
WHO Flip-Flops on EMFs, Precautionary Principle Now Revoked

----- Original Message -----
From: ROY Beavers
To: m.co-di@eic.ictnet.es
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 5:17 AM
Subject: WHO Flip-Flops on the Precautionary Principle (MicroWaveNews)....

.....................From EMF-L.................

Question: What kind of scientist uses politicians tricks to justify a "scientific" conclusion???

Answer: TWO kinds - A World Health Organization (WHO) "scientist"!!!!
- And a Phony, non scientist!!!!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: WHO Flip-Flops on the Precautionary Principle
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 17:12:13 -0400
From: Microwave News <info@microwavenews.com>
To: Roy Beavers <guru@emfguru.org>

WHO Flip-Flops on EMFs, Precautionary Principle Now Revoked

June 5, 2003 - The World Health Organization has decided not to invoke the precautionary principle for electromagnetic fields (EMFs), Dr. Michael Repacholi has told Microwave News.

Less than three months after the WHO EMF project told participants at its workshop on the precautionary principle that there is "sufficient evidence" to apply the principle to power-frequency EMFs and radiofrequency and microwave radiation, Repacholi, who runs the project, said that the earlier statement was only a trial balloon.

"The draft we submitted to the Luxembourg workshop was purely a discussion draft to provoke comment....It was very successful at that," Repacholi said.

The move took many of those who had attended the February workshop by surprise. We have full coverage --including reactions of those who went to Luxembourg-- in our May/June 2003 issue, which is now at the printer.

You can order a copy today at a special discount price: For details, go to our Web site,

Order your copy today, and you'll also receive our coverage of these stories, and more:

* In the U.K., Dr. David de Pomerai of the University of Nottingham has shown that very weak microwave radiation can change the shape of proteins, prompting them to clump together or form long strands called fibrils. De Pomerai argues that these changes in turn trigger the production of heat shock proteins, previously reported by his and other labs.

* A proposal from the IEEE's International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety to relax the limits for mobile phone radiation has come in for criticism. The May/June issue explains why.

* Exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields at work increased the risk prostate cancer among utility workers.

* The U.K. government has announced an $8 million long-term study of the possible health effects of radiation from TETRA digital radios, which police throughout the country will soon be using.

* In our main editorial, we look at the Bioelectromagnetics Society on the eve of its 25th birthday, and ask why it has failed to live up to its promise.

Our front page and editorials (including one on the WHO decision) will be posted on our Web site after our subscribers have received their copies of the May/June issue.


Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor & Publisher

Copyright ©. Miguel Muntané Condeminas. Barcelona.
Industrial Engineer E.T.S.E.I.B. General Manager Consulting Comunicació i Disseny S.L. m.co-di@eic.ictnet.es

Letter to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

WHO comment on Draft EMF Framework


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