
Phone mast workers 'threatened'

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Riedlinger
To: Milt Bowling
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 3:48 PM
Subject: Emailing: 4230663


Phone mast workers 'threatened'

Construction workers building a new mobile phone mast in Leicester are refusing to go to work because they are being harassed and intimidated.

Workers fitting the 15-metre receiver on Bonney Road in New Parks have called in police because they claim they are being threatened by protestors.

The mast for O2 has already been approved by the city council.

Residents have started a petition against the mast, but say they have not intimidated workers.

They have been threatening the contractors by standing there saying there is no way they will allow this site to be built

Angela Johnson, O2 spokeswoman

The mast is being built on a traffic island close to two schools.

Spokesperson for O2, Angela Johnson, said: "Our work has been disrupted by a small number of irresponsible people who have damaged our meter cabinet on three occasions by kicking it in and by intimidating our contractors.

"They have been threatening the contractors by standing there saying there is no way they will allow this site to be built."

Residents claim the first they heard about the 15-metre high structure was when construction started.

The city council say 11 houses, which overlook the site, were sent letters about the application for the mast in July and no objections were raised, although some residents have since complained to them.

Leicestershire Police said they were called to a disturbance at the site but no protestors were present when they arrived.

A policeman said they will continue to monitor the situation. Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2005/02/03 06:34:14 GMT


-------Original Message-------

From: milt bowling
Date: 02/05/05 02:16:07
To: Robert Riedlinger

The woman from O2 calls the concerned citizens "irresponsible"? Is that the pot calling the kettle black or what?! When the police show up, the criminals at O2 should be arrested, not the protesters.


Here in Israel we also have an interesting case of pot calling the kettle black:

The environment ministry declared that there are going to be erected 18,000 more antennas for the 3G. One honest PM decided to fight this and is writing and talking to other PMs trying to convince them that Israel doesn't need the 3G and its antennas, he wants to cancell the 3G, because it's only unecessary functions like pictures etc and danger to health to erect so many antennas. So he published in the newspaper that he is trying to prevent the 18,000 new antennas (of them many have been already erected. Every day 12 new antennas are erected). And then, no less- the cellular companies went to the ethics committee in the parliament and released this: "To our amazement, PM Roman Bronfman distributed false information with no factual basis, according to which the companies are going to erect 18,000 transmission sites to receive the 3G services. The cellular companies think that the PM chose the easy way, without checking the facts, in order to create titles for himself" the cellular companies demand of him to apologize to them and to explain to the public why he chose to base himself on false data and release disinformation to the press. This is after the env. ministry had published several times in reports and newspapers and TV that it's no less than 18,000. And I would believe our ministry, because its working so close with the industry !....

Iris Atzmon


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Februar 2005

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