
Immer heftigere Wirbelstürme türmen Riesenwellen auf

Klimaveränderung führt zu mehr und heftigeren tropischen Wirbelstürmen.


Sicherheitsphantasien und das allmähliche Verschwinden des Rechtsstaats

Deutschland wird die präventive Sicherungshaft ausgetüftelt, die britische Regierung will eine globale Liste mit zahlreichen Kriterien für "nicht-akzeptables Verhalten" erstellen, um Personen abzuschieben oder nicht ins Land zu lassen.

http://www.telepolis.de/tp/r4/artikel/20/20672/1.html In

Wiener Ärztekammer warnt vor übermäßigem Handy-Telefonieren

EU-weite Studie abgeschlossen: Wiener Ärztekammer warnt vor übermäßigem Handy-Telefonieren

Oliver Weiss 5|8|2005

Die Wiener Ärztekammer warnt ausdrücklich vor übermäßigem Handytelefonieren vor allem bei Kindern. Grundlage dafür ist die kürzlich präsentierte "Reflex-Studie", in der eindeutig ein gentoxischer Effekt von Mobilfunkstrahlen nachgewiesen wurde. Als erste Konsequenz daraus hat nun die Ärztekammer einen Leitlinienkatalog erstellt, der konkrete Verhaltensregeln im Umgang mit Handys festlegt.


Die von der EU mit mehr als zwei Mio. Euro geförderte "Reflex-Studie" wurde an mehreren bedeutenden Forschungszentren in Europa - unter anderem auch am Wiener AKH - durchgeführt. Dabei wurde die so genannte Mutagenität einer Substanz, in diesem Fall von elektromagnetischen Feldern, überprüft. Man untersuchte Veränderungen in der Erbsubstanz, die der mögliche Beginn einer Tumorerkrankung sind. Ein Teil der Tests wurde an menschlichen Promyelozyten - einer Vorstufe von Zellen der Blutbildung - durchgeführt. Eine Mutation solcher Zellen kann in weiterer Folge zu Leukämie und ähnlichen Erkrankungen des blutbildenden Systems führen.

Die Ergebnisse aus dieser Studie in einem zusammenfassenden Satz: Es gibt tatsächlich einen gentoxischen Effekt auf menschliche Zellkulturen von Mobilfunkstrahlen in der Stärke, wie sie von jedem GSM-Handy erzeugt werden.

Schon früher zeigten Tierversuche dosisabhängige gentoxische Wirkungen unter hochfrequenter Strahlung. Weiters wurden in Gehirnen von Ratten nach zweistündiger Handybestrahlung vermehrt funktionslose Nervenzellen gefunden. Zwei epidemiologische Untersuchungen zeigten übereinstimmend ein drei- bis vierfach erhöhtes Risiko für Hörnervtumoren nach zehnjähriger Handynutzung.


Mit der nun vorliegenden "Reflexstudie" wurde für alle diese Ergebnisse ein zellbiologischer Zusammenhang nachgewiesen. Erik Huber, Referent für Umweltmedizin der Ärztekammer für Wien: "Würden Medikamente dieselben Prüfergebnisse wie Handystrahlen liefern, müsste man sie sofort vom Markt nehmen."

Diese wurden häufig, aber keineswegs immer von der Zelle repariert. "Es blieben Schäden für die nachfolgenden Generationen übrig", sagte der Projektleiter. Damit habe sich die Veränderung praktisch fortgepflanzt. Solche Prozesse könnten womöglich Ausgangspunkt für Krebserkrankungen sein. Derzeit werde in der Wissenschaft auch spekuliert, ob hierin eine Ursache für das Entstehen von Alzheimer liege.

"Uns geht es nicht darum, Aufregung zu verbreiten", stellte Adlkofer klar. "Aber mit dieser Erkenntnis wage ich nicht mehr zu sagen, dass wir auf Vorsorgemaßnahmen verzichten können." Vorerst dürfte es aber genügen, in unnötigen Fällen auf das Telefonieren mit Handys zu verzichten. Wer sicher gehen wolle, könne zudem eine Freisprech-Ausrüstung (Head-Set) benutzen.


Adlkofer mahnte weitere Forschung an und ergänzte, es werde auch unter guten Voraussetzung sicherlich nochmals vier bis fünf Jahre dauern, bis ernsthafte Ergebnisse zu den Auswirkungen von Handy-Strahlung auf den Menschen vorhanden seien. Er selbst glaube nicht, dass das Risiko - falls vorhanden - groß sei, sagte er. Allerdings könne man nach den Reflex-Ergebnissen auch nicht gänzlich ausschließen, dass in zehn bis 15 Jahren Gehirntumore gehäuft aufträten. "Manche sprechen ja schon heute von einem großen Freilandexperiment, das derzeit läuft."


Ballot Box Equality

by Stuart Comstock-Gay, TomPaine.com

In 1965, a landmark law was passed that banned discrimination during elections. Here's why -- 40 years later -- America still needs it.


Raging Grannies Pics 7/27

This is what Democracy looks like.

Informant: DitziSis

Organic Cotton Beats Bt Cotton in India


Mit dem Sozialstaat stirbt die Demokratie

Eine Erinnerung an die Weimarer Republik - Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten mit der Situation Heute

Von Christoph Butterwegge

In der Weimarer Republik erlebte der Sozialstaat zuerst einen bis dahin nicht gekannten Aufschwung. Während der Weltwirtschaftskrise gegen Ende der 20er-/Anfang der 30er-Jahre wurden er und mit ihm die Demokratie aber schrittweise zerstört. Wie die steigende Massenarbeitslosigkeit, mehr noch jedoch der Abbau des Sozialstaates die junge Republik untergruben, stellt ein Lehrstück historisch-politischer Bildung dar...


Pulsed microwave radiation emissions are causing ill health

Can we all put our heads together and see how we can assist the RSPCA.

----- Original Message ----- From: "stephen" To: "Jackie Ballard" < Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 5:26 PM Subject: Re: re pulsed microwave radiation

Many thanks for your reply and also for your condolences. With regards the absence of a response from the Deputy PM, this is yet another sign of our Government, entrusted with the health and well being of its citizens, choosing to ignore adverse health effects in favour of the multi billion pound telecommunication industry. My concern is that whilst humans make the choice to use mobile phones (myself and partner have long since given up owning a mobile phone), animals in most cases have no option other than to suffer the radiation from the 40,000 plus mobile phone base stations that service them, plus thousands more Tetra base stations, wireless home networks and DECT phones installed in their environment.

Can I ask if you can chase this matter up with the ODPM and I am more than willing to assist in any way possible, e.g. asking others such as acclaimed academics within the field, namely Dr Alfonso Balmori Martinez, Biologist, Spain (copied into this email) to support your/our concerns..


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jackie Ballard" To: <stephen.kearney Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 4:30 PM Subject: re pulsed microwave radiation

Dear Mr Kearney

Thank you for your recent email. I have not received any reply from the Deputy PM and I imagine the long silence even in response to my chase up reminder, means that he will not respond.

I am sorry to hear about your cat's experience and will forward your email to our Chief Veterinary Advisor to see if he has come across any other similiar examples. Jackie Ballard


Here's a copy of my email to Jackie Ballard.

Best regards,

Gill Lyden

EMR emissions causing ill health.
To: Jackie Ballard
From: Gill Lyden
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 10:05:28 EDT An: executive@rspca.org.uk

Dear Jackie Ballard,

I was disturbed to receive a copy of this email as it reflects happenings in my village, Kensworth in 2002 when a cat and a dog (in different houses 20 to 40 metres from an Orange mast which had been activated in Sept. 2001and where humans have experienced symptoms ever since - ongoing!) both developed cancer after a perion of around six months :-

1)howling or yowling in apparent pain.

2) being restless but apparently exhausted.

3) The dog developed small growths on his paws and neck; frequenty vomited; refused food etc. The vet gave medication which did not work and the dog died.

4) The cat developed a tumour in it's throat after changing the habits of it's lifetime by staying in alll day instead of going hunting, lying about exhausted and also voniting frequently and refusing food. The cat had an operation to remove the tumour. was never able to eat proper food again and died three years later.

The white bloodcell count of these animals is unknown but the raised white bloodcell count of teh animal in the folowing email is significant. When the Russians bombarded the American Embassy in Tchaikovsky Street, Moscow with radar (ElectroMagnetic Radio frequency emissions) from 1960s to 70s, many of the embassy staff had 14% raised white blodcell count and Ambassador Walter J Stoessell eventually died of a leukaemia-like disease (white bloodcells apparently proliferate in the case of Leukaemia). recently we have found 2 cases of raised white bloodcell count 100 metres from the mast.

There are reports of increased cases of Leukaemia amongst children in this country along with the proliferation of mobile phone masts. Our villagers suffer from insomnia, headaches, nausea, vertigo, earache and tinnitus, ulcerated mouths and thoats; severe nosebleeds etc. near the mast. several people are inable to sleep in there fromt bedrooms and one man cannot use any of his bedrooms because he feels so ill therein. Attached find a small amount of evidence for effects. (If this is cruelty to animals, what is it to expose human beings to the effects without allowing them to appeals against erection of masts on health grounds? Very sincerely Gillian Lyden Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 8:21 PM Subject: [Mast Network] Another possible victim of base stations

Upon the death of our five year old cat, I am now more than ever convinced that the pulsed microwave radiation emitted by my neighbours mobile phone base station is attributable to adverse health effects. In factual demonstration of my belief, I can advise you that our vet has been unable to offer neither any prognosis for Emily’s condition nor any explanation why Emily’ haematology report dated 04/08/05 shows a low <12% White Blood Cell Count.

Whilst at the vets today. I spoke with a vet I have not seen before and I was surprised to learn that she fully accepts the potential for the resulting ill health in animals and referenced an animals stronger sense to all environmental factors, such as in the Tsunami when the animals went to higher ground. She also advised that her friend, a serving policeman has developed a tumour in his chest directly beneath where he attaches his Tetra handset.

I am eager to pursue communication with this vet as all other avenues with the RSPCA, RSPB, English Nature, etc suggests that these organisations pay lip service only to this matter.


Open letter to Edmund Stoiber, Prime Minister, Germany

Dr Edmund Stoiber State Chancelry PO Box 220011
80535 Munich

Urgent suspicions of serious health damage from pulsed high frequency electromagnetic fields (mobile phone base stations, DECT phones, W-LAN, Bluetooth etc.) at levels below exposure guidelines.

Dear Prime Minister,

Allow me to represent many doctors personally to you.

For eight months doctors in Oberfranken and another places have been making extremely worrying observations of patients, who live in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations. After initial suspicions at locations in Forchheim, Hirschaid, Walsdorf, Memmelsdorf and Bamberg survey measurements were made of 356 such residents in 40 locations, all in Oberfranken. Meanwhile 64 Hofer doctors, 30 Lichtenfelser, 61 Coburger, 20 from Bayreuth and countrywide, added their names to the Bamberger appeal.

The result all these medical findings is as follows.

Many people have become ill with a characteristic combination of symptoms, which is new to us as doctors, at exposure levels far below the guideline limits, which apply only to thermal effects. Residents in the vicinity of masts have one or more of the following symptoms:

Sleep disturbance, tiredness, headache, restlessness, lethargy, irritability, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, trouble finding words, depressive tendency, noises in the ears, impaired hearing, dizziness, nosebleeds, visual disturbances, frequent infections, sinusitis, joint and muscle pains, feeling deaf, palpitations, increased blood pressure, hormone disturbances, gaining weight, hair loss, nocturnal sweating, nausea.

The following statements strengthened our suspicions:

* Frequently, many residents become sick with these symptoms at the same time, when living near a base station
(e.g. Schweinfurt: Eselshöhe, in Kulmbach: Senioren-Wohnanlage Mainpark, in Hof: Kösseinestraße, in Forchheim: Ortsteil Burk).
* Many patients have reported rapid recovery when removed from exposure (by temporary relocation, removal of the source, screening, disconnection).
* After relocation, doctors have proven during re-examination of the patients, among other things, that blood pressure, heart rhythm, hormone disturbances, visual disturbances, neurological symptoms, and blood profile have returned to normal.
* Many doctors’ families have in the course of the last months removed their DECT phones and were thereafter free among other things from headache, concentration disturbances, dizziness, restlessness, tinnitus, and sleep disturbance.

We therefore requested the responsible authorities (Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Conservation and Nuclear Safety, members of the Radiation Protection Commission and the WHO) to organise local health surveys. Despite the serious, medical concern, all the authorities have refused to investigate the (to some degree) intolerable living conditions of those living locally.

Not one official health survey has...

EMR Reduces Melatonin in Animals and People


This is a copy of a letter I have received today.


Dear Mr Kearney

May I sincerely apologise for the elate reply to your letter dated 25/01/05, I thought I had replied in early February. Thank you for your letter dated 25/01/05 sent to the SSPCA Chief Executive, Mrs Kay Driver regarding environmental pollution. I found the content very interesting indeed and I have also looked at a few other websites that to one degree of another verify what you write.

Like our English counterparts the RSPCA, this is a subject that we as a Society have had few dealings with or indeed concerns raised.

The Society would obviously be concerned given some of the detail that you have included, e.g. infertility, stillbirths, emaciation etc, all of which indicate biological changes to the animals concerned. It is correct that one of the primary functions of planning control for such masts is out ensure public health and safety, animal wealth and welfare are always ranked lower in this regard, however, such animal welfare research could be taken into account to gauge the risk to public and therefore should be used or atleast considered.

I assume that with all such contentious issues there will be contradictory advice available, however, we will use your letter and the details on the 'hese' site when relevant questions are asked of the Society, either from the public, local authorities or indeed the Scottish Executive.

The Scottish SPCA is an active member of PAW (Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime) which in Scotland is chaired by the Scottish Executive, we will raise this issue at the next meeting in September to see if there are any other opinions available.

I will also pass the letter to Scottish Natural Heritage who are the advisory body on environmental issues tot he Scottish Executive.

Yours sincerely

Michael Flynn

Unwinnable Wars?

Eric Leser asks: "How will the American Army be able to progressively retreat from Iraq if the insurrection doesn't wane?"


Roberts Admits Lobbying Omission in Sworn Documents

Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. acknowledged Wednesday that he had registered as a lobbyist for the cosmetics industry in 2001 - a fact he omitted on a questionnaire he delivered to a Senate committee Tuesday.


New Documents Show FBI Targeting Peaceful Protesters

The American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado today released new documents that it says confirm that the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) is inappropriately treating people who engage in peaceful protest as potential terrorists.


From Information Clearing House

Former Ambassador Urges U.S. Officials To Leak More Memos

The former ambassador to Afghanistan, Ann Wright, called on U.S. federal employees to leak more secret memos on the lead-up to the war in Iraq like Downing Street memos uncovered by the British press this last May.


From Information Clearing House


Three ways to make us all safer

Support the police, treat Muslims with respect and pull out of Iraq.

Respect Islamic world's contributions

The astonishing blind spot in Western mentality that paints Islam as being a religion of violence is so bizarre as to be perplexing. How has it become so easy to overlook centuries of Christian aggression and blood-letting.


From Information Clearing House

A new credo for the hyperpower

To improve its influence and image in the world, the US should refrain from building new nuclear weapons, scrap the Bush doctrine of preventive war and regime change, break its climate-changing oil habit, and recommit to international rule-making organisations such as the UN.


From Information Clearing House

US challenged over 'secret jails'

Two Yemeni men claim they were held in secret, underground US jails for more than 18 months without being charged, Amnesty International has said.


From Information Clearing House

The Plight of Pvt. Jonathan Barriga, USMC

Jonathan was a young man in high school when the Marine recruiter approached him about joining the Marines “Delayed Entry” program.


Marine killings in Iraq send new warning sign to Bush

Another day of carnage in Iraq threatened to deal a new blow to brittle public backing for President George W. Bush's handling of the war, as 14 Marines perished in a roadside bombing.


From Information Clearing House

Family Members Of U.S. Military Killed In Iraq To Protest At Bush's Country Estate

George Bush said, "We have to honor the sacrifices of the fallen by completing the mission." "The families of the fallen can be assured that they died for a noble cause." Members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) are going to George's vacation home in Crawford, Tx this Saturday, August 6th at 11:00 am to confront him on these two statements.


I am a concerned veteran of the Iraq War

By John Bruhns

My view of the situation in Iraq will differ from what the American People are being told by the Bush Administration. My opinions on this matter come from what I witnessed in Iraq personally.


Iraq's Child Prisoners

A Sunday Herald investigation has discovered that coalition forces are holding more than 100 children in jails such as Abu Ghraib. Witnesses claim that the detainees - some as young as 10 - are also being subjected to rape and torture.


Globalisation is an Anomaly and Its Time is Running Out


Hiroshima Spirits, Nagasaki Voices: Learning from the First Ground Zeroes


Astronaut's View: Environmental Destruction


Inspectorate allows Hutchison mast

When “Our Mast” in London Road in Worcestershire got the planning permission (Conservation area, listed buildings) it was based on this: As Louise Cook, AAP Consult wrote to Peter Yates, Head of Planning in Worcester :

Quote: “Any minor environmental impact that may be perceived is outweighed by the NEED for the development as part of Hutchison 3G´s network in the city”

This “MINOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT” forced us to abandon our home and find somewhere else to live and work because of the effects the emission from the equipment induced on us.

But I wonder!

We managed to sell the house on the 27th of August LAST YEAR.

Who to?

Hutchison 3G?

I wonder, because the house is still empty. No-one has lived there since we were forced out.

The house is a large, grade 2 listed, 200 year old, Georgian “Gentleman’s” house.

(These kind of houses cannot afford to stand empty, unkempt, they need care. Sorry I still love this house and I bleed for its and ours rape and misfortune)

We (and Dr. Hyland who took some measurements in there) were told the house was empty because the new owners wanted to make extensive changes to the lay out of the house.

With a listed house this needs extensive planning permission.

There has been no application for a planning permission, except for a new garden gate, which was granted (but which has not been done).

But what there has been done is: A listed Holly tree has been felled. The Holly tree (like the house itself) blinded the path of the mast beams to the area across from the mast.

Hutchison 3G people are devious, nasty people (I met them and their solicitors in court, and have been stuck with them since 2003) they are prepared to lie (and do) to get what they want.

They have no regard for our lives or well being, only their profit target. (Targets, ring a bell?)

So, they have paid a lot of money for a license and they do not care the least who it poisons.

They are in it for the quick profit, for a Chinese company.

So, who is surprised?

Their trail is coated with gold, and they are willing to spread that to anyone who will do as they ask.

Best regards.

Agnes .



Agnes - I expect you are aware of Hutchison's background? I asked Corporate Watch to look into them for me when I had to fight them in Bath. This is the horrid truth about them - it is the second item down the page at this link



The Selling Out of America




Dear Congressman, About Your CAFTA Vote

We Were Winning and Doing Nothing But Good in Vietnam Too


ON THE ROPES: Don't expect much noise from the Democrats over Ohio


US-Justizbehörde ermittelt gegen Mercedes


Zum 60. Jahrestag von Hiroshima und Nagasaki - Millionen Krebstote durch Atomtests

Pax Christi-Erklärung

Weltappell - Zum 60. Jahrestag von Hiroshima und Nagasaki

Die Menschen von Hiroshima und Nagasaki erfuhren den gewaltigen, tiefgreifenden, lang anhaltenden Horror und das Trauma der Atombombenabwürfe vom 6. und 9. August 1945. Sie erlebten das höllische Ende jener Welt, das Nuklearwaffen für uns bereit halten können. Sechzig Jahre haben die Überlebenden alles in ihrer Macht stehende unternommen, um eine einzige Botschaft zu verkünden: Es darf nie wieder passieren. Werden sie diese Welt erfolgreich aus ihrer irrsinnigen nuklearen Trance erwecken? Oder wird die Vergangenheit vergessen - und wiederholt?


Millionen Krebstote durch Atomtests

Vor 60 Jahren, am 16. Juli 1945, wurde in Alamogordo in der Wüste Neumexikos in den USA mit "Trinity" der erste Atomtest gezündet. Seitdem haben die fünf Atomwaffenstaaten USA, UdSSR, Frankreich, Großbritannien und China 2.045 Atomwaffentests in der Atmosphäre und unterirdisch durchgeführt. Das bedeutet: Bis 1998 gab es alle anderthalb Wochen einen Test. Zusätzlich führten Indien und Pakistan zwölf Tests durch. Der weltweite Anstieg von Krebserkrankungen ist auf den radioaktiven Fallout der Atombombentests der Jahre 1957 bis 1963 zurückzuführen.


Appell zum Hiroshimatag

Die Ärztinnen und Ärzte der Internationalen Friedensorganisation IPPNW, 1985 mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet, erlauben uns, Sie auf die gemeinsame Chance hinzuweisen, mit der bevorstehenden Bundestagswahl einen demokratischen Einfluss in einer lebenswichtigen Frage auszuüben.


Knowing me, knowing you

Guardian [UK]
by Victor Keegan


If George Orwell were alive now (21 years after the London he depicted in 1984) he would be astonished by the fact that the sort of surveillance he feared is supported not by a government imposing it from above on an unwilling population but by a groundswell of popular support. That's not a problem at the moment. But it will be in future, either if we sign away civil liberties permanently in response to a temporary emergency or if the cost of installing the infrastructure becomes so huge that it erodes our personal prosperity. Either way, Bin Laden would have won...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Perks of a one-party town

Tom Paine
by David Corn


Ahhh, the benefits of a one-party town. For the party in charge, that is -- not the citizens. Consider this. Senior White House aides leak classified information to discredit a policy critic -- an action that may have imperiled important anti-WMD operations of the CIA -- and Congress doesn't bother to investigate. In fact, Sen. Pat Roberts, the Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has said he would investigate special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's inquiry, rather than the initial wrongdoing (which may or may not be a crime). Why are no congressional GOPers publicly upset about the Plame/CIA leak? Could it be that the leaks were committed by fellow Republicans? Capitol Hill Republicans cannot argue that Congress should not investigate the leaks because a special prosecutor is already probing the matter. During the Whitewater days, Republicans routinely investigated issues being scrutinized by an independent counsel. No, it's duck and cover (up)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democracy demands ousting the incumbent class

Fox News
By Patrick Basham


These days, there are fewer and fewer competitive congressional elections. That is a very worrisome trend, because political competition matters a great deal. More candidates for office and the increased turnover of representatives produce better choices for voters. Political competition also heightens voter interest, stimulates the adoption of distinctive policies by candidates and parties, and produces higher voter turnout. This is not the outcome our constitutional framers intended. The House of Representatives was designed to be the legislative body most responsive to public opinion. But the decline in competitiveness makes the House less representative. This is not the outcome our constitutional framers intended...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The political spectrum con

Free Market News Network
by Nelson Hultberg


"One of the most important issues in today's world entails a very exasperating fallacy being implanted into the American mind in order to justify the massive centralization of modern government. It is our academic world's warping of the political spectrum. What the American people are being taught as the political left, center, and right is a severe distortion of the facts of reality. Unfortunately such a distorted view is widely prevalent because most Americans have been educated in our government controlled school system...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Blood and gravy

Moscow Times
by Chris Floyd


Yes, it's once more unto the breach with Halliburton, the gargantuan government contractor that still pays Cheney, its former CEO, enormous annual sums in 'deferred compensation' and stock options -- even while he presides over a White House war council that has steered more than $10 billion in no-bid Iraqi war contracts back to his corporate paymaster. This is rainmaking of monsoon proportions. Indeed, the company's military servicing wing announced a second-quarter profit spike of 284 percent last week -- a feast of blood and gravy that will send Cheney's stock options soaring into the stratosphere. But although Halliburton has already entered the American lexicon as a byword for rampant cronyism, the true extent of its dense and deadly web of graft is only now emerging, most recently in a remarkable public hearing that revealed some of the corporation's standard business practices in Iraq: fraud, extortion, brutality, pilferage, theft -- even serving rotten food to U.S. soldiers in the battle zone...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The coming storm

The Price of Liberty
by Sue Callaway


I've been called a pessimist -- and much worse, of course. As much as I would love to see the hopeful future come, the reality of ever increasing evil and injustice stands squarely in the way. Each day the news -- what we are allowed to see -- tells of more and more encroachment by government on our privacy and liberty, property and productivity. Each new outrage brings cries from the hopeful that "this time" the people will awaken and begin to fight the tyranny, but those who actually even protest are few and far between. Those who continue to trust in the law and constitution are many, and it is hard to imagine the depths of slavery they will endure before they finally admit that they waited too long. We are already tied hand and foot and resistance by isolated individuals is inspiring, but futile in affecting any change in the tyrants...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Guardians of the contract

Sierra Times
by Chris Adamo


The rapidly intensifying dispute over the proper makeup of the Supreme Court, and in particular, the possible confirmation of John Roberts to replace retiring Justice Sandra O'Connor has, by its very nature highlighted the recently metastasizing role of the courts in American law. To understand the framework of the present debate, a review of the Constitution's significance to the structure of American government must be undertaken. Much controversy has erupted over the rampant judicial activism recently occurring in America's courts. And people are right to be concerned. The role of judges should be simply to interpret the tenets of the Constitution, and to decide whether or not a particular case being tried involves a violation of those tenets. It is no less than the sworn oath of each member of the Court to abide by the Constitution as the ultimate guide in such decision-making...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Federalist Society: Judicial think tank, or a plot?

Christian Science Monitor


Suspicion that hidden groups sway the powerful and subvert democracy routinely surfaces in American life, especially at times when the country is deeply divided. In early decades of the Republic, the whispers were about Freemasons. Later, they ranged from bankers and communists to the Trilateral Commission. Now, it's the Federalist Society. In the run-up to the first Supreme Court confirmation in more than a decade, the group is drawing fire, especially as Democrats sharpen their line of questioning about court nominee John Roberts and his links to the society. On its face, the Federalist Society is just another think tank in a town awash with them. But critics see something more -- a well-oiled juggernaut out to remake the courts in the image of Robert Bork...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US tortures detainees in secret locations

ABC News Online [Australia]


Amnesty International has accused the United States of complicity in the torture and detention of terrorism suspects in secret locations around the world. In a report to be released later today, Amnesty International details the stories of two Yemeni men who were both tortured for four days in Jordan before spending 18 months in secret detention. Amnesty says the men are still being held in prison in Yemen at the behest of US authorities, without being charged. Amnesty believes the men's stories are part of a broader picture of US secret detentions centres around the world...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Arbeitsloser darf Ein-Euro-Job ablehnen - Sozialgericht: Jobcenter handelte "klar rechtswidrig"

„Ein 24-Jähriger kann nach einem Eilentscheid des Sozialgerichts nicht gezwungen werden, einen Ein-Euro-Job anzunehmen. Der Erwerbslose muss wegen seiner Ablehnung des Jobs auch nicht mit der üblichen Kürzung des Arbeitslosengeldes rechnen. Vielmehr, so das Gericht, habe der Mann einen "klar rechtswidrigen Zustand" von sich aus beendet…“ Artikel von Marlies Emmerich in der Berliner Zeitung vom 01.08.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 5. August 2005

ALG II widerspricht Menschenwürde und Sozialstaatsgebot: »Hier ist man mit der Sense vorgegangen«

ALG II widerspricht Menschenwürde und Sozialstaatsgebot – trotz gegenteiligem Gerichtsurteil. Ein Gespräch mit Ulrich Schneider, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverbandes (DPWV), von Daniel Behruzi in junge Welt vom 04.08.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 5. August 2005

Callcenter ermittelt Daten von Arbeitslosengeld-II-Beziehenden

Trittbrettfahrer nicht auszuschließen

„Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) hat bestätigt, dass ein Privatunternehmen mit der telefonischen Überprüfung von Datensätzen beauftragt wurde. Betroffene fühlen sich überrumpelt von der unangekündigten Telefonabfrage persönlicher Daten. Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen (BAG-SHI) rät, am Telefon keine Auskünfte zu erteilen, denn alle Angeben sind freiwillig, die Nichtbeantwortung zieht keine Sanktionen nach sich…“ Pressemitteilung von BAG-SHI vom 28.07.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 5. August 2005

Zurück ins Beschäftigungssystem

Arbeitsamt und Arbeitszwang

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"Zurück ins Beschäftigungssystem!" oder "Arbeit I und Arbeit II" - Diskurs bei LabourNet Germany mit dem Zentralbereich S / S 21 der Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Ergänzender Offener Brief von Antonín Dick vom 14. Juli 2005 (pdf)


Aus: LabourNet, 5. August 2005

5. September 2005: Bundesweiter dezentraler Aktionstag "Hartzschluss"

Sowohl das Aktionsbündnis der Sozialproteste als auch die Versammlung der sozialen Bewegungen haben auf dem Sozialforum in Erfurt (21.-24.7.) beschlossen, am 5. September in möglichst über 50 Städten zentral-dezentrale Aktionen im Sinne einer Hartzschluss-Kampagne umzusetzen. Alle Gruppen der sozialen Bewegung sind eingeladen, mit ihren Aktionen die Kampagne mitzugestalten.…. Siehe dazu

den vorläufigen Aufruf: 6-Stunden-Normalarbeitstag durchsetzen, um Erwerbsarbeit zu verteilen - Hartz-Gesetze zurücknehmen – bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen einführen (pdf)

Hartzschluss / Aktionsideen

Kontaktadresse: die-soziale-bewegung@web.de

Die Kampagnenseite http://www.die-soziale-bewegung.de/

Am 20. August wird es hierzu in Gera ein Arbeitstreffen geben: von 11 Uhr bis 16 Uhr in der Gaststätte Burgkeller, in der Schuhgasse 2, direkt am Rathaus, ca. 6-7 Minuten vom Bahnhof entfernt.

Aus: LabourNet, 5. August 2005

Curbing the Influence of the Drug Industry



Wells Journal Somerset

18:00 - 04 August 2005

Outraged Wells residents have vowed to fight plans to put a mobile telephone mast at the top of Bath Road. It was standing room only in St Thomas's Church Hall on Friday evening when about 150 people turned out to have their say and ask a Mendip District Council planning officer questions about the proposal.

Mobile telecommunications company Hutchinson 3G want to put a 12-metre high mast on a small piece of grass next to the former garage site, but nearby residents are up in arms about the proposal, saying that it is too close to houses and schools.

Hutchinson 3G declined an invitation to send a representative to the meeting, but did agree to answer any questions posed in writing and said that they would be happy to consider other sites as long as the coverage would not be affected.

At the meeting Mendip planning officer Matt Williams explained that because the mast is less than 15-metres high it does not need planning permission, but that the applicants must still submit an application and planning officers do have the authority to recommend that the application be refused.

However, he went on to tell the crowd that any reasons for refusal must be based on "sound planning grounds", and that these are fairly limited. When considering an application, an officer considers the operational need, visual amenity, health effects and the impact on neighbours' living conditions and highway safety before making his decision.

Mr Williams said that in the case of mobile telephone masts applicants must look into mast sharing, or putting the mast next to another one wherever possible and that if it is decided that there will be some level of visual impact then the council will balance the need against the harmful effect.

He also explained to what extent health issues could be considered.

He said: "If it is stated in an application that the mast would comply with international guidelines then local planning authorities should not consider the health effects further, and this is stated in this application.

"But, although an application cannot be refused on the basis that we do not know what the health risks are, it can be refused on the perceived health effects and the impact that the anxiety has on people's living conditions." The residents were then given the opportunity to ask questions, which ranged from the possibility of sharing existing sites with other telecommunication providers, to the possible effects on television reception.

Ward councillor Simon Davies said: "I strongly advise people who have concerns to write to the planning officer.

"You cannot think that someone else will do it." Ward councillor Roy Mackenzie said: "I told Mendip District Council that there would be concerns and questioned the need and said that if I took part in the decision-making process I would listen to all sides." Eveyone seemed to agree that they would fight the proposal, with one angry resident saying: "We will not let this rest.

"If it goes through then we will make life very difficult for them." Some of the residents have decided to form a group, Wells Householders Against Masts (WHAM) to fight the application.

All letters must be received by Mendip District Council by August 10, and planning officers will make their decision by August 24.

County Councillor John Osman, who chaired the meeting, said: "I am concerned about the proposed location of this application.

"Surely there are better alternative sites that are further away from residential areas and the local school."


Handys laut Ärztekammer für Kinder gefährlich


Do the police use TETRA while driving?

Do the police use TETRA while driving? Is hands free the answer? I observed a policewoman in a car using a TETRA handset, no external antenna (!). The MTHR (DfT) study, somewhat buried (pp. 87-99) concludes:

http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_rdsafety/documents/page/dft_rdsafety_033662.pdf (total 206 pages of other road safety things)

‘Driving performance clearly suffers when the driver is performing a simultaneous task. The results of most driving measures showed similar fall off in performance for each of the three driving conditions. However, there was an interesting and important difference in reaction time results that showed the worst performance scores in the hands-free condition. This result was complemented by the subjective workload scores that showed hands-free conversation rated higher than in-vehicle tasks or talking to a passenger. By looking at the conversation itself, we have shown a distinct difference between talking over the carphone and talking to a passenger. There is an important difference between communicating with a passenger who is directly involved in the concurrent drive, and with one that is remote and uninvolved.’

No direct link from the MTHR website to this. In fact the website is really out of date and useless for homing in on any of the direct research results.

Other driving/mobile links at http://www.tetrawatch.net/main/news.php


Diese Land ist wie ein in die Jahre gekommener Garten

Jeder Gartenliebhaber kennt es, mit den Jahren wird der Rasen zunehmend dünner und zeigt lichte Flächen, gerade wenn er nicht regelmäßig ordentlich gepflegt wird. Der Wurzelfilz der Rasenfläche wird immer dicker und undurchdringlicher, und nur noch einzelne Grasbüschel schießen und treiben für jeden erkennbar über die Fläche hinaus. Daneben sich ausweitende dürre, kahle Stellen.

Dabei dringt kaum noch Wasser bis an die Wurzelspitzen, nicht bei den stärksten Wolkenbrüchen, die Nährstoffe aus dem Boden lösen sich nicht mehr, und können weder der Basis, noch dem Rasen verfügbar gemacht werden. Der Filz saugt und absorbiert recht unproduktiv, ist immer aufnahmebereit und gibt höchst wenig zurück.

Darunter leidet die Vitalität der ganzen Fläche, der Rasen verkümmert.

Wenn dann das Grün noch von in die Höhe schießenden Bäumen umschlossen wird, der Schattenwurf auch noch die energiebringende Sonne abhält, kümmert der Rasen nur noch unwillig vor sich hin, -verkümmert.

So geht es diesem Land, die Verbände, die Parteien, die sozialen Sicherungssysteme und sogar die Verwaltung, die immensen Gesetzesberge und kommunalen Systeme, - sie saugen die Mittel auf, wie der zu dick gewordenen Wurzelfilz des Rasens, und alle werden von den schattenwerfenden Konzernen überragt, die global sich immer die belastbarsten Flächen mit dem saftigsten Grün suchen und dann der Lebensenergie berauben.


Es gibt Lösungen, sie liegen greifbar vor uns, doch keiner will sie aufheben.

Aus: Newsletter LVTH August 05

Technik lenkt ab - Mitarbeiter genervt


Aus: Newsletter LVTH August 05

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