The death of hope
by L. Neil Smith
The Libertarian Enterprise
The first duty of any police state is to keep its victims from escaping. Some use concrete and barbed wire. Others, recognizing that mental escape is far more dangerous than physical escape, use methods like drug laws and censorship. Permitting subjects to imagine -- let alone write and produce stories of -- a future that doesn't include the Omnipotent State is intolerable, a clear step in the direction of cultural suicide (an escape route which the State routinely denies to individuals)...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Libertarian Enterprise
The first duty of any police state is to keep its victims from escaping. Some use concrete and barbed wire. Others, recognizing that mental escape is far more dangerous than physical escape, use methods like drug laws and censorship. Permitting subjects to imagine -- let alone write and produce stories of -- a future that doesn't include the Omnipotent State is intolerable, a clear step in the direction of cultural suicide (an escape route which the State routinely denies to individuals)...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Starmail - 14. Feb, 16:07