
"Western Medicine:" The World Has Suffered Enough...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005

The five components of Western Medicine are guilty, in my opinion, of more crimes against humanity than any other entity in mankind's history.

As we sit here, the very structure of western civilization is at risk because of the sheer murderous greed of the number (1) component of Western Medicine - Big Pharma. Health Care costs in the the US and Europe have gone over the top, just because Big Pharma thinks it's OK to gouge. US Seniors on a limited income have to make choices between food or drugs each month. The Vioxx scandal points out just how murderous Big Pharma executives can become, in the name of profit.

So many drugs are pushed through the average American's body each month that our water supply now contains a plethora of pharmaceuticals, simply because our sewer plant systems are unequipped, and were never designed to filter out any laboratory produced drugs, much less the volume it is faced with.

The number (2) component, the American Hospital System, is the number one killer of Americans, with 783,936 deaths annually. If you have to check a loved one into a hospital, plan on staying with them 24 hours a day - or there's a good chance you'll get them back in a bag.

The number (3) component, the health insurance insurance industry, charges you for a Rolls Royce, but delivers the K-Mart Blue Light special.

The number (4) component, the Regulatory System for health care is completely corrupt. The FDA, and the State Health Practitioner Regulatory Boards, are a waste of time. The FDA, recently, admitted that it can't protect Americans. Medical boards are "Good Ole Boy" clubs designed to protect bad practitioners.

The number (5) component, the "quackbuster" operation, designed, and operated to inflict damage on competitors to components (1) and (2), has never been truly analyzed to determine the damage they've inflicted on North America. But, that's beginning.

These five components of Western Medicine, make up the "Status Quo" in health care.

The "Status Quo, holds in place expensive, but fruitless medical offerings, and prevents any research, findings, paradigms, etc., that compete for health dollars. The same "status Quo" is responsible, by its policies, for the numbers two, three, and four causes of death in America - Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke.

Western medicine is ONLY about drugs, drugs, more drugs, surgery, and radiation. And, it's killing us.

Thank God it's ALL coming down...

The number (1) component of Western Medicine - Big Pharma, is on its way out. They've reached the self destruct mode. Doubt that? Than you're not reading the newspapers, or listening to the financial news..

The number (2) component, the American Hospital System is just beginning the slide down the slippery slope. The days are over when they could slide through the body fluids of their victims heading for the Mercedes Benz parking lot. Just a few days ago, a major Los Angeles hospital lost its accreditation in an inspection. I predict that this will happen a lot more.

The number (3) component, the health insurance insurance industry, is about to lose, due to the new Bush administration "health plan," a fortune in business. All they'll have to offer is "catastrophic" insurance.

The number (4) component, the Regulatory System for health care is completely corrupt. We know that. The FDA, and the State Health Practitioner Regulatory Boards, are a waste of time. We know that. But all that is under pressure - and the change is beginning.

The number (5) component, the "quackbuster" operation, designed, and operated to inflict damage on competitors to components (1) and (2), is falling apart. They're heading for an incinerator.

The future of health care is up for grabs...

So, what will happen? That's the question.

Stay tuned...

Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate

This "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter" is about the battle between "Health and Medicine" on Planet Earth. Tim Bolen is an op/ed writer with extensive knowledge of the activities of a subversive organization calling itself the "quackbusters," and that organization's attempts to suppress, and discredit, any, and all health modalities that compete with the allopathic (MD) paradigm for consumer health dollars. The focus of the newsletter is on the ongoing activities, battles, politics, and the victories won by members of the "Health Freedom Movement" against the "quackbusters" It details "who the quackbusters are, what they are, where they are operating, when they appear, and how they operate - and how easy it is to beat them..."

For background information on the "Battle between Health and Medicine" go to: http://www.savedrclark.net/by_whom2.htm. A copy of THIS newsletter, and older ones, are viewable at the website http://www.quackpotwatch.org/default.htm.

For EVEN MORE interesting and related articles go to http://www.bolenreport.com


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Februar 2005

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