
Media Action for Vote Fraud


Keine Wohnbebauung unter Hochspannungsleitungen?


Hartwig Fresen befasst sich in einem Antrag mit dem Thema Elektrosmog

Sottrum. Hartwig Fresen (WFB) bleibt rührig: Der Sottrumer Ratsherr reichte einen neuen Antrag bei der Gemeindeverwaltung ein. Der befasst sich mit dem Thema Elektrosmog.

„Entgegen der im Rat bisher mehrheitlich vertretenen Meinung lebt es sich unter Hochspannungsleitungen offenbar doch gefährlich“, schreibt Fresen. Jüngsten Presseberichten habe er entnommen, dass eine neue Studie aus Großbritannien besagt, dass das Krebsrisiko um 100 Prozent steigt.

Auch in Sottrum, das geradezu von einem „Spinnennetz“ aus Hochspannungsleitungen überspannt sei, beschäftige dieses Thema in gewissen Zeitabschnitten die Bürger immer wieder, so Fresen.

„Eine Studie der Universität Bristol warnte schon vor Jahren vor einem erhöhten Krebsrisiko im Umfeld von Hochspannungsleitungen.“

Dabei seien die Gesundheitsdaten von 35.000 Kindern, die an Krebs erkrankt waren, und der Zusammenhang, wie weit sie von Hochspannungsleitungen entfernt leben, überprüft worden. Ergebnis: Es gibt eine klar definierte Gefahrenzone, die 100 Meter beträgt. „Wie von Sky News behauptet, verdoppelt sich in diesem Sektor das Leukämie-Risiko bei Kindern unter 15 Jahren“, meint Fresen.

Alleine die Gemeinde Sottrum trage Verantwortung dafür, wenn weiterhin den das Krebsrisiko verharmlosenden Sprechern der Energieversorgungsunternehmen vorbehaltlos Glauben geschenkt werde.

Als ein politisch verantwortliches Ratsmitglied sehe er keine andere Möglichkeit, als die weitere Wohnbebauung für das Gebiet der Gemeinde Sottrum im Gefahrenbereich unter Hochspannungsleitungen auszuschließen.

„Ich beantrage daher, dass der Rat nach der Beratung im Fachausschuss beschließt, im beidseitigen Gefahrensektor von 100 Metern alle Flächen unter Hochspannungsleitungen von der weiteren Wohnbebauung auszuschließen“, so der Bürgervertreter.


Mysteriöse Erkrankungen in Arnheim

Arnheim (AP) Auf dem Hauptbahnhof der niederländischen Stadt Arnheim und in einem von dort kommenden Zug haben zahlreiche Menschen am Montag über Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit und ein taubes Gefühl auf der Zunge geklagt. Die Ursache war unklar, die Behörden leiteten nach Angaben einer Sprecherin der Staatsanwaltschaft strafrechtliche Ermittlungen ein.

Einsatzkräfte der Feuerwehr vermuteten zunächst ein Leck in einem mit Chemikalien beladenen Zug, doch wurde bei einer stundenlangen Suche kein Leck entdeckt. Betroffen waren zuerst mehrere Passagiere und drei Bahnbedienstete eines Zuges, der aus Arnheim kam, später klagten acht Polizisten auf dem Hauptbahnhof über dieselben Symptome. Auch ein Passant berichtete über Unwohlsein. Der Bahnhof wurde am Morgen evakuiert, alle Zugverbindungen wurden abgesagt.


Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/4562

Informant: Muschitz Servers

Acht Krebsfälle im Bundesschulzentrum Feldbach

Wachzimmer: Keine Erklärung für Krankheiten

Refuse to Surrender Pledge


Doubts Fly on Terror Report's Reliability

Five months after embarrassed State Department officials acknowledged widespread mistakes in the government's influential annual report on global terrorism, internal investigators have found new and unrelated errors — as well as broader underlying problems that they say essentially have destroyed the credibility of the statistics the report is based on.


From Information Clearing House

Bush's Vision For America

Let’s add up what we have so far — one party rule; a bureaucracy that rewards loyalty over talent; the suppression of dissent; a rigid orthodoxy of belief; imperial ambitions; a war going badly in a Moslem country, make that two Moslem countries; a news media that can only echo the party line. Yup, sounds like the Soviet Union to me.

The National Nervous Breakdown

The fabric of American society is frayed and wearing thin. You can’t wrap Bush’s deceit in an American flag and make his atrocity into something that is worthy of patriotic praise...

Schiedsgerichts-/Clearingsstellen immer in den Chefetagen oder Rechtsabteilungen der Mobilfunkbetreiber angesiedelt

Email von Karin Becker, Gemeinderätin der Frauenliste Wiesloch, vom 22.11.2004 an die Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises Mobilfunk in der Großen Kreisstadt 69168 Wiesloch.

In Wiesloch wurde inzwischen in zwei Fällen das Schiedsgericht/die Clearingstelle angerufen, weil bei der gemeinsamen Standortsuche nach Mobilfunkantennen-Plätzen keine gütliche Einigung erzielt wurde.

Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Schiedsgerichts-/Clearingsstellen immer in den Chefetagen oder Rechtsabteilungen der Mobilfunkbetreiber angesiedelt sind.

Aus diesem Grund hat sich die Stadtverwaltung Wiesloch auf Bitten des Arbeitskreises an den Städtetag um Hilfe gewandt. Doch vom Städtetag ist leider auch keine Hilfe zu erwarten, da er sehr unternehmerfreundlich ist.

Jetzt steht der 3. Anruf an die Clearingstelle bevor. Ein neuer Standort, in unmittelbarer Nähe von einem Altenheim, soll von O2 „bestückt“ werden.

Der Hausbesitzer besteht darauf, will etwas Geld verdienen.

„Liebe AK-Mitglieder,

habe heute mit Herrn Hoffner vom Bauamt telefoniert: Es wurde inzwischen nochmals an den alten Meßpunkten rund um Woolworth gemessen. Das Messergebnis wird laut Herrn Hoffner am Donnerstag (bei unserem nächsten Treffen) aber noch nicht vorliegen. Wahrscheinlich ist es zu schlecht ausgefallen, denn sonst könnte es ja schon vorliegen.

Der Städtetag hat auf das Schreiben der Stadtverwaltung bisher immer noch nicht geantwortet. Herr BM Leuthe hat aber mit dem dort zuständigen Herrn (Mauch?) telefoniert. So wie es aussieht, werden wir keine schriftliche Antwort vom Städtetag erhalten. (Was typisch für die Situation ist.)

Schröder, unser BASTA-Kanzler, selbst hat ja gesagt, dass den Mobilfunkbetreibern wegen der zu erfüllenden Lizenzen keine weiteren Steine in den Weg gelegt werden dürfen! Und der Städtetag selbst hat ja die Adressen der Schiedsgerichtstellen weitergegeben - weiß und wusste also jederzeit über dieses "faule Spiel" Bescheid.

Jetzt war der Besitzer einer der Hochhäuser in der Albert-Schweitzer-Straße bei Herrn Hoffner. Trotz unseres abschlägigen Bescheides will er die Antennenanlage von O2 auf seinem Hochhaus (in der Nähe des Altenheimes) errichten. Das bringt ihm Geld.

Dies ist also der 3. Fall in Wiesloch, der als Farce vor das angebliche Schiedsgericht gehen wird.

In meinen Mobilfunk/Elektrosmog-E-Mail-Netzen ist es tagtäglich üblich, dass sich die Bürgerschaften über das Nichtzustandekommen einer gütlichen Einigung mit den Mobilfunkbetreibern beschweren. Die Antennen werden ganz einfach - wie in Wiesloch auch – nach einigen Vorgesprächen errichtet.

Die Freiwillige Vereinbarung der Mobilfunkbetreiber mit dem Städtetag wird ständig - nicht nur in Wiesloch - mehrfach unterlaufen. Und die Bündnis90/Die Grünen, die sich früher überall in dieses Thema eingeschaltet haben, schweigen heute fast überall zu dieser Situation. Ihr Umweltminister Trittin ist für diese Situation mitverantwortlich.

Da ich am kommenden Donnerstag nicht zu unserer öffentlichen Arbeitskreis-Sitzung kommen kann, habe ich jetzt gleichzeitig mit dieser Email – auch auf eine Empfehlung von Herrn Hoffner - die Presse zu diesem AK-Termin eingeladen.

Es kann und darf nicht sein, dass der Bevölkerung einerseits ein Mitspracherecht vorgegaukelt wird und andererseits doch realisiert wird, was für die Mobilfunkbetreiber letztendlich am wirtschaftlichsten und einfachsten ist.

Der vorsorgende Gesundheitsschutz bleibt bei dem massiven Ausbau des Mobilfunks völlig auf der Strecke. Der einzelne Mensch, der von den 24-Stunden-rund-um-die-Uhr ausgesendeten Strahlen in seinem Wohlbefinden bis zur evtl. Krebserkrankung belästigt wird, hat (nach hunderten von Rechtsstreiten vor Gericht) jetzt lediglich das Recht zugesprochen bekommen, als Einzelner mit teuren Gutachten und Rechtsstreiteren auf sein Grundrecht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit vor Gericht zu klagen.

Ich hoffe, Sie kommen alle am kommenden Donnerstag und kämpfen für unsere Grundrechte weiter.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Karin Becker“
Stadträtin der Frauenliste
Waldstraße 44
69168 Wiesloch
Tel. 06222 8 18 26

Fighting the battle on all fronts

Wentworth Courier Wednesday 17 November (Sydney)

Fighting the battle on all fronts

Just as phone towers grow like Topsy along the skyline, so do the lobby groups to fight them. Report KIM SHAW

Residents from Paddington and the Inner West have teamed up to fight 3G technology, claiming the network is not an essential telecommunications service and interferes with privacy rights.

The health impacts of electromagnetic radiation and the visual blight of phone towers are two additional issues which the group intends to raise with the Federal Government and with parent groups.

The rollout of 3G phone towers has caused consternation in dozens of neighbourhoods, as the towers must be placed closer together than regular mobile-phone towers in order to pass a signal.

A number of groups, such as "Tower Sanity", have cropped up in recent months arguing for a more cautious approach to the rollout of phone-tower facilities. The "Bronte No 3G" group last month lost a protracted battle against the installation of a Hutchison Telecoms 3G antenna in the vicinity of a playground, a primary school and a kindergarten.

The new lobby group with members in Paddington and Ashfield has no name as yet, but is collectively concerned about the privacy implications for 3G phone/camera technology.

Josephine Wadlow-Evans, of Paddington, said 3G technology was a luxury item and not an essential telecommunications service, and should not have the protection of the Federal Telecommunications Act. She said local councils should hold the planning powers over phone towers.

Under the Federal Telecommunications Act, phone towers less than three metres high are deemed low impact and can be erected with out the permission of the local council.

Mary Hawkins, a Greens councillor at Ashfield and a member of the new group, said she had yet to hear of 3G technology being used for social benefit. "You can see the benefit of mobile phones in calling for emergency services, but we don't think video phones provide essential social benefits," Ms Hawkins said. The group will seek to address Parents and Citizens groups from local schools and lobby the Federal Telecommunications Minister, Senator Helen Coonan.

A spokeswoman for Hutchison Telecoms said Australia followed safety standards set by the World Health Organisation in relation to electromagnetic radiation. She said 3G signals were one of the weakest radio signals in the environment compared with radio and TV broadcasts. Last month Hutchison and Telstra announced they would share Hutchison's 3G network infrastructure. The spokeswoman said this would minimise the impact the facilities had on local communities.

Informant: Don Maisch

Biological effects of electromagnetic fields

Biological effects of electromagnetic fields
Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields
Microwaves from GSM and 3G mobile phones affect human cells (new)
Current and potential application of electromagnetic fields in medicine
Recent presentations
Publication list


Biological effects of EMFs still in search of a mechanism

ISIS Press Release 22/11/04

Announcing Science in Society # 24
Winter 2004

Biological effects of EMFs still in search of a mechanism

More and more biological effects of electromagnetic fields are documented at weaker and weaker field intensities, suggesting that the current exposure standards - which are aimed at preventing outright heating of tissues - may be up to 10 million fold too high, if we are to really protect the public. Researchers are finding long-lasting brain damage in rats exposed to mobile phones, as well as a range of health problems among people living near the mobile phone masts.

Still, the regulators profess themselves powerless to lower the exposure limits because of the lack of plausible mechanisms - within conventional mainstream science - that could explain how fields with such minute energies could have any biological effects. Leukaemia, DNA damage in brain cells and other electromagnetic field effects cannot be explained unless scientists communicate and collaborate across the disciplines, which they are currently unable to do, partly due to the lack of interdisciplinary education, partly due to existing funding structure in research and the general culture of mainstream science that overwhelmingly discriminates against innovative people and ideas (see also SiS 17). Will our government take the radical steps needed in scientific research funding and in science education to improve both the quality of our science and its ability to protect the public?

Informant: newcriteria


Mount Rushmore 2005

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." -- J. Edgar Hoover

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" -- Thomas Jefferson

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - -Mahatma Ghandi

"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government."
- - Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Men occasionally stumble on the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
- Winston Churchill

A Cherokee elder was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me... It is a terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too."

--They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked; "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"

The old man simply replied... "The one I feed." ..Anon


"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against the government."

Edward Abbey (1927-89, Western novelist and essayist)

ONLINE BOOK explaining the conspiracy going on right now!! If you do not know that our "National Debt" is owed to a private corporation, owned by a very small group of international bankers, then you NEED TO READ THIS BOOK and do MORE RESEARCH. Almost every country is now indebted to this very small group of people. They have been collecting the debt of entire countries for almost 100 years. This same group of people sets the price of gold twice a day (while being allowed to buy and sell gold for a profit). You think they're not taking advantage? Read this book and do more research. It is the root of our problem. Everyone knows you can't cut down a tree by trimming the branches. The fate of humanity is at stake!! FINAL WARNING: A HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER by David Allen Rivera http://user.pa.net/~drivera/

A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed…When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic. --Dresden James

" In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell

"A tyrant is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader." ~Plato

"Governments never do anything by accident; if government does something you can bet it was carefully planned." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"The high office of President has been used to format a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office must inform the citizen of his plight." (John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination).

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."(Thomas Jefferson)

Informant: Andy Thames

The Bush-Christ Ticket


Informant: Eric R. Stietzel

Protect the right Whale


Pilot Voices Potential Cause For Florida Hurricanes


Pilot Voices Potential Cause For Florida Hurricanes


The unbridled use of wireless technology contributes to an unstable atmosphere and magnetosphere thereby generating weather anomalies

Pilot Voices Potential Cause For Florida Hurricanes

Pilot Voices Potential
Cause For Florida Hurricanes

The unbridled use of wireless technology contributes to an unstable atmosphere and magnetosphere thereby generating weather anomalies. Nina says, "it is as if the earth is being tickled all over and is responding by twitching and convulsing, generating seismic activity and violent weather."

(PRWEB) -- Human use of electromagnetism for power and communications has produced an abnormal electromagnetic environment unlike anything that has existed before. Commercial pilot, Nina Anderson says, "in my thirty-five years of flying I have never seen such a period of concentrated violent weather as we have had in the last decade." She theorizes that since all electromagnetic fields are force fields, carrying energy and capable of producing an action at a distance, it is a logical conclusion that the unbridled use of wireless technology contributes to an unstable atmosphere and magnetosphere thereby generating weather anomalies. Nina says, "it is as if the earth is being tickled all over and is responding by twitching and convulsing, generating seismic activity and violent weather."

In her book, 2012 Airborne Prophesy, Nina takes us to the year 2011 where her theories are expounded upon in a fictional presentation. She projects that wireless technology compounds to create rogue frequencies where electromagnetic waves intersect. These new wavelengths contribute to the continued destruction of the ozone layer, increased electrical storms, instability of the earth's crust generating more earthquakes and volcanoes, and more weather extremes.

Extrapolating from her research gleaned to write her novel, Nina fears that the magnetosphere (magnetic field generated from the spinning core of molten iron beneath the earth's surface and projected into the atmosphere) is being affected by "alien" pulses generated by mankind. Power line harmonic resonance (electrical transmission lines) has shown to cause fallout of charged particles from the radiation belts. These falling ions cause ice crystals, which precipitate rain clouds. In addition, current weather modification devices are targeting the atmosphere and ionosphere. From cloud-seeding experiments that began in the 1960s, to today's high altitude projects that aim high frequency broadcast antennas (IRIs) capable of heating the unstable ionosphere and redirecting jet streams, we have entered into a global experiment that could threaten the planet's existence.

In 2012 Airborne Prophesy, these IRIs are capable of affecting the weather on demand as well as interrupting aircraft onboard computers and global communications. Ionospheric heaters acting powerfully with charged particles trapped there create a mirror force pushing the charged atmosphere upward and outward. This acts as a lens-focusing device capable of heating specific parts of the earth thereby affecting regional weather. In the 2012 Airborne Prophesy the IRI's actually become defense weapons whereby the density of air is altered at a specific GPS coordinate causing enemy aircraft to lose lift and fall from the sky. Because of their potential as star wars weapons, governments and special interest corporations via for control of these facilities, which manifest in quite a conspiracy tale that predicts a plausible future.

Florida and Japan's 2004 hurricane season could be the tip of the iceberg. The planet's inhabitants have been stirring up the near cosmos since the 1940s. Atomic bomb tests were conducted in space in the late 1950s, the first ionospheric heater experiments were held in the 1970s, new inventions that emit electromagnetic pulses have proliferated since the 1980s (microwaves, cell towers, cell phones, GPS, computers, etc.) adding to the near saturated radio frequency realm generated through television and radio waves.

Since 1958 the Defense Department has been studying ways to manipulate changes in the weather. In the United States, at least 29 states have licensed weather modification programs. Those experiments have shifted to using electromagnetic technology without regard for future consequences.

Just like drugs that may interact negatively with other drugs and create new symptoms, electromagnetic energy may be causing the very reaction we did not expect - a negative reaction to the stability of the planetary weather. Nina Anderson warns, "the region of space surrounding planet Earth is no place for experiments and the unbridled use of wireless technology is irresponsible. Controversy already surrounds the telecommunications industry where human safety from cell towers and cell phones is an ongoing issue. Will we blunder into another technological marvel without researching the downside? If planet earth reacts negatively to this constant tickling, we may be facing another Noah's Ark era or worse."

2012 Airborne Prophesy, available online and at Bookstores or

As the above article described, we are guinea pigs in these experiments, totally unknown dangers, practices only in existence for 60 years - NO long term knowledge of the risks and dangers of these technologies.... the fields being created we are saturated in, continually immersed in these wavelengths. The reports we read in the major media are NOT from people who are under oath, scientists and corporate managers say whatever they want to, promote the deadliest of products, UNTIL they are in a court under oath...

So far, from the reports of investigators who are not corporate whores, we are seeing that these technologies are extremely dangerous, as in the evidence of brain tumors, etc. with cell phones. Yet the market is through the roof with more people using, eating, taking as "therapies" all these creations of science and technology.... time for FULL disclosure on the effects of these creations, fully known to their creators, supressed from any court or public record that the people would see the bodies under-lie-ing the corporate profits.

It is not enough to try to deal with the disastrous results twenty years (five?) years down the line when the cancers manifest and the "mad cow" back up of unnatural elements blocks the nerves and arteries of our bodies, radiation and chemical breakdown of our immune systems with "treatements" of the AMA, FDA approved.... ALL the poisons are FDA approved ! GET THEM IN A COURT, MAKE THEM ANSWER !

The manufacturing of disease and dangerous technologies has to be stopped and controlled in the public interest. Future generations (if there are !) will look at us as the most barbaric, ignorant generation ever, allowing such policies and no one stopping it. Would people eat food that was a grey plastic glob of artificial, decayed elements until they put "artificial color and artificial flavor" in it to make it look like food??? NO. Time to get REAL on all these deceptions, all created in the last fifty years, totally unnacountable as to the results, all done only in the interest of the corporate profit.

Accountability and Truth is what a court is for and those who are creating these schemes must be forced to answer truthfully in a court NOW. And people need to start waking up to the exploitation and dangers and stop "buying" into these schemes.

pamela gaston,

Wireless net to cover downtown Seattle
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Wireless net to cover downtown Seattle

Why People Won't See


Did Bev Harris Catch Vote Fraud Perpetrators in The Act?


Informant: Diana Davies

Top Air Polluters in United States

'Misfortune 100' Identifies Top Air Polluters in United States

Litigating the Election


The Truth About The World Bank


Oil and gas are killing them in BC

Tomorrow is the big day, the drilling company will frac the gas well to the southwest. I am told this is all very safe and the chemical cloud which is very small (so they say) will dissipate in no time! Why do I not believe any of this?

To update you on the pleasure of living in the "patch". In Dawson Creek and area, the drug trade is estimated to be a one hundred and thirty-two million dollar per month trade. Break and enters are average of two each day of the month. The feed store where I deal has been broken into twice in the last ten days. What they expect to get there is beyond me. They now have steel reinforcements on the doors. My youngest son is in the security systems business, he cannot keep up with the demand for security systems.

My second youngest son lives in Dawson Creek in one of the "better" neighborhoods. His doors are locked at all times and I have to ring the doorbell to let him know I am there if I go to see him. For reasons unknown, he has been vandalized.

Prostitution, drugs, B&E, muggings, purse snatching, vehicle thefts, vagrants sleeping in ally ways. You name it, we got it.

Ft.St.John is worse. My eldest son and his family live there. They have been broken into so many times that they now have a security system as well as bars on the windows and doors as well as two dogs. And they live in one of the "classier" sections of the city in a lovely home with a chain link fence around it. Had a visit from a man from the fair city of FT.St.John the other day, he has a twelve year old daughter. Said daughter goes only to school and other than that she refuses to go anywhere as it is not safe.

I, myself have been nowhere in the evening for the last several months. Not even out to dinner or a concert. The city is not safe to be out in.

I live on what used to be a quiet country road and usually knew every vehicle that drove by, what few there were. Now, day and night, the roar of the traffic is deafening and the speed with which they travel on these back roads is unreal. What I have described here is only a "drop in the bucket" so to speak. I have lived in the Dawson Creek area for many years, back when it was a "raw frontier" town. In those days one was perfectly safe on the streets day or night. How times have changed!

We have a lovely park over in the Tumbler Ridge area. Won't be lovely for long. They are logging off forty acres next to the park to build one of the biggest gas plants ever built.

I had started out to just tell you how "lovely' living in the "patch" is but I have just received word that a friend and neighbor who is only in her late forties is in Edmonton in a coma. She is a victim, we believe, of the gassing that we received from the sour gas well in 1998. She has suffered the exact same fate as all of my animals that died from the blood filled tumors. If she should recover enough to come out of the coma, she will be a "vegetable". She is still bleeding into the brain and that causes the brain to die. Why do they not just come and shoot us and our animals, it would be more humane!

May God help us ....... no one else can. If I could ever hope to sell what has come to be known as death valley, I would leave. But I am stuck here come what may.


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Spectacular votefraud


Our Greatest Gift?

Our Greatest Gift? Is the gift of (freewill) Choice!

Our greatest freedom is responsibility!(Responsibility is being able and willing to respond, take action).

Our greatest Joy? Is the joy of healing! Improving the quality of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being-ness.

Our greatest act? Is the action of loving and being loved. Love's greatest fear? Separation. Love's greatest pain? The pain of loss. It is love that allows freedom and self-determination.

Today, our individual sovereignty of freedom and unalienable right to self determination is being stolen from us from within. Tyranny is freedom, without responsibility.

Too many Americans are looking away or burying their heads in the sands of apathy and ignorance. (Ignorance as lacking knowledge).

Too many Americans have forgotten, ( or have not been educated to truth in their schooling), that The Constitution of these republic, United States of America, does not grant, it secures our un-a-lien-able Creator granted rights. Too many Americans have forgotten or have no courage to demand that Coporations, USA, Inc, STATE, CITY,COUNTY coporation governments honor and not trespass on these Constitutionally secured rights.

Too many, the majority of Americans, have allowed themselves to be fooled into the jurisdiction of colorable Admirality law criminal jurisdiction of codes, statutes and regulations, and not staying in American Common Law jurisdiction, where there is no crime, unless there is a trespass of a sovereign onto another sovereign's life, liberty or property. No victim, no crime.

Too many Americans blindly and innocently trust and assume that all of their voluntary tax monies are spent on public services for them, when in factuality, only approximately 20cents on the dollar is spent on the 'annual budget", the 80% left over is deposited in slush funds. http://www.CAFRman.com .

Too many Americans are fooled to believe that their "governments" are of "We the People"; when in fact and truth, they are only corporations owned by the IMF/World Bankers/ 13 elite wealthy families/bloodlines). http://www.teamlaw.org

Too many Americans falsely believe they own their land with a Warranty Deed. No they are a tenet on the land under this colorable "title".They need to learn how to properly make declaration of acceptance of Land Patent rights, in such a way as the US Supreme Court has never over ruled against Land Patent as being supreme title and ownership in this Nation. http://www.teamlaw.org

Too many Americans are foolish to believe what is "reported" on TV/radio/newspapers/magazines, because 6 coporations own 90% of the media outlets in this nation. The last time the Senate (USA, Inc) examined this corporate owneship monopoly was 1970, when they raised a report showing an enormous crime in progress.

A handful of international banks were illegally usurping corporate control of the entire broadcasting industry n the United States. It has only gotten much worse since then. Too many Americans have not seen the movie, Wag the Dog and are farsighted not to realize this is going on daily in America.

Too many Americans are guillible in blindly accepting US Gov't's explanation of 9-11. (Well documented researched FACTS and evidences can be found in Alice in Wonderland World Trade Center http://disaster www.davidicke.com, Video, Truth and lies of 9-11 at http://www.copvcia.com, in Mediabypass's July/Aug 2003 issue http://www.mediabypass.com, at http://www.madcowprod.com , another great source of documented facts. Furthermore, the list of ticketed passengers on flight 77 by American Airlines on


On September27, the FBI published photos of the "hijackers" on Flight 77:


Meanwhile, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), does a great job of identifying nearly all of the bodies on Nov. 16, 2001.


Thomas Olmsted , under the FOIA . It took 14 months later, that NO arabs wound up on the autopsy table. Bottomline, no arabs on Flight 77.

The Solutions:Rx:

Make the "choice" to educate yourself, your family and friends to truth. The "choice" to defend yours and your children's unalienable rights of freedom and self determination, by learning how to, (www.teamlaw.org), with harm to none, as a sovereign, private American Citizen. End this tyranny with your responsibility, (freedom to be able and willing to take positive action)! Wage Peace, not war.

Be non compliant and non cooperative with to these international bankers, puppetmasters manipulations.

Their goal, is step by step, by positioning their puppets in postions of power, by dividing and manipulating factions against each other (race, religion, politics),..then divide and conquer technique. See through their manipulations of creating the problem (actively or passively), puppetmasters through their puppets (GW Bush/USA, Inc.) quick to blame the source of the alleged or actual problem,...then with their monopoly of media ownership, spin and wag the dog the American public into buying "their" solution.

Simply see through the lies and don't cooperate. These 13 elite weathy families want a Global One World Fascist government and you and your children's children their corporation , financial slaves.

Do the greatest act of loving and let yourself be loved and healed and then participate in the greatest Joy of healing a falling America and a polluted planet Earth.

Remember , if it's to be , it's up to me! And the few, become more, then the many, and eventually the majority that changes reality for Right Action: that which is good, just and true.

William W

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" - Thomas Jefferson

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - -Mahatma Ghandi

"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison.
They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But
if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a
human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial
government." - - Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or
that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only
unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the
American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Men occasionally stumble on the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
-- Winston Churchill

A Cherokee elder was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me... It is a terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too."

--They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked; "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"

The old man simply replied... "The one I feed." -- Anon


"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against the government." -- Edward Abbey (1927-89, Western novelist and essayist)

ONLINE BOOK explaining the conspiracy going on right now!! If you do not know that our "National Debt" is owed to a private corporation, owned by a very small group of international bankers, then you NEED TO READ THIS BOOK and do MORE RESEARCH. Almost every country is now indebted to this very small group of people. They have been collecting the debt of entire countries for almost 100 years. This same group of people sets the price of gold twice a day(while being allowed to buy and sell gold for a profit). You think they're not taking advantage? Read this book and do more research. It is the root of our problem. Everyone knows you can't cut down a tree by trimming the branches. The fate of humanity is at stake!! FINAL WARNING: A HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER by David Allen Rivera http://user.pa.net/~drivera/

A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed…When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic. --Dresden James

" In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell

"A tyrant is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader." ~Plato

"Governments never do anything by accident; if government does something you can bet it was carefully planned." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"The high office of President has been used to format a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office must inform the citizen of his plight." (John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination).

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."(Thomas Jefferson)

Informant: Andy Thames

Iraq: The Uncounted


Informant: Virtualtruth

Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in the United States of America


Informant: Virtualtruth

Capricious Weather? Get Used To It


Informant: Anna Webb



Informant: NHNE

A new virtual workshop on mirror neurons

A new virtual workshop on the theoretical implications of mirror neurons is now on line at:


Today, mirror neurons play a major explanatory role in the understanding of a number of human features, from imitation to empathy, mindreading and language learning. The virtual workshop will try to set the explanatory scope of the phenomenon, and evaluate to what extent it can provide a new empirical ground for a variety of human mental abilities.

--> From November 15th 2004 to February 15th 2005 four papers will be open to discussion. You are all invited to join the debate around the first text on line by Vittorio Gallese:

"Intentional attunement. The Mirror Neuron system and its role in interpersonal relations"

This workshop has been sponsored by the European Science Foundation as a network activity of the Programme "Origins of Man, Languages and Language" (OMLL).

See you soon at http://www.interdisciplines.org/mirror

© 2004 interdisciplines.org

Informant: Sianette Kwee

On to Iran : The Neocon Plot Against Iran

Won’t Get Fooled Again? There He Goes Again: Paul Craig Roberts on another neocon war from Bush:

The Neocon Plot Against Iran
Jude Wanniski on the latest festival of lies:

Powell's Swansong
Yet the US threatens Iran, not vice versa. Article by Gordon Prather:


A few thoughts before we "liberate" Iran

by Steven LaTulippe


The current pro-war narrative being spun by the administration basically revolves around assertions that Iran is a dangerous dictatorship run by a band of fanatical mullahs. ... complete with a military-industrial complex manufacturing WMDs which will be passed on to Osama bin Laden for deadly terrorist attacks against America.

Since Americans should know by now to take everything that this administration says about WMDs with a huge grain of salt, it behooves us to treat this entire neocon narrative with intense skepticism. ...

The Islamic Republic was officially born ... after a national referendum .... That referendum, like all subsequent Iranian elections, was reasonably free and was carried out with a universal franchise (which included women)." (11/24/04)


On to Iran

by Paul Craig Roberts



It is not yet Bush's second term. All available US troops are tied down in Iraq by a few thousand lightly armed insurgents. Go-it-alone Bush has isolated America from her allies. And the neocons want to spread their war to Iran. The Bush administration is recycling the lies that it used to invade Iraq: Iran is acquiring nuclear weapons that will be given to terrorists. In a display of loyalty to a ruthless neocon administration calculated to win him appointments to corporate boards, outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell told reporters that Iran was working on nuclear missiles. The source for this effort to spread hysteria? One 'walk-in' source with unverified documents. Most likely, the source is a member of an Iranian exile group given the assignment by neocons Richard Perle and John Bolton...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Trouble With Conservatives


Saving Your Right to Vote


Civil rights groups condemn Blunkett's anti-terror plans


US starts planning the war on Iran

Washington and European Union on collision course over how to neutralise Tehran's nuclear capabilities

Pentagon hawks have begun discussing military action against Iran to neutralise its nuclear weapons threat, including possible strikes on leadership, political and security targets.

With a deadline of tomorrow for Iran to begin an agreed freeze on enriching uranium, which can be used to produce nuclear weapons, sources have disclosed that the latest Pentagon gaming model for 'neutralising' Iran's nuclear threat involves strikes in support of regime change.


The Insider - US starts planning the war on Iran


The Debate - Who's next?

Global Floods, Quakes and Storms

Update on global floods, quakes and storms:

Over the weekend, Columbia was hit with torrential rains, subsequent flooding. 18 + killed over 200,000 homes destroyed. Flooding in Texas for 3 days followed by tornados.

Sudden significant drop in temperatures in Turkey isolates 100 villages and stops traffic in major cities - snow continues to fall. Storms batter Czech Republic. Typhoon hits Phillipines and disrupts land, sea and air traffic in Scandinavia - Denmark.

Quakes in Iran, Northern Japan, Guadeloupe,


Peace - Anna

Abwehrmaßnahmen gegen Mobilfunkantennen

Strafanzeige gegen die Betreiber

Schadenshaftungsansprüche beim Grundstücksbesitzer anmelden

Was können Sie persönlich für den Erhalt einer noch einigermaßen lebenswerten Umwelt tun?

Infomaterial - Bücher - Infos - Videos

Wie sich Bürger in Deutschland gegen Mobilfunkantennen wehren

Richtigstellungen von Unwahrheiten der Mobilfunk-Betreiberfirmen

How to fix a broken electoral system

by Bruce F. Cole

Common Dreams


The last four years have seen many American disasters: 9/11, the bankruptcy of our treasury, the destruction of our international reputation, and the trashing of our civil liberties, to name but a few. But none of these calamities is as fundamentally crippling to our nation as the loss of confidence that our elections are fair and accurate. We must restore that confidence; without it, we are a 'democracy' only in name...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The lying game, revisited

by Justin Raimondo



A three-pronged propaganda campaign is now underway to justify a preemptive military strike -- either by the U.S., or Israel -- against Iran's alleged nuclear weapons facilities. It just so happened that, on the very day Powell blurted out his accusation against Iran, a Paris-based Iranian exile group, the 'National Council of Resistance,' held a widely-publicized press conference stating that Iran is continuing to enrich uranium -- and claiming that, sometime in the mid-1990s, Tehran acquired a bomb blueprint from Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan. ... But what they don't tell you about the 'National Council of Resistance,' except for alluding to its dubious record of intelligence-gathering, is that it is a front for one of the all-time weirdest cults in existence, which embraces a bizarre combination of neo-Maoist Marxist-Leninism and neo-conservative foreign policy prescriptions...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Sunni-Shi'ite power play

by Pepe Escobar

Asia Times


For the average Iraqi, Sunni or Shi'ite -- and Americans underestimate Iraqi national pride at their peril -- there's no question: the current Sunni resistance morally prevails, because they are Iraqis fighting an invader/occupier. This means the US occupation in essence lost even before it began. Defining the resistance as 'anti-Iraqi forces' -- as the Pentagon does -- is nonsense: they are a legitimate popular resistance movement, while the US-trained Iraqi police are largely identified for what they are -- collaborationists doing the dirty work of Iraqification, the Mesopotamian version of failed Vietnamization. Hundreds of these US-trained forces ran away before the battle even started in Fallujah. No wonder: they were resistance moles. And most of Mosul's police also defected...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Bush Administration and freedom

by Kathryn A. Graham

Sierra Times


Nothing, nothing on this planet, is more damaging to freedom than a government that lies to its citizens. The rest of the world watched in horrified fascination as George W. Bush handily won reelection to the office of President of the United States a couple of weeks ago. Many who had deep moral issues with the Bush administration, but not with the American people, now believe that this election proves that the American people are as morally bankrupt as their leaders. That is not necessarily true. The electorate cannot make an informed decision without all the facts. In this particular case, the vast majority of the pertinent facts did not even reach American citizens, and those few facts that did were subject to media 'spin' that affected everyone's perception of even the coldest facts. This remains true even after the election. In short, American citizens are collective victims of the most colossal fraud of all time...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

People getting wise to FTAA


Informant: savefreedom2003

Everthing you need to know about how the USA Patriot Act


Informant: Bea Bernhausen

Internationales elektromagnetisches Feld (EMF)-Projekt der WHO

Tagungsbericht von Dr. Birgit Stöcker

Vodafone, we've got your number

Ileagally cut and pasted by Phil

Guest contributors

November 22, 2004

Vodafone, we've got your number

Matin Samuel

If high-frequency masts are so safe, why aren’t they in the boss’s back garden? Vodafone, we’ve got your number PHONE MASTS: do they cause cancer? You need to find out, I need to find out; one judge says this, some scientists say that. Nobody seems to know for sure. This is the solution. Site a giant one in the middle of the lawn of each director of each mobile telephone company in the country. By law. You say they are safe, old chum. Well, on you go. Explain that one to the neighbours next time little sweetums complains of a headache. Give them the earnest speech about safe levels of radio wave emissions. See how it plays at Tumbletots. If tumours the size of pancakes start popping up on your estate, then we will know. Maybe you don’t think this is such a good idea. We will know then, too.

Your product, you use it. Sounds a fair manifesto to me. The Government did not need to ban smoking from public areas last week; a decree stating that to claim a dividend from British American Tobacco the recipient would need to be firing up at least 60 a day would have done the trick. Get that through the Lords and see what happens; by the end of the week 20 Bensons would contain more vitamin C than oranges. Gangs of inspectors could swoop on board meetings at Rothmans. If they can see across the room, they disqualify everybody in it. “This badge says you better spark up that big boy, pal. Those nails don’t look very yellow to me.”

A new era of corporate responsibility. What fun. Make the chairmen of banks keep their money at the Ealing branch, anonymously. No staff falling over each other to act efficiently when the boss walks in, either; no special treatment, no “better look after this one, George, he owns the place”. The big shots are given the same 17-year-old trainee that haunts us all; she is trying to reboot her computer using a paperclip, the supervisor has gone to lunch and the rest of the staff are on a team-building exercise near Coventry. The executive personal banker drives a car worth about two grand, same as the bloke they sent to talk to me about investments. He looked like he was more in need of racing tips.

Why stop with the boss? Celebrity beer-pushers should not be teetotal. The guy prescribing 20 grams of sugar and a small salt mine to kids at breakfast should not get to start his own day with grapefruit and blueberries. Let us have some accountability here. Would the proprietor of shopping channel Auctionworld have been selling items for 27 times the value price if he were made to kit his own house out with the same bargains? If phone masts are such a healthy addition to a rural landscape, let the chairman of Vodafone hum along to one in his back yard.

“Is this your car, sir?”

“Yes it is, officer. I wasn’t speeding, was I?"

“No, sir. In fact, you were 10mph under the limit for this stretch of road.”

“I see. Everything else is in working order? The lights, the exhaust...”

“Absolutely, sir. Your vehicle appears to be in excellent condition.”

“Then this is just a routine check, right? No problem, officer, I’ll be on my way.”

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, sir.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re Richard Branson and it says here you should be on a train.”

“But, hold on, I’m running 30 minutes late already. The nearest station must be ten miles away. I’ll have to change twice. There are leaves on the line. It’s a Sunday service. Engineering work near Milton Keynes. A replacement bus service beyond Knutsford. I won’t get there until midnight. You have to understand, I . . .”

“Very sorry, sir. Rules are rule.

(Branson hands his keys over and is escorted to a bus stop, sobbing.)

“Don’t worry, Mr Branson, I’m told they will be putting an extra cheese sandwich on at Redditch.”

We could call it Bernie’s law. A few years ago Bernie Ecclestone, the chief executive of Formula One, had the misfortune to mislay his VIP pass and was forced to make his way to the British Grand Prix as a regular punter. He was directed to a park-and-ride in a nearby county, dropped off in a swamp, herded across three paddy fields, negotiated his entry with the aid of several attendants who could not have found their back pockets using both hands and a compass and by the end of the day was so taken with his consumer experience he was talking about wiping the event from the calendar. He has had it in for the Silverstone circuit ever since.

An hour-long yomp through the scenic splendour of Northamptonshire is a minor inconvenience, though. Playing fast and loose with what Woody Allen called his second favourite organ, as companies do over phone masts, is a national tragedy in waiting.

Earlier this month Vodafone turned up at Tolladine golf course near Worcester after nightfall and erected a 45ft mast without planning permission or local consent. A retrospective application was made for a temporary mast and lodged with the council last week.

A spokesman said the company liked to work speedily to provide the best quality of service. He didn’t say that at 9pm, though, because like just about every other Vodafone employee — beyond shadowy ninja mast erectors — he had long gone home, no doubt to a residence that does not have a buzzing steel pole beside it. As it stands, one might call that a perk of the job.

Informant: Mast Network

Iraq War Casualties Hit 25,000

Pentagon Confirms 15,000 Injured and Ill; Iraq War Casualties Hit 25,000

"60 Minutes" reported a major news story tonight: The U.S. has suffered more than 25,000 casualties in the Iraq War. Here are correct counts obtained from official Department of Defense sources: more than 1,200 dead; More than 9,000 wounded; and more than 15,000 previously unreported injuries and illnesses. This means that more than an entire Army division has been lost in the Iraq War. The new appropriations bill passed by Congress this weekend underfunds the Department of Veterans Affairs by $1.2 billion, money needed to provide healthcare to the wounded, injured, and ill.


Peace Will Not Be Silenced By Fear


Informant: Friends

Angry that our election debacle is being called "smooth"?


Informant: Deb Conley

Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons In The Age Of Nuclear War


Informant: P. Dalton

Are you a slave under some secret form of law?


Take back the Constitutional Governement legally - Restore our Republic by STANDING

Here is how you get rid of the parasites. Here is what the people have to do. Here is where they have to bring their neighbors in their communities to take it back.

We are not overthrowing anything. THEY have subverted it. WE are RESTORING THE LAW. They like to use words against us when we say "overthrow", in fact are making rules right now that anyone who says that can be charged with terrorism....This is about HOLDING THEM TO THEIR OATH. That is ALL. They give lip service to a constitutional oath, which is the Bill of Rights process in a Republic. They are not doing this. They have subverted it. BUT WE HOLD THEM TO IT and impeach them and prosecute them when they violate it as they are doing now.

We take back the constitutional governement legally and peacefully IN a courtroom ON the public record with the facts that discredit that criminal agent you are impeaching...The only thing that affects publicly elected and appointed officials is exposing them, creating liability by openly stating facts about what they have done and are doing.

In the court is where it all turns. Everything in 'the world" operates on a court order ultimately, even presidents are under a court order of a judge....

The court record is OUR public record and the only place where we can subpoenae them and get them into a sworn assembly where their silence becomes their guilt.

When we get the people into the courtrooms and making our lawful claims we restore our Republic by STANDING. It does not happen outside of the sworn assembly, and not only in America - we have to support REPUBLIC all over the world ... people of the world rise up against their own corrupted corporate schemes....

On our website we are teaching the people PROCESS so they can go into the courts and hold these criminals in office and corrupted judges accountable, which we have the absolute right to do. In Oregon it is working, the corrupt agents of the state are caught in fraud and are totally discredited.

We could turn it around in a DAY in America, if enough people understood their rights, their authority, court process and we turn this corrupted system back on itself IN that courtroom, no where else. ALL the rest is just talk and opinion and we know what that is about....everybody has one...TRUTH, FACTS, that is the real court, and as we stand and make the records of the truth and facts we restore the lawful process....by BEING it and DOING it.

pamela gaston

In Response to:

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room


Posted By: M-Theory <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 21 November 2004, 9:39 p.m.

Okay, now the election is all but over, a meaningless exercise if ever there was one, considering the billionaire status of the candidates and the Siamese conjoined twins of the political parties that fooled you into thinking you had a choice.

So now you want to overthrow your government and get rid of the parasites that infect it, no matter whether it is a R or D President that is elected in the billions of dollars campaigns that they finance and control. And no matter that no matter who you choose, of these two, nothing changes. Neither W nor JFK would change the way the US behaves, or the way in which it responds to its own people.

If this is uncomfortable for you; if you feel that your government represents the principles written in your constitution, the written recognition of human rights, the written bond not to conquer or opress, then it is time to look in your mirror. Look into your mirror as a human being and ask yourself whether you have a government that is answerable to you and is doing things you approve of. Ask yourself whether your press and media is telling you the truth. And when you have gained an honest answer to this self-examination, ask yourself what can you do about it?

The cure, simply, is the same "people-power" that gained your nation its independence from tyrany, only a few generations later to be lost to the same people who dictated to you. Americans are not criminals. Americans will not ultimately continue to tolerate a criminal government system. Your leaders are not loyal Americans. They despise you, the people. They care nothing about your freedom or welfare, but they sell you constantly an inner need to worship them in their carefully crafted association with your flag. They are parasites, cowards. Not one of them would lift a weapon and join your sons in Iraq in that dirty war of civiliam slaughter. The simple way to overthrow your government is to make the decision that you are going to do it. Then get off your backside and do it. Do it legally and peacefully by talking to your neighbours and getting them off their backsides. Do this enough times and you will find leaders, real leaders of real people, not the cracked faces of the billionaires on your tv asking for your votes. Get rid of the parasites. I will help you.

E-Mail me M-Theory@rumormillnews.com

Bush wants strong dollar, pledges to cut budget deficit

Reuters - SANTIAGO, Chile — Nov 21, 2004 — President Bush reiterated on Sunday his support for a strong dollar and said he would work to reduce the U.S. budget deficit.

"At the meeting today, people expressed concern about the value of the U.S. dollar, and I reiterated that my government has a strong dollar policy," Bush told a joint news conference with Chilean President Ricardo Lagos in Santiago after a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders. "I'm committed to reducing the national deficit, and have a strong plan for making sure we don't pass on an enormous debt to our children and grandchildren."

Bush then pledged to present a plan to the U.S. Congress on ways to reduce the fiscal shortfall, but declined comment on questions regarding his recent authorization for an $800 Billion increase in federal debt.

The dollar reached an all-time record lows against the euro and its lowest level since March 2000 against the yen in early Asian trade as the U.S. dollar's decline is spiking negatively for the 17th consecutive month under Bush's administration.

Gary St. Lawrence

"New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, for no other reason than because they are not already common or popular." -- John Locke

This administration has a real method of saying things and then acting as though it were real just because he said it. Bush says things like "we had problems in the schools and we turned it around".... "we had problems in the economy and that has been fixed".... Ashcroft said as he resigned "the terrorist threat has been stopped". They just SAY it. No truth, no facts, no supporting it, just say it. From day to day whatever works. Like the dumbed down commercials now in the media that appeal to a third grade, illiterate immigrant and non english speaking audience, people who dont think just accept it as fact. The headlines just two days ago said "Bush pushing a weak dollar" as our dollar is plunging in value in the world, that they are not propping it up as in the past. Fact is they cant, they just keep printing more money, the figures are already long past any reality...it is not money, it is "revenue streams" that the first users use the "money" then we pay more for everything as they do this, a form of taxation but who is aware of any of this?

Most people are willfully ignorant, believing the "authorities" and the things they tell them on TV as being what is real. Go back to sleep.

They bank on the people having no short term memory. Bush (and others in leadership positions) says opposite things one day to the next, tells lies and bets we will not remember next week what was said today. Unfortunately, it works, TV brained people do not remember last week, and every day they soak up the nightly lies marketed for their daily serving of mindwash ... The corruption is happening so openly now, it is unbelievable, to listen to the human managers try to defend or explain the treasonous acts they are committing....Bill Clinton made parsed words (what is the meaning of "is"?) and lies culturally acceptable, set a standard that has filtered out now into the courts (see "lie cheat and steal, or USA vs Oregon Bar Assocation on our website).....

Even now that people are seeing the lies, people are still accepting it ....that is the amazing part. We all thought that exposing the fraud would be enough to build the outrage in enough peopel to end it, but people are letting it continue and cooperating with the fraud, NOT SCARED ENOUGH apparently. The drugs that are killing us are under investigation even as the ads for them run every five minutes on TV. Banks and government fraud is exposed to the point agencies like "Fannie Mae" are being indicted for fraud, yet at the same time those agencies are advertising on TV to "help" people as they steal the property of the vulnerable in corrupt courts without contracts.... on and on ....how long are we going to tolerate this?

pamela gaston

The avalanche is coming


Informant: CHEROKEE

Sehnsucht nach der Gegenmacht


Der Flickenteppich : Hartz IV in der Praxis



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November 2004

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