
"Stolen Election" Flyer for Posting around



Stolen Election Flyer for posting around town
Here's a flyer for posting around town,

Leave a stack at a coffee shop, maybe those folks in the drive-thru coffee places will post it in their window.

Prints good in black and white.

We've got to be the media, we can't wait for the mainstream press to start picking this up- we've got to get the word out- now. If everyone knows about the stolen election, then we won't let the next attack turn into more.

Also, seeing as how Thanksgiving is a huge travel weekend, there is no better time to take the day off work, make some banners and FreewayBlog

Be the Change = Stop your own Status Quo
Boycott all Entertainment
- make your own infotainment to pass the word on to others
- now is the time.

Carpe Deim

Informant: Shanti Renfrew

"Stolen Election" Flyer for Posting around



Stolen Election Flyer for posting around town
Here's a flyer for posting around town,

Leave a stack at a coffee shop, maybe those folks in the drive-thru coffee places will post it in their window.

Prints good in black and white.

We've got to be the media, we can't wait for the mainstream press to start picking this up- we've got to get the word out- now. If everyone knows about the stolen election, then we won't let the next attack turn into more.

Also, seeing as how Thanksgiving is a huge travel weekend, there is no better time to take the day off work, make some banners and FreewayBlog

Be the Change = Stop your own Status Quo
Boycott all Entertainment
- make your own infotainment to pass the word on to others
- now is the time.

Carpe Deim

Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Greenwashing as "corporate responsibility"


In Message "Greenwashing as "corporate responsibility" it was mentioned that the UK carrier O2 got an award for its "corporate responsibility policy".

Flush with that so-called "award" O2 is now going after an even bigger award. - Becoming an essential provider for government services by helping to create the "mobile government".

What's next on O2's Christmas wish list for Santa? How about legislation requiring all UK citizens who collect government benefits to have a mobile phone so that they can communicate with their "mobile' government? Or how about a special "welcome to the world" phone contract attached to all birth certificates - complete with a mobile phone shaped dummy so that the toddlers get use to handling the phone?

I can imagine O2's department of spin doctors working overtime, much like Santa's little band of elves, dreaming up all this stuff!

Note below that The mobile government conference, exhibition and seminar sessions are planned to take place on Tuesday 8th March 2005 at the QEII Conference Centre, London.

Wouldn't it be interesting if all the UK anti-mast organisations had a mass rally at the QEII Conference Centre on the same day - with speakers giving another perspective on the mobile revolution.

Don Maisch


"The high levels of mobile phone penetration mean it is vital to think about [mobiles] as a delivery mechanism for government services" e-Government Unit Spokesperson, 'Government Goes Mobile', BBC Online.

Mobile Government promises to play a major part in the electronic delivery of government services. However, its potential is above and beyond that of the 2005 government online targets. There are opportunities for mobile government to have a bearing on every single service delivered by the public sector: from parking to health, and in every single way: from how public sector staff do their jobs to direct public interaction with government.

The UK is well set for a mobile government revolution. We have one of the highest levels of mobile handset penetration - the necessary basic ingredient to encourage the m-citizen alongside the e-citizen.

"People, companies and governments need to understand how the mobile has re-shaped society for good" - Richard Brown, group public affairs director of O2.

The platform for successful mobile government is already in place. Suppliers in the market place have established relationships with the public in terms of mobile content and there is a space for applications of mobile government. Coupling this with other applications such as digital pens, the Blackberry and positioning systems - all of which can facilitate and improve the quality of services delivered - the mobile government age is surely upon us.

With this in mind, GovNet Events are proud to present this timely strategy event for central & local government departments, the wider public sector and public sector suppliers, providing a programme that will examine the potential for mobile government and showcase successful applications currently making a difference in central and local government departments all over the UK and Europe. The morning sessions will concentrate on mobile applications facilitating efficient public sector working. The afternoon sessions will look at how citizens can interact more closely with government through mobile technology.

Key senior figures from organisations at the centre of mobile government implementation will report on their experiences to develop services that benefit both their staff and the citizen, whilst remaining secure.

Over 300 key decision makers will join 20 speakers and 20 exhibitors for this high profile and prestigious event. The conference, exhibition and seminar sessions take place on Tuesday 8th March 2005 at the QEII Conference Centre, London.


The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science

The unbridled alliance of science and industry

How Industry Manipulates Science

Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos, Greece

U.S. Double Standard Prompts UN Tactical Twists

The United States, which traditionally castigates human rights violators before the United Nations each year, has rarely or ever been formally condemned by the world body for its own transgressions of civil liberties.


From Information Clearing House

Guardsmen Say They're Facing Iraq Ill-Trained

Members of a California Army National Guard battalion preparing for deployment to Iraq said this week that they were under strict lockdown and being treated like prisoners rather than soldiers


From Information Clearing House

20,802 US Soldiers Heavily Wounded

The official number of US soldiers wounded in Iraq that was announced by the US DOD (department of defense) is 8458 in Iraq and 423 in Afghanistan. The US military hospital in Germany reports that 20,802 troops have been treated at Landstuhl from injuries received in "Operations Iraqi Freedom" (occupying Iraq) and "Enduring Freedom" (occupying Afghanistan).

Kerry campaign blew it on fraud investigation


Informant: Heidi Chesney

Vote Fraud Demos All Around The Country

This is really exciting--there are going to be vote fraud demos all around the country starting this weekend until the 18th (so far).

In addition, If anyone is either interested in going to Ohio to volunteer for the recount if transportation is subsidized or has frequent flyer miles that they would donate, let me know. Also please don't forget to check out the updated action alerts page: the latest Ohio action is really urgent (and keep checking for updates) http://stolenelection2004.com/alerts.html .

Saturday, November 27th, Protest Rally, NYC
Where: NYC: Times Square, south side of island at 44th
between Broadway and 7th Ave.
When: Saturday, November 27 at 1:00 (I'd like
volunteers to start arriving around 12:30 to make sure we're set up).

Please RSVP and Need volunteers to help design the flyers, make signs, and help with PR (there is some possibility I might do this again next week on the 4th. Let me know if you would be interested in that) contact :alexisact@yahoo.com

Saturday, November 27th, Protest Rally, Kansas City, MO.
1:00 p.m. 47th & Main, Mill Creek Park by Fountain.
No Stolen Elections. Bring signs. Distribute flyers after rally. (Contact kc4kerry@yahoogroups.com)

Monday, November 29th, Demonstration, San Francisco, CA.
11:00 a.m. : 900 Front St. KGO TV.
12:00 noon : 1700 Montgomery St. Sen. Boxer's office.
(Contact dan@redefeatbush.com ,
Cheryl Lilienstein, Donald Goldmacher, 650-856-0624, 510-527-1761,

Thursday, December 2nd, No Stolen Elections KC Meeting, Kansas City, MO
7:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Location to be announced.
(Contact kc4kerry@yahoogroups.com)

Saturday, December 4th, Rally, Columbus, OH.
1:00 p.m. High & Broad Sts., Ohio Statehouse.
(Contact http://www.caseohio.org)

Saturday, December 4th, Protest Rally, Kansas City, MO.
1:00 p.m. 47th & Main, Mill Creek Park by Fountain.
No Stolen Elections. Bring signs. Distribute flyers after rally.
(Contact kc4kerry@yahoogroups.com)

Saturday, December 18th Protest, New York, NY.
2:00 p.m. Washington Square Park, Manhattan.
(Contact prez@nownyc.org)

Ray Beckerman

And don't forget to do urgent actions to facilitate recounts (which could possibly lead to overturning the election!) and investigate fraud on this page-- thanks, Cheryl
http://stolenelection2004.com/alerts.html .

Take care,
Cheryl Guttman

Tell the Senate torture is not an American value

Brigadier General Evelyn P. Foote
United States Army (Retired)

I am writing you today to ask you to join me in opposing the nomination of Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General of the United States, by signing a letter which will be delivered by Veterans for Common Sense to the United States Senate in the coming weeks.

When I served as Commander of the 42d Military Police Group in Germany from July '83 - July '85, I was responsible for executing the group's wartime mission, should the need arise, of collecting and controlling all enemy prisoners of war taken in theatre operations. Inherent in that responsibility was the absolute requirement that the Group, its leaders and its soldiers adhere strictly to the Geneva Convention in safeguarding the rights of American Forces' prisoners of war and in insuring that prisoners were treated humanely and appropriately in all instances.

Sadly, since September 11, 2001, those priorities have been overridden by some people in the administration who believe that in order to fight terrorism, we have to abandon our standards and honor. We have seen an administration work to abandon our international agreements. We have seen an administration twist legal logic in order to redefine torture and try to make it acceptable. And, sadly, we have seen the deaths in custody of prisoners held by U.S. forces.

One of the first responsibilities our forces bear under the Geneva Conventions is the protection of prisoners of war. These rules not only protect enemy prisoners of war, but protect our own troops when they are captured on the battlefield, and provide an international legal framework for punishing those who violate those rules.

The key author of the quasi-legal arguments to define torture and re-classify prisoners of war was White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales. Why do we oppose his nomination?

Mr. Gonzales believes that parts of the Geneva Conventions are "obsolete" and "quant." According to a January 2002 memo to President George Bush, Mr. Gonzales argued, over the objections of Secretary of State Colin Powell, that the United States should not adhere to its requirements under the Geneva conventions because it wasn't practical.

Gonzales approved a Justice Department document which twisted reality by redefining the meaning of the word torture.

Under Gonzales's tenure as White House Counsel, American citizens have been held without trial; without counsel; without the basic Constitutional protections that both the President, and military veterans, swore to defend, in their oaths of office.

According to the news media, Gonzales nomination is expected to sail through the Senate, with only token questioning. We can change that, by making clear our expectation that Gonzales be strongly questioned in his confirmation hearings and that ultimately his candidacy should be rejected.

You can join us, by signing our letter to the U.S. Senate, which will be delivered when confirmation hearings begin to members of the Judiciary Committee, and to the full Senate before his nomination comes up for a vote.

Please join us in telling the Senate that torture is not an American value.


Thank you for your support for our work. Together we can make a difference, and a better future for our country.


Evelyn P. Foote
Brigadier General, United States Army, Retired.


This was sent to me via email coord for our information. Maybe he needs plannig info from one of you?? I have all his details.


Douglas Sinclair, CBE, Chief Executive,
Fife Council
Fife House
North Street
Fife KY7 5LT

18 November 2004

Dear Mr. Sinclair,


I refer to my previous correspondence with Mr. Jim Birrell, Development Manager (Development & Regeneration) regarding the above, copies of which you should have received.

Twice now I have requested information from Mr. Birrell about complaint procedures so that I may pursue a complaint regarding the Council¹s act of discrimination against the citizens of Pittenweem as expressed in the above petition.

I also wish to pursue a complaint about the misinformation promulgated by various Council officers regarding the assertion that as a planning authority the Council is not able to legitimately concern itself with possible health effects when dealing with planning applications to erect TETRA masts.

There is much to question about the Council¹s assessment of its own role as being 'restricted' in relation to possible health risks associated with TETRA masts, balanced against its duty of care towards the citizens of Fife, especially towards our children and our elderly population.

There are also serious issues concerning the way in which Fife Council¹s mechanisms for 'decision making' have undermined and eroded some very fundamental democratic principles, so it would seem. Initially the wishes of many communities were reflected in their local councillors decisions to refuse planning permission for the erection of TETRA masts. Those wishes were then thwarted by a central Fife committee, the Environment & Development Committee, which took control and approved those planning applications, contrary to the wishes of the communities and their elected representatives.

As I have received no information from Mr. Birrell about the Council¹s complaint procedures regarding the above, I would be grateful for some clear guidance on how I may use whatever complaint procedures are in place.

I feel you should know that there are many of us in and around Pittenweem who remain deeply unhappy about the Council¹s role in siting a TETRA mast so close to peoples¹ homes and to the Primary School. Judging from the response we had from local residents and visitors to the petition referred to above, the concern is shared by an overwhelming majority of Fife citizens.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Alexander
East Neuk Campaign Against Tetra

Cc Cllr. Anne McGovern, Leader of the Administration
Cllr. Mike Scott-Hayward
Cllr. Elizabeth Riches
Cllr. Mike Rumney, Chair, Environment & Development Committee
Sir Menzies Campbell, M.P.
Pittenweem Primary School Board
Pittenweem Community Council

From: Mast Network

Beware Monsanto’s "Vistive Soybeans"


Omega-News Collection 25. November 2004


SOS - Scheduled to be deported back to Iran

Top Air Polluters in United States

Half of Brazil's Amazon Jungle Occupied

Outgoing Congress Whacks Away Wilderness Protections

Stop the Killing at HLS

The Science of Abrupt Climate Change

One Planet Living' community

Congress Funds Psychological Tests for Kids

Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003

Take back the Constitutional Governement legally - Restore our Republic by STANDING

56% of soldiers who served in Gulf War now have medical problems

News Gathering Is Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll

Can the Economy Survive the Attacks?

America's Declining `Superpower' Status

Congress Says No to New Nuclear Weapons

Bush wants strong dollar, pledges to cut budget deficit

The avalanche is coming

Economic `Armageddon' predicted

US starts planning the war on Iran

Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in the United States of America

The Consequences of Surrendering Liberty to Government Security

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Pilot Voices Potential Cause For Florida Hurricanes

New mobile phone link to cancer

Appeal won in Oxted

The danger of chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields

Biological effects of EMFs still in search of a mechanism

Biological effects of electromagnetic fields

In the last 20 years, since the the introduction of mobile phones, the incidence of brain cancers has gone up by 40%

Fighting the battle on all fronts

Message about Tetra from Cumbria

The Masts Crusaders

International Pressure Group


Optus ordered by Land & Envt Court to turn off mobile phone tower


VERICHIP - Coming to a store (or arm) near you

Government Uses Color Laser Printer Technology to Track Documents


Of Mice, Men and In-Between

GM firms finally give up on planting in Britain

EU-Rat drängt das Parlament bei Biometriepässen zur Eile


Congress Says No to New Nuclear Weapons


Outgoing Congress Whacks Away Wilderness Protections

WASHINGTON -- November 22 --

In its final action, the 108th Congress nullified the effects of three recent court rulings extending key wilderness protections to wildlife refuge, national park and forest lands, according to Wilderness Watch and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Through unrelated provisions inserted in the $388 billion omnibus bill, Congressional leaders cut back wilderness safeguards in Alaska, Idaho and the Georgia seacoast.

Ironically, 2004 marks the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Wilderness Act. In last week's lame duck session, Congress, for the first time, stripped wilderness protection from federal lands. And, for only the second time in 40 years, it suspended restrictions on motorized access to an existing wilderness. The three anti-wilderness riders affected -

· Cumberland Island, which lies off Georgia's southeast coast, is the largest undeveloped barrier island on the eastern seaboard. The island provides shelter for over 300 species of birds and nesting sites for sea turtles, including the threatened loggerhead sea turtle. The entire island was designated as the Cumberland Island National Seashore in 1972. Ten years later Congress designated 8,800 acres of the heart of the Island's north end as the Cumberland Island Wilderness. The rider breaks up the contiguous wilderness into tiny pieces, approves roads cutting through the remaining wilderness and authorizes motorized tours by park concessionaires. The rider renders moot an 11th Circuit ruling won earlier this year by Wilderness Watch and PEER;

· Alaska National Wildlife Refuge Wildernesses represent 90% of all refuge wilderness in the U.S. Last year, the 9th Circuit ruled that commercial aquaculture activities are prohibited within national wildlife refuge wilderness in Alaska. A rider sponsored by Alaska Senator Ted Stevens will make commercial aquaculture allowable in all refuge wildernesses in Alaska; and

· Wild Salmon River, which flows through the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness in Idaho, the largest contiguous wilderness in the lower 48. The U.S. Forest Service allowed seven commercial outfitters over the years to set up temporary outfitter camps along the congressionally designated Wild Salmon River. The outfitters gradually turned those temporary camps into permanent structures (cabins and lodges with glass windows, doors, covered porches, septic systems, etc) for their clientele. The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act prohibits permanent structures within a Wild River corridor. When a new Forest Supervisor told the outfitters the camps must go, four complied, removing all developments from their campsites. Three, however, refused to dismantle their structures. Wilderness Watch then sued and won a district ruling that the lodges were illegal and had to be removed within 5 years. This rider authorizes the lodges to remain.

"Forty years ago the American people made a covenant with future generations to protect the few remaining remnants of the original wild America," stated George Nickas, executive director of Wilderness Watch. "This Congress broke that promise. That they could do so with such impunity is a sad testament to the short-sighted greed and lack of integrity that are the hallmarks of the current leadership in Washington."

In the one instance where it acted to extend wilderness protection, the lame duck Congress also created exceptions for use of motorized recreation, an anathema to wilderness. Thus, in designating wilderness at Apostle Island National Lakeshore in Wisconsin, Congress continued to allow "the use of motors on the lake waters, including snowmobiles."

"These latest Congressional actions cavalierly cast aside four decades of national wilderness policy for the benefit of a tiny handful of well-connected constituents," commented PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, pointing to Greyfield Inn, the private corporation that had run motorized tours through Cumberland Island wilderness areas for its guests, as the sole beneficiary of one rider. "Unfortunately, the current Congressional leadership appears quite willing to sell out the Wilderness Act to the highest bidder."

See the 11th Circuit decision on Cumberland Island

Read the resignation statement of one of the Park Service's top wilderness officials and learn about actions by the Park Service to

Block implementation of the Wilderness Act

Wilderness Watch is based in Missoula, Montana. Founded in 1989, it is the only national organization dedicated solely to the protection and proper stewardship of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Wilderness Watch has an active chapter in Atlanta, Georgia and Fairbanks, Alaska. http://www.wildernesswatch.org/

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) is a national organization that promotes environmental ethics and government accountability. PEER works on behalf of agency resource professionals to effect fundamental change in the way their agencies conduct the public's business. http://www.peer.org/


Informant: Teresa Binstock

No changes in final Warren Co. vote count

E-mails released Monday show lockdown pre-planned - November 16, 2004 (OH) Warren County finished its vote count Monday without any results changing... Warren County has drawn national attention for its election night problems, from three-hour-plus lines at the polls to locking down the administration building during the vote count because of terrorism [?!?] concerns [so that the results could be manipulated]. Federal and local homeland security officials say they didn't know of an increased threat in Warren County. County Commissioner Pat South has said the decision to lock the doors election night was made during an Oct. 28 closed-door meeting (the Thursday before Election Day). But in e-mailed memos dated Oct. 25 and Oct. 26 - released Monday after an Enquirer public records request - other county officials were already detailing the security measures, down to the wording of signs that would be posted on the locked doors.


Informant: ranger116

Group Finds Problems With Voting Machines


Informant: lynnzy

Fundamental flaws put our voting system at risk

According to Ralph Neas and the Election Protection monitors, "The notion that the 2004 presidential election ran "smoothly" is a myth. In fact, the system is flawed, and significant barriers to the ballot box remain, especially for minorities and the poor. Particularly in urban districts with too few voting stations, lines were up to 10 hours long. These excessive bottlenecks disenfranchised untold thousands who could not afford to wait that long and had to return to their jobs or children before reaching the voting booth."


Brutal Reality of War : Dead-Check in Falluja

A reporter writes about how he witnessed "a cold-blooded execution" during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This news article raises disturbing questions about the horror of the U.S. occupation as well as self-censorship among reporters.


Medics Testify to Fallujah's Horrors

Here's an article that wasn't printed during the initial invasion of Iraq in March 2003: The first time Jose Ramirez saw a human body ripped apart by a rocket, it took hours for him to regain his composure. Nothing in his training as a Navy medical corpsman had prepared him for the sight of the dead Marine brought in September to the military field hospital outside Fallujah. "I walked around in shock," said Ramirez, 26, of San Antonio, a Navy petty officer third class attached to Bravo Surgical Company.


Wyoming: 106% Turnout of Registered Voters - more news items


Abwehransprüche gegen den Betrieb von Mobilfunkanlagen


von Prof. Dr. Klaus Kniep, Heilbronn
in "Wohnungswirtschaft und Mietrecht 11/2004" S. 654-655


Buy Nothing Day 2004 - don't participate in the farce


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

BND 2004

Does the mall rush on "black Friday" make you sick? Join in on Buy Nothing Day and don't participate. Sponsored by Adbusters (my own personal oasis during pangs of helpless cynicism and seething anger), it's a simple reaction to the mindless mentality that "I must shop 'till I drop" this Nov. 26. Fill your belly on Thursday, empty your wallet on Friday - why? Resist the bovine vapidity of traffic jams, long lines, and the beep-beep-beep of barcode scanners. Go hiking, sit inside and take shots, make a diorama - do anything but spend money this Friday.

Does this mean you can't buy anything this Christmas? Certainly not. Do you have to recycle trash to give to your friends instead of making thoughtful purchases? Not exactly. Does it mean you make a conscious decision to depart from the consumer binge that plagues the Friday after Thanksgiving for no discernable reason? Absolutely. This effort is more about breaking the consumer binge routine that blankets this time of year, and for some people, gives them the false sense that "the shit you buy" will "fill the void." Adbusters takes "black Friday" as indicative of this consumer halfwittery, and makes a concerted effort to disrupt it through boycotting and other more proactive methods: http://www.adbusters.org/metas/eco/bnd/


Daniel P. Welch
For interesting commentary in 20 languages visit danielpwelch.com
Check out Danny's latest articles:
We Are Here http://www.redress.btinternet.co.uk/dpwelch22.htm
It's the Policies, Stupid: http://danielpwelch.com/0411itps.htm
Arma-geddon Sick of You: http://danielpwelch.com/0411asoy.htm

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - - Margaret Mead

Freedom is when the people can speak, democracy is when the government listens. - - Alistair Farrugia

"The core of our American democracy is the right to vote. Implicit in that right is the notion that that vote be private, that vote be secure, and that vote be counted as it was intended when it was cast by the voter. And I think what we're encountering is a pivotal moment in our democracy where all of that is being called into question." - -Kevin Shelley, CA Sec. of State

Informant: DitziSis

RISE Against Bush - SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow

***please forward widely***


A Call for Anti-War Actions in Washington, DC, January 20, 2005

Every morning, the sun rises up, penetrating and overcoming the darkness of night. What once was dark becomes bright, changed by the force of the sun’s rays.

Our world is in darkness tonight, plagued with war, poverty, environmental destruction, and attacks on many of the liberties that so many of us hold dear. The darkness over our world has grown yet darker with the election of George W. Bush to another 4 years in office.

In the dark of the night, we need only wait for the sun. However, in the dark of our world, we cannot wait. If we are to see a new dawn, we must take action now. The DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) calls on the people of the world to RISE Against Bush and SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow.


· Against the needless slaughter in and occupation of Iraq;

· Against the assault on civil liberties, as represented by such acts as the Patriot Act and the immoral detaining of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay;

· Against U.S. overthrow of Aristide in Haiti;

· Against U.S. attempts to overthrow any other democratically elected leader, including Hugo Chavez in Venezuela;

· Against any U.S. military action in Iran.


· For a world that embraces peaceful dialogue instead of war;

· For a world where we respect the liberty of all beings;

· For a world that looks out for all those who are now oppressed, including the poor, women, racial minorities, workers, the disabled, as well as the earth and its creatures;

· For a world that embraces social justice;

· For democracy and the autonomy of all people to have a full say in how they are governed;

· For each other.

The Call

DAWN calls for people all over the nation and world to converge on Washington, DC, on the day of George W. Bush’s Inauguration, January 20, 2005, for peaceful anti-war actions.

While DAWN is coordinating with many groups for a day of actions, DAWN calls additionally for these specific actions:

1. A permitted nonviolent anti-war rally followed by a march to Bush’s inaugural parade route.

2. A nonviolent civil disobedience die-in, following the rally, in memorial to the dead at the hands of Bush and his Administration.

DAWN also calls for organizations, affinity groups, and individuals to partner with us in organizing these two actions.

Next Steps

If you or your group or organization wants to endorse DAWN’s call to action, please send an e-mail to info@dawndc.net. Write also if you wish to collaborate in the planning or offer financial donations or other material support.

Find out more information about DAWN’s and other groups’ actions at http://www.counter-inaugural.org, by participating in the DC Cluster Spokescouncil meetings (refer to website), or by participating in DAWN’s weekly meetings. Check our website, http://www.dawndc.net for more details. Housing boards, events boards, working group information, and (soon) ride boards can be found at http://www.counter-inaugural.org. We will post updates of our actions, as they become available, to that website.

The new dawn begins with our rising up. It will take a lot of light to break through such darkness, but we can do it. We have no other choice. Join us on J20!

Informant: jsmacdonald

Erste Basisinformationen zur Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende

Durchführungshinweise der BA zum SGB II

Das SGB II wird drastische Folgen für viele davon Betroffene mit sich bringen, die Verpflichtung zur Annahme jeder Arbeit, das restriktive Fallmanagement und harte Sanktionen werden die Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende zu einem "Drangsalierungssystem" für die Betroffenen machen. Tacheles veröffentlicht nun Details

Die halbe Wahrheit zum Arbeitslosengeld II oder Was die Bundesregierung bei ihren "Ersten Basisinformationen zur Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende" unterschlägt. Artikel von Ulrich Stascheit (Arbeitslosenprojekt TuWas, Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main) als pdf-Datei bei der Arbeitsnehmerkammer

Viele ALG-II-Bescheide falsch. Bremen: Arbeitsloseninitinative "Solidarische Hilfe e.V." informiert über gravierende und kaum überprüfbare Fehler zu Lasten der Leistungsbezieher. In den ersten zwei Wochen nach der Zustellung der Bescheide über Arbeitslosengeld II (ALG II) sind bei der Solidarischen Hilfe in Bremen zahlreiche Bescheide auf ihre Richtigkeit überprüft worden. Das Ergebnis: 70 Prozent enthalten zum Teil gravierende Fehler zu Lasten der Leistungsbezieher. Die Solidarische Hilfe rät allen Empfängern von ALG II ihren Bescheid überprüfen zu lassen. Artikel von Herbert Thomsen, Solidarische Hilfe e. V., in junge Welt vom


Aus dem Text: "…Aus den Bescheiden kann niemand die Bereinigung seines Einkommens nachvollziehen. Es wird lediglich ein Geldbetrag genannt. Wie dieser errechnet wurde, bleibt allein das Geheimnis der BfA. Damit werden Leistungsbezieher zu hilflosen Almosenempfängern degradiert…."

Hartz IV für Jugendliche

So lautet der Titel der neuen "Soli" der DGB Jugend, in der es um die Auswirkungen der Hartz -IV-Gesetze auf Jugendliche zwischen 15 und 25 Jahren geht.

1) Download (PDF-Dokument, 140 KB)

2) html-Version zum Sofort-Lesen

3) kostenlos Bestellen zum Weiterverteilen

e) Hartz4 und MigrantInnen - Auswirkungen auf einen irregulären Arbeitsmarkt. Hausarbeit von Ralf Fischinger vom 15.10.2004 (pdf)

Minijobs helfen Arbeitslosen kaum

"Die Einführung der Minijobs Anfang 2003 hat nach einer wissenschaftlichen Analyse bisher das Ziel verfehlt, Arbeitslosen den Einstieg in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt zu ermöglichen. Ein wesentliches Ziel der Hartz-Kommission werde damit nicht erreicht.

Nach der Studie des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI Essen) im Auftrag der Minijobzentrale trat oft sogar das Gegenteil ein: Sozialversicherungspflichtige Jobs wurden in großer Zahl in Minijobs umgewandelt, so das RWI…." Artikel von Maike Rademaker und Timo Pache in FTD vom 23.11.2004


Mini-Job und Sozialversicherung. Wenn die Abzüge fehlen

Minijobber streichen bis zu 400 Euro monatlich brutto für netto ein. Doch dafür gehen sie bei Krankengeld, Pflegeversicherung und Rente so gut wie leer aus. Es sei denn, aus dem Mini- wird ein Midi-Job.

Artikel von Rolf Winkel in der SZ vom 17.11.2004

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 19, Eintrag 17

House Members ready to contest Election if one Senator will join


THIS IS BIG: House members ready to contest election if 1 Senator will join

From: Ron Harold
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:06 PM


THIS IS BIG: House members ready to contest election if one (1)
Senator will join in

This is from an email sent out by Congressional Candidate Mike Byron. Apparently, the House Dems are ready to contest the election if one Senator will join in.


Also, please keep this kicked.

Last week I requested that Cong. Bob Filner join in with other members of Congress in requesting an investigation by the General Accounting Office of apparent voting irregularities and discrepancies arising from the Nov. 2nd election. In agreeing to take this action, I received the below reply from his Campaign Manager Frank Salazar on the Congressman's behalf. Note this excerpt (quoting Cong. Barbara Lee) from that reply:

"One senator and one House Representative are required to contest an election result prior to inauguration."

But, certainly, the more Congresspeople the merrier. The questions remains, however, which, if any, Senator will stand up for democracy? Will it be Barbara Boxer, the so-called 3rd-most vote getter in the 2004 election? Or will we have another terrible scene like the one from Fahrenheit 911 where not one Senator will contest?"

Perhaps WE should be asking Sen Boxer to be that Senator. Particularly if clear evidence of voting misconduct in Ohio, Florida, or any other states arises. There is already, sufficient evidence of massive interference with the Ohio election
http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/89 ... to meet this standard. Also Bev Harris of blackboxvoting.org has uncovered significant physical evidence of vote stealing in Florida (see http://www.blackboxvoting.org for details).

Informant: Elvis Oner

How the Ohio election was rigged for Bush

http://blog.democrats.com/node/850 Monday, November 22 2004 @ 11:41 AM

Contributed by: admin

Bob Fitrakis

Following four community public hearings in Ohio about election irregularities and voter suppression – two in the capitol, Columbus, and one each in Cincinnati and Cleveland – a clear pattern and practice of voter disenfranchisement is emerging.

In order to understand the extent of the voter suppression in the inner city of Columbus and Franklin County, overwhelmingly Democratic wards, start with the phrase: “Machines Placed By Close Of Polls” on the last page of the county’s 17-page voting machine allocation report.

This phrase at the end of the spreadsheet may be the key in unraveling a deliberate and unprecedented plan to repress African American and poor central city voters. In statistics, when you see a bizarre definition or measurement, it sends up red flags. Why doesn’t the Franklin County Board of Elections have a number for “Machines Placed By Opening Of Polls”?

It now appears that the Franklin County BOE placed scores of machines too late in the day to alleviate the long lines of voters who gathered to vote before work and at lunchtime.

To better understand what the BOE did on Election Day, consider the following analogy. The near east side of Columbus needs four buses to move the population to the downtown business district. Each bus will move 100 people. At the start of the business day at 6:30am, there are only two buses running and another one with a dead battery. After a few hours, the third bus is put into use. Finally, towards the close of the work day at 6pm, a fourth bus is deployed. The Central Ohio Transit Authority then reports it had four buses operating by the end of the business day. What matters is not how many buses, or voting machines, were operating at the end of the day, but rather how many were there to service the people during the morning and noon rush hours.

Questions remain as to where these machines were placed and who had access to them during the day.

Pacifica reporter Evan Davis reported that a county purchasing official who was on the line with Ward Moving and Storage Company, documented only 2,741 voting machines delivered through the November 2 election day. The county’s own documents reveal that they had 2,866 “Machines Available” on Election Day. This would mean that amid the two to seven hour waits in the inner city of Columbus, at least 125 machines remained unused on Election Day. Ward holds the exclusive three-year contract to deliver voting machines in Franklin County.

If the BOE only had 2,741 placed initially, this would explain the long lines in Columbus and voters leaving the polls during the morning voting rush. According to the Franklin County Board of Elections (BOE), in the city of Columbus, where voters waited in the heavily Democratic wards between 2-7 hours to cast the vast majority of their votes for John Kerry, voter turnout was 52.7%. In the affluent white suburbs of Columbus, with far more voting machines available, the turnout figure was 76.15%.

By contrast, 66.31% of registered voters went to the polls in Cincinnati and turnout was 76.82% in the suburbs. In Cincinnati, where more voting machines were available, the difference between the city and suburbs was only 10.5% compared to 23.45% in the Columbus area. Cincinnati and Columbus have similar demographics.

The Franklin County Board of Elections reported that 68 voting machines were never placed on Election Day. In addition, Franklin County BOE Director Matt Damschroder admitted on Friday, November 19, that 77 machines malfunctioned on Election Day.

Franklin County Commissioner Mary Jo Kilroy criticized Damschroder for calling the elections “well-funded and well-planned and that problems could not have been averted, . . .” according to the Columbus Dispatch.

Damschroder, the former Executive Director of the Franklin County Republican Party, told the Franklin County Commissioners, “From our perspective, this election was a success.”

Despite an increased registration of more than 167,253 new voters, Damschroder admits he ran the election with a “fixed and exhausted” pool of voting machines, the Dispatch reported. Kilroy pointed out that Damschroder and Franklin County election officials told her “We’re fine, we’re fine” and never requested additional money over the initial allocation.

The Washington Post reported “: Franklin is the only Ohio county to use Danaher Control’s ELECTronic 1242, an older-style touchscreen voting system.” Franklin County’s voting machine allocation report shows that Damschroder deployed his Danaher (formerly Shooptronics) voting machines, which have been in use since 1992, in a formula that favored Bush over Kerry.

In precinct 55-B on Columbus’ near east side, there were 1,338 registered voters and, according to Franklin County Board of Elections estimates, 956 active voters who had voted in the last two federal elections. Despite voter registration being up 17%, and by the BOE’s own guidelines the polling place requiring ten machines (one per 100 voters), the polling site had only three machines, one less than for the 2000 elections.

The Election Protection Coalition that visited the voting site between 7:30-8:30 a.m. documented a dozen people leaving the polls, six to go to work and six who were either elderly or handicapped. But things were worse in other areas of Columbus.

In precinct 1-B where there were 1,620 registered voters, a 27% increase in voter registration, the precinct had five voting machines in 2000 and only three in 2004. Where did they go? Out to Republican enclaves like Canal Winchester, where two machines were added since 2000, for a total of five to service 1,255 registered voters? Or were they re-routed to Dublin 2-G where 1,656 registered voters apparently needed six machines, twice the number of Columbus’ 1-B?

Nearby in Dublin precinct 3-C, 910 registered voters were allocated four voting machines. No doubt machines were shifted from precincts like Columbus 44-G with 1,620 voters and registration up 25%, which lost one machine from the 2000 elections to 2004.

In Cleveland, where a public hearing was held on Saturday, November 20, there was a different pattern of voting irregularities. These include heavily Democratic wards with abnormally low reported rates of voter turnout, three under 20%. In Precinct 6-C where Kerry beat Bush 45 votes to one, allegedly only 7.1% of the registered voters cast ballots. In precinct 13-D where Kerry received 83.8% of the vote, only 13.05% reportedly voted. In precinct 13-F where Kerry received 97.5%, the turnout was reported to be only 19.6%.

One explanation comes from Irma Olmedo, who provided the Free Press with a written statement of her activities in the heavily Hispanic ward 13, which contained the three low voter turnout precincts. “Ohio does not have bilingual ballots and this disenfranchises many Latino voters who are not totally fluent in English . . . there were 13 poll workers at the school and none knew Spanish. Some could not even find the names of the people on the list because they couldn’t understand well when people said their names. . . . Some people put their punch card ballots in backwards when they voted and discovered that they couldn’t punch out the holes. They had not read the instructions which were in English, that they had to turn the card around in order to vote,” Olmedo stated.

Olmedo translated at precinct 13-O, where 90% of the votes were for Kerry and only 53 votes were counted. The turnout of 21% was due to the lack of Spanish instructions and the misspelling of names: “I noticed that one named Nieves was misspelled as Nieues and the pollworkers were not able to find his name, these people were told to complete a provisional ballot because their names were not on the list.”

In Cuyahoga County, according to the Secretary of State’s website there are 24,788 provisional ballots, most of them from the city of Cleveland, not its surrounding suburbs. Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell served as Co-Chair of the Bush/Cheney Ohio reelection committee.

There also seems to be an abnormally high vote count for third party candidates who received less than one-half of one percent of the statewide vote total combined. For example, in precinct 4-F, the right-wing Constitutional Law candidate Peroutka received 215 votes to Bush’s 21 and Kerry’s 290. In this precinct, Kerry received 55% of the vote where Gore received 91% of the vote in the year 200. These numbers suggest that Kerry’s votes were inadvertently or intentionally shifted to Peroutka.

In Cincinnati, sworn testimony was taken on vote buying, the lack of machines in African American neighborhoods and the deliberate destruction of new voter registration cards by a private company hired to process the forms.

Exit polls on Election Day from both the polling firm Zogby International and CNN projected John Kerry winning the state of Ohio. University of Pennsylvania Professor Steven Freeman calculated the odds that the exit polls in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania all being wrong are 250,000,000 to one. Pollster John Zogby, President of Zogby International, is quoted as telling the Inter Press Service of Stockholm that “something is definitely wrong.” Zogby commented that he was concerned about the discrepancy between the exit polls and the official vote tallies stating “We’re talking about the free world here.”

The Alliance for Democracy-Ohio is preparing a lawsuit challenging the outcome of Ohio’s election results due to the massive voting irregularities that have emerged in sworn testimony and affidavits.

Bob Fitrakis has a Ph.D in Political Science and a J.D. He is a lawyer working with the Alliance for Democracy-Ohio and the Editor of the Columbus Free Press. Reporting in this article also came from Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D and Joe Knapp http://copperas.com/fcelection/wardbubble.jpg . For additional documentation, visit


Informant: Elvis Oner

Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003


Informant: di

The Science of Abrupt Climate Change


In the debate on climate change, we are used to hearing about climate changes on the scale of hundreds or even thousands of years. But since the early 1990s, a radical shift in the scientific understanding of Earth's climate history has occurred. We now know that that major regional and global climate shifts as recently as 8200 years ago have occurred in just a few decades or even a single year. If an abrupt climate change of similar magnitude happened today, it would have severe consequences for humans and natural ecosystems. Although scientists consider an abrupt climate change unlikely in the next 100 years, they concede that their understanding of the phenomena is so incomplete that such a change could be triggered at any time by natural processes or by human-caused global warming.

The National Academy of Sciences--the board of scientists established by Congress in 1863 to advise the federal government on scientific matters--compiled a comprehensive report in 2002 entitled, Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises. The 244-page report, which contains over 500 references, was written by a team of 59 of the top researchers in climate, and represents the most authoritative source of information about abrupt climate change available. Unless noted otherwise, all of the material that follows was taken from this report.


Informant: di

The President's New Freedom Initiative

Attempt to dump mental screening fails

Doctors Group Opposes Mandatory Mental Health Tests for Kids

APA and Media Suppress Coverage of Bush Mental Health Testing Plan

Bush plans to screen whole U.S. population for mental illness

New Freedom Initiative A Progress Report: Table of Contents

The New Freedom Initiative (US): Ready To Be Tested?

No on Mandatory Mental Health Testing For Children

HR 5006 Bill Summary & Status

H.R. 5006 and Rep. Paul

1. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2005 (Reported in House)[H.R.5006.RH]

2. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2005 (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)[H.R.5006.EH]

3. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2005 (Received in Senate from House)[H.R.5006.RDS]

Informant: Andrea Ball

Poverty USA : A Hand up, not a Hand out


Informant: Friends




Our ongoing research will continue to quantify the iatrogenic (caused by the Medical Profession)morbidity, mortality, and financial loss in outpatient clinics,transitional care, long-term care, rehabilitative care, home care, private practitioners offices, as well as hospitals, due to:

X-ray exposures: mammography, fluoroscopy, CT scans.

Overuse of antibiotics in all conditions.

Drugs that are carcinogenic: hormone replacement therapy (*seebelow), immunosuppressive drugs, prescription drugs.

Cancer chemotherapy: If it doesn¹t extend life, is it shortening life?

Surgery and surgical procedures.

Unnecessary surgery: Cesarean section, radical mastectomy, preventive mastectomy, radical hysterectomy, prostatectomy, cholecystectomies, cosmetic surgery, arthroscopy, etc.

Medical procedures and therapies.

Discredited, unnecessary, and unproven medical procedures and therapies.

Doctors themselves: when doctors go on strike, it appears the mortality rate goes down.

Missed diagnoses.

*Part of our ongoing research will be to quantify the mortality and morbidity caused by hormone replacement therapy (HRT) since the mid-1940's. In December 2000, a government scientific advisory panel recommended that synthetic estrogen be added to the nation's list of cancer-causing agents. HRT, either synthetic estrogen alone or combined with synthetic progesterone, is used by an estimated 13.5 to 16 million women in the U.S. The aborted Women's Health Initiative Study (WHI) of 2002 showed that women taking synthetic estrogen combined with synthetic progesterone have a higher incidence of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, stroke, and heart disease and little evidence of osteoporosis reduction or prevention of dementia. WHI researchers, who usually never give recommendations, other than demanding more studies, are advising doctors to be very cautious about prescribing HRT to their patients.

Results of the "Million Women Study" on HRT and breast cancer in the U.K were published in the Lancet, August, 2003. Lead author, Professor Valerie Beral, Director of the Cancer Research UK Epidemiology Unit, is very open about the damage HRT has caused. She said, "We estimate that over the past decade, use of HRT by UK women aged 50-64 has resulted in an extra 20,000 breast cancers, oestrogen-progestagen (combination) therapy accounting for 15,000 of these."

However, we were not able to find the statistics on breast cancer, stroke, uterine cancer, or heart disease due to HRT used by American women. The population of America is roughly six times that of the U.K. Therefore, it is possible that 120,000 cases of breast cancer have been caused by HRT in the past decade.


When the number one killer in a society is the healthcare system, then, that system has no excuse except to address its own urgent shortcomings. It's a failed system in need of immediate attention. What we have outlined in this paper are insupportable aspects of our contemporary medical system that need to be changed - beginning at its very foundations.

Informant: hermeticscience

To the Viktor Go the Spoils

by Mark Drolette

I was so heartened to read this quote about the presidential election from Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), as reported by Associated Press writer Natasha Lisova: “It is now apparent that a concerted and forceful program of election-day fraud and abuse was enacted with either the leadership or cooperation of governmental authorities.” Ha -- at last! Plainly spoken words from a U.S. Senator -- a Republican, no less -- about the highly suspicious goings-on concerning the election. And upon what evidence does Lugar base his charge? Well, for starters, how about the exit polls that showed the challenger heading the incumbent? And, according to Lisova, election overseers “said there were extensive indications of vote fraud, including people apparently voting multiple times and voters being forced to turn over absentee ballots to state employers.”

Unfortunately, Lugar wasn’t complaining about, nor was Lisova reporting on, the U.S. presidential election. They both were alluding instead to the voting concluded this past week to determine the president of Ukraine, and the good senator made his comments while in Kiev as George Bush’s “envoy.” It seems the U.S.-favored candidate who garnered large leads in the exit polls, Viktor Yuschenko, was allegedly bested in the actual balloting by Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Viktor Yanukovych, a pol who both favors, and is favored by, Russia....


Zogby Vs. Mitofsky


Informant: NHNE

The Secret Rulers of the World

Dictatorship: How You Can Still Stop it Here


"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." -- Justice Felix Frankfurter (1882-1965) U.S. Supreme Court Justice

From An Eyewitness to the Making of a Dictatorship--How You Can Still Stop it Here

I grew up closely watching the making of an Arab dictatorship. This country gave me refuge from it. So, please accept my grateful advice on how to prevent it from happening here.

America is not a dictatorship. We have had a coup d'etat. The American government and media have been infiltrated and overthrown. But an overthrow of government does not create a dictatorship. It takes years and millions of people supporting the coup to create a dictatorship. A dictatorship is a society supporting a coup.

This coup on America is very similar to one I watched as a young person in an Arab country.

I grew up learning that it was not right to judge people by their religion. Most of us condemned those who talked about minorities as suspicious strangers. They were our neighbors and friends. Shame on you if you distrusted them!

But it was a religious minority who organized the coup on that Arab country.

The strange thing was that the coup leaders worshipped and lived as part of the majority. They had majority names and majority religious practices. But they were not really who they said they were. Their allegiance was to the conspiring minority to whom they secretly belonged.

They only outed themselves many years later, after their dictatorship was strong and well established. In the meantime, they needed millions of people to trust them and cooperate with them.

That Arab country moved from a simple coup to a dictatorship by continuing to trust and trust.

For years, most people refused to be "racist." They refused to even check whether their friends and neighbors were secretly part of the religious minority that engineered the coup. They just cooperated and trusted.

But trust had been broken, and to continue to trust would be self-destructive.

In America, trust has been broken, too. The Republic has been overthrown by groups harbored and supported by an ethnic-religious minority. They have abused trust and grabbed more than their fair share of power.

If we don't want America to become a dictatorship, then we have to stop trusting without checking. We have to hold that minority accountable and limit their access to power.

We also have to ask some people the question "Are you really who you say you are?" Ask it of every person of significant influence or power. We have to stop trusting as usual, and cooperating as usual.

Not all of those participating in the coup belong to that minority on the surface. You have to scratch the surface to find out who many of them really are.

An minority has just overthrown Congress, the White House and the media. A minority that has exploited our love of fairness. Are we going to just stand and watch?

The overthrow of the American Republic is a much bigger attack than 9/11.

"The first task is population control at home. How do we go about it? Many of my colleagues feel that some sort of compulsory birth regulation would be necessary to achieve such control. One plan often mentioned involves the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food. Doses of the antidote would be carefully rationed by the government to produce the desired population size." - Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, p.135

"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." - Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund - quoted in "Are You Ready For Our New Age Future?," Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December '95

Informant: Andy Thames


The Secret Rulers of the World

WTO : Hände weg von unserer Nahrung


Zum Thema WTO und dem Gentechnik-Streitfall gibt es jetzt einen knackigen Kinospot, der für lokale Kinos kostenlos ausgeliehen werden kann. Er wurde im Rahmen der GENug WTO-Kampagne von Attac, BUND und BUNDjugend erstellt.

Unter http://www.genug-wto.de/kinospot.php kann der Spot angesehen werden; außerdem finden sich dort auch Informationen, wie der Spot ausgeliehen werden kann. Wir hoffen, dass dieser Film genau so weite Verbreitung findet wie der "Klassiker" zum GATS!

Viele Grüße aus Westhausen!

Bernd Schreiner

Krebs bei minimaler Strahlung

Lundquist: Krebs bei minimaler Strahlung

Säugetiere bereits bei 0,02 nW/cm² gefährdet

Laboratory study on humans shows bioeffects at/below picowatts/cm2

Hautkrebs und Mobilfunk


Hautkrebsepidemie: Nord-Süd-Gefälle in Deutschland

Köln (dpa) - Dermatologen sehen eine Hautkrebsepidemie in Deutschland mit einem Nord-Süd-Gefälle. Der Hautkrebs sei unter allen Krebsarten die Erkrankung mit den deutlichsten Steigerungsraten, sagte Prof. Percy Lehmann am Mittwoch in Köln im Vorfeld eines dreitägigen Fachkongresses. Allein der bösartige schwarze Hautkrebs (malignes Melanom) werde inzwischen bei mehr als 11 400 Menschen im Jahr festgestellt. Fast 15 von 100 000 Frauen seien davon betroffen, bei den Männern seien es 13 von 100 000. Insgesamt habe sich die Zahl aller Hautkrebserkrankungen in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten versechsfacht, sagte Prof. Rudolf Stadler, der Vorsitzende der veranstaltenden Rheinisch-Westfälischen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft.



Signifikante biologische Wirkungen auf menschliche Hautfibroblasten (Bindegewebszellen) gefunden

Quelle: Oncology Research (Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung) 2002; 13(1):19-24, PubMed

Wissenschaftler der Fakultät für Humananatomie, Histologie und Gerichtsmedizin der Universität Florenz haben menschliche Hautfibroblasten (Bindegewebszellen) 1 Stunde lang der Strahlung der heutigen GSM-Mobilfunk-Technologie ausgesetzt. Im Ergebnis fanden sich danach Modifizierungen der Zellmorphologie und verschiedene genetische Veränderungen. Die Wissenschaftler hoben hervor, dass diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass vom Mobilfunk ausgehende elektromagnetische Felder signifikante biologische Effekte auf menschliche Hautfibroblasten haben.

Eine erst im August 2002 veröffentlichte schwedische Studie (Hallberg & Johansson vom renommierten schwedischen Karolinska-Institut) hatte einen deutlichen statistischen Zusammenhang zwischen Hautkrebs und Radiosendern in der Umgebung ermittelt. Die Autoren der schwedischen Studie wiesen dabei darauf hin, dass selbst Leistungsflussdichten von 30 Mikrowatt/Quadratmeter nicht als sicher angesehen werden könnten. Diese werden noch in kilometerweitem Umfeld von Mobilfunk- sowie Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendern erreicht.


Hautkrebs in der Nähe von Radiosendern deutlich erhöht

Schwarzer Hautkrebs: Radio- und Fernsehsender unter Verdacht

Mobilfunk und Krebs



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