
Support the Right to March in NYC

Last summer, during the Republican Convention Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the NYPD collaborated with the Bush Administration in its attempt to silence and marginalize the antiwar movement.

The Mayor denied activists the right to rally in Central Park, claiming that activists would damage the grass.

The Troops Out Now Coalition has now won an important victory in obtaining the right to rally in Central Park. On March 19, tens of thousands of demonstrators will gather in Central Park in the East Meadow on the second anniversary of the beginning of the U.S. war in Iraq. The activity will gather earlier in Harlem at Marcus Garvey Park and march to Central Park.

However, the City is trying to deny us the right to march into or out of the Park.

The City has denied requests for permits to march a mere 12 blocks on Fifth Avenue on Saturday, March 19. Activists with the Troops Out Now Coalition applied for permits to march from Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem to Central Park's East Meadow for a noon rally. At 3 p.m., there is a scheduled march along 5th Ave. from 90th St. to Bloomberg's mansion on 79th St.

The police claimed that there is an absolute moratorium on any new marches on Fifth Avenue. Organizers understand that this is not true, as the police have recently issued permits for several groups to hold new marches on Fifth Avenue. Organizers believe this demonstrates the arbitrary, discriminatory and politically selective character of the process.

The police say they will not allow protesters to march down 5th Avenue. Organizers and others in the progressive movement have the impression that the main concern for Mayor Bloomberg and the police is that they want to protect the wealthy who live on 5th Avenue and who do want to see tens of thousands of working people who are opposed to their agenda of endless war, racism, and domestic repression.

A case in point is the racist attitude by 5th Ave businesses and residents towards the Puerto Rican Day parade, which has for decades marched down 5th Ave. In the last few years, businesses along 5th Ave. have begun to board up their windows on that day.

The past several years have seen a marked increase in repression against political expression in the city. Mayor Bloomberg and Mayor Giuliani before him, along with the NYPD have denied permits, penned in protesters, and beaten and arrested peaceful demonstrators. Even tourists on the sidelines have been swept up and arrested. It is imperative that that the progressive and anti-war movement push back this assault on civil liberties and assert our right to be in the streets.

Contact Mayor Bloomberg and urge the Mayor that he obey the law and the constitution. Urge the Mayor that his office should not be used to only protect the comfort of some, such as the wealthy on 5th Ave. while poor and working people are dying in Iraq.

Demand the right to march on 5th Avenue on March 19.

Call Mayor Bloomberg

FAX 212-788-2460


Help Build March 19:

Now, more than ever, it is important that the antiwar movement be in the streets. We need your help to make this happen.

***How you can help:

10 Things You Can Do!

1. Come to the rally and bring a friend. Join tens of thousands of people in Central Park to tell Bush we're fed up with his war. For travel information, see http://troopsoutnow.org/logistics.html.

2. Volunteer to help prepare for the rally. We need hundreds of volunteers for this event. Drop by 39 W. 14th St. #206 in Manhattan to help, or call 212-633-6646.

3. Put up posters and flyers. Stop by an organizing center to pick up posters to put up in your neighborhood. Download flyers from

4. Organize at your job or school. Put up flyers or posters, hand out literature, talk to your fellow workers or students. Organize a group to come to the rally together.

5. Organize a bus, caravan, or peace train. If you live outside NYC, become an organizing center.

6. Call your friends, email your lists. Word of mouth is the most effective way of getting the word out. Tell everyone you know to be there on March 19th.

7. Volunteer to help out on the day of the rally. Hundreds of volunteers will be needed to help with setup, getting out literature, security, and many other tasks. Look for a Troops Out Now volunteers' table in East Meadow.

8. Take off work or school the week of March 19th. Come into the mobilizing center at 39 W. 14th St. in Manhattan to help make placards and
banners and with many other tasks to prepare for the rally.

9. Endorse. Visit the Troops Out Now website and add your name or your organization's name to the growing list of endorsers.

10. Donate. Help with the enormous expenses involved with this major demonstration. Every dollar you donate goes to build the movement against the war. Send checks to: Troops Out Now/IAC, 39 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10011 or donate online at http://troopsoutnow.org/donate.html.

March 19
Troops Out Now!
March on Central Park in NYC!
Regional Demonstrations Across the U.S. & Worldwide

The International Action Center
mail to:iacenter@iacenter.org


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