
Phone mast is making us ill

Hey, look, you can be ill in Southport! And this is probably only a 3G!

'Phone mast is making us ill'

Feb 11 2005

By Matt Hurst, Southport Visiter

A SURVEY investigating health issues around the Slaidburn Crescent mobile phone mast, Marshside, has found that 50 percent of respondents are suffering from similar health concerns.

The survey was sent out to 1,500 homes - all within 500 metres of the Orange base station - and although response overall was just 12.5 percent, that still amounts to 186 houses and 381 people.

Of those who responded, covering a wide age range, half confess to suffering from disrupted sleep, tiredness, irritability, feeling 'drained' and lethargy.

Those who came forward to speak to the Visiter had one thing in common - they say their symptoms disappear when they leave the area or have 'radioactive shielding' installed in their property.

Pam Wooleston, a nurse living on Salcombe Drive, just 200 metres from the mast, suffered from insomnia, a frontal headache and an irregular heartbeat.

Pam had the shielding, made of particularly high grade aluminium that stops the flow of signals, installed a week ago and she says that her symptoms disappeared "overnight."

John Curd, a retired nurse from Dawlish Drive, had similar complaints.

He said: "I suffer from insomnia, irregular blood pressure, slight memory impermanence and a certain amount of anxiety. When I go away, I improve."

The survey adds to a campaign that was bolstered by The Stewart Report, released in 2000, which could not rule out the link between masts and health problems in those inhabiting the surrounding area.

The report recommended that "gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach" and that "the proper application of the precautionary principle means do not allow 'the beam of maximum intensity' to fall on any residential property or land where children are known to be for six hours a day or more."

The National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) has recommended that a 'precautionary approach' should continue.


From Mast Network


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Februar 2005

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