


Hi Jenny,

My notes on Aarhus say that it entails public participation on environmental matters (and maybe we have to register??) We were urged to get involved and make our presence felt. It becomes live in June 2005.

Then I had a note about article 10a decision making. A citizen is entitled to proceedural and substance?? I got lost, too!

Thank you for putting out 'The Voice of the People' letter because that IS FOR THE PEOPLE and that is why I did it, so that as many as possible could have their say if they wanted to. I do hope other members will distribute it FOR THE PEOPLE.




This letter has been designed so that your views can be submitted to government, to be seen and taken into account.

It can be sent to any or all of:

10 Downing Street, the Cabinet Office, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, or to MPs in the House of Commons, whichever you prefer.

Please cross out any sections with which you do not agree. Make a personal comment if you wish.

Tony Blair
10 Downing Street

The Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall

26 Whitehall

House of Commons

I/we, as law abiding citizen(s) of the UK, put you on notice that we are aware that links between mobile phones and phone mast installations are now established to have potential adverse effects on health, amenity, devaluation of property and possibly other unspecified but quantifiable effects.

There is now a great weight of worldwide research and evidence proving risk and therefore we wish to condemn those Government members responsible for withholding the truth from us and for making decisions leading to and sustaining the unjustified and biased situations stated below.

* Allowing and facilitating mobile phone companies to continue to misinform the general public, by omission of valid science and reliable information; by turning a blind eye to their factually incorrect statements on the safety of masts; and the failure to recall products, as would be the case with carcinogens in additives in food.

* The manipulation of guidelines for safety i.e. NRPB and ICNIRP guidelines, and encouragement of the omission of the relevance of biological effects which have been totally ignored by UK government bodies.

* Gross misinformation, by omission, of peer-reviewed science abroad, and in this country, and other factors relevant to this issue.

* The manipulation of planning laws to fast track these mast applications.

* The exclusion of the right to object on the grounds of ‘health and perceptions of fear for health' in all mast planning processes.

* The denial of our fundamental human rights, in particular the right to health, in all mast planning processes.

* The total disregard for the health and safety of UK citizens.

* Failure to implement recommendations of the Stewart Report

* Failure to address the issues of TETRA, particularly as Stewart stated that this is outside his remit.

The Stewart report did not cover Tetra in their remit, but they bravely concluded that, “…modulation around 16 Hz should be avoided, if possible, in future developments.”

Later, when giving evidence to the 10th parliamentary committee of the DTI, when asked if the amplitude modulation around 16 Hertz was the most critical area, which posed the highest risk, Sir William Stewart felt it, “...was an area that should be avoided…” and then went on to describe Tetra as a hazard! The conclusion of that committee was, “…we are very disturbed that there seems to have been no examination of the evidence on potentially adverse health effects, before bringing it into service...”

The Stewart report, in the opinion of Mast Sanity, is not an acceptable position to evaluate the safe siting of any mobile phone or Tetra base station but the Government and the operators constantly use it in their arguments, except in this instance.

If they are going to insist on accepting the conclusions of the Stewart report as the correct position, then they should accept Stewart’s position of Tetra as well.

The Stewart report is still used as a base position for the Government and the authorities and therefore it should be used equally as a base position for Tetra.

* Failure to acknowledge anecdotal evidence of ill health around mast sites across the UK , and especially around 3G and TETRA masts, transmissions from which are untested on humans. Failure to act on cancer clusters around other masts.

* Failure to notify doctors, dentists and medical staff that some members of the community might suffer adverse effects from microwave technology, with the result that many people have been unfairly treated or ignored.

* Failure to provide a mechanism for compensation for those who suffer devaluation of house prices due to the presence of masts, while government coffers fill and phone company profits rise.

* Personal comment………………………………………………………………..




I/we feel very strongly about the issues not deleted from the above list and wish to see changes set in motion for rectification. In the General Election, your actions taken or not taken will influence my/our vote.



Address (optional)……………………………………………………………………….


County/City/Town/Post code ………………………………………………………….

(please supply one of your choice)

Dear All, I received this email from a chap I met at the Dorset Forum. I told him about Sandi's 'Voice of the People' document. He said he'd like to sign it and so I emailed it to him. I've also sent it to others, so hopefully Sandi, Blair & Co will get flooded. Has anyone else done it? Would be good to know that it's getting some support.

Anyway, I put this email out because he mentions the Aarhus convention. Must look it up on the website, as I can't remember what it's all about. He hints that we should get something out in the media about it ..... I think the Karen he refers to is the lady who organised the event - but might be wrong. Jenny

Hi Jenny,

I was very glad to meet you at Gillingham. Karen thinks it perhaps marks a turning point and I hope she is right.

Thanks for the document. In fact it was better to send it as an email rather than an attachment as there is less chance that it may contain a virus so more people are likely to open it, then its a simple task to cut and paste into a word document.

That said, I've sent off mine to the PM and Dep PM.

The Aarhus convention bears looking at and you can find it easily on the web. http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/internat/ for one though strangely the summary of implementation measures fails to download...It comes into force on May 23rd. Perhaps that date should be marked in some way in the media?

You may be unaware that OFCOM treat each mobile carrier's application individually i.e. with no reference to what or how many other transmitters (or carriers) might be co-located on a particular structure. Neither do they ask how many transmitters will be mounted in each license application. As I understand it from OFCOM, they issue licenses on a per transmitter basis. Each of the long tri-sector array mast segments may contain many transmitters. The result is that OFCOM, who issue licenses on behalf of the UK Government have no idea how much power, pulsed or otherwise is being radiated into the environment from the tower at the bottom of the garden !

They refer to NRPB who in turn refer to the Health & Safety At Work Act. .....

Kind regards


I have attached the compliance summary for those that failed to download it:

Best regards

Phil Watts


Before the election I wrote 'The Voice of the People of the UK' letter, based on all the things that people on the Advice Line and in emails complained about, because they did not feel they had a 'voice,' or anyone or anywhere to turn to except organisations like us. This is not a Mast Sanity letter but my personal contribution to enable the people of the UK to have a 'voice.'

Since the election there is more concern, anger, fear, and frustration, coming across in conversations, emails, and media articles. The people of the UK need a 'voice' again, so I am sending it out again. It will also help any efforts to get changes in planning law etc. if the Government realises that there is a big 'voice of the people' so please try to circulate this to one and all to be sent to government departments.

Tertrawatch have now kindly put this letter on their website, so you can download it from the link below. http://www.tetrawatch.net/action/



19/06/2005 10:32:42 GMT Standard Time

Hi Sandi

I have made about 500 copies of your leaflet over the last few months and posted some through hundreds of letterboxes around areas in Brighton threatened with 3G masts. Many thanks.



You are an absolute gem, Gary, and we value your help. We need more people like you to help us - or even lots and lots of people doing a little!

Some people in Norfolk are currently distributing widely and it is going out to many other areas. At least they can have their say! The more the merrier, as it will make Government realise the state of play in communities, and they need to know!


From Mast Network


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