


Vollzug einer Volksinitiative wird 30 Jahre lang verhindert


Restoring America's Promise

by John Edwards, TomPaine.com

As we mark the anniversaries of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, a critical battle is underway about how to fight poverty in America.


Why No Tea and Sympathy?

W. can't get no satisfaction on Iraq, writes New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd. There's an angry mother of a dead soldier camping outside his Crawford ranch, demanding to see a president who prefers his sympathy to be carefully choreographed.


Cindy Sheehan

"Winter Soldier": An Anti-War Film That Refuses to Be Banned

Like a live hand grenade brought home from a distant battlefield, the 34-year-old antiwar documentary "Winter Soldier" has been handled for decades as if it could explode at any moment.


The Bush Administration's Iranian Nightmare

It seems unimaginable that the world would be forced to endure the horror of nuclear war in a regional dispute, writes Professor Michael Schwartz. However, the record of Bush administration belligerence makes it difficult to imagine America's top leadership giving up the ambition of toppling the Islamic regime in Iran.


Anger over Plan for Secret Courts in Britain

The thought of secret hearings in which the accused would not hear the cases against them filled her with dread, said the director of Liberty.


Bush Is No Nixon

No mother who lost her son to this Iraq war should be made to stand in a ditch, writes TO contributor William Rivers Pitt. And yet that is exactly where Cindy Sheehan stands today, by the side of the road in Crawford, Texas.


Cindy Sheehan

Kosten des Klimawandels und der Klimapolitik

Wirtschaftsforscher: Kosten des Klimawandels und der Klimapolitik (10.08.05)

Die ökonomischen Schäden durch extreme Wetterereignisse haben nach Auffassung des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten enorm zugenommen. Dies sei eine Folge des globalen Klimawandels. Ohne eine Stabilisierung der Treibhausgaskonzentration auf dem heutigen Niveau seien deshalb zunehmend irreversible und gefährliche Klimaschäden zu befürchten, meinen die Wirtschaftsforscher und plädieren für eine "schnell aktiv werdende Klimaschutzpolitik". Diese könne gesamtwirtschaftliche Schäden von bis zu 200 Billionen US-Dollar bis zum Jahre 2050 abwenden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Pro Asyl": Das Vorgehen gegenüber Flüchtlingen wird immer brutaler

Abschiebungshaft: "Das Vorgehen gegenüber Flüchtlingen wird immer brutaler" (10.08.05)

Nach Auffassung der Menschenrechtsorganisation "Pro Asyl" wird das Vorgehen gegenüber Flüchtlingen immer brutaler. Im Fall einer schwer traumatisierten Flüchtlingsfrau aus Tschetschenien werde der Suizidversuch dieser Frau als Argument "missbraucht", sie in Abschiebungshaft zu nehmen. Den zuständigen Gerichten werden rechtswidrige Entscheidungen vorgeworfen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=11593

Deutsche haben scheinbar kaum noch Vertrauen in Politiker

Umfragen & Medien: Deutsche haben scheinbar kaum noch Vertrauen in Politiker (10.08.05)

Nach einer am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Umfrage von TNS Emnid im Auftrag von "Reader's Digest" hat das Ansehen der Politiker im deutschen Volk ein Rekordtief erreicht. Nur noch 17 Prozent der Bürger sollen Vertrauen in die politischen Parteien haben, vor zehn Jahren seien es noch 41 Prozent gewesen. Nach der Umfrage vermissen die Deutschen an ihren Politikern vor allem Glaubwürdigkeit, Ehrlichkeit, Sparsamkeit, Prinzipientreue und Kompetenz. Medien berichten meist kritiklos über derartige Umfragen. Selbstkritik ist kein Thema, dabei entscheiden gerade die Medien über ihre oftmals subtile Berichterstattung maßgeblich mit, welche Politiker populär werden und welche nicht. Wie oft werden gerade in Medienberichten kompetente und prinzipientreue Politiker verhöhnt? Wie oft werden Abweichler in Fraktionen gerade in Medienberichten kritisiert und das Ausüben von Druck durch Fraktionsvorsitzende gerühmt? Kann eine derartige Berichterstattung ohne Einfluss darauf bleiben, welche politischen Inhalte sich letztlich durchsetzen? Kürzlich beklagte sich selbst der einstige "Medienkanzler" Gerhard Schröder über eine Kampagne der Medien gegen ihn.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Politischer Nachschlag:

Da wir die Merkel verstoibert, die Ostdeutschen pauschal diskriminiert, und wenigen nur fällt auf, dass die Ehrlichkeit in der politischen Klasse, meist in diesen Faux pas zu erkennen ist.

Ja, so wird gedacht, so wird gefühlt und so wird lange stillgehalten. Doch dann in eigener Runde bricht es hervor. Erst etwas, dann mehr und auf einmal deutlich.

Machen wir uns bewusst, dass der Irak 1 Krieg mit unseren Steuermitteln bezahlt wurde, dass wir bis heute danke der Regierung Kohl / Merkel noch Zinsen dafür bezahlen. Denken wir an den Knebel für die Wissenschaft bei der Grenzwertverabschiedung bzgl. Elektrosmog, da durfte unter Merkel keiner von den altbekannten und gefährlichen athermischen Wirkungen sprechen, - sozial ist, was Arbeit schafft.

Primitiv und einfältig - sage ich dazu!

Und nun sollen uns 2 % MWSt zur Brutto/ Nettolohnsenkung oder wer weiß auch was das bedeutet, aufgebrummt, und nach nem Jahr sollen diese 16 Milliarden Euro zukünftig die Kinderkrankenversicherung begleichen.

Toll, - wer rechnen kann und dann mit Bilanzierung etwas vertraut ist, erkennt, dass Kinderspielzeug teuer werden wird, genauso wie Auto, Sprit und vieles, und die Gutschrift erfolgt auf Unternehmerseite.

Gut, wenn es dann noch einen Mittelstand gibt, der dann auch ARBEITSPLÄTZE DRAUS MACHT, schlecht, wenn da wieder die Kapitalgesellschaften abkassieren.

Mann, oder Frau - wann wird bewust, dass nur durch Innovation erträgliches Wachstum entsteht?

Lasst uns mit den Techniken des ausgehenden 19 Jhds. aufhören, entwickelt endlich zukunftsfähige, nachhaltige und auch unseren Enkeln gegenüber verantwortbare Technologien, von Energie bis zur Entsorgung.

Die Grünen, man kann sie mögen, oder auch nicht, die haben als eine der wenigen bekannten Parteien eine echte Zukunftsvision, da blühen nicht mehr nur Sonnenblumen, obwohl das Bild aktueller ist als früher. Pflanzenöle, Bioalkohole statt Terror und feinstauberzeugende Erdölprodukte (bei Einsatz anstatt Erdöl Diesel 70 % weniger Feinstaub im Abgas!).

Sonnenstrom statt Leukämie- schaffenden Atomanlagen. Weshalb kann man in den Flüssen wieder baden, weshalb gibt es wieder Lachse in Deutschland, und warum wird die Energie immer effektiver genutzt?

Weil es die Grünen gibt, die den eingelaufenen Systemen oft moderne Strategien entgegensetzen.

Auch wenn ein Hr. Tritt - ihn wirklich Umenge an Kritik verdient, er ist konsequent und einer der wenigen, der von davor bis danach bei seinen Überzeugungen bleibt und diese taktisch geschickt umsetzt und zum Sinn führt.

Also, lasst euch nicht verMerkeln und verStoibern, denkt an die Kinder, und hinterfragt die Statements und Behauptungen, denn BILD - dir deine eigenen Meinung, und kauf dir nicht die vorverdaute und wieder ans Tageslicht beförderte Springer Weltsicht.

bs 12-8-2005

"Reflex-Studie": Wiener Ärztekammer warnt vor übermäßigem Handytelefonieren von Kindern


Die Wiener Ärztekammer warnt ausdrücklich vor übermäßigem Handytelefonieren vor allem bei Kindern. Grundlage dafür ist die kürzlich präsentierte "Reflex-Studie", in der ein gentoxischer Effekt von Mobilfunkstrahlen nachgewiesen worden sein soll. Als erste Konsequenz daraus hat nun die Ärztekammer einen Leitlinienkatalog erstellt, der konkrete Verhaltensregeln im Umgang mit Handys empfiehlt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Bush and the Bomb


Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI)

The purpose of the Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI) is to put together the entire spectrum of hidden organizations and secret societies. Most of you who visit this site have probably heard of the more well-known 'secret societies' like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bohemian Grove, and the Skull & Bones student society. Two other well known 'secret societies' are Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. The thing is, when you really research these institutes you find that members often disagree with each other, there's considerable infighting, and most members don't seem to be privy to a lot of information from the black world. This is the reason I always wondered how people went from the above organizations straight to the very undefined concept of the 'Illuminati'. Of course, I can see something very strange is going on. For some reason it's possible to suppress information about humanities past, the UFO phenomenon, the supernatural, high profile assassinations, or the true cause of many terrorist attacks. Rather than focusing on one tiny subject, PEHI will attempt to answer how all the above is possible and which persons and institutes are responsible for it.


Informant: di

Ordnungsrecht vor Menschenrecht

Bundesinnenminister Schily feiert eine Großrazzia gegen drei illegale Einwanderer.


Bärendienst für den Datenschutz

Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit beauftragt Call Center, Leistungsempfänger telefonisch zu ihren Daten zu befragen, und untergräbt damit das sowieso nur ansatzweise vorhandene Datenschutzbewusstsein.


Gezielte Polizeiaktion zur Einschüchterung von Einsprechern


Erwiesen: Handys machen unfruchtbar und erhöhen das Tumor-Risiko deutlich


Pilots get Cataracts - Microwaves and Nitric Oxide

Article in the telegraph yesterday says airline pilots are 3 times more likely than other people to contract the most common form of cataract. This is believed to be caused by cosmic radiation. I believe I read in a Neil Cherry report that there are high numbers of breast cancer in air hostesses for the same reason. If they are going to put masts in planes what will happen to them then.

sue g


Once again, this makes me wonder whether superoxide air ions in the enclosed aircraft atmospheres plays a role, reacting with exhaled nitric oxide:


May nitric oxide molecule have a role in the pathogenesis of human cataract?

Why is this interesting? Because EMFs alter the natural balance of the small air ions that are so essential to life they are artificially introduced into space craft to keep astronauts alive and well!

So yes, adding further microwaves is asking for trouble unless the issue of air ions is taken into account.

More sample sources re eyes and microwaves and nitric oxide at:


Seltsame Funktürme wachsen aus dem Boden


Auch Martin Bott hat mir kürzlich gesagt, dass überall im Land Sendemasten errichtet werden, die keine Mobilfunk- sondern Radarantennen tragen und für die keine entsprechenden Standortgenehmigungen der RegTp vorlägen. Es könne sich nur um militärische/geheimdienstliche Anlagen handeln. In ihrem Buch schreiben die Brüder Bott dazu: „In Deutschland finden sich solche Anlagen fast flächendeckend. Überraschend ist, dass diese Antennen inzwischen nicht mehr ausschließlich verdeckt angebracht werden, wie das wohl früher der Fall war. Allerdings sind diese Antennenanlagen im Gegensatz zu Mobilfunk, Amateurfunk- und Rundfunkantennen ohne jeglichen Hinweis auf den Betreiber. Diese Radaranlagen dienen der geheimen und illegalen Überwachung der Bevölkerung. Für illegale Überwachung der Bevölkerung sind Bundesnachrichtendienst und Verfassungsschutz zuständig. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt gehen wir davon aus, dass diese Anlagen alleine der Überwachung dienen. Es kann natürlich nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass mit ihnen auch Radiofrequenzstrahlung als Waffe eingesetzt wird.“ (Markus und Martin Bott: Der totalitäre Staat, Straubenhardt-Langenalb 2004, S. 282)

Ruth Gill

David Hook another brain cancer victim

David Hook is a comedian with brain cancer he believes occurred as result of cell phone usage. As we all know, if this happens in 30 year olds, imagine how many children may die from cell phone use even before actual brain cancer is diagnosed? Large numbers of young persons turn to drugs due to depression that may lead to suicide.

Similar scenarios apply to other situations involving "chronic, prolonged EMR exposures at low levels" including bedside appliances/telephone equipment, high frequencies on electrical wiring see http://www.electricalpollution.com , telecommunications antennae and possibly homes that are less than 300 ft. from high voltage powerlines see http://www.powerlinefacts.com and click on 2002 EMF California Report. Such exposures promote health problems ranging all the way from poor sleep to cancer as result of chronic inflammation.

I sure hope we are successful in "retiring Repacholi!!!!" Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Petition to remove Repacholi

Over 50,000 Pages of Roberts' Papers Held Back


Cindy Sheehan Speech


Cindy Sheehan

Depleted Uranium is WMD


Parts of Patriot Act are Offensive, American Bar Association Says


Prof Olle Johansson's comments on EHS research

Dear Iris,

I certainly agree with starting from true life and real problems, I have argued exactly that model for decades in Sweden.

I would like to promote research to find out the real cause of EHS people's reactions. In this way, one could initiate well conducted studies and draw conclusions from true science. For instance, one needs to make a thorough, complete health survey of EHS persons to find biological and clinical differences, these can then later on be used as scientific "handles" to further clarify the EHS symptoms and to build grounds for a treatment strategy (the "treatment" could, of course, be to entirely remove all microwave sources).

Maybe, dear Iris, you want to add these papers to your list, they are ecological investigations - as you know - so they have perhaps an ever greater impact on the whole issue.

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Does GSM 1800 MHz affect the public health in Sweden?", In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop "Biological Effects of EMFs", Kos, Greece, October 4-8, 2004

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "1997 - A curious year in Sweden", Eur J Cancer Prev 2004; 13: 535-538

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Long-term sickness and mobile phone use", J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med, 2004; 23: 11-12

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Mobile handset output power and health", Electromag Biol Med 2004; 23: 229-239

Best regards Yours Olle

(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm Sweden)

From Iris Atzmon

Mast protesters fear for future


Council blunder blow to anti-mast protest




Mast ruling signals victory for mobile phone protesters




Residents celebrate mobile mast victory


Fed-up councillors threaten to resign after abuse at meeting


Bush vacations while soldiers die

Niagra Falls Reporter
by Bill Gallagher


The worst commander in chief in American history is relaxing, escaping from reality, and enjoying his five-week vacation down on the ranch. Maybe he should spend a little time reviewing his war plan for prevailing in Iraq, thinking of a way to end the carnage and get U.S. troops home safely. Such a review is clearly in order, but don't count on this commander in chief questioning his own judgments and actually considering the possibility that he's made horrible mistakes and miscalculations. The war in Iraq is all about politics, and George W. Bush practices the politics of Karl Rove. Change the focus. Change the debate. Confuse and conquer. Call what you're doing something else. But even when the overwhelming evidence points to grievous error, never admit it...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sheehan draws tears of support

Common Dreams
by Greg Moses


When Robert DeLozier saw the story of Cindy Sheehan on television Sunday, he told his spouse right away: 'I'm going up there. We have to drop everything and go.' At the Sam's Club of all places, says Robert, he nearly broke down crying while he was shopping Monday morning thinking about what Sheehan was doing in memory of her son Casey, who was killed in Iraq last April. 'She's a strong woman,' says Robert via cell phone as he drives back home Monday night. 'She feels she has been wronged. She feels her son has been wronged. And she feels like this whole occupation of Iraq is wrong. She is strong and powerful enough to take a stand. When I see it, it just strikes a chord. She's speaking truth to power. That's it. David and Goliath.' [editor's note: Sheehan's vigil is making headline news around the country; her son would be very proud. This is a wonderful example of what one brave, determined individual can do to mobilize others. See "Military families to join Sheehan in Texas" at http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=51471 - MLS]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

"Flip-flopping" Americans

by Eric Boehlert


Taking peculiar pleasure in trying to discredit the small-town mother, right-wingers have been in a tizzy over what they perceive as a flip-flop by [Gold Star Mother Cindy]Sheehan on Iraq. They excitedly reassure themselves that her alleged inconsistency about the war ought to disqualify her from being a legitimate war critic. Problem is, the oddly playful bloggers, busy mocking Sheehan as a 'crazy,' 'exploited,' 'left-wing moonbat,' aren't really staring down a lone mother who may or may not have shifted her opinion about Bush and the war since 2004. If the Republican National Committee-fed bloggers looked up from their monitors for a few seconds, they might realize that when they're done with Sheehan they're going to have to discredit a few million other Americans -- because, as recent polls indicate, they, like Sheehan, have turned on the war and place the blame for the mess squarely on Bush's shoulders... [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

No sympathy for the neocons

by Justin Raimondo


Sweet neocons, why are you soooooooo wrong? The answer is they're never wrong -- in any conflict between reality and their 'idealistic' philosophy, it is the former that must give way. As war clouds hover darkly over Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, and the first few premonitory bolts of lightning split the sky, another Jagger song rises up from the vale of memory, like a ghost mocking us down through the years .... I have no sympathy for the Devil, but I want to understand him: these days a thorough familiarity with evil is absolutely necessary, and not only for us pundits. Toward that end, the lyrics of Jagger's 1968 hit song might almost be taken for a narrative about the long and treacherous history of the neoconservative cult, from its origins on the radical Left ...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pro-choice group hits Roberts in ad

Washington Times


NARAL Pro-Choice America [Monday] began airing nationwide a TV advertisement criticizing federal Judge John G. Roberts Jr.'s involvement in an abortion case. The spot, part of a $500,000 campaign, is the first major advertisement that is explicitly critical of President Bush's Supreme Court nominee, accusing him of aiding an abortion-clinic bomber. 'We believe in a culture of personal freedom and personal responsibility,' said NARAL President Nancy Keenan. 'As an advocacy organization, it is our job to let the American people know that John Roberts' record demonstrates hostility toward these core values'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dean: Democrats must take offensive

Raleigh News & Observer


Howard Dean gives Republicans credit for one thing: They have put the Democrats on the defensive and forced them to fight on their turf. That, he said, is about to change. ... Dean detailed his 50-state strategy to hire and finance from national coffers organizers in every state, saying that the party is on track to have organizers in every state by the end of the year. 'Vote by vote, precinct by precinct, door by door, year by year and election by election, we will take this country back for the people who built it,' he said...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Vaccines and Autism: Looking for the Truth?



050810 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Bush Plans to Fire Prosecuter


Informant: Charles Bremer

Sooner or later, the links between base station emissions and adverse health effects will be established beyond any doubt

Sooner or later, the links between base station emissions and adverse health effects will be established beyond any doubt (even that of the HPA) and it will be impossible for HMG to deny reality. Meanwhile, pressure should be applied on the Government by every available means to force a complete rewrite of planning policy relating to telecoms installations - the provisions of the Spring and Stunell private members' bills would constitute an appropriate starting point. There is evidence that more and more MPs are taking an interest in the concerns of their constituents about masts and it is imperative to keep pushing them - both in terms of circulating to them the results of new scientific research as and when it is published, and continuing to call for changes to policy and associated regulations.

At the same time, we must work on the local authorities. Far too many council executives and their planning officers appear to take the view that it is they who make the decisions at local government level. Their modus operandi oft stresses that elected members should not interfere with the decision making process and comprises the issue of barely hidden threats against any councillors having the temerity to question this supposed primacy. The truth is, of course, that these officials are merely advisers; it is the elected members who are the decision makers, responsible for considering the advice given but also taking into full account the views expressed by their electorate. As an example of but one illustration of how processes have become warped, I was recently involved in a prolonged exchange with a campaign group. At issue was a proposal for a 15 metre free-standing mobile phone mast - with a determination of 'prior approval' to be considered under the provisions of the GPDO (General Permitted Development Order). It was clearly most important for this to go to committee. During negotiations with council officials, the group was informed that the proposal could not go before a planning committee because of "the statutory requirment for all applications for prior approval to be determined by the chief planning officer under delegated authority". There is, of course, no such statutory requirement. There might, just might, be a local arrangement whereby councillors have given their officials such powers as a means of filtering business, but what is given can quite easily be taken away! I explained the reality to three local councillors purporting to be in strong support of the local campaign group. All to no avail. Despite intense pressure from the group, they elected to accept the words of the Chief Planning Officer at face value and took no action to ensure committee consideration. The application was duly approved.

In my view, the councillors concerned abrogated their responsibilities to their electorate - but this sort of thing goes on all the time. Accordingly, we must ensure by all possible means that councillors fully understand their role as elected members and the relationship that should exist between themselves and the 'paid help'. I would contend that their responsibility to the electorate that voted them in should in many areas transcend other considerations. If more councillors were to stand up and be counted - in other words support local people in refusing mast applications regardless of central government policy as articulated in PPG 8 - the message simply could not be ignored. Were just about every application to be refused, the Planning Inspectorate would grind to a halt and HMG would be forced out of its complacency. Albeit through local councillors, the people would have spoken and their message heard!

As one member of the public was moved to plea during last month's Forum in the House of Commons: "Please can we have our democracy back!"

I don't suppose that this helps much but for what it's worth...


Verständnis für Widerstand

Funkloch in Wachenheim

„Verständnis für Widerstand"

Zum Artikel „Widerstand gegen Mobilfunkanlagen regt sich" in unserer Ausgabe vom 9. August, der sich mit der Aufstellung von Sendeantennen im Turm der Lutherischen Kirche in Wachenheim beschäftigt.

„Die Erreichbarkeit per Mobilfunk muss überall gegeben sein", erklärt Bürgermeister Nagel in Wachenheim, am liebsten unsichtbar und deshalb wählt man einfach die Kirchtürme dafür aus. So geschah es auch in Bad Dürkheim. Klammheimlich hat man im Turm der Burgkirche eine Mobilfunkanlage eingebaut und vor einigen Monaten noch eine weitere Antenne dazu. Nachbarn und Bürger hatten darauf keinen Einfluss. Niemand der Verantwortlichen fragt nach den großen Problemen, die uns diese Antennen pausenlos bringen. Es gibt keine einzige Nacht, in der wir in Ruhe durchschlafen können. Die Ausstrahlung dieser Antennen raubt uns die Nachtruhe. Ärzte und unabhängige Wissenschaftler warnen vor Folgekrankheiten wie zum Beispiel Krebs. Als simple Antwort hört man von den Betreibern der Mobilfunkanlagen, dass die Grenzwerte in der Belastbarkeit der Bürger eingehalten werden.

Jeder Mensch reagiert anders. Es gibt keine Norm für Belastbarkeit! Unser Schlafzimmer ist zirka 50 Meter vom Turm mit den Antennen entfernt. Wir wissen, was auf die Wachenheimer Bürger zu kommen wird und haben vollstes Verständnis, wenn sie gegen diese Antenne in der Stadtmitte, zwischen den Häusern Sturm laufen.

Heinz und Herta Karst, Bad Dürkheim

Quelle: Publikation: DIE RHEINPFALZ, Regionalausgabe: Bad Dürkheimer Zeitung, Nr.184, Datum: Mittwoch, den 10. August 2005, Seite: Nr.12

Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Why AIPAC Indictment Is Bad News for Rove

The Franklin indictment is a sign that Rove and any other White House aide involved in the Plame/CIA leak might be vulnerable to prosecution under the Espionage Act.


From Information Clearing House

The new chauvinism

I'm not ashamed of my nationality, but I have no idea why I should love this country more than any other.


From Information Clearing House

Who's Paying for Our Patriotism?

Should anyone be surprised by this national resolve, given that these wars visit no sacrifice of any sort -- neither blood nor angst nor taxes -- on well over 95 percent of the American people?


Tragic price of war: Who pays?

Dr. Reinhardt said the majority of Americans are insulated from the human pain and financial cost, thus it’s easy for them to back the war.


King George wouldn't see us

A Report from the Vigil in Crawford: Cindy Sheehan's trip to Crawford to talk to President Bush started out as just a small idea Wednesday evening.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan's diary: Camp Casey Day 3

The Peaceful Occupation of Camp Crawford

Cindy, Crawford, and the Bush Smear Machine:

It's truly amazing what the human spirit can accomplish. From Gandhi's Salt March to Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail, a single person can fight a corrupt establishment and win -- when truth and justice is on his or her side.


Sheehan Draws Tears of Support:

When Robert DeLozier saw the story of Cindy Sheehan on television Sunday, he told his spouse right away: “I’m going up there. We have to drop everything and go.”


To All Conscious Americans

From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

Majority Of Americans Think Bush Is A Liar

A Gallup survey last week found that a majority of Americans - 51 percent - now believe that Bush "deliberately misled the people when he asserted Iraq had weapons of mass destruction."


From Information Clearing House

Killings of civilians by U.S. troops angers Iraqi government

"The reason they shot us is just because the Americans are reckless," the general said from his hospital bed hours after the July 6 shooting, his head wrapped in a white bandage. "Nobody punishes them or blames them."


From Information Clearing House

Iraq statistics tell grim story

If the US Army and its Iraqi allies are killing as many insurgents as reports indicate they are per month, why is the insurgency intensifying instead of collapsing?


It Has No Other Name: Neo-racism

By Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban

Humanity has paid a high price fighting racism and discrimination over centuries; how could we loose the battle today to similar ideologies covered up in the cloaks of "freedom" and "democracy?"


Globalization And Its Discontents

By Saul Landau

In my America, shopping is the universal spiritual value. Maybe add flag waving and barbecues! But globalization means spreading a culture of corporate brand names and 24/7 sales pitches. Rogue States who refuse to embrace this order are targets of regime change.


A Look Into the Mirror

Whether we like it or not, the nation’s capital is the mirror image of the rest of the country

By Manuel Valenzuela

Washington, like ancient Rome before it, has become, through the course of years breathing the airs of moral degeneration, corruption and greed, the monument for all that is wrong with the nation it represents, a new symbol of debauchery and immorality, a decadent city on a hill whose once noble foundations are now cracking under the weight of unscrupulous entities and malfeasant activities.


Selling Out the Environment

Four years, two failed conference attempts and one filibuster after the Republican leadership first introduced the Bush-backed energy bill into Congress, the controversial legislation was signed into law Monday by the president, yielding a major victory for the White House - and exposing the continued inability of Democrats to rally around a unified vision and stay on message.


The sad state of “science for the public” in Australia


World Security With Total Elimination Of All Nuclear Arms

From: Robert Muller Mail1@GoodMorningWorld.org http://goodmorningworld.org/

[GMW #749] World Security With Total Elimination Of All Nuclear Arms

Ending War ~ Idea 2987 ~ I was happy to learn that General Butler, former US High Commander of all American nuclear arms and six other US generals have recommended the total elimination of all nuclear armaments on planet Earth.

May I suggest to them a way of getting there: the United Nations Charter provides that the chiefs of armies of the five permanent members of the Security Council should meet in a UN Military Staff Committee which would work out a World Security System whereafter they would disarm the planet. The cold war alas prevented that course from being pursued.

I recommend that General Butler and his colleagues set up a shadow UN Military Staff Committee, work out a World Security System and world disarmament plan and offer them the whole membership of the United Nations.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

What One Mom Has to Say to George Bush


George Bush is on vacation. ~ Cindy Sheehan is on his case.

Cindy is the mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, KIA at Sadr City on April 4, 2004, and a co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace: http://www.gsfp.org/

Cindy is at the gates of Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas to demand that he explain to her –face to face– why Casey had to die. Bush is refusing to come out. Cindy says she's staying until Bush talks to her or leaves.

700 hits for "Cindy Sheehan" on Google News!!! - Link below.

We can help Cindy Sheehan turn the heat up on Bush.

1-Email the White House : comments@whitehouse.gov Send a simple three-word message, "Talk to Cindy!"

2-Call the White House comment line (202) 456-1111

and/or send a postcard to: George Bush, The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 with the same three word message.

3-Spread the word! Send this appeal to your friends, to email lists, to blogs. Post it on websites.

Let's swamp the White House with our simple three word demand: TALK TO CINDY!

Help support Cindy Sheehan, financially or in some other way – Go to: Gold Star Families: http://www.gsfp.org/

What One Mom Has to Say to George Bush

© 2005 by Mike Ferner

“That lying bastard, George Bush, is taking a five-week vacation in time of war,” Cindy Sheehan told 200 cheering members of Veterans For Peace at their annual convention in Dallas last Friday evening. She then announced she would go to Bush’s vacation home in nearby Crawford, Texas and camp out until he “tells me why my son died in Iraq. I’ve got the whole month of August off, and so does he.”

Sheehan left the VFP meeting on Saturday morning and is now in Crawford with a couple dozen veterans and local peace activists, waiting for Bush to talk with her. She said in Dallas that if he sends anyone else to see her, as happened when national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin did later that day, she would demand that “You get that maniac out here to talk with me in person.”

She told the audience of veterans from World War Two to today’s war in Iraq, that the two main things she plans to tell the man she holds responsible for son Casey’s death are “Quit saying that U.S. troops died for a noble cause in Iraq, unless you say, ‘well, except for Casey Sheehan.’ Don’t you dare spill any more blood in Casey’s name. You do not have permission to use my son’s name.”

“And the other thing I want him to tell me is ‘just what was the noble cause Casey died for?’ Was it freedom and democracy? Bullshit! He died for oil. He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East. We’re not freer here, thanks to your PATRIOT Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you’ll stop the terrorism,” she exclaimed.

“There, I used the ‘I’ word – imperialism,” the 48 year-old mother quipped. “And now I’m going to use another ‘I’ word – impeachment – because we cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail.”

As the veterans in Dallas rose to their feet, Sheehan said defiantly, “My son was killed in 2004. I am not paying my taxes for 2004. You killed my son, George Bush, and I don’t owe you a penny...you give my son back and I’ll pay my taxes. Come after me (for back taxes) and we’ll put this war on trial.”

The co-founder of Gold Star Mothers for Peace objected to hearing that her son was among the soldiers lost in Iraq. “He’s not lost,” she said tearfully. “He’s dead. He became an angel while I was sleeping.”

She railed against the notion expressed by officials in the Bush administration that bringing the troops home now would dishonor the sacrifice of those who have died. “By sending honorable people to die, they so dishonor themselves. They say we must complete our mission…but why would I want one more mother to go through what I have, just because my son is dead?”

The Vacaville, California resident said she first heard of Veterans For Peace in early May last year, during a CNN report about an exhibit of white crosses arranged in rows in the Santa Barbara beach. The exhibit was organized by VFP Chapter 54 to memorialize each U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. Her son had died the month before. “I decided there was only one place I wanted to be on Mother’s Day that year, and it was Santa Barbara ,” she told the VFP members in Dallas.

Retired Special Forces Sgt. and VFP member, Stan Goff, today initiated a “Talk to Cindy” campaign to get Bush to meet with Sheehan. Contact information for the White House is: (202) 456-1111 or comments@whitehouse.gov

Informant: Frank

Cindy Sheehan


Top US General Arrested


Informant: Deborah Reid

Flu could infect half world's people in year


Informant: Andy Caffrey

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Cindy Sheehan



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Bush lied - people died



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Dressed To Kill


Join 44 Nobels, 288 NGOs, Europarliament, in Nuke Weapons Appeal

You are urged to sign the appeal below. Please Join this Appeal to take Nuclear Weapons off Hairtrigger Alert if you have not already done so.

To sign please email: foesyd4@ihug.com.au If you have already endorsed it please delete (you may wish to check that you are correctly shown)

Appeal by 44 Nobel Prizewinners including Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Joseph Rotblat and Jose Ramos-Horta, 288 Parliamentarians and NGOs, endorsed by the European Parliament and the Australian Senate on March 10 2005, to lower the operating status of nuclear weapons systems.

Contains: --Statement of Endorsement --Model for a draft resolution for UN General Assembly First Committee --List of supporting organisations, and individuals including 44 nobels , and 237 NGOs and Parliamentarians.

Appeal by 44 Nobel Prizewinners, 288 Parliamentarians and NGOs, endorsed by the European Parliament and the Australian Senate on March 10 2005, to lower the operating status of nuclear weapons systems.

Contains: --Statement of Endorsement --Model for a draft resolution for UN General Assembly First Committee --List of supporting organisations, and individuals including 44 nobels , and 288 NGOs and Parliamentarians.


The Distinguished individuals and organisations below, make the following appeal concerning nuclear weapons, and the danger posed by the maintenance of thousands of nuclear warheads and delivery systems on launch-on-warning status.

We call on the governments of the United States, Russia, China, France, and the UK, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea, to support and implement steps to lower the operational status of nuclear weapon systems in order to reduce the risk of nuclear catastrophe and as part of their obligations, affirmed by the International Court of Justice, to achieve the elimination of nuclear weapons under strict and effective international control.

We note that:

1) To this day, thousands of nuclear weapons in the US and Russia are on Launch-on-warning status, and that the megatonnage involved remains more than enough to destroy civilisation and perhaps the human race.

2) That the Indian subcontinent is increasingly on a 'hairtrigger' status.

3) That there have been numerous incidents in which a nuclear exchange involving thousands of warheads could have taken place, and in which the fate of the earth has depended on the correct judgement of a single individual.

4) That the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK have failed so far to make further progress to achieve the total and unequivocal elimination of their nuclear arsenals, as called for under international law.

5) That, in addition to the failure of the 'official' nuclear weapons powers to fulfil their treaty obligations, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea also posses nuclear weapons, and that the risk of their use is very real.

6) That a number of calls have been made by the UN General Assembly and by the European Parliament to lower the operational status of nuclear weapons.

Accordingly we call on the governments of the United States, Russia, China, France and the UK, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea, to:

a) Take immediate steps to lower the operational status of nuclear weapons, and to revise nuclear doctrines, policies and postures to reflect such lowered operational status.

b) To implement in good faith their obligations under international law , to accomplish the total and unequivocal elimination of their nuclear arsenals.

c) To implement the steps toward nuclear disarmament outlined in the '13 steps' of the final declaration of the Year 2000 NPT Review Conference.

d) We call on non- nuclear nations to press for nuclear disarmament in every available international forum especially including the United Nations General Assembly First Committee and the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.

e) We call on legislators worldwide to pass resolutions in national and other parliaments pressing for the lowering of the operational status of nuclear weapons and for nuclear disarmament as mandated by international law.

We draw the attention of legislators and diplomats to the two texts below:

i) A model for a resolution in the UN General Assembly calling for the lowering of the operational status of nuclear weapons (Note that in the process of getting it through the GA First Committee it may experience some alterations in text)

ii) Motion passed by the Australian Senate congratulating Colonel Stanislav Petrov on preventing nuclear war during the Serpukhov 15 incident of Sept 26 1983, and calling for the lowering of the operational status of nuclear weapons.

You are invited to endorse the statement above calling for the lowering of the operational status of nuclear weapons systems, and to give your support to measures such as the texts below.

i) Model for a resolution in the UN General Assembly Calling for the lowering of the operational status of nuclear weapons

Operational status of nuclear weapons
The General Assembly

Convinced that the possible use of nuclear weapons poses the most serious threat to humanity and to the survival of civilisation,

Convinced also that the maintenance of nuclear weapons systems at a high level of readiness-to-use increases the risks of unintentional or accidental use of such weapons which would have catastrophic consequences,

Noting that a high level of nuclear weapons readiness-to-use has contributed to a number of circumstances when nuclear weapons have become very close to being used,

Welcoming steps taken by States possessing nuclear weapons to reduce nuclear risks and prevent nuclear war,

Welcoming particularly the agreement by Russia and the United States of America on the Establishment of the Joint Centre for the Exchange of Data from Early Warning Systems and Notification of Missile Launches, but noting that the agreement has not yet been implemented,

Considering that, until nuclear weapons are eliminated, it is imperative that further steps be taken to prevent the accidental, unauthorised or unintentional use of nuclear weapons,

Expressing its deep concern that thousands of strategic warheads remain on Launch-On-Warning status,

Expressing its concern also about emerging approaches to the broader role of nuclear weapons as part of security strategies, including rationalisations for the use, and the possible development, of new types of nuclear weapons,

Recalling the program of action agreed at the 2000 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference which called for concrete agreed measures to further reduce the operational status of nuclear weapons systems

Recalling resolutions [specify resolution numbers] on the floor of this assembly have called for reductions in the operational status of nuclear weapons,

Mindful that concrete steps to reduce the operational status of nuclear weapons systems will help reduce tensions, build confidence and support negotiations leading to the elimination of nuclear weapons,

1. Calls for a review of nuclear doctrines emphasising concrete steps to reduce the operational status of nuclear weapons,

2. Encourages States to immediately implement unilateral steps including, inter alia, the rescinding of launch-on-warning policies, and to urgently conclude negotiated steps, pending agreements for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons,

3. Calls on all States possessing nuclear weapons to undertake not to increase the number or types of weapons deployed and not to develop new types of weapons or rationalisations for their use,

4. Calls for further confidence-building and transparency measures to reduce the threats posed by nuclear weapons,

5. Requests States possessing nuclear weapons to report to the 60th session on steps they have taken to implement this resolution

6. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its 60th session the item entitled "Operational status of nuclear weapons."

Sponsoring Organisations:

From: John Hallam Nuclear Weapons Campaigner Friends of the Earth Australia, Foesyd4@ihug.com.au
61-2-9567-7533, fax 61-2-9567-7166
1 Henry Street Turella NSW Aust 2205

Doug Mattern, Association of World Citizens,
55 New Montgomery Street, Suite 224, San Francisco, CA 94105.
1- 415 541 9610.

Supported by the Organisations and distinguished individuals below:

44 Nobel Prizewinners who have signed the appeal to lower the operating status of nuclear weapons:

Nobel Laureates HH The Dalai Lama, (Peace) Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, (Bishop of Loriu, Peace 1996) Mairead Corrigan Maguire,(Peace 1976) Jose Ramos Horta, (Peace 1996) Dr Joseph Rotblat, (Peace 1995) Oscar Arias Sanchez,(Peace 1987) Archbishop Desmond Tutu, (Peace 1984) Betty Williams, (Peace 1976)

Dr Alexei Abrikosov,(Physics 2003) Dr Kenneth Arrow, (Economics 1972) Dr Baruj Benacerraf ,(Medicine 1980) Dr Guenter Blobel, (Medicine 1999) Dr Johan Diesenhofer,(Chemistry 1988) Dr Peter C. Doherty, (Medicine 1996) Dr R.R. Ernst, (Chemistry 1991) Dr John B. Fenn, (Chemistry 2002) Dr Edmond H. Fischer , (Medicine 1992) Dr Jerome I. Friedman, (Physics 1990) Dr Val L. Fitch,(Physics 1980) Dr Robert Guillemin,(Medicine) Dr Herbert A. Hauptman, (Chemistry 1985) Dr Dudley Herschbach,(Chemistry 1986) Dr Roald Hoffman , (Chemistry 1981) Dr Gerardus 't Hooft,(Physics 1999) Dr David H. Hubel ,(Medicine 1981) Dr Brian Josephson, (Physics) Dr Arthur Kornberg ,(Medicine 1959) Sir Harry Kroto, (Chemistry 1996) Dr Paul C. Lauterburg,(Medicine 2003) Dr Leon M. Lederman , (Physics 1988) Dr Jean-Marie Lehn, (Chemistry 1987) Dr Marshall Nirenberg, (Medicine 1968) Dr Mario Molina, (Chemistry 1995) Dr Kary Mullis, (Chemistry 1993) Dr Ferid Murad, (Medicine 1998) Dr John C. Polanyi, (Chemistry 1986) Dr Richard Roberts, (Medicine) Dr Frederick Sanger, (Chemistry 1958, 1980) Dr Jack Steinberger, (Physics 1998) Sir John Sulton, (Medicine 2002) Dr E. Donnall Thomas, (Medicine 1990) Dr Martinus Veltman, (Physics 1999) Frank Wilczek, (Physics 2004) Dr Kurt Wuthrich (Chemistry 2002)

Other distinguished Persons:

Maestro Mstislav Rostropovich Dr. Robert Muller (Fmr UN assistant Secy General)

Edgar Mitchell (Astronaut) Benjamin Ferencz, (Prosecutor at the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials) Prof Saul Mendlovitz, Dag Hammarskjold Professor, Rutgers Law School,

International Organisations:

Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima, president of Mayors for Peace, 750 mayors in 110 countries

Ronald Mc Coy President, John Loretz, Program Director, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) (Nobel Prize)

Emma Mc Gregor-Mento, Abolition-2000

Cora Weiss, Hague Appeal for Peace (HAP),

Colin Archer, Secy - General, International Peace Bureau, Geneva (Nobel Prize)

Selma Brackman, President, War and Peace Foundation, NY,

Alyn Ware, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms,

Nicky Davies, Greenpeace International, Amsterdam,

Susi Snyder, Secy -General, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Geneva,

Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Brunswick, ME, USA,

Vijay Mehta, Chair, World Disarmament Campaign, Lond,

Charles Mercieca, International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) Huntsville Ala, USA,

Pol D'Huyvetter, For Mother Earth International, Ghent, Belgium,

James K. Galbraith, Kate Cell, Director, Lucy Webster, UN Observer, Economists for Peace and Security (formerly Economists Allied for Arms Reduction/ (ECAAR))

Lucy Law Webster, Institute for Global Policy,

Rev. Vernon C. Nickols, UN Observer/NGO Rep, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation,

Yumi Kikuchi, founder, Global Peace Campaign,

Peer de Rijk, World Information Service on Energy (WISE) Amsterdam,

David Mumford, International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), Alkmaar, Neth,

Penny McManigal, The Millionth Circle, USA,

Mary T. Legge SSJ, DPI/NGO at UN for Congregations of St Joseph,

Nancy EW Colton, Anglican Consultative Council for the Episcopal Church Worldwide,

Nancy EW Colton, International Association for Volunteer Effort,

Nancy EW Colton, Secy, NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace, and Security,

Bruce K. Gagnon Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Brunswick, ME,

David Schweitzer, Schweitzer Institute,

Nouri Abdul Razak Husain, Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation (AAPSO)

Phil Esmonde, Regional Adviser, Peace Building and Conflict Reduction, Oxfam (Identification purposes only).

US Organisations:

Helen Caldicott,(founder PSR, WAND) President, Nuclear Policy Research Institute, Wash DC,

Alice Slater, Global Resource and Action Centre for the Environment, NY,

Martin Butcher, PSR, Washington DC,

Bruce Blair, President, Centre for Defence Information, Washington,
(identification only)

Jonathan Granoff, President, Global Security Institute, (pers capy)

David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Santa Barbara, Calif,

Rev. Vernon C. Nichols, UN-NGO Rep, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation,

Ellen Thomas, Proposition-1 Committee, Washington, USA,

Pamela S. Meidell, Atomic Mirror, Port Hueneme, Calif, USA.,

David Robinson, Pax Christi USA, Erie, PA,

Peggy L. Shriver, Fmr Asst. General Secy, National Council of Churches, NY.,

Donald W. Shriver, Union Theological Seminary, NY.,

Rev. William J. Morton, SSC, Columban Mission Office, US/Mexico Border, El Paso Texas, USA,

Sr Mary Peter Bruce, Loretto Community New York, NY,

Bernice Fisher, Penninsula WILPF, Palo Alto Calif,

Bill Smirnow, Nuclear- Free New York,

Donald Keesing, Voices Opposed to Environmental Racism, Wash DC,

Lorraine Krofchok, Grandmothers for Peace International, Elk Grove, Calif,

Vina Colley, PRESS, Ohio,

Bruce A. Drew, Prairie Island Coalition, Mn, USA,

George Crocker, N. American Water office, Lake Elmo, Mn, USA,

Daniel Ellsberg, Truth-Telling Project, (Fmr RAND consultant to White House on Nuclear C3I)

Kathy Kelly, Coordinator, Voices in the Wilderness, Chicago Ill,

Patricia J. Ameno, Chair, Citizens Action for a Safe Environment, Penn,

Francis Chiappa, President, Cleveland Peace Action,

John Laforge, Bonnie Urfer, Nukewatch, WI, USA,

Andrew Hund, Alaska/Arctic Environmental Defense Fund,

Coleen Marshall Secy, Sheldon Nidle, Founder, Planetary Activation Organisation, Hawaii,

Marsha Joyner, President, Hawiian National Communications Corporation, Honululu, Hawaii,

Paul Ehrlich, President, Centre of Conservation Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif,

Irving Stolberg, President, Caucus of Connecticut Democrats,

Irving Stolberg, President, Connecticut Division, United Nations Association,

Barbara Murphy-Warrington, CARE-USA, Atlanta, Georgia,

Alanna Hartzog, Co-Director, Earth Rights Institute, PA,

Beth A. Pirolli, Director, Families United for a Safe Environment (FUSE),

Carolyn Vigneri, Nebraskans for Peace, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,

Glen Carroll, Georgians Against Nuclear Energy, Atlanta, GA, USA,

Robert Gould MD, Physicians for Sociel Responsibility (PSR) San Francisco Bay Area, Berkley, Calif,

Samuel S. Epstien MD, Chair, Cancer Prevention Coalition, Chcago, Ill,

Dr Kathleen Sullivan, Nuclear Weapons Education and Action Prject, NY.,

Terri Swearingen (1997 Golman Prize) Tri-State Environmental Council, WV.,

Bill Towe, North Carolina Peace Action, NC, USA,

Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder, Global Exchange,

Jennifer O. Viereck, Director HOME: Healing Ourselves & Mother Earth, Tecopa, CA,

Bob Kinsey, Colorado Coalition for the Prevention of Nuclear War,

Kevin Martin Executive Director Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund, MD,

Bob Alpern, Coordinator, Action for Nuclear Disarmament, Sonoma County, CA

Preston J. Truman, Downwinders, Malad, Idaho,

Stanley Romaine, Great Neck SANE/Peace Action

Hannah Pallmayer, Women Against Military Madness, (WAMM), Minnesota, USA,

Margaret Groarke, Director of Peace Studies, Manhattan College, Bronx, NY,

Dr Norman L. Brown, (Manhattan Project Veteran),

Linda Muolton-Howe, Earthfiles.com, Albuquerque, NM,

Congressman Dennnis Kucinich, Ohio,

Canadian Organisations

Debbie Grisdale President/Steven Starr, Physicians for Global Responsibility, (PGS),

Rosalie Bertell, President Emeritus, International Institute for Concern for Public Health, Toronto, Ont,

Roy and Anne Morris, Salmon Arm Kairos Group, BC, Canada,

Gordon Edwards PhD, President, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR),

Desmond Berghofer, Co-Founder, Institute for Ethical Leadership, Vancouver Canada,

Metta Spencer, Editor, Peace Magazine, Toronto, Ont,

Mike Nickerson, Sustainability Project - 7th Generation Initiative, Ont,

Dr F. H. Knelman, Vice-President, The Whistler Foundation, Victoria BC, Canada,

Patrick Groulx, Iron John and Mary With a Snugly (IJAMWAS), Etobicoke, Ontario, Can

Libby Davies MP, Vancouver East, Canada,

Bill Blaikie MP, Elmwood-Transcona (NDP), Canada,

Douglas Roche, Senator Emeritus, Fmr Disarmament Ambassador, Canada

UK Organisations

Dr Kate Hudson, Chair, Sam Akaki, Parliamentary Officer, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), UK

Jenny Maxwell, West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Birmingham, UK,

Reuben Ralph Say, Woking Action for Peace/CND, Woking, Surrey, UK,

Caroline Gilbert, Patricia Pulham, Michael Pulham, Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CCND),

Jill Stallard National Secy, CND Cymru, Nantagredig, Cynghordy, Llanymddyfri, Wales, UK,

Prof. Dave Webb, CND Yorkshire,

George Farebrother, World Court Project, Lond, UK,

Dr David Lowry, Fmr Director, European Proliferation Information Centre (EPIC), Lond,

Di Mc Donald, Nuclear Information Service, (NIS) Southampton, UK,

Ken Coates, Chair, Bertrand Russel Peace Foundation,

Angie Zelter, Trident Ploughshares UK,

Richard Bramhall, Low-Level Radiation Campaign, Llandridod, Powys, UK,

Lindis Percy/Anni Rainbow, CAAB, Yorks, UK,

Janet Bloomfield, Coordinator, Atomic Mirror UK, Saffron Walden, UK,

David Bowe, MEP,

Dr Caroline Lucas MEP, Green Member of the European Parliament for S.E. England

Alan Simpson MP,

David Chaytor MP, Member for Bury North,

Frank Cook MP, Westminster,

Llew Smith MP, Blaenau, Gwent, Wales,

John Mc Donnel MP, Labour, Hayes and Harlington, Middlesex,

Harry Cohen MP, House of Commons, UK,

John Austin MP, Labour, Erith and Thamesmead, UK,

Malcolm Savidge MP,

Baroness Susan Miller, House of Lords, Lond,

Russian& Ukrainian Organisations

Vladimir Sliviak, Co-Chair, Ecodefense, Moscow,

Professor Alexey Yablokov, President, Centre for Russian Environmental Policy, Moscow,

Andrei Laletin, Chairman, Friends of the Siberian Forests, Krasnoyarsk, Russia,

Jennie Sutton, Baikal Environmental Wave,

Victor Khazan, Friends of the Earth Ukraine, Dneipropetrovsk, Ukr,

Serghiy Fedorynchyck, Zelelenyi Zvit, Kiev, Ukraine,

Sergei Kolesnikov, Duma Member, Deputy Chair, Cttee on Education and Science, Moscow,

Sergei Kolesnikov, IPPNW-Russia,

Indian Organisations

Achin Vanaik, Admiral L. Ramdas, Lalita Ramdas, Sukla Sen, Smithu Kothari, Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP), India New Delhi,

Admiral L. Ramdas, India-Pakistan Soldiers Initiative for Peace, Raigad Dist, Maharashtra,

Hari Sharma, President, International South Asia Forum,

Sukla Sen, EKTA, Mumbai, India,

Mahipal Singh, General Secy, Peoples Union for Civil Liberties,
(PUCL) New Delhi,

Imrana Quadeer, Centre for Community Health and Social Medicine, JNU, New Delhi,

Harsh Kapoor, (India/France) South Asians Against Nukes,

Jayanti Patel, Indian Radical Humanist Association, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,

Kirity Roy, Secy, MASUM, Howrah, W. Bengal,

Swami Manavatavadi, International School of Humanitarian Thoughts and Practice, Rajghat, Kurukshetra, Haryana,

Aruna Roy, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS), Rajasthan,

The National Campaign for the Peoples Right to Information (NCPRI) Rajasthan, India,

Ammu Abraham, Womens Centre, Mumbai,

Meenakshi Gopinath, Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace
(An initiative of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH The Dalai Lama), New Delhi,

Dr. J. Amaloorpavanathan, Physicians for Peace, Chennai, TN, India,

Sandeep Pandey, Arundhati Dhuru, National Association of Peoples Movements (NAPM), Global Peace March,

Rajiv R. Singh, Network to Oust Nuclear Energy, (NONE) New Delhi,

Anita Bharti, Centre for Alternative Dalit Media (CADAM) Delhi,

Smithu Kothari, Intercultural Resources, New Delhi,

Prahlad Shekawat, Alternative Development Centre, India,

J. Gurumurthy, All-India Insurance Employees Association, Chennai, Tamil Nadu India

Dr Shaikh Sarfaraz Ali, Dept of Physics, JMI, New Delhi,

Arjun Dev, NCERT, New Delhi,

Wilfred D'Costa, Secy, Indian National Social Action Forum (INSAF) Delhi,

Pritam K. Rohila, Association for Communal Harmony in Asia,

Amelia Andrews, Associate Executive Secretary, National Council of Churches in India,

Pakistani Organisations

Pirzada Imtiaz Syed, Secy, All-Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions (APFUTU), Gujrat, Pakistan,

AH Nayyar, President, Pakistan Peace Coalition,

Dr Mubashir Hasan, (Fmr finance minister) Campaigner for Human Rights and India-Pakistan Friendship, Pakistan-India Forum for Peace and Democracy.

Prof. M. Ismail, Director, RISE, Peshawar, Pakistan,

Bangladeshi Organisations

M.W. Faruque, President, Youth Approach for Development and Cooperation (YADC)

Paltan Development Coordinating Organisation

Sugandha Sanskritic Kendra,

Society for Legal Rights

The Daily Matrijagat

Bangabandhu Gabeshana Sangstha

Association for Law Research and Human Rights (ALERT)

NZ Organisations

Commander Robert Green, Disarmament and Security Centre, Christchurch, NZ,

Alyn Ware, Peace Foundation, Wellington, NZ,

Marion Hancock, Wendy John, Aotearoa/NZ Peace Foundation, Auckland NZ,

Christine Lesley, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Wellington, NZ,

R.E. White, Director, Centre for Peace Studies, University of Auckland, NZ,

Peter Low, Quaker Peace and Service, NZ,

Jonathan Hunt MP, Speaker, NZ Parliament,

Keith Locke MP, Greens, NZ,

Rod Donald MP, Co-Leader, Greens, NZ,

Gordon Copeland MP, United Future Party,

Tim Barnett MP, Labor, Christchurch Central Electorate, Christchurch NZ,

Australian Organisations

Sue Wareham, President, Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW),

Margaret Reynolds, President, United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA),

Jo Vallentine, People for Nuclear Disarmament W.A.,

David Sweeney, Nuclear Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, Carlton, Vic,

Peter Robertson Environment Centre of the Northern Territory (ECNT) Darwin, NT,

Gar Smith, Environmentalists Against War,

Stop The War Coalition, Victoria,

Dr Stella Cornelius, Director, Conflict Resolution Network, Chatswood NSW,

Ned Iceton, Co-Convenor, Social Development Network, Armidale NSW,

Ralph Summy, Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Uni of Queensland,

Peter Burton, Peace Partners, Toowoomba, Qld,

Dr Mark Zirnsak, Director, Justice and International Mission, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, Uniting Church in Australia,

Rev Sue Gorman, Moderator, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, Uniting Church in Australia,

Keith Russel, Religious Society of Friends, ACT,

Senator Kerry Nettle, Greens, NSW,

Senator Lyn Alison, Australian Democrats Vic,

Senator Andrew Bartlett, Australian Democrats Qld,

Senator Aden Ridgeway, Australian Democrats NSW,

Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja, Australian Democrats SA,

Senator Brian Grieg, Australian Democrats WA,

Terry Roberts MP, SA,

Carmen Lawrence MHR, President, Labor Party,

Jill Hall MHR,

Warren Snowden MHR, ALP Member for Lingiari NT,

Alan Griffin MHR, ALP Member for Bruce, Melb,

Jann Mc Farlane MHR, ALP Member for Stirling, W.A.,

Tanya Plibersek MHR, ALP Member for Sydney, NSW,

Dee Margetts MLC (Greens), W.A.,

Giz Watson, Greens, W.A.,

Ian Cohen MLC (Greens) NSW,

Kerrie Tucker MLA, Greens ACT,

Swedish Organisations

Agneta Norberg/Bo Wirmark, Chair, Swedish Peace Council,

Stefan Bjornsson, President, Swedish Scientists and Engineers Against Nuclear Arms (SEANA), Stockholm,

Gunnar Westberg, President, SLMK (IPPNW Sweden), Goteborg, Sweden,

Anders Ygeman MP, Stockholm,

Marilyn Barden, Chair, Stockholm Peace Committee, Sweden,

Danish Organisations

Poul Eck Sorensen, Peace Movement of Esbjerg,

Poul Eck Sorensen, Peace Council of Denmark,

Holger Terp/John Avery, Danish Peace Academy,

John Avery, Pugwash Conference Denmark,

Finnish Organisations

Teemu Matinpuro, Director, Finnish Peace Committee, Helsinki, Finland,

Lea Launokari, Women for Peace Finland,

Ulla Kotzer, Women Against Nuclear Power Finland,

Heidi Hautala MP Greens,

Kimmo Kiljunen MP, Social Democrats, Finland,

German Organisations

Eva Quistorp, Women for Peace, Berlin, Germany,

Eva Quistorp, Berlin Declaration, Berlin, Germany,

Henning Droege, Arzt fur Allgemeinmedizin, Homoopathie, Naturheilverfahren, Allgau, Germany,

Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck, Friedens-und Begegnungsstaette Mutlangen eV, Germany,

Bernd Frieboese, Barsebackoffensiv (Pers capy)

Rienhard Voss, Pax Christi Germany, Franfurt Am Main,

Dr Anne Brie MEP PDS,

Uta Zapf, MP, Chair, Bundestag Committee on Arms Control, Disarmament and Nonproliferation,

Belgian Organisations

Hans Lammerant, Forum Voor Vredesaktie, Belgium,

Zoe Genot MP, Greens, Belgium,

Eloi Glorieux MP, Greens, Flemish Regional Parliament, Belgium,

Muriel Gerkens MP, Greens, Brussels,

Senator Patrick Vankrunkelsven, Brussels, Belg,

Marie Isler-Beguin, MEP,

Edith Klein, European Commission, Brussels, Belg,

Netherlands Organisations

Harry Van Bommel MP, Neth,

Joost Lagendijk, Member of European Parliament, GroenLinks, Netherlands,

Senator Leo Platvoet, Green-Left, Amsterdam Neth,

Fiona Dove, Director, Transnational Institute, Neth,

Carolien Van de Stadt, WILPF-Netherlands,

Frank Slijper, Campagne Tegen Wapenhandel, Gromingen, Neth,

Marjan Lucas, IKV Interchurch Peace Council, Amsterdam Netherlands,

French Organisations

Dominique Lalanne, Co-Chair, Stop Essais, France,

Bruno Barrilot, Director, Observatoire des Armes Nucleaires Francaises, Lyons, France,

Jean-Marie Matagne, Action des Citoyens pour le Desarmement Nucleaire
(ACDN) Saintes, France,

Luisa Morgantini MEP, Italy/Brussells

Folena Pietro, MP Italy, Foreign Affairs Commission, Democrats of the Left (DS) - Olive Tree Coalition

Hallgeir H. Langeland MP, Norway,

Bent Natvig, Chair, Norwegian Pugwash Committee, Oslo, Norway,

Czech Peace Society, Prague, Czech Rep,

Berta Suttner Society, Prague, Czech Rep,

Romanian Organisations

Constantin Cretu, Romanian Social Forum, Bucharest, Romania,

Constantin Cretu, 'Carpathians Genius' Bucharest, Romania,

Aurel Duta, For Mother Earth, Bucharest, Romania,

Constantin S. Lacatus, Sibenii Pacifistii, Sibiu, Romania,

Manana Kochladze, 'Green Alternative', Tblisi, Georgia,

Japanese Organisations

Atsushi Fujioka, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Kyoto, Japan,

Hideyuki-Ban, Secy-General, Citizens Nuclear Information Centre
(CNIC) Tokyo, Japan,

Yayoi Tsuchida, International Secretary, Gensuikyo, (Japan Council Against A and H Bombs)

Shigetoshi Iwamatsu, Chair, Gensuikin, (Japan Congress Against A and H Bombs).

Wen Bo, Pacific Environment, Beijing, China,

Kim Choony, Korean Federation for Environmental Movement, (KFEM)

Prof Samsung Lee, Political Science, Hallym University,

Mexican Organisations

Efraim Cruz Marin, President, Academicos de Ciencias y Humanidades, Mexico,

Noni Fernandez, Mexican Initiative Against War, Chiapas, Colonia Roma,

Luis Gutterrez Esparza, President, Latin-American Circle for International Studies (LACIS), Mexico City,

Grace de Haro, APDH, Rio Negro, Argentina,

Dina Lida Kinoshita, Unesca Catedra for Education for Peace, Human Rights, Democracy and Tolerance, Sao Paulo, Brasil,

Senator Roberto Saturnino, Brasilian Federal Senate, (for Rio de Janiero)

Roy Cabonegro, YSDA-Pilipinas, Quezon City, Phillipines,

Clemente G. Bautista, Kalikasan, (Peoples Network for the Environment) Phillipines,

Soodhakur Ramlallah Secy Mauritius Union of Journalists Port Louis Mauritius

Bishan Singh, SUSDEN, Malaysia,

Dato Haji Mustapha Ma, Secy, IFNGO, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,

Lonngena Ginting, WALHI/Friends of the Earth Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia,

Saranjan Kodithuwakku, Green Movement of Sri Lanka, Nugegoa, Sri Lanka,

Binda Pandey, Secy-General, General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT), Kathmandhu Nepal,

Maria D. Watondoha MP, Tanzanian National Assembly, Dodoma, Tanzania,

Hon. Dr Diodorus Buberwa Kamala MP, Mzumbe, Tanzania,

Edward Appiah-Brafoh, Green Earth Organisation, Accra, Ghana,

Fifanampiana Malgasy (Madagascar Solidarity Committee)

Gisele Rabesahala, fmr Minister of Culture, fmr Vice-President of Madagascar Senate,

Dr. Araf Marei, Vice President, Egyptian Association for Community Participation, Cairo, Egypt,

Dr Akram Alhamdani, President, Green Party of Iraq, Baghdad

Dr Ahmad Al Hashimi, Iraqi Relief Foundation, Ont, Canada,

Ayman Jallad, Humanitarian Group for Social Development, Beirut, Lebanon,

Stephen J. Stanton, Cedarwatch, Lebanon,

Mabrouk Boudaga, Arab Young Lawyers Association, Tunis, Tunisia,

From: John Hallam Nuclear Weapons Campaigner Friends of the Earth Australia, Note New Email adress foesyd4@ihug.com.au
61-2-9567-7533 /9567-7644 h61-2-9810-2598
1 Henry Street Turella NSW Aust 2205


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