
Omega-News Collection 22. January 2005

WARNING: Major MT Shift in Progress

Another X-Class Flare Coming Our Way

Geomagnetic Storm Warning

Why the Sun Seems to Be 'Diming'

Scientists witness hundreds of cracks in the sea ice

Alaska's retreating glaciers seen as evidence Earth is warming

Increasing US Media Concern About Global Weather Chaos

Deep Sea Invasion

Disaster Looms for Megacities, UN Official Says

Preventing disaster

Is 'Super Volcano' About To Blow?

Oppose New Forest Planning Rules

Kleenex wipes away ancient Canadian forests

Another Form of Neo-colonialism - Genetically modified seeds in Africa

Monsanto legal assault on U.S.farmers

GM Cotton that People Forgot

Hungary Bans Monsanto GMO Maize Seeds

Campaign Launched Against Dietary Supplements

Bodman Vows to Expand Alaska Oil Drilling

Scientists witness hundreds of cracks in the sea ice


Apocalypse Soon: Has Environmental Abuse Finally Gone too Far?

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War


EMF-Omega-News 15. January 2004

EMF-Omega-News 22. January 2004

EMF-Omega-News 22. January 2004

Letter to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes

The Pain Of Knowledge

Hello? Hello? Is anybody listening?


Pollution linked to childhood cancers


GP fights telephone masts that 'give her family migraines'

Evidence, which all authorities responsible for allowing masts to be placed near homes are ignoring

Mobile phones are emphatically not safe

ELMRF emissions cause serious health problems

All Microwave Transmission is unsafe and can harm Humans and Animals

Researches Find Mobile Phones Can 'Excite' Antigens


Interphone study: Industry funded

Public workers 'concerned' by phone mast siting

Councillor Roy Pennington accuses phone mast campaigners of "scaremongering"

Phone mast wipes £50,000 off house value

Play area unsuitable for phone mast plan

In Belgium they were obliged by law to lower the densities of the mobile base stations

Motorola partners with sunglasses maker for wireless devices

AMNESTY ONLINE January 21, 2005

Amnesty International USA
January 21, 2005
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In this issue:

-- Reform US Policy and Stop Torture, Amnesty Tells US Government
-- Human Rights in Brief
-- Take Action
-- More

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Amnesty International has appealed to President Bush to make the eradication of torture and ill-treatment by US agents, as well as the USA's full compliance with international law and standards for the treatment and trial of detainees, a hallmark of his second term in office. The appeal was sent to coincide with the President's inauguration.

US detention and interrogation policies in the aftermath of September 11 have flouted hard-won principles of human rights. Individual detainees and their families, the rule of law and the reputation of the USA have suffered. Further, US policy and practice have set a bad example for those governments looking for justification to employ their own repressive conduct.


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Organize a teach-in on February 2 - President Bush's State of the Union address.

President Bush's upcoming State of the Union address is an opportunity for Amnesty International members around the country to bring attention to US policy and practices on detention and interrogation in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo. Together, we can help expose these abuses and push for reform. Your efforts will make a difference! Find out how you can participate.


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Wear an Amnesty International t-shirt and introduce everyone to our critical work. That's how we get stronger, and that's how lives get saved.


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To ensure an end to impunity for the worst crimes committed in conflicts in the Sudan, Amnesty International is calling on the UN Security Council to refer the situation in the country, including Darfur, to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

Learn more:

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Amnesty International is calling for a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into reports that members of the Maltese armed forces have subjected scores of asylum-seekers and unauthorized migrants to physical assault resulting in numerous injuries.

Learn more:

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The only way to ensure respect for human rights in mental health systems and in-patient facilities in Europe is through effective enforcement of international human rights standards.

Read more:

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Despite 21 years of war crimes and crimes against humanity, not one single perpetrator has been brought to justice in Sudan. Write to the US Secretary of State urging the UN Security Council to ensure that perpetrators of grave crimes in Sudan are now brought to justice.


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Respect for human dignity and the rule of law are central to the pursuit of security. And yet Guantánamo has become an icon of lawlessness, with mounting evidence -- including allegations by FBI agents -- that Guantánamo detainees have been tortured and ill-treated.


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During the 2005 National Week of Student Action (NWSA), hundreds of Amnesty International student groups throughout the United States will engage in a week of coordinated action on the PATRIOT Act.

Sign Up Today:

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005 -- all day
Opposition to the Death Penalty: States Leading the Way

More than 40 state legislatures convene in January for the start of the 2005 legislative session. Find out how state legislatures are leading the opposition to the death penalty and what you can do to get involved in the fight by participating in the Moving Ideas Network and Amnesty International online chat.

Submit your question now:

January, 31 2005 - all day
Taking 'Stock' of Corporate Behavior: Using shareholder activism to promote and defend human rights

Since the 1970s, shareholders have used their power as stock owners to press companies for change on a wide range of human rights issues. These issues have included doing business under repressive regimes (such as apartheid South Africa or military ruled Burma); corporate use of security forces (as has occurred in Nigeria and Indonesia); and poor working conditions in factories.

Submit your question now:



Bush Inauguration Protests


Informant: ItalysBadBoy

Another X-Class Flare Coming Our Way


Scientists witness hundreds of cracks in the sea ice

WARNING: Major MT Shift in Progress

Geomagnetic Storm Warning

Alaska's retreating glaciers seen as evidence Earth is warming

In Belgium they were obliged by law to lower the field strength of the mobile base stations

You certainly know by now that here in Belgium they were obliged by law to lower the field strength of the mobile base stations.

The maximun output has to be now 0.614 Volts/m !

I have measured them up and they have lowered the output power !

Why lowered they the output power if the radiation is not dangerous as they pretend?


Bush and Freedom


The Empire of Vulgarity


An Empty Exercise in Deceit


Choose Whose Words You Use


Why I'll Refuse to Fight in this Immoral War


Was Election 2004 Our Last Chance to Hold Bush in Check?


Inaugural Protests in Many Cities


Second Term is Met by a Mourning March

Coronation farce deepens

The Inauguration of Royalty and the Sycophantic Media

January 20 Impeachment Reportback

Play area unsuitable for phone mast plan

A MOBILE phone company has been refused planning permission to erect a phone mast next to a children's play area.

Hutchinson 3G wanted to erect the 12m mast, with its three-metre dish, in the car park of the Plough Inn at Mountsett in Dipton.

But Derwentside District Council's development control committee said the potential impact on health was uncertain and refused the application.

Committee chairman Eric Turner said: "Health concerns were the crux of the matter for the refusal of this application.

"It would be fine if we could put them in isolated areas but that will not always work because they need to be strategically placed to provide coverage."

As well as health concerns, councillors considered that the mast would detract from the area of outstanding natural beauty.

In the one letter of protest, neighbours raised worries about the impact the mast would have on wildlife as well its impact on local views.

People also questioned whether it would be safe as the area is prone to high winds.

The committee rejected the advice of senior planning officer Simon le Jeune, who recommended that the application be approved.

He said: "The site at the Plough Inn was selected because out of all the sites considered it was the most optimal environmental and network solution.

"The operator has a lack of coverage in this area and it is clear that the location of a new slim monopole mast in this location would be the most appropriate to meet their operational needs."

© Copyright 2005 Newsquest Media Group


From Mast Network News

Phone mast wipes £50,000 off house value

Elizabeth Hopkirk, Evening Standard

21 January 2005

A WOMAN told today how a mobile phone mast has wiped £50,000 off the value of her house.

Jennifer Redman had her property valued at the start of December at between £430,000 and £440,000. Three weeks later the mast was put up on a telephone pole almost on her doorstep.

Her estate agent in the Buckinghamshire town of Marlow, immediately reduced the valuation to between £380,000 and £390,000 - a drop of more than 10%. 'I was shocked,' said Mrs Redman, who has lived in the four-bedroom house for 30 years.

'I had been thinking for some time about moving somewhere smaller because the children have left home. But I can't afford to now because I won't be able to find anything I like for £380,000. Prices in Marlow are very high.

'I had been hoping to release some capital to give to my children, but I can't now. I'm stuck. My neighbours are horrified too. One couple only moved in six months ago and they've got two small children. They wouldn't have bought the house if they'd known.'

Now she and other furious residents are consulting lawyers to see if they can have the mast, which is also close to two schools, removed.

'We had around 200 signatures on a petition but the district council have taken no notice. It makes me angry that they have overridden everyone's objections,' said Mrs Redman, 67.

The letter from Hamptons International estate agency said: 'I regret to inform you that due to the erection of the mobile phone mast and its proximity-to your property, we will need to revise the asking price of your property to around £380,000-£390,000. Our experience shows that mobile phone masts have an adverse effect on potential purchasers.'

The main concerns over mobile phone masts are their appearance and suspected health risks. Many people believe the masts are responsible for headaches and dizziness and even - in the long term - cancer. Fears for children's health are particularly serious.

David Adams, sales director at Hamptons International, said: 'There are two ways mobile phone masts affect property prices - by being close to one and actually looking out over it. In this case it's both, so it's a double whammy.'

A spokesman for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors said there was no way of calculating the exact effect of a phone mast on property prices. 'You have to treat it as any other kind of blight, like being next to a smelly glue factory, a noisy garage, a cliff, a wind farm or something really ugly,' he said.

T-Mobile did not need planning permission for the mast because it is classified as street furniture. It applied to the council for permission to erect the mast on the lamp-post and paid a one-off administration fee. It does not pay rent for the site.

A T-Mobile spokesman said: 'No community is untouched by the impact of the infrastructure needed to deliver the public services modern society depends upon, whether it is roads, railways, telecommunications, radio, television or electricity.

'However, T-Mobile has a firm commitment to the environment and we work hard to minimise the visual impact of our base stations.'


From Mast Network News

Councillor Roy Pennington accuses phone mast campaigners of "scaremongering"

I've modified Jennifers excellent piece on Adam Burgess as a response to Roy Penningtons irresponsible letter to The Argus commending him (hope you don't mind Jennifer) and copied it below. If anyone is thinking of sending a letter to The Argus, do check your letter doesn't sound like similar to mine and try to keep it to below 250 wwords (though I couldn't).


Graham, Brighton

Councillor Roy Pennington (Argus Jan 21) accuses phone mast campaigners of "scaremongering" and advises people to read Dr Adam Burgess's work which denies that they are harmful.

Sir William Stewart, the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor and head of the National Radiological Protection Board, has renewed his call for a ban on children under 8 using mobiles, and for 9 to 14 year olds to only use them in emergencies. Several countries have already banned their use by the under 16s. He is concerned that scientific research from around the world shows evidence of serious harm from radiation from mobile phones and masts well below the current International Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection guidelines. He recommends new planning laws to protect the health and safety of the public, and that masts should not be placed near schools.

Unable to argue the real science, the best the Telecom companies can do is call on the services of shrinks and the likes of sociologist Adam Burgess, to subtly imply that Sir William Stewart is psychologically ill equipped for his job. The feeling one gets is that the British public are mentally unhinged if they take seriously the precautionary approach advised by Stewart. “It’s all inconsequential,” the ubiquitous Dr Burgess states.

As he does his many interviews, spinning some outrageous propaganda for the telecom companies and hyping his silly book, his "throw caution to the wind’ attitude with regard to the health and safety of children is criminally irresponsible.

When Mast Sanity member Jennifer Johnson raised this point in a phone-in with Dr Burgess, all he could do was laugh. When it comes down to the real argument, people like this simply aren’t up to the job. However, why point out their failings? The national organisation Mast Sanity is now gaining huge momentum, and it's very much to our advantage to have people like Dr Burgess batting for the other side.

It is truly shocking and criminal that anyone should advocate such dangerous nonsense as ignoring the precautionary principle with regard to children and to send out a message which could have such serious consequences. Of course we all hope that the worst case scenario doesn’t happen. But we can’t guarantee that it won’t, anymore than we can guarantee that it will. Right now the evidence of harm to health is mounting alarmingly.

The least we can do for the sake of the next generation, is guard against the possibility – and those who say this is the action of fools and fanatics, have obviously not learned the lessons of history. Or perhaps it has nothing to do with ignorance – and everything to do with greed, self interest and an utter lack of morality.

Graham Parfitt,
Florence Road


As an antidote to the scaremongering of the two letters on the risk of cell phones and masts (Letters, Jan 17), try reading Dr Burgess's Cellular phones, Public Fears And A Culture Of Precaution (2004).

It is a sober reflection on the history of mainly media-driven health panics which gives "crying wolf" and "once bitten twice shy" whole new meanings.

Coun Roy Pennington

From Mast Network

Public workers 'concerned' by phone mast siting

THE CENTRAL Statistics Office in Dublin's Rathmines is set to become the latest site for a mobile phone mast as part of the Government's plan to generate €10m a year from the practice.

However, staff at the centre have expressed serious concern at the decision, particularly as a recent report in Britain urged more caution in the siting of such masts.

A spokesman for the Office of Public Works confirmed yesterday that the Central Statistics Office is one of 12 additional State-owned sites where a mast is proposed to be erected. The sites are spread around the country and follow similar masts placed on over 100 garda stations, as well as three other public buildings in Dublin and Cork.

Staff at the Central Statistics Office are angry they have been chosen as a site and point out there are already masts on Cathal Brugha army barracks nearby.

Eoin Roynane of the Civil and Public Service Union confirmed yesterday that the concerns of members are increasing. He said the group of unions representing public servants had raised it at a general council meeting with the Department of Finance last month.

Staff are now demanding adequate consultation on the proposals and insist there must be more attention given to their fears for their health.

The State coffers expect to be richer by about €100m at the end of the next 10 years as a result of the income they receive from mobile phone companies for the masts.

Communications Minister Noel Dempsey said the Stewart report of
2000 recommended that beams of greatest intensity should not fall on any part of school grounds.

There are a number of schools in Rathmines.

"The UK Court of Appeal decision of November 12, 2004, that mobile phone masts do not pose a risk to public health that would justify a ban on positioning them near schools was made following consideration of the evidence since the publication of the Stewart report," he said. The minister added: "My officials maintain a watching brief on all of the evidence presented each year on this issue, and Ireland participates in the relevant international bodies which monitor this work and set limits on electromagnetic emissions to protect the public."

Eilish O'Regan
Health Correspondent
Irish Independent 18/01/05

Informant: Colette O'Connell

Workers comp case re brain dysfunction and microwave radiation




This is 100% factually correct and I really don't care who does not want to hear or know this...Gary Webb was murdered because of his coverage of the CIA crack importation and because the Feds and Cops are planning a major drug bust in the near future and it is also regarding several homicides including the long overdue arrest of BRADFORD BISHOP for the heinous murders of his entire family and the rearrest and trial of a man named JOHN ANDERSON up in Warren, Pa from a case that dates back to 1975 in which " a bunch of guys took turns shooting another guy" and two of the five people involved in that murder have recently been located and there are more.

But Gary Webb would have likely been reinterviewed and any notes or info he may have had could have exposed some people that would rather not be exposed.

I know this first hand belive me. If anyone is interested to know if what I say above about Ring Leader John Anderson was and is true simply call the clerk of Criminal Court in Warren, Pa and ask to get a copy of the case against John Anderson, first degree murder,1975 and they will tell you that you cannot get anything on that case AS IT HAS BEEN SEALED ALL OF THESE YEARS.

Informant: itsheeb

Worrisome Hubris


Let's Bring Tea


U.S. Seeks to Scuttle Conference Text Linking Climate Change to Disasters


Dancing the War Away


Cheney Says Iran "Right at the Top" of the Administration's List


The Secret History of the World's Most Dangerous Secret Society


Blood on the Altar: *
*The Secret History of the World's Most Dangerous Secret Society*

What's Beyond Freemasonry? That's the question investigators have pondered for decades and Craig Heimbichner furnishes fascinating answers as he probes deeply into the sooty arcana of the Ordo Templi Orientis--or "OTO"--the higher secret society to which elite Freemasons emigrate as part of a process of occult succession.

Blood on the Altar pursues the shape-shifting trail of this successor group--on the Left as the pillar of a libertarian ethos, avant-garde drug culture and radical hedonism; on the Right, as the pillar of aristocratic preference for authoritarian rule. Heimbichner deconstructs not just a Janus-faced secret society but a method of operation so deceptive, the reader can hardly believe that such audacious and far-flung duplicity and misdirection could possibly succeed for so long without exposure. The head-spinning trail of the OTO leads from the U.S. government to the NASA rocket program, from the Hollywood film industry to Right-wing "patriot" groups, from the New Age craze for the Kabbalah, to an attempt to control the conservative enthusiasm for traditional liturgy. The OTO has marched from triumph after triumph, as the spectre of its "Great Beast," British Intelligence officer Aleister Crowley, cast its Thelemi spell over a double-minded populace alternately seeking freedom-and-contraint, sex-and-repression, magick-and-Christendom, science-and-superstition. "Blood on the Altar" shows the OTO to be the signature secret society behind the most dazzling--and puzzling--charades of the modern Cryptocracy. Paperback. 170 pages.


911 The Ultimate Conspiracy http://thewebfairy.com/911

Informant: The Webfairy


Disaster relief and the interests of the US national security state


Media Training Now Required for Iraq-Bound Soldiers

How disgusting! U.S. soldiers are not trained to speak to the Iraqi people but are now being trained to promote a false image of the U.S. occupation. With bad news coming out of Iraq daily, pointing to the criminal nature of the U.S. occupation, this development should be viewed as a further show of weakness.

Carlos Rovira

Media Training Now Required for Iraq-Bound Soldiers

From ufpj-news

Scientists witness hundreds of cracks in the sea ice

Car demolition derbies last minutes, but when it comes to a giant iceberg near Antarctica it takes a bit longer. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the Terra and Aqua satellites captured images of iceberg B-15A steaming a steady course towards the extended Drygalski Ice Tongue and scientists expected the Long Island, NY sized berg to initiate a colossal collision by January 15. Instead B15A appears to have grounded on a submarine shoal when it was just 2.5 miles from the glacier. Continued observations of the area on the eve of what is expected to be renewed iceberg movements have shown a sudden break up sea ice around the iceberg.

For the rest of the story and some excellent images and graphics, go here:


Informant: Di

Seismic Monitor http://www.iris.edu

Informant: Gerd Zesar

Another X-Class Flare Coming Our Way

31. Januar ist Widerspruchstag

Die Regierung behauptet, die Einführung von Alg II sei erfolgreich verlaufen, alles sei reibungslos über die Bühne gegangen und die Fehler zu Lasten der LeistungsbezieherInnen hielten sich in Grenzen.

Alle, die jetzt bis über die Ohren in der Beratungsarbeit stecken und sich vor Anfragen kaum retten können, haben da ganz andere Erfahrungen gemacht: Ein Großteil der Bescheide ist schlichtweg falsch, es herrscht Chaos und große Unwissenheit in den "Jobcentern" und Agenturen und viele haben selbst Mitte Januar noch kein Geld auf dem Konto.

Das Problem ist, dass die Betroffenen es oft gar nicht merken, wenn ihnen Leistungen vorenthalten werden. Die Bescheide sind kaum lesbar und die Einzelberechnungen sind selbst für Fachleute kaum nachvollziehbar.

Deshalb schlagen wir vor, in der kommenden Woche in/vor möglichst vielen Ämtern/Agenturen unter dem Motto "31. Januar ist Widerspruchstag" aktive Widerspruchsberatung zu machen, auf mögliche Fehler hinzuweisen und Betroffene zum Widerspruch anzuregen.

Flankiert werden sollte die Aktion mit dem Verteilen von Infoflugblättern und die wichtigsten Musterwidersprüche sollten zum Ausfüllen bereitgehalten werden.

Siehe die gemeinsame Pressemitteilung der Koordinierungsstelle gewerkschaftlicher Arbeitsloseninitiativen, von Tacheles e.V. und BAG-SHI vom 21. Januar zum Aktionsvorschlag (pdf)

Ausführliche Informationen befinden sich auf der BAG-SHI-Kampagnenseite "Vorsicht!Arbeitslosengeld II" http://www.alg-2.info/info_argumente/widerspruchstag.html

Siehe auch

Hartz IV Umsetzungschaos - Tipps für Alg II-Betroffene

Hast auch Du noch keinen Widerspruch eingelegt ? Nach ergangenem Bescheid letzter Frist-Termin der 31.Januar 2005 !

Flugblatt von Ernst Adolph, Soziale Brennpunkte ADJUVAMUS Berlin e.V.

Agentur weist Berichte über Fehler bei ALG-II-Bescheide zurück

"Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit hat Berichte über eine bis zu 90-prozentige Fehlerquote bei den Bescheiden zum Arbeitslosengeld II zurückgewiesen. Entsprechende Angaben von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen entbehrten jeder Grundlage, sagte BA-Sprecher Ulrich Waschki der dpa.

Das zeige auch die niedrige Zahl an Widersprüchen, die zum Jahresanfang bei 75000 gelegen habe…." dpa-Meldung vom 22.1.05

Das totale Chaos. "Hartz IV" funktioniert wie erwartet: Keine Vermittlung und immer noch kein Geld für viele ALG-II-Empfänger.

Die Mitarbeiter der Agenturen sind restlos überfordert. Eine Reportage von Damiano Valgolio in junge Welt vom 21.01.2005

Übersicht über regionale Anti-Hartz-&-Co-Bündnisse

Endlich mal wieder aktualisiert….

"Vor Monatsende Widerspruch gegen ALG II einlegen!"

Trotz aller Beschwichtigungen aus dem Hause Clement - die meisten Bescheide sind falsch. Ein Gespräch mit Frank Jäger, Geschäftsführer der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen e.V. (BAG-SHI) in Frankfurt/Main. Interview von Peter Wolter in junge Welt vom 24.01.2005

Achtung Alg-II-Bescheide - voller Fehler - unverständlich & irreführend - Einkommensanrechnung fast immer falsch
Flugblatt der ALSO zu den 'Widerspruchstagen' mit Musterwiderspruch
31. Januar ist Widerspruchstag"

31. Januar ist Widerspruchstag! Viele Bescheide sind falsch - auch wenn Sie es nicht merken!

"...Lieber einen Widerspruch zuviel als zuwenig einlegen,... ...denn vielen Bescheiden sieht man gar nicht an, dass sie falsch sind. Allein deren unverständliche Form verstößt gegen geltendes Recht: Nach dem zehnten Sozialgesetzbuch muss ein Verwaltungsakt (z.B. der Alg II-Bescheid) nachvollziehbar begründet sein..." Flugblatt vom Rhein-Main Bündnis gegen Sozialabbau und Billiglöhne und dem Frankfurter Arbeitslosenzentrum (FALZ) mit Muster zum Sofortwiderspruch Flugblattvorlage für Aktionen/Infostände vor Ort mit Infokasten zum Einkleben von Terminen etc. (pdf) http://www.alg-2.info/info_argumente/widerspruchstag-20050122.pdf

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung

31. Januar ist Widerspruchstag


Das Unding "Hartz IV" und das Unwort "Humankapital"

Die Montagsdemonstrationen gegen Hertz IV und Agenda 2010 werden fortgesetzt

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

1-Euro-Jobs - vom Verarmungsprogramm Hartz IV profitieren

"Moderne Sklavenarbeit": Sozialverband gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs in der Privatwirtschaft

Hartz IV - ALG II - Ein-Euro Jobs - Zwangsarbeit - Verfolgungsbetreuung

Arbeitszwang - Arbeitsverpflichtung

W and Dostoevsky


Dense Contrails

I'm a commercial pilot and have been flying for over 12 years now. Throughout my years as a commercial pilot I have captured some amazing photos of aircrafts flying at 30,000 feet or higher, producing contrails or just cruising by.

I can tell you for sure that I have been seeing denser contrails then the normal engine vapor that aircraft's normally produce at high altitudes. I thought I'd share some of my many photos (taken with a Nikon D100).


Informant: Di

Abuse of Trust - The POW scandal you haven't yet heard about

Morale will decline in our armed forces as the reality sinks in that our government has sided with their torturers over them.


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Tens of thousands protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush

Thousands take to the streets to oppose the inauguration of George W. Bush

Next: March 19 Central Park - Troops Out Now!

Tens of thousands protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush

Thousands took to the streets of Washington, DC to protest the inauguration of George W. Bush. The International Action Center organized contingents from New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Raleigh, and many other cities to participate in the demonstrations, hand out literature, and distribute placards.

Thousands of people turned out to line the inaugural parade route, despite attempts by the Bush Administration to prohibit protesters from being present. For months, the Bush Administration had been fighting to stage manage the inauguration and present the facade of a united front in support of the Bush agenda of global war, corporate greed, and repression. The ANSWER Coalition won a significant legal victory and obtained a permit to assemble directly on the parade route. As a result, thousands of protesters were able to gather at a rally near the beginning of the parade route and many more lined up all along the parade route. As Bush rode down Pennsylvania Avenue, he was confronted by protesters holding signs all along the route, many of which said "George Bush: Guilty of War Crimes."

Unfortunately, many thousands more were stopped at "security checkpoints," set up by the Bush Administration in an attempt to minimize the impact and visibility of the protests. However, the people engaged in spontaneous protest at the check points, chanting, "George Bush - Terrorist," and holding anti-war placards and banners.

In addition, thousands marched through the streets of Washington DC, beginning at Malcolm X Park. This loud and spirited demonstration, consisting largely of youth, was organized by the DC Antiwar Network.

Militant youth, including members of FIST (Fight Imperialism-Stand Together), participated in breakaway marches despite police brutality, which included the use of pepper spray, tasers, and clubs. One group of youth eventually challenged the Bush Administration's tactics by directly confronting the police at the massive fences erected to keep protesters off of the parade route under the pretense of security.

Many demonstrators at both locations carried signs distributed by the Troops Out Now Coalition that said "Troops Out Now - March 19 - Central Park!" and "End the Occupation Now - Iraq, Palestine, & Everywhere."

Bush's Speech--a declaration of war on the world

His speech was an unabashedly aggressive pro-war threat on the entire globe. His call to empire, veiled in words like "freedom" and "liberty," delivered in what some described in an "evangelical" or "messianic" tone, asserted his divine right to intervene anywhere, anytime. It did not mention any country by name--it was instead, an open declaration of domination and endless war--a campaign to globalize Abu-Ghraib.

The speech was seen around the globe as an ominous beginning for Bush's second term. The British daily The Guardian summed up world-wide concern in an editorial under the headline "Fireworks in Washington, despair around the world."

Bush's Inaugural address makes it clear, now more than ever, that we have to continue to organize a unified mass movement to struggle for justice. In his twenty-one minute speech, he did not once mention the millions of people who have lost their jobs under his Administration. He did not mention the tens of millions who are without healthcare. He made no promise to address the crises in education, housing, or AIDS. He did not mention Iraq once, even though 100,000 Iraqi people and nearly 1400 U.S. troops have died because of his colonial war. He did not mention any social programs, except for social security, which he plans to turn over to be looted by his corporate backers.

It is clear that the antiwar movement in the US has a unique responsibility to confront and stop this drive for global empire. Unity among all antiwar and progressive forces is now more important than ever.

Next Step: March 19 - Central Park, and across the globe

The weekend of March 19-20 is the second anniversary of the beginning of the U.S. "shock and awe" attack on Iraq. Antiwar and progressive organizations worldwide have called for protests on this weekend.

In the U.S., the Troops Out Now coalition has called for a massive regional march on Central Park on March 19 to demand the immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq.

A few months ago, Mayor Bloomberg, the NYPD, and Bush told us that we could not march to and rally in Central Park. We do not accept this decision and are determined to challenge it by assembling tens of thousands of people to retake Central Park --our Park. The antiwar movement cannot afford, and must never again agree to, this infringement on our rights, especially in a city as important as NYC.

In addition, there will be local and regional demonstrations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Washington DC, and throughout the country. There will also be a major regional demonstration in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Fayetteville is home to Fort Bragg, which is the home base for the 82nd Airborne Division and many of the Army's elite units. For more information on this rally, see: http://www.mfso.org .

How You can get involved:

1) Endorse: http://troopsoutnow.org/endorse.html
2) Organize transportation from your area to NYC on March 19 - call 212-633-6646 for details.
3) Download flyers from the Troops Out Now website to help get the word out.


March 19

Troops Out Now!

March on Central Park in NYC!

REAL PEOPLE who went to the Inauguration

Regional Demonstrations Across the U.S. & Worldwide

Bush Inauguration Protests

Ominous Warnings Being Given to the Americas

At present, the immediate danger lies on the WEST coast of the U S from Brit Columbia to baja, Cal. Visit Stan Deyo's site for current update and go to whats new.

In a message dated 1/21/2005 7:43:17 PM, dianne11ca writes:

Thanks for this, Sparticus!


From: "Spartacus Panopolus"

Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 6:52 AM

Subject: Fw: New Warnings Being Given to the Americas

Forwarded message:

From: "Cal "

Subject: Fw: New, And Ominous Warnings Being Given to the Americas

Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:50:43 -0600

OK Folks:

We have a new member of our research team, from Russia, by the name of Sorcha Faal, who has just issued this warning about possible "earth changes" that will occur along our east coastline. We will all be watching to see what transpires. Thanks Sorcha. If there are lives that will be saved from your warning, please know that we will be eternally grateful.



From: "Sorcha Faal"

Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 6:45 AM

Subject: New, And Ominous Warnings Being Given to the Americas

New, And Ominous Warnings Being Given to the Americas

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers

As the world continues to reel today from a seeming to be never ending series of global chaotic events, more ominous signs of imminent cataclysmic events are continuing to occur.

Reports have been received today that another warning sign from the whales has now been delivered to the doorsteps of the Americas with the beaching of a large pod of "at least 17" whales in the North Carolina Region of the United States. Another media report says about this event, "More than 30 pilot whales beached themselves on the coast early Saturday, and at least 15 of them died, officials said."

Prior warnings to the Great Tsunami of 2004 were given by the whales to the peoples of the Indian Ocean region, and where in this news report we can read, "In late November a pod of 53 pilot whales beached themselves at Maria Island less than a day after 97 pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins died on King Island."

Western people continue to be in much amazement with animal warnings, and especially with the news reports from the Indian Ocean region where, it is acknowledged, "Wildlife officials have found no evidence of large-scale animal mortality, instead there was evidence of life - wild and free. Along the Cuddalore coast, where thousands perished, cattle, dogs and other domestic animals survived.", as detailed in this one report titled, "Animal Instincts Can Save" from India.

Omega see under http://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?id=13645377

Animal instincts are so linked to each other, and human beings, and to such a strong extent, that among the hundreds of reports received from the devastated regions we can see that even the elephants worked to save themselves, and also human beings, from mass death. "Agitated elephants felt the tsunami coming, and their sensitivity saved about a dozen foreign tourists from the fate of thousands killed by the giant waves." It was reported by media sources from New Zealand.

Informant: JHW369

A Review of Presidents Inaugural Address


Bush's Words On Liberty Don't Mesh With Policies

For the Record: Bush's Words On Liberty Don't Mesh With Policies

Buried on page A25 is an article that points out the facts: President George Bush may speak of promoting freedom, yet he provides tremendous military and financial support to some of the world's most brutal and murderous dictatorships. The nations include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan, a country that widely distributed technology needed to construct and nuclear weapons.


'Be Prepared - Don't let the upcoming financial crisis serve as 9-11 did to push the Bush Agenda'


by madis senner, CPA, ex Global Money Manager About me

"The joke circulating Wall Street during the 1988 presidential campaign was a call to vote for the candidate you liked the least because the winner would be the loser. It was said that within days after Reagan left the White House the deficit would explode sending the dollar and the financial markets tumbling. The newly elected President would take the blame and his party would be in the doghouse for decades to come; so vote for the candidate and party that you want to be in the doghouse."

Could it be that that Wall Street was right, only a little early in predicting financial calamity from a large deficit in 1988? If so will it bring ruin to the President and the Republican Party? Or will we see the Bush administration turn a financial debacle to its advantage as it did with 9-11 declaring a national emergency and pushing through a radical agenda that palls the Patriot Act?

The fact is that America is in a much more precarious financial position than it was during the Reagan years. The current account deficit is breaking records and in relation to the economy is in territory that has historically brought crisis, the budget deficit is ballooning and the dollar is slumping.

The stakes are high. The last time America was in bad financial straits was during the Great depression of the 1930's. The hardship of the depression served as a backdrop for major political changes around the globe; Fascism rose in Germany and Italy while America witnessed the New Deal.

The Great Depression also served as the precursor to WWII.

The following analysis shows why America is in financial trouble, what President Bush might do in response and some ideas as to what progressives and faith based activists can do to prevent the Bush administration from further hijacking our country.

Part I-
-A capital account problem. America is about to go bust.
Our financial woes do not come from a borrowing binge gone too far, but rather from "over-investment" by central bankers looking to prop up the dollar. We have confused this inflow as a sign of American might and superiority when it is not. We need to realize that "the market" is terrible at allocating resources, particularly at a time when we are beginning a national debate about privatizing Social Security.

Part II-
-Be Prepared: The president will respond to the crisis the way he did to 9-11; He will politicize it, build upon our country's fears and use it to further his crusade.

Unless we are vigilant the Bush administration will prevail.

Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Iraqi insurgency grows in size, effectiveness


We have a calling from beyond the stars


Tens of thousands protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush

REAL PEOPLE who went to the Inauguration

REAL PEOPLE who went to the Inauguration

Just thought you'd all like to see the real 'people' who went to the inauguration yesterday.



Informant: Be Kind Whenever Possible

We have a calling from beyond the stars

The Inauguration of Royalty and the Sycophantic Media

Coronation farce deepens

Tens of thousands protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush

Inaugural Protests in Many Cities

Bush Inauguration Protests

January 20 Impeachment Reportback

Bush Hand Signals


Informant: Be Kind Whenever Possible


Informant: Truth Seeker

We have a calling from beyond the stars

Bush 'Hook 'em' Hand Gesture

The Inauguration of Royalty and the Sycophantic Media

Coronation farce deepens

Inaugural Protests in Many Cities

January 20 Impeachment Reportback


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Januar 2005

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