
The President’s Proposal?

4 February 2005

Light Up The Darkness web site

The news was a buzz the past few days over a proposal from the President to raise the military death benefit to $250,000. It’s high time our government did this and I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I am somewhat curious… because I could swear I have heard this somewhere before…

Protecting Our Military Families in Times of War – Remarks of John Kerry on March 17, 2004

“As President, I will sign legislation to provide for those families who suffer a loss in war and to protect the livelihood of reservists who are called up and have to leave their jobs. This legislation will include $250,000 on top of their present life insurance policies for all service members who die in the line of duty.”

Democratic Governor Bill Richardson of N.M. has taken the lead on this issue and signed into law on Wednesday “a plan to pick up the tab for a $ 250,000 National Guard death benefit policy.”

Thanks to Richardson’s lead, “at least 16 states are now considering similar legislation,” rather than wait on the President, who’s track record on providing for our troops and veterans is abysmal. Read more at:

http://www.lightupthedarkness.org/blog/default.asp?view=plink&id=317 or: http://tinyurl.com/4vrzt

copyright Virginia Metze


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Februar 2005

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