.

Only last week parents scored a rare victory against Vodafone's plans to put a mast just yards away from William Bellamy School.

A comprehensive study led by Sir William Stewart on behalf of the Government in 2002 looked into the possible health risks.

Although the study concluded that there were no proved general risks associated with living next to a mast, it called for a more "precautionary approach" to the siting of base stations.

We obtained a copy of the borough's telecommuncations register, which lists the location of every mast, under the recently introduced Freedom of Information Act.

The Act allows previously confidential documents to be made public.

Councillor seeks inquiry into mobile fears

I was incensed to read more pernicious rubbish in todays (25th Aug) edition of The Argus (Sussex wide) by long term Vice Chair of Brighton & Hove City Council Planning Committee Roy Pennington (not sure if he still is) who whilst in that responsible position always waved mast applications through whenever he had a casting vote. He also recommended to me that I read Adam Burgess when I challenged him about his stance several months ago.

Below are choice gems from the article. I think as many of us as possible should write to their letters page which is letters@theargus.co.uk . Remember The Argus is pretty strict about not publishing anything over 250 words. Full name & address must be given.


Councillor seeks inquiry into mobile fears

Let's put an end to mast hysteria

A COUNCILLOR wants taxpayers money to be spent telling a sceptical public mobile phone masts are safe.

Labour Councillor Roy Pennington, who has outed himself as one of a small band of mast sympathisers on Brighton and Hove City Council, accused his colleagues of "low-level hypocrisy" for peddling hysteria about the unproven dangers of mobile phone masts to win votes. ...

..Coun Pennington said "We should look at why people have these concerns. Scientists have said there is no significant risk but people still feel there is and we should do something to allay fears"

"There is too much hysteria about mobile phone masts"

"Mobile phone masts are as safe as safe can be".



I sympathise Gary. My local counciller told me that at one of their council meetings a counciller got up at a meeting of planning and said 'I love my mobile 'phone and I want lots more masts'. Planning permission was given!!!!!!!!!!!!

sue g


If anyone could please send a letter as suggested it would be a huge relief to me as I have spent years writing letters to The Argus about phone masts and still nobody appears to be taking much notice. I've sent one today - if others do the same it'll increase the chances of publication enormously.



Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 12:54:12 +0100 (BST) From: fergusson sue Subject: Cllr. Pennington To: letters@theargus.co.uk

Dear Letters,

I am shocked at Cllr. Pennington's comments. Public outcry is based on the research of many independant scientists around the world, not the biased government funded scientists who advise this government. As he is convinced masts are safe, I wonder if he would pay the considerable medical bills for those affected by masts, like myself, and the huge compensation payments which will inevitably result from the governments' refusal to regulate the Mobile Phone Companies and protect the public from the now proven health effects?

susan fergusson, Hazel Grove, Cheshire SK7 4ER


Quite a marathon of mails today over Cllr P!

So OK, I gave in and sent this letter, FYI:

Dear Sir

So Cllr Roy Pennington is sure that "masts are as safe as can be" [Letters, 25 August]? For someone who sounds so sure, this a rather vague assertion. Certainly, those like him who feel that the chief task is to allay people's fears should engage a little more, not necessarily with campaigners, but with some of the specific scientific concerns. A lot of "allaying" went on over lead water pipes, tobacco, asbestos and BSE, and we should remember that. It is no good blaming the quality of observational epidemiological studies whilst not putting in the money and research effort to doing them better. A number of substantial studies, albeit imperfect, give real cause for concern, whilst there have been no comparable epidemiological studies to indicate that there is no cause for concern. When we are talking about cancer and motor neurone disease after ten years exposure, this is a matter for far greater precaution than simply assuming the early effects are a psychological response.

Masts are not so ugly they make people feel ill! But it is material that if a mobile phone gives you headaches you can avoid using one, whilst with masts you have no choice. And even if the mere worry is stressful, there are few circumstances where such harassment is legitimate. Where people experience side-effects from prescription medicines we don't allay their fears and tell them to keep taking the pills.

The most telling observations lie with people who exhibit a commonality of symptoms of microwave sickness, whilst being unaware of the status of mobile masts around them. Psychosomatic accusations in these circumstances, as with similar effects on animals are quite misplaced. But what is more interesting by far, and surely a wake-up call, is that there are clear research results that point towards the reasons why masts have this effect.

Laboratory studies have shown that low level microwave radiation with the characteristics of mobile phone transmissions can affect the enzymes that maintain nitric oxide levels in the body, for example. The cumulative effects of chronic exposure to masts in this regard, are not part of the protection afforded by current safety certificates, and indeed much of this research postdates the setting of those guidelines. But since the effects involve neurotransmission and the control of free radicals, they cannot be taken lightly. A small initial biological effect rapidly cascades into a chain reaction health effect. And what is particularly intriguing is that disturbance of this simple molecule, nitric oxide, unites all the symptoms we see, all the way to the long-latency diseases appearing in the 10-year epidemiological studies.

What does "masts are as safe as they can be" now mean? Under what circumstances? Those of ignorance, or those of informed investigation? I don't think what I have outlined above is at all "hysterical". It is worthy of very calm consideration, because the implications of our growing electromagnetic pollution are truly immense.

yours faithfully

Andy Davidson


Dear Andy

There are very few emails over Councillor Pennington - the title bar contains his name but the emails are on a different strand.

If only this was the end of Pennington - he's a very dangerous man.

Andy it's a great letter but I have sent many letters to The Argus and they NEVER publish anything over about 300 words. You may want to leave it as it is and risk it but if you have the time and patience I think it would be prudent to chop it down to 300 words max and resend it.

So far that's you, myself and Sue G. Could be in The Argus letters page any day next week.

BW Gary


Dear Gary,

sorry for the delay – but here's one more to add to the list. Would like to know if it gets printed! Good luck and lots of best wishes!


To the Editor of the Argus,


Is Cllr Pennington a spokesperson for the mobile phone giants? His views that the technology is 'as safe as safe can be', are certainly not shared by eminent independent scientists worldwide, whose peer reviewed research shows that there are very grave risks, and we ignore them at our peril.

Phone users may accept the necessity for masts, but they should be in no doubt as to the potential risks involved with the technology (see the Mast Sanity website). Safety has never been proven, and Cllr Pennington’s remarks should reflect that fact, not cover it up. His personal view is irrelevant. The Government's own Chief Scientist, Sir William Stewart advises that children should not use mobiles at all, and no masts should be built near schools. If the country’s leading expert admits there are potential dangers, Cllr Pennington is failing in his public duty not to acknowledge that fact.

Despite this, Cllr Penninton seems to be doing the Operators' job for them. One assumes he is not being paid for doing so - but he is being paid to act responsibly on behalf of Brighton citizens. If he has a problem with that, perhaps he should consider his position.

Jennifer Godschall Johnson



You don't know about the Russian findings in the 1930s? Their bombarding the office of the Ambassador, Walter J Stoessel in the American Embassy with radar in Tchaikovsky Street, Moscow for years ('60s - '70s) causing blood anomalies in children of staff, 40% raised white bloodcell count amongst many staff and the death of Stoessel and another member of staff of a 'leukaemia-like disease' after years of exposure to EMR

You haven't heard of the suffering of people in Schwarzenburg, Switzerland for years caused by the transmitter there form the 1930s until scientific tests proved that when the mast was ON, the levels of night time hormone melatonin was too low in both three herds of cows and the residents of Schwarzenburg and when it was OFF the levels were normal.

Melatonin takes over from the daytime ruling hormone serotonin which keeps us awake, whilst without melatonin we cannot go to sleep - this explains the usual symptom of chronic insomnia. Secondly, melatonin is responsible for triggering T-cells to kill off any cells which have mutated during the night - common sense says that if this does not happen, those who have a genetic tendecy to get cancer or benign tumours may possible suffer from this, and also some people without the genetic tendency.

Several pets near the mast in my village (14 - 140 metresdeveloped small growths on their paws (all dogs), one had this, and also growths on his neck - he died about a year after the mast was activated and also suffered vomiting and appetite loss (30m away). A dog 100 metres away has the growths removed regularly, I don't know if he has any other symptoms; another has the growths. A cat developed a tumour in its throat, vomiting, appetite loss; had the tumour removed; was never able to eat normally again and died last year.

Needless to say all the residents in the houses up to 100 metres from the mast have had symptoms e.g. chronic insomnia and headaches; vertigo and nausea; bloodshot sore eyes ( Walter Stoessel had 'bleeding' eyes); earache tinnnitus and hearing loss; those within 40m from the mast also suffered ulcerated mouths and throats with extreme thirst. 100 metres from the mast there are two cases of raised white bloodcell count (a symptom of Leukaemia) for which doctors can find no cause. I have asked residents here to have there blood checked, but only one has tried. She has been so ill that the hospital said she was not fit enough to have a bloodtest!

Gill Lyden


Dear Gary,

Here is a copy of the letter I sent to the Argus when I saw your first request - I hope it helps.

Very sincerely,
Gill Lyden

Cllr Pennington is wrong

Datum: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 12:17:40 EDT
An: letters@theargus.co.uk

Dear Sirs,

This councillor is wrong. There is incontrovertible proof from the 1930s, 50s to 70s and the 1990s that ElectroMagnetic Radiofrequency (EMR) emissions and microwaves do cause damage to health.

The Soviets found damage to health amongst workers in the industry in the 30s from both microwaves and EMR. They also bombarded the office of the Ambassador in the Moscow American Embassy with low level emissions (1 to 4 microtesla, the American 'safe' level being 10 microtesla!) from 1960s to 70s, causing blood anomalies amongst the children of embassy staff; 40% raised white bloodcell count amongst many embassy staff including the Ambassador, Walter J.Stoessel who eventually died of a 'leukaemia-like' disease (he also suffered from bleeding eyes). See book: 'The Zapping of America@ by Paul Brodeur, Published in New York by W.W. Norton and co.

Yes, we are exposed to similar emissions from radio, TV, computer s etc, but these emissions are not pulsed and those from masts are pulsed at a rate close to our brain-waves and this is the problem.

Wherever masts have effects, these are the main symptoms found; chronic insomnia and headaches; earache, tinnitus and hearing loss; sore bloodshot eyes. Residents in my village, Kensworth, Beds. have suffered insomnia for almost 4 years since an Orange mast was erected 14 metres from their homes. Until recently Orange had the worst reputation, but 3G is now taking over. Tetra is also being devastating causing health problems amongst police officers using handsets in conjunction with the mast an also amongst residents livinf.near police stations.

No one will investigate in the homes where this is happening. Money is thrown away on tests in the laboratory when it is impossible to replicate the effects there due to the capricious nature of emissions with changes in wind direction, the differing terrain and the difference amongst positioning of homes to masts; bedooms to masts; differences in individuals (we all have different weaknesses) etc.

I attach a small quantity of the information I have found since being asked to represent people in Kensworth:

EMR Reduces Melatonin in Animals and People

Open letter to Edmund Stoiber, Prime Minister, Germany

Yours sincerely,

Parish Cllr. Mrs. G. Lyden.
172 Common Road, Kensworth, Dunstable, Beds LU6 2PH

Dear Sirs,

I forgot to say that I regard moblie phone technologe as a wonderful means of communication and enjoyment. I have used one since the 1980s and found it very reassuring to have a phone with me when on long journeys alone in my car (in case I became stranded if my car breaks down).

Since I have found out about the dangers, I never keep my phone turned on and only use it in emergencies. I used to get pains in my ear and neck when I spoke for hours to my friends and never hold long conversations now. I am reduced to short messages e.g. saying where I am and what the problem is (puncture or locked keys in car and where I am - 'Please help!).

I want to be able to use my phone in safety, but the government and Phone companies will not do anything about the health problems except talk about our 'concerns' and to concentrate on making as much money as possible before everyone realises the truth - that some people are being slowly killed by emissions from masts and that our childrens' health is in dire danger of being ruined.

Best regards

Clllr. Mrs. G. Lyden


Dear Gill

Another excellent letter - that makes five. I never expected so many! However as I say The Argus is pretty crap re supporting peoples campaigns. Nothing today but it usually takes 3 - 5 working days for letters to go in. Do remember though that they usually won't publish over 250 words.

Councillor Pennington is dangerous - he should not be in the position he is saying the things he does.



If The Argus don't publish at least one of these I intend to do a piece including Councillor Penningtons remarks and extracts from everyones responses for a local radical newsletter with a comment that the Argus didn't publish any of them.

BW Gary


You might remember that a few months ago T Mobile planned to roll out the first 16 of some estimated 90 3G masts in Brighton & Hove. As a result I went into overdrive copying my own leaflets and posting them through hundreds of letterboxes and found that several others had already started petitionning in the areas concerned. A few weeks later I read that several anti mast petitions had been submitted to B & H Council. The last few weeks appear to have gone quiet but I was pleased to learn that one of the masts near me had been rejected due to a petition. I don't know about the others but would guess at least some have also been rejected on the same grounds.

So that's good news. However as a Green Councillor on the planning committee told me recently, whenever the Council rejects a mast it risks an Inspector overturning the decision and fining the Council £17,000 and the Council is already bankrupt...

BW Gary


I think we need to be very sure about this.

Firstly, a council can suffer a reduction in central government funding allocation as a result of 'losing' an excessive number of planning appeals. This reduction applies to all allowed appeals within a specified period and not merely those dealing with masts (which in fact will generally constitute only a small proportion of the total).

Secondly, the powers for an Inspector to levy a fine on a council simply do not exist. In the event of a refusal going to appeal and the appeal being dealt with via Public Inquiry (rather than Written Representation or Informal Hearing), either side, council or appellant, are at liberty to apply for a cost order to be made against the other on the grounds of 'unreasonable behaviour'. The operator will almost invariably submit such an application at the end of an Inquiry. If the Inspector finds that the council has behaved unreasonably (one example being that councillors refused an application against the professional advice of their planning officers) a cost order might well be awarded against the council. The operator then forwards a detailed account - if the council disputes the amount, the matter goes to independent arbitration for resolution. Cost orders of circa £100,000 are not uncommon.

I hope this explains things.

David Baron


Hi All

Many thanks to everyone who sent letters to The Argus. I have reproduced the letters as published below (only mine, Andys and Sue F's unfortunately though occasionally The Argus publishes letters on the same theme 2 or 3 days later).

I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing that the letters editors would cease their unnecessary meddling with our letters. Not only has the Argus editor cut out most of Andys excellent letter (and a lot of Sues and a little bit of mine), but also taken the liberty of changing the wording and grammar - in my view in most cases unnecessarily and incorrectly. This it seems to me has resulted in all three letters losing a lot of their potential impact.

Anyway, as they appear..

BW Gary Brighton

Where is the proof that phone masts are safe?

Councillor Roy Penningtons assertions that mobile phone masts are safe (The Argus August 25) are extremely irresponsible.

There are now thousands of independent studies showing huge cumulative damage to health.

The recent four year Reflex study, conducted in seven EU countries, found irrefutable and widespread double strand DNA damage of the sort which causes cancer.

The long term Freiburger (40,000 signatories), IDEA, Lichtenfelser, Hofer, Bamberger, Santini, Helsinki, and Californian studies all detail widespread DNA damage, cancers, tumours, epilepsy, sleep disorders, increased cholesterol and blood pressure, blood clots and strokes from intensive exposure to masts and cell and DECT cordless phones.

They are pleading for the health effects of this technology to be taken very seriously.

Government and industry constantly quote ICNIRP compliance as assurance of safety for any mast, yet these International guidelines were formulated in 1998 solely by observing the immediate thermal effects on rats brains from twenty minutes of exposure.

They completely ignore the longer term pulsed microwaves, which independent researchers agree cause the damage. Eminent researcher Dr Neil Cherry said the safe level for microwave exposure was nil.

The currently unfurling 3G system is according to researcher Glynn Hughes, 30 times more powerful than the conventional network which is itself responsible for massive health damage.

Then you have microwave burglar alarms, baby monitors, and wireless laptop and local computer networks.

I have measured emissions throughout central Brighton and am extremely concerned.

As long term Vice Chair of Brighton & Hove City Council's planning committee, Councillor Pennington should be recommending a Committee to investigate the health effects of this technology.


Research has shown there is a risk (feature letter)

Councillor Roy Pennington is sure that "masts are as safe as can be" [Letters, 25 August].

For someone who sounds so sure, this a rather vague assertion.

Those like him who feel that the chief task is to allay people's fears should engage a little more with some of the specific scientific concerns.

A lot of "allaying" went on over lead water pipes, tobacco, asbestos and BSE, and we should remember that. It is no good blaming the quality of observational epidemiological studies whilst not investing the money and effort to carry them out better.

A number of substantial studies, albeit imperfect, give real cause for concern, whilst there have been no comparable epidemiological studies to indicate that there is no cause for concern.

What does "masts are as safe as they can be" now mean? Under what circumstances? Those of ignorance, or those of informed investigation?

Andy Davidson

Big price to pay

I am shocked at Cllr. Pennington's comments. Public outcry is based on the research of many independant scientists around the world, not government funded ones.

As he is convinced masts are safe, I wonder if he would pay the considerable medical bills for those affected by masts, including myself, and the huge compensation payments which will inevitably result from the governments' refusal to regulate the mobile phone companies?

Susan Fergusson


Hello Gary,

Just to let you know that the Argus contacted me and I think my letter will be printed - perhaps next week. Do let me know if it is. I thought mine might not have been used for the obvious reason that it puts Pennington personally and directly in a very in a bad light. I think it's important to do this, because when councillors come out with these things they cause a lot of damage and they must take personal responsibility for their actions. If this was the case there would be far fewer of them coming out with these appalling statements.

By the way, Les and I went down to Brighton yesterday (I was born and brought up there). What a fabulous place it is - if only it wasn't so terribly polluted with electrosmog. Almost everyone we saw was umbilically connected to their mobile. Even small children. I could have wept. As for me - I had a headache all day and couldn't eat. Couldn't wait to leave, which was so sad. Anyway, lots of best wishes - you're doing a great job down there.


PS: As they seem to be printing most of our letters, do you think the Argus might be a having a change of heart? Nice thought!


Hi Jenny

You bet I'll let you (and Gill) know if your letter gets published - I read the letters page every day.

They also cut my call for Pennington to lose his position. They always cut statements attacking Councillors & MPs whilst publicising their support for community projects etrc - nauseating.

The Argus just quotes news from the dailies. I think the editor is scared to make a firm stance on anything however obvious.

Interesting you felt ill all day - I never get this even in the most central areas of Brighton although I avoid them as much as possible nowadays because of the EMF pollution. I'm like an exile to the outskirts.

All the best




Councillors angered as phone mast is approved

Blythe and Wanstead Today (Northumberland)


BOROUGH councillors are powerless to stop a phone mast being put up near a school in Cramlington. Vodafone will site its telecommunications tower and equipment in Northumbrian Road after Blyth Valley Council’s development control panel granted approval. Members were told the works were considered ‘low key’, no other suitable locations are available and that they could only consider the siting and design of the mast. A report to the panel said: “The proposed works are ‘permitted development’, however, the council is able to approve the siting and design of the apparatus”. The 15-metre high monopole phone mast will be placed near the subway on Northumbrian Road, providing the Cramlington area with Third Generation Mobile (3G) services. But the plans have outraged eight local residents in letters of objection to the council, including one from Coun Bob Nixon. The concerning issues include the health implications of phone masts on the local community, the intrusive and visual impact it would have on the Cramlington Village Conservation Area and its close proximity to Hillcrest School. They also feel that other sites in the area would be more suitable. Coun Alisdair Gibbs-Barton and Coun Bob Cole also expressed unrest over the application due to its position close to the school and busy main road. But the report said: “The mast is required to provide coverage for the new 3G system. “The cells or areas served by these masts cover a smaller area than with other phone systems and therefore the search area for any new proposed mast is restricted.” It added: “As demonstrated in the additional information submitted by Vodafone, there are no suitable alternative locations to enable 3G radio coverage to the surrounding areas.” Planning officers say the mast, antenna, dish and two equipment cabinets are not considered to look obtrusive as their designs are minimalist and the pole similar to that of a lamppost. Members were also reminded of the government’s firm view that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards. But Coun Gareth Davies hit out at the government’s restrictions on local authorities when determining these types of planning applications. He said: “As soon as I see these applications I am filled with dread. “Whatever we do or we do not do, these masts will go ahead. “I feel that the government has reduced cases like these to a charade of planning. “It is unfair of central government to expect us to consider these when we can’t do anything about them.” The siting and design of the mast was granted approval after members took a split vote, with chairman Coun James Clough taking the decision. Vodafone aims to meet demand for 3G services, which provide mobile phones with full Internet capacity and helps to deliver high resolution video and multimedia services. It will also provide enhanced radio coverage as well as 3G services to the area.

25 August 2005

In Fulbright’s footsteps

Source: Boston Globe
Author: Derrick Z. Jackson


The Hagel hearings have not yet been scheduled. They are for now a mythical event. But as President Bush’s war in Iraq becomes more maddening to Americans, the more Hagel talks as if he is the Republican who will become to Bush what J. William Fulbright once was to Lyndon Johnson. Fulbright was the Democratic senator from Arkansas who publicly turned against Johnson’s war in Vietnam. Fulbright used his power as the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to hold nationally televised hearings to debate the merits of the war. Hagel is the Republican senator from Nebraska, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, and a Purple Heart Vietnam veteran. In recent months, Hagel has become the top Republican critic of Bush’s war...

Link: http://tinyurl.com/82rv6

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Best course of action in Iraq is to leave

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Author: Tom Maertens


The Bush administration is facing a major dilemma in Iraq. Sen. Chuck Hagel expressed it unambiguously: “The reality is that we’re losing in Iraq.” The United States doesn’t have enough troops on the ground to suppress the insurgency and has no real prospect of getting enough troops. No allies are about to commit more forces to this quagmire, and the U.S. military is stretched so badly that, as Gen. Barry McCaffrey expressed it, the wheels are coming off. …. When you are losing the war, your army is disintegrating and public support is evaporating, then the only remaining option is withdrawal...

Link: http://www.startribune.com/stories/1519/5575522.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

More Americans should be standing outside that Crawford ranch

Source: Tennessean
Author: Saritha Prabhu


It felt good to see Cindy Sheehan’s passion and outrage. If you haven’t heard, Sheehan is the grieving woman who lost her son in Iraq and who has been camping outside the president’s Crawford ranch, demanding answers about the war. Even if you don’t agree with everything she says (’Bring our troops home now!’ could mean anarchy in Iraq) you can still feel her grief. And even if she ends up becoming a rallying tool for the various anti-war factions, you can still identify with her outrage. Here’s what is surprising to me: that more Americans across the board aren’t expressing the same level of outrage over a war that has gone wrong from the start...

Link: http://tinyurl.com/ahgxv

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

Who will say “no more”?

Source: Washington Post
Author: Gary Hart


‘Waist deep in the Big Muddy and the big fool said to push on,’ warned an anti-Vietnam war song those many years ago. The McGovern presidential campaign, in those days, which I know something about, is widely viewed as a cause for the decline of the Democratic Party, a gateway through which a new conservative era entered. Like the cat that jumped on a hot stove and thereafter wouldn’t jump on any stove, hot or cold, today’s Democratic leaders didn’t want to make that mistake again. Many supported the Iraq war resolution and — as the Big Muddy is rising yet again — now find themselves tongue-tied or trying to trump a war president by calling for deployment of more troops. Thus does good money follow bad and bad politics get even worse...

Link: http://tinyurl.com/8sqby

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Beware the progressives

Source: LewRockwell.Com
Author: Stan Goff


The Democrats are already grooming a few 2008 candidates, including the execrable Hillary Rodham Clinton who has stated her desire to beef up the war against Southwest Asia. Let’s not forget that her husband presided over an Iraqi holocaust that George W. Bush is still trying to match. The Republicans are secure for now with their white nationalist popular base. An active and increasingly militant left is a more immediate threat to the Democrats ­ who have prospered from Republican reaction for decades now by capturing social bases that feel they have nowhere else to go. That dilemma is real, but it is also predicated on the notion that to ‘go there’ we need to contain ourselves in electoralism and pluralist policy fights that are engineered by corporations and NGOs. That’s why Sheehan and others who propose the radical option of simply leaving Iraq are now being surrounded by the friendly faces of ‘progressives’ who will try and redirect this newfound mobilization along the acceptable policy-debate paths...

Link: http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/goff1.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats fumble Iraq policy

Source: AntiWar.Com
Author: Jim Lobe


While Republicans voice growing unease over U.S. President George W. Bush’s vow to ’stay the course’ in Iraq, Democrats remain deeply divided about their position on a conflict that most of them privately describe as a major foreign policy disaster. Despite the plunging popularity of the war — and of Bush’s approval ratings — leading Democrats, particularly the party’s brahmins in the Senate, have so far refused to countenance talk of withdrawal, preferring instead to attack the president over tactical issues rather than the war itself. But their reticence — no doubt inspired by their fear of being depicted as ’soft on terrorism’ and the memory of their disastrous Vietnam War-era splits between hawks and doves in the late 1960s and early 1970s — is appearing increasingly untenable as the party’s grassroots activists enlist in what is becoming, thanks to the mother of one fallen soldier, a serious, new antiwar movement, and as prominent Republicans themselves demonstrate a growing willingness to question the war...

Link: http://www.antiwar.com/lobe/?articleid=7092

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is Pat Robertson out of his mind or in the loop?

Source: Common Dreams


On Monday the iconic American Christian using the language of gangsters endorsed the assassination of Hugo Chavez so we could save 200 billion dollars. The assumption was that the only two alternatives to dealing with an elected leader who is critical of the military industrial complex running our country is to “take him out” or to wage a war. He presents the options and then chooses the less expensive one. One does pause to wonder if he is not a loose cannon but that the direct line to the White House runs both ways. If in fact Venezuela and Iran are considering an oil embargo against the US, this may not be a random Christian perspective from the baby- faced aw-shucks father figure for the consumers of sign-on-the-dotted-line religion. Could this be a request from the top? Either Mr. Robertson is truly out of his mind or he is “useful,” a word that Rumsfeld loves to use...

Link: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0824-27.htm

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sharp rise in bugging exposes Italians’ dirty secrets to the public

Source: Independent [UK]


Practically every public act in Britain today is recorded by CCTV cameras, but in Italy the ubiquitous form of surveillance is the bugged telephone. The Eurispes think-tank has revealed that 30 million Italians between the ages of 15 and 70 has been bugged in the past 10 years. Their report says: “Every Italian family” has been touched by the phenomenon, “at least once.” And the amount of bugging is increasing at blinding speed. In the past five years, the government has paid €1.25bn (£820m) to the phone companies, public and private, to tap customers’ phones for them...

Link: http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/article307991.ece

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

‘Peace Mom’ returns to Texas war protest

Source: Tampa Tribune


A woman whose son was killed in Iraq returned to Texas on Wednesday to resume her anti-war protest near President Bush’s ranch after a weeklong absence to care for her ailing mother. About a dozen protesters who have continued the peace vigil picked up Cindy Sheehan at the Waco airport Wednesday afternoon, six days after she flew to Los Angeles when her 74-year-old mother suffered a stroke...

Link: http://tinyurl.com/dzvok

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

Nachts wache ich sogar mit Organsausen und Herzklopfen auf



Ellen Mixon 23-08-05

Hallo Herr Tittmann,

hier ist mal wieder Ellen Mixon aus Aschaffenburg. Warum nicht auch mal was Lustiges? Dennoch es w i r k t!!!

Wie Sie wissen bin ich mit unseren über 80 Mobilfunkantennen um uns herum( plus leidet mein Mann seit 7 Monaten an Leberkrebs) "ziemlich" belastet. Ich bin e-smog empfindlich und merke sogar die unterschiedlichen Frequenzen der einzelnen Mobilfunkbetreiber.

Aus der Not geboren, gehe ich seit geraumer Zeit nun mit "sage und schreibe" einer Windschutzscheiben-Sonnenblende ins Bett. Ich stopfe mir die eine Seite über das Kopfende in die Matratze, der restliche Teil liegt über meinem Körper bis zu den Beinen.

Mein Haus ist Nord-Süd ausgerichtet und ich richte mich so genau auf die Antennenabstrahlung ein.

Verrutscht die Blende nachts, wache ich sogar mit Organsausen und Herzklopfen auf. Richte ich sie wieder genau über mir aus, beruhigt sich alles sofort.

Gekauft habe ich die Sonnenschutzblende bei A.T.U. "der grüne Punkt" ist beidseitigt Aluminium beschichtet, Sonnenschutz für VANs von titan tec.

Ellen Mixon


Einen Baldachin haben wir seit 1 1/2 Jahren, er reduziert die Strahlung zwar nimmt UMTS aber garnicht weg. Auch die anderen Frequenzen kommen noch durch. Er ist eben nur gegen E-smog. Niederfrequent gepulste Mikrowellen packt er nicht.

Vielleicht sollte man sich mit solch einer Aluabdeckung einen "Hasenkasten" konstruieren, damit es nicht verrutscht.

Bau eines EMF-Schutzzaunes



Dr. Claus Scheingraber 24-08-05

Lieber Herr Tittmann,

ich sende Ihnen heute eine Bilderserie über den Bau eines EMF-Schutzzaunes in Kirchheim bei München. Sie können die Bilder gerne an Interessierte weitergeben.


Die Adresse von Frau …….. bitte nicht veröffentlichen, sie kann sich schon heute vor Anfragen kaum mehr retten. An wirklich interessierte Personen (Betroffene, die das nachmachen wollen) dürfen Sie aber auch gerne die Adresse von Frau ………. weitergeben.

Herzliche Grüße
Claus Scheingraber

PS. Der Zaun bekommt noch eine 2 Lage Drahtgeflecht und wird dann vermessen, ich werde wieder berichten.

Hartz IV wird zur Armutsfalle für Kinder

25. August 2005

Zur Studie des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverbandes, nach der die Einführung von Hartz IV die Zahl der von Armut betroffenen Kinder auf die Rekordzahl von 1,7 Millionen gesteigert hat, und zum Kinder- und Jugendbericht der Bundesregierung erklärt Bundeswahlkampfleiter Bodo Ramelow:

Rot-Grün und Schwarz-Gelb haben es nun amtlich schwarz auf weiß: Hartz IV ist Armut per Gesetz. Wenn jedes siebte Kind, im Osten sogar jedes Vierte, in Deutschland in Armut leben muss und somit um Zukunftschancen beraubt wird, ist das Ergebnis einer verantwortungslosen asozialen Politik. Die Linkspartei sieht sich in ihren Vorschlägen für Wege aus der Kinderarmut durch die Studie des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverbandes und der Kinder- und Jugendbericht bestätigt:

gebührenfreie Kitaplätze;

Anhebung der Regelleistung des ALG II;

Chancengerechtigkeit im Bildungssystem;

bedarfsorientierte soziale Grundsicherung für alle, die von Armut bedroht sind;

Erhöhung des Kindergeldes auf 250 Euro und Nichtanrechnung auf die Sozialhilfe;

Ganztagsbetreuungsangebote für Kinder jeden Alters;

qualitativ hochwertige vorschulische Bildung im Kindergarten;

soziale Integration von Kindern aus Einwanderungsfamilien. Millionenfache Kinderarmut macht vor allem eines deutlich: die Politik der Agenda 2010 und von Merkels angeblich neuer sozialer Marktwirtschaft ist gescheitert. Ihr angeblicher Anspruch, die sozialen Sicherungssysteme zukunftsfest zu machen, hat sich ins Gegenteil verkehrt: Die Löcher im sozialen Netz werden immer größer und die Kinder fallen als erste durch. Das ist nicht hinnehmbar. Eine solche Politik muss abgewählt werden.


Unsichtbare Strahlen ohne Gefahr?




Michael Klinger 23-08-05

Einen schon etwas zurückliegenden Fall aus Bautzen erhielten wir am 23-08-05 zugestellt, den wir aber wegen seiner Brisanz der Installation von GSM- und UMTS-Anlagen auf dem Bautzener Gerichtsgebäude für die Allgemeinheit als interessant ansehen.

WochenKurier Bautzen/Bischofswerda Nr. 25/2005 vom 23.06.2005
s. Datei pdf-Anlage

ASL: Dernières Infos


Pulsed microwave radiation and wildlife - Are Cell Phones Wiping Out Sparrows?

Hello, after being on this enviormental email list "SEAC" for several years the list has finnally dug into RF. This list is mainly University Students in the USA. Thankyou all those who helped to get them interested.


[SEAC-Announce] Are Cell Phones Wiping Out Sparrows?
From: Adam Weissman <adam@wetlands-preserve.org>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:50:34 -0500
To: ar-news@googlegroups.com

The Activism Center at Wetlands Preserve, PO Box 344, New York, NY 10108 Phone: (201) 928-2831 Email: activism@wetlands-preserve.org

Visit these websites!

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Betreff: RE: Pulsed microwave radiation and wildlife Datum: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:14:28 +0200 Von: balmaral <balmaral@jcyl.es> Rückantwort: <balmaral@jcyl.es> Firma: JCYL An: 'stephen' <stephen.kearney@tiscali.co.uk>, 'Jennifer Best' <Jennifer.Best@English-Nature.Org.UK> CC: 'Keith Duff' <Keith.Duff@English-Nature.Org.UK>, 'Alastair Burn' <Alastair.Burn@English-Nature.Org.UK>, <gjhyland@onetel.com>, 'Klaus' <star.mail@online.de>

I have been happy a lot that (finally) arises the debate on the possible effects of the non ionizing radiations on the wildlife (up to now we only listened the Industry to say that there is not enough evidences....).

In the first place I want to thank the interest shown by English Nature (and Stephen Kearney) in my investigations on the effects of the non ionizing radiations on the birds and trees, and I also want to make some comments to the comments from the CEH on my works.

1) The manuscript "Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields from Phone Masts on a Population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)" will be published soon in a refereed scientific journal. For this work measurements of the electromagnetic fields, like CEH suggest, were made (they are not in the draft that circulates in internet).

2) I am very of agreement with the sentence: "Studies of the influence of NIR on bird populations are difficult to conduct and can be compromised by changes or differences in bird habitat either over time, or between control and study areas".

While in the laboratory all the variables are controlled in these field studies the methodology is difficult.

3) For the Sparrows and EMF see:

More mobiles, and sparrows take flight

Ambarish Mukherjee

New Delhi, Nov. 30

THE wireless telecom revolution is catching on at the expense of a tiny winged creature -- the house sparrow. The tiny birds are fast disappearing from cities "contaminated" with electromagnetic waves arising out of increased number of mobile handsets.

According to Dr S. Vijayan, Director of the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), "A number of studies has been conducted to find out the relationship between the increase in electromagnetic waves and the decrease in the number of sparrows. A positive correlation has been found between them."

"There have been studies in Spain which showed that sparrows disappear from cities where electromagnetic contamination is very heavy," Dr Vijayan added.

A study was initiated earlier this year in London by the British Trust for Ornithology to investigate whether the explosion of electromagnetic waves from portable handsets is wiping out sparrows in London. The British study involves 30,000 birdwatchers who will examine the urban sparrow population near cell-phone masts, where electromagnetic fields are most concentrated.

London has witnessed a steep fall in its sparrow population -- a 75 per cent fall since 1994, which coincides with the emergence of the cell-phone. Electromagnetic waves travel through the air to the cell-phone masts located above tall buildings in the cities. These waves then travel to and from between the handset and the tower while one is using the handset, and this results in increased electromagnetic contamination in the air.

The rapidly increasing number of cell-phone subscribers is resulting in higher concentration level of electromagnetic waves in the air which clashes with the earth's electromagnetic field.

Dr Vijayan also pointed out that sparrows are found to be disappearing from areas where mobile towers are installed.

SACON has also initiated a detailed study to find out how exactly these small birds are being affected.

"These are all circumstantial evidences. Now we need to prove how it is exactly affecting the sparrows. My feeling is that it probably affects their central nervous system. We are conducting studies with inputs from various cities on the falling number of sparrows in which the effect of electromagnetic contamination from mobile phones are also being examined," Dr Vijayan said.

He said increased exposure to electromagnetic waves also affects small animals. For example, in rats, it is found that the sperm count has decreased while in the case of chicken embryonic, mortality has become very high. There could be more examples, he added.

4) The article "effects on the trees" has been published in the journal "Ecosistemas" (Balmori, A. 2004. "Pueden afectar las microondas pulsadas emitidas por las antenas de telefonía a los árboles y otros vegetales?" Ecosistemas: 2004/3: 1-10)


In all ways it is only necessary to visit some phone mast with a meter to check in situ that, where more impacts the radiation, some trees (mainly Populus sp.) begin to dry off for up.

Regarding the topic of the acidification, nobody doubts today that it has been the causing of the deterioration of many forests but to what I refer is that, in areas without chemical pollutants (but with electromagnetic pollution), the trees died for effect of electromagnetic fields (Volkrodt hypothesis).

5) I encourage English Nature to carry out similar studies (for example following my recommendations published in the refereed scientific journal "ARDEOLA" (BALMORI, (2004). "Posibles efectos de las ondas electromagnéticas utilizadas en la telefonía inalámbrica sobre los seres vivos". Ardeola, 51: 477-490.) (Please see attached).


I believe that the critique is a very important part of the science. but I worry about not be carried out studies while the few ones that are made that find effects on the wildlife are criticized. For example the one that CEH bases a part of the critical to my studies (Cummins, C.P. and Osborn, D. (2002) "Non-ionising radiation and wildlife". Report to English Nature.) it is not published in any refeered scientific journal (???) (It would be of great interest for me to obtain a copy from this manuscript. Is this possible?).

In all ways the effects of those that I speak from in my works are not the thermal ones (it seems that with the standards of the ICNIRP they are solved).

Lastly I am convinced that in spite of the lacks and methodological difficulties of my studies, before or later they will be replied by other investigators, and that this is a serious environmental problem, without any doubt comparable with the pesticides or the changes in the land uses, that even alters the DNA of the wildlife (and man) although the electromagnetic radiations cannot be seen... (See European Reflex Project:

("I have no doubt in my mind that, at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment... more serious even than global climate change and chemical pollution... is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields." Robert O. Becker.)

Thank you again. With my best regards.

Alfonso Balmori


Dear Dr Alfonso Balmori Martinez,

My sincere thanks to you for taking the time to compose this factual email. I am sure the contents of it affect each and every organisation involved in the health and welfare of animals and the environment and for this reason I have copied this to the organisations beneath with whom I have previously communicated.

Council For Environmental Education FAO Helen Rose
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, FAO Miss Hern
British Hedgehog Preservation Society, FAO Fay Vass
Living Earth, FAO Lucie Fry
The Blue Bross, FAO John Rutter
Pet Care Trust, FAO Steve Nowottny
British Veterinary Association, FAO Mrs Kerr
Animal Health Trust, FAO E Chandler
National Office of Animal Health, FAO Philip Sketchley
DEFRA, FAO Simon Harding
The British Horse Society, FAO Graham Cory
Scottish Natural Heritage, FAO Chris Sydes
The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, FAO Martin Spray
Farm Animal Welfare Council, FAO Richard Aram
WWF, FAO Hannah Marshall
RSPB, FAO David Gibbons & Ken Smith
Royal Forestry Society, FAO Dr John Jackson

Many thanks


PS Jennifer Best, Can I suggest that as key stakeholders those persons listed above should be extended an invite to attend the workshop being arranged by you on behalf of English Nature to look at the risk posed to wildlife from exposure to non-ionising radiation.


Where have all the sparrows gone?

Spanish paper on RF effects on birds

Birds suffer from biological effects of GSM, 3G (UMTS), DECT, WIFI, TETRA

Bird on a wire theory needs closer look in disease watch

Mobile phone mast blamed for vanishing pigeons

More and more malformed animals in the irradiated village of Volturino

Micro Waves Effects on Wildlife Animals

EMF Exposure - Animal Studies

Adverse Bioeffects on Animals near a New Zealand Radio Transmitter

Effects of the electromagnetic fields of phone masts on a population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

Tiere und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunkschädigung aufgrund Senderaufbau

Eine eMail, die uns erreichte:

Sehr verehrter Hr. Dr. Huber!

Als sogenanntes Oberhaupt einer fünfköpfigen, mobilfunkgeschädigten (Definition tieferstehend) Familie, erlaube ich mir einen Vorschlag zu unterbreiten: Druck eines unübersehbaren Plakates mit den bereits veröffentlichten 12 Punkten der Ärztekammerwarnung. Aufhängung in allen Arztpraxen, Spitälern, Med. Labors. Argumentation: Es hängen viele Vorsorgehinweise in den Vorzimmern, wo die Patienten Zeit haben zu lesen und womöglich auch noch zu denken. Ich erinnere mich an das Brustkrebsplakat in einem Labor, wonach bereits vor 2 Jahren festgestellt wurde, dass statistisch gesehen jede 8. Frau zu Brustkrebs verurteilt sei und daher vorsorglich laufend Untersuchungen durchführen sollte.

Bei meinem gestrigen Besuch einer Arztpraxis vermisste ich die Warnung der Ärztekammer, der Arzt hatte sie nicht gelesen oder schon vergessen, er studierte erst auf Aufforderung meinen mitgebrachten Zeitungsartikel und nickte bejahend. Wartende Patienten kannten keine Details und meinten, dass die Medien auch von "Schauermärchen" schreiben. Krebs ist allerdings die Endstation. Die vielen Stationen davor, die ein zerstrahltes Immunsystem individuell bewirken (jede Kette reißt an ihrem schwächsten Glied) sollten ebenfalls erwähnt werden - ich glaube allerdings nicht, dass dies die Ärztekammer derzeit verkraftet. Ein Hinweis auf entsprechende bestehende Studien ( z. B. Warnke's Zusammenfassung) und solche die seitens der EU noch laufen (daher ein Risiko bestehen muss), bzw. solche die von der EU für nötig befunden aber derzeit nicht finanzierbar sind, wäre doch wichtig und auch unanfechtbar. Die gesamte "Branche" dürfte die Begriffe "100 %-iger Nachweis" und "Risiko" verwechseln. Ich bitte um Bescheid, ob mein Vorschlag Chancen hat realisiert zu werden.

Mit herzlichem Dank für Ihre Bemühungen und Ihren Mut

M. Lauber

P.S. - meine Definition von eigner Mobilfunkschädigung aufgrund Senderaufbaues 1999 vis a vis Materiell (unleugbar):

a) Aufgrund ansteigender gesundheitlicher Probleme aller Familienmitglieder und Ratlosigkeit der Kassenärzte ( diese haben seinerzeit auf der Uni noch nichts von der Thematik gehört - mit Diagnose CFS ist es z.B. nicht abgetan) ergibt sich zwangsläufig die Konsultation von Stellen, die mit der Problematik vertraut. Dies führt natürlich in Bereiche, die teils in Österreich noch nicht anerkannt, z. B. Untersuchungen mit Prognos, mit Imedis, Blutuntersuchungen mit Dunkelfeldmikroskopie durch in- und ausländische Spezialisten. Behandlungen mit Medikamenten und bestimmten Frequenzen (die Kosten sind horrend).

b) Anschaffung von Meßgeräten, Zuziehen von in- und ausländischen Meßexperten.

c) Enormer Aufwand für Ursachen- und Beweisforschung über sechs Jahre bei sinkender Lebensqualität (laufend Ratschläge Heim aufzugeben).

Gesundheitliche Schädigung (teils nicht beweisbar - teils unbestreitbar und von Betreibern selbst ins Treffen geführt):

a) Auftreten von ca. zwei Drittel der von Wissenschaftern angeführten Beschwerden (z.B. Übersicht von U. Warnke "10 Jahre Stand des Wissens" u. viele andere).

b) Die enorm ansteigende psychische Belastung über Jahre, wenn laufend neue Schädigungen auftreten, die laut wissenschaftlichen Studien (anerkannt oder nicht spielt hier keine Rolle mehr) auf biologische Reaktionen der Mikrowellen-Dauerbestrahlung zurückgeführt werden können. Die Gewissheit, dass auch ein "Handyloser" hier seinem gegenüberliegenden Sender nicht entweichen kann erzeugt Ohnmacht und wird auf lange Zeit zu Schäden führen, dazu braucht es keiner Bestätigung von Neurologen. Dies wird selbst von den Betreibern anerkannt, indem sie behaupten, dass Angst (Sorge) krank macht und nicht die Sender. Da aber die Effekte bestehen, die Studien bestehen und immer aussagekräftiger werden, nun auch endlich die Warnung der Ärztekammer vorliegt, müsste die Schädigung logischerweise endlich judizierbar sein. Solange die Betreiber und die fragliche WHO die direkte Schädigung nicht akzeptieren, muss die indirekte, von den Betreibern anerkannte Wirkung schlagend werden. Dies ist mein persönliche Ansicht, ich bitte um Ihre Meinung (vielleicht ist im Verteiler auch ein Jurist).

Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 25.08.2005 (Auszug)


Ärztekammer fordert Handyverbot für Kinder

Künstlicher Regen für Saudi-Arabien


Wolfsgeheul auf dem Handy wirbt für bedrohte Tierarten

...das darf ja wohl nicht war sein! Schizophrener gehts nicht mehr:

Roland Zipf


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Schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen ...
Bitte schenken Sie uns Beachtung: Interessengemeinschaft...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:01
Effects of cellular phone...
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/effects_of_cellular_p hone_emissions_on_sperm_mo tility_in_rats.htm [...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 11:08


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