
Military Families May Once Again Lead Us out of War

In Vietnam itself, the mostly working-class American military of that era made its opposition to the war increasingly clear as the fighting dragged on. By 1972, the military was in shambles.


Who Will Say 'No More?'

Former Senator Gary Hart says he wants a leader who is willing now to say: "I made a mistake, and for my mistake I am going to Iraq and accompanying the next planeload of flag-draped coffins back to Dover Air Force Base. And I am going to ask forgiveness for my mistake from every parent who will talk to me."


Der "Cindy"-Faktor

Die Mutter eines gefallenen Soldaten, unterbeschäftigte Presseleute und ein "unerhört lang" urlaubender Präsident bescheren der amerikanischen Friedensbewegung neuen Aufwind.


Cindy Sheehan

Here Lies A Tragedy

The Pentagon is putting the slogan-like names for Iraq War operations on fallen soldiers' tombstones. It's a little late for this P.R. strategy.


Smearing The Peace Protesters

If you protest a widely disliked and illegal U.S. war, does that constitute extremism? MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell evidently thinks so.


Terrorism Experts? Hardly

by Rami G. Khouri, TomPaine.com

America is being misinformed by TV analysts who prefer to regurgitate White House scripts and ignore the politics driving Arab anger.


Homeland Security's Casualties

by Russ Baker, TomPaine.com

Why can't we find out who's being arrested and locked up in the name of the "war on terror"?


A voice from the Arctic Refuge

For most of us, protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil development is a matter of principle. But for the Gwich'in people who live in the Arctic and depend on the caribou herd, it is a matter of survival.

Matthew Gilbert of the Gwich'in community is blogging at the NRDC Action Fund this week and next. I hope you won't miss this chance to hear directly from a member of the community whose fate is tied to the Arctic Refuge.


Here's a short excerpt from Matthew's Monday blog:

"The fact that it's even a question whether we should drill in a pristine place like the Arctic Refuge, the breeding grounds of Polar Bears, the Porcupine Caribou Herd, and many bird species, is an ethical travesty of our time. The world is realizing fossil fuel is becoming more and more scarce and its costs to the earth more expensive. We Gwich'in of Alaska pay $5.00 a gallon and are getting hit the hardest, but we know our environment is far more important. Even in a time of energy shortage, we stick to our belief: complete protection of the Refuge's Coastal Plain to ensure the survival of the Porcupine Caribou Herd."

I hope you'll visit us daily this week and next as Matthew writes about what it was like to grow up in the Arctic, the role of nature in Gwich'in culture, the place of the caribou in his community's life, and many other fascinating topics. Please join us at:


And if you find it worthwhile, please tell your friends and colleagues to pay us a visit, too!


Frances Beinecke NRDC Action Fund

Abu Ghraib General Lambastes Bush Administration


Knocking on Bush's doors from Crawford to the White House

August 24, 2005

CODEPINK has been supporting Cindy Sheehan in Crawford, Texas since she began her vigil over two weeks ago. We have been on the ground in Crawford, planning support vigils in our communities, and sending love and support through the CODEPINK website. Finally, the tide is turning against this war, and now is the time to take advantage of the momentum.

If you can make it to Crawford for the last weekend of Cindy's vigil, you'll see history in the making. But whether or not you come to Crawford, make your plans now to join us September 24-26 in Washington, D.C. for the largest anti-war mobilization since the war began. We plan to gather under the United for Peace and Justice banner to say:

End the war in Iraq, bring the troops home now Leave no military bases behind Let the Iraqis, not US companies, rebuild Iraq Stop the torture Stop bankrupting our communities No military recruitment in our schools Weekend highlights:

·We'll kick off the weekend with an action on Friday afternoon and then we'll join CODEPINK DC at their weekly vigil outside the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. On Saturday, we will be part of a massive rally, march, concert and peace festival. We'll also be part of the weekend-long Green Festival at the DC Convention Center, where you can learn about green businesses, buy fair trade products, and attend lectures by progressive leaders like Cindy Sheehan, Amy Goodman and CODEPINK co-founders. On Monday we will join in the anti-war lobbying on Capital Hill in the morning, and in the afternoon we will participate in the non-violent direct action at the White House, where we plan to deliver the reasons (onemillionreasons.org) we've collected from all over the world telling Bush why we should get out of Iraq. Join us in D.C. for this historic weekend. Click here to learn more about the mass mobilization and to volunteer. If you can't join us, don't forget to visit onemillionreasons.org so we can take your reason to get out of Iraq to the White House. Encourage your friends to submit their reasons as well. With so many of us knocking on the White House door, this is one 'focus group' George W. won't be able to ignore.

In solidarity from Camp Casey and around the nation,

Alicia, Andrea, Dana, Farida, Gael, Grace, Jodie, Medea, Rae, Tiffany and Whitney

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Cindy Sheehan

Aus Zwentendorf soll ZW-ÖKODORF werden! Neues Leben in der Atomstrom-Ruine

Ich möchte Sie auf einen wichtigen Beitrag, der morgen abend (Donnerstag 25.8.2005) im ORF-TV im Rahmen der Reihe ECO gesendet wird, hinweisen! Es geht um neue Aktivitäten rund um die Atomstrom-Ruine Zwentendorf! Ich bitte Sie, auch Ihre Leser darüber zu informieren bzw. sie auf die Sendung aufmerksam zu machen! Mit herzlichem Dank

Peter Schneider / Pressearbeit /Dokumentation

Aus Zwentendorf soll ZW-ÖKODORF werden! Neues Leben in der Atomstrom-Ruine

Das österreichische Fernsehen berichtet am Donnerstag abend in der Sendung ECO über das unmittelbar bevorstehende Ende des Dornröschen-Schlafes des nahe Tulln gelegenen Kernkraftwerkes Zwentendorf.

Wenn es nach den Vorstellungen der Proponenten des Vereines ÖKÖ Zwentendorf geht, dann könnte die seit Jahrzehnten mit beträchtlichem Aufwand "eingemottete" Atomstrom-Ruine schon bald in neuem Glanz erstrahlen und zu neuem Leben erwachen.

Der Wiener Wirtschaftsjurist Dr. Franz Schindl, der Chemiker Dr. Herbert Waginger, der Rechtsanwalt Dr. Hans Otto Schmidt, der Apotheker Mag. Dieter Handl und der mit Solarstrom Aktivitäten weltweit bekannt gewordene Umwelt-Aktivist Ing. Erwin Feitzinger wollen Zwentendorf mit Gleichgesinnten zum Kompetenz-Zentrum für erneuerbare Energien umgestalten und dabei mit dem jetzigen Alleinbesitzer dem niederösterreichischen Strom-Versorger EVN kooperieren.

Die EVN ist gemäß ihrem Slogan "Energie vernünftig nutzen" nach Auskunft ihres Pressesprechers Mag. Zach offen für Vorschläge, was mit dem teuren Komplex in Zukunft geschehen soll, wobei wichtig ist, dass die Anlage nicht weitere Kosten sondern Erträge erwirtschaften soll.

Zur Verfügung stehen über 12.000 m2 Fläche, die für Büros oder Forschungsinstitute nutzbar sind, jede Menge Freiland für verschiedene Anlagen, alle Anschlüsse ins Verbundnetz sowie Schiff-Anliegerechte auf der Donau.

Die ÖKO-Gruppe hat im Rahmen des neugegründeten Vereines „ÖKO Zwentendorf -Verein zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energie" in den letzten Jahren mit Partnern aus Industrie, Landwirtschaft und Politik ein interessantes Konzept für eine intelligente Nutzung der seit Jahrzehnten brachliegenden Zwentendorfer Infrastruktur entwickelt, das aktuellen Bedürfnissen auf dem Energie-Markt gerecht wird: Als Nutznießer könnten Tausende bäuerliche Betriebe beim Umbau des Kernkraftwerkes auf ein Sonnenblumen-Kern- Kraftwerk vermischt mit Raps-Kulturen Zulieferer für ein neues Biodiesel- Werk werden, wie es in der neuen Biotreibstoff-Verordnung der EU künftig gefordert wird.

Die Biodiesel-Herstellungs-Technologie, die bei nachlassenden und immer teurerer werdenden Öl-Ressourcen weltweit an Bedeutung gewinnt, könnte mit einer Musteranlage auf neuestem technologischen Stand nicht nur Energie- sondern auch Arbeitsmarkt-Probleme in der Region beseitigen helfen, da - so Feitzinger- "in weiterer Folge nach unserem Muster weltweit solche Anlagen nachgefragt und mit österreichischem Know-How verkauft werden könnten".

Sollte der Rohstoff-Bedarf (Ölfrüchte wie Sonnenblumen und Raps) allein aus der Produktion österreichischer Bauern in weiterer Folge nicht gedeckt werden können, dann stünde mit der nahen Donau ein billiger Transportweg für Energiepflanzen aus der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung.

Bei der Produktion von Biodiesel fallen in der Fraktion der Grundstoffe sehr viele Produkte (Vitamine, Enzyme, Fette usw.) an, die auch für andere Sparten von Kosmetik bis Pharmazie von Bedeutung sind, ehe der Rest zu Treibstoff oder als Brennstoff (auch für Strom-Kraftwerke) verwendet werden kann.

In einem ersten Schritt wollen die Proponenten des Vereines möglichst viele der ursprünglichen Kernkraft-Gegner dafür gewinnen, sich persönlich im Rahmen einer Art von Baustein-Aktion finanziell an der Vorbereitung der Errichtung solch einer alternativen Energie-Gesellschaft zu beteiligen.

Kontakt: E-Mail-Adresse: OEKO-Zwentendorf@gmx.at

Agenturschluss – wie geht`s weiter? Schwarzbuch Arbeitsamt - "Schwarze Schafe"

Fragebogenaktion: Derzeit hat Agenturschluss mit der Dokumentationsstelle HartzIV 570 ausgefüllte Bögen erhalten. Dafür an alle MitmacherInnen herzlichen Dank! Die Sammlung geht weiter! Animiert daher alle Freunde, Bekannten, Beratung Suchenden ... ihre Erfahrungen mit der Arbeitsagentur und den (Ein-Euro) Maßnahmeträgern mit Hilfe des Bogens festzuhalten.


Alle Bögen, die bis zum 15.November 05 ausgefüllt werden, können wir noch in unserer ersten Auswertung der Umfrage berücksichtigen. Die Ergebnisse werden am 2. Januar 2006 publiziert.

Schwarzbuch Arbeitsamt: (das Agenturschluss-Buchprojekt) In der für den 2. Januar 2006 geplanten Veröffentlichung geht es neben der Auswertung der bundesweiten Umfrage noch um folgende weitere Themen: Widerstandschronik, Selbstorganisierung, Ein-Euro Jobs, Praxis des Profiling, Geschichte von Zwangsdiensten, Verfolgungsbetreuung und Widerstand dagegen, spez. Auswirkung von Hartz IV für nicht nicht-deutsche, die Gewerkschaften und der soziale Angriff und Utopie wagen - Ansätze zu Alternativen ...

Die (offene) Redaktionsgruppe trifft sich zum nächsten allgemeinen Agenturschluss-Treffen: am Samstag, 24 September um 11 Uhr, autonomes zentrum Wuppertal, Markomannenstr.3, 42105 Wuppertal

Aktionstag 5. September: Agenturschluss unterstützt den bundesweiten Aktionstag "Hartzschluss" am Montag, 5.September 2005 http://www.die-soziale-bewegung.de/hartzschluss.html

"Schwarze Schafe" LabourNet Germany und Aktion Agenturschluss suchen schwarze Schafe - dies sind Beschäftigungsträger, Wohlfahrtsverbände, Schulen, Initiativen und Einrichtungen des sozialen Hilfesystems usw., die 1-Euro-ZwangsdienstlerInnen (Arbeitsgelegenheiten mit Mehraufwandsentschädigung (MAE)) beantragen und beschäftigen. Wir erinnern an diese Sammlung und rufen alle Erwerbslosen auf: Tragt bitte Eure 1-Euro-Jobs ein!


Aus: LabourNet, 24. August 2005

Argumente zum „Krieg gegen den Terror“

Artikel von Winfried Wolf in der so eben erscheinenden ZgK - Zeitung gegen den Krieg - Nr. 21 - exklusiv und vorab im LabourNet:

Aus: LabourNet, 24. August 2005

Imminent danger of a catastrophic accident of immense scale


NIBS Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Check out this website. We are beginning to get recognized. http://ieq.nibs.org/intro.php

This is from the National Institutes of Building Sciences on Indoor Environmental Quality. http://ieq.nibs.org/om/gr_policies.php

They make recommendations from EPA standards and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities recommendation as well as from many other Federal sources and professionals.

Here is a brief summary of quotes: "It is recommended that cell phone use be prohibited in areas of a building when requested by an electromagnetically sensitive individual who needs to work or visit that area."

"People with chemical and/or electromagnetic sensitivities can experience debilitating reactions from exposure to extremely low levels of common chemicals such as pesticides, cleaning products, fragrances, and remodeling activities, and from electromagnetic fields emitted by computers, cell phones, and other electrical equipment."

"Reasonable accommodations for a chemically sensitive and/or electromagnetically sensitive individual can include providing a space or meeting area that addresses one or more of the Cleaner Air criteria, upon request, such as

* Require cell phones and computers be turned off"

"Designate areas free from use of cell phones, two-way radios, and wireless equipment."

To read these quotes on the website follow these directions: http://ieq.nibs.org/om/gr_policies.php

Click on left bar link: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE

Click on: General Recommendations

Click on: Policies (Smoking, Fragrance, Cell phone, Notification, Vehicle idling)

Click on: Cell Phone Use Policy

It is recommended that cell phone use be prohibited in areas of a building when requested by an electromagnetically sensitive individual who needs to work or visit that area. Also, see information on use of a Cleaner Air Symbol in the Designated Cleaner Air Room report.

Click on left bar link: DESIGNATED CLEANER AIR ROOMS Under: Further explanation of the Criteria for Conditions of Use

Clink on: Cell Phones Turned Off Protect those with electromagnetic sensitivities and others who may be adversely affected by electrical equipment.

Recommendations for Accommodations

People with chemical and/or electromagnetic sensitivities can experience debilitating reactions from exposure to extremely low levels of common chemicals such as pesticides, cleaning products, fragrances, and remodeling activities, and from electromagnetic fields emitted by computers, cell phones, and other electrical equipment.

The severity of sensitivities varies among people with chemical and/or electromagnetic sensitivities. Some people can enter certain buildings with minor accommodations while others may be so severely impacted that they are unable to enter these same spaces without debilitating reactions.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability laws, public and commercial buildings are required to provide reasonable accommodations for those disabled by chemical and/or electromagnetic sensitivities. These accommodations are best achieved on a case-by-case basis.

Reasonable accommodations for a chemically sensitive and/or electromagnetically sensitive individual can include providing a space or meeting area that addresses one or more of the Cleaner Air criteria, upon request, such as

* Require cell phones and computers be turned off


click on: Recommendations

Click on: Occupancy

Designate areas free from use of cell phones, two-way radios, and wireless equipment.

Informant: Andrew McAfee

GCAP Global Call to Action against Poverty

On 10 September, ahead of the UN Summit, people across the world will unite in the second GCAP mobilization - to demand that world leaders Wake-Up to Poverty. Thousands of people will be holding breakfast meetings with politicians, all night vigils, rallies outside state buildings, jamborees, petitions and early morning press calls. World leaders will literally be waking-up to the voices of people demanding action to end poverty before they depart for the UN Summit. These actions will be mirrored in New York on 14 September, the opening day of the Summit, with a stunt including alarm clocks to 'Wake-up' the delegates. Millions of people will also be wearing white bands - the symbol of the campaign - to show their solidarity for an end to poverty.

This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: Monaz Haque

President Bush's Watergate

Could It Be Bush's Watergate?

Karl Rove's favorite president is Richard Nixon. Thomas Pauken wonders what a twist of fate it would be if Rove were driven from power as Nixon was over what both men would consider trivial matters - the leaking of a CIA employee's name to reporters by Rove in 2004, and the Watergate break-in of the Democratic headquarters at the instigation of Nixon campaign officials in 1972.


President Bush's Watergate

Last Friday we witnessed an explosion, an event that, like Watergate, will shape politics and the way we see government in America for years to come. This is a solemn time, and gives us a moment to remember what men can do when they abuse the power given to them by our nation. The first indictment was handed down in the investigation initiated by the CIA, and "Scooter" Libby, the right-hand man of the Vice President, faces five counts of perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with a profound betrayal of national security -- the outing of a covert CIA agent.

Karl Rove remains under investigation, and as Republican Senator Trent Lott put it this weekend, "If this is going to be ongoing, if he has a problem, I think he's got to step up, and, you know, acknowledge that and deal with it." It's easy to forget that President Bush long ago promised to fire anybody involved, a promise that undermines White House credibility every day Rove continues to work there.

The desperate spin and attacks from the Republicans have already begun, and we must remind America of the facts behind this case, and what makes these indictments so monumentally important. We've put it all into a video; we are asking you to watch it and spread the word by forwarding it to everybody you know:

Watch the Video.

If there is a silver lining of these events, it may be that, in the future, all will know they cannot abuse their power with impunity while they sit in the White House. It is nothing short of tragic to learn that those sitting there now would sacrifice the safety of an American patriot and mother who risked her life to protect her country from the very threats over which this same Administration led us to war.

It is a frantic moment in history, but it is also a moment for reflection. I am even sadder to see the Republicans do not view it that way. They are now carrying out the intentions they announced last weekend: to trivialize the charges against Libby and the importance of honesty and truth in our justice system.

This is unconscionable and it cannot stand - we have put together this video to make sure it doesn't. I think you will find it powerful, so please watch it. But it will only help set the record straight if you spread the word to your fellow citizens - please take that extra step to stop the shameless Republican spin before it gets off the ground.

Watch the Video.

Thank you.


John Lapp Executive Director, DCCC

Blair Expected to Join Carlyle Group

Tony Blair is expected to join one of the most exclusive groups of businessmen in the world after he leaves Downing Street. The PM is being lined up for a highly lucrative position with the Carlyle Group - an American-based investment giant with strong links to the White House and the defense industry.


Support Tanga coastal Zone Conservation and Development Program

Show your support. The Tanga Coastal Zone Conservation and Development Programme is an integrated coastal management programme with a current emphasis on the marine environment The Programme is working with key government sectors of the three coastal administrative Districts within Tanga Region and 20 village communities in addressing priority management issues. The strategy of the Programme is to deal with a small number of priority issues in localised areas. This is based on a project cycle of listening, piloting, demonstrating and mainstreaming and led to the program mainly addressing the priority issue of declining fish catches and its principal causes.


This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: Naira P.

Bush Given Dictatorial Powers

Example: U.S. Citizen Imprisoned Without Trial or Charges for 3 Years and 103 Days


John Roberts and Enemy Combatants

By Chris Floyd

08/19/05 "Counterpunch" -- -- The United States long ago ceased to be anything like a living, thriving republic. But it retained the legal form of a republic, and that counted for something: as long as the legal form still existed, even as a gutted shell, there was hope it might be filled again one day with substance.

But now the very legal structures of the Republic are being dismantled. The principle of arbitrary rule by an autocratic leader is being openly established, through a series of unchallenged executive orders, perverse Justice Department rulings and court decisions by sycophantic judges who defer to power - not law - in their determinations. What we are witnessing is the creation of a "Commander-in-Chief State," where the form and pressure of law no longer apply to the president and his designated agents. The rights of individuals are no longer inalienable, nor are their persons inviolable; all depends on the good will of the Commander, the military autocrat.

George W. Bush has granted himself the power to declare anyone on earth - including any American citizen - an "enemy combatant," for any reason he sees fit. He can render them up to torture, he can imprison them for life, he can even have them killed, all without charges, with no burden of proof, no standards of evidence, no legislative oversight, no appeal, no judicial process whatsoever except those that he himself deigns to construct, with whatever limitations he cares to impose. Nor can he ever be prosecuted for any order he issues, however criminal; in the new American system laid out by Bush's legal minions, the Commander is sacrosanct, beyond the reach of any law or constitution.

This is not hyperbole. It is simply the reality of the United States today. The principle of unrestricted presidential power is now being codified into law and incorporated into the institutional structures of the state, as Deep Blade Journal reports in an excellent compendium of recent outrages against liberty.

For example, on July 15, a panel of federal appellate court judges upheld Bush's sovereign right to dispose of "enemy combatants" any way he pleases, the Washington Post reports. In a chilling decision, the judges ruled that the Commander's arbitrarily designated "enemies" are non-persons: neither the Geneva Conventions nor American military and domestic law apply to such garbage. Bush is now free to subject anyone he likes to the "military tribunal" system he has concocted - a brutal sham that some top retired military officials have denounced as a "kangaroo court" that will be used by tyrants around the world to "hide their oppression under U.S. precedent."

One of the kowtowing jurists on the appeals panel was none other than John G. Roberts. Four days after he affirmed Bush's autocratic powers, Roberts was duly awarded with a nomination to the Supreme Court. Now he will be sitting in final judgment on this case - and any other challenges to Bush's peremptory commands. This is what is known, in the tyrant trade, as "a safe pair of hands."

The ruling by Roberts and his fellow Republican jurists ignores the fact that the Geneva Conventions - which lay down strict guidelines for the handling of any person detained by military forces, regardless of the captive's status - have been incorporated into the U.S. legal code, as Deep Blade points out. They cannot be abrogated by presidential fiat. And anyone who commits a "grave breach" of the Conventions - by facilitating the killing, torture or inhuman treatment of detainees (e.g., stripping them of all legal status and subjecting them to rigged tribunals) - is subject to the death penalty under American law.

This is why the Bush Faction labored so mightily to advance the absurd fiction that the Geneva Conventions are somehow voluntary - while simultaneously promulgating the sinister Fuhrerprinzip of unlimited presidential authority. The fiction was a temporary sop to the crumbling legal form of the Republic, a cynical perversion of existing law to keep justice at bay until the Fuhrerprinzip could be firmly established as the new foundation of the state.

It doesn't matter anymore if the president's orders to suspend the Conventions, construct a worldwide gulag, torture captives, spy on Americans, fabricate intelligence and wage aggressive war are illegal under the "quaint" strictures of the old dispensation; the courts, packed with Bushist cadres, are now affirming the new order, the "critical authority" of the Commander, beyond law and morality, on the higher plane of what Bush calls "the path of action."

This phrase - with its remarkable Mussolinian echoes - was incorporated into the official "National Security Strategy of the United States," promulgated by Bush in September 2002. That document in turn was drawn largely from a manifesto issued in September 2000 by a Bush Faction group whose members included Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Jeb Bush. Their plan, often detailed here, envisioned the transformation of America into a militarized state: planting "military footprints" throughout Central Asia and the Middle East, invading Iraq (even if Saddam Hussein was already gone), expanding the nuclear arsenal, massively increasing the defense budget - and predicating all these "revolutionary" changes on the hopes for "a new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the lazy American public into supporting the militarist agenda.

This agenda is designed, the group said, to establish "full spectrum dominance" over geopolitical affairs, assuring control of world energy resources and precluding the rise of "any potential global rival" that might threaten the unchecked wealth and privilege of the American elite. The rule of law could only be a hindrance to such a scheme; hence its replacement by the Fuhrerprinzip and the "path of action."

There has been virtually no institutional resistance to this open coup d'etat. It's now clear that the American Establishment - and a significant portion of the American people - have given up on the democratic experiment. They no longer wish to govern themselves; they want to be ruled, by "strong leaders" who will "do whatever it takes" to protect them from harm and keep them in clover. They have sold their golden birthright of American liberty for a mess of coward's pottage.

Chris Floyd is a columnist for The Moscow Times and regular contributor to CounterPunch. "Empire Burlesque," his blog of political news and comment, can be found at http://www.empireburlesquenow.blogspot.

Informant: Charles Bremer

Pedaling Away From Principle: Lance Armstrong Cozies Up to Bush


Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler: Pat Robertson is Not a Christian


Protesters Make Appeal to Patriotism in Opposing War


How the G8 lied to the world on aid

The truth about Gleneagles puts a cloud over the New York summit

Yet, at Camp Casey I saw NO religious leaders

I saw NO religious leaders striding bravely through the shimmering Texas heat in an effort to stem the flow of innocent blood. Where are the peace-loving Christians?


Cindy Sheehan

My Response to George

The Peaceful Occupation of Crawford - Day 17

By Cindy Sheehan

Why don't you channel some courage from my son and come down and face me. Face the truth. Your house of cards built on smoke and mirrors is crumbling and you know it.


Cindy Sheehan

"Justice Sunday II": Political Lies and Ecological Disasters

Mel Seesholtz reports on Justice Sunday II: "It seems the leaders of the Christian Right and their political minions are not content with destroying America's promise of equality and justice for all citizens. Their jaundiced biblical worldview demands the Earth and its inhabitants be destroyed as well.


Question on EMF as air pollution


Please Help This Child

I receive this mail from a friend & I think it is easier to reach the targeted signature by using care2connect. Do not forward as you wont be able to add your name to the list. Copy & paste to your outgoing mail. TQ & God Bless everybody)- Kay Fred

I am starting a signing for my sons best friend who has cancer ( Hodgkin's Lymphoma). He is 11 years old and is not doing well at all. He was diagnosed with this cancer 2 weeks ago and the tumor is next to his juggler vein and intwined in it...it has moved his wind pipe over an inch making it hard for him to breathe. The tumor is the size of a large eggplant and is sitting right above his heart. This little boy needs all the prayers he can get. I would like you to sign this and pass it on to as many people as you can. Once you get to a thousand people, can you please send this back to me at feelmykissesnow@yahoo.com When I get the 1000 people that have signed it...I am going to print this up for my sons best friend and show him how many people care and how many ppl are praying for him to get better. If you have a heart at all you will all do this for me. I love this child as though he is my own and we really need all the prayers!

Thank you, Kelly Foster

1. Kelly Foster, Illinois
2. Chris Foster, Illinois
3. Joe Marnen, Illinois
4. Amy Esposito Indiana
5. James Esposito Indiana
6. Marti Bowles Colorado
8. Ruth B.WV
9. Dollie L.WV
10. Randy Ray WV
11. Donna Hutmaker,WI
12. Darrel Hutmaker, WI
13. Tina Barker, WV
14. Danny Luckeydoo, WV
15. Melinda Rockenbach, Mississippi
16. Cheryl McMaken, Ohio
17. Charlene Pickerill, Ohio
18. Linda WIlson, North Carolina
19. Mark Berggren, Florida
20. Carol Berggren, Florida
21. Mason Berggren, Florida
22. Matthew Berggren, Florida
23. Amber Murphy, Florida
24. Andy Murphy, Florida
25. McCoy Murphy, Florida
26. Mason Murphy, Florida
27. Tobey Smoak, Florida
28. Philip Smoak, Florida
29. Cash Smoak, Florida
30. Chance Smoak, Florida
31. Jeff Roach, Louisiana
32. Victoria Roach, Louisiana
33. Angie Leger, Louisiana
34. Monica Guidry, Louisiana
35. Ed Guidry, Louisiana
36. Charlotte DuBose, LA
37. Paul DuBose, LA
38. Michael DuBose, LA
39. Eleanor DuBose, LA
40. Donald Broussard, LA
41. Charles Broussard, LA
42. Betty Broussard, LA
43. Sandra Feucht, LA
44. Philip Feucht, LA
45. Phyllis Broussard, LA
46. Jade Broussard, LA
47. Randall Broussard, LA
48. Yvonne Broussard, LA
49. Ina Veazey, LA
50. Glen Veazey, LA
51. Beulah Hebert, LA
52. John Hebert, LA
53. Wallace Conner, LA
54. Ruby Conner, LA
55. Iris Broussard, LA
56. Gwen Broussard, LA
57. Dale Broussard, LA
58. Aston Ray Landry, LA
59. Shirley Landry, LA
60. Avery LeBlanc, LA
61. Darryl Landry, LA
62. Carolyn Landry, LA
63. Blake Landry, LA
64. Bailey Landry, LA
65. Brent Landry, LA
66. Stephanie Landry, LA
67. Brandi Landry, LA
68. Lacie Landry, LA
69. Chris Landry, LA
70. Myrlene Sellers, LA
71. Barbara Sellers, LA
72. Eric Sellers, LA
73. Sandra Faulk, LA
74. Keith Faulk, LA
75. Kristi Durke, LA
76. Daniel Durke, LA
77. Tyler Durke, LA
78. Brittlyn Durke. LA
79. Jamie Faulk, LA
80. Gabe Richard, LA
81. Kaitlyn Richard, LA
82. Pat Sellers, LA
83. Brett Sellers, LA
84. Carl Sellers, LA
85. Keith Sellers, LA
86. Tina Sellers, LA
87. Katie Sellers, LA
88. Angela Sagrera, LA
89. Brandon, Sagrera, LA
90. Laurie Sagrera, LA
91. Bryce Sagrera, LA
92. Gayle Sellers, LA
93. Evelyn Sellers, LA
94. Donna Bodin, LA
95. Paul Bodin, LA
96. Brandon Bodin, LA
97. Angela Bodin, LA
98. Lane Bodin, LA
99. Jenna Bodin, LA
100. Alison Bodin, LA
101. Ali Bodin, LA
102. Jonathon Bodin, LA
103. Dorothy Collins, LA
104. Tommy Collins, LA
105. Nina Collins, LA
106. Kyle Collins, LA
107. Skye Collins, LA
108. Holly Collins, LA
109. Blair Collins, LA
110. Todd Collins, LA
111. Beth Collins, LA
112. Taylor Collins, LA
113. Hunter Collins, LA
114. Frances Landry, LA
115. Audrey Carroll, LA
116. Johnny Carroll, LA
117. Jacquelyn LeBlanc, LA
118. Shelby LeBlanc, LA
119. James LeBlanc, LA
120. Shelli LeBlanc, LA
121. Bre' LeBlanc, LA
122. Alyssa Boudreaux, LA
123. John Boudreaux, LA
124. Laurie Landry, LA
125. Tony Broussard, LA
126. J. V. Landry, Jr., LA
127. Luby Jane Landry, LA
128. Merrill Landry, LA
129. Damon Landry, LA
130. Katie Martin, LA
131. Dennie Martin, LA
132. Jennifer Martin, LA
133. Greg Martin, LA
134. Kenray Landry, LA
135. Kay Landry, LA
136. Brett Landry, LA
137. Ryan Landry, LA
138. Roxanne Yon, LA
139. Andrew Yon, LA
140. Shelly Broussard, LA
141. Ben Broussard, LA
142. Philip Broussard, LA
143. Larry Landry, LA
144. Sonya Bertrand, LA
145. Jared Landry, LA
146. Marla McNees, AL
147. Joel McNees, AL
148. Tanner McNees, AL
149. Braden McNees, AL
150. Parker McNees, AL
151. Christian McNees, AL
152. Lula Guilbeau, LA
153. Karl Guilbeau, LA
154. Ben Guilbeau, LA
155. Ninette Cormier, LA
156. David Cormier, LA
157. Matthew Cormier, LA
158. Katherine Cormier, LA
159. Michael Cormier, LA
160. Linda Webb, LA
161. Stephan Guilbeau, LA
162. Beryl Morgan, LA
163. Kevin Morgan, LA
164. Madeleine Morgan, LA
165. Brenda Spiker, LA
166. Brian Spiker, LA
167. Melissa Spiker, LA
168. Morgan Spiker, LA
169. Coy Spiker, LA
170. Freddie Spiker, LA
171. Kim Spiker, LA
172. Paulette Frith, LA
173. Kenneth Frith, LA
174. Robert Landry, LA
175. Wilma Landry, LA
176. Rob Landry, LA
177. Dawn Landry, LA
178. Jackson Landry, LA
179. Reed Landry, LA
180. Lisa Broussard, LA
181. Toby Broussard, LA
182. Mason Broussard, LA
183. Griffin Broussard, LA
184. Carolyn Toups, TX
185. Robby Toups, TX
186. Leah Toups, TX
187. Marc Toups, TX
188. Claudette Cason, LA
189. Tommy Cason, LA
190. Michael Cason, LA
191. Lauren Cason, LA
192. Daniel Cason, LA
193. Myra Landry, LA
194. Andy Landry, LA
195. Andre' Landry, LA
196. Megan Landry, LA
197. Macie Landry, LA
198. Mary Carver, LA
199. John Carver, LA
200. Brenda Carver, LA
201. Jake Carver, LA
202. Kim Carver, LA
203. Clint Carver, LA
204. Sean Benoit, LA
205. Lynette Benoit, LA
206. Betty Elliot, LA
207. Jimmie Elliot, LA
208. Jason Elliot, LA
209. Jacqui Elliiot, LA
210. Jessica Elliot, LA
211. Joshua Elliot, LA
212. Kelli Elliot, LA
213. J. K. DuBose, LA
214. Shirley DuBose, LA
215. Kenny DuBose, LA
216. Karen DuBose, LA
217. Will DuBose, LA
218. Sean DuBose, LA
219. Lane DuBose, LA
220. Connie DuBose, LA
221. David Veazey, LA
222. Connie Veazey, LA
223. Bryan Veazey, LA
224. Michelle Veazey, LA
225. Deryl Veazey, LA
226. James Veazey, LA
227. Jan Veazey, LA
228. Brooke Stelly, LA
229. Carl Stelly, LA
230. Carly Stelly, LA
231. Ravis Menard, LA
232. Sandra Menard, LA
233. Nicole David, LA
234. Ryan David, LA
235. Candy Casperski, LA
236. Stan Casperski, LA
237. Ali Casperski, LA
238. Lane Casperski, LA
239. Morgan Adams, LA
240. Shane Fast, LA
241. Vicki Fast, LA
242. Nikki Fast, LA
243. Sydney Fast, LA
244. Heather Fast, LA
245. Karl Meaux, LA
246. Monica Meaux,LA (cancer patient/survivor)
247. Shaina Meaux, LA
248. Vernis Leger, LA
249. Lillly Leger, LA
250. Kim LeMaire, LA
251. Irene Ahmin, Malaysia
252. Katherine Frederick, Malaysia
253. Ron Matthews, UK
254 Linda Aldred UK
256. Sharleen B. CA. (mother of leukemia survivor)
257. Harold Self, N.C.
258. Kelley Wells, IN
259. Tkay Swisher, KY
260.Berry Stone,OH

This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: da sweet one

New mast battle brews

Harborough Today (Leic)

A SECOND phone company has applied to put up a 15-metre high mast near an historic Kibworth landmark.

Villagers campaigned in March against an application from Orange for an 18-metre mast 250 metres away from 17th century Grade II listed Kibworth Windmill at Windmill Field, Langton Road, Kibworth Harcourt. Now, Hutchison 3G has submitted an application to Harborough District Council for a 15-metre mast 90 metres away from the village landmark. Protester Beverley Burdett, of Marsh Drive, Kibworth, said: "We will definitely round up the troops for another protest. We will not let them try and get permission without a fight. "If they can put a man on the moon why can't they find a better place to put these phone masts?" The wooden tower proposed has three antennae and three transmission dishes connected to it. Hutchison 3G says the mast is needed to provide mobile phone coverage for its customers. It is believed the windmill was built in the early 1600s although its main post has a carving dated 1711. In the application Hutchison 3G said: "We have carefully designed a solution to blend in with the farm setting and maximise the use of natural screening." It says the mast will not affect the view of the windmill as it will be screened by conifer trees. The Orange application was thrown out by councillors in May because they felt the siting and appearance would adversely affect the character and appearance of the rural landscape.

24 August 2005

Documented lies in planning application


It seems that lies have been told to the planning department the therefore to the planning committee of the City of Edinburgh Council. The main difference is that the lies were documented and proof is now posted here in the form of the photograph to the left.

The photograph shows the erection of a vodaphone mast on top of Jewel & Esk Valley College. Local residents had asked that the mast that now sits ready to fry the brains of the children attending Brunstane Primary and Nursery schools as the 14.7 meter mast sits only 190 meters from that school. T-Mobile and their agents Marconi had told the planning department in their statement that the college would not withstand any more masts. Whoops….. porkie-pie!

What actually happened was that t-mobile didn’t like the rent charged by the college so our helpful council happily stepped in to help this multi-national company and provided the land at cut price. News coming in to EdinburghSucks!com put the rental cost for the Vodafone mast in the photograph at £6000 per year for this rental.

The story continues, although the mast got planning permission, t-Mobile and their agents Marconi didn’t like where they got planning permission so decided to move the mast closer to the primary and nursery school. Council planning official Mr. Moonie visited the site and has reported to the planning committee that the mast should stay where it is, and not move it to where it actually has planning permission.

Is T-Mobile so poor nowadays that they are unable to pay market rent for their masts then when they don’t put them in the right place they can’t afford to move them away from the primary and nursery school? If indeed they are in financial trouble - why is the council helping them and not the school pupils who are the children of the people who vote for them.

Councillors from the planning committee are visiting the site on Thursday 25th August before making a decision on the mast moving. Let’s hope they work for their constituents ans not a huge multi-national company. PLEASE.

Contact Kerry to Stop Recount CourtCase Withdrawal

Last week we sent an email asking you to contact Senator John Kerry urging him not to withdraw from the Ohio recount case pending in federal court in Ohio. Since then, many of you have taken action and have voiced your concern to Senator Kerry. Thank you. Your voices are critical in the ongoing struggle to protect the right to vote. Some friends have responded by asking for further information or have suggested that the fight in the Ohio recount case is no longer worthwhile. We write to address these concerns.

Is Senator Kerry planning to withdraw from the case?

While not yet confirmed by Senator Kerry, Congressman Conyers and others have received credible information that Senator Kerry is preparing to withdraw from the recount case. Today, Congressman Conyers posted the letter we referred to last week on his blog (click on the word "wrote" in his blog statement to access the original letter): http://www.conyersblog.us/

Next Tuesday, August 30, Senator Kerry's lawyer will need to appear before Federal Judge Carr in Toledo, along with the other lawyers in the recount case. We will know by that point whether Senator Kerry intends to stay in the case. We may know earlier if he seeks to withdraw by filing papers doing so. What we know today is that your pressure is having an impact and we must keep it going. Please continue to call/email/send letters to Senator Kerry urging him to remain in this case and to join the amended counterclaims. Here again is Senator Kerry's contact information: http://www.johnkerry.com/contact/

Is fighting the Ohio recount case still worthwhile?

The struggle for the right to vote includes the struggle to ensure that all votes are properly counted. A recount is the procedure for doing that. If election officials resist our right to a meaningful recount conducted in accordance with basic constitutional standards, they trample on our right to vote. Senator Kerry must not withdraw from the Ohio recount case.

What is at stake in the Ohio recount case is whether recounts in federal (presidential and congressional) elections will be conducted in accordance with basic equal protection and due process as guaranteed by the US Constitution or whether they will receive the same kind of sham recount received in Ohio in December. For a fuller understanding of all of the serious violations that occurred during the recount in Ohio last December, see the amended counterclaims filed by David Cobb and Michael Badnarik at:
http://www.nvri.org/about/ohio_cobb_badnarik_counterclaims_123004.pdf. These amended counterclaims raise major constitutional concerns. David Cobb and Michael Badnarik are to be congratulated for continuing to press this fight for all of us. Senator Kerry should continue to stand by their side.

Thank you for all you are doing to ensure that recounts matter and that all votes are properly counted.

Keep on,

Tim Carpenter Director, PDA

This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: Michael L.

Join us on the bus to Crawford Texas

In a message dated 8/23/05 7:40:55 PM, Nkshaw writes:

We would like to extend an offer to you and your friends to go to Crawford TX to be there for the last week of the vigil.

What is happening there is incredible and very spiritually uplifting with all the showing of love and support.

Besides, we need to be there to support Cindy and also to communicate to America that this is much bigger than just a one-woman fight against the war machine.

The cost of the trip will be a minimum payment of $1... or whatever you can afford. The bus holds 48 passengers and the average cost is $270 per person. I am hoping that others will step up and contribute if they are not able to attend which will help finance those able to go yet unable to afford it.

Contact Info Los Angeles
Kathleen Hernandez
805-391-1815 (Bill)

Contact Info San Luis Obisbo
Joan Carter


· Bus leaving San Luis Obispo 7AM Wednesday 8/24
From San Luis Obispo County Veterans Service Office
801 Grand Ave. Cross St.: Monterey

· Pickup at Warner Ranch Park intersection of Topanga Cyn Blvd and Califa St. near 101 Fwy on-ramp 3-4 blocks north of Ventura Blvd.

· Pickup in the Los Angeles area at 11:30 AM Wednesday 8/24 - 2400 West Sunset Blvd.

Above site may be changed to KPFK studio – 3729 W. Cahuenga Blvd., No. Hollywood

· Additional pickup may be made further east off the 10.

Decision will be made after the location of all passengers has been determined.

We will call all confirmed passengers by Tuesday evening with any updates or changes.

We will have multiple drivers so we should be driving straight through.

We should arrive in Crawford in the early afternoon Thursday.


· The plan now is to depart Crawford around noon on Wednesday, August 31st getting those back to California late aftenoon or evening on Thursday.


· To be guaranteed a spot, call Kathleen Hernandez @ 310-339-1770 or
Bill Mitchell @ 805-391-1815…
or email (by Tuesday night) the following information to
hernandezkathleen@hotmail.com (name, home phone, cell phone, city, email address and any applicable information).

What to bring

There is space to sleep near the Peace House at the local park where there is a beautiful swimming hole and waterfall. Some space may be available at Camp Casey1 in the ditch, the new Camp Casey2, or at the Peace House. Additional hotels are in Waco and McGregor (Weston Inn 254-840-0444).

· For camping: small tent, sleeping bag, pads, etc.

· A hat, swimsuit, sunblock, Insect repellant, flashlight

· light clothing (very humid) but there was rain last week.


There are shuttles running back and forth from the Peace house to both Camp Casey’s throughout the day. Other transportation must be arranged individually. There are many people around that will give you a lift.


Voluteers serve an evening meal and there is fruit and other snacks available. The fare has been Food Not Bombs is cooking so be ready for great fare. Water and other beverages are readily available.

Informant: Hopedance

Cindy Sheehan

Joan Baez will be here until at least Friday morning


Cindy Sheehan

Armstrong Rides the 'Tour De Crawford' With President Bush


Cindy Sheehan


By Cindy Sheehan
The Huffington Post
August 24, 2005


I'm coming back to Crawford for my son. As long as the president, who sent him to die in a senseless war, is in Crawford, that is where I belong. I came here two and a half weeks ago for one reason, to try and see the president and get an answer to a very simple question: What is the noble cause that he says my son died for?

The answer to that question will not bring my son back. But it may stop more meaningless deaths. Because every death is now a meaningless one. And the vast majority of our country knows this. So why do more young men and women have to die? And why do more parents have to lose their children and live the rest of their lives with this unbearable grief?

The presidency is not bigger than the people's will.

And when the people speak out, it's the president's reponsibility to listen. He is there to serve us, not the other way around.

This isn't about politics. It's about what is good for America and what's best for our security and how far this president has taken us away from both.

I'm coming back to Crawford because -- now and forever -- this is my duty for my son, for my other children, for other parents, and for my country.



Fox News
Tuesday, August 23, 2005


DONNELLY, IDAHO - President Bush said Tuesday he strongly supported the right to protest the war in Iraq, but said those who want American troops to withdraw immediately were "advocating a policy that would weaken the United States."

The president also said he had no plans to meet Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier slain in Iraq who has galvanized the anti-war movement with her a vigil outside Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch.

"I think immediate withdrawal from Iraq would be a mistake," he said. "I think those who advocate immediate withdrawal from not only Iraq, but the Middle East, are advocating a policy that would weaken the United States."

Bush was speaking to reporters at an impromptu question-and-answer session outside the Idaho resort where he is vacationing. He plans to speak to National Guard members at an Air Force base near Boise Wednesday.

Bush did meet with Sheehan in June 2004, two months after her son Casey was killed. At the time, Bush kissed her on the cheek, and the pictures were posted on the Sheehan family Web site. They have since been taken down.

From Aug. 6 to Aug. 18, Sheehan led about 100 protesters who set up what they dubbed "Camp Casey" outside Bush's ranch.

They vowed to stay there until Bush returned to Washington in September, but Sheehan was forced to go to Southern California last week after her mother suffered a stroke.

"I appreciate [Sheehan's] right to protest," Bush said Tuesday. "I understand her anguish. I met with a lot of families. She doesn't represent the view of a lot of the families I have met with, and I will continue to meet with families."

The president added that his national security adviser and a deputy chief of staff also met with Sheehan "early on."

Bush has scheduled more than two hours Wednesday to meet with family members of slain soldiers at the Mountain Home Air Force Base near Boise, Idaho.

A counter-protest, supporting Bush's policies in Iraq, has been organized to counter Sheehan's vigil and related demonstrations.

The caravan of the "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" started in Vacaville, Calif., Sheehan's Northern California hometown, and planned to travel through Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico until it reaches Crawford on Saturday...



By Kathleen Hennessey
Associated Press
Tuesday, August 23, 2005


SACRAMENTO - Anti-war activists clashed with a members of a caravan protesting Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war mother who gained national prominence during a vigil outside President Bush's Texas ranch.

Conservative activists and military families embarked on a tour Monday that they call "You don't speak for me, Cindy!" They rallied in Sheehan's hometown of Vacaville, the state capital and other California cities as they make their way to Crawford, Texas.

"It's time to lay down the anger. We need to continue to uphold those people over there, to uphold those men and women with their boots on the ground," said Deborah Johns of the Northern California Marine Moms, who helped organize the caravan, which is sponsored by Move America Forward, a Bay Area-based group.

Sheehan began a protest vigil Aug. 6 on the road leading to Bush's ranch, an act that has encouraged anti-war activists to join her and prompted peace vigils throughout the country. Sheehan's 24-year-old son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, was killed last year in Iraq.

A verbal confrontation erupted when the caravan arrived in Sacramento and was met by anti-war protesters chanting "Bring them home."

Sheehan supporter Dan Elliott, 71, confronted caravan members by waving a sign reading "Death is not support" and heckling Johns as she addressed the crowd.

"You are ruining the morale over there," responded Greg Parkinson, a Bush supporter.

Some caravan members called the anti-war protesters communists and said they were "aiding and abetting the enemy." Those comments enraged Sheehan supporter Dee Ann Heath, who said she has two sons serving in Iraq and another preparing to leave.

"I don't support the war, but I support my sons," she said. "I simply want them to come home."

In Vacaville, Toni Colip, 50, said her son, David, went to high school with Casey Sheehan and is now in the Army, although not in Iraq. She said her son opposes Sheehan's activities and has asked her to support his military service even if he is injured or killed.

"He said, 'Don't dishonor me, don't walk on my grave,'" Colip said.

The pro-Bush caravan plans to join fellow supporters who have set up their own camp in downtown Crawford as a reaction to the Sheehan-inspired vigil. Bush was in Salt Lake City on Monday, where he spoke to a national veterans group to rally support for the war.

Sheehan vowed to remain in Texas until Bush agreed to meet with her or until his monthlong vacation ended Sept. 3, but she flew to Los Angeles last week after her 74-year-old mother had a stroke. She is expected to return to Texas in a few days.

Several of those in the caravan said they understood Sheehan's anger but disagreed with her protest.

"This is not the way to honor her son," said Lori Judy, 49, of Vacaville, whose son, Tim, served in Iraq.

Meanwhile in Crawford, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, visited the anti-war inspired "Camp Casey" near Bush's ranch, lending support and words of encouragement to several families whose loved ones died in Iraq.

"It is time to bring our troops home," Lee said. "What we want to do is give America a sense that it's OK to speak up and ask questions."

Across from "Camp Casey," about eight people were gathered at "Camp George" in support of the president. Parrish Stevens, of Indiana, said people need to know all of the positive things that are happening in Iraq because of the troops ‹ such as hospitals opening and children attending school. Stevens is on break as a contractor in Iraq.

Earl Johnson, of Seattle, asked what would happen to the women and girls in Iraq if American troops left.

"The consequences of their proposal are not dealt with at all," Johnson said.

Meanwhile, folk singer Joan Baez and actress Margot Kidder showed up to talk with some of the families gathered at a pair of anti-war camps near Bush's ranch.

"I came in support of Cindy and all the other Gold Star families," said Kidder, who traveled to the site from Montana. "I couldn't not come."

Gold Star Families for Peace was co-founded by Sheehan and is made up of relatives of fallen soldiers.

Informant: NHNE

Cindy Sheehan

Ugly acts of desperation

Joe Conason
August 2005

The right has hit new depths with its scurrilous and idiotic attacks on Cindy Sheehan, a politically inexperienced mother in deep pain.

Like Max Cleland and John Kerry, the decorated Democratic veterans who endured vicious lies about their service because they dared to oppose President Bush, Sheehan has learned that the proof of her patriotism doesn't matter to the bullies of the Republican right. Forming an electronic mob, these so-called conservatives don't hesitate to rough up war heroes and Gold Star Families for Peace mothers in a manner that would once have been simply unimaginable in American politics. [...] Read it all at:

Don't forget that Crawford's newspaper, The Lone Star Iconoclast, has news about the happenings in Camp Casey:
You will also find lots of news at the web site http://crawfordupdate.blogspot.com/

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan

Ten Things Congress Could Demand from Bush on Iraq

Juan Cole
Monday, August 22, 2005
Read it at Juan Cole's web page: http://tinyurl.com/cgpab

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan Breakthroughs, Unbridgeable Divides, and Taboos Unbroken

By David Swanson
Submitted by davidswanson on Sun, 2005-08-21 03:41

The Washington Post today wondered out loud whether Cindy Sheehan might be a "catalyst for a muscular antiwar movement." In translation, this is an assertion that Cindy Sheehan has already become an accepted reason for the corporate media to finally acknowledge the existence of, and consequently help to build, the antiwar movement. There has, of course, been a major anti-war movement longer than there has been a war. And Cindy Sheehan has been speaking eloquently at anti-war events for many months. What has changed is primarily the media.

A website called Blue Oregon noticed this yesterday and wrote: "the Oregonian appears to be using Cindy Sheehan as cover to mention the lies upon which the war was justified." Yes, the Oregonian used the L word:

"The misty scrim that obscured our view of the war -- wishful thinking, distortions, outright lies -- is rapidly dissolving. Americans increasingly see the war as it is, and know it's going badly. Little wonder that when a gold-star mother parks herself inconsolably in Crawford, Texas, asking hard questions and spurning glib answers, she strikes a nerve." [...] Read it all at: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/1954 or http://tinyurl.com/9bd54

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan

The Hidden Costs of War


WARNING: You Are Under Martial Law


Powerless Nonexperts


The Cindy Sheehan Movement


Cindy Sheehan

When Do the Pundits Apologize?



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