
RFID Readers at Fun Parks To Perform Key Functions for Family Locator System

Once "chipping" permeates all of our daily activities - it won't be too hard to convince people that a national ID - RFID (radio Frequency ID Chip) style - subdermal (under the skin)- is such a bad idea. Just observe the major PUSH of RFID and Identity Theft on the media, insurance companies, IBM ads, etc. and you can easily see where this is headed....cashless society.


SafeTzone(R) Installs SAMSys RFID Readers at Fun Parks To Perform Key Functions for Family Locator System

Firm Orders 150 Additional Units, Standardizes on SAMSys for Passive RFID Hardware

Distribution Source : PRNewswire

Date : Friday - February 04, 2005

TORONTO, Feb. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- SAMSys Technologies Inc. (SMY: TSX) today announced an agreement to supply passive radio frequency identification (RFID) readers used with SafeTzone Technologies' family locator system, now installed at high-profile venues such as Steamboat Ski and Resort in Colorado, Wannado City in Florida, Paramount's Great America in California and Dollywood's Splash Country in Tennessee.

SAMSys has modified the reader to incorporate an external antenna that increases the read range up to 8 inches, ensuring easy scanning by children and adults who fail to hold their SafeTzone Locator bracelets within the reader's normal 1- to 3-inch reach. SAMSys has also added a snap-in mechanism for the power supply to eliminate the risk of disconnects.

SafeTzone venues that have deployed SAMSys readers have as many as 36 units in various locations. These include the registration site where enrollment is performed, the LocationStation(R) kiosks where members of each group can locate each other on interactive maps, and all facilities equipped with SafeTzone's cashless spending system.

The SafeTzone technology also includes active RFID tags and readers that monitor the whereabouts of all family members on a continuous basis via the waterproof transmitter in the SafeTzone wristband.



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Februar 2005

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