
Campaign against phone mast gathers pace

by Lawrence Marzouk

A campaign is gathering pace against a mobile phone mast to be erected next to an Edgware school.

Residents, representatives of the Holland House School, Broadhurst Avenue, Edgware, and local Tory councillor Brian Gordon have attacked plans to install three antennae at Mowbray House, Edgware.

Stephen Bernstein, Holland House's chair of the board of governors, commented: "We are very concerned at the decision: the Mowbray building is a stone throw away from the school."

Mr Gordon added: "I very much share these concerns and I am in the process of making a direct approach to Vodafone to persuade them to change their plans for this site."

Encouraging news came this week as Barnet Council rejected a bid to install a 10m monopole in East End Road, East Finchley, near the junction with Windermere Avenue.

Sue Liu, of Pavilion Mews, Finchley, fought the East Finchley installation purely on the basis of planning regulations, despite her concerns that new 3G masts could cause danger to health and put children at nearby schools at risk.

She said: "You have to know to oppose these things on planning reasons.

"I'm worried about the health reasons, but you have to trawl the UDP Unitary Development Plan and look for things to apply to your area."

4:59pm Thursday 24th February 2005

From Mast Network


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