
Inspectorate allows Hutchison mast

When “Our Mast” in London Road in Worcestershire got the planning permission (Conservation area, listed buildings) it was based on this: As Louise Cook, AAP Consult wrote to Peter Yates, Head of Planning in Worcester :

Quote: “Any minor environmental impact that may be perceived is outweighed by the NEED for the development as part of Hutchison 3G´s network in the city”

This “MINOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT” forced us to abandon our home and find somewhere else to live and work because of the effects the emission from the equipment induced on us.

But I wonder!

We managed to sell the house on the 27th of August LAST YEAR.

Who to?

Hutchison 3G?

I wonder, because the house is still empty. No-one has lived there since we were forced out.

The house is a large, grade 2 listed, 200 year old, Georgian “Gentleman’s” house.

(These kind of houses cannot afford to stand empty, unkempt, they need care. Sorry I still love this house and I bleed for its and ours rape and misfortune)

We (and Dr. Hyland who took some measurements in there) were told the house was empty because the new owners wanted to make extensive changes to the lay out of the house.

With a listed house this needs extensive planning permission.

There has been no application for a planning permission, except for a new garden gate, which was granted (but which has not been done).

But what there has been done is: A listed Holly tree has been felled. The Holly tree (like the house itself) blinded the path of the mast beams to the area across from the mast.

Hutchison 3G people are devious, nasty people (I met them and their solicitors in court, and have been stuck with them since 2003) they are prepared to lie (and do) to get what they want.

They have no regard for our lives or well being, only their profit target. (Targets, ring a bell?)

So, they have paid a lot of money for a license and they do not care the least who it poisons.

They are in it for the quick profit, for a Chinese company.

So, who is surprised?

Their trail is coated with gold, and they are willing to spread that to anyone who will do as they ask.

Best regards.

Agnes .



Agnes - I expect you are aware of Hutchison's background? I asked Corporate Watch to look into them for me when I had to fight them in Bath. This is the horrid truth about them - it is the second item down the page at this link




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